Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Corazón Salvaje 2010/05/19: "Caution: Ill-gotten Gains at Work"

Episode 64

Aimee cheerily enters the finca office, where's she's startled to find Leonarda weeping piteously. Aimee can't imagine what news Leonarda has for her, but is soon astounded to hear that Rodrigo is penniless! Aimee's in denial, dropping into a chair; her father's fortune is huge!

Leonarda must be mistaken. But she's telling the truth. When Aimee learns Rodrigo lost it all in lumber investments, she's completely incredulous. In lumber? That means I've lost everything, too!? No! No! Aimee's eyes run wild around the room, searching every corner of her brain to make sense of this.

Continuing the former scene on the patio, Juan graciously thanks Renato for his words of friendship; but he simply cannot remain at the finca. Renato is mystified, but Juan insists it's impossible, because of a hatred that separates them. A hatred that he cannot explain now. Please don't try to make Juan stay, or he won't be responsible for the consequences.

Back in the office, Aimee has divined the culprit: it's you! she shouts at Leonarda. You insisted I let my father invest my inheritance in lumber! Leonarda is slack-jawed and wide-eyed. Aimee continues, smacking her fan into her thigh and rolling her eyes wildly heavenward, that she did it despite Noel warning her against it!

Leonarda pleads she only thought to do the best for Aimee. Well, you've ruined me! Ruined me! Aimee shouts in Leonarda's face. You and my father have ruined me! Not only have you lost me my inheritance, she wails, but my hope of ever being happy!

Aimee is truly beside herself at this. Leonarda doesn't understand, but Aimee doesn't waste her time explaining. Leonarda wouldn't understand, because she has never -- ever -- known passion! Aimee storms out of the office; and Leonarda remains, nervously perplexed.

Next stop, Aimee bursts through Regina's bedroom door to drop the explosive news on her sister. Regina, alarmed, tries to calm Aimee and have her explain. When she does -- ending with shouting, We're POOR! POOR! without a penny! -- Regina reminds Aimee she has a rich husband, so no problem there.

Unmollified, Aimee exclaims she's doomed to live under Renato's thumb, staring at those four walls the rest of her life! Her red fan is taking a hell of a beating, flailing around the room. At this Regina realizes with a sour look towards Aimee just what is going on. What she sees is Aimee as usual concerned for herself.

What about their father? Every waking moment you think about yourself! Perhaps this is a little lesson in humility! Aimee, coldly furious, chuckles ruefully; Regina will never understand, she bites out as she exits. Remaining behind, Regina stares into the distance, worrying what a blow this will be to Rodrigo; while at that moment across town, he and Federico enter the casino.

At Juan's house, Gabriel admits to him that little by little he's falling in love with Jimena. Juan throws up his arms in astonished relief; about darn time! When asked about Estrella, Gabriel stammers with confusion. He thinks about Estrella, and then suddenly he's thinking about Jimena; it's like they were the same person! (!)

Juan laughs, and when asked about the gypsy situation, Gabriel concludes it doesn't matter at all. Except he's not sure how they will be happy with different expectations. People say whites and gypsies can't get along, Gabriel claims; but Juan sweeps that aside, declaring with true love nothing's impossible.

We hear the door bell clang as Juan rakes Gabriel over the coals about declaring his love to Jimena before Branko steps in and does it first. Just then a smiling Raúl de Marin is shown into the parlor, bowing deeply and greeting them as gentlemen. Juan gasps facetiously how Raúl used to lose no chance to insult them. Raúl sincerely apologizes for his treatment of them hitherto.

Raúl's come to pay grateful respects for the great service Juan Aldama did him, returning the incriminating documents and repaying his debt for him. Raúl would love to thank him personally when he arrives. But Raúl also came to earnestly thank Juan for saving him from the terrible financial crisis that Rodrigo is now in.

Raúl understands Juan may never view him as a friend, but he so hopes Juan will at least not view him as an enemy any more. His fond wish is to be Juan's loyal friend; and after a little teasing run-around, Juan finally shakes Raúl's hand, and they are made up. Before Raúl exits, he notes Gabriel's excellent administrative work and requests Gabriel do some for himself.

At the finca, Leonarda paces the office fretting over that bastard, Juan, when Renato enters to talk about Rodrigo. Leonarda tries to blame Rodrigo's disaster on Noel, but Renato will not have it. Renato heard personally several times when Noel warned Rodrigo about his bad investment. And puffing up and lampooning his father in law, Renato booms in a deep voice, but no! Nobody knows more about business than he does!

Leonarda objects to Renato kicking poor Rodrigo while he's down; rather they should help him. Renato admits he plans to go the next day to offer him help; but get this straight: this is nobody's fault but Rodrigo's own! He asked for it.

At the casino, Federico observes that no one is speaking to them and everyone is ignoring them, just when Fulgencio and Raúl appear and seat themselves at the table. Fulgencio feigns sympathy at Rodrigo's embarassing situation, but Rodrigo shamelessly lies that there's nothing amiss and everything's A-OK. He has other investments, plus those of his buddy here and future son-in-law, Federico.

