Wednesday, May 19, 2010
El Clon 66, May 19- Nati & Alej reconcile; Leo learns from the past & Albieri confesses all to Ali
Abdul is less observant than we thought. He does not recognize Jade in her burqa and she hastily retreats. When he leaves, Jade comes into the room and she and Lucas kiss, tell each other how much they love each other and promise to be together someday. We do learn that Lucas is going to be laid up for some months and this doubtless will be a factor when the clone finally shows up.

Osvaldo tries to explain to Dora and Estela what the Naz said.
The Naz has her own delusional interpretation of Dora's reaction to her proposal. She tells Zamira that Dora was so moved by her humility that she couldn't speak. She tells Zamira that if she marries, it will be because of her determination and independence. If she had left it up to her brothers, she would die a spinster. Zamira asks if Nariza ever went to school and confesses to her aunt that she would like to be a doctor. Naturally, the Naz can't see the point of that. From her perspective, all a woman needs is a good husband - handsome and rich. She will find such a person for Zamira.

Latifa tells Zamira that they can't deceive Mohamed anymore about her getting her period. Zamira begs her not to do so. She doesn't want to have to wear a veil. She wants to wear a bikini and be like her friends.
Karla goes to a modeling call for some TV show. Hilda advises her to sleep with the presenter to gets the job. Unfortunately, during the audition, Karla sees a rival. They get in a fight and are both thrown out of the studio.
Dora tells Osvaldo that she has been thinking and has decided that she doesn't want an Arab or anyone else to rip him away from her side so he can move in with her right away. She warns him not to fool around or
te quiebro los pies para que nunca más puedas volver a bailar
I'll break your legs so that you can never dance again.
Andrea and Nati find Gloria's restaurant. Andrea gets Ramon to fetch Alej. Nati is ready to bail but Andrea won't let her. Andrea tell Alej that he has to talk to Nati. He hesitates and Andrea says,
De lo único puedes culparla es de amarte demasiado
The only thing she is guilty of is loving you too much.

Nati goes to him and they kiss and they are together again.

They go off to talk together just as Ramoncito drags Gloria out to see her 'nuera,' daughter in law. Gloria thinks Ramon was lying to her and scolds him.
When Nati says to Alej that he was never going to come looking for her, he replies,
Tu familia nunca aceptará nuestra relación y es mejor que no siga intentando porque ... ¿La verdad? Te estoy queriendo demasiado y cada día que pasa me enamoro más y sufro más.
Your family will never accept our relationship and it's better if I don't keep on trying because.. You want the truth? I love you too much and every day that passes I love you more and suffer more. Nati swears to him that she won't let her family or anyone separate them. He puts her hand on his heart.
Siente me corazón, siéntelo. ¿Lo sientes?
Late por ti, Nati. Late por ti.
Feel my heart. Feel it. Do you feel it? asks Alej.
It beats for you, Nati. It beats for you.

Jade demonstrates her stupidity: She returns to Ali's house giggling with happiness and Zoraida has to warn her to hide her feelings. Jade hears Said on the phone with Marisa. He tells her that Marisa has found him a house in Miami. She exhibits jealousy,

No sabía que eran tan íntimos.
I didn't know that you were that intimate, she says. Said replies that they are and says that Marisa is a beautiful and intelligent woman, who would make any man happy.
Te está haciendo muy feliz.
¿Tanto se me nota?
She is making you very happy, says Jade.
Can't you tell? replies Said and Jade walks off in a huff. [You can't have it both ways, Jade. Either you don't care about Said and who he is with or you do.]
As if we needed more proof, Marisa demonstrates what a nasty piece of work she is. Lucia is surprised that Marisa wasn't on her way to Morocco when she found out that Lucas had been injured. She replies she might have done that in the past but not now. Rosa comes in to report that Natalia hasn't come home for lunch or called. Marisa tells that Nati is just looking for attention and if they ignore her, everything will go back to normal.
Pero, Marisa, ¿no te interesa lo que pase con tu hija?
Rosa, por favor, estoy hablando con Lucía, ¿Sí?
But Marisa, aren't you interested in what is happening with your daughter? says Rosa.
Rosa, please, I'm talking to Lucia, Ok?
Marisa goes on to tell Lucia that she isn't going to give an inch and if Nati continues to be involved with that lowlife Alej (ese infeliz), she will have no option but to get rid of him.
Zamira wants Latifa to ask Mohamed if she can go over to a friend's house to do homework. Mohamed comes in and tells Latifa that he is concerned that Zamira hasn't gotten her period. He suggests that they take her to a doctor. Latifa talks him out of it saying that girls mature differently. Zamira asks him for permission to go to the friend's house. Mohamed refuses saying that he doesn't want her to go to the house of any Westerner. She has all she needs to do her homework in his house. The cry of youth:
¿Por qué mi mala suerte? ¿Por qué tengo que ser diferente a todo el mundo?
Why am I so unlucky? Why do I have to be different from everyone else?
She says that she won't let her parents separate her from her friends because of their outdated customs. Latifa asks Allah why she was given a rebellious daughter.
Alicia slithers up and asks Luisa about the relationship between Raul (Escobar) and Clara. She says that they seem to fight a lot and asks if Luisa believes they are happy. Luisa replies that she supposes that they have disputes like any couple. She says that Raul is very forgetful man (un hombre muy olvidadizo). [He seems to forget that his wife isn't his servant and that he has some responsibilities in the marriage.] Luisa says that Raul even forgets his own birthday.
Clara tiene que estar un paso delante de él en todo.
Clara has to be a step ahead of him in everything, says Luisa.
Poor little Clara, don't you think? replies Alicia.
Another party at Ali's. Jade tells Zoriada that Said is trying to make Lucas jealous so that he will go back to Marisa. Zoraida thinks it might work. She says that men care more about their women when other men look at them. Jade rolls her eyes.
Albieri reassures Enrique that it will take a long time but Lucas will recover completely from the accident (no le dejó secuelas, literally the accident won't leave consequences for him). Then Albeiri tells Enrique that Leo is sure that he drank too much the night of the accident. Enrique denies it angrily.
Ali asks Albieiri,
¿Ya hiciste tu clon?
Have you already made your clone?

