Monday, July 12, 2010

Dinero Mon. July 12, 2020 Love Hurts and Technology's A Killer

Hola folks. It's another hot sultry night in Ohio and thanks to a neurotic laptop, I've just lost the first four pages of my notes. Even my computer savvy son can't retrieve them so this will be a short recap. I did note down a few Spanish expressions by hand so at least we'll have some vocabulary!

Here's what I remember. Alejandra is obsessing and crying about Medina and his various adventures with Marian and his novia. Here she is, kicked out of her house, living in Marcos' apartment while Rafa is off having a blast with Ms. Celeste and planning his wedding with Vicky. But hey, she decides to take action. Once she finds out from Susana that Rafa's wedding is set for the end of the month, she proposes to Marcos that they get married and she'll plan it for the very same day. Susan is so appalled at this stupid development, she refuses to help Alejandra make the arrangements. So our little prima donna does it herself. And now Rafa will have to pay her back. After all, weddings take money!

The used trucks arrive. Trapito announces that Marian's (indicates this with curvy hand motions describing her bodacious figure) camiones are in and Rafa rushes out to the work bay area to instruct the mechanics to fix them up FAST. He has to sell them pronto.

Meanwhile, out in the sales room, our scholar vendedor is waxing poetic about his romantic early birthday celebration last night. Marino figures that it's a good time for his buddy to move out and move in with his new lady. Please! German Ramirez is "chapado a la antigua" (old-fashioned) and one can't presume to live together at this delicate juncture in a relationship. Marino backs off, but one senses not for long. His deep-seated narcissism doesn't make for being a good roommate....or anything else in the friendship line.

His attention is diverted though by a new arrival. Shapely brunette, slick pair of legs, awesome high heels...ah yes, it's the mother of his next child!--a daughter of course. Dandy gets there first and is well on his way to making a sale of not one but two camionetas but he has to go look for the relevant brochures. While he's gone Marino moves in. When Dandy gets back, we have the usual antler-bashing, chest-thrusting, eternal pissing contest between these two. And finally we get down to business. Marino will give him one of his sales. No. Well two. No. Well, three then and you're killing me! Done. And the killing's not over. Marino is handing this babe free insurance for a year and so many discounts he's not going to get any commission. But it's all good. He finagles her into a coffee across the street (cheap tequila actually) and then a date for that evening (she's thinking dinner, he's thinking Ramirez' birthday party). And he has a good deal of info about our beauty now. She has a couple of warehouses for women's clothes, she's been working by day, studying business administration by night, separated for two years from her husband and has three kids...all"varones" (boys). Surely it's time to make a new life with some man and have a little girl child, right? For some insane reason, she seems to consider this idea. Flee, woman, flee!

On the random front, the Queen, flanked by her dogs and the hard-working Chapito, runs into our aristocratic slimeball from Marian's party. I keep thinking of him as Jeronimo (that's what he was in Gancho). Anyway, he's flanked by some Eurotrash he picked up in Colorado skiing....or was it somewhere else?...Las Vegas perhaps? Well, no matter. He knows the Queen from way back and she's like a mother to him. They josh around a bit and he quips that he thought she was going to offer him a job. Oh my goodness, how could I do that, Queenie laughs, since you've never worked a day in your life! now we've got the goods on this guy. He's another Marcos. Charming wastrel with nothing to do but swan around and use up his inheritance...or somebody else's.

Back to Auto Siglo. Ale, bent on revenge, has received the fax confirming her reservation for the wedding and reception and has left it on the floor where Rafa can't miss it. As he comes in, conferring with the mechanic, she sweeps out, informing him she's just going to touch up her makeup in the bathroom. By all means, make himself comfortable in the office. Mechanic finds the fax, gives it to Rafa and sure 'nuff, he's impactado. But also stuck. As he explains to his posse in the, meeting room, he can't tell Ale the whole truth or Marcos will put his mom in jail. And as for the allegations of sleeping with Carmela, no pictures, no proof. Again, his hands are tied.

