Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Corazon Salvaje Ep. 135, 8/30/2010 So Many Loose Ends, So Little Time - Grand Finale

Questions that won't be answered, just to let ya'll know up front (and I'm sure you can think of more): Where the heck did Clemencia go? Did she ever inherit the finca? What was Raul's personal business? Do Noel and Mariela get married? Did doctorcito marry Rosenda after she had Rod's baby? I have to agree with what everyone wrote last episode, that there were some unsatisfying things about this novela, especially the lack of Juan/Regi time. But I, too, have really enjoyed it - the historical setting, the swashbuckling colorfulness of it. Thanks to everyone. Now on to the recap:

Review of Juan and Regi talking about Juan not going with her to Leonarda's, Regi is so happy he is alive, he came back, he should go see their friends who got married and give them the best present, that he is alive! I love you's.

To Doc Miranda's office, he is thinking about poor Renato, how someone to whom he offered friendship could end up being taken over by his desire for vengeance, killed by it. He picks up the note Regi wrote that says "para Juan", then we switch to the fishermen's huts. The newlyweds are all sitting around a fire talking about how they are happy but would be even happier if Juan were there. Pedro says but I told you all that Juan is always with us, he is in our hearts. Coli says but it would be better if we could see him in person. Remi says we will never forget him, never. Suddenly Juan comes strolling up, saying how come you are talking about not forgetting me when I am right here! Juan, Juan!!! All are overjoyed, hugging all around. He says he came to wish them well on their marriages. They tell him Renato said he was dead, that he had drowned, and Juan tells them Renato is the one who is dead, Arcadio killed him. All impactados.

Noel and Rod are talking at the house of Renato and Leo, Noel is saying Leonarda did everything she did because she loved you. After Leo shut up MdR for all those years and poisoned Constanza, do you doubt she could also have killed Brigitte?

Back to Juan and fishermen, Juan is telling them how he ended up in the same cell at the finca where his mother was held captive. That Rodrigo was going to kill him, but he escaped. Doctorcito comes running up, shouting for Juan - he gives him the letter and tells him it is from Regina. Juan says Regina? and looks puzzled and a little perturbed. We hear Regina's voice reading the letter that tells him that even though people are saying he is dead, her heart tells her he is alive and she will see him very soon. Juan, you have made me the happiest woman in the world, now that I am expecting your child. I want you to know so there is no doubt, that I never asked for our marriage to be annulled, that I never stopped loving you. I have prayed to the Virgin that you will come back and that we can be happy for always. Juan smiles and says Regina loves me! (I thought he already knew that). And the love of Regina is above all hate, our love is above everything, and everyone, thank you Lord.

Rodrigo is telling Noel he had nothing to do with Brigitte's death, absolutely nothing. Noel says his nervousness indicates otherwise and asks him what happened, Rod says nada, nada. Noel says at least you know Leonarda killed the mother of your daughters, Regina and Aimee. Regina chooses that moment to walk in and hears this. What did you say Padrino? What are you talking about? Noel asks her forgiveness, but tells her that Leonarda poisoned Constanza, and Regi says no, how do you know that is true? Noel tells her that MdR told Clemencia before she died. Regi says Dios mio, what kind of family are we that we kill each other? Now all of a sudden Mariela, Don Alberto and Dona Inez are there and Inez asks Noel what he is going to do with the house? He says close it for now, there has been too much tragedy here. Regi says and what about the finca and he says that was the beginning of our tragedies and there is too much bad juju there, too. (What about Clemencia?)

We go to the finca where Rod is with Arcadio, (that guy really does travel at the speed of light). Arca says he has done what he promised and has Rod brought what he promised? Rod asks for the key, and Arca tells him it is the only one to the cell where Leo is. Rod gives Arca a very heavy suitcase and says here is what I promised you. No one is ever to know about this negotiation, understand? Arca says he does. Rod tells Arca to take another exit because it is the most secure. Stupidly Arcadio believes him. He goes back to get the bag of Leo's money and jewels, and heads out the alternate exit. He promptly falls into the shaft that Rod had found before. Arcadio is moaning and saying my legs! Rod leans over the edge, and Arcadio calls him maldito! Rod says after all you have done, did you think you would just get away? Rod goes to leave and Arca says you can't leave me here, you have to get me out of here, traitor!!! Rod walks away.

