Saturday, July 03, 2010

El Clon Friday July 2: Summary for Discussion

Lucas walks in the door of the Casa Ferrer like a yuppy Ward Cleaver, to be greeted not by June, but by Mama Rosa. (Why didn’t Said send his goons after Lucas in Morocco? Did Jade talk to Lucas after she found out Jadiya was sick? We’ll never know…)
Rosa tells him how worried she is about Natalia. She’s up all night, she sleeps during the day..
Está tan triste, anda demacrada…hasta ha perdido peso.
She’s so sad, she looks so haggard... she’s even lost weight. (demacrado is hard to translate – it means you don’t look well, you look thin – and they don’t mean it as a compliment).
Lucas assures Rosa that everything will be fine now that he is back:
Voy a tomar las riendas de esta casa!
I’m going to take the reins (take charge) of this house. (If you are reassured by this declaration, please raise your hand.)

Natalia is in her room doing things with her nose that make us think of very bad drugs, ignoring a ringing phone.

In Fez, Jade has waited until Abdul is asleep. Then she slips out of the house and heads for the airport and her early morning flight to Miami.

In Miami, Latifa is trying to convince Mohamed that Jade should be allowed to see Jadiya. When Amin comes in, they tell him that Abdul called; he signed the prayer you asked for and he’s sending it to you. ¿Cuál oración? (what prayer?) asks Amin.
Uh oh.

Mohamed must have called Abdul for clarification (although really, would you do this? Wouldn’t you just say ‘thank you so much, Uncle A’ and leave it at that?) and now Abdul is all riled up, demanding Jade be brought to him so she can explain why she would make up a story like that. He lets loose his usual stream of florid invective, goes out to look for her himself, and when he’s told she was seen with a suitcase, sends his men to the airport to look for her.

She is there all right, but they pass right by her. She is unrecognizable to them in her blouse and miniskirt, wig and dark shades, and she heads off to board the plane to Miami. (She has learned a thing or two about sneaking out of the country since her sad encounter with Careless Bathroom Woman and her irate husband)

And in Ali’s house, Abdul continues ranting, threatening to accuse Zoraida of conspiracy if they are unable to find Jade.

At the Casa Ferrer, Natalia rejects Lucas’s offer to talk to Alej, to give him a second chance. As Nati leaves the house, Marisa’s newest employee greets her, tells her he is a sus órdenes (at your disposal, at your command). She ignores him.

At school, Andrea informs her that because she didn’t show up and had no excuse, she got a failing grade in math. (reprobaste: you failed, referring to a school subject). Nati’s too depressed to care. She doesn’t believe Andrea when she says Alej still loves her.

Carolina and Enrique seem to be having the usual conversation about his addiction – a mixture of confrontation, encouragement and self-pity.

Dora comes to see Albi in the clinic. Daniel is very sad, she tells him. He thinks you’re hiding him from everyone. In particular,
El no entiende por qué lo está escondiendo de Doña Luisa.
He doesn’t understand why you’re hiding him from Mrs. Luisa.
At this point, Luisa herself comes in and tells Dora how much she would love to see Daniel. That’d be nice, says Albi, but Daniel is in New York for a few days. (Liar, liar, pants on fire!)

Escobar is on the phone arguing with Fernando. That baby is not my brother, insists Fer, because it’s not my mother’s child. Julio can’t help but overhear. Let Clara keep the car, he urges, and get another one for Alicia. I can’t afford more debt right now, says the Chump. Anyhow, Malicia and the baby are my number one priority.

I’ve never been a priority to him, says the somewhat more perceptive Clara to Roberto, as they are finishing up the marital property agreement. Do me a favor, she says, give him the car keys and papers:
No lo quiero ni ver.
I don’t even want to see him.
Fernando looks on sadly.

At their hotel, Escobar gives the car keys to Malicia. And I'm putting it in your name, he promises. They embrace and she rolls her eyes.

In Fez, the men tell Abdul they can’t find Jade. He rants about punishing whoever let her board a plane without his authorization. Then the old neurons start to fire. He remembers signing the prayer for Amin. Was it an authorization? he thunders at Zoraida.
Yo no sé nada, soy inocente, no podía saberlo. ¡Yo no se leer!
I don’t know anything, I’m innocent, I couldn’t know. I can’t read! (That’s a whole lot of denial, but then there was a whole lot of accusation)

A disturbed Mohamed gives Latifa the news: Tu prima huyó! (Your cousin fled/ran away). He’s worried about giving the news to Said. He vows that the next time they are in Morocco, they will arrange marriages for Amin and Samira. (Even Mo agrees they are too young to get married, but he wants the arrangements in place). A horrified Samira overhears the conversation.

A few moments later, Samira tells Latifa that she’s going to her friend’s party.

Said is at home playfully nibbling on Jadiya’s arm. Considering where Said’s mouth has been lately, it’s just as well that Jadiya is still taking antibiotics. Enter the Naz with Zoraida’s special tea. Did you talk to my mommy yet? Jadiya wants to know.

