Monday, June 21, 2010

Dinero 6/21/2010 Not Much Plot But Product Placement Out The Wazoo

Gee, was it Kat who was hoping we'd move the plot along a little tonight? Sorreeeey, baby. We were treading water this evening and then some. Quintana and Jorge did a little AARP chest thumping about the duel over Rosario. Bebe indulged in some heavy handed Ford Fusion Promoting (I'm thinking of another "p" word but it wouldn't be nice). Chavez and Marcos dither about the hacienda. Dominatrix Carmela threatens Marcos over the phone that he'd better show up and put out or the deal is off. Vicky Vicky Vicky cooks a little and faints a lot, impelling Papa Gaston to agree to the loan. Rafa and Ale make each other jealous--He with his gushing conversation with Marian; she with her equally gushing welcoming of Marcos. And that's pretty much the ballgame. If you're pressed for time, go directly to "comment" and log in. If not, settle in and I'll give you a few more details.

After some huffy words with Jorge (Which color shorts do you prefer? I don't give a damn. Can't we talk about this? We're only talking with our fists, you low lying Casanova, you.), Quintana sweeps out of the house, leaving Rosario wringing her hands. (This woman needs a career. Or at least a job.)

Next, we're at Auto Siglo and here comes a whole lot of blah blah blah about the luxurious Ford Fusion and its interactive system, complete with sexy voice to give you driving directions. But wait! there's more! You can put photos on the screen, you can send messages, if you're hungry, it will show you all the restaurants in the neighborhood, you can have a gazillion radio stations. Good Lord, it's heaven on earth! Rush right out and buy one. Go ahead. I'll wait.

While the actor playing Bebe lowers himself to deliver this spiel, Ramiro thinks about how great it would be to win the contest and such a car. But he'd have to sell it to pay off all his debts. Ay dios mio!

Onward and downward. Marcos and Chavez are at yet another restaurant and our flaccid Viagra-challenged lawyer is dialing Carmela's number. She's thrilled to hear his voice until he brings up the matter of the hacienda. No way is she going to lie to Alejandra. Of course she has every right to administer the hacienda. It's no longer under embargo. Well, there is a little negotiating room. No phone calls from Guadalajara. Marcos in person. Deeds, action, bed, money, in that order! Then maybe Carmela will go along with the deal. Marcos looks anxious, hustles off leaving Chavez with the bill and possibly some lubricious fantasies about what awaits his hapless partner.

Our random scene tonight is with the Queen and that little castrado Chato who waits on her hand and foot. With the wrong food. He's bringing her a fruit plate and she wants something with a little more heft and grease. And some salsa borracha while you're at it. And she gets it.

But will Quintana get it? He's meeting his sleazy friend at a bar to talk about his headway with Rosario. His buddy thinks it's crazy that two old dudes are going to get in a fistfight over the honor of this middle-aged damsel. How ridiculous. The random drunk guy staggers up, mumbles something and staggers away again. (Imagine having that as your assigned role in a telenovela.)

Well, we're ready for a little Rafita time. He's on the phone to Marian, sweet-talking her into giving him some good references for the bank loan. Every word he says is inflaming Ale. And not in a good way. He burbles that Marian is a guardian angel, he'll be grateful for the rest of his life for her help. Just give me a chance to show you how much I appreciate it. he adds. Un beso. Si un beso y muchas gracias. Meanwhile Ale, to borrow a phrase from Flores, looks like she swallowed a bug. A big one!

As soon as Rafa is off the phone, Ale lights into him as only she can do. She wants him to come up with the money right now. Where's his commitment? And what a sleaze he is, drinking and sleeping with Ms. Celeste to finagle those good references. (Outraged protest from Rafa) Well, even if you didn't sleep with her...who cares!? You're free to do what you will with your life. Just get me my money so I don't every have to see you again! But what a creep you are, agreeing to sell those old trucks for her. You're working for Auto Siglo, not Celeste, no!? (Again outraged protest from Rafa. He's going in right now to tell Beltran about the truck agreement.)
There's some more palaver about the final sum and her need to have Marcos come up with the exact amount (I'm not alone after all! I have Marcos' support). More seething from Rafa. In fact, that's pretty much it. Sniping and seething. Seething and sniping. Feudin' a-fussin' and a-fightin'. Just take 'em back to the beach already. We need some romance pronto.