Rodrigo gestures -- Right, Federico? Federico murmurs unenthusiastic agreement. Fulgencio feigns he's pleased, and they get to playing cards, just as Juan enters looking resplendent in evening clothes. Marlene greets him warmly at once, and Juan requests that if Rodrigo or Federico want to borrow any money from the house, to let them have whatever they want. Trust him; it will be fun!

On the landing at the finca, Rosenda overhears a conversation where Leonarda turns the screws of motherly guilt to Renato and unintentionally fills Rosenda in on details about Juan. Leonarda the martyr declares facetiously that a mother's advice is no good in light of her son's own; and if Renato wants to bring Juan to the house and invite him to dinner, just don't expect her to put up with him. Leonarda says pitifully she just hopes she's wrong and that Juan won't turn out to be as bad for the family as another guy did. Both Renato and Rosenda are mystified at this comment.

Meanwhile, upstairs Aimee gives her bedroom suite the rock-star hotel room tantrum treatment, and she's trashing the place a moment later when Rosenda enters. No, she's not spying on her, Rosenda says when asked. Renato requested Rosenda stay close in case Aimee needs her. And Aimee does need her, it turns out.

When Aimee asks her what Rosenda's heard about Juan, she repeats the story about Noel bringing Juan to the house as a boy; about Juan's fortune possibly including ill-gotten gains -- which Aimee suddenly finds very intriguing; and the part where Leonarda hopes Juan doesn't hurt the family like some other fellow did.

After that, Aimee promises Rosenda a silk dress, a pair of shoes and a necklace to do a secret errand for her, at which Rosenda looks greedily amenable. She can keep a secret, Rosenda says. If she told all she knew, the walls would fall in and bury them all.

Downstairs in the parlor, Regina who intends to go visit her father, encounters Renato alone; and he bids her sit with him. He's lonely, because Aimee always wants to be by herself lately. Regina reminds him she was capricious and volatile as a child, and Renato admits Aimee warned him before their marriage.

When Renato mentions Regina's the only one not mad at him for bringing Juan to the finca, Regina concedes she'd rather Juan not be there -- to which Renato wonders if that's the truth. He wonders if the two of them are an item, and Regina launches herself off the chair in indignation. If she and Juan were an item, then everybody would know it! How dare he. Juan means nothing to her! Renato begs her forgiveness, but Regina exits in a huff.

At the river, Jimena agonizes over being cast in a hunk sandwich when suddenly Gabriel emerges from the woods, startling her. It's late at night, but he had to tell her something important. She's just reminding him they shouldn't even be friends, as gypsy and white guy, when Branko breaks in.

Back at the finca, in her bedroom Regina exclaims to Clemencia that her reputation is in the balance! She has to tell the whole truth about Juan and Aimee. Renato never would ask about her and Juan unless Aimee put the notion into his head. But Clemencia is horrified at this idea and tearfully pleads. Aimee is the weak twin and married, as well. It will be hugely tragic! Clemencia promises to persuade Juan to avoid the finca, and Regina agrees to do whatever it takes to save Aimee's marriage.

At the casino, Marlene is just having Rodrigo sign a voucher for a house loan; he boasts he'll pay it back in no time. When Marlene whispers to Juan that Rodrigo is losing a lot of money, Juan asks that she continue to loan Rodrigo as much as he needs.

About then Noel enters and greets Juan, and Juan warns Noel that Mr. Montes de Oca won't like seeing them together. When Noel advises Juan to get used to the idea that Rodrigo won't accept him, Juan insists he doesn't give a whit about that. Noel can tell Rodrigo it's safe to come back to the farm, since Juan gave up his post there.

Noel notes things have changed; that Juan has money, and he wonders where it comes from. If some of it is perhaps not legitimate. Noel begs Juan, if so, to please accept his help in getting a new start in life. Juan recalls the new start he made so long ago as a boy on that long voyage.

A boy so abused, he was barely human. The boy was afraid, not knowing what would befall him. Nevertheless, someone gave this boy a hand -- and that someone was Noel. Choking up, Juan declares he will never forget that. Never. The two men embrace warmly. And across the room, Rodrigo stares daggers at the two of them.

Later, Juan stands alone when suddenly a figure in white appears beside him; a woman with a veiled face, handing Juan an envelope. When she speaks, we recognize Rosenda. Read it and ask no questions, she instructs cryptically, before turning away. Just before disappearing she places a finger to her covered lips and whispers: Sshh -- no questions. Juan opens the letter and cracks a little smile.

At the river, Jimena attempts to referee her two combatants. Just as Branko declares his love -- Gabriel blurts out that he loves Jimena, too, stunning the poor girl. What did he say? The truth, Gabriel insists; he was afraid to say it before, but that's through now. He loves her like he's never loved anyone, not even Estrella. And he's prepared to face the whole world to show her, he says as he takes Jimena's face in his hands.

Branko breaks in and orders Jimena to pay Gabriel no heed; Gabriel's not fooling Branko! She's mine! Branko lunges at Gabriel with a knife, when Jimena screams and intervenes, not wanting them to kill each other. She needs time to think! Leave her alone! she says as she stalks off. The two males nose up and growl you know where to find me.

