Tuesday, July 20, 2010

El Clon Tuesday July 20: Summary for Discussion

If this novela were told from Zoraida’s point of view, it would be called: Waiting for Jade. If it were Said’s story, it would be: Where’s Jade? And if it were Jade’s? Maybe: Girls just wanna have fun. Anyway, tonight we learn that in Miami, they’ll steal ANYTHING!

Jade phones Lucas at work and tells him to come to Morocco right away. Her wedding is to take place this weekend. He is to stay in the wedding hotel and they will escape together that very night. Lucas agrees.

I’m going to Jade’s wedding in Morocco, he tells Enrique. As a special guest, I suppose, says Enrique. (What category of guest would that be, Enrique? El tipo con quien Jade le puso los cuernos al primer esposo? (The guy who cuckolded Jade’s first husband?) I’m not familiar with that custom.) No, says Lucas, I’m going to prevent (impedir) the wedding. And don’t say anything to my father about it. El no sabe y no quiero que lo sepa. (He doesn’t know and I don’t want him to know.)

Mohamed tells Latifa and Nazira of Rania’s pregnancy
Said y Rania han sido bendecidos.
Said and Rania have been blessed.
The Naz’s rant about a second, more fertile wife for Mohamed is cut short: the topic is forbidden in this house, he reminds the Naz sternly. Just then, Amin comes home from school complaining that Samira didn’t wait for him. The adults are upset about the danger to poor little Amin left alone in the street and the possible paths of sin Samira is following. Abdul says she should be home learning to cook lamb, and embroider tablecloths and Mohamed is ready to pull her out of school so she can do just that.

Poor Samira is just a few steps behind her brother, telling Carlos she’ll be in Morocco for a week; he’d like her to come to a party tomorrow.

When she enters the house, she is ambushed by her angry family. She says she and Amin missed each other – she would have called, but she doesn’t have a cell phone. Mohamed acknowledges that it would be a good idea for her to have one. Me too, pipes up Amin.

In Cris’s apartment, Vicki continues to be sceptical about Malicia’s good intentions. Well, says Cris, someone has to fill in for me while I’m gone. Why not her?

Then Luisa joins them and announces that she won’t be going to Morocco. She doesn’t have the strength to see what might await her there.

At Empresa Ferrer, Clara and Carolina are admiring the roses Rogelio sent to Clara, when a surly Fernando arrives, hiding behind dark glasses. He is followed by a sweaty, frantic Albi (okay, he's always sweaty and frantic) who rushes into Leo’s office: Perdóname, he begs. I should have asked your permission. And if I could return Diego to you, a Diego the same age as he was when you lost him..
te molestarías si yo te devolviera a Diego?
... would it bother you/ would you mind if I gave Diego back to you?
Albieri, cries Leo, you promised me you’d see a doctor! He goes next door and tells Enrique that Albieri is going crazy and he should call Luisa. And they think I’m nuts, muses Enrique.

The ever-slippery Albieri has escaped, however, now he shows up at an outdoor café where Daniel is sipping a soda. Q and A time:
Daniel: ¿Quién es mi mamá? (Who is my mother?)
Albi: Tu mamá murió. (Your mother died.)
Daniel: ¿Cuándo? (When?)
Albi: Cuando tu naciste. (When you were born.)
Daniel: ¿Cómo se llamaba? (What was her name?)
Albi: Isabel.

At la Casa Ferrer, Rosa shows an old family picture to the maid:
Doña Isabel murió cuando los gemelos nacieron.
Mrs. Isabel died when the twins were born.
Lucas enters and announces that he is going to Morocco.

Samira is begging her mother for permission to go to the party Carlos has invited her to. Latifa tries to explain that the Naz and Abdul are just looking for ammunition to use against her, how precarious her position would be if Mohamed were to find out about it.

