Thursday, May 27, 2010
Corazón Salvaje, Wednesday 2010/05/26: "Of Moms and Men"

Episode 69
Gabriel haunts his office at Raúl's in abject desolation after witnessing Branko kiss Jimena in the plaza gazebo. Presently Mariela enters (his potential mother-in-law), and when she asks how his romantic interlude went, he admits with heavy heart that he's lost Jimena forever.
Meanwhile at the gypsy camp, Jimena resignedly accepts what everyone's been telling her, since Gabriel didn't come to meet her: that a white man would never take a gypsy woman seriously. So she's going to marry Branko; and Servando and Griselda are elated to hear it. They anticipate a big, proper gypsy celebration; but Jimena is sad and pining for Gabriel.
Back at the office, Mariela smiles upon hearing Jimena's name: she explains that the name means "God listened to me." Gabriel's disappointed that God apparently didn't listen to him and suffers a renewed spell of agony, not wanting to live anymore. Mariela counsels him that he's young, and there's still hope he can get Jimena back.
It's not like some other blows life brings, where you never get over it, Mariela continues -- misfortunes that one never recovers from, like losing a child. Nothing in the world can cure that; but Gabriel compares it to having lost his parents.
When Mariela learns how destroyed he felt from that loss, she smiles sadly and recounts how from the first moment she met Gabriel, she liked and trusted him. So much so that she wants to tell Gabriel her story -- and Gabriel wants very much to hear it.
Marlene visits Rodrigo in his townhouse to make him a deal. Pulling the infamous gambling debts out of her reticule and fanning them under his nose, she gets him incensed at having a low personage such as herself dunning him. She offers to back off on turning him into the authorities on one condition: don't reveal to Rosenda that Marlene is her mother, Magda. Rodrigo balks indignantly several times, but Marlene holds the winning hand.
At Gabriel's office, Mariela proceeds to explain to Gabriel the tragedy in which she lost her daughter, Angela; that someone abducted the girl. We see the flashback where Servando and Griselda abduct Angela from the park. At this point, Mariela breaks down, weeping piteously; and Gabriel is very moved by her plight. It's been a living hell, and he understands this kind of suffering.
Gabriel's mother died when he was very young, he says; it devastated him, and he's weeping, too. He missed his mother so much! And then a little later on, he lost his father, as well; all that remained to him was his tutor after that. And thank goodness for him.
Mariela is so touched she wants to embrace Gabriel, and he gladly embraces her in return. They have a good cry on each other's shoulder and recognize how alike they are. Mariela points out how much her parents have also helped her. Meanwhile, in another part of Raúl's house, her parents discuss the state of the situation with him. Unlike Mariela, after all this time, they tearfully admit their granddaughter could be dead.
But back in the office, Mariela declares to Gabriel that her mother's intuition tells her Angela is alive! Gabriel completely agrees with her, trusting the great gift of a mother's intuition -- endearing him to all the mothers in the audience.
Mariela declares earnestly that's exactly why she doesn't give up and never will. Gabriel looks Mariela in the eyes and assures her that she can always count on him, whether in deed or simply to listen to her. Mariela grasps his hands in gratitude.
At Juan's "far away" beach shack, he tortures himself remembering an argument with Aimee at the cave, where she tries to convince him that deep down he really loves her. He is just telling her in his memory how she doesn't deserve a good sister like Regina and the sacrifices she made, when he returns to the present, thinking again how true that is. Oh, Saint Regina; you are nothing like your sister, Juan says aloud. He chuckles a little, dwelling on Regina and repeating -- nothing at all.
And on the patio at the farm, Clemencia notes Regina's doldrums, and Regina admits what's wrong -- that she's agreed to marry Federico. She's agreed to sacrifice herself for her father's financial sake. Meanwhile, across town Fulgencio tells Federico he has a dangerous, unknown enemy in the arms trade. When Fulgencio cautions them to be very careful, his usual sidekick goon pledges loyalty to the death; but Federico and Servando just turn and eye each other doubtfully.
Back at the finca patio, Clemencia is upset about Regina's marriage and now frets she counseled her wrong in making sacrifices for everyone else. But Regina insists she sacrificed for Aimee to be happy for their mother's sake. And Clemencia knows Aimee would be lost without Regina. Regina's happy that Juan has finally disappeared, although she is feeling more and more sympathetic about him.
They discuss his lifelong suffering, and Clemencia reminds her that he's a good person, despite it. Loyal and sincere, but his hard life sidetracks him from his good intentions. At that moment, Renato enters and Clemencia exits; when Regina explains they were discussing Juan, Renato wonders what about Juan could make her look so sad. Does she know something he doesn't?
