Friday, June 04, 2010

El Clon Thursday June 3: In which the elders from Fez convene in Miami to decide the fate of a family...

... Leo and his Boiled Fish are adrift in the Medina; and Marisa, bored with pulling wings off flies, explores a new way to torture

Los hijos pertinecen a los padres; es la ley
The children belong to the fathers; it’s the law.
Ali reminds Jade (and us) that regardless of the outcome of her marriage, Said has the final say about who keeps Jadiya. Jade insists that Jadiya will stay with her. When your father died, says Ali, I made the mistake of allowing you to stay with your mother instead of insisting you come back with me. Today, I would act differently.

Enter Mohamed and his family. The elder (men) of the family will decide what happens with Said and Jade, announces Ali.
Hay que convocar un consejo de familia.
We have to convene a family meeting.

Yo no tuve la culpa.
It wasn’t my fault, says Zoraida when Said returns to the gilded cage with Rania and Amina in tow only to find his prize specimen has escaped.

The Schadenfreude Sisters, Rania and Amina, manage to contain their delight until they reach Rania’s room where they celebrate Jade’s departure and their own sure ascent to the throne.

Said questions Miriam and Zoraida closely and concludes that Jade (mujer endemoniado – woman possessed by the devil, demon woman) must have put sleeping pills (somnifero) in the guards’ coffee so she could escape their vigilance.

At Casa Mohamed, Latifa asks Jade why she is fighting against her destiny; I fear for you, says Latifa. Jade welcomes the opportunity to tell the Consejo how Said has been mistreating her. Anyhow, she says, I had to come here because I had no money. Why, she wonders, couldn’t I find Lucas? He would have helped me get away.

Te ves decepcionado
You look disappointed oozes the pustulent sore that is Marisa when she and Lucas return to la Casa Ferrer. You look even more disappointed than I was that Jade wasn’t at Roberto’s house, rejoins Lucas. I am, agrees Marisa, but there will be other chances, she smirks. Exit Marisa and enter Rosa who complains to Lucas that the shameless Jade actually showed up at the house while he was gone. Whoa… Jade was here? He looks … concerned but pleased.

Yo no quiero el divorcio
I don’t want the divorce, says Jadiya. She wants her parents together and offers to talk to her father to patch things up. Children should stay with their mothers, asserts Samira. After all, a mother carries the child in her belly for nine months, she nourishes the child. But that’s not what our religion and customs dictate, says Latifa. Well. says Samira, if you and my father get divorced, I’m going to stay with you. And if I get married, it won’t be to a Moslem – I don’t want the same fate as my Aunt Jade.

A furious Said arrives at Mohamed’s house and accusations fly. Ali tells them they will have the opportunity to air their complaints (quejas) in the Family Consejo. If you can’t reconcile your differences, there will be a divorce.

Jade and Jadiya return to the gilded cage with Said and he sends Jade to bed (without her supper?). Zoraida lingers behind and tries to reason with him. You’re not happy together so why don’t you let her go? she asks.
Porque mi corazón no deja. Mi cabeza quiere, pero mi corazón se opone.
Because my heart won’t allow it. My head wants to but my heart is opposed.
Jade es mía. Jade me pertenece a mí.
Jade is mine. Jade belongs to me.

Perro Amor (no, I’ve got the right show – it just fits!)
Love bites!
Said opens the door to Rania’s room; she senses his presence and smiles. Then she hears him retreat and her face falls. He goes to Jade’s room, looks longingly at her; she is turned away from him and appears exasperated. He thought bubbles:
Si no vas a ser para mí, no vas a ser para nadie más, Jade, nadie más.
If you’re not mine, no one else will have you, Jade, no one else.
And Rania reflects miserably:
Ya no viene, a pesar de todo la prefiere a ella.
He’s not coming, in spite of everything he prefers her.

¿Dónde estabas, Daniel?
Where were you, Daniel, asks Estela when he wanders in at daybreak. Where’s my mother, he wants to know. Told that she is with clients, he says: Just tell me when she gets home.

