Friday, May 14, 2010

Dinero #97 & 98- 5/13/10: The Head Knows What the Stomach & Heart Don’t and Ale Has Some Heart-to-Heart Talks

It’s obvious that Vicky has had years of practice being an annoying little sister, because she is taunting Rafa with the torn picture of Ale.
“You want it? You miss it? Have it then.”
“Nope. You can throw it in the trash.”
“No. I won’t do that till that woman is definitively out of your life.”

She lets him know she will be there the next day with her camera to take a picture of him with his shiny new trophy. And if he won’t man up and send the picture to the folks at Siglo to rub it in their faces, she will. She storms out just after Jaime has come in. With some quick thinking, Jaime almost manages to not be seen by Vicky. She does, but is too annoyed with Rafa to torture Jaime tonight and leaves. Jaime heads to Rafa’s room where he sees the trophy and celebrates in the way Rafa should be, yelling “goal!” and striking Rafa’s happy pose. Rafa’s not happy that this win came at the expense of Alejandra’s job. Jaime reminds Rafa of the embargo Ale put on his house and sarcastically offers Rafa a hanky to cry into. He psychs Rafa up by telling him this is the start of a great battle!

Marco has meanwhile come back from the brink of madness and is apologizing to Ale for freaking out about her seeing Medina. “I don’t want to lose you over a stupid argument. I’m sorry. Forgive me. His name coming out of your mouth drives me crazy. Alejandra, te amo.” A few more te amos, and a kiss (which she hesitantly accepts) later, and Ale seems willing to accept Marco’s apology. But she’s happy to see him leave so that she can sneak the photo of her and Rafa out of her drawer and stare at it lovingly. “I don’t know why I can’t stop thinking about you.”

The next morning, Jorge is too depressed about Rubi to eat. He admits that his head wants to return to normal, but his stomach obviously hasn’t gotten the memo and he has no appetite. He locks himself in his room, and Rosario and Ale realize that in order to assure he stays in good spirits and therefore in good health, the White Monster (aka The Love Nurse) will have to be brought back. Ale makes the call to Marco and Marco calls Rubi. When he gets off the phone with Rubi, Chavez wonders if he’s not playing with fire bringing Rubi back, given what she and Marco almost did in his apartment. “She could blackmail you.” (He really doesn’t know our Rubi). Marco wants to know if Chavez prefers that the old man kick the bucket. Chavez does not, but he does want to know how things went with Marco and Ale the night before (obviously having one of his little Ale fantasies again). Marco admits that they had a little argument about her seeing Rafa and Chavez chews him out for being so stupid. Everything that Ale says Marco needs to agree with. “Even if Ale asks, would it bother you if she slept with Medina? You say, no.”

Chavez barely gets this scenario out of his mouth before Marco jumps on him, choking him in a crazy jealous rage. He’s obviously not going to be able to follow Chavez’s advice. After prying Marco off him, Chavez asks if Ale mentioned the embargo on Rafa’s house. The fact that she didn’t means that Rafa didn’t tell her, and they can do it again this month when Rafa surely doesn’t show up with the payment at 6pm. The thought of throwing Rafa and his family out of their home brings Marco out of his funk.

Over at Siglo, Marino (why do I always want to write Moron?) is already acting like the lord and master and is after the sales team for coming in late. Once he’s the boss, he wants them in by 7:50 so that they can start working promptly at 8 am. He starts yelling at all of them, but his yelling is even less effective than Ale’s. They all look at him dubiously, except Zetina, who is taking Marino seriously. Ramirez orders him to bow to his new master (literally) and Zetina almost does until Bebe puts a stop to the madness and pulls Zetina away.

Bebe is so incensed by all this Marino nonsense that he vows to make sure that Ale isn’t fired. He goes to talk to Beltran and waits patiently for him outside his office. Ale sees him and can’t convince him to let it go, but Beltran is too busy to speak to him right now. He’s close to securing Ale’s replacement. Bebe decides to wait for as long as it will take. Ale looks on sadly, goes into her office with Susana, and proceeds to freak out in usual Ale fashion. Susana doesn’t understand why she’s losing it, as she knew this was coming. Ale explains that her head knew this was coming, but her heart wasn’t prepared. She admits what an important role Siglo has played in her life and that she’s going to miss it. “I want to cry”, she tells Susana. “Cry then. Get it out.” Ale bawls.

