Monday, July 05, 2010
El Clon, Mon., July 5 - Summary for Discussion
It's the big night! The opening of Salamandra, Sein's club. Malicia is checking invites at the door. She clearly doesn't enjoy working at such a menial task while Cristina hobnobs with the guests.
Inside the decor is so Tutanhkamen via Las Vegas! Hieroglyphs on the walls and the waitresses with those pharaoh hats (why didn't they have Malicia wear one of those?)

Said and Rania are just getting ready to leave for the party. The Naz is happy to stay with Jadiya. [You would think the Naz would be dying to go to a party like that.] Jade shows up outside the house crying and begging to see Jade. Said is unmoved. He tells the guards not to let Jade in and he and Rania leave.

At the party Said runs into Marisa,
'¿Te gusta mi collar?' Do you like my necklace? asks Marisa, 'Me lo regaló un marroquí, guapísimo,' A super handsome Moroccan guy gave it to me.

Pablo urges Alej to go to the opening and try and get his job back but Alej doesn't think it is worth it.
Just what we needed. A new skank, cousin to Karla and Hilda, shows up fresh from committing insurance fraud by making false accident claims.
Roberto jokes with Enrique and says that he had better not have the drinks that are being served or he will see Diego at the party. Marisa says that she hopes Diego shows up. She would marry him. That marriage would work.
The Naz is not hard-hearted enough to be able to ignore Jade's pleas.

She lets Jade in the house and lets her see Jadiya.

Leo and Amalia arrive. Cristina greets them and then makes out ostentatiously with Pablo.

Dora is watching a program where a woman describes symptoms similar [I guess] to Dora's. The woman says that she never imagined that it was a fatal condition... Dora turns off the program when Daniel comes in dressed á la Arabe to go to the bar opening.

The Naz hustles Jade out of the house when Jadiya falls asleep.
The host (anfitrión) of the party and the owner of the bar, Sein is presented. [It's Tiberio Cruz, who played Pajarote on Doña Bárbara and Hércules in La Traición.]

Nati and Alej meet at Gloria's. Alej flashes back to when he gave Nati her bracelet (pulsera).
'Tú me hacías tan feliz,' You made me so happy, says Nati. Alej protests her use of the past (imperfect) tense. Nati says that nothing is the same (nada es igual). Alej agrees that everything has changed, 'porque yo te quiero más, mucho más,' because I love you more, much more. Gloria spoils the mood by making threats against Nati's family if any further harm comes to Alej.
Fernando is still ruing the loss of the car. He tells Clara that his father deceived him.
Malicia tells the Chump that Cristina didn't go a good job at the opening and she is sure that she will replace Cristina very soon. The Chump tells her that the papers putting her name on the apartment will be signed in 15 days.
Daniel shows up in his weird Bedouin costume with his face covered like he was in a sandstorm. We recall that way back at the beginning of the novela, Diego or Lucas wore something like this. Where did Daniel get it? He locks eyes with Cristina. This is history repeating itself, folks.

Jade has nowhere to go (she has the key Lucas gave her but maybe she doesn't have the address). She goes to Mohamed's house and Latifa lets her stay. Zamira tells Jade that she doesn't want her husband chosen for her. 'Sólo te puedo consejar que luches por lo que quieres hacer ahora, porque después puede ser más tarde,' I can only advise you to fight for what you want to have now because later it could be too late, Jade tells Zamira.
Daniel and Cristina kiss.