Rodrigo enters his darkened townhouse to find faithful Leonarda there. He relates his horrid, humiliating visit to the casino, where he wanted to bust that bastard one. And then! If that wasn't enough! And then your husband comes up to him like great old friends, and they embrace there in front of everybody! He had to pretend he didn't care.

Leonarda pours the old fellow a drink and gives him the good news that Renato's going to help him out. The bastard is leaving the farm; Renato will forget all about that; Aimee doesn't even like Juan. Rodrigo drops his weary bones onto the sofa, dwelling upon thoughts of his poor, destitute Aimee.

Leonarda relates tearfully how Aimee reacted hysterically and that she told her some painful things: that she blames the two of them for ruining her chance at happiness -- and that I'd never understand, since I'd never experienced passion.

Rodrigo gazes at Leonarda intensely, rises again from the sofa and approaches her. Is it true? he asks. Leonarda startles like a rabbit, asking, what? Rodrigo continues, that you've never known passion? Leonarda admits it's true; she's never known passion in her life. Rodrigo moves to cradle her head in his hands and whispers her name -- Leonarda. Poor Leonarda. He caresses her face tenderly and brings his lips to hers.

At the caves, Aimee calls to Juan as he emerges there, holding up the note. She doesn't believe he hates her and wants to know how long she's going to have to endure his insults. She's all his, even if he doesn't accept that. There is some special bond between them, she insists. Something clicks with Juan, because he catches her up to him, damning passion. Aimee renames it blessed passion. She knows deep down he wants her beside him, that he desires her and loves her. Please kiss her and tell her and show her. Juan cannot resist. He does.


I got the recap up early, because it was the first time posting and tagging it myself. I needed some extra time to mess around with it.

Yeah, a recap with a photo! Thank you very much, Jeri! :-)

"Aimee's eyes run wild around the room, searching every corner of her brain to make sense of this"

The words "Aimee" and "brain" in one sentence... Brave assumption. ;-)

"When asked about Estrella, Gabriel stammers with confusion. [...] it's like they were the same person!"

*headdesk* Come on, Gabe's brain cells, you can make it. Only one more tiny step.

"Poor Leonarda. He caresses her face tenderly and brings his lips to hers."

Que horror, que horror! :-)

Juan, I love you, but you're the biggest horny idiot in Veracruz. How could you sleep with Aimee again? Right after that Renato offered you his friendship? Aside from the bipolarity this was the second huge mistake of the script regarding his character (first: Juan was the one one who broke up with her before the wedding).

Looks like you got it down, Jeri!

Oh boy - this was a fun episode! Normally, Aimee grates on my last nerve, but I really loved her little performance after finding out she'd lost it all. Also: Good move letting Leo know you had some kind of Great Big Passionate Plans for that money, Superho!

Jimena and Estrella, the same person? No puede ser! I'd be happier about Gabe finally figuring out what he wants if I didn't still have such an urge to smack him with a fan (and let's face it, he'll probably still find some way to screw it up, anyway). I'm gonna whap Jimena, too, if she starts in with that gypsy/blanco nonsense.

Ai, Renato, Renato. Your Rodrigo impression is spot-on! Hee.

Juan, you are a man who knows how to have a good time. I, too, will enjoy seeing what happens when Rod has a few on the house! I wonder if he's planning to use the fact that Marlene owes him and Rod owes Marlene to own Rod?

Yup, no one's suffered like Leomartyr. If only she had a sizeable donation to make to the local church - she could have herself instilled as De Ocacita, patron saint of scornful women and women scorned.

Good disguise, Rosenda! If you really wanted to go unrecognized, you'd've covered up your shoulders, 'cause I doubt much attention has ever been paid to your face.

You know, I almost feel sorry for Rod and Leonarda. If they'd been able to get it right all those years ago, he'd've had a woman who was totally devoted to him (and not prone to dying), and this whole mess could have been avoided. (Mind you, this will not stop me from going to fetch a small dose of brain bleach or also being somewhat sorry I'd just finished eating when they got their game on.)

Aribeth - The words "Aimee" and "brain" in one sentence... Brave assumption. - I was thinking much the same thing. XD

Juan ... biggest horny idiot in Veracruz. - He's outdone Rod at his own game! And that takes some real doing. (Of Rod's daughter, apparently. Tee-hee.)

Thanks Jeri! Another wonderful job! We had a windy night here and TV reception was terrible. I had to watch on YouTube and the last section of the show is missing. Your recap was a lifesaver!

So Leo and Rod get to "experience Passion" and we get to experience nausea. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't see this part....

Mad Marley, loved "Leomartyr" ;)

Now that Gabe has declared his love for Jimena, does that mean we won't be forced to suffer through the 10 millionth "Estrella" flashback??

Juan... I am so disappointed in you. You almost got free... then you let the *cat* drag you back by the b@lls...

Hmmm. My verification word is "torked". As in Aimee's mood when she discovered she was a Po' Ho.

Jeri: OK...OMG - what a wonderful picture!! I have spent the last five minutes gawking so will now go back and read the recap.

