Tuesday, July 13, 2010

El Clon Tuesday July 13: Summary for Discussion

In which Jade becomes increasingly reckless, and Said becomes increasingly abusive...

Said is trying to explain to Abdul that he has learned from his errors with Jade. In the past he was condescendiente with her, but that is going to change. (False friend alert: in this context, the word means overly accommodating, or understanding.) And Abdul replies:
Allah repartió el deseo sexual en 10 partes, Said, le dio 9 partes a las mujeres y una sola a los hombres. No se puede ser débil con ellas, ¡no se puede!
Allah handed out sexual desire in 10 parts, Said; he gave 9 parts to women and only one to men. One cannot show weakness with them, one cannot!

At Salamandra, Rogelio hears Zein’s wedding plans, and tells him he’s crazy. Malicia tries to tell tales about Cris to Zein, but he doesn’t pay any attention to her.

Cris wonders why Pablo hasn’t come by since they were going to go to the beach. Vicki suggests that Malicia may have said something to him; Cris doesn’t believe her. She tries calling Pablo. He’s at the gym with Pedro and won’t take her call. He doesn’t want to get Malicia in trouble for telling him that Cris kissed Zein. Pedro is sceptical about Malicia’s motives.

Zoraida and Rania are stranded at the mall, but Rania is losing patience and is ready to spill the beans to Said.

Lucas and Jade are in their love nest. She insists that the only way to get custody of Jadiya is to take her out of the country; Lucas wants to do things legally. Jade says no, she will appear to go along with the marriage Said has arranged but then she will take Jadiya and flee. Lucas must have three tickets waiting for him, her and Jadiya. (I’m a bit confused here. Is she saying that she will go to Morocco or is she intending to run away with Jadiya before then? That would make more sense to me)

Albieri joins Padre Andres and Daniel. Andres wants to know if Albieri is running away with Daniel and asks if Daniel’s mother is aware of the travel plans. No, I'm not running away and Yes, of course, she knows where Daniel is, lies Albieri.

Luisa is disturbed to find Albieri’s packed suitcase at home.

Just when Rania is insisting to Zoraida that they leave the mall, Jade comes running up to them. Rania says she’s going to tell Said what really happened. At home, the servant informs them that Said has gone to the mall to look for them. When the sisters are alone, Amina advises Rania to tell Said everything. I can’t, says Rania, I lied to him

Lucia, meanwhile, meets Said in the mall and tells him she just saw Rania and Zoraida and, no, Jade wasn’t with them.

At Mohamed’s place, Ali talks to Amin about his gifts to Karla and tells him that Allah will forgive him if he is truly sorry. And Latifa tells Mohamed that indeed, Amin really is sorry. What about you? he wants to know. Are you sorry for not trusting me? For threatening me? She asks his forgiveness.

Ramon tries to get Gloria interested in gossiping about the Hilda – Karla – Mohamed kerfuffle, but she tells him to get back to work. It’s not easy, baby.

Samira, Zumaya and Jadiya tell Amin they are going to the supermarket, but actually go to the park to see Carlos play.

Said comes home, summons the women, and explodes in rage. I know everything, he says. It’s all a lie!
Turning to Rania he says:
Yo te repudio. Yo te repudio. Yo....
Before he can say it three times, Jade interrupts him and takes full responsibility, saying Rania didn’t know anything. Where were you, Jade? he asks. I think you know where I was, she answers. He smacks her across the face with such violence that even Amina appears shocked. To Jade he says: You’ll never come back to the US again. You’ll never see Jadiya again. And to Rania: If you run afoul of me again, I’ll send you back.

Daniel sees Karla in a club, makes a move on her and after an unconvincing protest, she yields. Ramon sees them making out and appears shocked. (Why? Does he know Lucas? or Daniel?)

At home, Andrea tries to get Roberto to soften his position on Fernando; he stands firm.

While at Empresa Ferrer, Carolina is giving Fernando a not very convincing talking-to. You get one more chance, she says. Next infraction and you are out.

Escobar tells Malicia he’s done pressuring Fernando to see him. Malicia tells him she’s taking on more and more of Cristina’s work responsibility. Soon she’ll have her job.

At Salamandra, Cris is still trying to call Pablo, who refuses to answer her calls. Lucas comes in and Vicki points out Zein to him. From the way he narrows his eyes, he must know that Zein is the chosen bridegroom for Jade.