He has to pull down his face covering to kiss Cristina and she has to close her eyes so as not to recognize Daniel as Lucas. It's rather awkward. What is this supposed to mean? That a clone of Lucas remembers something that Diego did?
The next morning Cristina tells Vicki that with all the stress of the opening and seeing Leo with Amelia, she lost her head. 'Lo besé sin conocerlo,' I kissed him without knowing who it was, she says. Cristina goes on to say that the whole situation reminded her of what happened in Morocco when she lost her chance to marry Leo.
At Said's house, Jadiya wakes up and asks where her mother is. Said is suspicious but the Naz insists that Jadiya dreamed the whole thing.
Mohamed is angry that Latifa let Jade stay with them. He, of course, wants to tell Said right away. Jade comes in and says that Mohamed is right, 'Yo escogí mi suerte,' I chose my fate (literally, luck), says Jade. There is a knock on the door. It's Ali back from his trip. Jade asks him if it is true that Said can prevent her from seeing her child.
Back in Fez, Zoraida tells Abdul that Ali has returned to Miami and she has to go take care of him. Amina says that she wants to go back, too to see Rania.
Said keeps flashing back to Jade begging to see Jadiya. Rania tells the Naz that Said still suffers for Jade. 'No es cierto. Se acostumbró al maltrato que es muy diferente. Hasta le gusta,' That's not true. He got used to being mistreated and ended up liking it, says the Naz.
What is Marisa doing at Leo's house? She asks if Nati would like to study abroad. Nati says no. She is happy here. Nati asks Marisa if she is seeing anyone. Marisa asks what Andrea told her. Nati replies that Andrea didn't tell her anything, '¿Acaso ella sabe algo?' Does she know something? This, of course, confirms the fact for Nati.
At school, Andrea tells Nati that she saw Marisa and a man kissing. When Nati identifies Marisa's lover, Nati correctly concludes that it was Marisa who got Alej fired from his job.
Marisa calls Said and says she wants to see him. When they are in bed together, she tells him, 'Ellos nos vencieron,' they defeated us. She says that all she and Said ever talk about and think about are Jade and Lucas. She says that they are never alone, 'siempre somos los cuatro,' there are always the four of us. Said asks who Marisa wants to get vengeance on more, Lucas or Jade. Marisa says it would be Jade because had Jade not existed, her relationship with Lucas would have been different. She says that Lucas liked to fall in love with the impossible and she made herself too available.
Ali leaves a message for Lucas to go at once to an address.
The credits roll.
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"Why didn't Malicia wear one of those (pharaoh hats)?" -- Maybe it would have been hard to pick her weasel-face out of the crowd. But yeah, it would have been worth it. And they could have had her wear a name tag :)
So weird that Daniel showed up in full costume mode (wouldn't it have been enough to walk like an Egyptian?), but I guess that's one way to slip him in unobtrusively among the principals.
By the dramatic introduction of Sein, as they cut back and forth from his penetrating gaze to the rapt faces in the crowd, I assume he's going to play a game-changing role in our story.
And let's hear it for the Naz! We always knew she had a mouth. Now we know she has a heart.
Samira’s daydreaming reminded me of how cute it is her love interest is named Carlos. My partner is a Carlos too :-). Sweetness.
Pleasantly surprised by the Naz’s change of heart. Yay! So she does have a soft side.
The Daniel/Cristina scene gave me goosebumps; the cinematography and direction gave me the creepiest feeling of déjà vu… con Cris en rojo otra vez. (Daniel remembered Albieri, and Natalia to some extent. But he doesn’t remember his godmother? She’s changed her look, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt)
And thanks to all the recappers and commenters who make CarayCaray so interesting and fun. Lois
Oh but I forgot that Cris is Diego's godmother.... ewww!
Loved the Naz!!
Yes, I wonder where the story will go with Sein.
I'm really looking forward to Tiberio Cruz's development as a character. I hope he's not meant to be a villain. I'd like him to catch on to Malicia in a NY minute. He is one guy who definitely makes my heart go pitty pat.
I was happy to see that the club manager (played by the enforcer for El Sapo from Doña Bárbara) doesn't seem to be dazzled by Malicia one bit. He chewed her out for leaving her post and sent her home. Also, she didn't seem to react to Leo being there at all. What's up with that?