And at Albieri’s house, he and Luisa are trying to make sense of Alicia’s behavior. Alicia seemed like a different person when she came here to pick up her luggage, remarks Luisa. When she first came here, she was so sweet and soft, but it was a lie. I never trusted her, says Albieri.
Hay gente mala en el mundo.
There are bad people in the world, he adds.
Escobar, aka The Chump, shows up, tells them he and Malicia are living in a hotel. looking to buy an apartment. Our relationship just happened, I didn’t look for it. Anyway, my marriage was in trouble already.
Luisa tells him that they will continue to treat him as they always have but that Malicia is never, ever to darken her doorway again.

Malicia tells the Chump that she knew Luisa would react like that, resentful, jealous old biddy that she is. Oh how she used me and then threw me out in the street! My whole life has been like that, but it’s my own fault for always trying to help people. But you are special, the Chump assures her. And I know a guy who knows a guy – an Arab – who’s opening a bar. He’ll find you a job there. The Chump then surrenders to passion while Malicia looks around in vain for the barf bag.

Fernando and Clara discuss Escobar’s perfidy. Maybe it’s a middle-age crisis (la crisis de los cuarenta) suggests Fernando. What will you do, he asks Clara. Seguir adelante (just keep going ) she answers. It may just be the lighting, but Fernando looks as if he feels sad for his mother. But maybe he just ate some bad guacamole.

Ramoncito tells Gloria that the rich girl is helping Alejo with his training. Gloria’s not pleased. Just then, Ali, always one with an eye for the pretty ladies, shows up and greets Gloria warmly. His gallantry is cut short when he catches sight of Samira and shoos her back into the house.

The Naz is talking on the phone to Amina, trying to arrange un encuentro de casualidad (a chance meeting) between her and Mohamed. Samira overhears this and runs to tell her mother about it. Latifa is steaming. Samira pleads with her to calm down, reminding her that whenever she speaks ill of the Naz, her father gets mad. Fortunately, Mohamed is asleep and Latifa has a bit of time to cool down. Mohamed is dreaming of two beauties, Latifa and Amina, undulating in gold in a dance just for him, then startles awake exclaiming:
Gacela, ¡tuve una pesadilla terrible!
Gazelle, I had a terrible nightmare!

Pablo and Vicki are running together. When they take a break, he asks her whether Cris has a boyfriend. Vicki swallows her disappointment at his interest in her friend and offers to help him with her, if he wants.

At Empresa Ferrer, Lucas tells Enrique that, according to Rosa, Jade was at his house and he’s sure she came there looking for help. Enrique says that is unlikely, Rosa must be mistaken. No, Lucas insists, something bad is happening and I feel so impotent, so helpless; I can’t do anything.

Enrique takes a swig from a hip flask. Lucas is shocked to see him drinking. Enrique justifies himself by saying Leo has lost confidence in him as a lawyer, that he asked his advice and then asked the whole legal department the same thing over again (You remember the question: How do I wrest my son’s legal inheritance away from him?) only to get the same answer. He keeps me on out of compassion! I’m nothing but a clown.

Just then Carolina enters and catches a glimpse of Enrique drinking and gets a whiff of alcohol. He denies it, but she looks dubious.

In a more modest neighborhood, Dora comes home and finds Daniel waiting. I know that Osvaldo can’t father children, he says flatly. At first Dora tries to deny that, and counterattack but finally gives up. And what about Albieri? continues Lucas.
In an uncharacteristic outburst Dora says: I should have left you with Albieri. I gave up everything for you.
Lucas counters: You were so selfish you gave up everything to separate me from Albieri.
How dare you call me selfish! she cries.
Well if Albieri’s not my father and neither is Osvaldo, then who is? If you don’t tell me:
te juro que no me vas a volver a ver nunca más!
I swear to you that you’re never going to see me again!
Enter Estela: You didn’t stay with Albieri because you were just a toy for him and he got tired of you. Period.
Lucas: Abuela, ¿Albieri es mi papá?
Estela: Sí hijo, es tu padre.
I knew it, says Lucas, I knew Albieri was my father.
How could you tell him that? Dora asks her mother. Better that than the truth that his father could be anyone; and better he have a certainty than a doubt. [huh? a true lie?]