Amalia and Leo are in a restaurant when Marisa walks in, followed by Said. Leo is shocked to see them kissing. Amalia and Leo leave.

Marisa and Said have their usual conversation about their need to hurt Lucas and Jade. Hate is their favorite aphrodisiac, it seems.

At Salamandra, Vicki suggests that Cris ask Malicia why Pablo’s not taking her calls. Lucas greets Cris, but they are interrupted by a call from Leo asking Lucas to come home right away.

The frequently odious Daniel beds the always odious Karla. (I just hope these people are familiar with safe sex. Where is a public service announcement when you need it?)

At Casa Ferrer, Leo looks so distraught that Rosa offers him Valerian root tea. When Lucas arrives, Leo says he is worried about Marisa’s behavior:
Acabo de verla besandose con otro hombre.
I just saw her kissing another man.
So what, says Lucas. We’re separated, we’ve both been unfaithful. No, says Leo, it’s her choice of lover that alarms me. She’s out to hurt you.

And in their hotel room, Said and Marisa go at it like two wolves hungrily trying to devour one another. (If only they would – it would spare so many other people so much misery!)

Jade has discovered that she is locked into her bedroom. Said has taken the key. Amina thinks she deserves the treatment she’s getting, but Rania is upset by it.

Daniel shares with Karla his plans to travel to the desert and his hopes of meeting the veiled woman he has dreamt of, the woman with the green stone, a jade stone. He ‘remembers’ Lucas’s first sight of Jade dancing in Ali’s house.

And the imprisoned Jade beseeches Allah: Ayúdame a encontrar mi destino.
(Help me find my destiny).


thanks for the recap! i'm really ready for this novela to end!!! i've watched since the very beginning and even though there were a lot of fillers (like now) I'm still watching...it's like i already started it might as well finish it! :P

Geez Jade...i used to like Jade and Lucas together now it's just getting really annoying, if you guys weren't meant to be together before and everything is preventing them from being together you gotta stop...I actually like Said and Jade together but of course if the story was this simple then there wouldn't be a novela

Thanks, NovelaMaven, for the fine summary. Wow, you really posted it quickly! In spite of how quickly you must have written it, your snark is still excellent. "The frequently odious Daniel beds the always odious Karla." Or, re Marisa and Said, "Hate is their favorite aphrodisiac." How true!

Lucas kept staring at Sein at the club, so I guess Jade must have told him what Said's plan for her was. Hmmm...I don't recall Said telling her the specific identity of the person he has picked out to marry her.

I agree with Anonymous: I too am more than ready for this TN to enter últimas semanas. I guess I'll stay with it, but I'm not optimistic about how well it will fill out the next few months.

Thanks NovelaMaven. This was an average episode, in terms of plot movement and interesting moments. You're so right about the "yielding" Karla warranting a PSA!

A few interpretive things:
Jade said she would go to Morocco, so I assume she was asking Lucas to get plane tickets for her and Jadiyah to leave Morocco.

Also, I thought Luisa wasn't so much disturbed by Albieri's suitcase as reminded of his breakdown. She didn't think there was any new problem.

I think Ramon was only interested in seeing Karla and Daniel because he keeps track of who Karla is with. He probably thinks she is cheating on Mohamed.

Finally, I think Lucas figured out Jade's new husband will be Sein because he knows he's Said's friend, and apparently single.

Some annoying things:
Why is Ramon back? And why does Gloria have a catchphrase? Apparently it's not easy to write good dialogue. Or is it?

After stupidly supporting Marisa for years, Leo finally sees he was naive about her, and Lucas still stupidly believes she wouldn't act against him. Runs in the family.

Some interesting things:
Jade explains why she hasn't left Said already: she is confident that if she leaves without Jadiyah, Said could successfully keep them apart. Maybe she's right. That makes her a little less stupid than I thought.

Mohamed is understandably sad about Latifa's lack of trust (finally, this gets to him). She is oblivious to his feelings until she senses danger. This reflects badly on her.

Rania continues to be slightly likable (to me, at least), unlike Amina, who is quite a backseat driver.

Some fun things:
Samira and Carlos. We only get this plot in snapshots, but they are genuinely charming.