Regina will only say she's concerned for Aimee and Renato's happiness, and Renato notes Juan has nothing to do with that. Regina urges Renato to take Aimee on a trip and get away, but he insists they just need to work on their typical newlywed problems.
When Regina asks if he thinks Aimee doesn't care about him, he denies that; but should she ever betray him, watch out. A bit overwrought, he backs off and hopes that never happens. When Renato thinks to ask what's new with Regina, she informs him she's marrying Federico.
Upstairs, Rosenda guards Leonarda's bed chamber door against Aimee and enjoys making her beg to enter. Once inside, Aimee girds her loins for something she definitely does not want to do -- grovel in apology to that sanctimonious godmother of hers. But grovel she does; and with a multitude of roll eyes and heavy sighs, Leonarda forgives Aimee -- but only because she's got bigger fish to fry.
When Aimee feigns gratitude and declares Leonarda is like a mother to her, Leonarda pulls back and objects. Well, she is not her mother! She's Renato's mother, and not to forget it! Never do anything to hurt Renato; she'll make Aimee's life impossible. She's been warned.
Next day at the regular beach shack, the boyz tease Remigio about his lady love. Later he meets "Malu" outside the casino and is surprised to find she adores being with him; Remigio's moved to admit time passes like an eternity when he's not with her. He'd do anything -- anything to be with her all day, every day.
Lulu flushes with pleasure, and Remigio rushes to propose that they make it official, to be novios. When Lulu worries that he doesn't know her at all, Remigio insists all he needs to know is that she's a pure, good woman, which gives Lulu a pause. But at the mention of love and marriage, she forges ahead; and they kiss tentatively and sweetly. Remigio looks surprised and elated and takes her hand.
In a short scene, Rodrigo makes a visit to the sheriff to try to implicate Juan once again in the pirate attacks that frightened the port; but the sheriff reminds him there was never any evidence against him. Meanwhile at Juan's "far away" beach shack, he mulls over his heritage as a Montes de Oca and also the revenge he intends for his parents' sakes. Rodrigo is going to find out just who Juan is -- that the long-awaited associate, Juan Aldama de la Cruz, is himself.
Upstairs at the dressmaker's hideaway, Eloísa is astounded Federico is marrying Regina right away; but he's firm about it. He explains his plans for escaping with Regina's money; and somewhat mollified, she includes her plans for ridding themselves of Fulgencio.
Federico is sure it won't be easy -- and is not as sure as Eloísa that Servando is the guy to kill him, since Servando knows both Fulgencio and Federico. No matter, let's have a few hot sex scenes, they decide; and so they do. Not positive, but it seemed like he actually had his hand and arm between her legs. It's worth a look.
Leonarda cheerily toasts Rodrigo at the townhouse for resolving his money problems, but Renato definitely does not toast them. Renato is furious that Rodrigo would sacrifice his daughter's entire lifelong happiness for something that was his own damned fault. Renato angrily declares he used to admire and respect Rodrigo, but selling his daughter out is going to be on Rodrigo's conscience -- if he still has one!
Labels: salvaje
It's June 2 and June 9, episodes 74 and 79. I can give links to downloads for those.
I suppose I could help you out with one or both of your vacation recaps, unless someone else really wanted to.
Can someone tell me how to post a recap correctly so it shows in the sidebar, etc?
I loved the closing scene with Renato telling Rod off. I'm glad other characters are no longer letting the windbag roll over them.
I don't know how long Aimee is going to be able to tow the line like that. She is so tempestuous I kind of doubt she can keep herself under control for too long.
I liked the way Juan is starting to think about Regina, that was cute. She is softening towards him as well.
I don't remember who said something about this the other day, but Arcadio may end up being helpful to Juan since he is beginning to turn on Leonarda, finally getting fed up with how he has been treated.
The scene with Gabriel and Jimena's mother was powerful stuff.
Woody seems to be hitting brick walls at every turn. I love it, he is such a pompous jerk.
Yes, Juan and is having more and more fond memories of Regina and vice versa. It is about time this storyline moved ahead.
Ivy, I think it was yesterday that I said that Orca would probably be the one to help Juan. He has watched the interaction between Juan and his mother. When Juan gave him the bag of money to help with Rosario's care, I think he was taken aback as well as touched.
Jeri, have a great vacation.
Juan in his" faraway" palapa is thinking of Regina. How much protection does that palapa offer from the sun, wind, sand and rain, anyway. At least it offers a breeze when needed and I know it's probably humid there.
Fully and Eloisa have to be found out for all that fooling around their doing. The Uni censors cut the scene but she did appear pretty much in her birthday suit except for the sheet covering strategic points.
Wonder if our righteous Ren will actually do in Aimee when he finds out about her cheating. That seems to be his only flaw besides being a little too nice a guy.
Have fun on your trip, Jeri.
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