Rafa storms out to see Beltran as he asks Susana to line up the guy who drives him out to see Marian. Ale phones Marcos to have him come over and stipulate the exact amount. He dithers a bit but when she threatens to call another lawyer, he quickly heels and promises to appear. In the meantime, he's worried that even hypnotized, he won't be able to function with Carmela.

And you know what? If we can't get Rubi back, and the Ale/Rafa romance is down the tubes, I'd at least like to see another good tussle with Ms. Carmela. How about you?

Mientras tanto, Rafa's mending fences with Beltran. At first his boss is outraged at the agreement, but when Rafa tells him Auto Siglo will get a commission on the truck sales, Beltran is happy again. Money money money! All is well.

Time to meet with the posse now. Poor Trapito gets left out but the other guys hunker down to hear about the humongous loan Rafa has to try and swing to pacify Ale. Meanwhile, Ale is meeting with her mother confessor Susana to rage about Rafa's conversation with Marian. She's his guardian angel, he's building her an altar, he's unconditionally grateful. Grinch grinch grinch. Susana's looking like she's tiring of this. But she has to admit that when Rafa didn't come back from Marian's the other night, it must have been "bastante productiva". And the conversation ends with both of them having that MEN!!!! look on their faces. (you know the one, gals).

Back in the barrio, Vicky, in her near-death mode, has managed to dial the phone to call her "pajarito", but neither Susana nor Rafa will answer his cell. Fortunately a legitimate (well maybe not) phone call with Marian competes. She wants to meet Rafa for dinner. Some good ol' rich Mexican food. How about it? And we can talk trucks. Rafa's on board. Ale's incensed again.

Our poor hapless Zetina (Santana this evening) shows up. He still can't talk to Rafa but he does bump into Marcos which enrages our white-collar creep. He loudly demands to see Ale and Susana tells him to calm down.

Another jealousy setup. Ale is oozing warmth and charm. Marcos is more than a lawyer for her, he's her guardian angel, her savior. She can't wait to get out of this place. Lord! it even smells bad. Marcos is confused but delighted. Starts talking marriage again. Rafa is confused and furious. Twisting in the wind and making faces. Ale keeps peeking around the partition to see if he's suffering. He is. So are we. Marcos names the sum (Four million four thousand pesos? I dunno. I told you about my business sense) Anyway, it's a honking big wad of money and Marcos wants to see the papers Rafa has put together to apply for the loan. Rafa says he'll ask the bank for five million pesos (or whatever) to fully cover it.

Well, back to the barrio. Don Gaston is so concerned about the emotional stability of Vicky (he should be) that he's come to Leonor's house to tell her he's ready to fork over the dinero. But Rafa needs to dedicate a little more time to his daughter, come by the house, see her more often. And if he's agreeing to the loan, it's because he trusts Leonor and her sense of responsibility. After he's gone, her smile wavers a little and she starts to look worried. Ojala! she's doing the right thing. Well, you know the answer to that one, folks. And there we end.


Nothing too much of interest except that Marian and Alejandra get together and are cooking up something. Marian says "Wow" (What's up with that? We'll find out tomorrow.)

Me da igual = I don't care (Enrique)
Atente a las consecuencias = Await the consequences (Jorge)
todas puedes manejar con tu voz = you can control everything with your voice (Bebe extolling the interactive system in the car)
más te vale que le funcione = you'd better be able to perform! (Carmela to Marcos)
tengo mejor pegada = Enrique boasting that he's in better shape and has a better punch

Dicho of the Day

Con dinero baila el perro. Lit. For money the dog will dance Fig. Money talks. Money greases the skids.