And Carmela? Well, she's anxious for her money since it's obvious she's not going to get any nookie. Marcos, emboldened by his marriage plans, is ready to negotiate a deal. Once he's married, he'll sell the hacienda and then can pay her the agreed upon amount. She insists on more, and frankly, even if I had my notes, I'm not sure I could explain it. He has to give her a cheque en blanco (a blank check? that sounds dangerous) and sign some sort of document and....well...suffice it to say, she has him by the short hairs. The final blow? Her derisive laughter and pity for poor Alejandra who's going to marry a con artist who not only will sell her hacienda out from under her but won't get the job done in bed either. What a swindle!

Some more whining, crying, storming and kvetching. Ale is bound and determined to go through with the wedding unless Rafa mans up and does something to stop her. Susana is incensed she's even thinking of such a crazy plan. Throwing away her life and marrying a man she doesn't love. Insane. Unmoved, Ale wails that only Rafa can make her change her mind and he has until the end of the month to do it.

Okay. Here's my question. Where in the Sam Hill is Rubi? We need a good dose of comedy to juice up this novela. And while we're at it, from now on I'm taking my notes in long-hand. This infernal laptop has betrayed me for the last time! I feel just like Ale. Led on....and then let down. A sadder but wiser gal.


pasar bomba = have a great time (Ale thinking about Rafa off with Marian)
se divierte come enano = to have a blast (lit. to have as much fun as a the court jesters of old)
se armó un problema gravisimo =there was a terrible problem, or a terrible problem broke out
trapear el piso conmigo = wipe the floor with me (Ale complaining about Rafa)
deshice de yugo de mi sagrada madre = slipped out of the yoke of my sainted mother (Jimenez talking about his happy homelessness)
chapado a la antigua = old fashioned
voy al baño a retocarme = going to the bathroom to touch up my makeup (Ale pretending to leave the office so Rafa can find the fax)
no comen tierra, salen lombrices = don't eat dirt, you'll get worms (part of the charming conversation between the Queen and "Jeronimo") If there's a deeper meaning here, it escapes me)

Dicho of the Day

Más tiene el rico cuando empobrece que el pobre cuando enriquece.
The rich man who loses his wealth is richer than the poor man who attains wealth.

In other words, somewhat like our saying" The rich get rich and the poor get poorer." Or "You just can't get ahead for trying."

Somehow, all the well to do folks in this one, even with money troubles, still have a lot more than the poor folks who are scrambling and working just trying to make ends meet. But will things change? Sure hope so.


Thanks for the quick recap Judy. Wow, so quick and you already had 4 pages of notes. You must be typing licketedy-split.

I was thinking it's not a good idea for Marco to have Ale and family at his pad. No telling what old girl friends or dare I say, Rubi shows up.

"Flee, woman, flee!" So why would Marino want to followup with that woman when she only has boys? Doesn't make sense to me. Drop her and move on.

Can't be good that the slimeball, "Jero", knows the Queen. Or, maybe nothing to worry about, just a distraction to add an episode or two? Another Marco, except with an inheritance.

Ale and Rafa, wedding plans, gnashing of teeth, enough already. :)

Judy thanks for the fun recap. I had written a longer comment last night but couldn't post it. Hope I have beeter luck with this. I am off to work but wanted to thank you. Will check in when I get home

Good morning Jeff. How's the new job going? Glad you could stop by to visit. I'm hoping Lance doesn't drop out of the race but hangs on to help his teammates.

I'm a pretty fast typist but not THAT fast. I type my recap directly into the CarayCaray software. (a lot of my colleagues type it into notepad or and then transfer it when it's completely done).

Anyway, the time listed when I do it that way is the time I BEGAN, not when I ended. However, clearly it went pretty fast since I was relying on memory and not peering at my notes.

Like you, I considered the possibility that "Jero" is going to try and deep-six Medina's career at AutoSiglo....or cause further trouble with Marian. Poor little Rafa just can't get a break. Evidently we have many months more of seeing him suffer.

