Wednesday, May 05, 2010

El Clon 54 May 4: In which Nazira moves back in with Mohamed & Latifa or: There goes the neighborhood.

¿y qué con eso? What’s the big deal?/what’s up with that?
The family Ferrer discusses the upcoming dinner at Mohamed’s place. Leo can’t understand why Jade’s presence should bother Lucas so much. He thinks his son is being un inmaduro to risk a valuable business deal because of some old affair of the heart. Marisa agrees there’s no problem. In fact, she’ll try to persuade him to go along.

Lucas tries to get some sympathy from Mama Rosa, but she’s firmly in the Leo/Marisa camp on this one.

Lucas answers his cell phone and tells Jessica (Jessica!) that they’re not going to be able to see each other anymore. [This is the first confirmed naming of one of the storied amantes of Lucas, as far as I can tell]

Here comes the sun (not)…
A black cloud of frustrated ambition and resentment arrives at Latifa’s doorstep. It’s Tía Nazira! Gloria, Pedro and Ramon watch from across the street. Mohamed runs upstairs with the first load of suitcases leaving an irate Nazira waiting on the sidewalk. The bare-chested Pedro dashes across the street and gallantly offers to help her with her bags. She shows him all of her teeth, but he seems unafraid. He picks up her suitcases as she imagines herself swept up in his arms. Ever-vigilant Amin is watching. La tía Nazira is coming upstairs with a half-naked man, he reports helpfully and Mohamed explodes into one of his tizzies. Nazira unleashes her usual rant at Mohamed (It’s your fault I have no home, no husband…) and then warmly embraces the children.

Abdul phones Said from Morocco to advise that there are business problems in New York. Said tells Jade he’s got to fly up there, but there’s no reason to cancel the dinner at Mohamed’s, just make it a bit later. Jade’s in no mood to go with Said to greet the newly arrived Nazira.

Lucas wonders if he should send the necklace to Jade at her hotel. Marisa comes in and assures him that Jade’s presence is no problem for her.

The Alej and Naty story, parte dos:
Alej drives Naty and Andrea to a bar where they’re planning to meet Fernando. Don’t come in with me, Natalia warns Alej. At Andrea’s urging, Naty goes in alone only to spot Fernando with his arms around a girl he’s delighted to introduce as Aisha, the dancer from the Ferrer party and now his ‘novia’. She tries to put a brave face on it saying she needs to see if Andrea found a place to park and goes out, gets in the car with Alej and leaves clueless Andrea behind, still yakking into her cell.

“Where to?” asks Alej. A cualquier lugar menos mi casa. (Anywhere but home) says a tearful Naty. Sólo quiero morirme, (I just want to die) mourns Naty. Don’t even think a thing like that – besides you’d get me in trouble, Alej says teasing gently. No me haga perder mi trabajo. (Don’t make me lose my job!). Hey, wanna get something to eat? I know a place with una comida pa’ chuparse los dedos (food that makes you suck/lick your fingers, finger-licking good).

Mother – daughter quality time:
Karla complains to her mom, Hilda, that Alej has a new love interest. Mom wisely counsels her to fall in love with the checkbook, not the heart (Enamórate de la chequera, no del corazón).

¿Se enamora antes o después del matrimonio? (Do you fall in love before or after marriage?)
Tío Ali is at Mohamed’s place (Nazira’s in her room pouting) and the kids are with him. Zamira wants to know what would happen if a Moslem fell in love with a norteamericano. That’s not how it works, he explains. First you marry someone appropriate and then you come to love them. But what if…persists Zamira. Then it’s el marmol del infierno for you, insists Amin. Ali puts it perhaps more delicately: No sería una relación bendecida. (It wouldn’t be a blessed relationship)

¿Cuántos clones hay? (How many clones are there?)
Ali warns Latifa that she’s going to have problems with Zamira because her heart is divided between two worlds. A veces parece un clon de Jade (At times she seems like a clone of Jade), warns Ali. Ala no pone dos corazones en el pecho. (Allah doesn’t put two hearts in our chests.