Outside of Ale's office, Marino and Ramirez continue to count their chickens before they hatch and plot their reign of terror over the Siglo Sales Team; the Team continues to be horrified at the thought of being managed by Marino and his toady Ramirez; and Dandy can only think of possibly losing his Nonita (his little noni- Susana). He stares at a picture of her and caresses it.

Back in Ale’s office, Susana is shocked that not one of Ale’s colleagues in the car sales business have called her to wish her well in this time of need. Ale assures her that that’s how this business is. There are no friends; only competitors. And it’s all about money. She is sure no one is thinking of her. Which is completely wrong, because at just that moment Rafa is thinking of her. He asks his boss if he can get his paycheck in two separate checks. One in the amount he owes Ale, and the rest for himself and his expenses. His boss is shocked to see how much Rafa will be putting aside to pay off a debt, and wonders if Rafa is maintaining a luxury home in Acapulco!

Before Rafa can get his checks, go to the bank, and pay Ale before six, he has to get through a meeting with his boss and an important Japanese client, and survive a call from Vicky where she demands that he get home early to take that photo with the trophy like he promised. (I have a feeling he’s going to be cutting it really close with his 6 o’clock payment and the embargo.)

Susana continues to comfort Ale, saying that even if she doesn’t find work right away, she has the man she’s going to marry who will gladly support her financially. Ale doesn’t look thrilled at the idea. She does get riled up at the idea of giving each of the sales team members a piece of her mind before she leaves. Susana does believe that she should speak to each of them and close the circle, but not in anger. She asks why Ale wants to fight with the whole world. Ale argues that it’s not her fighting the whole world, it’s the whole world fighting her! She has Susana call the sales crew in one by one. It looks like Ale’s decided to take Susana’s advice, because here’s the basics of what she said to everyone (I’m paraphrasing):

Claudia: “Look, we’ve never been friends, but it’s never been personal. I admire your talent for sales. What I never approved of was the way you dress and the way you comport yourself with clients. You mix your business and your personal life too much. You’re a great salesperson, a valiant woman. You should not just be a sexual object.” Claudia cries and apologizes for everything she has ever done to Ale, but still doesn’t fess up to what exactly she’s done. She looks truly repentant though and leaves the office sobbing. She tells a concerned Rosaura that she has regrets about things she can’t change.

Ramiro Jimenez: “How’s your new apartment? When are you going to go back to your true career and dream of being an architect? Much of what’s gone wrong with you and your wife is due to you not going back to your true career. You’ve maintained your dignity and you’ve been a good salesman. And when you were able to get that apartment for your wife and kids and move out of your mother in law’s house, I was proud of you. If you can see in yourself the grand man that you are, then your next boss will be as proud of you as I have been.” Ramiro cries, from the truth Ale has been telling him about himself- letting his dream of being an architect die and affect his marriage. But also about what he has accomplished. He invites her to visit his new apartment. She promises to do so and they end in hugs and tears and wishes of god luck.

Ale comes out to get Bebe, who is still waiting for Beltran. Beltran passes by and tries to brush Bebe off, but he makes himself be heard this time. “You can’t fire her. Give her another chance!” Beltran says that Ale is not the same Ale she used to be. Bebe agrees and says she’s better, more experienced. Beltran’s not having it. He announces that he’s already made the decision about her replacement. He walks away, leaving a crying Bebe. Ale gently brings him into her office. He tells her that he refuses to stay at Siglo without her. Ale tells him he has to stay a while longer so that he can get his retirement benefits. His obligation isn’t to her, it’s to that wonderful wife of his. Bebe doesn’t want to go without seeing Ale. Ale assures him she will come to his house and have coffee with him and his wife. He let’s her know the coffee will be waiting for her anytime. They are both weeping and so am I.

We have to take a comedy break to counter alls these tears, although this is a tender moment as well. Rubi is back in her uniform, and after being warned by Marco to say nothing of their tryst in his apartment (Rubi can’t understand what the fuss is about since nothing did happen), she and Jorge are reunited. Or should I say that Jorge and Rubi’s boobies are reunited? Either way, everybody (except Rosario) is happy.

Back at Siglo, Marino continues to lord his presumed new status as boss over everyone. He tells Claudia, Rosaura and the General that they’ll need to start wearing shorter skirts, tells Rosaura that she needs to get a tan (she’s too white for his tastes), and threatens to fire everyone else. (I am so ready to see that grin knocked off his face.) Ale’s heart-to-hearts with the sales team continue.

