Friday, May 28, 2010
El Clon 73, Friday, May 28 - Jade is a bird in a golden cage; Said expands his business and the Naz gets ready to pump iron
[The writers seem to vacillate between suggesting that Daniel doesn't feel that he belongs in Dora's family because he not related genetically to them or because he is a clone. If the former, why did he feel at home with Albieri? Are they are suggesting that an adopted child would not feel part of his/her adopted family? Or, are they suggesting that Daniel does not feel at home in Dora's family because it was different from the way Lucas was brought up - with Albieri in his life and with lots of expensive toys. In other words, are they suggesting that Lucas' life experience somehow got into his genes? I think this is where we are going and a later scene provides more evidence that this is the case.]
Here we see that Albieri has an Apple iMac with the logo covered up.
After she leaves, Estela wonders if a doctor should examine Daniel.

Alicia calls Luisa to tell her that she isn't needed at the clinic.
Dora is overprotective with Daniel but he assures her that he will be fine.
In a post coital chat, Marisa tells Said that Lucas is planning to divorce her. Said says that he might not want to do that after the news Said has for him.
Ali warns Jade that she will reap what she has sown with Said.
Lucas tells Rosa that he will pay any price to be with Jade. He also tells her that at first Nati's relationship with Alej caused him concern but if Nati loves Alej, he wants her have the experience. He doesn't want to do to his daughter what Leo did to him. Rosa agrees and in a surprising turnaround, Rosa, who only the other day said that Jade was the cause of all the misfortune that had befallen the family, now tells Lucas that she should have helped him marry Jade. She doesn't think he would have been happy with her,
pero por lo menos no estarías diciendo que tu vida habria sido diferente al lado de ella.
but at least you wouldn't be saying that your life would have been different at her side.
Si pudiera regresarme 20 años... sería diferente, sería otro Lucas.
If I could go back 20 years, says Lucas, I would be different, I would be another Lucas.
So we are setting us up for the appearance of the 20 year old clone of Lucas who will be able to be a different Lucas.
The Naz is in pursuit of Pablo and she finds out where he gives aerobics classes. Zamira tells her that they need special clothing to go to exercise class. Reluctantly, Latifa lets them go shopping but insists that they can't go to the gym without Mohamed's permission.
Estela suggests to Dora that Daniel go to a doctor, presumably for a DNA test, to see why he is different from them.
Cristina is drowning her sorrows about Leo in ice cream.
Amalia fishes for info on Cristina from Clara but as a new hire she doesn't know anything.
Said shows up at the office without any advance notice. He tells Leo et al that he is now their associate. It transpires that he has bought up all the available stock of Leo's company. Leo is still the majority stockholder but that wouldn't be the case if Lucas sell the shares that he owns. Enrique tells Carolina about his concern that Lucas would sell his stock to get Jade back.
Leo has no confidence in Lucas' judgment when it comes to Jade. He tells Roberto to set up a meeting with his lawyers to see if there is a way to get the stock back from Lucas.
Nati tells Andrea that her house is like a caja de gatos (box of cats) with everyone fighting. Andrea one ups her by describing how Lucia made Roberto record videos of all the staff at the office explaining that the woman she heard at the office had nothing to do with Roberto.
Lucia is not sure she can believe the videos.
Jade, Rania and Jadiya leave for the States.
Karla with a K comes to shake Osvaldo down and meets Daniel.
Latifa is shocked at Zamira's exercise outfit and horrified by what the Naz chose. This made me laugh out loud. Way to go, Naz!

Jade, Rania and Jadiya arrive in Miami and go to Said's new house. Jade is pretty pleased with herself until she finds out that the phones in the house can't make outgoing calls and that the security detail won't let her leave the house. There's trouble brewing on the 2nd wife front, too. Rania thinks that Jade's room is nicer than hers and that Jade has more gold than she does.
Said goes to see Latifa. Latifa asks why he didn't bring Jade. Said, who has this sort of self-satisfied demeanor that indicates he has gone to the dark side, replies that Jade has things to do in the house and Latifa will see her later. Latifa hasn't listened to Zoraida's advice. She pitches a fit when told that Amina is arriving next week and says that the Naz is trying to push Amina on Mohamed as a second wife and she won't accept that. Said takes this as a criticism of Nazira and the brothers close ranks, as usual, to defend the Naz. Latifa leaves in a huff and Said says that more and more Latifa resembles Ali's bitchy wife, Duina.
