Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 17, 2010 Dinero #174 A Failed Quest

First thing first. Can someone tag this for me? I can't stand too much more torture after I post this.
Sorry for the great delay but since this was one of the most difficult ones to recap I couldn't get myself up to do it. So grab a Tequila or your drink of choice and help me trudge along this most sobering recap.

So let's prepare ourselves and dive into this recap styled after a Greek Tragedy.
We start off this recap with the last scene from last night. We have the lovely Susana and Dandy arguing over Rafa and the failed wedding. Susana calls Ale just as she's out the door. Guess what? No answer! Is it too late? Susana thinks so.

We arrive at the Medina residence. Seems like both Rafa and Julieta couldn't sleep. Leonora tells them that Jaime went to look for her and Rafa recounts his own encounter with Jaime. Rafa confesses that he could not forgive Jaime for what he did to Julieta. BUT our Hero is appreciative of his wedding cancellation. No breakfast for our hero he has to do like Hermes and deliver some trucks.

Julieta and Leonora stay behind and Julieta says she prefers to not tell our hero about her appointment with the lovely Marian.

Speaking of Aphrodite... We see Marian very early at her office. She's very happy this morning. Chepis tells her about the wedding between Ale and Marco that came in the newspaper. So Rafa loses his beloved Ale... how sad and convenient too.

Rafa is now at Siglo and is talking to the crew. He's not going to Ale's wedding. Rafa tells the crew about the deal of the three for three. Marino comes in and talks about the romance between Ale and Rafa only to be shut up by the rest of the crew. Marino is also a little on the happy side and the Siglo crew wants to know why. Again its Rosaura who hits the nail on the head it must have something to do with Sandra.

Back to Susana's place she is having some doubts about telling Ale about the wedding. Dandy talks and talks until finally she finally cracks. Dandy calls Rafa, he's on the road so he stops at the edge of the road and answers. Susana talks to Rafa. Rafa tells her about how all three of them can return to Siglo. They move on to the wedding. Susana tells him that Ale only accepted to get married because of Rafa's own wedding. Susana tells him he has to deliver those trucks, but Rafa decides to go stop the wedding. The quest begins!

Susana hangs up and tells Dandy its time to stop a wedding. Guess they have to go to the club and talk to Ale. But maybe Susana doesn't want to get involved... Dandy talks some sense into her. The difference between the two is that Dandy will do anything to help Rafa (remember his encounter with Carmela) while Susana only puts morals and rules before everything else. Stop thinking and just do! That did the trick. Susana will be ready in three minutes... better make that two. Well this part of the quest is done.

Meanwhile it seems like Marian is celebrating Ale's wedding. She wants to find out why Rafa owes money to Vicky's family. Chepis tells her that it could be an obstacle for her. Ahhh but what if Marian loans him the money? Then Rafa will be hers from all sides and on all fronts. The phone rings and its Julieta who's outside.

We are introduced to the scene where the quest, fail or succeed, must end. Rosario is making sure everything is going well. Suddenly we have Marco (Hades) come into the picture. All he wants is make sure he has everything going as planned. Rosario only wants one thing. A promise from Marco to make her happy and always be faithful. Well part of that is certainly true: he has been faithful for quite some time now. Marco tells her that he loves Ale he would never do that.
Marco's phone rings and its Chavez. What could he possibly want now? Well he ordered the workers at the Hacienda to multiply the production, for lots and lots of money. And Mololongo was also there too. We dive into the memory bank of Chavez. Nothing of great importance happens here. Its funny but we'll leave it out and continue on our quest. Seems like the ghost is real. Marco wants to talk later and Chavez is very worried.
We have Rafa driving like a madman. Vicky has her veil on Rafa's picture. Her friend is trying to talk some sense into her. She's talking nothing but truth but Vicky's wrath is too great. She shatters through the senseful talk of her friend and declares her hate for Ale!