And in a land far away…
Leo and Amalia show up at a tony Moroccan hotel and inquire in Arabic, English, French and Spanish after their reservations. Doesn’t help. Seems someone has cancelled them. And now there’s not a room to be had in all the city. ¡Pobrecitos! [Can you hear that? The world's tiniest violins playing?]

Es el comienzo de mi venganza
It’s the start of my revenge, Cris tells Vicki, just the first surprise awaiting Leoncito and that boiled fish (pescado hervido ese) he’s with in Morocco.
Vicki tells Cris that Pablo has confessed his interest in her (Cris), but she blows this off saying: No es mi tipo. He’s not my type.

And Leo and his pescado hervido are wandering through the Medina looking hot and bothered. What now? she asks. First thing, he says, I’m going to call Clara and fire her! How could she cancel the reservation!

Jolly old Tío Abdul is met at the Miami airport by his nephew Mohamed. He says Said should have corrected his wife’s behavior long ago.
No hay que dejar el muro bajo porque las personas lo brincan.
You shouldn’t leave the wall low because people will jump over it.
Said left his wall low and if we don’t take a firm stand, Rania will soon do the same (as Jade).

Abdul is scandalized by the festivities at Gloria’s when he arrives at Mohamed’s house.

Karla accosts Osvaldo and tries to extort her monthly payment and threatens him with jail if he doesn’t pay up by the next day.

Broomstick alert!!! Bruja crossing!!!!
¡Mi collar de diamantes desaparecío de mi cuarto!
My diamond necklace disappeared from my room, announces Marisa. Rosa says there’s never been a theft in their house, she must have misplaced it. Well lately, smirks Marisa, there have been some undesirable people, people we don’t know, in the house. [indeseable: undesirable, i.e. Alejo]
O aparece mi collar o llamo a la policía.
Either my necklace shows up or I call the police.

Credits roll.


Broomstick Alert! Bruja Crossing! Hehehe, you are in top snark tonite! As always, the Spanish translations add to an already tasty recap.
Well, I've got two new characters to despise: the Pointy-Nosed Sisters. They are sniffing out wasy to make trouble for sure.

Five Stars, Amiga! Brevity and super snark. I love 'Malicia', that's a keeper. "Malicia looks around in vain for the barf bag" - LOL!

Amalia is more of a pescado frio (cold fish) than a boiled fish but I get Cristina's drift. How lucky for Cristina that there are no other hotel room available in Fez. They say that you only really learn about someone when you travel with them. We'll see how the cold boiled fish copes with travel disasters.

Jade seems to be getting stupider. One of the previous times that she tried to run away from Said, she sold her gold. So she's in a cab dripping with gold and doubtless passing shops on every corner with signs that say 'Compro Oro' (I buy gold) and she has no money????

Why is it so difficult for Dora to tell Daniel that he was fathered by a sperm donor? It's not shameful or that uncommon.

Ah, the old rich evil person accuses humble good person of stealing something valuable. I've seen this one many times. Marisa will agree to drop the charges if Nati breaks up with Alej.

The trial of the century tonight, I guess.

WOWWWWW… I've wanted to curse Said’s name, but I also feel bad for him—it’s become so apparent that he has issues. Que Dios le bendiga, inshallah!

Wow, NovelaMaven! You've really outdone yourself! People have already hit upon some of the many high spots--"Broomstick alert!!! Bruja crossing!!!!" and, of course, Malicia. What a couple--Malicia and the Chump. I also enjoyed your noting with understandable surprise that Fernando actually seemed to feel sad for his mother, "but maybe he just ate some bad guacamole." Priceless!

Marisa really is a piece of work, isn't she? Looks like she's found another nasty way to separate Nati and Alej.

