Thursday, July 29, 2010

El Clon Thursday July 29: Summary for Discussion

In tonight’s episode, Amalia and Leo call it quits; Lucas agrees to unite forces with Marisa for Nati’s sake; Malicia takes credit for Cristina’s work and gets ready to elbow her out; and Ali comes face to face with Albieri’s handiwork.

We are back on the street with Lucas and a flat, numbed-out looking Natalia. He is desperate to know that she is okay. She is desperate to get money. They head back to the Casa Ferrer.

At her gynecologic visit, the doctor asks Dora to describe her symptoms. Then we’ll do the exam and Pap smear, she says, and you can come back in a few days for the results. For now: No nos adelantemos todavía. (Let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet.)

Luisa catches up with Cristina at the hotel in Fez. Cris tries to prepare Luisa for the possiblity that Albieri may indeed have a lover but if he does, it’s meaningless. One may be dazzled momentarily (dejar deslumbrar)… We’re not like that, says Luisa. (But you have to forgive her, Luisa. Being in Fez and remembering her fateful dalliance with Diego has distorted her perspective a bit.) Hmm, on second thought, says Cris, if he were here for a honeymoon, why would he take Daniel with him?

Today you get to meet my friend, Ali, says Albieri to Daniel as they wander through the medina together. Daniel is glad to hear it although he admits that what Albieri has said so far about the mother who died me tienes muy confundido. (has me very confused). He loves his mother Dora, she’s the only mother he’s known, she raised him and:
Yo no quiero que mi madre Dora salga lastimada.
I don’t want my mother Dora to end up getting hurt.

Lucas brings Nati home and asks Rosa to fix a meal for her. I’m not hungry, says Nati. She never eats anymore, offers Rosa. The girls these days think it’s beautiful ser hueso y pellejo (to be skin and bones, or literally ‘bone and hide’) she says indulgently. When Lucas asks Nati about her arrest, she denies any responsibility. The drugs weren’t hers, someone put them in her bag (morral). The only one who heard the policeman say she was drugged was her mother and she’s a liar…

Marisa comes downstairs and tells them Andrea heard what the policeman said as well. Nati repeats her litany of abuses suffered at Marisa’s hands. (Interestingly, on repetition, it loses force and Nati just sounds like a drugged out, spoiled brat while Marisa can play the injured party.) Rosa slips away and calls Enrique. Nati is possessed by a demon, she tells him, and you are the only one who understands about spirits. One Ghostbuster on the way, he assures her.

Clara is trying to find Fernando. He hasn’t shown up at work and no one answers the phone at home. She calls Andrea who tells her she hasn’t seen him, but tries to cover without exactly lying, saying they just have different schedules.

Clara tells her friend Carolina how worried she is about her son and Caro confesses that indeed she has noticed he’s been very distracted lately (está muy disperso) and she’s concerned about his behavior too. She suggests finding professional help for him.

Nati’s argument with her parents is becoming increasingly shrill. I want money, you make me crazy (me sacan de quicio), I’m tired of your stupidity… Enrique walks in on this sorry performance and Lucas asks him if he knows anyone who can help them.
No me van a mandar a ningún loquero!
You’re not sending me to any shrink! screams Nati.
Enrique tells them she is high on cocaine (está llena de cocaína). He is sure because looking at Nati is like looking in a mirror. Parents always want to hide the truth at first because of shame and guilt…
It’s true, says Marisa, I do feel guilty. Did you hear what my daughter said to me? Enrique tells her she shouldn’t feel guilty [Excuse me? Yes, she should feel guilty, even if Nati is ultimately responsible for the course of her life!]
In his case, he says:
El único responsible de haber entrado en las drogas era yo; y el único responsable de salir de las drogas era yo también.
I was the only one responsible for getting into drugs; and I was also the only one responsible for getting away from drugs.
But, he adds:
No hacemos nada lanzándole una cuerda a Natalia si ella no se quiere.
We accomplish nothing throwing a lifeline to Natalia if she doesn’t want it.

