Wednesday, May 19, 2010

El Clon #65, 5/18. I propose a scavenger hunt.

I’ve come to the conclusion that nearly every plot development in this show (except perhaps Alej and Nati getting together) happens because someone does something incredibly stupid. We had a real bumper crop of stupidity tonight. Rather than me kvetching about it through the recap, I figured I’d stand back and let you compañeras (os?) de Caray find them. Gold star for whoever finds the most acts of idiocy.

When Marisa realizes that Alej is Nati’s novio, she glares at them and stomps out of the room. Alej tries to excuse himself but Nati insists that he stay, and then she follows Marisa to her room. Mommy Dearest utters my favorite line of the night - “That man is an opportunist. He has no interest in you. He’s interested in this family’s money.” Hmm. El burro hablando de orejas - the donkey is talking about ears. It’s a popular dicho similar to, “the pot calling the kettle black.” With her usual charm, she tells Nati that she must be awfully naïve to not realize it. Nati rejects the idea, but Marisa says that if she offered him a big payoff, he’d take the money and run. She tells Nati to kick them out or she will. Nati says, “If he goes, I do too.” Nati says it’s her first boyfriend! Marisa says she’ll find Nati the right sort of boy (e.g. rich). Yeah, like Fernando, right? Nati comes downstairs. Fernando suggests that they go eat somewhere on the beach - finally the boy has a good idea! But Alej insists on leaving.

Nariza goes to the bar (Haram!) to speak to Dora. She explains that she wanted to get to know her, and if they get along well, she’s willing to let Dora be the first wife and she’ll be the second wife! She yammers on, we can be like sisters, cook together, shop together, and take care of Ozzie together! And besides, if Dora is the first, she also gets to choose the other wives! Nariza says Ozzie knows all about this. Dora dashes off, and the Naz speculates that Dora must have been overwhelmed by her generosity.

Alej is moping at Gloria’s. She tries to pry out of him, why he’s not at Nati’s dinner. He’s not talking, and he tells mama not to interfere in his personal life.

At the clinic, Alicia slinks up to Escobar, an easy mark, and gives him a gift “con mucho cariño,” with much affection. It’s a key ring. She says it’s because she appreciates him.

Jade asks Said again, if he’ll give her a divorce. He tells her that he’ll give his answer after his wedding, and he wants her to dance at the wedding. She’s offended by the suggestion, which was exactly his intention. Ali insists that Enrique stay at the house until Lucas is able to travel. Said comes to Jade’s room to show her a gold bangle and ask her opinion of it. Then he says he’s giving it to his new wife, and a lot more gold too.

Clara calls Albi to tell him that Lucas is in the hospital in Morocco. Albi announces to Luisa that they have to postpone their vacation. Both Luisa and Alicia are muy molestada by the news. Albi finds Leo and tells him that Lucas fell off a roof and is in the hospital, and that Enrique had passed out. Of course Leo assumes that Enrique was drunk. Albi says that he’ll go to Morocco to bring Lucas back. (As opposed to Enrique, who is already there, bringing Lucas back.)

Andrea and Fernie are consoling Nati. Andrea with a shoulder to lean on, and Fernie by insisting that she take a shot of whiskey. Rosa comes in to tell them that dinner is ready. Ever notice, in novelas, the food is never recognizable, it’s just a mass of a certain color on the plate, as if all of Telenovelaland eats indistinct, overcooked casseroles. Well, Rosa says that dinner is very special “food.” Have you ever announced to your family or guests, “I made food”? Nati finishes off her whiskey without even flinching, and says, “My mother destroyed the only happiness I ever had.” Well, TN’s are supposed to be melodramas, right? At Gloria’s, Pablo tells Alej he should call Nati. Alej says no way. There’s no going back. Nati’s family wouldn’t let her see him anymore.

Ozzie goes to TODCIM. Dora comes up, slaps him, and leaves. Ozzie wonders, “What did I say this time?”

At the house, Albi is packing and Alicia suggests that he take Luisa along on the trip. He refuses. As he starts to pack his cloning diary, Alicia innocently asks whether his two godsons, Daniel and Diego, are brothers. He’s impactado. She claims that Luisa showed her their pictures and they look alike. Albi denies it.

