Monday, July 26, 2010

Dinero Mon. July 26, 2010 Jorge's In Love With R.U.B.I.!!!

Love( or lust) take your pick...... is in the air. Vicky wants Rafa. Quintana wants Rosario. Dandy yearns for Susana. Rafa wants Ale. So does Marco. And Marino is hell-bent on bedding Sandra.

But who is madly badly in love? None other than our dapper forgetful gent Jorge. He's fallen in a big way for Miss Rubi. And who can blame him? She is, to all appearances a doll.

Okay, a doll young enough to be his grandchild. A dubious doll with her canny eye on the hacienda. But she's no more venal than Chavez and Marco and might give better value for money. Who knows?

Other than this cascade of lusty love, what else happened tonight? Well, let's face it, not a lot. We're in another holding pattern.

We begin with a replay of the Queen discussing business with Beltran. Why not keep Rafa? Forget the resumé, the guy can sell. And Ale? Okay, she's a fine executive, but not well liked. If we have to sacrifice somebody for form, let it be her. They conclude the agreement with a ditsy photo of the Queen, Beltran and the two doggies. Chaton, the photographer, looks like he ate something noxious.

The only despot more feared than the Queen is our hysterical VickyVickyVicky. She's terrorizing her maid of honor in the bridal store and giving orders right and left. And finally throwing a super tantrum because her future mother-in-law and Julietta have not been in to try on dresses for the wedding. We sense storm clouds brewing.

And storm clouds a-plenty back at the apartment. Rosario is livid when she finds out the luncheon date was with Rubi. Jorge grouses that she doesn't care about his health...'cause Miss Rubi makes him feel terrific! No way will Rosario tolerate this woman under the same roof, even if the roof belongs to Marco. No sireee! She flounces off in one direction, Jorge heads off for a nap in the other. Marco is left to gloat that now he has the old man on his side and can pressure him to sell the hacienda. Gloat gloat gloat.

Back at Auto Siglo, the posse has come to the conclusion that only Rafa can deal with Carmela. But she's off on a trip. And Zetina? Well, he's still following Marco and trying to catch him being up to something (las manos en la masa) but in the meantime, guys, we've got to start selling some cars to earn our keep. Indeed. Beltran catches them outside, yells at them to get back to work and they do.

And speaking of yelling, Vicky arrives in high dudgeon shrieking at the top of her lungs. And Leonor puts her in her place. How dare you etc. For once Vicky is startled into silence. Let's just pause and enjoy that moment....because it doesn't last long. In the end, Leonor calms her down by promising to stop by the bridal store the next day. As to when Rafa will be home, she doesn't know. AND SHE HAS A LOT TO DO SO GOOD-BYE VICKY! Whew. I can only take so much Vicky per episode and I was definitely at my limit. So was Leonor. She's wondering how she can put up with her for life.

Back to Auto Siglo. Marino is trying to tattle on the sales force. Beltran isn't listening. Next he confides to his toady friend that he has great plans for conquering Sandra tonight and engendering a little girl. His buddy understands only one thing. Marino will be back late he can have his own lady over! There are the usual threats about Marino wanting him gone, and the usual excuses of rent is high, book hasn't been published yet, these things take time, etc. More circling the drain.

Additional circling with Rafa and Susana. He tries to explain where Dandy really was and why. Susana won't listen. Additional kvetching by Ale. Her lines. His lines. Ugh.

Now a cute visual scene. The sales folks are lined up, with Rosaura leaning on Bebe's head (he fits nicely under her chin) staring at a downtrodden, almost comatose Dandy. Rosaura can't understand why he can't fix the relationship until she's reminded of how long she's been bunking at the General's while her own marriage is in peril. Well, heck, she's giving time and space to the relationship. General consensus: Dandy misses Susana a lot more than Rosaura misses her husband and kids. Busted! And Dandy and Ramiro wonder if Ale just likes to go on being the victim and blaming Rafa. You got it: more circling. Like those dreadful traffic roundabouts they're installing....I can never get off them! These folks are stuck just like I am.

We find ourselves at the apartment where the oily Quintana (something about his mustache repulses me) has come to woo Rosario. She wants to go out for coffee so she can vent about Rubi. But the case of the hacienda is mentioned before they leave. Once again we see Marco scheming after their departure. "I've got to get rid of Quintana or find a way to keep him quiet."

And now a little guy humor. Perpetual drunk is about to throw up all over the bartender. The latter sends him off the the bathroom to hurl. Lovely.