And everybody seems to want some in this story. Alejandra and Carmela, Marcos and Chavez, and of course, Enrique. ( Even our long gone Rubi) But will Rafa be able to come up with the loan? And still escape being Marian's boy toy? Tune in tomorrow and see.


Thanks for the great recap Judy. Yes, if we could just start moving along. "If you're pressed for time", do not pass go, do not collect $200.. collect 4,400,000 pesos or so. Boy, if Rafa gets a loan from a bank, he'll be paying a lot more than 5 million pesos total. May never get that paid off. :)

It looked like Marian was going to continue after Rafa, but with the avances showing her and Ale together, not sure what will be happening.

Time for Don Gaston and the boys to take VVV to the hospital and be done with it. :)

Thanks for the recap and vocab Judy. I haven't seen this episode yet but not surprised there wasn't much plot. I've got to see the shameless product placement ;)

Your comment about having the role of the drunk guy made me laugh. Also ITA w/you regarding the plot (if we can't get Rubi back, and the Ale/Rafa romance is down the tubes, I'd at least like to see another good tussle with Ms. Carmela.) Just seeing the fear in Marco's eyes gives me the giggles.

Judy, sorreeey indeed, you had a dud of an episode but you made it worthwhile with your humor and the added bonuses of vocab and dicho. Thanks.

The drunk may come in handy since he seems to be there when Quintana is always bragging about how he is using Rosario to get his clutches on the hacienda and Jorge's money while disparaging poor Rosario. The drunk seems to be eavesdropping so maybe he'll somehow tell that information to someone who can stop conman Quintana's plans.

The high point of the episode for me was seeing the bright hopeful smile on the Queen's cute little dog. Of course, he was hoping for a bit of her dinner.


Hi amigos. Yep, we're all getting annoyed with this again. Too much treading water, not enough action. Hope Melinama gets something juicier tonight.

Jeff: Alas, don't think the boys will be taking Vicky to the hospital since she's started producing yummy food for them again. Dad worries, but not those omnivores.

Karen: The product placement practically takes up the whole first segment before the ad. Pretty darned shameless.

GinCa: Interesting talking points, lady. The drunk as a possible leak in Quintana's marital lifeboat plan and your appreciation of the doggie's acting skills. I'm sure they WERE angling for a treat and sure hope the actress gave them some after the scene was shot. They're darling dogs.

Judy: You made a feast out of little substance. Very clever and so much fun. As always, the vocabulary and dicho were wonderful.

One of the reasons I love your recaps is your choice of and use of fun words not commomly incorporated into everyday conversations such as "dither". In addition to what Jeff's already noted, my favorites were "flaccid Viagra-challenged lawyer" and "lubricious fantasies". "Sniping and seething. Seething and sniping. Feudin' a-fussin' and a-fightin'" were also great.

"I'd at least like to see another good tussle with Ms. Carmela". I'm with Karen in that "seeing the fear in Marco's eyes" would be great!

GinCA, "The high point of the episode for me was seeing the bright hopeful smile on the Queen's cute little dog. Of course, he was hoping for a bit of her dinner." Great comment.


Good morning Diana. I'm about to leave for work and you're already there. Is it as steamy and hot out by you as it is here? Simply dreading the workout this morning. We'll all be dripping sweat in about two minutes, but I'll take your kind words with me and that'll keep me going!

Thanks again for a fun recap and the vocabulary. I loved your sidebars: "onward and downward","take 'em back to the beach already."

I haven't seen this episode yet -- not sure I'm anxious to do so since not much seems to have happened. Ah well, maybe tonight.


Judy- You did indeed make a feast from famine. Quite a boring episode, but I do like seeing the sparks that fly when Ale and Rafa are fussin' and fightin'. Ale just has such a sharp toungue. Rafa is no match for her, but he does hold his own when she really pushes him. I'm excited for tonight as it looks like Marian and Ale have a drinking contest. A duel of another sort?