Leo is sharing the cell of MdR with some rats and crying. She hears Arcadio moaning and starts to yell for him, Arcadio get me out of here, please! She is shocked when Rodrigo shows up at the door. He looks at her with intensity and says I'm sorry my dear Leonarda, but Arcadio can't let you out, and I have one question. Why did you keep MdR in here for all those years? Leo cries and says I'm not guilty, it was Arcadio, get me out of here, please! Rod says no, you don't deserve to be let out, not only did you kill the love of my life, Maria del Rosario, you also murdered Constanza! She says, no it's not true, Rod says stop lying! Leo keeps begging to be let out, but Rod goes on, and says in addition to that, you stole all of my money! Leo is begging, please let me out of here. Rod looks severe and says would you rather be left in here or go to prison as a murderer? She says, plaintively, you said you loved me. He says I lied, I never loved you, I only used you. The only woman I loved was MdR and you took her away from me. For this you are going to pay and stay here where you kept MdR, and experience the coldness, the craziness, the loneliness!! She continues crying and begging. He kisses her hand, and tells her he has some bad news, he asks her pardon for having to be the one to tell her this terrible news. She stops and listens, what are you talking about? He tells her it has to do with Renato. She says what happened to my son?! Rod says He's dead, he's dead, Arcadio killed him!!! She starts screaming NOOOOOO, he can't be dead, he can't be dead! Rod leaves while she continues screaming, she falls to the floor, screaming and screaming.

We go to the Juan/Regi residence, Regi is in a pink bathrobe, and Juan is very sweetly telling her to take it easy, he wants her to be well so their child will be healthy. He kisses her stomach, and she says I love you so much! He says, I know, you said it in the letter! They are both happy he read the letter. She notices his wounds on his face and asks him how did he get hurt, who hurt him? Juan flashes back to Rodrigo beating him in the cell, but says it's not important. As my mother said it's better to let go of resentment, I don't want to fight with anyone, all I want to do is be happy with you, that is all that is important. He says he loves her and kisses her, and he feels the baby move, they are both very happy.

Beautiful red/purple/yellow sky, and Rod is pacing in his house, realizing he needs money to get out of there. He needs to get back to the finca and get the jewels and money from Arcadio. And suddenly he is there. He walks past the covered furniture without seeing the letter Arcadio wrote detailing his crimes.

At the doc's office, Pablo has just received a letter from Rosenda, He fondly reads "Pablo, mi amor" Mom and I are fine, in response to what you asked me, I wanted to tell you something my father told me once. That Arcadio rigged the wheels of the carriage your uncle was driving so that there would be an accident and it would kill him, by the orders of Rodrigo Montes de Oca. Pablo thinks, Rodrigo Montes de Oca!

Crashing waves and we're back at the finca, Rod is looking at Arcadio at the bottom of the shaft, telling himself he has to find a way to get the money and jewels out of there. He turns around and conveniently there is a large branch which he picks up. He prods around next to the unconscious Arcadio. Arca comes to and grabs the branch, they struggle. Then Rodrigo has a big rock which he throws down on Arcadio, and another rock as Arcadio moans in pain, then is silent. Rod says "maldito." Now Rod is back in his bedroom, we are to assume he somehow used the branch to get the bag out of the hole and was teleported back home.

But, not so fast, Aguacil Breton appears with a search warrant and sets his soldiers to searching the house. Rod shouts, don't touch anything! Breton says this is an official document, go on searching. One of the soldiers finds the pink glove in the drawer - Capitan, look what I found! Breton says, what do you have to say about this woman's glove? Rod says ain't never seen it before and don't know whose it could be. Breton tells Rod he is officially arresting him until this investigation is complete.

Now we are at the prison and Cpt. Breton is showing the glove asking if anyone recognizes it? Phillippe recognizes it, it is Brigitte's! I gave those gloves to her as present before we left for Mexico. Rod says, this dude is lying, and asks him for proof. Phillippe says of course I have proof. When we found her body she had on the other one, and I kept it. He pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to Breton, who holds them up and says they are the same, what do you have to say now, Rod? He says I didn't kill her! It was Leonarda, she killed her out of jealousy! Horrified gasp from Phillippe! Breton says but this glove in your bedroom proves you were in on it. Rod says I'm not going to say one word until Leonarda gives her declaration. Breton says we will do that, but for now, you are the only one implicated and he tells the soldiers to lock him up.