Unfazed, fellow barmates Marco and Chavez are having their usual chat about the hacienda. Chavez doesn't think Marcos can handle the situation. Yes, he can. Jorge is the head of the family and he decides, and he's got Jorge in his pocket. Oh yeah, sez Chavez. And you think Medina is just gonna stand by while you marry his girl? And let's face it, she's sweet on him, not you. Marco explodes. A cute scene but we've seen it all before.

Now on to Rosario and Quintana. The lovebirds have hit a snag. Quintana is way too appreciative of Rubi. How could he be!? This cheesy sleazy babe is just after my brother's money. Oh, oozes Quintana, eyes mean he has some extra money socked away somewhere? No, of course not, he's bankrupt. Well, not everybody's after money, he continues. And maybe she just thinks of him like a father. Rosario's not buying it and neither are we.

So who IS falling for a line of bull? Well, not Sandra. Not at first. But by the end of the episode, Marino has her hook line and sinker. Here's how it went. They order drinks, he moves in way too fast, wanting to "formalize" the relationship and get busy making that adorable little girl child, who'll have his fabulous genes but her good looks and intelligence. Do you care for me? or are you just looking for an incubator for a baby? snaps Sandra. A lot of fast talk about the magic of their relationship and their attraction for each other. More to come but first we switch back to Ale at the office.

No magic there. She's down in the dumps. Can't work, can't stop thinking about Rafa. Wants to go out and get a drinky-poo with Susana. Susana wisely refuses and advises her to go home and talk to her father.

Back to our lustbirds. Marino's worked himself up to a fever-pitch pleading with her to give in to their magnificent passion.

Well, look whosh here, slurs a drunk, Sandra the ball-busting maneater.
M- And who are you!?
I'm the ex-husband.

Of course there's an ad.

But we're back. Big antler-bashing scene. She's a lousy wife, can't even make fried eggs, burns water, sleeps with her socks on, slurs the obnoxious drunk.

Marino attacks. Knocks the guy to the ground. A somewhat light on his feet companion shrieks, You monster, what have you done to him? Who's that? asks Marino. The guy my husband cheated on me with, hisses Sandra. But at last I've got a REAL MAN at my side. And goes into a clinch with Marino. Lots of hot kissing which would really be great if we liked these people. But we don't. So it's gross. Sorry.

And speaking of gross, yep, we're at the beauty parlor. And Vicky's there. Ovidia frets about the boys sweeping her feet, evidently this means she'll marry a widower. They chat about her possible baby and whether or not the boys can be "aunts" for the little tyke. They also chat up Vicky who wants to plan a hairdo and make-up session for the wedding. The skinny fellow assures her she's so pretty all she needs is a little lip gloss and she'll be good to go. After she leaves, they commiserate about Rafa as a "pobre sandwichito". Interesting.

Out little "sandwichito" and Dandy are glumly sitting together, dreaming about the day they can get their girlfriends back. Well, Dandy has time. But Rafa, you have your back against the wall (estás con la soga al cuello) what with your wedding at the end of the month. And has Zetina learned anything? Only that Marco had the old guy out to lunch with some babe. Doesn't sound good, muses Dandy. Maybe you should take that job with Marian Celeste and forget Ale. Rafa looks sad...and horrified at the thought. More circling the drain.

Our gloomy Ale arrives home to find an exuberant, radiant Papa, full of vim and vigor after his marvelous day. Gosh, Marco took him to eat in a great place for one thing. But for another thing, do you think I'm too old to fall in love? Well, gee, no. And with Rosario getting married, and me getting married, and I know Mother has been gone a long time....well, yes, why shouldn't you be happy! Do I know her? You do! And it's.....

Gimme an R! R!
Gimme a U! U!
Gimme a B! B!
Gimme an I! I!


Let's get this unfortunate scene over with. Ale is opposed. But Jorge feels something special. Yeah, well she's young enough to be your grandchild. You'd be ridiculous being seen with her. Aren't you confusing physical attraction with love? Jorge could answer "And your point is?..." But in fact, he fixes Ale with a steely glare and asks his own question: With whom did YOU confuse attraction and love? Marco? Or Rafa? Advantage Jorge.

Now back to our lovesick Dandy. His last resort is to draft the Hare Krishna Mariachi band to his rescue. The apartment supervisor won't let him past the yellow line but no matter. He'll sing from the sidewalk. A lugubrious Hare Krishna Hare Krishna ensues.


So he tries an up-tempo Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.


So he bellows "Susanita. Te amo! Perdoname!" And begs the group for a really swingin' heart-bustin' song.

More Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.

But wait. A door opens. Someone comes out on the balcony. Is it Susanita? Nope. It's a grouchy guy with an endless pail of cold water which he pours out on poor lovesick Hare Krishna Dandy. And there we end.

