Monday, May 24, 2010
El Clon 68, Mon., May 24 - A Teaser Clone and the coffee grounds are finally too cryptic even for Zoraida
No me digas.
You don't say, says Marisa sarcastically.
Lucas says that they are both responsible for prolonging their non-functional marriage. Marisa replies that their marriage never existed. He married the ghost of Jade, not her [and she married the moneybags of Diego]. She says that what she can't forgive is that he led her on for so long thinking that it might work. Lucas replies that he hoped things would work out. Marisa doesn't believe this.
Yo solamente fui un obstáculo que pusiste en tu camino para no afrontar a tu padre y salir corriendo detrás de esa mujer.
I was only an obstacle that you put in your path to keep you from confronting your father and running after that woman, says Marisa. Lucas doesn't want to hear any more but of course he can't leave. Marisa tells him about how wonderful her evening with Said was. [Lucas needs a pair of headphones but she'd probably rip them off.] Lucas has to pretend to ignore her.
Jade tells Latifa that Said knows everything about her and Lucas. The only thing he lacks to wield the whip are the required witnesses. Jade says that she has to remain strong until after Said marries so that she can get her divorce. She hopes that Said will fall in love with the new wife. Then she will help Jade get a divorce so that she can be first wife. Latifa is sure that Said is doing all this to get Jade's attention. Jade doesn't doubt it but she isn't interested. The only thing she doesn't want is for Said and Marisa to get together. Marisa has trampled (our old friend pisoteó) on her too much already. [Why does it matter? If you don't want him, why do you care who has him?]
Marisa, likewise wants to punish Jade.
A ella la quiero ver sufrir, y sufrir mucho.
I want to see her suffer, and suffer a lot, says Marisa. Lucas tells her to take her vengeance on him but Marisa says that Jade owes her everything and she will pay. She stalks out.
Leo, Marisa and Amalia are having dinner and discussing Amalia's interview with Leo. Nati and Alej come in. Leo asks them to sit down and have dinner. Marisa ostentatiously gets up and leaves.

Rosa tells Lucas how much Leo likes Amalia. Rosa likes her too and says that she isn't anything like Cristina. She is decent, elegant, with good manners and educated. Lucas calls Cristina and invites her over. Rosa leaves in a huff.
Cristina is excited at Lucas' call and says that it means Lucas is on her side.
At the lab, Alicia plants a lipstick stain (mancha de labial) on Escobar's lab coat (bata).

Clara finds it and flips out. Escobar first suggests that it is Clara's lipstick. She says that she doesn't use that color. Then he claims that it is a chemical from the lab. When Clara accuses Alicia, Esbobar accuses her of dragging the poor girl into everything.
Además Alicia no utiliza ese color de la...
Anyway, Alicia doesn't use that color lip..., Escobar realizes too late that he has admitted that it is a lipstick stain and that he knows what color lipstick Alicia uses.
Marisa buys flowers. Lucia says that Marisa doesn't seem to care at all about her marriage.
Tú lo que no entiendes es a los hombres, porque si lo hicieras no andarías detrás de los pantalones de tu esposo como lo haces.
What you don't understand is men because if you did (preterite subjunctive), you wouldn't run (conditional) after your husband's pants the way you do, says Marisa.
Alej makes up with Rosa.
The flowers Marisa bought are delivered with a note that says, 'to Marisa from Said.'
Nati introduces Alej to Lucas. She tells Lucas that Alej practices Lucha vale todo and Lucas says, 'how interesting.' To Nati's assurance that he will like Alej when he gets to know him, Lucas can only say,
Depués hablamos.
We'll talk later.
Gloria tells Pablo that she is concerned about Nati's rich family trying to destroy Alej's relationship. Ramoncito pipes up and asks if Pablo is going to marry the Naz. Pablo says that it isn't a joke (broma).
y0 voy a casar con Nazirita, y voy a empezar a entrenar vestido de Aladino.
I will marry Nazirita and I will start to train dressed like Aladdin.
Of course, the Naz is sure that Pablo is crazy for her. She tells Zoraida that when she gets back to Miami, she will ask Pablo to marry her. When Zoraida warns her that the woman shouldn't ask a man to marry them, the Naz takes offense and leaves.
Cristina arrives at Leo's house. Rosa opens the door without any sign of welcome.
Una de dos, o no me recuerda, o no me quiere recordar.
It's one or the other, says Cristina, either you don't recognize me or you don't want to recognize me.
Selfish Lucas. He drags Cristina out to his place and all he wants is for her to call Jade for him. She does telling Jade that her Prince Charming (príncipe azul) is grabbing the phone. Then she leaves Lucas alone so that he can tell Jade that he meant everything he said the last time they were together. He swears that when he can get out of bed, he will come and resolve her situation. Then they just smile like idiots and don't say anything.
In the kitchen, Rosa tells Cristina about the qualities of Leo's new girlfriend and how happy she is that he has met someone at his social level
porque en la vida del Señor Leonardo siempre aparecen vividoras paracaidistas.
because in Señor's Leonardo's life freeloaders (female, we would say golddiggers) are always parachuting in.
Unlike Lucas, Cristina gives as good as she gets:
¡Qué casualidad! En mi vida resulta que también siempre aparecen viejos vividores. Millionarios que arrastran con culpas, en una casa enorme come esta. Ricachones que buscan cosas que ni todo su cochino dinero puede comprar - detallitos como felicidad, alegría, gozadera, amor del bueno. Cosas que buscan en mí, porque las tengo de sobra, y pa' regalar.
What a coincidence! In my life old freeloaders (males, we would say maybe, sugar daddies, but she uses the same word as Rosa did) also turn up all the time. Millionaires with a load of guilt in a huge house like this one. Rich guys who are looking for something that all their filthy money can't buy- little things like, happiness, a good time, true love. Things that they look for in me because I have them in spades and I'm willing to share.
She stalks out.

