Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Corazon Salvaje 6/7 It was a Dark and Stormy Night (and I'm not guilty, it wasn't ME!!)

Ep. 77

Review: Aimee writes the letter to Juan de Dios and gives it to Celia, she is followed and knocked out by Arcadio. Arca acts like he just found her that way and runs to tell Leo and Aimee that something happened to her. Celia muttering about having to go to the church, and then talking about the carta being gone. Arcadio looking on with a mixture of disgust/knowing that here is an opportunity. Aimee trying to get it across to the stunned Celia that it’s her Aimee, don’t say anything else bitch, desperate not to be given away. Arcadio and Aimee stare darkly at each other.

We go to Feddy and Servando talking about finding the guy who tried to rob them, what do we do when we find him, Servi says matarlo, and return the money to Fully, we can’t afford the risk of him finding out what we did. Feddy tries to weasel out saying you don’t need me for that, you can do it yourself. Servando says Dude we are in this together and don’t you forget it.

Mariella, her folks and Raul are discussing how good Mari’s friendship with Jimena has been for her health. Mari says but fate seems to want to take away anything I care about. What do you mean, they ask? Gabe and Jimena are in love and are going to run away. They all agree that the mixing of the races is not well looked upon. Mari says precisely for this they are going away.

We go to the lovers themselves under the full moon walking around the town continually kissing and hanging on each other. Townspeople keep walking by making disparaging comments, scandalous, a gypsy and a blanco, no puede ser! Maybe it’s me but could be the public displays of affection are offensive in themselves. Gabe says our love is not a sin, Jimena says let’s go to the beach.

Leo wants to know what letter Celia is talking about. Aimee desperately jumps in saying she’s had a hard knock on the head and doesn’t know what she is talking about. I’ll take care of her. Madrina doesn’t want to let it go so easily and asks Celia where she was going at this time of night. Aimee jumps in again and says she needs to rest, let me take care of her. Leo looks puzzled, Arcadio looks intense. The girls walk away, and Leo says that that was a strange accident, Arca says too strange, and there are plenty of strange goings on in this house these days. Leo purses her lips.

As soon as Aimee gets the hapless Celia into her room she starts shoving her around and yelling at her, what happened to the letter? What the hell happened to you? She pushes Celia around some more, pushes her onto the bed, Celia is trying to explain, crying, talking too fast for me to follow. She tells Aimee it was Arcadio who hit her and took the letter. She falls at Aimee’s feet begging for forgiveness, Aimee kicks her, nasty heifer. Aimee starts chewing on her glove. What am I going to do now?! If Arcadio gives it to Renato, No!! No!! Aimee says she is going to go find him right now (Arcadio or Renato, I’m not sure). Celia tries again to explain and Aimee becomes even meaner and slaps her and pulls her hair - wait her for me and don’t tell anyone, don’t tell anyone!! As she goes out the door she calls Celia estupida and good for nothing.

The music tells us we’re back to Jimena and Gabriel at the beach, now they’re pushing sand around and throwing it at each other, it’s hard to tell exactly what they’re doing, it doesn’t look like a sand castle. Intervals of running, lying on the sand kissing, Gabe picking her up and whirling around, throwing water at each other, more kissing, young love. Finally we see they somehow built a heart out of sand and rocks with their initials in the middle, made of flowers? Weeds? Some yellow stuff, and they roll around on top of that but careful not to mess up the initials, we pan out to see them entwined inside the heart.

Ominous music and we are back at the Finca, Aimee is yelling for Arcadio. She finds Colibri instead and starts to shake him, que haces aqui mocoso (brat)? Spoiled brat that SHE is, she’s getting even more out of control. He gets across that he is Colibri, Juan’s little sidekick. She shakes him some more demanding that he tell her where Juan is. He says that’s what he sent me here for if you’d stop shaking me and listen. He tells her Juan is at the church expecting her and the fishermen are going to be ready with the Luzbel. Coli runs off and Aimee says no, ain’t happening, no, no, y no!

Thunder, big lightning strike and Leo is awake in her bed replaying the scene in her head when Orca tells her he killed MdR and Mirta and disfigured them to disguise their bodies. She pulls the covers up looking anguished and at the same time kind of disgusted like she always looks. Another thunder clap and more lightning. She sees her whole past with MdR, Woody and the wedding to Juan de Dios, Juan’s birth, then MdR being locked up by Arcadio, the black veil over her face, more thunder and lightning, and Leo sits up saying “ No No No No No, I‘m not guilty, I didn’t do it! It was all her, all MdR’s fault, she chose her destiny, her own death. Arcadio is right, I didn’t kill her, it was her fault!” Then something about the curse, more thunder and lightning. MdR is running, tripping and falling and running on the sand, thunder and lightning overhead.