Ali and Enrique go to see Lucas at the hospital. Ali steps out, and Lucas tells Ric, “Ellos me iban a hacer algo,” they were doing something to me. (Is that right?) He’s worried that Said will hurt Jade. Meanwhile, Jade tells Zoraida that if Said loves his new wife, maybe she’ll get her divorce. And what about her daughter? Jade is sure that Said will let Jadiyah go with Jade if that’s what Jadiyah wants. Jade also believes that in the middle of his upcoming wedding, Said will break into a rousing chorus of, “I’m a Lumberjack and I’m Okay.” Ali gets home and Jade runs to him, asking how Lucas is. He tries to talk sense into her again. And I try to teach my cat to fetch my slippers. Which of us has better odds of success?

Alej is at the gym, taking out his frustration on the punching bag. (Isn’t that kind of bag supposed to be more stable, not hanging by a long rope?) Nati decides to skip class because she’s not in the mood. Andrea has a good idea. They’ll go find Alejandro. They go to the other gym, and Andrea bats her eyes, flashes her pearlies, and bounces up and down a few times, and what do you know? The gym employee is eager to offer any help he can, with whatever she wants to know. That girl should work for the CIA! The trainer calls Alej and gives Nati the phone. There is a pregnant pause while he decides whether to answer her. He tells her he thinks it’s better if they don’t see each other any more. They hang up, and Andrea finds out where Alej lives.

At the big house, the women tell Leo about Nati’s novio. Leo says he wants to talk to both Alej and Nati about this. Marisa is appalled that Leo would even talk to that dirtball, but Leo stands firm. Leo leaves and Rosa urges Marisa to at least give the boy a chance because he makes Nati so happy. Marisa says, “Sobre mi cadavar,” over my dead body. Que bueno fuera (if only).

Said tells Jadiyah that he’s getting married again, and she asks whether he is leaving Jade. Said says he will NEVER separate from Jade. Next she asks mama whether she is upset by him taking a second wife. Jade says that if it makes him happy, she’s happy for him. Jadiyah is satisfied with that.

For the umpteenth time, Jade begs Zoraida to help her see Lucas, Zee says no, no, Jade says yes, yes, Zee caves but warns Jade that it’s dangerous, Jade couldn’t care less. Jade is fully veiled when she goes to the hospital, so no one will see her. She rushes into Lucas’s room, only to be met by Tio Abdul who of course recognizes her. Roll credits.


Thanks, Paula, for another delightful recap. I was out last night and quickly watched the tape when I got home, so perhaps I missed all the stupidities you saw. Or perhaps I'm just so tuned in to TN insanity that I simply accepted them. Or perhaps the new beanie I was wearing made everything seem sensible. Whatever the reason, the only noteworthy stupidity I recall is Jade's going to see Lucas and assuming that no one else will see her or recognize her. Hasn't she been watching this telenovela?

I guess there's one more stupidity involving Jade that's major enough to have gotten past my beanie: her assuming that Jadiyah will be permitted to stay with her if she and Said divorce. Though I suppose that any woman who has lived among Arabic speakers in an Arabic speaking country for years without learning even a bit of the language might also not have learned even a bit of the customs and laws. A day or so ago, I accused some of the men of thinking with their you-know-what; apparently Jade demonstrates the female version of this behavior.

BTW, I want to thank you belatedly for providing the link to your Spanish resources and especially your account of using TNs as a way to learn Spanish. I found it inspiring. I plan to send that discussion to several friends who can't believe that I'm watching TNs.

Thanks, Juanita. I'll tell you the best way to convince the TN snobs. My best friend and her good friend both earned college degrees in Mex and have been here only a few years. Both have contempt for TNs. Not quite as much contempt as we have for 12 Corazones, but akin to that.

I told them that TNs are good for learning Spanish. But sabes que? The proof of the pudding is in the eating. What convinced them was when I used duda instead of pregunta; when I said no me cuadra (it doesn't sound right to me); when I referred to myself as tu servidor. Each time, on of them stared at me and said, "How'd you know that???" I answered, "I learned it on my telenovela." They see my improvement in Spanish, and they see that my Spanish is better than that of those who take classes (except those who have studied abroad). They know I don't take any classes except those taught by Jaime Camil, Fernando Colunga, and these days, McSteamy. And they're convinced: Paula has a good reason for watching TNs.

P.S. Many immigrants I know watch Sponge Bob to improve their English. That works for them; this works for me.

Paula, thanks once again for a terrific recap and Spanish lesson.