Thanks for the great recap Judy! I haven't seen last night's episode yet and I won't be home to see tonight's either. I'll catch up at some point! I do enjoy seeing Rafa and Ale make each other jealous, so I'm looking forward to that part.

Judy, Once again you've used your literary alchemy, turning dross into gold. Nice job. As I sat through Bebe's embarrassing pitch for the Ford Fusion, I was amazed at the temerity of the producers. Like Carmela, I'm impatient and feel like I'm owed a little action.


Good one Carlos!

Seems like tonight there is going to be a drinking contest between Marian and Ale... That's what I gathered from tonight's advance. If so it is going to be great! I would love to see them wasted! Will Rafa rescue Ale when she can't stand anymore?

Thanks for the recap Judy. This was a pretty dull episode but your recap made it more interesting.

GinCa I had not thought about the drunk guy possibly having an important part in the story, but you are right he does hear a lot of things. Who knows when he might just say the right thing at the right time to get some people thinking.

I had to fast forward just about the whole first half because I got so bored listening to ads when it wasn't even a commercial.

Hope tonight will move the story forward at least a little bit.

Judy, you had me lol, the docs were probably wondering WTF!

Nope, not much moving last night, but I am interested in what Marian & Ale will be talking about tonight! Should be very interesting. Maybe Ale will find out that Rafa turned her down the other night and she (Marian) wants to know if it is because of her.... Here's hoping!!

I can't believe that Leonor would accept Don Gaston's offer after Rafa reacted the way that he did the other night when he found out that she had asked to borrow the money from him, WHAT WAS SHE THINKING? Maybe she wasn't, lol. I know that she is just trying to help, but use your brain lady.

You guys don't think that Ale would get back with or heaven forbid marry Marcos just to make Rafa jealous or get back at him do you, OMG!

Well this boring little episode generated lots of comments. Who knew?

Of course the teaser...Ale and Marian together...and drinking!? looks interesting. Let's hope so and that there's no tequila product placement.

Kat, I don't think they would ever have her actually marry Marcos. He was thinking in those terms last night since she was gushing all over the place, but I don't think so.

Tracie, yes, Rafa and Ale fighting is almost as good as Rafa and Ale falling in love. There were some cute grimaces and teeth-grinding last night, so enjoy that and skip the cant about Ford Fusion.

Carlos, Güera, Lynda, Anonymous, Vivi...Hola! Good to hear from you all. Carlos...ditto...let's have more action. Anonymous...drunken babes? could be. good comedy potential there. Lynda, like you, I was intrigued by GinCa's thought that the drunk might play a key part later on. Who knows.

Vivi..feudin' and fussin' seems to be what suits our lovers best. And looks like that's all we'll get for a while.

Judy, Thanks for the recap. Your little intro was really funny. Fortunately I was not pressed for time and "settled in" and enjoyed the rest of your story. It was a hoot.

I found the little scene where Ale was urging Susana to answer Rafa's cell phone really cute. They have great little moments together.

The Rafa/Ale sparring scenes are quite fun for me. I think that is where they have their best chemistry. It makes me want to root for them all the more, because I know they belong together!! They just have all this debris in their pathway they need to clear away first. That's what we have the posse for and that's why we have Susana. The detours make this trip more interesting. I am along for the ride and although I crouch when a big truck comes barreling down on us, I am confident our final destination will be worth the ride.

Wow Pata. Some interesting imagery in your comment there. Who are you picturing as the truck barreling down on you!? Inquiring minds want to know.

Yes, all the jealous maneuvers of Ale were cute last night including urging Susana to answer Rafa's cellphone. Alas, it was same old VickyVickyVicky.And while the actress is doing a great job, I find her clinging routine tedious. And I can't help worrying about Papa Gaston's health! The actor has such a paunch it looks dreadfully uncomfortable. Hope he can get to Houston in time if he ever has a stroke.