Ale is at the club thinking that she is about to get married and Rafa didn't do anything to stop her. Why is she so sad if he's such a bad person? Well its pretty simple really: she loves him. Her thoughts finally arrive to Marco she comforts herself and thinks what a good man Marco is. Ale thinks she was one more on Rafa's list to cross off.

Susana and Dandy have arrived at the Club. For a moment it seems like the quest might be feasible. All they have to do is make it through the security checkpoint. But of course neither Susana nor Dandy are on the guest list so they have to keep the line moving and leave.
Back at Siglo Beltran receives a call from Romulo telling him that the trucks have arrived but that Rafa hasn't. Beltran becomes concerned but assures Romulo Rafa is about to arrive. He asks to call Rafa. He's still on the road and his phone rings once more. All care is thrown out the window and he answers the phone and keeps driving. Its Susana and she has the bad news that she and Dandy can't get in. Rafa tells them that they have to get by any means necessary. Just stop the wedding! There is no more time. And Rafa keeps driving down the road like a madman.
We are now at Vicky's house and Don Gaston and his son are talking at the table. They will act a little more civilly and call him on his cell.

Back at the club the judge has arrived and the ceremony will begin.
Dandy and Susana are outside trying to figure out how to penetrate the great fortress that is the club. Rafa has finally arrived and he begins to convene with his two friends. His phone rings and its Marian. Well she can wait now for the problem at hand: stopping that wedding. One minute won't make a difference right? He answers and promises to call back in ten minutes. The security guard comes in and checks Rafa against the guest list. Rafa knows he isn't on there so he just bolts into the club. There goes our hero into the great unknown willing to face anything in order to fulfill his quest.

The ceremony continues on and all the small things come in making some time.
We are back at Marian's office and we have Julieta in an interview. Marian is asking her what problems Rafa has because she called him and he told her of a problem. Julieta is willling to talk about Rafa with Marian. So what part of what Jaime did to her does she not deserve? I'm having trouble remembering.

Rafa is trying to penetrate the premises and the ceremony but he is being chased by security from all angles. Meanwhile inside Marco and Ale's wedding is marching along pretty fast.
Marian finally knows all of Rafa's story... how is this a job interview?! Well she gets the job.
Rafa is finally caught and subdued. He is kicked out of the club left to tell Susana that she is a witness to this failed quest. The phone rings and its Beltran Rafa better close that truck deal or be ready for the consequences. The security guard comes by to pressure them into leaving. Everyone is annoyed.

Back inside the club Ale is about to give her yes. She peeks at the window and with one final look at Rosario she gives her fateful yes. It is done the quest has failed Marco and Ale are married and it is all over... for now.

Ale and Marco sign on the dotted line as we get screenshots of Rafa. Split screen of Rafa and Ale.
Susana tries to reason with the guard. The guard looks at Rafa and lets her in for 5 minutes. She runs in to test her luck.

Ale and Marco are toasting as Ale cries her little eyes out. Marco goes in for a kiss and just then Susana arrives. She asks the judge if its all over and he tells her that it is. She laments herself over her failure. Ale spots Susana and goes to her. Susana how great that you did come! Susana begins to tell her how much she loves her and everything and couldn't pass up the chance to wish her the best. Susana seems to gain the courage to tell Ale of the failed Rafa wedding only to chicken out at the last moment for the rest of the conversation. She leaves without saying a word.

Beltran and Arcadia are at Siglo in her office. They talk about the truck deal and are comforted by the fact that Dandy is supposedly with Rafa trying to close out the deal. In the end of course its about money, money, money.

Outside Rafa is trying to keep the ope. His phone rings and its from Vicky's house. He answers and tells Don Gaston he will have the money tomorrow. Susana comes in and tells Rafa that his quest has ended and in typical Greek tragedy ending we end with an echoing NOOO!
Guess we have to tell Rafa about how the phoenix rises again from the ashes?


