Friday, June 04, 2010

Dinero #126, 6/4/10: Where Are The Smelling Salts When You Need Them?

*Give Vicky a whiff and a good healthy dose of reality while you’re at it. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Vicky passes out during dinner, which sends her dad and brothers into a frenzy. The brothers scoop her up and take her in the bedroom.

Susana and Ale have a girl’s night out at a small bar. Ale tells Susana how romantic it was in Cocoyoc with Rafa. Susana wants to know the down-and-dirty: “Did you spend the night together?” Ale’s giggles suffice as a definite yes. Susana is so happy for her mejor amgia but wonders if Marco is still going to be hanging around. Ale says Marco hasn’t tried to contact her but he probably still talks to Rosario and Jorge. Susana worries Marco might know Ale is with Rafa. Ale doesn’t think Marco knows but it would be horrible if he did; she promised Marco she would never get involved with Rafa and Marco has always been jealous of him.

Susana thinks it over and decides Marco must not know, considering the scandal he caused the last time he thought Ale and Rafa were together. Ale lays some of the blame for that on the Siglo employees; someone had to have told Marco the name of the restaurant where they were meeting the Refri executives.

Ramirez gets a phone call from an “amiga” named Raquel. Marino gives Ramirez the third degree when he overhears him set up a date. Turns out, Ramirez met her at the bar after Marino gave him a shiner. Marino drapes his arm around Ramirez, undoubtedly about to give him some sleazy advice, but Ramirez shrugs him off and run over to help a client.

Rafa lets Pepeto know he is heading out to Vicky’s house. Pepeto is impressed with Rafa’s ability to juggle two ladies at once. “You spend the night with your boss and now you spend the night with your girlfriend!” Rafa tells him to lower his voice, which offends Pepeto. “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on? Do you not trust me?” Rafa comes clean: he strikes his signature pose and admits he is Alejandra’s novio. Now he has to go convince Vicky they are over for good. Pepeto asks what VVV’s brothers think about it but Rafa is through with playing games. He is going to make it clear to all of them that his relationship with Vicky is done. Pepeto shakes Rafa’s hand and says it was nice knowing him. (LOL)

Ale decides her mission for the night is going to be telling her padre about the split with Marco and about her new relationship with Rafa. Susana is supports her 100%. “You can’t negotiate your happiness with your family.” Ale hopes she can convince them; Rafa is the best man for her, no matter what they might think of him now.

Speaking of discussions that aren’t going to go well, Rafa has arrived at VVV’s house. Biggest brother Felipe drags Rafa Vicky’s room to show him the damage he caused. A doctor takes Vicky’s blood pressure while she whimpers and moans. Rafa is concerned when Don Gaston tells him about VVV’s fainting spell. The doctor can’t find anything wrong and asks if Vicky might be pregnant. A chorus of “No!” breaks out with Rafa protesting the loudest.

The doctor says it’s probably just stress brought on by depression. Vicky whimpers her love for her pajarito and VVV’s family stares at Rafa. He tries to comfort Vicky but the hermanos toss Rafa out so as not to upset her even more. Once everyone has left the room, Vicky dries her tears and chows down on a bag of chips. She vows it isn’t going to be that easy for Rafa to get rid of her.

Chavez hands over a bunch of paperwork to Marco including the deed to Leonor’s house and Rafa’s debt deposit. They plan on meeting at seven the next morning to show off their handiwork to Ale. Chavez reminds Marco to fulfill his promises to Carmela or else they will both end up penniless and in jail. Marco is sure once he has finally squashed Rafa, he can end their business with Carmela.

Rafa joins Julieta and Leonor as they write up a plan for what to do with all the money Leonor won from the radio contest. Rafa asks Leonor if she is sure the contest was legitimate; she is positive but Rafa calls the bank to make sure. The bank confirms that the money is in Rafa’s account. Leonor wants Rafa to keep the winnings and use it to pay off his debt to Ale. Rafa refuses but Leonor and Julieta agree that he deserves it for his hard work. Rafa is firm that the money is Leonor’s alone and leaves to get ready for a date. This peaks Leonor’s curiosity since she knows Rafa broke up with Vicky.

Ale frets about what’s going to happen with the hacienda now that Marco’s gone. Susana tells Ale needs to be rid of him once and for all. “You and Rafa can’t have a successful relationship if your exes are breathing down your necks!” After Ale promises to have a talk with Marco, she squeals like a teenager when Rafa calls. He relays Vicky’s illness but assures Ale that the relationship is over. Rafa asks for the address of the bar so he can pick her up for a surprise date.

