Wednesday, June 09, 2010

El Clon #81, Wed., June 9- Yes, I'm your Dad and I told you that you could live with me but now that you want to, you can't and I can't tell you why

Lucia asks for an explanation of the joint she found on Fernando.

Fer and Andrea stammer away until Lucia asks if they are aware that cigarettes kill more people than war does. [So an adult finds a hand rolled cigarette in the possession of a teenager and she assumes that it's tobacco? Helllooo!] Fer admits that it is his 'cigarette.'
Yo fumo eso, pero muy de vez en cuando. Y cuando fumo, fumo de eso que no tienen nicotina, porque son más sanos.
I smoke those but only once in a while. And when I smoke, I smoke those that don't contain nicotine because they are more healthy.
Andrea and Fer have difficulty not laughing. Lucia puts the joint in the trash.

Albieri is haunted by the problem that he created. He doesn't pay any attention to Luisa. When she reproaches him, he asks if she would condemn a scientist who created a clone. Luisa replies that there are enough problems in the world already. Besides, she says, the clones would spend their lives in a psychiatric hospital.

Daniel asks Dora if Albieri's wife knows that he is Daniel's father. Dora says that she doesn't know. Well, replies Daniel, if she didn't know before, she'll know now.

Osvaldo asks Dora if she wants him to leave. She says that would be the last straw. He tries to cheer her up.

Alej and Nati meet Fernando and Andrea at the place where Fernando's band is going to play. Andrea tells them about the joint incident with Lucia. A right pair of goody two shoes, Alej and Nati both say that don't want anything to do with any drugs. Fernando claims that he only takes a puff (patadita, diminutive of patada, 'a kick') now and then for inspiration. 'Like every half hour,' retorts Andrea.

Pablo says that he will make Cristina even more beautiful but she isn't interested in getting up early in the morning to exercise. Naturally, she and Pablo are kissing when Leo comes in and sees them. He leaves. [So Cristina puts her relationship with Leo on the line with a suicide threat and she can't even wait to take up in public with some other guy for a day or so to see if it works?]

A sadder but wiser Leo comes home. He tells Rosa that his trip was a bust. He tells Enrique about what happened with Cristina but he isn't interested in hearing Enrique's opinions on his relationships. He pleads a headache and goes to bed.

Fernando's band performs with Andrea, Nati, Alej, Clara, Carolina and the Chump in the audience.

The skanky ho, Karla, and her mother crash the only upscale beach club in Miami (TOUBCIM) with the pass Osvaldo got for them.

Karla admires the rich,
Son tan finos que ni siquiera sudan.
They're so fine that they don't even sweat.
Since this is TOUBCIM, Roberto is there and when Karla sees him, she is much taken. (Lucia always says that he is handsomest man in Miami.) She is disappointed when she sees his wedding ring. Hilda says that Karla shouldn't be interested in marriage. She should get pregnant by one of these rich guys and then he has to support her and the kid until it graduates from college. Karla really wants marriage though. She is about to make her move on Roberto when Andrea drags him away to play tennis.

Once again, Jade convinces a reluctant Zoraida to help her. In this case, she wants to get Latifa's cell phone. Latifa agrees reluctantly. They manage to look very guilty in front of Abdul but he just carries on with his criticism of the West and says that he wants to return to Morocco.

Said is sitting around the house, brooding. Rania comes downstairs and makes him tell her that he isn't angry at her [shades of Latifa]. Rania won't leave it alone and finally, Said says that he wants to be alone.

Jade is overjoyed to get the phone [did she get the charger, as well?]. She tells Zoraida that she has a plan to contact Lucas.

Malicia blackmails Luisa into buying her some new clothes.

The police come to Gloria's looking for Alej but he isn't there.

Albieri comes to Dora's house. [Are the giant stains under his arms supposed to indicate that he is nervous?]

He dithers around and finally sits down privately with Dora and tells her that Daniel can't come to his house. Dora indignantly asks if he expects her to play the bad guy for him again. Daniel meanwhile, is telling Estela that he thinks Dora and Albieri are getting back together. Estela has reason to be doubtful about that. Daniel thinks that maybe biracial couples were not accepted 20 years ago but now it is different. Albieri asks Dora what she has told Daniel about his birth. Dora replies that she didn't tell him about the AI and if she tells him now, he will be even more upset. She says that Daniel thinks that Albieri is his father and that's all there is to it.

A detective comes to the Ferrer house to see the scene of the crime and interview the staff. Rosa calls Lucas and fills him in on what is going on.

Alej is surprised that a talented and rich kid like Fer smokes dope. Alej says that he could never be with someone who does drugs. Nati confesses that once she was tempted when she thought drugs would make her forget her problems but now she knows that isn't so. She says the only drug she takes is 'Alejandro, "the snake" Cortes.' [This self righteous little conversation is like putting a big sign on Nati saying - I will become a drug addict.]