Lucas is trying, without a lot of success, to communicate with Nati. He tells her he’s going to bring Jade back from Morocco, that Jade is a good person and Nati is going to like her. Don’t bother pretending that you are interested in me, sniffs Nati. You didn’t even take the trouble to get to know Alejandro, she says. Ok, says Lucas, I’ll talk with him; but it will have to wait. I have a lot of work to do today and tomorrow I leave for Morocco. When I get back…

And in Fez, Rania is all smiles, so Pretty in Pink. Said kisses her belly appreciatively and gives her an elaborate gold necklace that Jadiya would probably love. Zoraida comes in to say the (sacrificial) lambs are ready. (Let’s hope she is not including Jade in their number). And Said goes out in the Medina to share his blessing by giving food to the people he meets. (This probably goes over better in Fez than it does in Miami).

In the apartment in Miami, Prince Amin overhears Samira telling Jadiya about the party and he threatens to tell his father. Jadiya and Samira's warning to Amin that gossips are doomed to él mármol del infierno is interrupted when Mohamed comes in to tell Jadiya that she is going to have a little brother or sister (hermanito). My mother is expecting a baby? she asks, her face lighting up. No, clarifies Mohamed. Rania is expecting. Jadiya’s face falls.

At home in Fez, Ali receives a surprising call from Albieri. Voy para Marruecos. (I’m going to Morocco), he says. I have something to confess to you. Me pongo en tus manos. (I’m putting myself in your hands.)

In Miami, Luisa asks Cris to bring Albieri back to her. I’ll drag him back if I have to, says Cris. (I’m thinking Cris should have some kind of super hero costume, or at least a cape).

And Marisa is visiting Lucia. The woman are bemoaning the difficulties of parenting. (I suppose Marisa needs a hobby while Said is in Morocco). They try to get Andrea to tell them what is going on with Nati. Andrea says to Marisa:
Tú debes prestar más atención a Natalia.
You have to pay more attencion to Natalia. (Present indicative of ‘deber’, have to)
Deberías aceptar a Alejandro.
You ought to accept Alejandro. (Conditional of ‘deber’, should or ought to)
(Excellent advice, Andrea. Too bad la cabeza de fósforo isn’t listening.)

Nati goes up to Alej at the gym. Hold me, she says. I’m afraid. Do you still want to live with me? he asks her. I have a little place (un lugarcito)…

And Pablo shows up at Gloria’s to pick up Alej’s stuff, much to her displeasure:
¡Cómo que Alejandro te pidió que vinieras por sus cosas! Mal amigo!
What do you mean Alejandro asked you to come for his things! Bad friend!

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa remarks that it’s nice to see Nati looking happy for a change. But where are you going? Nati's not telling.

Osvaldo shows up outside Dora’s house with a used car that may have some unpaid tickets. A police officer approaches and asks for his license and registration, runs them and finds an outstanding arrest warrant for Osvaldo. He failed to show up for the Karla hearing last week. As the cop is leading him away, poor Osvaldo says “I never did anything to Karla.” Who’s Karla? wonders Dora.

Zein and Cris have arrived in Fez and they are walking through the Medina.

Jade thinks Lucas must have arrived too and wants Zoraida to come with her to look for him. An exasperated Zoraida refuses to go along. Said wants to know what they are talking about and Jade tells him she wants to buy a gift for Rania’s baby. Good idea, says Said. You should go with her, Zoraida. (hah!)

In the Medina, Zein catches his first fleeting glimpse of Jade; then she runs off, out of his sight. She finds Lucas and they agree to meet at the ruins. (because no one will ever find them there or even think of looking for them there.)

At Ali’s house, Rania and Amina gloat over their triumph. Do you think Jade is dying of envy? asks Rania.

At the ruins Jade tells Lucas she has brought the needed tickets, passports, and money… Lucas tells her the house is all ready. Yo nunca te voy a renunciar a ti, he promises. (I’ll never give you up – not like some people we know!)

In Miami, Dora goes to the bar to ask Miguel about Karla. He assures her that since Dora and Osvaldo got back together, Karla has been out of the picture. Tell me the truth, says Dora.