Rosaura and the General stop by a local bar to let off some steam. The naughty poet (I think his name is Tadeo) from Ramrio’s party just happens to be there and he wastes no time in reciting a few stanzas for her. Rosaura is also introduced to Mario (a painter), Rodolofo (another salesman), and Victor (a lawyer for ‘poor folks’). Rosaura is, as usual, out of her element around the blue-collar crowd.

Julieta is short with Jaime when he visits but he is desperate to talk to Rafa. Rafa tells everyone about Vicky’s fainting spell and Julieta thinks VVV must be pregnant. Jaime is horrified but Rafa says it would be impossible. Jaime starts hyperventilating.

The General explains Rosaura’s situation and the naughty poet freaks her out with some more choice verses. Everyone gets up to dance while Rosaura and the poet stay behind. They chat for a while and Rosaura ends up thrilled to have someone to talk to. He promises to be a devout listener as she starts telling her life story to the poor guy.

Don Gaston tries to get a dour Vicky to eat some soup. She moans for Rafa and Gaston’s heart breaks for his hija. Once he’s gone, Vicky breaks out the chips again.

Rosario calls Ale because Jorge refuses to go to bed until Ale gets home. Ale tells them not to wait up but Rosario won’t be waiting anyway: Quintana invited her to the movies. Ale is delighted for her Tia and tells her to have a good time. Rafa arrives for Ale and the two of them flirt and tease each other. Susana loves seeing them so happy and refuses to let Rafa pay for their drinks.

The General notices Rosaura boring the poet to death so they dance over to rescue him. The poet retreats to the bathroom so Rosaura sets her sights on the other guys.

Rafa brings Ale to a restaurant with a live Mariachi band. Their banter and playful flirting carries on as usual. A Mariachi guy notices Ale and starts to drool over her. Rafa mentions he brought his mother to the same restaurant for her birthday; he had wanted to treat her to something special because she misses his father. Rafa’s father left the family and they don’t know what happened to him. Rafa had to take on the responsibility after he disappeared. Ale loves him for being so honorable but her kiss is interrupted by the Mariachi hovering by their table.

Rafa invites Ale to his house the following night so she can meet his family. Ale would love it but she’s afraid to go because of how rudely she behaved in the past. Rafa promises they will welcome her. Their kiss is yet again intercepted by the Mariachi. Ale is also going to tell her family about Rafa the following day and she wants him to be there. Rafa says it’s a very different thing for him to be at her house than vice versa. Ale understands but is sure her family will accept him. (Seriously? Has she met them?)

Rafa loses his cool when the Mariachi interrupts their third try at a kiss. Ale reins Rafa in to avoid causing more of a scene. She doesn’t want him to be so jealous. They hug and Rafa exchanges ugly looks with the Mariachi over Ale’s shoulder. I predict a Mariachi sing-off on Monday.

Avances: Rafa and Ale dance at the restaurant and Chavez stakes out Ale’s house the next morning.


Floresdeazul, Wow! How quickly you got that recap up. I'm grateful since I made a programming error and the episode which I thought I had recorded wasn't there. Luckily I did find it on youtube -- but without CCs.

I loved your comment on Ale's prediction that her family would come around once they met Rafa. "Seriously Has she met them?"

Also loved your title and the first two lines. Yes VVV needs a dose of reality.

I'm afraid that Susana has summed up the next several weeks -- or months -- when she said that Ale and Rafa can't have a successful relationship with their exes breathing down their necks.

Thanks again.


Hi Flores. Or should we call you Speedy Gonzales? You are amazing.

For some reason I'm having trouble watching. Can't stand the hoodwinking of Leonor. She's so sweet and so trusting.

Gave up half way through the episode and just sat out on the back patio, watching the sky and sipping an iced tea (it's hot and muggy here). However delighted to hear there may be a Mariachi sing-off Monday. THAT I could enjoy.

"Seriously, has she met them?" That sums it up beautifully. Thanks for filling me in on what happened. And have a great weekend.

Thanks for a great recap, Flores.

I hope Vicky eats something besides those chips. Not too balanced a diet. I was glad Julieta brought up the possibility of Vicky being pregnant, and Rafa said "impossible". Now, even if Vicky IS pregnant (which most of us doubt), it's less likely Rafa could be fooled and think the baby is his. Of course, I seriously doubt he can be manipulated into sleeping with Vicky, not even through alcohol.

Judy, I wouldn't worry too much about Leonor, at least not long term. Of course, everything may come crashing down at first, but Leonor will tell the story of the contest, and although some people might think she's lying (such as Rosario, who seems easy to manipulate), Rafa, Jaime and Julieta will of course believe her, and I think once Jorge meets her, he will also realize she's no criminal. We just have to be patient.