Alej and Naty are at the hot dog stand and the guy at the counter says Alej’s girlfriend is pretty. She’s not my girlfriend, says Alej, … Somos amigos, says Naty. We’re friends. And it looks like they are.

They continue their conversation outside the Ferrer home. That boy did something to you, says Alej. No, says Naty, we’re just friends. Like us, smiles Alej. And thanks for saying that – although I’m not trying to pretend to be something I’m not. I’m your driver.

Naty invites him inside. Alej tries to console her: No vale la pena llorar por nadie. (No one is worth crying over) In reply to her question, he tells her he used to be a fighter but: pasé por un mal rollo y tuve que retirarme (I had some problems and I had to retire.) He also lost his girlfriend, he confesses, looking a bit tearful himself. She left me for a famous fighter. Se saca un clavo con otro clavo, he says ruefully. (One removes a nail with another nail, here, she got over our relationship by getting together with another guy). I know men aren’t supposed to cry, but I’m sentimental. Nice to know there are sentimental guys in the world, says Naty.

[I know I have gone into a lot of detail here, but I couldn’t help myself. I really like these two. ]

Alone in her room, Naty tears up a photo of Fernando and weeps.

Carolina, Lucas’s assistant, is charmed when Enrique sends her flowers.

Said leaves for New York, instructing Jade to be ready to go to the reunión (meeting, ie the dinner at Mohamed’s) when he gets back.

Lucas asks Enrique if he knows where Jade is staying because he’d like to send her necklace back to her. He explains its importance. Enrique persuades him to go to the dinner and give it to her then, as discreetly as possible.

How do you take your revenge?
Marisa rants to Lucia about how Jade has ruined her life and now it’s time to get her revenge. Lucia tells her to cool off, that: La venganza es un plato que se come frío. (Revenge is a dish best served cold)

Marisa is so grateful for Dave’s services that she gives him an outrageously expensive watch, un detallito cortesía de mi esposo. (a little gift courtesy of my husband).

Naty is playing with the torn pieces of Fernando’s photo when Rosa comes in and asks how it went. Todo salió mal. (everything went badly). Rosa tries to comfort her but she insists: Soy insignificante, soy una mujer invisible. (I’m insignificant, I’m an invisible woman.)

Not insignificant or invisible to Alej, however, who is telling Pablo about how much that jerk Fernando has hurt Naty. Pablo can’t believe he’s so sympathetic to this spoiled brat. I know how she feels, says Alej. Meanwhile, Nazira is ogling Pablo from across the street.

Alicia is out for blood … or in this case DNA.
Luisa explains how she alone is entrusted with handling the DNA results because any error would be disastrous. Imagine giving someone wrong information about paternity, she says. Oooh, se me pone la piel de gallina (it gives me gooseflesh – well, chicken skin, literally) just to think of it says Alicia. Escobar distracts Luisa just long enough for Alicia to SWITCH DNA REPORTS. (But really, I mean don’t they look at the names on the reports? Just put it in the wrong envelope and that’s it??)

Marisa decides to ambush… uh… welcome Said at his hotel.

Julio is heard talking to a certain abogado (attorney) who is complaining about an error in a DNA test. Not possible, says Julio. Dr. Albieri ran the test himself. Feel free to have the sample retested at another lab. I’m sure the results will be confirmed.

Marisa accidentally on purpose bumps into Said as he arrives at the hotel. Qué casualidad! (What a coincidence!), says she. La casualidad no existe, says he. Want to get a drink? he asks (and if Jade had a drink with another man, say Lucas??) Love to, she says, but I have to get ready for Mohamed’s party.

Said demands to know why Jade isn’t ready. He tells her he’s frustrated by her unwillingness to confront her past and admit that she was just an affair for Lucas, not a great love. She says she used to think Said was motivated by love but now she understands he is driven by resentment, and pride. Said says he is going to hurt Lucas, he is going to make him suffer as much as he, Said, has suffered all these years, knowing that Jade was comparing him to Lucas, dreaming of an idealized life with Lucas.