Rafa frets that he's told the licenciada the truth but it didn't help. And he's still under Marco's blackmail threat.
Ale lets the family know that she and Marco can't have a church wedding. The latter is impactado and VERY UNHAPPY.

ultimos arreglos = last-minute arrangements (Vicky at the bridal store)
lugar idóneo = perfect location, perfect spot , ideal place (Marino schmoozing a client looking for a car)
arránquense =let's start, let's go (Dandy urging on his Hare Krishna Mariachis)
huevos estrellados = fried eggs
estar con la soga al cuello = to be in a real fix, to have one's back against the wall (Rafa)
familia politica = in-laws
se te van los puntos finos = you're not handling the details, the fine points are getting away from you (Chavez criticizing Marco)
nido de viboras = nest of vipers (Auto Siglo sales force)
el escarmiento = a "lesson" (what the Queen and Beltran want to teach folks at Auto Siglo)
acatar ordenes = follow orders, obey orders
manos en la masa = usually used as in " to catch somebody getting up to something...with their hands in the cookie jar")

Dicho of the Day

Un ojo al gato y otro al garabato. lit. one eye on the cat, the other one on the scribble.
Fig. Keep your eye on the eight ball. (And that's just what Rafa needs to do if he's going to explose Marco, win Ale and end up happy. Go Rafa!)


Hey J.U.D.Y. Great title for a fun recap. Loved the intro. I was so proud of Lenora tonight when she shut down Vicky.

The Hare krishna mariachi seranade was pretty funny too. What a wide range of songs they have.

And your right that was a really cute scene with Rosario and Bebe. Then when Claudia took over and started playing with his hair.

Thanks again Judy. You always amaze me with your completness, your warm sense of humour and your great vocabulary lessons at the end. And to get it up all so quickly.

Judy- We are indeed in an extension holding pattern again, but you made it fun. :)

This show has a fondness for old bald guys, as well as shapely legs. I loved the little scene with Bebe and the ladies resting on his head and playing with his sparse hair. There have been a few times when Ale has caressed, rubbed or kissed Jorge's head too. He also came home with his reward- a lipstick stain on his head from Rubi.

So, is it love or lust? I say somewhere in between- but definitely affection. She does make him happy, and she seems to really love spending time with him and making him happy. She's also pretty ruthless and single-minded about the hacienda, but no one's perfect. :)

A great recap for a so-so episode.
A lot of things going on but none of them contributed significantly to the plot.
I thought that Marino's scene was among the best. This is as close to a gentleman as we can expect from him I think so anyway.
Since there is no religious ceremony for Ale and Marco does that mean that they will get married? That wouldn't be good.
I was hoping Susana would come out, but of course she didn't.
I want Rafa to be firm with both Ale and Susana. I mean one of them has to come down to earth already.
One other thing that might come into play is that invitation that Rosario sent to Urdiales. I mean she didn't give it to Marco to deliver. I'm assuming they didn't just make it a random scene.
Maybe if Rosario realizes that Marco doesn't work for Urdiales then Ale will desist from the wedding? I sure hope so.
The Wedding that seems to chug right along is Rafa's. Jaime better open his mouth soon or Rafa is going to hell pretty soon.
Where was Marian tonight?
Maybe I'm over thinking it?
Signing off... Private 057

Private 057- I agree that the invitation to Urdiales will play some role. Not sure how yet, but it will. I almost want Ale to get married (in a non religious ceremony) so that then everything comes crashing down on her when she realizes Marco is a big fat liar.

Thanks for the great recap Judy! Not a whole lot happened tonight, but I did enjoy the ending. Poor Dandy, I was hoping Susana would come out and listen to his serenade but all he got was a bucket of water. That was a pretty funny scene though. And way to go Leonor for standing up to Vicky!

Vivi that's a really interesting thought - that Ale should get married so everything comes crashing down on her. That would bring her back to her senses! She never seems to realize that her drastic actions have consequences. Very intriguing....

Hi Judy, I haven't seen this episode yet but you gave us yet another fun and delightful recap. Though there may not have been a lot of plot advancement, I look forward to any of the Dandy scenes as well as Ale finding out that Jorge is contemplating bringing home a new mommy for her. QUE! Indeed.
Thanks also for the vocabulary and dicho. I know they are more work but it is appreciated.

Good morning one and all.
And thanks for all those warm, appreciative comments and interesting speculations about what it's going to take to wake up Sleeping Beauty Ale.

At least with a civil wedding, there are fewer impediments to divorce, right? Still, it's an icky thought. I hope something happens to derail it. Maybe it will be U.R.D.I.A.L.E.S. as some of you suggested.

