Wednesday, June 02, 2010

El Clon #75, June 1, Moving Day.

We have a lot of relocations in this cap. Nati moves back home, Amina and Zoraida arrive in Miami, Alicia will soon be moving out of Albi's house (maybe), and one cap ago, Clara threatened to leave The Chump.

Abdul informs Ali that Rania is going to the US to serve as a good example for Mohammed’s children since she was raised in a household untainted by scandal (unlike some people’s children). Ali counters that Zoraida is going to the US too, and they can travel together.

Alicia pours out her “woe is me” story to The Chump (Escobar), and he buys every line of it. She doesn’t know what will happen to her, and he assures her that everything will be fine, poor little helpless waif. Meanwhile Luisa tells Albieri that she wants Alicia to get another job and another place to live. Albi says she does great work and the staff has become attached to her, but Luisa is firm, she must not work at the clinic.

Amalia suggests to Leo that they go on a vacation to Morocco. Rosa calls to tell him that Natalia has left home. Rosa begs Marissa to ask Natalia to come back home, but Marissa says that with no income she’ll soon beg to come back.

Alej goes to find Natalia on campus. They gaze, they kiss. Then to a café, they gaze, they kiss. He says that maybe it’s better if they split up because he cannot provide the kind of life she’s accustomed to, and it’s hard for the rich to endure being poor. She says she can endure anything if she can be with him. She wonders if he’s willing to make sacrifices too. He says he’s going to get a job so they can either marry or live together.

Roberto asks Lucas how things are going with Jade. He says he has no way to contact her. Then he gets the brainy idea that Roberto should invite Said to a dinner at his house so he can find out what’s up with Jade. When Roberto proposes it to Lucia she tells him, “no way, no how” (loosely translated). She’s sure it will cause problems with Marissa; Roberto is sure it won’t. Lucia is stunned when Marissa approves of the idea. But Marissa insists that Lucas go too. Said announces the dinner to his wives, and he tells Rania that he wants her to be the most beautiful woman there. As for Jade, he hasn’t decided whether to let her go.

Cristina comes to the office and hears Clara make flight reservations for Leo and Amalia to go to Morocco.

Daniel tells Osvaldo that he knows Ozzie is upset about how Danny is treating him, but he’s not going to change. Ozzie explains that he didn’t want to be an absent father; he always wanted a son. He also notes that Danny never calls him “dad,” ant he accepts that. Daniel explains that it can be quite a shock to learn all of a sudden that Ozzie is his dad, especially since he’s not what Daniel imagined. Daniel says he doesn’t remember much about Albieri; that Dora destroyed all the memories. Daniel says that he saw Albi yesterday and called to him, but Albi didn’t answer. He suggests that Albi might not want to see him. Ozzie agrees that that makes sense.

Albi is helping Lucas walk. Marissa asks Albi if he can leave the house, because she wants him to go along to diner at the house of an amigo. Marissa leaves. Lucas tells Albi that his marriage was flawed from the start, because he used it as a way to forget Jade. Albi says that Jade would have to sacrifice everything to be with Lucas, and if that didn’t work out, she’d have nothing. Lucas says he loves her more than ever.

Luisa tells Alicia that she is capable of getting a better job, and Luisa will help her find somewhere else to live. She shows her some potential rentals in the classifieds, and she says they’ll help cover rent.

Part 2
The Chump says it’s unjust for Alicia to lose her job if she’s better at it than Luisa. Julio says you can’t expect Albi to fire his own wife, and besides, Escobar has the hots for Alicia. He should think about his wife and family instead. Julio leaves and Alicia comes up, crying that she has no job and no place to live (she left out several important details). The chump promises to find a solution. Meanwhile Carla tells Carolina that her husband was “consoling” Alicia all yesterday afternoon and evening. She plans to tell Luisa all about it, and unmask that “witch in sheep’s clothing.”

Cristina has Vicky call the office, posing as a taxi dispatcher in Morocco. She wants to confirm Leo’s taxi reservation, and she gets Carolina to give her Leo’s date and time of arrival in Morocco, along with the name of the hotel where he’ll be staying. Carolina speculates to Clara about how fast Amalia is taking over Leo. She says Amalia “no corre sino vuela,” she doesn’t run, she flies. Clara thinks it’s strange that Leo didn’t tell her he had reserved a taxi.

Leo finds Natalia at Andrea’s house and orders her to come back home. She refuses, saying that she is going to marry Alejandro. The two are at a standoff, so Andrea, what a friend!, steps in the middle and suggests that all Alej needs is help getting a job. Leo says he’ll see what he can do. Like giving a child a lollipop, that’s all Nati needed; she agrees to come back home.

Marissa checks that Said and Jade are coming to the dinner at Lucia’s house. Lucia says that she invited Said and one wife, so she’s sure Jade will be there. Lucia is stressed about the whole thing. She calls Roberto to check up on him. He’s flirting with honies poolside but says he’s in his car, then conveniently loses the signal. Leo arrives home with Nati. Everyone is happy to see her except Marissa. Nati says Leo is going to get Alej a job, and Marissa starts her usual rant. She continues the rant when she’s alone with Lucia. Lucia tries to tell her to ease up, but Marissa says she’ll make sure Nati splits up with him.

Lucas had Carolina get Said’s address for him, and he drives up to her house, I guess so that he can sing “On the Street Where You Live” to her. He sees Jade come out of the house, she sees him, they gaze, commercial break, they gaze some more, and then Said comes out and hustles her back into the house without noticing Lucas. Inside, Said tells Jade he’s going to visit Mohammed but she can’t come, nanny-nanny-boo-boo. At Mohammed’s house Said makes excuses for Jade’s absence. Latifa worries to her husband that they couldn’t see her last time they visited Said’s house either, but Mo tells her not to meddle. Zamira finds Prince Amin using his telescope to watch the neighbor undress in front of an open window.