Gracias, gracias. Diana

yeah me too. I couldn't believe my eyes. I know that his passion and craving for Aiime is strong, and is like "drugs addiction" but that was not good.
he is a strong man and an loyal one, that is the strong part of his character.(crazy stuff- at least I would say more modern stuff..)

scenes like the one last night between Huan and Aimee- I think made many viewers wondering: where is Huan- the strong one- loyal one- and the love scene was right after he talked with Don Noel- Does Huan have a short memory and forgot that Aimee is married to Renato- and renato is Noel.s son.
for me this was wrong.

Jeri: As always, a wonderful, fitting title. You captured the essence of this interesting episode perfectly. Well written and detail laden.

Again, the picture of Juan and Noel (my two favorite characters) was a visual treat. "Juan enters, resplendent in evening clothes". Sigh..

So many wonderful lines but "Her red fan is taking a hell of a beating, flailing around the room" was my favorite.

Branko? Butt out...

I enjoyed the scene with Juan, Gabe and Raúl. I was bothered by the fact Juan was toying with Raúl but glad when they finally shook hands. I have a feeling Raúl may play an important part in future events.

I had to come out of my stupor caused by Juan's hawtness to agree that his behavior last night was disappointing and wrong on so many levels. Aribeth, your assessment that "Aside from the bipolarity this was the second huge mistake of the script regarding his character" was spot on.

Anon, no doubt Aimee is an intoxicating addiction to Juan. I'm hoping he pulls out of it pronto.

Mad Marley: "Good disguise, Rosenda! If you really wanted to go unrecognized, you'd've covered up your shoulders, 'cause I doubt much attention has ever been paid to your face" had me laughing out loud.

Xintperuvian: "My verification word is "torked". As in Aimee's mood when she discovered she was a Po' Ho." Simply great.

Rod is going to inflame Leo's passion? Ack. Gag me, please...

Love that Rod is getting deeper in debt by the day...


Thanks, Jeri , for the recap and the great photo . No puede ser !!!! Aimee finally succeeded in seducing Juan. This is a twist that I did not expect. My hero has feet of clay....a chink in his honorable armor. I feel just like I did when Manuel was finally seduced by his nasty housekeeper Antonia in Amor Real. However, when Antonia finally got him after several unsuccessful attempts, he was in the tub and pretty defenseless when she climbed into the bubbles with hum. Juan, shame on you. I still haven't had a chance to see this episode or Tuesday night's. I have a meeting tonight, so I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to watch them.

Wait, wait, wait -- let's all back up to the scene in the patio.

Juan plainly warns Renato that there is a hatred between them and that he cannot stay at the finca.

Were he to stay, Juan said he would not be responsible for what happens.

So going back to Aimee fits in well with what was set up.

I think enmity between Juan and Renato is just getting started.

Hey, even my cat has a brain. LOL. Aimee has one; it just doesn't work very well.

Oh, yeah; I meant to say that I usually try to choose something for the title that bears on some direction the plot is going.

In this case, they mentioned where Juan's money comes from and pirating and contraband several times in dialog.

I don't think Juan really has "ill-gotten gains," but I think that his enemies are going to try to make hay from the idea.

I think they will try to convict him of something.

I think these scenes are the writers' ways of making Huan convinced who Aimee really is. Because still he believes that she married Renato because he refused her, and insulted her ( her version) and he feels some guilt ( because he could not imagine that she thinks of having both - Renato as the rich hisband and Huan as the macho lover) - which Aimee dreams of doing...
That's why we have this love scene and may be tonight he will ask her to run away with him- and in his mind he is doing a favor to Renato- liberating him from a wife that does not love him- and opening his eyes (renato's)to Regina's deep love and creating an oportunity for Reg and Ren to be happy together....

Thanks for the recap Jeri. The fact that you and Connie do these w/o captions on youtube is amazing to me. The pic is great along with your description of Juan "enters, resplendent in evening clothes."

You are so good with selecting threads that the writers (hopefully) will use in the future and ill-gotten gains looks promising.

Aribeth - your headdesk regarding Gabe made me chuckle. He'll get there but when he does there will be another fight.

MMGrey - pass that brain bleach 'cause I don't need to see anything involving passion with Leo or Rod.

Xintperuvian - You summed up our dumb Juan so well - You almost got free... then you let the *cat* drag you back by the b@lls...

However, anon @ 10 am makes a great point as to why Juan "fell." S/he surmised the fall out from this will reveal to Juan how horrible Aimee really is and open an opportunity for Ren and Reg.

Diana - I'm so with you on Branco butting out and Rod continuing his financial walk of shame!!

I want suffering plot lines - MdR and Juan discovering who they are, even if justice has to be delayed and Jimena being reunited with her real family - to come to a faster resolution.

Wonderful recap, Jeri. Loved the photo and Juan did look resplendent last night. I especially like to see him in that those blousey white shirts..setting off his huge shoulders very nicely. ALL the comments are too darn funny as well...po' ho' and cat dragging him back by the ****, OMG.