We hear Aimee yelling for Regina, she bursts into Clem’s room and tells Clem to get the hell out and leave me alone with my sister. Regi says don’t treat her like that. Clem says, okay okay, I’m leaving already. Regi wants to know what is going on, “que tienes?, have you gone crazy?” Yes I am crazy or about to go crazy, I need your help! Something terrible‘s happened, I don’t know what to do! What is going on Aimee, you’re scaring me! She says she is lost, and she kneels down clutching Regi and begging her to forgive her and help her. If you don’t help me I’ll be taken by Juan!

Juan is on his horse riding to the church with another horse in tow, presumably for Aimee. He’s telling himself at last Aimee will come with him, at last she’ll be his. Back to Aimee and Regi - she is telling Regi she doesn’t want to commit this infamia for Renato’s sake, how terrible it will be. Renato is a good man, I don’t want to do this to him! Regi says haven’t I been telling you this all along, and now you get it? Renato is such a good man, I beg you for his sake, help me, it’s for him!. OMG. Aimee keeps begging and Regi looks torn and doesn’t give in, Aimee goes on about how dangerous this is, Renato and Juan could fight, Juan could kill Renato. Regi says now you finally think about this? All along you only thought about yourself and Juan. You said so many times you didn’t love Renato. But that’s not true, I do love him with all my soul, she says with gritted teeth looking up at Clem’s virgincita doll. Regi’s not having it, don’t lie more Aimee! Yes yes I do love him. But why now? It’s late, it’s too late.

Thunder and lightning, crashing waves, then boring scene with Santos and girlfriend him telling her he has to go away with Juan, but he will marry her when he comes back. She will wait for him until the end of her life if necessary.

Thunder and lighting, rain pouring on the Finca. Aimee is now telling Regi even though you don’t believe me, I regret what I did, I am sorry, I am desperate, I love Renato but Juan won’t leave me alone! Cut it out Aimee, it’s you who wouldn’t leave him alone, he told me himself. Aimee plays her last card - okay, you’re right, I won’t deny it. But I do repent and now I’m going to tell Renato the whole truth. She starts to leave, Regi says you’re crazy. Yes I am, but I’d rather die than have Renato fight Juan, I’d rather he kill me. I’m going to tell him the truth. Regi says wait, you can’t do that. Aimee plays it up, desperately melodramatic, I have no alternative! Regi finally relents, she says just calm down and tell me what you want me to do.

Thunder and lighting, Jimena and Gabriel in the rain close to the gypsy camp. Jimena wants him to leave her there and not get any closer to the camp. Gabe is foolishly not worried, but says he will defend her with his life if he has to. Enter Branco and Branco’s knife. Fight ensues with Jimena and Salma both shouting at them to stop, ya basta!!

Thunder and lightning strike above the Finca. Aimee tells Regina that Juan is waiting at the church and expecting her at midnight. If she doesn’t show up Juan will come to the Finca looking for her and all will be lost with Renato. Dios mio Dios mio, what did you do, Aimee?!! Aimee tells her to run to the church, I think to persuade Juan to leave. The music gets more and more dramatic, Aimee is crying, begging, run Regina run!! Regi hesitates for a moment, looking anguished and ready to chew on her own white gloves, then heads out the door. Aimee kneels to the virgin looking like she is praying for real.

Back to Branco and Gabriel, Branco has the upper hand, now Gabe has the upper hand, Salma and Jimena continue to yell - Cuidado, ya basta!! The other gypsies have gathered around now, and Servando is holding his own knife ready to intervene.