Nati tells Alej that Grandpa is going to get him a job. You can tell Alej is bothered by having a job arranged for him, but he decides that he’d rather be with Nati than be stubborn.

Ali tells Zoraida to hurry back from her trip. The other women in the house don’t even know how to make tea, much less cook dinner. Zoraida tells him she’ll be back, but she’s worried for Jade. So is Ali. In Miami, Said is surprised to see Zoraida. He says she can stay at Mohammed’s, but Zee corrects him. Tio Ali wants her to stay at Said’s house. Said has no choice but to comply. At the house, Jade asks Rania for her cell phone. Rania doesn’t want to turn it over because Said told her not to. Jade says that if she does, within a week Rania will not just be the first wife but the only one. Said arrives home with Amina and Zoraida. Jade is ecstatic to see Zee.

Enrique tells Lucas that the dinner is a bad idea. Lucas says he has to go. He’s sure Jade is being held “incommunicado” in her house. Enrique suggests that maybe Jade doesn’t want to see him. Lucas says he’s sure it’s not that, but he doesn’t say that he’s sure because he was stalking her house.

Clara gets a call from The Chump. He wants to take money out of their joint account. She races home to stop him. She won’t let him use their money like that, especially not for that arpia (hag).



Excellent recap, Paula! Good title, and I loved your suggestion that Lucas goes to Jade's house so he can sing "On the Street Where You Live."

At this point, I have no idea where the plotlines are going, but having just watched episodes 1 & 2 of "Soy Tu Dueña," where EVERYTHING was all too predictable, I've come to appreciate "El Clon" much more.

Thanks for the great recap, Paula.

I'm so glad Zoraida has arrived. Said looked totally discomfited. Now all kinds of people can find out how he's treating Jade. He's turned into a total jerk, even denying her seeing her much beloved cousin. I hope there are lots of anvils floating above his head.

The clone is a big disappointment. They've written him as a total whiner. While it's true that summoning up great affection for Ozzie would be a stretch, he's not willing to try at all. I wish he'd reunite with Albieri and get it over with. This current plot device is just boring.

At last! Samira gets the upper hand on Prince Amin.

Unfortunately, married couples seldom split in TNs, so I'm sure they're going to have Escobar see the light at some point. But the best thing that could happen to Clara (a real beauty) would be having Alicia take The Chump off her hands. It's kind of an odd plot that she's so clearly dissatisfied with her marriage until the jealousy issue arrives.

Ye Gods, it looks like they're getting ready to have Cristina show up to make a big scene in Morocco. This whole story line also leaves me completely cold.

What's Marisa up to? The revenge dance didn't work out so well. I suppose we're meant to believe she wants to torture Lucas and Jade by having them be at the dinner party looking at the forbidden fruit. But it doesn't make much sense.

I'm disappointed to read STuD is predictable.

I really like your title 'Moving Day.'

Paula H, great recap start to finish, thanks.

Thank goodness Zoriada has hit town and knocked down Said's plan for her to stay with Mo. I do not like the new wife or her sister. They are only trouble.

I cannot understand why every one wants to go to Morocco! It is the last place I would want to go for a romatic getaway.

Finally, Alicia has put her foot down. The Hag is not happy and now she has the Chump trying to take care of her financially. Yes, Chump is the perfect description for him. How long will it take these brainy men to figure out what she is up to. This is one plot line I have not figured out. We need anvils for both of the Hag and the Chump, for sure.


Great recap, Paula and I love the title. I can almost never finish the recap the same night. I am not a night person. But since I live on the East Coast, I can finish it up early the next am.

Alicia's plan is as obscure as ever. It still seems to me that she is trying to get back at Luisa for no longer being the welcoming aunt but how breaking up Escobar's marriage is going to do that I don't know. Even more of a mystery is why Clara is fighting to keep the Chump.

It was great to see Zoraida stick it in Said's eye.

If Daniel can't remember what Albieri looks like, how did he recognize him inside a cab and looking the other way? And why can't find Albieri? Hasn't he heard of Google?

I guess we'll see whether Amina is pretending to be religious and was just waiting for her opportunity to get to the US to become a 'liberated woman like those in Cairo.'

Jean, I agree with your comment about Amina. Maybe she watched the Miss USA pageant!


Impeccable recap, Paula! I like the title too!

I'm finding the new plot developments kind of interesting, waiting to see how the introduction of the daughters of a Very Religious Family shakes things up. Won't their presence inhibit the antics of The Naz, for example? And how will they react to Said's dalliance with Marisa?

Speaking of which, I think Marisa is in for a rude surprise if she thinks Said is her friend. Said sees her as an extension of Lucas and I can see him using and discarding her in a public and humiliating fashion.

As for Daniel, I'm not ready to give up on him. His behavior as a child was appalling, it's true, but I blame that on Albieri. Now as a young man, he is trying to make sense of things and it is evident to him (and everyone else) that Osvaldo and Dora are not his real parents. He has to be disoriented by the fact that the people closest to him are clearly lying to him. He is less boorish than Natalia was, at her worst, and we all forgave her, didn't we?

I would love to see Lucas and Daniel face to face!

To NovelaMaven. You are incorrect in assuming the Daniel knows the Osvaldo and Dora are not his real parents. He recognizes Dora as his actual mother.

Good point, anon. You're right, it hasn't yet occurred to Daniel to question Dora's maternity.

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