When the detective asks Rosa if anyone has been fired lately, Rosa mentions Nati's chauffeur and in that instant realizes what Marisa is up to.

Alej goes home and finds out about the police visit. He and Pablo decide to go to the station.

Nati comes home and Rosa tells her that Marisa has called the police.

At the station, the policeman tells Alej that they are investigating a robbery at the Ferrer house. Pablo has to wait outside while Alej gives a statement.

Nati accuses Marisa of staging the robbery to separate her from Alej. She says that Alej never went into Marisa's room and Alej is the most honest person she has ever known. Marisa asks how much Nati knows about Alej. Nati says that she knows everything about Alej including what he is capable of. She says that she knows more about him than she does about her mother.
Eres mala, Marisa.
You are bad, Marisa, says Rosa.

Marisa demonstrates how bad by telling the detective that her daughter is naive and is in the hands of an opportunist (un chulo vividor, a flashy freeloader)

Rosa tell Nati that Leo will fix everything.

Leo appears to make a decision. He has Clara arrange to deliver an envelope to Cristina and tells her to set up dinner for him and Amalia.

The Chump comes to Clara's office to tell her that he won't evade his responsibilities to her and Fernando. Clara tells him that she has retained a lawyer.

Cristina gets the envelope and it contains her bills and a letter saying that she is cut off. She asks if this is how Leo repays her for all the years of love and devotion and lost suitors. [This shtick is wearing very thin. I guess sponging off the guy for 20 years has convinced her that she has provided something in return.]

Pablo wonders why it is taking Alej so long to make a statement. He doesn't know what to tell Gloria. Gloria, meanwhile, can't understand why Alej and Pablo don't call.

Albieri takes Daniel to the park where they went when he was a child. He tells Daniel that he can't live in Albieri's house. Daniel is impactado.

The credits roll.


Thanks very much, Jean. I was out last night and got home too late to watch more than a few minutes of what I had recorded. Your recap presented what I had seen very well, and it helped me envision the rest of the episode so well that I feel I've seen the whole thing. Muchas gracias otra vez.

Thank you, Jean. Isn't it wonderful that Karla is a nice, traditional girl - she wants to get married. I'm sure her high morals wouldn't allow her to be a kept woman.

Perfect title, Jean! And as usual, fine recap with well-selected photos!

It does set the old beanie spinning to think that Roberto has been messing around at TOUBCIM all this time and the obsessive Lucia hasn't caught on...

Speaking of Lucia, I found it funny and endearing that she assumed the joint was tobacco and she worried about Fernando's health. What IS a nice, innocent person like Lucia doing hanging around with a vibora like Marisa???
"She says the only drug she takes is 'Alejandro, "the snake" Cortes.' [This self righteous little conversation is like putting a big sign on Nati saying - I will become a drug addict.]"

Oh dear. I hope you're mistaken, though I fear you're not. For me this conversation just underlined how squeaky-clean Alejo really is and therefore how incredibly unfair and unjust is the machinery of accusation the bruja has set in place.
I love how Escobarde looks surprised when Clara tells him she has retained a lawyer. What was the old chilaquiles for brains expecting???
As for Jade's plans -- maybe tonight we'll find out if she needs a charger for that phone. Just hope she calls Lucas's cell phone!

Great title and recap, Jean.

There were lots of beanie adjustments required last night. My jaw dropped when Cristina was righteously indignant that Leo was taking her away from the trough after all these years. He was even fronting some of the expenses for the club. Sheesh!

Boy, Said isn't even trying to make Rania feel loved. All he does now is glower.

I misjudged Albieri. I thought he was really going to fess up to Luisa and their only problem would be hiding Daniel from the Ferrers. I think this actor really sweats a lot. Whenever he gets nervous or excited in a scene, his face glistens. I don't think Daniel is going to react too well to Albieri's not taking him home.

I'm not convinced Roberto is really up to something at TOBCIM. I think he just flirts with these girls. My sense of where the plot is going is that Lucia is insanely jealous for no real reason.

My fingers and toes are crossed that Marisa's plan gets foiled and quickly. Of course, Leo may be so shell shocked by seeing Cris kissing Pablo that he won't jump in to protect Nati and Alej. But Lucas is going to see right through her game.

NovelaMaven- I hope am I mistaken about Nati getting involved with drugs since that would mean this novela is departing from the norm but all the signs are there and there has to be some problem between Nati and Alej. I can't wait to see how Lucas and Leo will fail Nati yet again.

Novelera- Concerning Roberto and the TOBCIM. I think we saw him lie to Lucia once before when he was getting a massage. We also remember his 'welcome to the club' speech to Lucas when he found out that Lucas was cheating on Marisa. If he hasn't actually cheated on Marisa, it's because he can't escape Lucia's monitoring not because he doesn't want to. It would be a sad comedown for Robert to fall for a skank like Karla but who knows.

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