Daniel is strangely attracted to Estela's jade ring so it's pretty clear that the writers want us to believe that Lucas' feelings for Jade are in his genes and that the clone got them, too.

Jade clutches her pendant and remembers Zoriada's 'two rivers meeting' prophecy. She says that her destiny is written and no one can change what Allah has decreed.
Clara leaves work early to try and catch Escobar and Alicia red handed.
Alicia provides further demonstration about why Luisa is no longer needed at the clinic. Luisa suggests that Albieri get Alicia a different job but he replies that she has become indispensable to the clinic.
For about the millionth time, Ali tell Zoraida how worried he is about what will happen with Jade. If Jade misbehaves, Rania will report it to her family and Ali won't be able to protect her and Nariza will be able to get Mohamed to take a 2nd wife. Zoraida asks if Ali would take Jade back if Said divorces her. Ali says that he won't, la tiro al viento, he will throw her to the wind.
Rania asks Jade why she only had one daughter. Jade replies that is all that Allah gave her. Rania expresses her wish to have lots of sons for Said. Jade asks Rania if she would like to be Said's first wife. She won't go into details yet. Said comes home. Jade demands to know why she is locked up like a prisoner. Said asks if she is sad that she hasn't been able to find out anything about Lucas. Then he tells her that Marisa is coming to dinner and Jade can ask her anything she wants about Lucas. Jade is impactada.
The credits roll.
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Said has become the Prince of Darkness. How in the world has he amassed this very large fortune? I have a funny feeling that it is something illegal. You cannot make his kind of money in such a short period of time without incredible luck or something shady. As they say, follow the money.
I am still having a hard time figuring out Alicia'a game plan. There has to be a back story. Maybe she was adopted and is trying to seek revenge on her biological parents through the clinic. She obviously dislikes Tia.
So glad you included The Naz's picture. If she changed the headscarf for a helmet, she'd be ready for the Packers line-up:)
Rosemary, you are so right. Said is the Prince of Darkness. And what he's doing now -- bigamy, false imprisonment -- are so patently illegal in the US that even I, who have been blessed with a self-adjusting tinfoil beanie, have had to send it out for repairs with this twist of the plot. (Although it would be delicious to see Said in jail).
As for Alicia, I don't think she is any real relation to Luisa. She is a 'farsante' (impostor) and I think she's trying to insinuate herself ever more into everyone's confidence so she can gather info to use against them. What we don't know is why she targeted these people in the first place (although as I said before, I suspect she's in cahoots with Amelia and maybe she's even Leo's and Amelia's devil daughter).
Jean, although the science here is always ridiculous, I do think it's plausible that Albieri could have had an enormous influence on Daniel in the time they spent together. Poor Dora, after all, was out scratching out a living while Albieri, as the boss, was free to spend as much time as he wanted with Daniel. Of course, that wouldn't account for Daniel's strange fascination for ... jade!!!
So now Rania is starting to show her true nature. Oy, another venomous snake in our Jade's garden!
Let's look at the multiple wives thing. Both Jade and Rania were married in religious ceremonies abroad - probably not recognized as legal marriages in the US. While Said couldn't claim any legal status, for immigration purposes, for example, for both wives, there is no law that says a man can't live with multiple women. See this NPR story
about Muslims with multiple wives living in the US.
Here is part of an article from Wikipedia about polygamy in the Muslim world.
"In the modern Islamic world, polygamy is mainly found in traditionalist Arab cultures,[citation needed] Saudi Arabia, West and East Africa (In Sudan it is encouraged from the president as female population is high).[64] Among the 22 member states of the Arab League, Tunisia alone explicitly prohibits polygamy; however, it is generally frowned-upon in many of the more secularized or Westernized Arab states, such as Egypt, Morocco, and Lebanon. Few other countries including Libya and Pakistan require the written permission of the first wife if her husband wishes to marry a second, third, or fourth wife."