I thought Juan had scheduled a meeting for his business partners to finally meet Juan Aldama that night. This has to be the longest night in history. Maybe then, they will know that Juan is not into ill-gotten gains but is a wealthy businessman. Especially, since he didn't invest in wood (except to buy Raul's shares, I think.) Now Juan can be known as Juan del Diablo de Dios San Ramon de Montes de Oca Aldama unless he has another name no one knows about.

Poor Ren has been rejected by even Regi. He needs some comfort poor boy ....


Now that Gabe has half a brain and realized he loved Jimena and has made a move, we have our hero Juan losing his and betraying Ren and Noel just after they showed such affection for him. As mentioned. definitely short term memory loss.

Loved the recap Jeri. I can't wait for Renato to find out about Juan and Aimee. Especially since she ruined her sister's reputation. I was a bit perturbed at Juan for letting himself be seduced again but I supposed he was in the desert for so long he needed a little something something. Wonder who will Jimena choose. Hmmm.

I have to admit. When Juan slept with Aimee again that made me like him a little less. He will have to redeem himself now for that. That was wrong. Especially in light that Renato reached out to him and truly wants to be friends. That's how you repay a friend back. Blech.

Jeri, can you clarify your comment on Juan for me?

Do you feel that his being with Aimee was a calculated revenge move? I thought his resistance snapped, the passion overcamne him and he couldn't resist her any longer.

Maybe, both?

Either way, it was still wrong.


Jeri, thanks for the great recap, I really appreciate your time and effort. The photo of Juan was FINE.

I had wondered what Woody would do for female companionship now that he is out of dinero and couldn't pay for the his chosen favors. Yuck, is Leo the best he could up with.

Poor Juan and Renato. It is really too bad that Aimee happened into their lives. Doesn't she know that she cannot have both of them. She is very much like her father in many ways. Her loss of her fortune is making her very desperate. She has never been kind to anyone, I really hate to see her now. There is no telling what she will do.


Thank you for the detailed recap, Jeri! I know how much work it is now.:) Also love the picture - I can't get over how utterly handsome that man is!

I, too, thought Juan falling again with Aimee was set up by him telling Ren he wouldn't be responsible for the consequences if he had to stay. Not that it's really excusable. It is understandable, he has been resisting her for quite awhile. And you have a point, Anon, that maybe he could be freeing Renato for Regi, if Juan is thinking at all. I wouldn't exactly call him horny, though, because he doesn't go after women in general like old hot Rod. He just has a certain passion with Aimee.

I was kind of happy for poor Leonarda getting her mercy F*** from Rod, even though she has done extremely evil things. If that had happened in the first place, we wouldn't have the story though.

I'm glad you all enjoyed the recap and photo; I loved doing both.

Diana, what I mean is that Juan has never really changed his mind about revenge, even though he knows Renato better now.

He knows how he feels and warned Renato about it and distanced himself. Juan anticipates Renato will be hurt; that's what he was warning him about when he said he had to leave.

There is going to be trouble between Juan and Renato, because Juan intends to avenge himself on Renato's mother in a major way. Renato will not stand by and see that happen.

Juan hasn't really changed in regard to Aimee either; he still wants her. He just has been able to resist her. Aimee was his first, and she's doing everything to convince him she still is. In fact, I believe her.

Here is my guess: Aimee's pregnancy will start to show, and everyone will think it is Renato's child -- right up until Pablo delivers a full-term baby at six or seven months.

Juan will probably suspect it is his child. And Pablo is tight with Juan -- he may tell him about the full-term baby. Juan's not done with Aimee yet.

P.S. EY is so good looking. Did we mention that.

Just saw Ivy's post; yes, I think you see what I'm meaning.

(Mad Marley Grey, I loved your comment at yesterday post: "Aribeth, I'm starting to think you and I must have been cut from the same slutty, shallow fangirl cloth!" ;D
Being a fangirl is great fun, isn't it? :-))))

As for Juan's behaviour: I don't like it, it was a big mistake and it divided the Mexican audience as well. Sometimes I think the writer and the producer smoked weed while they were creating that scene. Or they've lost their mind.

- Juan's very selfish, we all know this.
- Aimee's married. She's taboo.
- She's married to Renato, a nice boy who saved Juan's life and gave him a job. He owes him much!
- Renato almost threw himself into his arms saying "You're my new BFF!!! We'll be so happy, and we could paint each other's toenails!"

- Juan thinks he's madly in love with Aimee. Well, his certain body parts are definitely mad about her.
- She told him that her marriage was arranged and she had no choice but marrying Renatonto after he had broken up with her. (Though I guess he never believed her.)
- Aimee's been hunting Juan down since the first moment he stepped into the Finca.
- He isn't happy about this situation, but he genuinely thinks Aimee belongs to him.
- Juan always tried to maintain a polite distance between him and Renato. Every time Renato was kind to him/hugged him one could see the unease and guilt on Juan's face.

Juan meeting Aimee is ok with me. He has always been sincerely interested in her -- and she, too, in her own selfish way.

There's no one else in the world that she even likes, let alone respects. Juan is the only person in the world she pays any attention to.