Breton goes to the finca and finds the letter written by Arcadio. He confronts Rod with it and says here Arcadio detailed your crimes, and we also accuse you of the murder of Leonarda. Rod says it's a lie, let me be! Breton says, everything implicates you, confess, for the great love you had for Maria del Rosario, confess!! Rod leans against the wall repeating, Maria del Rosario. Okay, yes, I did it, I did all of it, I killed the older doc Miranda because we were afraid he would squeal, yes we tried get rid of the bastard, and I also asked Leo to ask Arcadio to kill Rosenda because no way am I going to recognize that I am the father of her child! I helped Leo get rid of Brigitte's body, that is all. That is what I am guilty of, leave me in peace. Breton says, Rodrigo Montes de Oca, for all these crimes you have confessed, you will be imprisoned for life. He locks Rod in a cell, and he has his turn with the rats.

Dramatic sky, and we are at Juan and Regi's. Noel is eating dinner with them and says how delicious it is. Regi says Juan prepared it. Noel asks what they wanted to talk to him about. Juan says since you are Regina's closest relative, I want to ask for her hand. Noel laughs in surprise and says, of course, of course! Juan holding a ring, asks her if she wants to return to being married to him. She says, of course, my love, with all my soul. Juan then puts the ring on her finger with her wedding ring. She shows Noel how beautiful it is. They kiss and Noel says may good bless you, and with all my heart I hope you are very happy.

We go to Rod dreaming in his cell, remembering everything that happened, Maria del Rosario and Juan Sr. MdR saying I would rather you kill me! He tosses and turns remembering his cruelty to Regina, and MdR telling him she forgives him for all the pain he caused. In the dream she is telling him he, too, needs to ask forgiveness, forgiveness from all those he hurt, while he still can, so he can live in peace. Rod wakes up groaning, looking around saying Maria del Rosario, his hair is not a in pony tail now. He keeps his new hairstyle and he has asked to see Noel to ask his forgiveness. He begs Noel's forgiveness and tells him he recognizes what a good and noble man he is. Noel says if he is truly speaking with his heart, he forgives him because he wants to live in peace and because he knows that Rod will be suffering in his soul with all the pain he caused. Noel starts to go and Rod says before you go, I want to ask you a favor. Noel says what kind of favor? Rod holds up the key and says after a month, not before, go to the cell where MdR was held. Noel says why? There is a strange present I want to give you there. You will be free to live as you want to, to be happy with the person you want to be with. Noel says I don't get it. Rod says you will. Go after a month has passed, not before.

Next to enter is Regina, she starts to try to touch Rod, to comfort him but he won't let her touch him, he says he doesn't deserve it. He tells her he begs her forgiveness for all the pain he caused her, that he knows he was a bad father, he always favored Aimee, and he is also guilty of her dying in the way that she did. Regi has been crying throughout this. She says I have nothing to reproach you about, nothing to forgive you for. She kisses his hand, he kisses her hand and says he never recognized her nobility, her generous heart. She says she wants him to know she loves him with all her heart and soul, Rod is crying now, too, and holds her to him. He thanks her and says he wants to tell her one more thing and then will let her go.

We are back at the J/R house and Juan says your father wants to talk to me? Regi says yes, but you aren't obligated to. I imagine how difficult it would be for you, so I release you from any promise to do so. We go to the fort and Juan is talking to Rod through the door. So you are asking for my pardon, for all that you have done, and here you are in the same cell where my father suffered so much because of your deeds, your orders. Rod says I know I've done terrible things, but the only thing I can say in my favor is that I did it for love, the love of your mother. Juan says but love does not destroy, love is noble. Rod says, yes I know, I see that now. Juan says because of the child we are expecting, I do forgive you. Rod says thank you, thank you for your nobility and compassion. Juan leaves and Rod walks slowly into the cell, saying forgive me Maria del Rosario, forgive me. He clutches his heart and collapses into the hay, pulling it down, and we see where Juan Sr. carved Ma. del Rosario into the wall. Rod cries, forgive me, clutching his heart, collapses to the floor and dies beneath her name.