Judy, once again you've charmed us with a sumptuous recap, full of wit, vocab, and clever word usage. And I needed it, because I was a bit tired last night. After the product placement, I decided to close my eyes for the 4 minute commercial. It worked great, I felt more rested. Next commercial, time to sleep for 4 minutes again. But no! When I opened my eyes, the show was over! Hmmmm.

The drinking contest we may have beween Ale and Marian reminds me of the one on Gancho, between Nieves and Jacqueline. I guess if you're not going to have a boxing match (like Jorge and Quintana), this is the next best thing (and it's always fun for the audience).

Tequila drinking? My money's on Marian.

Carlos glad to hear you can nod off during a telenovela. I tend to do that at lunchtime. Still remember seeing my grandpa fall asleep and wondering how any human being could fall asleep in a seated position. I've since learned how.

Carlos...yep, I'm pretty sure Marian can drink lil' Ale under the table. What will really be interesting is if Marian quizzes her about her feelings for Rafa. Should be fun.

Now bring back Rubi!!!

Thank you Judy, your recap was more fun than the episode!

I find it hard to watch when Ale is so overreactive and unreasonable, I actually don't like her so much then and find it hard to see why Rafa would continue to be in love with her. But I guess he has liked that about her from the beginning, as when he kept saying "what a woman" when she would be so intense as a boss. Susana did seem a little taken aback, not sure if she really believes Rafa is that bad. I hope Dandy or the posse starts leaking some of the truth.

Marco's expressions are so funny, though, when Ale was pretending to be so thrilled with him! Yes for sure, some more Carmela time - the dominatrix LOL!!

Judy, I think Marco is driving the truck and Vicky is riding shotgun.
Chavez is in the backseat giving directions.

Yes, I would like to know, why did the writers have Rafa assemble his little posse, tell them everything and have NOTHING happen!! Hello, what are they waiting for???

I don't care if Rubi comes back or not, but it would be nice for them to show a clip of her making it big where ever she is or not, lol. I mean, are they just gonna leave us hanging on that?

About, VVV, YES they are dragging her fake illness out WAY TOOOOOO LONG!!

Oooh, Pata...more delicious symbolism. "Marco is driving the truck, Vicky is riding shotgun and Chavez is in the back giving directions." Sounds like an opening paragraph somewhere to me.

Ivy...yes, there's a fine line between feisty but fascinating and just downright bitchy. But telenovela writers seem to love the image of the fiery spitfire, fast to blow up but eventually destined to turn into a purring kitten as she falls prey to the galan's charms. We did have a few moments of purring kitten back there, but it's been a while.

Hey, Kat, I'm with you. if we don't bring Rubi back, let's see her as the head wench in some sumptuous haren, bossing all the other ladies around or maybe organizing a revolt. USA USA!!!!

Another wonderful recap, JudyB! As usual, the recap was funnier than the show, but there were quite a few funny bits last night. I loved watching Ale when she was talking to Rafa via Marco, and I loved Rafa's reactions. I also like watching a drunk Ale (which I hate to say, because being drunk isn't really a funny thing) so tonight should be good. Let's hope they've finished the infomertial stuff for a while.

Mil in NC

Hola Mil....yes, Ale plays drunk well so tonight should be fun. What's interesting to me is that this is the first time this actress has played a sympathetic character. Evidently in the past, she was always cast as the villain. Explains why she's so good at being a b**ch, but she's certainly endearing when she's in a saucy or affectionate mode.

I guess it's better to be late to the party than to not show up at all...

Thanks for the recap, JudyB. I'm glad I didn't miss out on much last night. I'll have to fast forward to the Ale/Rafa celoso scenes and skip the commercial-within-the-show. Bebe always seems to get stuck with the crummy commercials. I remember he did a ten minute ad for the Ford Focus a few months ago. The commercials tie the cop scenes for uselessness.

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