There isn't a single person anywhere she would allow to treat her the way he has -- and come back for more. Not saying it's love, but it's a real feeling.

And I like seeing Juan get what he wants; what can I say. I like seeing him gratified and happy.

I think the problem people mainly have with it is that it gets in the way of believing Juan will sincerely love Regina, when that happens.

But I don't have a problem with that. I will believe he loves Regina when it happens.

I think they are showing it to be just passion with Juan and Aimee, not love. That it will be real love with Regina and Juan - because they both have compassion for other people's suffering and for justice, which Aimee does not. They will genuinely like each other rather than being caught up in physical passion.

"I think the problem people mainly have with it is that it gets in the way of believing Juan will sincerely love Regina, when that happens."

Maybe, but I never had any problem with this. TN galáns are usually immature but charming jerks who sleep with everyone but fall in love with the heroine after five minutes. :-)
What I really like in this story is that Juan knows Regina for a long time, and well, likes and respects her on some level. These two only need a little push. As for his passion for Aimee - yes, he's mad about her, he acts like an idiot when she's around him, but overall it's nothing, only hunger. And at least now his hunger for her is satisfied. A little bit.

My problem lies in morals. He owes Renato his life so he shouldn't sleep with his wife. He should persuade Aimee to tell Renato that she loves someone else (however, we know that Renato probably would strangle her). Or he should ask Renato by himself to let her leave. But no sex behind Renato's back.

I don't want to burn Juan at the stake, since I'm neither an innocent angel, nor a strict Victorian lady, . :-) He should've been stronger, but he's a human, a very confused, selfish and unhappy (and hot) human who made a mistake.
But I don't understand the writer's way of thinking.'s not a moral quandary. Juan doesn't owe Renato anything. He didn't ask for anything and didn't want anything. Juan throws everything Renato tries to give him away with both hands.

In point of fact, Juan saved Renato's life, so that is paid.

Were I in this situation, it would be different. Once Aimee were married, that would be it for me. But I have never been ruled by passion.

Juan's contract is with Aimee, not Renato. Renato has very little to do with it.

Jeri and Ivy~~~Love your discussion. You both are really excellent at analyzing. I don't think that Aimee was Juan's first...look at those shoulders...but I guess that she's his far. Haven't we all been hopelessly attracted to someone even though we know that he/she isn't good for us??? Raise your hands. I think that Aimee got Juan at a weak moment, and after so many encounters with Juan saying no, no, y no, he was saying si, si, si...I juan-it. She knew that she would eventually wear his resistence down. She saw that his lips were saying ''no, no'' ,but there was ''yes, yes'' in his eyes. He'll be hating himself in the morning. He admires Reggie and knows that she is the type of girl he should want , but then there's Aimee...and she makes part of Juan [and we all know which part] not care about admirable qualities. Well, Aimee and Woody are penniless paupers, Leo just hit the passion jackpot withWoody [que the hell?], and Elvis has left the what ???? Do you really think that Aimee..ME..ME is pregnant? If so, will anyone be suspicious when she delivers that 11 pound, jetblackhaired premmie???

When I said Aimee was Juan's first, I meant belonged to him first -- before Renato.

I did not even think in a million years he was a virgin, LOL.

Yeah...I think she's pregnant. She had morning sickness a long time ago, the week before she got married, IIRC. They have dropped it since then so everyone would forget, but I didn't. ;-)

LOL Mad Bess, love your comments. I'm surprised nothing has come up yet about Aimee being pregnant. How long has it been? You'd think it would have shown up by now.

Yes, that is true, she did have morning sickness and being faint for awhile there but they haven't brought it up again.

I really don't think Aimee will be pregnant; Rosenda, yes. Aimee, no. If there is to be a child, it will be later on after Juan and Regina get together, so Aimee can rot in her own jealousy.

It was disappointing to me to see Juan give in to Aimee. I think it tempers his vengeance scheme with Rod (because she'll whine he's her "daddy"), but heightens it against Renato who really is the innocent one in all this. It also hurts Noel and Regina who both love Renato.

As far as Leo and Rod are concerned, I hope Rod gets a big case of ArCOOTIE-o's from Leo. He deserves it.

The discussions and opinions are great. How boring if we all agreed on everything! And of course, Juan is certainly a worthy topic. I really want to make Jeri's picture my screensaver but that wouldn't go over too well here at work...

Susanlynn, si, si, si...I juan-it. " - you always make me laugh.

Diana (raising my hand in answer to your question).


"In point of fact, Juan saved Renato's life, so that is paid."

When did he save his life? When Orca was beating him? I thought he only saved him from a few bad bruises. I guess this debt isn't paid completely yet.

But I'm glad that you don't want to burn him. On youtube Juan was on a black list after this episode.

"I don't think that Aimee was Juan's first...look at those shoulders"

I have a hard time imagining a virgin EY character. That's why I couldn't buy I-Juan-A-Virgin in FELS and Rodrigo del I Have A Little Problem But I Can F*** My One True Love Anytime Anywhere.