It’s time for family farewells at Ali’s house. Poor deluded Mohamed says they’ll be back soon for the weddings of the children to the novios selected by Abdul. The Naz repeats that she’d prefer to die barren (seca) than married to a mummy. When the group has left, Ali tells Zoraida that he is worried about Jade. He is troubled by Said’s plan to keep her from seeing Jadiya. He doesn’t trust Zein, calls him un aventurero, and says he’s only interesting in seducing women. Asking Zoraida not to say anything to Jade about Said’s threats, he heads off for a walk in the ruins to think.

And of course at that moment, Daniel is telling Albieri, as they walk through the ruins, that he feels as if he has been here many times before. [Of course we’ve seen him there before at least once.]

The turtledoves Amalia and Leo have stopped cooing. Amalia is on her way back to Miami. Leo accuses her of behaving like a spoiled brat (malcriada) and she tells him it’s clear he isn’t over Cristina. The engagement is toast.

Escobarde phones Fernando for a man-to-man conversation. Fer hangs up on him. Then the moronic Escobarde turns to Anita and complains that Clara is behaving badly and Malicia is sweet, good and honest. (Anita must have taken an anti-emetic before coming to work because she manages to listen to this without puking.)

That sweet Malicia has just assured Cristina, on the phone, that she has a Very Important Report (VIR) in hand that Cristina prepared before she left. To Rogelio, however, she says the VIR is nowhere to be found. She will do her best to write it tonight. But that is weeks of work, he says. Hey, if you have that VIR for me tomorrow, I’ll give you a promotion! (So is Rogelio a sly fox or a fool?)

At the gym, Alej confides to Pablo that he is getting distracted by Natalia’s problems. He’s afraid Rudy (I suppose the new trainer) will notice and tell Michael Gonzales.

And in Fez, Albieri is giving Daniel a history lesson about the ruins, originally a kasbah or fortress. Who should come walking along but Ali…

Jade bounces happily into Ali’s house and tells Zoraida all about her plan to get together with Lucas in Miami. She confesses she hasn’t told Zein about Lucas for fear he would return her to Said. Soon Lucas and I will be together forever! (Oh Jade!)

While Jade is in Fez dreaming of her happy ever after with Lucas, Lucas is in Miami with Marisa proposing that they join forces for the sake of their daughter. Does that include forgetting about Jade? she wants to know. Whatever it takes, he says.

This is the day for the fieldtrip to the rehab facility. As Roberto stands by, Andrea calls the Casa Ferrer looking for Natalia. Rosa tells her she’s sleeping. Fernando is sleeping in today as well. Why did you want Natalia to come? asks Roberto. Is she using drugs too. [Looks like the only one who’s getting the lesson today is the one who doesn’t need it!]

Back in the ruins, it finally happens! A wandering Ali encounters the clone! As he stares at Daniel, Ali’s face is a study in bewilderment, disbelief and vague displeasure. Lucas? he asks uncertainly. Daniel turns to Albieri and asks why this man is calling him Lucas, says he’s the second person to do so. What did you do Albieri? says a horrified Ali. You defied Allah! Why is he looking at me like that? asks Daniel. He’s not looking at you, Albieri says, he’s looking at me. To Ali he says: Now you know!

Jade and Zoraida continue their conversation. Jade is sure that Lucas loves her. He has proven that to her. She was afraid he wouldn’t have the courage, that there would be problems keeping them apart as in the past. She is convinced that this time it is different. She knows Said will try to pressure her with Jadiya’s custody, but she’s confident she can prevail. She believes that Allah has sent Zein to her in order to reunite her with Lucas.

In Miami, Lucas is telling Rosa that although Jade is very important to him, Natalia is his priority right now. He’ll have to postpone his plans with Jade but he’s sure she’ll understand. He knows Natalia has emotional problems and her behavior has been difficult, but now he is there to take care of her. [It sounds as if he is at Step One in Enrique’s Parental Reaction Manual – he is minimizing the extent of Natalia’s problems and what it will take to deal with them.]