Lucas is slipping Jade’s necklace into his pocket as Marisa enters and says: I’m sorry, I’ve been impossible lately. Why don’t we start over? Gee, says Lucas, I’ve heard that before.

Some like it hot:
Roberto and Lucia arrive at the Ferrers'. Lucas complains about Leo’s insistence that he go to Mohamed’s. Upstairs, Lucia is telling Marisa she’s nuts to have gone to see Said at his hotel. (estás loca de remate). Well, says our girl, la venganza es un plato que me lo voy a comer muy caliente (Revenge is a dish that I’m going to eat hot.)

Ramón show Alej a newspaper photo of Karla with a K with Victor el asesino. Lárgate antes de que te rompa el hocico, snarls Alej. (Get out of here before I break your face—literally snout)

Karla’s primping for a night out even though Victor’s away. Hilda warns her someone might see her and tell Victor. Are you kidding, says Karla, with so many discos in this city??? [The writers haven’t told her about TODIM apparently.]

At Caliente, Osvaldo is in a funk because of the sexual assault rap hanging over his head. His goose is cooked unless Karla withdraws the charges. Vicki and Cris remark that Osvaldo parece un alma en pena (looks like a soul in pain) and they assume it’s because Dora hasn’t been around for a while. Then Dora herself shows up, dances up to Osvaldo. He walks right past her lost in his own misery. Ouch.

At Mohamed’s place Ali warns Said that his feelings are getting the upper hand: Estás poniendo la inteligencia al servicio de los sentidos. El hombre sabio hace lo contrario. (Your putting your intelligence at the service of your feelings: the wise man does the opposite.)

Nazira is instructing Amin to keep his eyes open for Osvaldo and report back to her.

Mohamed remarks to Latifa that their Zamira is such a beautiful girl. Strange that she hasn’t gotten her period yet.

Enter Lucas and Marisa with Roberto and Lucia


Love, love, love your recap, Novelamaven!!

A few things actually happened in this episode!

Natalia and Alej were so cute. There were a few seconds showing Nati with her hair down when you could really see what a stunner she is.

Said seems to be turning into a bad guy admitting to Jade that he wants to punish Lucas for what he did to Jade's marriage. If Said and Marisa got together for vengeance...

I guess Alicia wants to get Luisa in trouble. I suppose it is possible that the DNA test results themselves don't have a name for some privacy reason, hence the importance of matching them up in the correct envelope. But still it seems weird.

Thank you soooo much, Jean! Your support means a lot to me!

1- Naty and Alej were cute, weren't they? They showed more attractive aspects of themselves as a couple, both with their defenses down, than either had shown before. I admit I've been a fan of Alej ever since, when challenged by Karla with a K to tell the truth, HE DID, and then got dumped for his honesty.

2- Yeah, the question is -- has Said really crossed over to the dark side or is he just having a bad haraam day? Time will tell...

3- I agree, that's why Alicia switched results and envelopes. Luisa will surely be blamed and it will be dealt with a lot more harshly than the "loss" of 32 eggs!

Novelamaven, your recap was wonderful, thanks.

I cannot see where the plot with the evil neice is going. Does she just want to cause mayhem, break up a marriage? None of it looks good.

I loved it when The Naz hits Miami - she is really a great actress! Will she bring Ozzie out of his depression or will there be a new beau this trip.

The scenes with Nat and Alej were touching.

Said better be careful messing around with Marisa, he might catch something.


Thanks, Rosemary, for your nice words!

As for the evil niece, early on we saw Alicia looking at a magazine cover photo of Leo and I had the impression that she was stalking him. Of course since then, she's been busy insinuating herself into every aspect of Albi and Luisa's life, but maybe that's just diversion for her while she waits for the opportunity to strike her real target.