I agree with you all that there was lots of cute visual comedy last night. And if the plot didn't chug along much,'s summer and the livin' is easy.

I wonder how the actor playing Bebe feels about the hair twiddling and chin resting? He looked like he was positively enjoying it. And I'm sure both Jorge and the actor playing Jorge, didn't mind that big juicy kiss from Rubi either. Glad she's back. She certainly livens things up and riles the chickens in the hen house. All good.

@ Barbara. Yes, the vocab and dicho take a little extra time to do but it's my favorite part so I don't mind at all.

@Pata "what a wide range of songs they have" LOL

@Vivi "fondness for old bald guys as well as shapely legs". Just like me! My husband is quite thin on top and has great legs. Love it when bermuda shorts weather comes around. As to the question "love or lust", in human terms they are so intertwined. I know we're supposed to be capable of pure 'agape' but in my romantic experience that remains more conceptual than actual.

@ Private 057 "maybe I'm overthinking it" You sound just like Hombre! And like you, I wondered where Marian was tonight. I like her and enjoy her scenes. If Rafa is not for her, we definitely have to find someone better than that Daniel.

Tracie, I LOVED seeing Leonor rise up and terrify Vicky. And that bucket of water!?...did you notice how long the water was actually pouring on Dandy? More like about six buckets. He's a good sport. Hope at least it was tepid and not cold.

Good morning Judy, this recap is great, recounting the fun of this episode. Though not a lot happened to push the plot forward, I really enjoyed the antics of the characters. My favorite scene you cleverly captured in your title and Hari Krishnas always bring along their special brand of joy, although I guess Susana just was too miffed to join in the festive mood. I think Sandra is strikingly attractive and it was painful to watch her succumb to Marino's seduction. I'm hoping that her sons are hellions who will make his life miserable. There's just no way that this should work out for him.


Judy I enjoyed your recap and also this episode. There were so many cute scenes.

Visually I liked the shot of Ale & Susanna leaving for the day juxtaposed with the shot of the bemused and besotted Rafa & Dandy sitting at the desk. Also the tableau of the saleswomen draped over Bebe.

I enjoyed the queen dancing with her dogs, the look on VVV's face when Leonora shut her down, Jorge's question to Ale at the end, the wonderful "Give me an R... scene. It was just a wonderful episode to watch.


Thanks for another great recap, Judy, with lots of playful comments, and your usual extensive vocab. There were definitely a lot of fun moments in the episode, even if the plot didn't advance much. There are so many characters at this point, they can only use about half of them in any given episode. So for example, this episode had no Jaime, no Julieta, no Marian, no Zetina, no Carmela, and barely a line for Claudia. But with so many others to focus on, there's plenty of room for fun.

I noticed they were joking in the beauty parlor about their names. Ovi asked the guys what their names were, and they said (I think) Bouganvilla and Amador, which she didn't believe. Then they were talking to each other, saying her name's not really Ovidia, it's ___________, and I didn't catch that part. Did anyone hear what they said her name really was?

Actually the names I heard the fellas giving themselves were Pancracia and Agripina. And then later they claimed that one of them had seen Ovidia's birth certificate and her ACTUAL name was Agripina. Very Greek antiquity. Not sure the exact mythological references but heavy duty there. Perhaps there's some deeper meaning we should investigate. OR AM I OVERTHINKING THIS?

Well, not inclined to give too much time to our random scenes but if I get in a term paper mood, I'll explore further.

@Carlos...yes, Sandra is quite attractive. Sensational legs. As usual, you guys are greatly blessed in the babe department and we're struggling by with guys who have a lot of personality.

@Güera...I agree... lots of cute visuals and contrasting scenes. Good to just enjoy the camera work and quit itching for the plot to move forward. Except, alas, I'm one who likes to see the plot whip along at warp speed. This one is going to test me!

Sometimes it's fun to analyze things, speculating on deeper meanings, even if such speculation is not really warranted. Maybe Ovi's Greek roots have something to with a general theme of greek tragedy. And of course, Rafa's "hero pose" looks as if he's about to throw a javelin. And the word "hero" is pronounced like the word "giro", which in Spanish means a twist or turn, of which our story has many. Yes, we're finally getting to the bottom of things now!

Hi again Hombre. Well, checked google on Pancracia (Greek name for all powerful) and Agripina, one of whom was described as "ruthless, ambitious, violent and domineering". That sounds more like VickyVickyVicky than Ovidia.

I'm a day late Judy but had to tell you that this was marvelous - fun, bright and witty. Truly exceptional. Your vocabulary and dicho were stellar. Loved "cascade of lusty love" and "gloat, gloat, gloat".

You write beautifully - every word is a masterpiece - your descriptions unparalled!


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