Thunder and lightning strike again above the Finca. Arcadio is talking to himself about the loca having escaped. How could he let that happen? He’s going to get his vengeance for all they’ve done to him, but before that he has to take care of business with Renato. The new bad Renato is smoking another cigar. Arca says I need to talk to you, Renato says okay. Arca says it’s time you knew the truth, people have been making a fool of you. What are you talking about? This letter will reveal everything. Lightning strikes!! Intense looks between Arca and Ren as he hands him the letter addressed to Juan de Dios. Ren looks up, Arca says don‘t you recognize the writing? Ren grabs Arca, who wrote this letter?!! Senora Aimee gave it to that idiot Celia to give to Juan, she is going with Juan, he is robbing her from you, they are leaving together!! Huge lightning strike overhead, and Ren is in slow motion, muy impactado. Ren backs up, Arca says I am just telling you the truth. Ren grabs him, trying to choke him, mientos mientos!! Thunder and lightining. Arca says kill me! Kill me!! But it’s time you knew the truth. Ren lets him go, throws around some furniture and storms out. Arcadio very nicely shuts a cupboard door that came open during the fracas. He has a look like, boy do I need a new job, and takes a swig of Renato’s brandy.

Knife fight interlude, Gabe gets the upper hand. Then Colibri is with Juan, who is asking him if he gave the letter to Aimee (what letter?). Coli says she was kind of nervous and afraid but I told her. Juan tells him to go tell the Pescadores to take the Luzbel back or steal another ship and that they will go to Pinon del Diablo. Colibri says, steal? No,no we’ll just borrow it. Coli accepts this bit of rationalization, and they both turn and look up at the cross on the wall and cutely cross themselves in unison. After Coli runs off, lightning strikes above and Juan tells himself he needs to say goodbye to Clem, she has been like a mother to him.

Gabe has Branco with the knife to his throat. Branco says kill me, kill me! Gabe says I’m not a murderer, I love Jimena and she is coming with me. He lets Branco go, which shames him more than if he had killed him. You will have to kill me to get Jimena, at which she shouts I don’t love you Branco, I don’t love you! Branco says you are going to pay for this, as he staggers away. Gabe and Jimena hug and kiss in the rain, Gabe is bleeding from his arm.

Lightning and thunder above the Finca. Aimee is pacing in her room, Ren is yelling as he bursts in, slaps Aimee and grabs her by the throat calling her a hypocrite, saying you didn’t think I would kill you? Holding the letter in her face. Don’t you recognize this letter? He roughs her up some more pushes her around the room, shoves the letter in her face, saying you wrote this!!! Aimee sure must have distinctive writing. This is to another man, Aimee chews on her glove a little and says I’m not guilty, it’s her, it’s her! She’s guilty, not me!!! What are you saying? It’s Regina, I’m not guilty, it’s her, I beg you! She falls to her knees and grabs his leg as Ren looks slightly perplexed in his rage. Aimee clings to his leg, I beg you, I beg you, please!!!

Regi approaches Juan at the church wearing a ridiculous cape. Juan says I have nothing to say to you, Aimee promised and she is going to keep her word. Regi says she sent me to tell you to leave here, she doesn’t want to go with you, leave para siempre! Juan doesn’t buy this and is agitated and short with Regi.

Ren grabs Aimee from his leg and roughs her up some more, “No me mientes!!! No mientes!!!” Aimee says I’m not lying, it’s her, it’s her, I swear on my mother’s memory! She continues begging and crying, it’s Regina, it’s her! Ren stops, “it’s Regina?’ It’s Regina, my poor sister, she is crazy! Ren doesn’t quite believe her, grabs her by the throat, and says “really?” I assure you I assure you, you have to rescue my sister from the clutches of that hombre!

Meanwhile Juan asks Regina if Aimee is joking with him? Regi says no, believe me, she wants to have her life with her husband, not with you. That exchange started out civil, but then Juan gets mad again, well then she’d better come tell me to my face, I’m not going to believe anything! If she doesn’t keep her word I’m going to the Finca to get her!

Aimee is still trying to convince Renato, telling him Regi is like a slave to Juan, she has lost all reason, he has control of her. I assure you mi amor! I can’t deny it, I wrote the letter for her, that’s why I wrote it! (Good one Aimee). Aimee starts Right now! and then Ren grabs her by the hair and starts shaking her again, right now what!! He’s at the church right now! I am begging you to tell him to leave her in peace, that’s all I’m asking! Have pity on me, have pity on my poor sister! Ren says, then we are going to go find them right now! He grabs Aimee roughly again by the hair, knocks over a table and drags her out the door.