Private 057, your Greek tragedy .... How clever, but how... well, tragic. Thank you for the excellent recap of this tense and finally sad chapter for our star couple.

A few bright spots. For you, Private 057, your prediction of Ale and Marco's marriage was correct. Did they have odds on this in Vegas? Though painful to see Ale sign on the dotted line, at least we know it's only in the eyes of the law and not in the eyes of God.
The other happy note--Dandy and Susana together. I've missed them and it's good to see them back.

Though Marian has her sights set on Rafa, she has yet to be anything but a friend to him in her quest. I hope Julieta will not feel used by Marian if she discovers how serious Marian is about Rafa. May Marian continue to be one of the "good guys" throughout.

Did anyone else think Rafa was going to run that red light and we were going to be required to endure a hideously pointless cop scene? Gracias a Dios, I was mistaken.

Private 057, That was a tough one to watch last night. You did a great job with it. I am on my way to work and not much time to comment. Will check back in when I get home. I did tag it.


Pata...on my computer the tag is not showing up. I'll try doing it also. We can be the Doublemint Tag Twins.

Private 057, you found a nice way to package a very sad episode...and add a bit of class. Very good amigo! So sorry you were right about the wedding. Maybe you and Barbara could start some bets going.

I was one of the cock-eyed optimists who thought (and hoped) the wedding would be stopped in time. The previews showing the wedding night looked interesting.

Like Kalum, I'm hoping Marco has no Viagra and no luck either!

Thank you so much Private 057. This was a tragic episode. You did a great job with it however.

I was just screaming at the TV when the wedding was over. I was just so sure that someone somehow would be able to stop it.

Somebody better stop that wedding night though. I have a feeling Ali will not be able to go through with it. Tough Marco, get used to it.

Barbara - I am with you. When I saw that red light I said out loud OH NO not a cop scene. I tend to talk out loud to myself during these shows.

I was delighted to see Susana and Dandy working together again. Now hopefully they will soon be together again as a couple.

I also hope Marian stays one of the good guys until the end. I really like her. I hope she doesn't use what Juliette told her to do something I would not like.

@Pata...I'm sure your tag was fine. For some reason my computer is goofy. The first time I click on "Dinero", it doesn't show Private's title. But the second time, it DOES. Strange.

Private 057, great job. You certainly were prescient. You also handled this frustrating episode with style. I'm now afraid that Rafa's current streak of luck is going to hold up for his next challenge... those used trucks. And then of course he has unfinished business pending with don Gaston. Yikes!

This has been said here before, but isn't Suzy pretty?


Thanks for the great recap Private 057 - your Greek tragedy theme fit perfectly! That was a tough one to watch. Very sad :(

Ale thinks Rafa didn't try to stop the wedding - he called and you wouldn't answer the phone! She's going to be shocked when she finds out he's not married.

Does anybody else think Marco's hallucination problem will come back tonight? I hope that's the only thing that happens on their wedding night.

Private 057- I loved your Greek tragedy theme! This was indeed a tragic episode. But I was yelling at my tv for Rafa to cut his loses, deal with the Ale marriage situation later, and prevent further tragedy by getting that money from those trucks and returning to Siglo!

I am switching nights with Pata tonight, so I may throw my notebook at the tv if he doesn't do just that.

I have mixed feelings about Marian. I like her. She's honest about her feelings for Rafa and understands his and other people's feelings. But she is too determined to get Rafa, and I worry that might lead her to fight dirty/underhanded. She would be a great girlfriend and role model for Julieta, but in the end might end up hurting Julieta if she feels she was just being used to get to Rafa. She is also the best person right not to help Rafa get out of the jam of having to pay Don Gatson and Ale at the same time. But, taking money from her would make Rafa obligated to her, and I'm not yet sure how she would use that kind of power over him. She could be very subtle about it and not overtly pressure Rafa, but just enjoy and use the extra opportunities to spend time with him. Or she could overtly use it as a pressure point and demand quid pro quo from Rafa. I can't tell which way she'd land.