Rosaura: “We’ll never be friends, but we will see each other. And when we do, I hope to encounter someone who knows she’s a salesperson. Once you accept that that’s who you are, then things will get better for you. You’ve had the strength to survive so far (her husband losing his job and money and her needing to go to work). You have the strength to proudly tell all your rich friends that you’re a saleswoman.” Rosaura asks if Ale will ever visit her at her house. Ale says maybe, when she sees the Rosaura she hopes to see.

Susana can’t bear to speak to Dandy, so she has Trapito go get him for the talk with Ale. Dandy can’t seem to focus on anything or anyone and needs to be dragged from his desk and shoved towards Ale’s office. He comes to life though when he sees Susana. She springs up from her chair and he collapses into it. He stares at her back, she knows he’s looking at her, and an impish smile appears on her face. She backs up and falls into her chair without looking back, landing right onto a delighted Dandy’s lap (an accident???). Susana immediately springs up, runs to hide behind a wall, and watches Dandy secretly as he heads into Ale’s office. (Hmmm….)

Dandy/Nelson: Dandy’s still in the dog house, so Ale makes it brief. “When you came here I saw a handsome man; a good salesman; and a good person. But you’ve turned into a professional con man (estafador). You’re not the man we thought.” Dandy tries to defend himself, but Ale’s not hearing it. He assures her that he will show her and his Nonita that he is the man they thought he was. He’s more determined than ever to be a better person. Ale’s done listening. She lets him know that Susana won’t stay long at Siglo after she goes. Dandy leaves Ale’s office distressed by this news; and Susana enters through another door wanting to know everything that he said (hmmm…). Ale discounts it as basically the same old Dandy bs, and makes Susana promise to follow her as soon as Ale’s secured another job and can get her a position.

Isabel/The General: “I knew between us there would only ever be a working relationship.” The General lets her know the repulsion is mutual (lol!). “You’re a woman without hypocrisies. You’ve always been one of my best salespeople. Thank you for working by my side. All the best.” The General salutes her and says, “Same to you. See you in hell.” (Now here’s a woman you want by your side in battle. But maybe not by your side during an emotional crisis or at a party.)

Marino is starting to worry that everyone is starting to take Ale’s side. The General assures him that she’s not on Ale’s side, but she’s not on his either. This doesn’t quell his fears about Ale winning everyone over, and when Susana calls Ramirez in to see Ale, he tries to stop him. But Ale is still the boss, and could fire Ramirez, so he goes tout de suite.

Random scene of the night: Chavez gets stopped by our two hapless cops for driving drunk and erratically. He’s not willing to take a breathalyzer, line walking test, or blood test. But he is willing to share his fine tequila with the two cops. They decline but decide they need to “confiscate” the bottle. They offer to take him home in the squad car, and he offers to drive (so nice of him), and I don’t notice the red lacy bra hanging over his neck until the end of the scene. (lol!)

We end the evening with Rafa rushing out the doors of CloAutos to get to the bank. Before he makes it out, he gets a call. Not from VickyVickyVicky as expected, but from Beltran! (duhn, duhn, duhn!)

Tomorrow: Those of you who predicted that Beltran is going to offer Rafa Ale’s job were right because Rafa meets with Betran and Doña Arcadia for a business meal.


Thank you, Vivi, for your excellent recap. Speedy, as well, as the episodes just finished 15 minutes ago on the West Coast. I am amazed at how you can produce such a great recap for 2 episodes in such a short time.

My stomach and heart were affected as well. That VVV is totally deranged and Marco lost it again tonight as he almost offed our funny con-man Chavez. What would we do without him. LOL when he told the cops, "I'll drive."

Hanky time when Ale called in the salespeople. She really did understand and value them. Too bad she didn't let them know sooner. Let's see if she can find anything positive to say about Ramirez and Marino.

Jeff and the other commentors were right. Will Dona Arcadia present Rafa an offer he can't refuse or will he decline.


Vivi, thanks for such a thorough recap. You clarified some points I missed. Was glad to see the return of Rubi (though not for the same 2 reasons as Jorge - LOL).