Albieri is initially surprised by the question but then says, 'suppose I told you that I had done it and he is almost 20 years old?' Ali replies that for a second he thought Albieri was being serious. Then Albieri says that he was being serious. He made a clone of Lucas. Ali doesn't believe him. Ali says that if he met a clone, he would be afraid because it would be a being not created by Allah and would not have a soul.
Jadiyah thinks Enrique might be a marriage prospect for the Naz. She asks if he is single and he says that he is but he has a girlfriend in Miami. 'No problem,' says Jadiyah, 'her aunt doesn't care if she is the second, third or even fourth wife.'
Leo comes home and asks to speak with Nati. She takes the offensive and says that if he doesn't accept her relationship with Alej, she will leave the house immediately. We wait for the unfeeling Leo of old and it doesn't appear. He says that he is neither approving nor disapproving her relationship but he asks her to go slowly and get to know Alej better. He says that he wants to talk to Alej. Nati asks if he will give Alej a job in the business. Leo replies that he isn't ready to do that. He will see if Alej is capable and wants to get ahead. If so, he will give him a job. Nati is ecstatic and reports this to Andrea, Fernando and Rosa. Rosa says that she wants to interview Alej about his intentions as well. Fernando curries favor with Rosa by saying that he will break the legs of anyone who harms Natalia. When Rosa expresses approval of this sentiment, Fernando asks if he doesn't deserve a beer. Rosa refuses saying,
No has terminado con la leche materna y ya estás pensando en cervezas.
You're still breast feeding and you are already thinking about beers.
Andrea says that Fernando is drinking like an alcoholic. 'So?' says Fernando.
The newly wise and tolerant Leo goes to see Marisa and finds no sympathy from her.
He tells her that,
No queiro tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra.
I don't want to make the same mistake twice (literally, I don't want to trip over the same stone twice).
He has lived this before with Lucas and Jade. He says that adolescents are passionate and intense and they have a vocation for the tragic,
un amório cualquiera lo convierten en romeo y julieta si uno se los prohibe.
any little romance can turn into Romeo and Juliet if you forbid them.
Truer words were never spoken and better late than never but Marisa isn't buying. She says that she won't permit her daughter to ruin her life with a nobody (don nadie).
Leo says that she can do what she wants but it has taken him 20 years to realize that Lucas' irrational behavior was his fault. He is sure that if he had let Lucas marry Jade, convert to Islam and live in Morocco, he would be here now and nothing would more be said about it.
Estela asks Dora if she is sure that she wants to marry Osvaldo when he might be setting up a harem behind her back. Dora replies that she knows that Osvaldo is a flirt but she she is sure that she is the only woman in his heart and that is why she wants him close her to her so she can control him. Osvaldo arrives with flowers for Estela and Dora and lots of compliments. He expresses an eagerness to meet Daniel. Dora says that he won't be back until after the new year, [which has already passed but maybe she means the Jewish new year]. He bobbles a bit by referring to Dora's betrayal of him in how she got pregnant but recovers and asks Estela's permission to give Dora un piquito (the diminutive of pico, which means, among other things, a peak, a pick and a beak, and here presumably means 'a peck,' a little kiss) in front of her.

Back at the party at Ali's, Said tells Jade that he wants her to make all the arrangements for his wedding while he is in Miami. He doesn't want any surprises, either, or it will be bad for her. Sullenly, Jade agrees. [What is the matter with her? Why is she incapable of doing anything rational? She should be happy or at least appear to be happy to do this. This is what she wanted.]
It appears that the Moroccan businessmen have not signed or cancelled the contract with Leo's firm. Leo is concerned about this silence from them. Enrique brings the same concern to Lucas in the hospital but he only wants to know about Jade. Enrique entreats him to be careful - Said is watching. He says there are no limits on what he is imagining. Lucas does not think there will be any problems with Said. If there we he would have come to confront Lucas. Speak of angels, Said walks into Lucas' hospital room and says that they have to talk.

