Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Today, blogger is eating your comments.

Hello friends! I'm sorry to report that our blog host is having some sort of problem (I googled it and there are plenty of others in this boat) and comments appear to post but disappear instead. Sorry for the frustration.


Good morning!

Judy just e-mailed me that her comments are also disappearing. She did the Dinero recap last night and the comments she already wrote this morning are not appearing.

We appreciate all of the recappers efforts!



Ah, good to know. I posted last night on STuD. Oh well, sometimes computers have a mind of their own. Thank you!

Melinama - Hi, I have sent my recap to Connie to post, but I am wondering if you can send me whatever I need to post them myself? I tried to follow the directions Vivi gave me once but I don't seem to have the right permissions or kind of account. I hate to inconvenience someone else to post for me. Thank you!


Hi Ivy, you need to email me your email address so I can send you an invitation to our blog!

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