And Alejandro shows Nati the new, smaller place which a bar customer loaned him while he is on a trip. Your mother doesn’t like me any more because of what happened the other day, right? asks Nati. (...ya no me quiere, verdad, por lo del otro día?) He tries to reassure her.

Marisa discovers that Natalia has left the family home once again. Rosa offers to go to Gloria’s to look for her, but Marisa tells her not to bother. The policy now is going to be indiferencia total.

Lucia asks Andrea what is really going on with Nati. I’ll just tell you, says Andrea, that she’d be better off with Alejandro. Consuelo, the maid/Secret Skank Agent leaves for the day. Lucia remarks that she is very happy with her work, she even leaves little chocolates on the pillows, like they do in hotels. If you say so, says Andrea, but I think there’s something strange (extraña) about her.

Extraña doesn’t begin to cover it. Consuelo meets up with Hilda and Karla. Mission accomplished she cries as she extracts a baggie (which appears to contain used condoms!) from a manila envelope. Karla looks at it with disgust while the others snicker. Then they hurry to put their treasure in the freezer.

Meanwhile at Empresa Ferrer Roberto is holding forth to Enrique about how women can try to confuse you. (He has no idea. Up to now, he has only dealt with garden-variety neurotics, not sociopaths.) Leo interrupts the boys. He is upset to learn that Lucas has left. Enrique feels personally attacked by Leo’s anger and reaches, as ever, for his flask. Carolina catches him in the act. Finally, she declares: I have had it! (Estoy harta!)

In the Medina, Zoraida stands and waits, as ever, for Jade. She is surprised by Said’s joining her. Where’s Jade? he wants to know. At the goldsmith’s (orfebre) answers Zoraida. I’ll wait for her here with you, offers Said companiably.

Cris and Zein are at a café in Fez and he tells her about the woman he saw: No he podido sacarla de la cabeza. (I haven’t been able to get her out of my head). Tenía un halo de misterio, pasión y rebeldía. (She had an aura of mystery, passion and defiance) Cris recalls the incident with Diego twenty years ago that led to her break up with Leo. She felt the same strong attraction on the opening night of the bar, she saw the same look (when she encountered Daniel in his bedouin robes)

Albieri and Daniel have finally made it to Morocco and are careening along the highway while Albi tells Daniel what wonders await him.

Said and Zoraida are still waiting for Jade. Debe estar muy lejos la tienda (the store must be very far away) he remarks acidly. Just then, Jade breezes up.
¿Conseguiste el regalo que fuiste a comprar?
Did you get the gift you went to buy? he wants to know.


NovelaMaven: thank you, thank you, oh great recapper/summarizer!!!
I dozed off a bit last night so was grateful for the fill-ins about what was going on. But, wait just a ding dong minute--I clearly remember Leo telling Lucas, many months ago, that he should have his mole looked at because a cancerous mole is what killed his, Lucas', mother. Now, she also died in childbirth?
By the way, anyone see this on CNN website: "white baby born to black couple". A genetic throwback, they called it. Guess that church lady didn't know everything.

Por nada, Joan! :)

Actually, it is possible for Lucas's mother to have died of cancer soon after the twins were born. Remember the logical fallacy of "post hoc, ergo propter hoc"? (After this, therefore because of this) If event A occurs subsequent to event B, it doesn't mean that B caused A.

I didn't see the CNN bit, but I believe it! The church lady was a pill, wasn't she?

Thanks NovelaMaven, for the summary and the Spanish.

This episode was pretty predictable, although it was still worth watching. And there were a couple little things I liked, especially that bratty Jadiya was disappointed. (When you hear a wealthy Muslim family has been blessed with a child, your first question should be "Who's the mother?") Also, Samira deftly handled her parents. First they were yelling, then they're going to get her a cell phone.

About how Doña Isabel died, I don't know what to think now. The writers may have forgotten about the cancer story. I suspect Joan is right that they meant Isabel died from childbirth. (NovelaMaven: I'd say this isn't quite a case of post hoc, because we're interpreting the story, not making an inference. But this is purely an academic point, so I won't dwell on it unless somebody wants to discuss it.)