Pata, I just caught up prior to tonight's episode so didn't get a chance to tell you how I appreciated yesterday's episodes as well. Marco freaking out on the bed was really funny. Does anyone remember the episode that Marco is explaining to Rosario and Jorge why his parents won't be at the wedding? He tells them his father is caring for his sick mother in the U.S. Am I remembering correctly that he later is talking with Chavez about his parent in the maniocomo? Maybe Marco is going to end up the same way by the end of this show.

I loved these episodes, they were so sweet and so exciting (I knew Rafa was going to be offered the job because I peeked). Ale is starting to grow up, what she did with the sales team was great. I think according to the telenovela laws, not only does she have to grow up to be worthy of Rafa, but the two of them need to learn to stop lying and stop believing lies about each other. Also, Rafa needs to even up the power situation (remember Gaviota going off to learn stuff and become a woman of the world instead of a tequilla chopper) and he's doing a great job of it. All is as it should be. Marco and Chavez are adorable and so is Rubi!!

I forgot to mention, I won't be able to recap at all next week (going out of state to my son's graduation and my college reunion). Anybody want to take a whack at Tuesday?

Vivi,thanks for doing such an awesome job on what I thought was one of the finest episode ever.

Okay, I admit I'm a total sucker for scenes where someone looks past all the crap in a person's behavior and focuses... and brings forth... the true gold hidden underneath. I thought the writing for these "despedida" meetings was thoughtful and intelligent....and perfect for a thoughtful and intelligent recapper like you.

Now at the risk or coming off like a vegetarian wuss again, I'm going to admit that I cried during those talks, starting with Claudia. When Ale pointed out that surely she wanted a husband and children some day, and would never get them or the respect she needs if she kept presenting herself in such a trashy manner...well, I just thought that was really tender. Confronting with love (which is hard to do). And both actresses played it very well.

With the other two, Ramiro and Rosaura, she basically addressed their shame at being salespeople and told them there was nothing to be ashamed of in honest work. And Rosaura should use her contacts in the moneyed world to sell like crazy.

I just thought that was really affirming and had she handled the salespeople like that all along, talking inividually with them, showing interest in their lives, and uncovering and affirming the best in them...what a different atmosphere there would have been at Auto Siglo.

Man I flat out loved last night's writing and acting.

And I loved your recap. Your comparison of Vicky to a nasty little sister taunting with the picture was great. And Merino (why do I always want to call him Moron) delicious. Marco back from the brink of madness....well said.

I knew you would bring YOUR intelligence and sensitivity to this episode and you did. Thanks Vivi.

Thanks for the nice comments everyone. I was crying during all of those talks as well, and really felt sorry for Dandy (but he got himself into this mess with the bet). These were such pithy conversations, that I wished I could have covered all that was said. But I was really drawn into the scenes and hardly took notes during them. I agree, that they were very well done. And I began to see all the sales people in a new light. Especially Claudia and Ramiro. The thing about this team, is that they've all overcome something. It was good to see Ale acknowledging that. But I think she's always seen that in them and encouraged those traits. But the relationship became toxic and they were equally at fault for it happening. Even though she and Rafa butted heads, Rafa always realized he could learn from her (and eveyone on the team). He made the effort to ask Ale for her advice, and she willingly gave it to him. If anyone else on the team had done that, I am sure Ale would have done the same for them. They also did not appreciate her true value to them. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone except Bebe. He's just such a fantastic sweet man, and I was in a puddle of tears during their scene together.

Have fun at your son's graduation and your reunion Melinama! :)

Vivi, I have to echo what everyone else has said; great recap, great job at describing each of Ales' talks with her employees, and way to go at capturing the sweet sentiment of this episode.

Jorge reunited with Rubies boobies. What a hoot. I didn't know if you were kidding or not but I too have almost typed Moron instead of Marino.

Babrbra, I think you are right about Matco having crazy parents. Could it be genetic? What ever it is, it is fun watching Marco slowly go nuts.

I have a question about last night. Did Monica tell Rafa she called Ale to tell her how Rafa felt then admit it was a lie? That whole little scene was a bit confusing. I sure hope she isn't going to be a pain in the backside for Rafa as I do think she is sweet, just a bit misguided.

I also agree with you Judy and Melinama, these were two of the best episodes. I was crying, I was lauging, and couldn't believe when it was suddenly over. I wanted another hour last night.