And Said mostly divorces Rania. This "te repudio" formula reminds me of the movie Candyman, where supposedly if you say "Candyman" five times in front of a mirror, Candyman will appear and kill you. It's funny when someone gets to four, then hesitates. Said has hesitated more than once now. Could he simply say "te repudio tres veces" like Latifa says "te juro tres veces"? Will he tease Rania and Jade with "te repudio dos veces"? I know I would.

NovelaMaven, excellent recaps.
Daniel's haunting dream with jade dancing in gown reminded me of the theory of cell memory in some organ transplant patients.
This means that our cells contain memories from our lives.
As for christina, I bet she'll flip out when she hears that Jade is going to marry Zein.


Wow—Said is getting more and more out of control. And the steam here is waning so steadily that I’m sure the recaps will continue to be more entertaining/worthwhile than the episodes.

My own Carlos and I have nicknamed Ramon “Gossip Girl.” :P (his constante chismorreando como una perra drive us crazy) And strangely, as annoying as Ms. K is, her mannerisms made me giggle tonight. She’s silly.

Albieri is looking more and more disheveled (very convincing, too). Excellent actor. But are the underarm sweat stains real or exaggerated? They’re so distracting!

NovelaMaven & Novelera, the posting comment/no verification issue bothers me too. When the “post” page loads, there’s never a verification image. But by refreshing the page before I type a comment, the captcha appears just fine. Weird science…

Excellent summacap of a not-very-interesting episode.

to Luke's comment on yesterday's summary:
It's not really the typical situation of extending a novela here since the Telemundo novela is following the Brazilian novela (O Clon) and sometimes using the same dialog. Hence my oft-asked question of why O Clon is considered such a classic. O Clon was much longer but I've read that musical performers made guest appearances on the Brazilian novela and that dragged it out.

So I don't think they would do something like what was done with Victorinos. That was such an interesting novela until they butchered it.

You said:
Jade explains why she hasn't left Said already: she is confident that if she leaves without Jadiyah, Said could successfully keep them apart. Maybe she's right. That makes her a little less stupid than I thought.

True enough but if the divorce council had gone the way she expected, she would have willingly and happily left Said for Lucas that night and she would have had no access to Jadiya.

I picture Said saying that to Jade or Rania,te repudio dos veces!!! Like an old episode of the Honeymooners when Ralph would threaten Alice with his to the moon! Very funny, Lol, good one Luke M!

Anon 11:23:00 PM EDT - I am sooo with you. I've always preferred Said (even though he's obsessive) over wimpy Lucas. and enough of this merry-go-round... I've been fast forwarding all Lucas/Jade scenes the last 3months.... snooze-a-thon.

Thanks as always, 'cappers!

Great comments, everyone! Thanks!

Juanita, my recollection agrees with yours -- I can't recall any scene in which either Jade or Lucas has been told specifically about Zein as the interim groom. And yet Lucas seems to be at Salamandra precisely to check out Zein; and the way he stares at him is anything but casual.

Now Luke, you may be right that Lucas has made an imaginative leap and simply guessed that Zein is Said's choice, but VIEWERS aren't usually asked to guess at these connections. I wonder if a scene has been cut (maybe the one Joan was asking about yesterday, the meeting between Lucas and Said) that would have made the connection explicit.

Erin -- Thanks for your tip about refreshing the posting page. I tried it and it works for me.

Jean: Like El Clon, Victorinos was a remake. So I wouldn't be surprised if the former gets extended in the same way the latter did, by tacking on a new plot to the end. But I'm only speculating at this point.

Anonymous: Yes, Honeymooners was exactly what I was thinking with "te repudio dos veces." It would make a good catchphrase, if such a thing is possible.

On another note, Karla looked especially oompa-loompa-like in this episode. But she wasn't as obnoxious as usual.

Wonderful summercap, NovelaMaven.

And a big thank you to Erin for the refreshing tip. I had been typing the whole comment, copying it, and then pasting it when the word verification came up the second time I selected "Post a Comment". By the way, this is a new issue, say in the last several weeks. It used to work fine.

I had mixed emotions about Jade just defying Said and throwing in his face that she'd been making love with another man. It's going to make her plan harder to execute.

But, as I've come to really dislike Said, I enjoyed her sticking a knife in him. I'm sure that really hurt.