Now it is a month later. Noel is slowly walking through the caverns at the finca. He smells something terrible, and opens the door to Leo's cell with the key. He just about falls over from the stench. We see rats on top of Leo's dress and what is left of her body. Noel realizes it is her, it is the body of Leonarda. He puts a cloth over his nose.

Clouds in the morning sky and we are at the notario office. Lulu is saying to Phillippe, do you really think you can make a living this way? He looks like the Burger King king in drag, wearing a ballerina skirt, toe shoes, and a crown and the sound speeds up so it's Spanish with a French accent in chipmunk. Lulu says what makes you think you can do this? He says he was such a good dancer at the pescadores wedding, and at the casino, he goes on talking about how wonderful it will be, dancing around her.

Happy get together is going on at J/R's house of all the newly weds, talking about their honeymoons, thanking Juan for the money to pay for them. Juan reveals that he and Regi are getting married anew. Everyone all happy and laughing. We go through time to the day of the wedding and Jimangela, Lulu and Jacinta are telling Regi how what a beautiful bride she is, which indeed she is.

Fulgencio is out for a stroll before the wedding on a promontory. He is telling himself how he is going to the wedding and no one will ever know what he has done. He lists everyone he has killed, congratulating himself. We hear ominous music and suddenly he sees a blue opal jewel on the ground. He picks it up saying he has heard that opals are bad luck. But he doesn't believe in superstition. He puts it in his pocket telling himself he is a very lucky man, a very lucky man. He walks a few steps further, trips on a rock, falls and cracks his head open on another rock. We see his blood dripping down the rock as his open hand holds the jewel. Pretty lame, if you ask me.

By the waves crashing on the rocks we know it is a transition, and Juan's wedding posse is riding in on horseback - Juan, Gabe, Remigio and the pescadores galloping along the beach all dressed up. Then we see Noel and Regina in a carriage, the town is all decked out and Juan and posse are riding along with them to a cheering crowd. Juan and Regi blow kisses to each other, everyone is cheering, the wedding party waving to the crowd, all of this to the theme song. Noel is escorting beautiful Regina with a huge train on her dress down the red carpet, followed by the other newlyweds, and doctorcito with Phillippe. While Juan is waiting for her at the alter, he looks up and sees a pair of white doves, he is moved, he knows who they are, very sweet. The Priest speaks, brothers, we are united today for the sacrament of marriage, it is what unites two people in a real love as in the case of Regina and Juan, who after all of their suffering, come to this day of triumph, to reunite with the blessing of God. This love to which we are witness is an example for all couples, remember that love is not selfish, love is courageous, it does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in truth. Truth, like love, cannot be hidden.

As the theme song plays, they exchange rings, and we see the doves superimposed on Juan and Regina as they are touching foreheads. Jimangela and Gabriel put the lasso around them, we see them exchange coins. Noel is thinking may God bless them and may they be happy. He turns around to see Mariela and nods to her, thinking he is sure that what will be is love. Juan and Regi stand up for everyone to applaud and they kiss, real, deeply. Then as they are walking out, Juan picks up Regi and they kiss again. We zoom out to see Veracruz from the air, then see them kissing on the Luzbel, and the narrator comes on saying - this was the story of the great love of Regina Montes de Oca and Juan de Dios San Roman, a love that overcame hate and vengeance, this is a grand story of love, the story of a Corazon Salvaje. We pan out to see the ship on the water - FIN.



Thank you so much, Ivy!!! It looks like a terrific recap; I saw the ep, and I will be back after I read the recap. I thought the ep was great. Rats eating Leonarda. That's a first, as far as I remember.

Ivy, thanks for sticking it out to the bitter [for Arcadio, Fully, Leo, and Rod] end. I can't believe that they dispatched 4 baddies in one episode and devoted so few minutes to Juan and Reggie. Gee, I have seen pregnant brides who wore white , but none of them wore a tight corseted bodice. How many months pregnant is our Reggie supposed to be ??? And donde est Clemencia ? I loved this novela , but I wanted a little more time devoted to happily ever after and a little less time spent on Phillippe's antics. I agree with those who felt that the Gabe/EsJimangela romance received more attention than the Juan/Reggie love story. I liked the two white doves in the church watching over Juan and Reggie...MdR and Juan Sr. happy in paradise as the baddies perished alone . Thanks to all the recappers and commentors who stayed around to see this story play out. On to LVO !!!!