The boys go off to talk. Mo tells Said that Jade escaped.
Arroja esa odalisca al viento antes de que te arrastre por el suelo…
Cast that odalisca to the winds before she drags you through the mud (literally, ground)/drags you down with her. (I don’t really understand what else Said can do. He’s divorcing Jade and vowed to take her daughter away.)
Whatever it is Mo wants him to do, Said says (as Rania eavesdrops) he can’t because he still loves Jade.

Rania is hurt by what she has heard but thinks she will win Said’s love when she gives him a child.

Quiero que te pongas muy bonita, (I want you to make yourself look beautiful) Said says to Rania. We’re going to the opening of the new bar tonight.

Alej finally catches us with Nati, she relents, and they end up in one another’s arms as Marisa’s new spy watches and shakes his head.

At Casa Ferrer, the spy tells Marisa that Nati and Alej went off together.

Lucia and Marisa chat about the bar opening. Lucia marvels that Marisa doesn’t care that Said has two wives. Marisa marvels that Lucia has had only one man in her life, her husband:
El me encanta, me basta y me sobra.
I adore him, he is more than enough for me (literally, for me he is enough and for me he is more than enough) Lucia tells her.
Actually Lucia gets dangerously close to calling Marisa a woman of ill repute here, but doesn’t quite spit it out.

Lucia makes one of her compulsive Roberto calls. He tells her, from the club, that he’s on the way to the office. The sKanK is lying in wait but is arrested in midpounce by Andrea calling “Daddy!” Foiled again!

Samira is picked up for the party leaving behind an extremely nervous Latifa and a nosy Amin. If Mohamed finds out I let her go to this party, he’ll send me back! she frets.

Samira is at the party and she is asked to dance by a nice enough looking kid named Carlos.

Daniel is walking in the street and a poster catches his eye:
Hoy en la noche -- Gran inauguración -- Salamandra
Tonight -- Grand Opening -- Salamandra
[Muchas gracias, Luke, for the text of the poster]

Nati and Alej talk about his plans as a fighter. Nati thinks her mother can’t hurt Alej any more, but he knows better.

Marisa and Nati have one of their mercifully rare encounters at home. Marisa, off to get ready for the bar opening tonight, takes the time to give the “Everything I do is for your own good” speech. This is nicely parried with a “Everything you do is so that you will get your own way” (salir con la suya) retort.

Amalia urges Leo to come to the bar opening with her. (They are really teasing us with this bar opening thing!)

Samira makes it home before the coach turns back into a pumpkin, much to Latifa’s relief.

And Jade arrives in Miami.
¡Lo logré! Que Allah me proteja!
I did it! May Allah protect me!

Previews: we get a glimpse of the mysterious Other Arab.


Thanks NovelaMaven! Informative and funny! I especially liked "Considering where Said’s mouth has been lately..." and "before the coach turns back into a pumpkin..." :)

About Daniel and the poster he saw, here's what it said:

I think that's Sein's bar. People who might attend the opening: Daniel, Cristina, Leonardo, Amalia, Enrique, Said, Marisa, Rania, Alicia, probably Escobarde, and... am I forgetting anybody? By the way, have we stopped caring when Muslims go to bars? Said is getting less and less pious.

I was surprised how competent Jade's escape plan was. I was beginning to think they call her 'Jade' because she is as pretty as, and as dumb as, the eponymous stone. But the authorization and disguise were fairly clever, and her motive this time (to care for Jadiya) was not quite selfish. However, she still took a huge unnecessary risk, and used Zoraida yet again.

One last thing. I liked the scene between Lucía and Marisa. It had a little character development, as Marisa showed a little more how she thinks of Lucía, and I think Lucía began to realize how different she is from Marisa. I think I could like those characters, in a way, if they developed somehow.

This recap was, once again, more entertaining than the episode. :-)

I’m trying very hard to be nice—but tonight, I wanted to nickname Natalia “Scarface.” I’d make fun of Abdul too, but that I cannot do; it’d be like ridiculing the Prophet’s cousin…

Hee, hee, hee @ “antibiotics.” :-)

Looking very much forward to the bar’s grand opening… and Jade exhibiting somewhat better qualities (?) I don’t like being disappointed by her behavior.

My domestic partner typically translates “demacrado” as “emaciated,” at best. Very strong word.

Another terrific summarcap, NovelaMaven. Even though others have already mentioned this, I have to say I cracked up over the "considering where his mouth has been" remark. It was one of several that I liked (e.g., KarlaK "arrested in midpounce"), but it was really in a class by itself! Brava!

Thanks too for the Spanish. It helped me with several words/expressions I wasn't sure about.

Like you, I couldn't make out the poster that Daniel was looking at. Thanks to Luke for his eagle eyes.

I rather liked the scene with Samira and Carlos. I thought the actress playing Samira did a good job of expressing shyness, enthusiasm, and several other emotions without overacting.

I guess Jade really did succeed in her escape this time, but I'm still worried that "Lo logré" will summon the anvil.