When I saw the cops car chasing a red truck I thought oh no, not them again, but when Chavez stumbled out, I was on the floor.
Yea and Vivi, I didn't notice the red bra right away either.

Thanks again Vivi,really enjoyed your "heart" themed title, along with a truly delightdul "heartfelt" recap.


Excellent! I'm in complete agreement with the others. This is a wonderful recap of wonderful episodes. Now I'm finally getting why Rafa is so taken with Ale. Her goodbyes were beautifully done. I admit to a tear or two as well.

There are some great bromances in this:

Marino and Ramirez
Marco and Chavez
Rafa and Jaime
the Brothers Grim

I know that I'm supposed to dislike Marina but I am really fond of him. He and Ramirez are a charming pair of bumbling baddies. His telling Claudia to shorten her skirts and Isabel to never wear a mini-skirt cracked me up.

I've only been watching for a little over a week, but thanks to the excellent recapping and commenting here, I already feel quite comfortable with the show and these wacky characters.


Hi again Vivi. Thanks for clarifying that probably Ale saw those fine qualities and vulnerabilities before and that the
toxic relationships were built on both parties' behaviors. It is helpful when you catch us on on previous attitudes because, having jumped in at mid-stream, I'm making a lot of assumptions that may be "off".

Carlos, I find Marino amusing when I KNOW he's about to get egg on his face, but I have a really hard time with Ramirez' chronic suck-up, toadying behavior. And it's not just with Marino. Always triggers the gag reflex for me. Prilosec anyone?

Thank you Vivi for the thoughtful recap! I was so impressed with Ale, that she really did understand her people, and had such objectivity about them. She had nothing personal in it at all and showed some real wisdom. Yes, maybe she should have let them know that sooner, it might have been more motivating for them than being yelled at. So that could be what she needs to learn about managing people.

Sooo, it looks like Rafa is offered the job at Siglo, maybe Ale gets hired at Clo? A switch and still in competition with each other? Hmm.

Marco is certainly being effected by Ale much more than his plan originally called for. Interesting that it is literally driving him crazy.


Thanks, Vivi, for a super recap of a very good episode.

As bad as Marino is, Ale could also have a heartfelt talk with him, praising his excellent sales volume, and the fact that he is supporting about nine children (although he probably shouldn't have fathered them all in the first place). I'm still finding it very easy to hate Marino. The actor is doing a great job, as I saw him in something else recently, playing a totally different kind of role.

One good thing about Ramirez is that he talks in all these flowery platitudes, and that gives me practice with understanding this kind of formal, old fashioned form of speech (even if real people don't use it too much).

Pata, I also heard Monica tell Rafa that she called Ale and told her what he thought. Rafa, ever gullible, believed this. I'm not sure she then said it was a lie, but she might have. She definitely has the potential to cause trouble for him.

Vivi, excellent recap, as usual. I love how smooth you go from sentence to sentence.

I loved the farewells. I'm looking forward to Marino's talk. For me this id the only vilan in the novela that I find quite repulsive. The scene, where he ran with his belt after his women and children did it for me. He is unredeemable in my eyes.

If Marco puts an embargo on Elenore's house, Rafa might not feel sorry for taking Ale's job. But it's the highest time we get some time with them together.

Melinama, I can take up the first hour on Tuesday. Can I email it to someone in the group?

Thanks for a great recap Vivi.

Maria, I'm with you, I just can't stand Marino. He's near the top of all-time villain list. Haven't quite figured out why. I am thinking it is mainly because he seems like more of a real person or I can see someone like him. Many of the villains are so over the top I don't get the repulsion that I feel for Marino.

Loved all of the conversations. If Ale would have did that more often, would things have turned out different? Siglo appears to have an almost all stick and no carrot approach to management.

Will Rafa take the job? If he does, I wonder if it would be on condition Ale stays and then would she say thanks, but no thanks? I hope he does take the job. I can't wait to see the Que? coming from Marino and Ale. I can see Beltran telling Ramirez, thanks, I didn't think of Medina until you suggested him. Then Ramirez saying, I didn't suggest him!! Marino saying you traitor to Ramirez. Ok, just a dream. :)

Great episode and great recap. For all of us speculating yesterday that Rafa was going to get the nod instead of Marino it became more & more obvious the more Marino postured and acted the boss -- He was obviously riding for a fall.