Lightning strikes again above the Finca. Clem comes out to see what’s going on and starts to yell at Renato. He yells back, shut up I don’t have time!! And continues to drag Aimee out the door. Clem runs to get Noel who is coming out anyway to see what’s going on. She begs him to follow Renato and stop him. Clouds clearing with a full moon behind. Regina is telling Juan again that Aimee told her to come talk to him. He doesn’t believe it, Aimee gave him her word. He is calm now, though, and says excuse me Santa Regina, but there is nothing for you do to here. Then we see Regina backing up, looking frightened as here comes Renato pulling Aimee along. Renato wants to know the truth, and Juan is ready to tell him, he has wanted to clear this matter up for a long time. Regina wants to stop him, Renato says Aimee has already told him - Aimee, Juan and Regi look perplexed and muy impactados all around!



Thanks for the great recap Ivy. Sorry to be so late in posting everyone. Having internet troubles again. Ack. And my DVR must have caught something from Kat because it didn't record STuD on Friday. Now I'm behind.

Connie: Thank you for posting this.

Ivy: This was stellar from start to finish. You captured the high drama prevelant throughout last night's episode perfectly: "Aimee trying to get it across to the stunned Celia that it’s her Aimee, don’t say anything else bitch, desperate not to be given away".

Initially, I was shocked that Aracadio gave the letter to Renato. I'm still not sure why he did - was it to hurt Renato? He's never liked him and has always been highly resentful. I also thought he might blackmail Aimee but the truth is, he isn't interested in money (necessarily) and he isn't interested in her sexually so there would be no point.

I have to give Aimee grudging admiration for her ability to formulate her clever little lies under tremendous duress. She also played Reggie brillantly, her trump card knowing Reggie would do anything to keep Renato from being hurt. A sad waste of a rather brillant mind.

The true test of Aimee's glibness comes tonight. Unless of course, Regiie tries to say it was HER. So the question will probably be: Will Juan reveal the truth or will he decide Aimee's not worth it?

Can't wait.


Thank you for the awwwwsome recap, Ivy! :-) And thanks to Connie for posting it. I hope everyone's DVR'll be mended soon!

This episode was an Aimee show, and I loved it. She was in the deepest sh*t but so far managed to talk herself out of it again. And managed to manipulate Regina. Again. Sometimes (okay, most of the time) it looks like she doesn't have any brain cells, but when she's in trouble, her narrow but manipulative mind shines. You're brilliant, girl.

I like the new scary, badass Renataurus, though the personality change was too spectacular. (And dear Renatonto, gentlemen don't hit their wifes. Even if they're filthy, lying, spoiled whores.)

don’t say anything else bitch

Finally we see they somehow built a heart out of sand and rocks with their initials in the middle, made of flowers? Weeds?

Young love, cute love, sickeningly sweet love. Jime and Gabe are so cheesy when they're together that maybe they should participate in High School Musical 4. That giant heart... yikes.

If you don’t help me I’ll be taken by Juan!

No, first you'll be beaten to death by Renato, and THEN Juan can take your body and kill you again for betraying him the third time.

The next 6-8 weeks will be great. Crazy, but very entertaining.

Regi approaches Juan at the church wearing a ridiculous cape.

I liked the cape, it covers her ridiculous fake locks, and she looks like an elf-wannabe from Lord of the Rings. :-)

1 a few more photos of Branko chasing Jime + Jime and Gabe on the beach

2 Juan and Gabriel on the ship that was used in the entrada and the promotions (the original Luzbel)

Thank you Ivy for the wonderful recap.

It looks like a very heavy anvil just went splat on Aimee last night.

What did Aimee do to make Orca mad enough to turn her in to her husband like that? Or was it Auntie Leona that he wanted to torture in his evil, twisted way?

I didn't completely understand where Miss Mad-cap Maria was going in the thunderstorm.

Jody :)

I woke up early just so I could watch this! Fantastic episode! I think Arcadio wanted to get back at Renato for taking the Administrator job from him and not letting him beat the help. He is such a good actor. I loved the way he swilled the brandy that Renato left. Also how he raises his eyebrow when he ponders something.

Aimee sure can play everybody. She knows just where to apply pressure to get to each person's nerve. I can usually figure where the plot is going but I have to admit, at this juncture, I'm stymied. What will happen to Aimee and Regina now? At some point in the previews, Aimee goes missing and we only see Regina.

What will happen to Maria del Rosario? Will the boys find her and take her on the Luzbel?

The recap was very insightful and again thanks to you and everyone who does this day after day to my delight!

Ivy, thank you for a terrific recap of an action filled episode. The episode flew by in no time. I can't blame you for the title, you really had no choice. It truly was "a dark and stormy night" at the Finca, in more ways than one. I like how you began the paragraphs with: thunder and big lightning strike.. thunder and lightning, crashing waves...thunder and lightning and rain pouring...