I think I misunderstood part of the conversation between Malicia and the Chump. Somehow I assumed that the Chump was referring to Cristina's place: TOBIM. But after reading your account, I see that there must be another bar opening up, run by a friend of a friend of the Chump.

As you can see, I need all the help I can get with Spanish, and so I'm VERY grateful to you for all the Spanish phrases and translations.

To Jean. As far as Jade being more stupider. Cut her some slack. It's unlikely that a desperate and afraid woman dragging around a sleeping child would casually stop a running taxi to sell her gold in late at night. She did the right thing and that's go from point A to point B as quickly as possible. If Lucas was home, he could have holed her up in the basement, attic or something.

Thanks everybody! The material in this episode was particularly inspiring!

Joan -- yes! Those Pointy-Nosed Sisters are up to no good! Hanging out with the Naz, holding back on Jade... boo hiss!
Jean -- How about cold boiled fish, maybe gefilte fish?

BTW, have you noticed how similar Marisa and Karla with a K are? Two extortionists in broccoli rubber bands, one slightly higher priced than the other but still, like bookends in hell!

And as for Dora's unwillingness to admit to donor insemination, I think that's because her mother has been telling her for years that it was shameful; she also got the same message from Osvaldo who considered it a type of infidelity.
Erin -- I'm not feeling too charitable towards Said at this point, but yes, the guy does have 'issues':)
Juanita -- That's how I understood the Chump's offer to Malicia, but I could be wrong and would welcome corrections. Actually the idea of Malicia showing up at Cristina's place is so delicious that if that's not what WAS written, it's what SHOULD HAVE BEEN written!

Great recap, NovelaMaven. You were snarking on all cylinders on this one!

I was glad they finally showed a bit of humanity in Said. I've been pretty angry with him for quite a long time. But the scene where he confesses his tortured feelings to Zoraida and then tries to snuggle up to Jade, while she moves away, were touching. Try as I might, I can't predict what's going to happen here. He's adamant that he'll never let her go, and she's adamant that she won't stay.

Marisa's missing necklace ploy is the natural outcome of her vow a couple of episodes to put an end to Nati and Alej's relationship. It's unbelievable that she thinks she could possibly have any kind of relationship with her daughter after this rotten trick.

Loved Schadenfraude sisters!!! And it looks like Amina is the devious one. Rania was prepared to be close friends with Jade until she got bitten by envy. And then her mean sister put paid to any chance of that.

I guess the Estela shame thing makes sense, but I still think Dora should have realized that this was the time to tell Daniel about the insemination (she thought it was one). But then when do characters in a TN do logical things?

Although I suspected, we finally were shown that Malicia doesn't really care about lard-butt Escobar. This actress has got the over someone's shoulder eye roll down pat.

More lack of common sense. It seems Ozzie could turn around and accuse Karla of blackmail and see who the police believed. I think she'd back down.

Fabulous recap, NovelaMaven. You were playing the hits last night. I agree with everyone, she is hereby christened "Malicia." My favorite line: The Chump then surrenders to passion while Malicia looks around in vain for the barf bag.

NovelaMaven, I was sure you were right about the scene where the Chump tells Malicia about the possibility of getting work in a bar, but I looked at the scene again, just to be sure. You were right. I guess I just jumped to conclusions based on my inadequate Spanish and my delight at the prospect of Malicia's showing up at Cristina's. But now that I've had a chance to look at the scene again, I'm wondering about the fact that the person opening the bar is an Arab. Liquor, of course, is haram. But even more interesting is thinking about what if any tie in there will be between this Arab and Said and/or Mohamed. Surely the fact that it's an Arab opening the bar isn't just a random, meaningless factoid. Hmmmmm......

Juanita, I wondered about that too, the fact that the bar owner is an Arab...hmmm...remember when Amina said her mother had family in Miami? Maybe this is a Not So Religious Connection to the Very Religious Schadenfreude Sisters???

About the missing necklace: When Rosa said nothing had ever been stolen in that house, she was wrong! There is a known thief living there -- Marisa! She stole Jade's necklace (not to mention, Jade's life) years ago.

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