I'm sure Aimee wasn't his first, he's obivously an experienced guy. (On the other hand I'm sure Aimee was a virgin.) He just never loved any other woman before seriously. My explanation is that he didn't belong to any social classes - he didn't like the high society but he was better educated than his fishermen and gypsy friends in Spain. He avoided the elegant senoritas but he didn't find an interesting girl among the lower class pals either. And he didn't trust anyone, he was in vengence mode since his father died. But when Juan met Aimee he met a well educated, rich, special girl who wasn't a shy senorita, no, she was just as fiery and reckless as he was. And boom, he thought he found his other half, an other hybrid creature.
That's why he' so mad about her, that's why he can't forget her.

I think is more his ego- and his old mixed feelings about montes oca. First Huan can not accept the fact that Aimee who flirted with him first and provoked him in everything- could betrayed him as well- he never talks about love when he mentions aimee- only passion and as such- being a guy who has seen the worst in life and surviving (always byhimself and no one to help)- he can not live with the idea that someone like Aimee can be with another man-
secondly I think - the idea that Aimee married Renato hurts Huan- because deep inside he think he is equal to Renato- and if life had been nice to him- they would have been equal- in everything and than , he thinks , Aimee would have not changed him for Renato-
Behaving like he is, he wants to show to renato and clan- that money can not buy everything.
But like most of you I don't like the fact, that despite the desire, or trap or whatever, he makes love to Aimee again...

I'm not so sure that Aime ME ME was a virgin when she met Juan. Wasn't the schoolmarm in Spain yelling at her for being wanton and indiscreet? Wasn't some young Spanish dude groveling at her little highbuttoned shoes??? Well, she either acquired some mad skilz in sunny Spain or she is just a naturally gifted love machine....we could chalk up her innate lovemaking abilities to old Woody's horny DNA. Whatever she's got, she's got a lot , and Juan still juans it. In novelas, it seems that it's okay for the galans to fall off the fidelity wagon. I was very disappointed when Manuel allowed himself to be seduced by Antonia. JUST SAY ''NO.'' Now that Juan has undone his 12 step AntiAimee program will they continue to do the bunnyhop like bunnies ? I'd rather have Juan hate himself in the morning and crawl back on the No MO Aimee wagon.

You make some excellent points, MarieN.

I was just taking another look at that most excellent photo of Juan in his tux that Jeri provided us with in her recap. Maybe we should call him Juan Bond. Have mercy.

"Wasn't the schoolmarm in Spain yelling at her for being wanton and indiscreet? Wasn't some young Spanish dude groveling at her little highbuttoned shoes???"

I don't think Aimee had any opportunities. Yes, she had a few admirers, but
1. she was living in a strict boarding school,
2. I imagine the only boys she could've catched there were simple blushing losers who would've immediately proposed to her if anything had happened between them. And Daddy's Dearest didn't want any scandals in the school, she wasn't brave enough. In my country we call this type a "virgin whore", she promises everything but never gives anything.

I think her real heat period started on the ship. She got rid of school, she wasn't considered being a schoolgirl anymore but a woman. A woman who was hungry for adventures and experiences. On the ship she was relatively free, there were no teachers or nuns around, her dad didn't check her every half an hour, and there was a great piece of man (hi, I-Juan-A-Shoulders...) around she could toy with.

This is a great day, I love the comments. :-)

...deep inside he think he is equal to Renato- and if life had been nice to him- they would have been equal- in everything and than, he thinks, Aimee would have not changed him for Renato...

MarieN, I agree with this.

Aimee isn't in love with Juan any more than she is in love with Renato. She wanted them both, Renato for money, position and stability and Juan for sexual excitement and thrills. (Not a bad line of thought really... ahem, back to reality...) Reality is that neither one of them will ever be enough for her by himself... Renato is too stable and boring for her. He has responsibilities and family to take care of... She now knows Juan has money but he also has those nasty peasant/servant/casino friends and the kid too... Neither Renato nor Juan can fawn over her all the time... and we all know Aimee is the Center of the Universe.

last night was another change - and maybe intriguing- the fact that we all write and comment about last night, shows that the writers and producers made a wise choice( although none of us likes it) but from now on we will stick to CS -episode after episode to see what will happen or better- where the wild imagination will go to.

xlntperuvian, Aimee had morning sickness; she will be pregnant. ;-) Her "premature" full-term baby will be what turns Renato against her. Here's a week's pay. No, I haven't seen the show.

Renato is not the innocent one in this; he married Aimee for the exact same reason that Juan wanted to marry her. And Juan was there first, plus he and Aimee are going to be parents. ;-)

Aribeth, absolutely Juan saved Renato's life. Renato was out cold on the tack room floor with Arcadio's knife poised above him to kill him. Juan entered and stopped Arcadio.

There were at least two scenes in dialog where Juan pointedly said to Renato that they were even on that score. That Juan's debt was paid -- verbatim. I think it might even be covered in my own recap, not sure.

Yeah...large groups of people have gone wrong before; not particularly moved by that argument.

And was it yesterday that Juan brought in that big bag of money and dropped it on the office desk? Juan is not in debt to Renato and wants to make sure he knows it.