The credits roll.
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It's just as well that I didn't have any captions last night, because I was so nervous I couldn't look at the screen while Jade and Lucas were together in his hospital room. I was sure that Abdul would walk in on them. After all, the normally suspicious Abdul saw that the mysterious burqa-covered woman was still in the hallway when he left Lucas, and though to my surprise he didn't stop, I was sure he'd suspect that she was Jade and return to Lucas's room. My beanie and I were both astonished when that didn't happen.
Like you, I think Jade is crazy not to at least seem to be delighted that Said 1) is planning to take another wife and 2) speaks admiringly of Marisa. Jade may roll her eyes when Zoraida says that men care more about their women when other men look at them, but Jade's reacting the same way! This seems to me yet more evidence of her self-centeredness and immaturity.
I still haven't figured out Alicia's game, but she has pushed Marisa out of first place in my list of bad guys.
One of my favorite zingers --
"She says that Raul is very forgetful man (un hombre muy olvidadizo). [He seems to forget that his wife isn't his servant and that he has some responsibilities in the marriage.]"
My impression, Jean, is that Jade is not the least bit jealous of Marisa or the new wife. What she is bristling at is Said's boorish behavior, ordering her around like a servant,, generally being a complete jerk.
I certainly hope Marisa and Said have a fling; that should make it easier for Lucas to get his divorce.
I'm delighted with the new developments in the Nati/Alejo department and also pleased to see this older, wiser Leo.
I am beginning to like Leo again. Finally someone to look out for Nat's best interest. Rosa was funny wanting to interview Alej. I think she likes him so it should go well.
I can't decide if Marisa or Alicia should be sent to the alligator farm first.
It would be a hoot if Marisa fell head over very high heels for Said. They certainly deserve each other.
I agree that Jade doesn't like being ordered around like a servant. As we all know, including Jade, Said brought this whole thing to this point - he just couldn't leave well enough alone. Jade was content in her marriage but good old Said had to keep digging up that old bone (Lucas) and causing problems.
I hope that they get some sort of medical transport to send Lucas back to the States soon. They have the funds and I would think the contacts to get that done. Leo better start thinking about what is best for his only child. Lucas is not safe in Fez!
They sure fooled us with the Abdul scene. I was sure he recognized Jade's soulful eyes. The scene with she and Lucas was so touching. It now sounds like they're prepared to wait as long as it takes to be together. I took that as a good omen that this may happen.
At this point I can't stand Said. I agree that Jade should grin from ear to ear to drive him nuts when he talks about wedding plans. But I also agree that she's upset about being ordered around, not jealous.
Poor Zamira. I don't know where this is going, but she's perfectly right in wanting to live a more normal life in the only country she knows. It sounds like she's going to defy Mohammed and go to this gathering. I'm sure Mohammed would probably let Prince Amin go to the house of an Occidental. He didn't even punish him - that we saw - for his showing up at the girl fight.
I can hardly wait to see what Said is going to say in Lucas' hospital room.
Marisa is definitely first in line for the alligator farm or whatever other grisly end would work on my list.
We still don't know what Alicia's plan is. She's creepy but so far all she's done is put the moves on 'Raulito' and try and get Luisa out of the picture for a while. She's welcome to Raulito.
Marisa, on the other hand, notwithstanding all the other evil things she has done, has been and will continue to try and crush the fragile self-esteem of her own daughter. She is going to do her devious best to separate Nati and Alej and neither Leo nor Lucas have enough on the ball to figure out what she is doing and stop her. I predict that Marisa will cause Nati to turn to drink or drugs. In my book, she is much worse that Alicia. I can't imagine anything that Alicia could do that would compare to callously trying to destroy your own child.
Thank you for the new (to me) dicho, No quiero tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra. I'm going to add that one to my page of dichos.
About the stupideses yesterday, the two that really jumped out at me were Enrique thinking it was a good idea to room at Ali's after what happened to him and Lucas, and then Said accepting Jade's excuse about wanting to go out grocery shopping with Zoraida.
The other stupid act was Alej giving up so easily, but I'm glad to see that got fixed quickly. Of course they'll have lots of problems yet, but at least they're back on the same side for now.
Thanks forr your Spanish phrases. I try to translate them and find out how much I understand.I find it so much fun.
I wonder if Said will tell Lucas he is getting together with Marisa -- maybe hoping he will get jealous???
My take on Alicia is that she's got to be trying to get close to Raul to get some pillow talk going about the clone diary story/backgrounder. I think she's some kind of industrial spy and not really Luisa's cousin at all. Obviously Raul's the wrong tech to get close to if that's the case. I think she's trying to worm her way into legitimately accessing files and such by getting Luisa out of the way or replacing her in her job. JMHO.
Had to tighten the beanie when Abdul didn't recognize Jade at the hospital.
Personally I think the Said/Marisa hook-up will backfire on the two of them somehow. Jade may not care about Said, but she despises Marisa because she feels powerless to do anything and it's just another way of Marisa keeping her foot on Jade's neck.
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