Monday, July 12, 2010
El Clon, Mon., July 12 - Summary for Discussion

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Anyway, getting back to your great summacap of El Clon, I loved remarks such as "Zoraida initiates Rania into the 'liars to protect Jade' club." Yes! Though it remains to be seen how loyal a club member Rania will be.
BTW, there's a typo in one of your sentences that may give people who haven't seen this episode the wrong idea. You wrote about Nati: "She promises to to take drugs again." It's obvious that you were intending to type "NOT to take" but.... So I just thought I'd mention it in case anyone is confused.
Anyway, thanks again. And as always, I greatly appreciate the Spanish.
Thanks for the sumamry and the Spanish translations. I actually use them for studying. They are great. Unfortunately, I'm not so much so. Lois
Though I am eagerly anticipating Sein meeting Jade... wonder how that'll go.
I have never seen such a wimpy lead character as Lucas... he needs to go. Daniel too, but I know that's not gonna happen.
It seems Donde Estas Elisha is ending soon too and will be replace by La Diosa Coronada.
They were advertising El Cartel part 2 i don't know if they put that on hold.
They have also advertised some updated versions of Decisiones which is shown in reruns after the repeat of Corazon Abierto.
Yes Telemundo novela are getting better than Univision even though their novelas are revision of old novelas too.
The one thing that is missing from Telemundo's novelas are they don't have the stars like Univision does.Also they need to get their channel played on more cable providers because i'm sure that a lot of fans of novelas if they had a alternative other than Univision would switch.
I'm not happy about this going on until October. Another month would be just about right.
Of course, if Jade had a passionate romance with Sein that might make the whole thing worth while.
Oh, Malicia! Please say we don't have to wait until October for her comeuppance. She's got her eye on Pablo and already had a fantasy where he was madly in love with her. Now she's really stuck her first knife into Cristina. Too bad Pablo didn't tell her friend what Malicia said on the phone.
It's truly ridiculous that Jade is going along with this whole thing. And, as you said, they didn't seem to discuss a plan for averting a SECOND unwanted marriage to Said. They only wanted to jump each other's bones.
It seems to me that Ali's constant repetition of the fact that Jade is in love with the Lucas of 20 years ago is pointing toward an involvement with the clone. But the clone is kind of a jerk, while Lucas is a good guy even if not particularly decisive.
I sure hope Dora has the good sense to grab her mom's money and hie herself off to the doctor.
However, there is no work verification at that point. What I have to do is type my comment, then copy my comment, hit "back" and then post comment again. The second time the word verification appears, I paste my comment and then all is well.
I know it is the dog days of summer but come on and get this TN going. We need some action not just the same old merry-go-round.
Why is Dora messing around with her health? The least she could have done is talk to Alberi, he is a doctor after all. If he couldn't help at least he could point her in the right direction. Of course, with his preoccupation with the Clon, maybe that would not be a good idea at this point.
Hoping for some action tonight,
Point of interest: Roberto's reaction when he found the drugs belonging to Andrea was exactly what is recommended by Dr Phil, he did a show on it last week.)
I fixed the typo, Juanita.
I agree that all the talk, including Ali's, about how you can't go back in time and that Jade just wants the Lucas of 20 years ago indicate a meeting of Jade and the clone. If they don't meet, what is the point of the novela? Maybe it's better not to ask that question. The clone is certainly more impulsive than Lucas - that's not hard - but you're right, he is kind of a jerk.
I'm sure Fernando is going to pay attention to what Carolina tells him about the perils of drugs.
I haven't had any trouble posting, Novelera.
Hey, Rania was already a member of the Liars Club. Remember her hiding Jade beside the marital bed?
I liked the scene in which Prince Amin redeemed himself by telling the truth. As much of a creep as he has been, he showed us he does have a conscience and really cares about his parents. Nice.
I also like Roberto flexing his parental muscles. That's not something we see a lot of in this novela and I thought he was pretty effective.
Novelera, I almost always have problems posting. I've given up trying to find a pattern, but it rarely works the first time.
Bluesamurai, I think Telemundo's lack of megastars works to their advantage -- I prefer actors to stars any day (although many of these actors are quite well known, stars in their own right, perhaps in a smaller orbit). You're right, though, Univision seems to have much wider circulation. I have only recently had access to Telemundo.
My favorite bits: Jade calls Lucas because she has a plan. To get out of her forced marriages, right? No, just to have sex. While Zoraida and Rania wait at the mall. Nice plan.
And Jade traps Rania in the the "liars to protect Jade club" (nice one, Jean): even though Said sent her to watch, he would probably think the worst of her if she said Jade went to see Lucas.
NovelaMaven: I agree about Amin and Roberto having some unexpected moments of decency. That was nice.
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