How will this thing end at the church without Juan and Ren not killing each other or without Ren killing Aimee? Juan is going to have to tell some big mentiras to satisfy Ren and Juan doesn't seem disposed to do so.

I, too, don't know what the motivation was for Orca giving the letter to Ren. Maybe he is sick and tired of covering Leo's a** all these years with little reward and now that MdR is free, he thinks it may all hit the fan anyway. Might as well torture Ren. And Leo, as well, by seeing her son in pain. Let them all receive their due. And he does have some nice jewels for his retirement.

Uni cut the promos again since there weren't any last night. Think I'll check YouTube to see them.

I have forgotten how many episodes there are in total and how many are left? Six to eight weeks, then, so it's maybe 30 to 40? Thanks for the episode number, 77, Ivy.

I enjoy the photos, Aribeth, thanks so much.

Won't miss tonight's episode for certain, no matter how sleepy I become.


GinCA: we have 58 episodes left. I said six-eight weeks because my favourite part of the telenovela started yesterday and will end around 121-125. :-) (80-100 and 110-120 are the best, imho.)

Thanks for the number of episodes left, Aribeth. So Juan and Reggie must fall in love, Jimena must find out she is Mariela's child, Branco must leave, Leo, Rod and Orca must meet their ends, as well as Fed, Fully and maybe his wife and Servando, all the little love connections must be tied up but I have no idea of what will become of MdR, Ren and Aimee. Will there be eventual redemption for Aimee, Ren and Rosenda, too?


Aribeth - High School Musical for Gabe and Jimena, LOL!!! Really, they are soooo Disney-like.

Regi a wanna-be elf from Lord of the Rings, I love it!!

I'm glad I got the action across, there was so much of it I was thinking, geez how many exclamation points can I put in one recap!

I thought it was hilarious the way Arcadio closed that cabinet and the look on his face, you've got to hand it to the actor for putting some humor in that role!

Love your refrain "Thunder, lightning, thunder, lighting"....makes me want to jump right into a thumping version of "Knock, knock knock on wood".

Sounds like this is getting Very Dramatic. Glad you stepped in to help recap, Ivy. We've sure got a lot of telenovelas going on right now. Thanks.

Thanks for that great recap Ivy! Wow! Aimee is a bitch on steroids! Could she get any nastier - wait - I guess she is just a few clicks shy of going full Leonarda - Aimee hasn't killed anybody...yet. I'm hoping that Juan will bust Aimee, but I don't think he will. Since this is a TN she will get what's coming to her, but I think it's still too early yet.

I'm sorry all, but I am really b-o-r-e-d with the Gabe/Jimena thing. Talk about hitting us over the heads with "True Love". That heart was just cheesy. Does Jimena write "Mrs. Gabe Estupido" on her notebooks too? I agree with Ivy, I do think the townspeople were more put off with the sloppy kissing in public than with who was doing the kissing.

So Leo is worried about a curse falling upon the family... Hey Leo, didn't you hear all that screaming and furniture throwing coming from your son's room?? I'd say the curse is already here. I'd love to see Leo done in by some superstition. Like say, having a heavy mirror fall on her head or stepping into the street to avoid a crack in the sidewalk and getting run down by a carriage. Or maybe the help will just poison her food.

I take it Rod was in the bathroom while all this stuff was happening...

Loved the recap Connie. Regina did sort of have a Galadriel look going on their with the cape. Aimee is a fast thinker once again implicating her sister. Renato would have killed her for sure. I was surprised that Orca gave him the letter. Maybe he wanted to get back at Renato by letting him find out his wifey has been stepping out on him. I'm interested in seeing what will happen at the church tonight. Good times.

I actually wrote the recap, Pirate Babe, Connie kindly posted it for me as I don't yet know how to do that.


P.S. glad you liked it, thanks!

I loved the way Regina made Aimee beg for her help. I say stop pulling her bacon out of the fire and let her get a little burned for a change.

Aimee certainly is a nasty piece of work. Slapping the maid who probably has a concussion and ordering Clem out of her own room.

And since when does Leo care what happens to anyone besides herself? I was surprised by her caring what happened to the maid.

I know, Aimee was on a roll, she shook little Colibri, too, and wasn't very nice to him, so unlike how Regi is with him.

That's right. She did. Shame on her. Renato has turned into a real jerk. He's like a bull in a china shop knocking stuff over and breaking furniture.