"The Naz"! Love it!

Said might indeed catch something. I can't look at Marisa without thinking of what we used to call "social diseases"!

Awesome recap, Novelamaven! You hit some VERY useful vocabulary. I liked how you used fonts to organize your recap. I once read a great little book called "Non Designer's Design Book" by Robin Williams, and it changed how I look at the printed page.

Favorite line: She shows him all of her teeth, but he seems unafraid.
And as for all the detail about Alej and Naty, Adalante! IMHO that's where Spanish study by novelas is most effective - the scenes you just LOVE and you want to agarrar (take hold of) every word.

¡Gracias, Paula!

I'm glad you like the layout. I'm still fooling around, trying to figure out the best way for me to approach recapping.

And you make a great point -- I think we learn best when we are fully engaged in what we're doing.

Let me join the chorus of praise for your excellent recap, NovelaMaven. The change of font and color for the vocabulary words is a genius idea. Also loved "she showed him all her teeth but he seemed unafraid".

There's certainly some bewildering behavior going on here. Which I suppose is much better than each character doing same old, same old.

Yes, I think Said is moving to the dark side. I really liked what Jade said to him, instead of just sulking as she usually does. He's playing with fire, insisting on all this contact between Jade and Lucas.

It also looks like Marisa could be planning on seducing Said, which wouldn't hurt Jade even a bit, so if that's her plan, it won't work. She said something about wanting to pay Jade in kind, so it looks like they're going there.

Alej should just run every time he sees that brain-dead Ramon, who delights in telling him about Karla's new adventures with the guy who looks like he'd be perfect in a horror movie. And speaking of chismosos, little Prince Amin lives to rat out other people, doesn't he?

Alicia's plan is very confusing. I don't see where casting suspicion on Luisa gets her closer to Leo. It looks now like she's trying to get Luisa out of the picture altogether and becoming Frankenalbi's right hand person, if not wife. But she's also thrusting her "assets" toward the other men in the lab. The actress is doing a good job being sweetie, sweetie to other actors and telegraphing her evilness to viewerville.

What if Marisa's plan is to chat up Said and stoke up his natural suspicions by casually telling him that Lucas and Jade have been together. She might be hoping to get Said to punish Jade in some way.

Wow, Novelera, thanks so much!

I also liked the way Jade answered Said's spiteful tirade. And you're so right -- if Marisa managed to seduce Said, Jade sure wouldn't care. Neither would Lucas, for that matter.

And yes, Amin's moral development isn't going well, is it? He seems to be imitating all of his dad's weaknesses -- his tendency to be a little pompous and hypocritical, and lie to Latifa when it suits him -- and none of his strengths and essential sweetness.

Ooooh, Jean. Your idea about Marisa makes a lot of sense. I don't know where all this is going, but I'm sort of tired of seeing our main protagonista suffer so much. Said could really make her life miserable if your idea about Marisa's plan worked.

Oh Jean, I hope not! Said would be quite capable of murder, starting with Lucas! I hadn't even considered that scenario!

Novlamaven, just loved your recap. Your Spanish phrases were terrific!!!

Re-read your writeup about Alej and Naty. They're such an adorable couple. I'd like to see more of them.

I'm really hating that Alicia. She's doing a good one on Luisa. What a bitch!!!


Thank you, Ann, for your kind words!

Couldn't agree more about Alicia -- so repulsive, I don't even like to look when she's on the screen. I know, I know, telenovelas need their villains, but she's just so slimy...

right now, the only interesting/exciting storyline to me is Naty/Alej. ff all the rest.

The 'Naz' was pretty funny.

Thanks, NovelaMaven! Especially appreciated your covering the conversation in detail between Alej and Naty.
I do believe Alicia is more of a witch than Marisa. It remains to be seen who has the bigger broomstick.
I do believe that Said has gone over to the dark side. Jade and Lucas are being thrown together again. Fireworks cannot be far behind.

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