Here's what I'm trying to figure out: Is Dora Daniel's mother? She didn't contribute any genes, but she did contribute an egg (with the nucleus removed), and she carried him and raised him (somewhat). Or is Isabel his mother, although she was dead twenty years before he was born? Or does he have no parents? (Similar issues arise with more ordinary reproductive procedures, like donating eggs and sperm, surrogate motherhood, etc.) Anybody have an opinion on this?

Thanks very much, NovelaMaven, for another stellar performance. I loved your remark about not being familiar with the wedding guest category Enrique proposes.

I think I must have fallen asleep for a few minutes in the middle (or left for a refrigerator break), but what was in the baggie in the manila envelope that Consuelo showed the other skanks?

They don't come right out and say it, but I'm assuming that Consuelo is a poor man's Albieri and has stolen Roberto's ...er... genetic endowment. Now they figure all Karla needs is a turkey baster and some mood music y listo!

Thanks, Novelamaven. These people are making me tired. I think that I like Alej the best out of all of them. These side plots are confusing me. So, Zein is smitten by the exotic, mysterious Jade. However, he doesn't realize that other adjectives could be and should be used to describe the lovely Jade...careless, thoughtless, obsessive, immature. Will Zein also fall under Jade's spell, and she'll have to deal with Obessive Love #2...or #3 if you count the inept Lucas. Yesterday, I met a girl my daughter went to school with who is a Spanish teacher. She was delighted to hear that I love Mexican novelas. Her favorite telenovio is the guy playing Lucas. She mentionned another novela that he was in earlier. She did not know who Eduardo Yanez and Fernando Colunga were. She's going to lend me a novel about Cuban women immigrants called ''Friday Mayne He Will Kiss Her'' about their escape from the harsh realities of life into telenovelas. She wants us to pick a novela to watch together. Did anyone watch ''La Fantasma de Elens'' last night. It was a little weird and confusing.

Juanita y NovelaMaven: I too was puzzled by the baggie...especially they way the ladies handled it (like oooohh, ickyyyyy!)
I recall Karla's mom and Consuelo were hatching a plan that would make everyone rich. Consuelo dug around in Roberto and Lucia's bathroom garbage...??? Ooohh, ickyyyy!

NovelaMaven, thank you once again for a recap that was much better than the episode. The only part that was funny last night was Alberi and Daniel speeding along the highway in Fez while Sein and Cristina were walked by a loaded down donkey in the same city.

I hate to think what KarlaK is going to do with her little baggie. Yuck!

The whole Lucas/Jade thing is wearing thin. I wish we could rewrite this darn TN, it would be much more entertaining.


NovelaMaven, great job. Love your translations as well.

The baggie thing was completely ridiculous. Surely his swimmers would have to be fresh to do the job. Taken from sheets? Please.

I'm so, so tired of Jade and Lucas saying over and over again that one more day, or 5 more hours, or whatever and they'll be together forever. Don't the writers know that we now have the TN equivalent of battle fatigue? We're incapable of believing anything will work out for these two - at least not until the last week and likely not then. And Jade smiles from ear to ear about how happy they'll be when they escape the day of the wedding. She seems to have completely forgotten that Said now has Jadiya under guard in Miami, and she won't have her daughter.

I also picked up on the cancerous mole vs childbirth death.

Regarding Dora, I suppose she could be called a surrogate since she carried the child. She could also be considered the adoptive mother since she raised him. I think in the novela they're using mother in the biological sense. Biology is very important in TNs. Switched babies usually grow up to feel la llamada de la sangre toward the biological parent.

Thanks, NovelaMaven, for clueing me in re the "stuff" in the baggie. Blech! Here's hoping that when KarlaK uses her turkey baster, she winds up with a turkey!