Marisa, meanwhile, seems to have rebounded nicely from her momentary bout of self-doubt and guilt. She tells Rosa that Lucas should feel guilty because he knows he is responsible for Nati’s problems.

Lucas goes up to Nati’s room and offers to set things straight with Alej if she will promise not to take drugs anymore. You know I’d do anything for you, he says.

And the final scene belongs to those who have met at the Kasbah:
Ali: ¿Es tu ahijado, Albieri? (Is this your godson, Albieri?)
Albieri: Daniel es el clon de Lucas (Daniel is Lucas’s clone.)


Oooh, NovelaMaven, a great recap of an episode with some juice to it. Thanks!
Now, what was with the foreboding music when Lucas told Nati "I wold do anything for you"? Also, I am not sorry to see the end of Amalia (again); she's a real cold fish, the polar opposite of the Naz. And why did Daniel keep tormenting that poor butterfly? It looked like a real one.

Finally! The secret is out about daniel the clon.
Poor daniel looked unnerved. Ali just stared at him as though he was from another planet.
Rogelio, he's a disappointment.
He another man conned by evil alicia.

Thanks NovelaMaven, for the summary and the Spanish. I especially liked the "Ghostbusters" bit. I was yelling at Rosa during that scene, but eventually I realized it might help to have Enrique there, and it did. Also, although Andrea is the only one of her group without a drug problem, it might help her to see rehab (or wherever they're going), because I'm not sure she really understands what's going on. If she saw where her friends are headed, she might do more to help them. (And I'm not sure Nati or Fer are even ready to be scared straight. They both think they are indestructible.)

Lucas may be minimizing Nati's problem already, but he's also forgetting that Jade is incredibly selfish and unwilling to listen to reasonable explanations. She will be mad he's not with her immediately. And she has less reason to complain now, because she's not even with evil Said. By the way, Lucas mentioned that he won't be running away with her, which reminded me of their previous plan to kidnap Jadiya. Maybe they still plan to do that, and that's why Jade hasn't mentioned Jadiya in 3 or 4 episodes.

And finally, worlds collide already. I'm sure Ali will know exactly what to do. What did the Prophet do when his college friend made a clone?

I thought I was a drama queen, but Said took the cake yesterday! And Samira became a small hero for me (my field is Communication and I'm a feminist).

It looked as if Enrique's "full of cocaine" assessment was a hard golpe para aguantar for both parents; their reactions were totally priceless.

And--I'm sure this is best avoided, but expected, nonetheless--Albi and Ali really did rock the kasbah! I expect quite the rumble about cloning ethics tonight...

Thanks, guys! I know I'm looking forward to tonight's show!

Joan, my best guess about the butterfly is that it is a living creature objectified, a specimen to be studied; and that Ali and Albieri are staring at Lucas the way Lucas is staring at the butterfly. (This show is big on parallels and visual metaphors!)

I don't remember the forboding music (I'll try to find it and take a peek again) but maybe it stands for the unspoken part of the message: I would do anything for you... even give up the love of my life.

Luke, nice point about Andrea. She COULD be doing more to help her friends and maybe the sightseeing tour Roberto has in mind for her will nudge her in that direction.

I have a bit more sympathy than you do for Jade's likely reaction to Lucas's decision to 'postpone' their escape together. I imagine her as a trapeze artist in midair, arms extended, who realizes that her partner isn't there waiting. He's changed his mind. But I am much less patient with the way she intends to use Zein. That IS selfish.

Actually one of the things I like most about El Clon is that characters can have flashes of selfishness as well as goodness and warmth; they aren't locked into the strict protágonista/antágonista roles of the more cartoonish TN's. Here our heroes and heroines are all flawed, some more than others. It's only some of the minor characters -- say, for instance, the Skanks -- who seem to be refugees from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon.