Those heart to heart talks were perfect. I too can't wait to see what she has to say to Ramirez tonight -- and will Marino condescend to speak to her??

One touching moment that I loved tonight -- when Ale was saying goodnight to Rafa's picture and to his jersey she also struck Rafa's Happy pose for just a second wih a very fond smile on her face. It was so cute.

I love this show.


Yeah, Monica tried to mess with Rafa's mind a bit by saying she called Ale and told her how Rafa feels about her. (Maybe she will eventually.) She needs to cut it out. Rafa has enough crazy women in his life, and she would miss out on having a true and loyal friend if she gets on Rafa's bad side.

No love lost from me neither for Marino. I am with Maria, when he took his belt off and went after his kids and their moms my stomach turned. Also the dreaded dummy scene. I think he set the whole tone for that debacle. Marino is pure evil, and I cringe when ever he is on screen.

Marco, on the other hand is worth redemption, he is just crazy and fun to watch. Especially his scenes with Chavez.

ITA about Marino - and JeffMN, I think you are right that he is more like a real person than the usual over the top villains. He is just kind of insidious and a little creepy, haven't seen any kindness ever from him, any concern for anyone else ever.

I thought Ale's perception of Claudia was so compassionate - it made me see Claudia as more flawed than anything else, that her motivation for what she did is at bottom she needs love and doesn't know how to get it.

The part that mystifies me is why Ramirez is so loyal to Marino.


Ramirez told Marino he was expecting his salary to triple as second in command if/when Marino was crowned.

A great recap for two great episodes. Thanks, Vivi!

There were waterworks of a good kind last night. I'm a sucker for sentiment so of course I loved it. Ale is certainly inching along in character growth; it took a lot for her to be completely honest. Now Ale's challenge is to use that sharp eye on her own behavior. That's the hard part!

I can't wait for the anvil to drop on Marino. He deserves to be taken down a few thousand pegs. Marco and Chavez are definitely the more likeable villians. I didn't notice the bra around Chavez's head until the end of the scene either. Very clever.

Rafa has it so good at Clo, I wonder if he would want to go back to the snake pit in the Siglo. He'd probably do it to see Ale, though. If she could be persuaded to stick around with Rafa as boss...

Though I see no redeeming qualities in Marino, I do find him to be highly entertaining. Perhaps it's because as Jeff and others note, he is so true to life. I'm guessing that all of us have encountered someone similar at some time in our lives. He's not really sneaky. He's right up front with his jerkiness and I doubt that it has ever occurred to him that he might be flawed. I had a professor much like him in medical school and it was always great to see him trip over his own pettiness, meanness, and arrogance. Marino is his own worst enemy and I suspect that we will get many satisfying opportunities to to see him properly rewarded. Clearly Doña Arcadia has his number. I'm doubting that he is actually violent. As I recall, neither the women nor his children seemed all that frightened. I enjoy watching him, but I certainly have no affection for him as I did Coni in Gancho. I don't think he has a sweet side though he seems to have had some success seducing women.


Pata...or anybody following from the start....what was "the dreaded dummy scene?"

Isn't it interesting how the villains always trigger a discussion.

And in spite of the stomach-churning ups and downs, at least in telenovelas, we know the villains will get their due eventually....or will repent, ask forgiveness and change their ways. If only we could count on that in real life!

Judy, It was an exercise sugested by Rameriz to Beltran. They brought a dummy into the confrence room and all the siglo crew suposedly were to take out their frustrations towards Ale out on the dummy. It was quite awful and intense. Marino was first up and started assulting the dummy. It was episodes 50 and 51. Poor Ale was gone most of that day but showed up at the end and watched through the window. Rafa was trying to defend her (the dummy) from Marino but Ale saw only bits of it and misinterupted what Rafa was trying to do.

(Cont. about dummy) The head of the dummy got ripped off. Of course Ale was thinking Rafa was in on all the agression but he and Bebe were the only ones who had nice things to say about Ale when it was their turn. Everyone else was quite agressive during their turns and even Ramiro ended up assulting the dummy. Beltran was there the whole time too. I had to recap episode 51 and was just drained after.

Ugh. Sounds like mob violence and feeding frenzy all together. Sometimes I think it would be good to go back and see past episodes, but every time I try, Televisa has erased them.

Thanks for the explanation Pata.

Yeah, it was pretty awful. Ale's face was pasted on the dummy also.

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