Great summarcap, Novela Maven. It made me laugh out loud, which I certainly never did during the episode. Agree with all the comments posted.

Except for plot purposes, I don't see why Alej couldn't tell Nati that they should cool it at least in public to put Marisa off the scent.

I also don't understand why Dora deferred again to Albieri and didn't call him out on his lie about where Daniel was. Albieri has never given her any rational explanation about why he won't let Daniel meet her or anyone else.

I was hoping Tío Abdul was going to have an apoplexy and go to be with Allah who I'm sure he could use such a pious guy in heaven.

I couldn't read the poster either but I guessed it was for the inauguration party since that is the big event coming up.

Thanks so much for the text of the poster. I added it to the summary. I agree, it makes perfect sense that it should be The Bar Opening. Do you really think Daniel will slip in there and blow the plot way open? Maybe he'll get as far as the door with Dora (surely invited since she's one of Cristina's best friends); maybe he'll walk through quickly like a wisp of smoke and people will think they've seen him but won't be sure; maybe some key person in Lucas's life will see him, definitively; or maybe we will finally witness the most interesting encounter of all -- Lucas and Daniel, past meeting future. Now imagine spooky music playing...

As for Said getting less and less pious, well I think he started to write the rules for himself long ago and now he assumes and casts off his religion and traditions as easily as he changes from robes to suit and tie. He's a bigger hypocrite than The Naz, holding Rania and Jade to Abdul-like standards while allowing himself to indulge his basest instincts. If this were Univision, we would already see the anvils over his head, ready to fall. But this is Telemundo and all bets are off!

Thanks for the nice words. And thanks for the translation suggestion -- 'Emaciated' is a good way to translate 'demacrado'. (In my mind, though, if someone says to me: Te ves demacrada -- what I hear them saying is: You look like crap!) :-)

Thank you, amiga! I also liked the scene with Samira and Carlos. I know some people are bored with this subplot, but I am really interested in her story. (Actually, I thought Samira was getting ready to run away after hearing Mo's plans for her; I was a bit surprised to see her at the party.)

Thanks, Jean!
You guessed the poster was about the grand opening of the bar even without being able to read it? I'm impressed! You read TN plots the way Zoraida reads coffee grounds!

I'm not surprised by Dora's meekness. It's only her occasional and uncharacteristic flashes of temper and spirit that catch me by surprise. She (and Zoraida) are really the innocent victims in this novela. All she ever wanted was to have a child...

NovelaMaven, thanks for your summary and Spanish lesson. I really appreciate them.

Enjoy the fireworks and have a fun Fourth everyone.


Thank you, NovelaMaven, for keeping us clued in on the show. Shuffle, shuffle.

NovelaMaven, when I saw Samira packing her suitcase, I too thought that she was about to run away after overhearing her father's plans for her. (Actually, given all the suitcases that get packed and unpacked in this TN, I'm surprised they haven't got a luggage company as a sponsor.)

Also, I loved your remark about Jean reading TN plots the way Zoraida reads coffee grounds!

I agree with the comments about Samira. Her scenes were played very well. I like the premise of her story, a teenage girl dealing with conflicting cultural pressures. Unfortunately it's only a sub-subplot in this show, so it's not living up to its potential.

I was also not surprised by Dora's meekness. She is easily intimidated by Albieri. That's how she got into this mess. It may be a class issue, since she stands up to other men (well, Osvaldo). Or maybe it's something about Albieri, since he also has that effect on Luisa. In any case, it's sad. She has been abused in this show, but it wouldn't have been so bad if she had defended herself.

NovelaMaven, thanks once again for the recap. I really appreciate all of the time you put into this TN.

Where did Jade get the money for the very American clothes and airline ticket?

The Samira storyline is a parallel to Jade's. We are seeing the result of a Muslim upbringing in the Western world with Jade. Jade is a US citizen that grew up in the States and then after her parents deaths transported to the foreign planet of Morocco where she was forced to marry Said. Tio Ali assured her she could continue her eduction and you see what happened. Samira is living in the same manner as Jade. I hope the family wakes up and sees what the result will be.

I wish KarlaK would fall off her shoes and wake up in another TN. He is really annoying.

It will be fun if Daniel shows up at the bar opening. Everyon will be there including Marisa. Can you image if she is first to run into him?


Thanks Prinny! I hope you and everyone in our little clone community are having a terrific Fourth of July!

"I wish KarlaK would fall off her shoes and wake up in another TN." Sooooo funny! Which one, do you think? Maybe STuD, let tough girl Lucero straighten her out? Or Mi Pecado, let Rosario tear her to shreds, starting with the chin?

They don't really explain where Jade got the money. Maybe she sold some gold...

As usual, great recaps novelamaven.

Finally, the most talked about new club owner Zein is going to make his debut appearance. The writers have been teasing us all week about him, hopefully he'll be interesting.


NovelaMaven--thank you so much for a great and snarky recap!!! Hope everyone is having a splendid weekend!
Is the Clon going to make his official debut at the opening of the new nightclub? I can't wait. Maybe he will get a job there too, like everyone else.

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