Erin, I didn't mention his berrinche in my summarcap, but yes, absolutely, Said is a drama queen! I kept imagining the plane ride home for that grumpy group. Pity the poor flight attendants!

Great summarcap, Novela Maven.

Finally someone who knows Lucas and who isn't drunk (Enrique) or stoned (Nati) gets to see the clone!

I thought Cristina had the patience of a saint with Luisa. No matter what Cris said, Luisa interpreted it to mean that Albeiri was with another woman. ¡Ya Basta!

The Ghostbusters thing with Rosa was funny. The right person for the wrong reason.

I noticed that Lucas didn´t ask if Marisa was going to give up her affair with Said.

You are right, Novela Maven, that must have been some glum flight on Aeronovela back to Miami.

Malicia's ability to deceive Rogelio seems to be dependant on Cristina not having email communication. In a big hotel like where she is staying, they certainly have a business center with computers.

In televnovelas, so much of the drama is the result of faulty communication or failure to communicate and those set in the present day have to work hard to make the ubiquitous methods of communication that we have not function. Hence, people are always turning off their cell phones so that not only can they not be reached, apparently no one leaves a message or sends a text.

Jean, remember in FELS where none of the characters had a cel phone...most of them had no land lines either! Juan was always jumping on his horse to deliver messages!
NovelaMaven, I think you are right about using the butterfly as a visual metaphor for Daniel, the clone...brilliant! But I was feeling sorry for the actual butterfly they used in the scene, obviously there were no animal rights group representatives on the scene.

Thanks for the wonderful summary, NovelaMaven.

Am also enjoying everyone's comments.


Thanks for your recap, NovelaMaven.

I get so angry with Malicia. I can't get over how easily she puts one over on everyone. I can't even stand her face.

Am I wrong, but I'm feeling sorry for Marisa. She really seems devastated and heartbroken about Marisa. So does Lucas.

If Jade still sticks with Lucas, she's a fool...and a big one!!!


Excellent writing on the recap, NovelaMaven. You have a real way with words.

The problem with being on the West Coast (and not being a morning person in any case) is that a lot of the juice has been wrung out of the episode by earlier commenters.

I loved your use of one of my favorite words in describing Said's behavior: berrinche.

Without spoilers, is there anyone who saw the Brazilian one and who might know if the drumbeat of anti-drug messages was in that one as well? I'm a bit tired of it. ¡Ya basta! Send these brats to rehab already.

I also feel some sympathy for Jade. Not what she's planning to do to Zein, but being so close to uniting with Lucas, finally legally free of Said. And then the bad timing of Nati's drug problems to throw yet another monkey wrench. She's going to react badly. I can't figure out if she's going to meet the clone in Morocco or Miami.

I'm liking Andrea, but she should stop covering up for Fernando. She started out as an East Coast Valley Girl, but is a kind, centered person.

always entertained w/ summarcaps/comments. gracias!

The recaps turned out to be even more helpful than usual for me. After reading Tuesday's, I opted not to watch Nati and Enrico (?) indicate that Coke really isn't about teaching the world to sing. But Wednesday's had me rushing to review the tape. Both were outstanding. And now this Thursday recap makes me appreciate that Saturday and Sunday will allow plenty of time to see it and tonight's as well. The story is moving along now and it's quite a ride. I loved NovelaMaven's comment about none of the characters being all perfect. I still love Jade and hope to see her end up with Lucas. I feel so sorry for Daniel. How would any of us feel upon learning we were a clon? Anyhow, it's a great ride made greater by the guide reviews and comments. Thanks all! Lois

Thanks for the nice words, everyone!

Novelera, I'm really flattered. But you know there are a lot of good writers around here -- and you, of course, are one of the best. As I said when I started recapping here not so long ago, Jean and PaulaH are the ones who set the standard high.

I also agree that the character amalia won't be missed. Her character was as interesting as watching paint dry.
Brillant summary, thanks again!


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