Bring back Rubi!

hi Pata. Were comments disappearing like they did a few days ago? Many strange things going on with our website. Glad I didn't have any trouble posting after my laptop disaster. That would have been Too Much. I was already at This Has Been Just About Enough.

Judy: Trying to recap despite oppressive heat and humidity is difficult enough. But, to lose your notes on top of the adverse weather conditions was terrible. So sorry! I have to say though that had you not mentioned it, who would have known? The recap reflected the weather - smokin' hot!

A veritable smorgasbord of delectable quotes: "we have the usual antler-bashing, chest-thrusting, eternal pissing contest" and my favorite: " Charming wastrel with nothing to do but swan around". I also laughed at "Flee, woman, flee!" which Jeff's already quoted. Excellent!

The vocabulary and dicho were amazing.

At least Susana isn't aiding and abetting Ale in her hairbrained scheme. Glad someone is the voice of reason here.

Kudos to Carmela: "Her derisive laughter and pity for poor Alejandra who's going to marry a con artist who not only will sell her hacienda out from under her but won't get the job done in bed either". Perfectly said.


Judy- You are amazing. A fantastic recap with vocab and dichos, despite losing most of your notes! Wow!

I was totally shaking my head this whole episode, just like Susana, at Ale's crazy scheme. But then when she said that she has basically put the ball in Rafa's court to do something, and has lit a fire under him to really fight for her and clear things up, I thought it made a certain about of sense. Maybe I've become as crazy as Ale? Lol! But Rafa needs to get going resolving all of this stuff, and needs to stop wasting time doing things like hanging out with Marian at the pool. Of course, it just adds another huge item to his already formidable To Do list- stop Ale's wedding to Marco.

Excellent recap for a painful episode. I can't tell if you lost your notes. Great job!
This is exactly what I was afraid of: Ale running into Marco's arms after she found out about Rafa's wedding. I'm glad to see Susana acting with the best sense in the world. At least someone still has their head screwed on right.
Rafa better do something. I get the feeling that Rafa isn't getting married but that Ale will. She doesn't think before doing, she just runs and runs with it.
Well enough ranting, I finally got it out of my system.

Excellent recap Judy! I wouldn't have known that you lost your notes. You covered everything in great detail! Ale really needs to think things through. Her wedding plan is crazy! I'm thinking this is a great time for Rafa to bring Susana over to his side and explain everything to her. And really get working on exposing Marco. Go Zetina go!

Great job, Judy. Who needs notes when she has such talent and a great memory?

Ouch! No Vicki, no Rubi, and Ale about to marry Marco? Dark times.


Oh, the leggy customer looked very familiar. Have we seen her before in another TN?


Not only did the cameraman linger on the legs of the customer, he lingered on the legs of the girl with Daniel/Jero. I wonder if he ever tried to convince the actress playing Susana to wear a short skirt, just once...

Hard to believe that you had computer problems, Judy. Your recap was great. The vocab & dicho are much appreciated. You are a real treasure. It's been a crazy couple of weeks but the work of al you recappers helps so much to let me catch up. Thanks to you all.


Greetings y'all. Thanks for all those kind, supportive words. I felt like throwing a tantrum last night but at my age that would have been just pathetic. Decided to just go with the flow and remember what I could.

Interesting conjecture about Susana...since we've decided the camerman (or director) is a leg man. But long pants are no problem. When I was a freshman in college, I had a young history teacher, gorgeous, who was also an avid tennis player. I always sat on the side of the auditorium so I could admire the curve of his calf muscle through his gray wool pants. Divine.

Don't remember a thing about the history of Western Europe but I can still picture those legs in my mind like it was yesterday.

On the Ale wedding. Even if it doesn't come off, that's more expense, more bills to pay for Rafa, eventually. The financial aspect of this one alternately confuses me and makes me sick. Bring back Rubi!