Juan's getting read to destroy Renato's mother if he can, so things are going to get much worse between then.

"shows that the writers and producers made a wise choice"

Your point is logic and well put but with respect I disagree. Imho it was a very bad and amateur choice, the creators almost ruined their own character. (Again.)
They made only one good choice: when they decided to bring Juan and Regina together after three endless months. That was the moment when the ratings started to rise in Mexico and the viewers completely fell in love with the couple. :-)

mad bess, diana, and other tuxedo lovers, I really wish the show was still on at a decent hour so that I could make screen caps from my own DVD's before having to post.

But for downloads, the quality of those videos is very good. I'm very grateful to have them.

I love Noel and Juan together. They make me cry.

"Renato is not the innocent one in this"

I'm on Juan's side in this story. He was wrong, he was a jealous macho, but Renato isn't much better either. He married blindly, he wanted Aimee only for her body.

"Renato was out cold on the tack room floor with Arcadio's knife poised above him to kill him. Juan entered and stopped Arcadio."

Yep, this happens when one rewatches an episode in fastforwarding mode... :-) I even read your recap but I missed it, I'm afraid my brain isn't the same anymore. And you're right about the money, too, that's why I say that Juan tried to be distant and wanted to get rid of his obligations.
But let's not forget the job and Rennie's friendship even if it was unrequited.

Oh, yeah; I like Renato, and I don't want to denigrate his goodness. But I think all the rest is true at the same time.

Renato is nice to Huan because he thinks Huan is someone of no social position to be campared to Renato's-( the poor /salvaje boy he met many years ago- the toyboy)so he shows towards Huan the same sympathy or I should say the same benevolce he does with the other labours working his lands-
I think Renato will change differently when he learns that Huan is of his family and than the real jelousy will begin and see him as a rival/not in wealth but to what he has always considered as only his. Now Renato sees Huan as no danger to nothing Renato stands for and loves...
He does not belong to his world" not yet"...
I don't think there would be any Aimee pregnancy- never had ( in all the previous versions there was no pregnancy only a fake one)....

Jeri, I am with you on Renato turning against Aimee because of a bun-in-the-oven but... I just can't get past Juan getting together with Regina in that instance. I can't see Juan ever turning his back on his own kid, especially with his history. He took in Colibri because of that. That's really why I doubt Aimee's pregnant... but who knows?? I could very easily be wrong. TN's always have a kid of doubtful parentage don't they? ;)

"Aimee gives her bedroom suite the rock-star hotel room tantrum treatment" and "hunk sandwich" gave me some very needed chuckles! Excellent recap and it captures all the melodrama terrifically!
Glad to see you got the photo up.
Please e-mail me instructions on how you did it cuz I've forgotten how! --Thanks!

ITA that the love scenes at the end when Juan gave in to his passion for Aimee was really steamy stuff. Juuuaaaannn! Ayeyiyi!

MarieN, can't remember where I got the idea for trouble over the full-term "preemie," but I got it from a novela. Aimee had morning sickness on at least two occasions right before her wedding.

xlntperuvian, the baby wouldn't survive, and it would be a source of sorrow; but it wouldn't keep Regina and Juan apart. Betting a week's salary is a safe bet for me, since I don't work. ;-)

jardinera, IIRC there's a little picture icon in the row of icons above the text box. Just click on it. It gives you a choice of copying something from your computer or from a URL online. Very easy.

Jeri: Thanks! Yeah, now I remember that trick! Ok.

Jeri, thanks for a terrific recap and the photo of Juan and Noel. I thought Juan's speech to Noel was quite touching.
What an excellent discussion on the Juan/Aimee/Renato triangle. Thanks to all the commenters.
HotRod kisses Leo (love the one you're with) and she finally gets her big chance for some hot stuff with the HotRod! Too bad she won't be able to enjoy it, once people find out what she did to MdR. (And I only hope that happens SOON.)
La Paloma

Loved the recap Jeri. I haven't had time to read the commennts yet so I'm a little behind. Will check in more tomorrow. Looks like we had a good discussion today.

I've thought of an alternate title for this novela~~''Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves...and Hos.'' After suffering through a loooong, boring meeting with no air conditioning, I was finally able to come home and watch the last 2 episodes. I fast forwarded a lot. Wow...the ending of last night's episode with Juan and Aim back in the love cave was hot. However, I keep asking myself..Why now ? Why did Juan give in to Aim after successfully rebuffing her several times. I think it was the love cave, or maybe Juan is feeling a little lost and lonely and confused now that his ducks seem to be getting into a nice straight line. Old habits die hard. Maybe it was the emotional meeting with Noel. Or maybe Juan just was particularly horny that particular night with the moonlight and the pounding of the surf and that old black magic sparking. My husband's mother used to say to him before he left the house for a date, ''Don't let your emotions RUN AWAY with you.'' Too bad that MdR wasn't able to give her Juan the same advice. I am interested in Juan's reaction the morning after. Will he be disgusted with himself for his lack of will power or will he be hopelessly devoted to Aim once again. p.s. I love the long ponytail with the Scarlet Pimpernel.

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