No way will Ale have cositas with Marco. Either he or she will be unable to perform. She did manage to accept his kisses on the wedding day without gagging though. Although she was crying throughout, and Marco had that smug grin on his face, like the cat who ate the canary. Blech! Just imagine how much more beautiful she would have looked in that dress had she had her radiant Ale smile on. I loved that dress. Both ethereal and structured at the same time. Also loved the matching flower in her hair.

*correction from my previous comment- I meant right now, not right not. :)

Vivi, I completely agree with you about Marian and I hope Rafael doesn't borrow money from her. I'd be worried about what she'll want in return if he does. It bothers me the way she's practically stalking Rafael and using Julieta just to find out things about him. Of course, it only bothers me so much because I adore Rafa and Ale together.

Thanks for the recap Private 057. You masterfully described a very sad epi. If it's any consolation, TN heroines are famous for marrying & not sleeping w/the wrong guy.

Judy, thanks for your recap yesterday.

Thanks Private 057, sorry u had such a sad one to do.

I felt like crying with Ale and then Rafa at the end.

I am really ready for some of the bad guys to start getting burned.

Thanks, Private 057, for an excellent recap of a very tough episode.

I agree that there's no way Ale will give in to Marco's "charms" on the wedding night.

Eventually, Ale will find out from Susana that Rafa didn't get married, and tried to stop her wedding. Unfortunately, it'll probably be right around the time when Rafa grudgingly agrees to borrow the money from Marian, or work for her, or something else that'll prevent him from getting together with Ale. Oh well.

Hello everyone. I have found myself back in this Greek tragedy scene.
@Barbara: I was hoping to be wrong about the wedding. For a moment I thought Rafa might be able to pull it off... but then security managed to catch him. I think Marian will remain a good one until the end. No odds in Vegas.
@Pata: Thanks for your tag. Yes it was painful last night so lets sit back and begin to heal our wounds.
@Kalum: My guess is that Marco will continue to have hallucinations, especially with Ale right there.
@Judy: Tags are a little tricky today for some reason. I don't think I would have much more success in alling future events. For example I thought that Rafa's Pantera was going to break down somewhere.
@Lynda: Like I said I think Marco's little problem is going to come back and haunt him tonight. So no action for him.
@Carlos: Suzy is very pretty. Rafa's lck can't get too much worse right?
@Tracie: Greeks are famous for two things: Tragedies and... weddings! We had both last night. An I don't think Rafa would take Marian's money.
@Vivi: Yes I had to spice up this episode somehow and Greek tragedy made sense. Want to make a team and bet that Marco and Ale won't be having anything to do with each other?
@Karen: Yes that is some consolation.
@Kat: Before long the bad guys will fall from their thrones. I mean the Titans in Greece fell to the gods right? :-)
@Hombre: Join the Marco and Ale no cositas club!
Signing off... Private 057

Ok, so we are on episode 174 and there are 231, right? Somethings should start to happen soon, shouldn't they?

Private, you may have said that the car would break down, and though it didn't happen, you were still right in a way, I mean it was the Security Guards that literally stopped him but he was stopped none the less and the wedding happened.


Private 057, this was a heartfelt and very fitting recap for a very sad episode. "There goes our hero into the great unknown willing to face anything in order to fulfill his quest" was lovely and captured the spirit of that moment perfectly.

As Barbara noted, all is not lost as the ceremony was civil, not religious. Like Judy and others though, I didn't think the marriage would actually happen.

I felt for Susana, trying but failing to arrive in time and not having the heart to tell Ale Rafa isn't married. Ack.

Great comments everyone.


Cositas? I hope that doesn't happen. Poor ALe can barely kiss Marco without making that "just swollowed some bad medicine" look.

And again Private 057 that was a great recap. I read it so fast this morning. Great theme throughout.

Thanks again Vivi for switching with me. I would not have been able to do it justice and get up at 5AM.

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