Great recap, Judy, with lots of wise observations, and extensive vocab. Thanks!

ITA with Vivi, I was shaking my head, but when Ale sort of laid down the gauntlet for Rafa, it made some sense to me, too. And I do think he's going to act, although probably at the very last minute (like maybe he'll rush out of the Vicky wedding over to the Ale wedding, or something like that).

I really can't fathom the purpose for Daniel/Jero to be present, but I guess we'll find out. There doesn't seem to be any way Ale would fall for him. Too bad he's not a "good guy", because he could be the one to really put Carmela in her place, or at least find out what she's up to. But I can't see how he'd ever be on Rafa's side.

Our main characters love to think the worst of each other. Zetina reported that Ale has moved in with Marco, and Rafa immediately assumes the worst (although I guess it's understandable, since she's now going to marry him).

Thank you Judy, great recap, I can't believe you did it without notes!

Ale is far worse about jumping to conclusions than Rafa and getting completely carried away. I find it hard to watch when she is like that, ack!! At least Susana is being sensible. Maybe in TN land Ale's strategy makes some kind of sense, but in real life it seems ridiculous.

Is Marino setting himself up for a sticky situation - meaning he'll find out that Ramirez's new woman is one of "his" own women, and he'll be with the new babe at the time? I hope so!

Hi Ivy and Hombre...back at the computer after being at a meeting. Yes, in telenovela land, people always assume the worst. And sometimes in real life also.

Ivy, Marino is certainly due for some major anvils to crush that over-weening self-esteem of his. Finding out his pedantic little friend is romantically involved with one of his former wives would be delicious. And can't come too soon.

I just got home from work. My comment last night was one big long rant about Ale's behavior. I was so mad at her last night!! I am more calm now, but still, Ale's acting like a 3 year old.

Anyway Judy I really enjoyed your recap and find you just amazing to be able to do that with no notes! I use the microsoft word and cut and paste, but I have also lost all my notes. Trouble for me with writing out my notes is I can't always read what I wrote.

I don't know why I couldn't comment last night, I kept getting knocked off the internet. I think that is my computer more than anything else. I hope this one goes through.

Yes, you got through Pata and had I read your rant last night I could have sympathized with you. Granted, Ale is hampered by not having all the facts but even so, the jealousy and the various vengeance moves don't bode well for the future. This is not a healthy pattern. And these hurting maneuvers just lead to more hurt...and more expense...and more debt...and then more hurt.

Sure hope the writers throw us a major day brightener soon. I got drawn into this by the customer wedding episode and the beach episode. But I'm not feelin' it right now, believe me!

Judy, thanks so much for the recap under the adverse killer technology conditions! Gosh, I just hate it when I lose stuff like that. And 4 pages! Que lastima! It makes me want to throw the computer across the room-- except I really do like my computer too much and it's too expensive to indulge myself that way. Well anyway, you kept your cool in the heat and produced an excellent tale.

Susana asking Nelson to come clean and tell her what all the mystery was about was hopeful. The truth seemed so near and yet still so far.

Vivi, you made me laugh when you said that Ale had lit a fire under Rafa and it made a certain amount of sense. You're shaking your head at the situation but maybe you've become as crazy as Ale! And Hombre agrees! LOL! As much as I love my girl Ale, this marriage is definitely an idiotic plan! But I'll join in-- I'm feeling ambivalent because perhaps it will just finally help move things forward and help our couple reunite.

Hi Barbara. Interesting how we get caught up in these telenovelas, isn't it? Let's say as long as we don't pull these extreme "solutions" in real life, it's all great fun.

Thanks Judy. I am late reading all the recaps today but wanted to say thank you very much and also thanks for the vocabulary.

Hi Lynda. Thanks for stopping by. We are all so busy this summer, it's hard to keep up with our telenovelas, and even harder to keep up with comments.

Glad you appreciated the vocabulary. I love writing these expressions down but despair of ever being able to remember and generate them. Still at the infancy level when attempting to speak the language.

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