Ivy, thank you so much for the recap - it was wonderful.

I was LOL when Renato was dragging Aimee by her hair, it was a long time coming.

Of course, Leo would be worried about the maid. I am sure that it has gotten around that Leo is not pleasant. God forbid if she had to do anything herself.


Of course, what was I thinking?

Ivy what a great and funny recap thanks so much.

Are you guys aware of what's going on with Osvaldo Rios i know i got his name wrong the actor who played Juan's dad is causing some type of controversy for the Puerto Rico day parade in NY they just said they'll talk about it later on afternoon news show.

Thanks for that wonderful recap, Ivy. You really described the boom-boom pace of the action as well as the boom of the thunder. LOL at "Regi hesitates for a moment, looking anguished and ready to chew on her own white gloves,"
Aimee, Aimee, you are such a skilled conniver and liar. I'm surprised they can keep any servants at the finca, between Aimee and Leo.
Xlntperuvian, laughed at Jimena writing Mrs. Gabe Estupido in her notebook. Sugar overdose there.
I'm anxious to see how Juan and Renato cut this knot that Aimee tied. Regi's caught in the middle.
La Paloma

I just thought of something. Aimee told Renato that she wrote the note for Regina. The note to Juan says "I'm not coming, I'm ill" or something to that effect. How is Aimee supposed to cover for that, when obviously Regina is NOT ill and IS there with Juan at the church?

I think Aimee as she was writing the note said to herself "what would Regina call him" then she wrote Juan de Dios instead of del diablo so maybe it was her plan all along if she got caught to blame Regina.

Lots of action in this episode! I'd like to see Maria del Rosario show up on this dark/stormy night and scare the wits out of Leonarda...un maldicion...

"How is Aimee supposed to cover for that, when obviously Regina is NOT ill and IS there with Juan at the church?"

I guess she would say: "I wrote the letter in the name of Regina and wanted to keep her from going to the church. Therefore Juan would've thought that she was really sick and stayed at home. But the little ho sneaked out of the house and now she's doing the deed with that awful salvaje in the church's garden!"

Thanks for the recap Ivy. Your title and summary were great. You captured the excitement of the episode.

Oops. My apologies. Excellent recap Ivy.

Ivy: this was great! All the action and then some! What a nasty piece of work our dear Aimee is, eh? There's a definite problem in communicatin' here tonight and it will be terrific seeing who gets what confused and how they lie themselves out of it.

Thanks, Ivy. I wonder if Carlos was drinking a Dark and Stormy doing this dark and stormy episode. I've never had one, but I'm intrigued. Wow~~I did not expect Arcadio to give the note to Ren. The guy definitely a loose cannon who likes to stir the pot. So...everyone is meeting at the church , and things are about to get darker and stormier . Aimee is finally getting some payback in the form of Renato's rage. Now what ? Aimee, karma is coming for you . In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make...and I am not talking about the crazy monkey cave love type of love, Babe.

Wow, Ivy. What a good job. Perfect title and perfectly paced. Like an epic poem, each scene begun an punctuated with lightening and thunder. You captured the frenetic pace of this episode, yet you gave it that appropriate seasoning of humor, winking at us even as you related the grim facts. Excellent!

Susanlynn, a Dark and Stormy would have been perfect... in fact, I just may go make one right now.

I also agree... the townsfolk were probably more disgusted with the adolescent groping than by any racial considerations. Pretty entertaining knife fight, though.

I may try to stay up late tonight to see how this little gathering on the church steps turns out.

Oh, Rosemary, tomatoes and cukes are doing great. Peppers... not so much, so far. I'm not even attempting corn this summer. The Farmers' Market has had some beautiful and delicious sweet corn already. I'm trying for some sunflowers this year.


Holy crap, I am at a LOSS FOR SNARK! This was a hell of an episode, and you did a fantastic job covering it, Ivy! It isn't just you on the Gabe/Jimena PDA, by the way - that would have been horrifically scandalous behaviour no matter who was doing it. (I actually really enjoy watching them together, myself - not so much on the constant snogging, but just the way they're so happy in each other's company now that they've got it together. It's such a nice change from the deceit and stupidity surrounding the other couples.)

Aimee is unbelieveable, but I have to give it to her - she has one of the most devious minds I've seen and knows how to use it! Methinks if Juan ever finds out how she took to shaking Colibri like a colicky baby, it won't go well...er...it'll go even less well for her.

Can't wait for tonight's! -bites fan-

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