Yes, everyone was acting stupid last night. Unfortunately, you cannot fix stupid and there is no vaccination for it either. The only one acting half-way smart was Leo when he wanted to talk to Nat and Alej. I should probably add Dora to the list of half-smart when she slapped Ozzie.


Great recap, Paula. I like "el burro hablando de orejas." Yeah, you should know about opportunists, Marisa. I guess she's not an equal opportunity opportunist. In addition to the sheer evil of crushing the happiness of her daughter, there is also the forbidden fruit aspect. Put Alej off limits and that's what Nati is going to want even if he wasn't her 'true love'.

It was too bad that Alej folded so quickly but I'm sure this story has a long way to go. Nati's chugging the whiskey was probably also a bad sign of things to come.

Dora cetainly gets a stupid award. This weird woman shows up talking like a lunatic and you believe her when she says that Osvaldo is ok with a menage a trois marriage? At least ask Osvi for an explanation before you hit him. Osvaldo could explain away the Naz. Karla is going to be more of a problem.

Kudos to Andrea for sticking with Nati and trying to help her.

I wish I had a hope that Leo would actually listen to Nati and give her a chance to defend her relationship with Alej. I expect that he will revert to the usual pompous and self-centered Leo.

“Ellos me iban a hacer algo” I think Lucas said, "They were going to do something to me." He couldn't say something clearer like, "Said's men wanted to attack me." "Said's men chased me and I fell trying to escape from them." Did anybody (like Ali) ask Achmed what he saw? You get the definite impression that Ali is trying to keep the lid on what happened. Why? Because he knows it would be futile to accuse Said? Because he is afraid of what Jade might do if he confirms her suspicions about Said?

As for Jade, her picture is next to stupid in the dictionary. 'Nuff said.

Nice work, Paula. I have to confess that my beanie is firmly affixed, so I sailed right past most of the stupidities.

You know I'd describe Jade and Lucas as reckless, rather than stupid. I also think there's lots to be confused about as far as marriage and women's rights are concerned.

I was curious so I did a little research: In February 2004 the Kingdom of Morocco enacted a set of reforms that would have made Jade's expectations quite reasonable. If it interests you, check out this page:

The problem was, and continues to be, how to insure compliance with the laws. [I'm fairly sure, for example, that it's illegal to poison someone in Morocco, but if everyone is going to turn a blind eye, well -- so what?]
I am trying very hard to like Jadiya, but I can't seem to get past seeing her as a Mini-Stepford wife, Desert edition.
Marisa, with her anti-Alej rant last night, earned my vote for the Clon Chutzpah Award -- until then, the Naz had a lock on it!

Thanks, Paula, that was an ace recap. I also liked "burro hablando de orejas" very much. And I had exactly the same reaction. Say what? Marisa is accusing someone ELSE of being a money grubbing opportunist? Too bad Lucas isn't in town to lend some moral support to his wonderful, sensitive daughter. A few episodes ago she said he was the only one in the household who loved her just the way she is.

I couldn't believe that jackass Abdul was in Lucas' room. Que? He hates foreigners.

I still wish Jade would express more joy about Said's upcoming wedding. He's trying to torture her with views of jewelry for the second wife and the most spectacular wedding ever held in Morocco. He's been married to her for all these years; he should know jewelry doesn't make her heart go pitty pat. The best revenge, in my view, would be showing pleasure at the idea of the wife AND the festivities.

I don't think this second wife revenge thing will work for Said. TN conventions say that someone head over heels stays that way. So he won't get over Jade with the new bride. And, if he has a roll in the hay with Marisa, this also will change nothing. He's more likely to despise Marisa for being a loose Occidental and continue to be obsessed with Jade.

Oops, forgot something. I'm right there with you, NovelaMaven. Jadiya doesn't do a thing for me. The kid IS a Stepford wife in training, including her plan to rule the roost as first wife when she marries.

Seriously, how old is Nati? In my mind, she's not 21 but Rosa just walks in and announces dinner and doesn't say anything about the drink in Nati's hand? I mean, can't ONE adult even try to take care of this girl? So frustrating.

That was one of my "OMG they are so stupid" moments- the other one was when Jade was so convinced that Said would never separate her from her daughter. Come on. Seriously, Jade?

I'm so using "burro hablando de orejas" from now on :) I had been wondering what the dicho equivalent of "pot meet kettle" was! Thanks!

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