Why do I dislike Said? He's the classic obsessive TN guy who persists in pursuing a woman who doesn't want him around. He represents the worst parts of patriarchy. If it were really love, he'd let her go. He's thought bubbled many times that she never loved him. He knows this very well, yet won't let her be happy with someone else. A real dog in the manger. And my dislike intensified when he started knocking boots with Marisa. He thinks he's spiting Lucas, who couldn't care less. So he wallows around with Marisa, hurting Rania who really does love him. And then Jade has to be locked up in Morocco without Lucas and without Jade. I don't want to wait for him to quemar en el marmol del infierno. I want him to be left with no women and no money! I want him to see Jade and Lucas getting married on the front page of the Miami Herald, with Jadiya as a bridesmaid!

Perfect ending, Novelera. Wish it would be so. but doubt it.

I've really like this TN, but it's getting too repititous. Thank heaven for the wonderful recaps, always more interesting than the episodes. Lois

NovelaMave: thanks for great summary that rounded out all the stuff I missed.
And thanks for picking up on my question of yesterday: What happened to the meeting Said requested to have with Lucas? Maybe the cutting room floor explains it.
Wish Jade's writers would get a clue about how an actual mother would be reacting if threatened with losing access to her daughter...jumping in the sack with her boyfriend might not be the first thing on the list...

Joan, I understand your frustration, but Jade didn't jump into bed with Lucas AFTER Said told her she'd never see Jadiya again. She jumped into bed with him BEFORE (although a case can be made she risked this by going to meet Lucas) Said lost it and told her she'd never see her daughter again after she told him where she'd been. He also told her he'd keep her in Morocco under Tio Abdul's tender care. Said had already told Jadiya he'd bring her mother back, so I don't think he had any intention at that point of interfering with Jade's role as Jadiya's mother.

I think SAid's original plan was a quicky marriage to Zein in Miami, an equally quick divorce, and then re-marrying Jade right away. I think he planned to keep her in Miami. He thought bubbled that there had to be a way to her heart and that he was going to find it. But Zein threw a wrench in by wanting the fancy wedding in Morocco.

If anyone else sees this differently, please chime in.

Hi Novelera:
I will make the case that Jade knowingly risked Said's response and that she cares more about a quickie with Lucas than her daughter.
1. Jade was stuck in Morocco waiting out her divorce period. Lucas swears that he will find a way to get Jadiya back to her legally. Jadiya gets sick and Jade escapes and goes to Miami;
2. Ali calls the family council and Jade was ready and eager to walk out the door with Lucas after the council without any certainty that she would be able to see Jadiya again other than by the promise Lucas made in Morocco;
3. Jade is unhappy that Said changed his mind but now she is with Jadiya and by admitting that he can't let her go, Said has given her some power over him.
4. Does she take advantage of this situation so that after all this marrying and divorcing she might be able to run away with Jadiya with Lucas' help? No, she insists having sex with Lucas using an excuse that was almost certainly going to be discovered especially when Rania got involved. Now she has p*ssed Said off and she is locked in her room without Jadiya.

Put another way, meeting Lucas just for sex wasn't going to help her situation with Jadiya and had the potential (realized) to make it much worse.

Jean, your logic is impeccable. You're right on all your points, of course.

My only (weak) retort is that Jade had cooked up the doctor's appointment and didn't expect to get caught. She also didn't expect Rania to tag along. You and I would have worked out the probabilities better, but Jade behaves like a smitten teenager all the time.

I can't help it. I still like her. And I still really dislike Said.

Novela, thanks once again.

I wonder if Leo's finding out about Marisa and Said will change the course of events?

I also think that Marisa and Said have had more quickies than Jade and Lucas. Is infidelity a part of Islamic belief? He has two (2) wives that he cannot make happy and needs something on the side!


I still felt a little pang of sympathy for Said, up until he smacked Jade in the face last night. Whenever he went into the closet to sniff her clothes, it got me right here (taps chest).

Thanks for the recap. I'll probably stick with it - but .... tired of idiotic behavior by so many key persons.


Here's a question. If Jade and Zein get a divorce, wouldn't Jade have to be locked up for 30 or 90 days to make sure she wAsn't pregnant? LeeAnn

Help! I was away for 3 months from Jun to Sept. I missed all the programs of El Clon! I dont speak Spanish , but I was following it anyway,I lost CC3 captioning ,so I am doing guess work. When did Jade got engaged to Zarin/ HOW DID THAT CAME ABOUT? Could anyone do a quick update for me PLEASE????

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