Amalia puts the moves on Leo. Observing them, Enrique tells Carolina that the way things are going, Leo will be married before they are. He tells her that Leo knew Amalia a long time ago, then she left town and that is when Leo met Cristina.
Clara can't share Carolina's happiness at her upcoming wedding because of the lipstick on Escobar's lab coat. She swears that she will catch him red-handed (con las manos en la masa, literally, with his hands in the dough).
Julio recommends to sending flowers to Clara but Escobar replies that would be admitting guilt and he has no idea how the lipstick stain got on his lab coat. Alicia comes in and asks if the guys need anything.
¿Te das cuenta, Julio, que lo que le sobra a esta mujer le hace falta a mi esposa?
Do you realize, Julio, that that woman has what my wife is lacking? says Escobar.
Zoraida warns Jade not to speak to Lucas on the phone anymore. Said is watching. She says that she feels a big storm (tempestad) brewing.
Finally, Cancun. Albieri is soused on martinis. Luisa goes for a massage.
Ali talks to Jade about destiny.
Albieri dozes off. He wakes up to see the clone get out of the pool, dry himself off and walk away. He knows that it is Daniel.

He says that he looks exactly like Lucas at that age.

He is so overcome that he falls into the pool. He tells Luisa that it was Daniel but she is sure that it is the martinis.

Jade asks Ali what it means when the past and the future cross in one man. Ali thinks it might refer to a time machine where you could go back and meet a younger version of yourself.
Zoraida can't decipher the coffee grounds for Jade. She says that this is the first time that she can't read someone's future. She says maybe Jade is going to experience something that no one else has.
Albieri (with more martinis) swears to Luisa that it was Daniel but she doesn't believe that he could recognize the Daniel after all these years. Albieri says that he would recognize Daniel at any distance, anywhere. He goes to his room and wonders what he will say to Luisa when she sees Daniel and realizes that he is clone of Lucas. He decides to tell her the truth.
Cristina swears to Vicki that she won't let Leo make a big mistake with Amalia.
Amalia and Leo decide not to dwell on their pasts. He asks why she came to Miami and she says it was destiny.
Marisa takes the TV remote from Lucas, turns off the soccer game he is watching, admires the flowers she pretended were from Said, leaves the remote where Lucas can't reach it and leaves for her club. A nice morning's work of torturing her husband who just lies there and takes it. What a wuss!!!
Albieri sits down with Luisa and says that he has to tell her something about Daniel.
The credits roll.
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Well, anyway, great recap as always, Jean!
As for obnoxious subplots --
I had a corazonada (hunch) last night that there may be a connection between newly arrived on the scene Amalia -- who knew Leo before Cristina, that is over 20 years ago -- and the insufferable Alicia. Is Alicia perhaps Amalia's daughter from relationship with Leo? Or are they just in cahoots together? De todas maneras, I sense that Amalia is up to no good (as if we needed another bruja to stir the cauldron!)
I'm betting we'll have a lot of clone teases before we get the full frontal clone. I bet Albieri doesn't manage to tell Luisa and she comes face to face with the clone.
Yes, the coven are gathering for their convention in Miami!
If Amalia is Alicia mother, would that make Amalia, Luisa's sister?
Jean, I liked your comment on the phone call, they just smile like idiots and don't say anything.
Beanie tighteners: when have we seen Albi drunk? When have we even seen him drink? But suddenly, in the middle of the day, in a very public place, he gets plastered??
Also, women, in all your life have you ever kissed a man's collar? I know in this case it was a plant, but what's up with the cliché lipstick on the collar? Do evil women (the kind who become mistresses) have a fettish for collars?
Finally, the names. I don't know when I've ever seen so many similar names in one novela:
Karla & Clara
Luisa & Lucia
Alicia & Amalia
Maybe it's the clone effect - it's contagious.
1. Albi is terrified that people will see Daniel and realize he's the clone.
2. Cristina swears to Vicki that she won't let Leo make a big mistake with another woman.
3. Lucas promises Jade that as soon as this obstacle is out of the way, they will be together forever.
4. Zoraida counsels Jade that it's dangerous to talk to Lucas.
5. Zoraida reads the coffee grounds and they are confusing.
Does any of this sound familiar?
They must be saving money by not hiring writers. They just dust off a script from 20 cap's ago, and reuse it! Gee, they could save even more money by just replaying the clips when the exact same things happened before. Like in FELS, when we used to get cap's that were mostly flashbacks.
I loved Cristina's comeback to Rosa, especially after you helped me understand it! :-) Muchas gracias for your help with all the Spanish.
NovelaMaven, I love your "Full Frontal Clone"! And Paula, you're so right about the increasingly tedious repetition of scenes/plot elements. Perhaps they had a writers' strike in Mexico?
I can sort of understand why Jade doesn't want Marisa and Said to be an item. She's not jealous of Said, but she rightly intuits that Marisa the bruja means to insult her by having a relationship with her husband. I see it as more of a pride issue. She doesn't care if Said has 10 wives, but she doesn't want to be "pisoteado" or trod upon by the hateful Marisa, especially after that bitch fest in Latifa's house when Jade was in Miami.
Time will tell if your predictions about Amalia and Alicia are true. I didn't pick up on that at all. I just saw Amalia as another in Leo's string of mujers he's trying to fall in love with to forget Cris.
I can't tell what Alicia hopes to gain by the lipstick move. Does she really want Escobar? If so, why? Were I her, I'd go for the other guy (Julio?). He's way more attractive and single to boot.
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