Actually, Jorge has met Leonor and he was charmed by her -- and even by Rafa except that he wanted to warn Rafa to stay away from his daughter so that he wouldn't mess up her engagement.

I thought that I knew where this scheme was going but now I don't know. I thought that Marco would threaten Rafa that he could put his mother as well as him in jail unless he stayed away from Ale and that he would swear him to secrecy so that Ale wouldn't know why Rafa disappeared.

But now they are plotting to be at Ale's house at 7am to produce these legal papers. That doesn;t fit into my imagined scenario. Hmmmm.


Yeah, I don't get what Marco and Chavez are doing. If they show Ale they took Leonor's house it's obviously going to totally backfire.

I can hardly stand to watch VVV, she is so sneaky and manipulative, I don't like her. (Sorry Carlos)Of course that means the actress is doing a great job. It is strange how in these TN's (and I am still new to them), people think they can force someone to love them by these underhanded tactics.

The poet and Rosaura were funny, I thought he was going to keep control of the conversation if you can call it that by spouting poetry. But she is the one who took over with her boring story of her life. He was no match for her.


Great recap. Your descriptive skill is awesome. I think my favorite scenes were at Isabel's bar... talk about culture shock. I was impressed with how quickly Rosaura adapted. I thought it was funny when Rosaura was thinking of ordering imported vodka and Isabel told her that she would be drinking Tequila even if it kills her.

Since I've only watched for a short time I was a little shocked to see that Vicki is not only crazy... she's sneaky and conniving as well. I still adore her craziness, but I wonder if she hasn't polished crazy into a coping skill?

Sorry we didn't get to follow Ramirez on his date... maybe Mon.

I'm not too worried about Leonor, either. Does anyone really believe that those 2 doofi + 1 can successfully pull this off? Yo tampoco.


Flores, thank you for the excellent recap. I was watching it with one eye. I guess when Ale and Rafa are happy I don't think as obliged to root for them.

Is this just me, or Ale is boring when she is so sweet and happy?

Thanks for the recap Flore. "Give Vicky a wiff and a good healthy dose of reality while you're at it." Truer words "ever" needed. She does seem to have last her grip on reality. I do enjoy Don Gaston and his intereactions with his crazy children. The brothers Grimm though still anoying, are growing on me.(just a bit).


I think that Vicki is working overtime creating her own reality. Will she be successful?

Nah... but I'll be cheering her on.

I'd love for her to meet the General's poet. I'm betting that he could peer into that wacky soul of hers.


Flores, thanks for the great detailed recap. The captioning was horrendous last night so I missed several points which you helped clarify.

I also was glad that Rafa emphatically denied Vicky could be pregnant. And now that Jaime tried to do the right thing, I actually felt sorry for him with all his squirming and hyperventilating when he was at Rafa's house. Before I was amused but aggravated.

I think Ale in love is fun to watch (though I admit her excitement over Rafa's call at the bar seemed a little forced). I can still take more love stuff though I am stressing about the Marian Celeste deal, the Leonor house deal and VVV. Of the 3, surprisingly the Celeste business bothers me the most.

Flores, thanks for the super recap and speedy, too.

Since it seems Ale and Rafa are found kissing in her car in the a.m. by one of the two most crooked and incompetent lawyers in Mexico, I hope they are just coming back from their date and they didn't spend the whole time talking. But probably, Rafa is just picking her up for work after taking her car last night.

Seems like Rafa has a lot of things to contend with, especially VVV, as she is never deterred and will come up with some crazy things to trap poor Rafa. Hope Marian is as nice as she seems and won't reject Rafa's offer if he doesn't want to be her boy toy.


Sorry for checking in so late. It was a busy weekend. Flores, this was a superb recap. That Vicky is quite the coniver. But it's kind of fun to see how easily she manipulates her bros and papa. I also thought the stalker mariachi was funny. From the previews, it looks like things don't actually come to blows between him and Rafa. I also hope we get an Ale/Rafa song. :)

One more thing. I thought it was really sweet and romantic of Rafa to take Ale to a mariachi place to relive one their happiest moments. Another kind of guy would have chosen two others things- to try to impress her with something expensive and over the top; or to take her someplace (a hotel) where he could get into her pants again (I mean, that's usually what you want to do when you're in the early stages of a physical relationship). But Rafa is a different kind of guy. I am intrigued that it does look in the previews as if they don't return to Ale's house until the early hours of the morning (they were wearing the same clothes). Just where do they spend the whole night? Hmmmm...

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