Rosemary, I too am puzzled by Alicia's game plan. The explanations you and NovelaMaven have offered seem to me a bit of a stretch, but then again, this is a telenovela, so I guess anything is possible as long as it's not too likely. :-)
It was an interesting discussion on the influences on the clone. I think that the reason he warms to abuela but not mama is that Lucas did not have a mama in his life. He only had Mama Rosa.
Of course the writers want to emphasize supposed extreme differences in the cultures. Telenovela reality.
Also, Jean, thank you for all the info on polygamy. Very enlightening.
An interesting thought, Rosemary, on how Said amassed his fortune. It could be illegal stuff but the details of business are handled very casually on novelas. As Paula pointed out yesterday, people never actually work when they are at work and big corporations are run very casually.
Actually, if Said could buy Ferrer stock, that means that the company is traded publicly so all Leo's crap about Lucas taking over from him when he dies was meaningless. There must be a board of directors.
Anyway, I think to save our beanies we should regard the whole clone business as just a variation on the psychic connections so often found in novelas. Scientifically, a clone is no more than an artificially created identical twin. A clone couldn't possibly have the memories of the person he was cloned from. Speaking of twins, if Daniel has Lucas' memories, why doesn't he feel the lack of his twin?
Said goes from bad to worse. I wasn't surprised by the non-working phones and beefy guards. What I'm not sure about is his feelings (if any) for Marisa. And I wonder if he only wants to keep Jade around and incommunicado for revenge or if he still cares for her. Yes, it looks like Jade's plan to be close to Rania isn't going to work. But it is odd, if he wants to hurt Jade so much, that he gave her the fancier room.
I'm starting to wish a lightning bolt would hit Leo. Does he blame devious Said for the issue of the shares? Oh, no, he immediately goes for his favorite whipping boy, his only child. And, of course, Said is not going to let Jade go in exchange for any shares of stock. He'd burn all his money in the Medina rather than let her go.
I'm not so worried about the ludicrous idea that the clone has Lucas' memories. They constantly bring up these psychic connections in TNs. Many times, when a hero or heroine gets stabbed or some such, the person who loves them falls to the ground clutching the appropriate body part.
I suppose the visit of Marisa is going to be when Said orders her to dance for the evil redhead. I'm starting to get a bit fed up with the constant torturing of Jade.
I'm here to say loud and clear that I want Lucas (not the clone) and Jade to end up happily together or this whole novela isn't worth it for me. I'm sorry, call me hopeless romantic, but that's the way I want TNs to end up.
I don't know if Lucas has the shares he can sell. Leo seems to be going to see his lawyers if he can take back Lucas' shares - if I understood it correctly. At least Lucas can probably back a living independently of Leo. Daniel does not seem to be able to support anyone - unless he and Jade move in with Dora, Osvalda and abuela.
Lynne, you may have misunderstood my post. I don't care about Daniel's possible ability to support Jade. I want Lucas to end up with her. Despite his father's constant badmouthing, he's worked all these years in the higher echelons of Empresa Ferrer, and I'm sure he could get a job somewhere, or perhaps realize his musician dream.
From the way they're showing the clone's character, I don't hold out much hope for a bright future for him.
Well these are my prejudices. I never watch soaps and rarely read fiction. I became slightly hooked on these telenovelas as I want to learn Spanish. I'm too tired in the evening to concentrate on grammar books or vocabulary.
I'm realizing that one's reactions to these telenovelas say more about one than the actual characters.
I'd like Jade to concentrate on getting a good education and some type of career. She is still quite young. Daniel should go to college. Lucas should have some practical plans before he starts romancing Jade.
Marisa needs to go to college as well. She and Said need to go to therapy sessions for anger management.
I'd make a lousy telenovela writer :).
Also, it was interesting how Leo kept hounding Lucas to renounce Jade so that the business deal with Said wouldn't be ruined. Just who was he supposed to make this announcement to? Said? Aw, come on....
Funny how Lucas could always just jump a plane at a moment's notice for a trip halfway around the world. However, I suppose that is why we have beanies. I figure if that beanie could handle FELS, it can get me through anything!!!
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