SusanLynn, I too have seen Mauricio Ochmann (Lucas) in other novelas--first in Azul Tequila and then in Como en el Cine. I think I recall that he also had a small part in Dame Chocolate. When I was poking around on the Web trying to find a list of TNs in which he performed, I found a rather interesting sidelight, given the tedious anti-drug/alcohol PSAs on El Clon. Apparently Ochmann had been addicted to cocaine. He told an interviewer on a Spanish talk show in 2007 that he had been at death's door. "He was asked: ¿cuándo comenzaste a consumir drogas? (When did you first start taking drugs?) Desde niño, cuando por primera vez probé el alcohol, y no por su sabor, sino por evadirme de la realidad. Los narcóticos llegaron más tarde. (Since childhood, when I for the first time tried alcohol but not for the taste but instead to escape from reality. The narcotics came along much later." I found this at http://wapedia.mobi/en/Mauricio_Ochmann. Perhaps he should have played Enrique.

Salud to another awesome recap!

My hubby and I watched the baggie scene incredulously. He kept saying that it has to be Roberto's DNA. I kept saying that's not realistic. Why would a couple married for long as Lucia & Roberto still be using "latex prophylactics"? (my partner assumed that it was a used one/procured from a used one) Ay, now I suppose I have to stay tuned. I think this plan would be more realistic if Karla & Roberto had at least one little fling.

I watched "Fantasma" because a lot of my favorite actors are in it. I'll decide whether to continue with it based on how the first week goes...

I'm late to the party today. Excellent summarcap of a very repetitive episode - Jade sneaks off to see Lucas; Zamira wants to go to a party; Nati and Alej get back together; Lucas ignores his child's problems to run after Jade, etc. etc.

I'm so with you Novelera, on the Jade/Lucas thing. I'm yelling at the screen - what about Jadiya????

I missed the thing about how Isabel died. Wasn't Rosa looking at a picture of Leo and Isabel with the twins? to me, 'dies in childbirth' means dying during the process of giving birth. If you have you picture taken after the birth, you didn't die in childbirth. We were told that she died because of the cancerous mole.

The baggy - these nitwits think that is going to work to get Karla pregnant? If it were that easy, it would happen all the time.

Hi SusanLynn - I watched the Estreno of La Fantasma de Elena. It reminded me of Telerisa novelas - kind of over the top. I was underwhelmed.

I was amused by this article which tells how steamy novelas, like, El Cuerpo del Deseo, are available in Teheran from Satellite Dish providers.

Juanita: thanks for the info about Mauricio Ochmann. He was the main reason I started watching this show. Somehow I'm not surprised he had a rough upbringing. That scorpion tattoo we see on Daniel is real. It was more appropriate for his previous role as a gutter-punk criminal in Victorinos, where he was very believable. Anyway, I still like him, despite his main role in this show getting pretty boring.

(What bothers me more is that Geraldine "Cristina" Zivic is a Scientologist. I wonder what she thinks about all the pregnancies and psychologists/psychiatrists in her telenovelas.)

noverlera: thanks for the point about the "llamada de la sangre." I wonder if the writers will dig any deeper than that, given that being a clone is even stranger than being adopted, or having had a surrogate mother.

Also, about the "baggie," my guess is that they don't plan to impregnate Karla, but only use the genetic material to convince people that Roberto impregnated her. (Remember last Friday's conversation between Hilda and Consuelo?) Whether this involves really getting Karla pregnant (perhaps by artificial insemination), I don't know. Also, will there be a plan to make Roberto think he might have slept with Karla?

Luke, that was what I was thinking Hilda and Consuela's plan was: give Roberto sleepy-time tea or something and insert Karla with a K in his bed. Admittedly that would be difficult since Lucia either has her beady eyes on him or calls him every 10 minutes. Come on, writers. Surely Roberto would have given her the heave-ho by now for her obsessive jealously.

Great summary/recaps.

That baggie incident was gross & funny at the same time

As for raina, I'm surprised that she would believe that jade would be jealous of her pregnancy. Raina knows jade wants to leave said for another man (lucas).

I'm also watching "Las fantasma de elena". I enjoyed it, even though
it was bit confusing.
Is anyone watching "Rosario Tijeras"?


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