Well, another big tease. Daniel goes to the party, but he's disguised as a Bedouin so none of the folks who know him (including Leo) can see his face.
At this point I really don't expect him to end up with Jade. He's got some of Lucas' qualities, but appears to have the mujeriego gene from Diego. I expect him to be drawn to Jade; they've already hinted that. But I don't think he's good husband material, not even counting the age difference.
Another interesting plot point is that there are still 15 days until Malicia owns the apartment, so there's a possibility of the Chump getting a clue before it happens.
I also was pleased that the Naz let Jade in. She doesn't want her for a sister-in-law, but she really does love Jadiya and couldn't prevent their being together.
Wow, Sein's dramatic entrance was impressive. I wonder whether he studied how real celebs do it. Given how guapo he is, he's clearly meant for someone. The Naz, perhaps, especially now that she has redeemed herself a bit in Viewerville's eyes?
I keep wondering about what's going to happen (if anything) between Nati and Daniel. Clearly, they're not Meant For Each Other, since they're close blood relatives, even if they don't know it. But all that business early on in the TN (the powerful attraction the two children felt for each other) must lead somewhere.
finally, an episode with some meat on its bones--you captured it perfectly! Thanks!
Seeing Daniel in the blue bedouin gear reminded me of the vision Lucas had when he was thrown from his horse in the sandstorm.
I thought the nightclub opening night was glamorous and dramatic, very interesting for those of us in viewerville who are nightclub-deprived.
All I want now, though, is for Malicia to be exposed and thrown off the show!
One thing I didn't like was the introduction of a new skank (as the summary puts it). I'm OK with scheming characters (Alicia), and with over the top characters (Nazira, Cristina), but I find this group merely obnoxious.
I agree with the comments about Daniel's costumed appearance being a tease. But since it was low-key (not a huge farce of near-misses) and he had an intense little story with Cristina, I enjoyed it. Their make-out scene was almost unbelievable, but the obvious passion made up for some of the awkwardness. The actors have some chemistry, and they both "smolder" well. I think we're supposed to think that Daniel, like Diego (and Cristina) can act on pure animal attraction. I think he didn't recognize Cristina, nor did she recognize him, but he is similar enough to Diego in looks (his intense gaze, anyway) and inclinations that they were naturally drawn to one another. It will be awkward later.
(By the way, I don't remember Lucas or Diego in a Bedouin costume, as you suggested in the summary, Jean. Lucas dressed as an Arab woman twice, and was rescued by Bedouins, but that's all I remember.)
Nazira, as I suspected, isn't exactly a bad person. She's over the top and paranoid. But we can see she has a heart, although it's usually obscured by her tantrums.
By the way, do Amin and Mohamed keep asking "what's wrong with Samira" because she looks happy? Does this represent their bias against her, or am I reading too much into this?
Also, did anybody notice that at the beginning of the episode, Pablo was at the party (see the picture of him with Diana, who is barely recognizable in her costume), then at the gym with Alejandro, then back at the party kissing Cristina? Did he leave the party, or were these scenes shown out of sequence?
Luke: In the very first episode, Lucas, Diego and Albieri go for a camel ride in the desert. This is before Leo and Cristina arrive. One of the twins is in a blue bedouin costume - why is never explained.
What I assume is the reason comes later when Lucas is delirious in the desert after Diego dies. He sees Diego's face on one of the Bedouin leaning over him and the Bedouin is wearing a blue thingy. My assumption is that all of these scenes in Morocco were filmed together and since Mauricio Ochmann was in the Bedouin costume for the one scene, he just kept it on for the other.
I didn't pay too much attention to the scenes with Pablo and Alej. I thought the scene at the gym was before the party but you may be right. Diana certainly was almost unrecognizable in her getup.
Nazira really does love her nieces/nephew.
I didn't see this episode & it appears that a lot of interesting situations occurred.
I missed the much anticipated introduction of the mysterious arab sein. I bet the women will be throwing themselves at him.
And the kiss between chris & daniel
must have reminded her about morocco & diego.
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