Thank you so much Ivy. I actually stayed up late to watch the final episode. I always cry during the wedding scenes.

Well, the piecarts crashed headlong into our evil-doers last night. Fully got off too easy. He should have had to suffer.

Arcadio even got anvils in the shape of rocks. That's going to leave a mark for sure.

Leo got what she deserved and Rod got off kind of easy too I thought.

The wedding was awesome. The doves were so sweet. That made me cry the most. How does Regina pee in that dress?

Ivy, a sensational recap and very clever title. You captured all of the tumultuous events perfectly.

I also couldn't believe Clem and Raul weren't there. Clemencia, so integral to the story and plot line MIA. Ack. Perhaps they eloped? :)

Vastly differing scales of justice for Leo and Rod. Leo meeting a ghoulish death, gnawed to death by rodents while Rod asked for and received forgiveness, dying a relatively quick, painless death by natural causes. This, almost immediately following the murders of Arcadio and Leonarda.

Mad Bess, I also wanted a small insight into the future of Juan and Regina. Their romantic scenes were all too brief. I can't recall any telenova where the 2 leads had fewer passionate moments together than this.

The above aside, I loved this show. The actors consistently brought the scripts to a higher level. Bravo.

To the dedicated recappers, past and present, thank you for an extraordinary journey. You brought each episode vividly to life. The commenters have been wonderful as well, what a wonderful adventure.

See you all on the next!


Thanks so much for the recap Ivy!!!

WOW!!! Did anybody else get vertigo from all the jumping around last night?

Juan felt the baby move? Really!? It was not moving in that white dress!

That was also the first time I recall being told how much time had passed... "un mes depues".

Fully, Rod too easy of deaths.
Leonarda...OMG! Soooo vile!
Arcadio...stoning making a comeback. Apparently, he who has not sinned does not apply.

Last episode, so many la carta.

What about Clemencia? Would have absolutely been at the wedding of her dos ninos.

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED watching with you all! Thanks to everyone!!! Don't know yet if I will follow LVO. Might be too fast paced for my lack of language skills.


Thank you all for the recaps, I truly enjoyed them.
The last time we saw deMarin he said he had some important business to take care of. I think he eloped with Clemencia and they're on an extended European honeymoon.
I read that they filmed two endings. Does anyone know if that is true? If so, is there a way to get them to download the other ending, I'd love to see it.

Honestly I cried and cried. I am so sad it ended and even though it had a lot of inconsistencies I loved CS. This was the last novela my mother and I watched before she passed in March and I know if she had been alive she would have also loved the ending.Thank You to all the recappers!

Anon, how funny, that was my made up scenario: With the noticeable absence of Raul de Marin and Clemencia at the 4 weddings and a funeral (hmmm...a great movie title,) the most logical conclusion is that they ran away together as fast as their feet could take them from this Crazytown. Sorry Pedro, you had 30 years to make your move on Clem.

Another Anon

Good morning mi Caray familia!

I can't believe it's over! Thanks to all of the recappers and bloggers who have made watching CS such a fun experience- like Bernadette I too do not know if I will watch LVO, so let it be said that I will absolutely miss coming here every day and spending time with all of you. It has been a BLAST!!!

Leo went out not with a bang but with a gnaw, or two :) I was so enjoying Rod torturing her with the truth about Arcadio not coming to save her, his never loving her in the first place and then the ultimate, he told her that her son was muerto- MUERTO! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I wanted a few more scenes of her agonizing, to be honest with you :)

Rod was a dirty dog devil to the end, admitting to Capitan Breton everything except killing Leo and Arca! I guess since he didn't want Leo to be saved he couldn't say anything about what happened in the catacombs. So, in my humble opinion, he still will not rest in peace.

Mi Noel, I hope that his glance at Mariela in church means that very, very soon they will come together and be happy at last. Noel was absolutely my favorite character of the whole novela, and Rene Casados did an amazing job with the role. I will surely miss seeing him every night!

As for Juan and Reggie- okay, you all didn't get some twenty minute love scene like you wanted but you did get a long drawn out wedding scene, complete with doves in the church! Wasn't it lovely? Yes it was :)

The end, where the narrator came to the end of the tale as we watch Reggie and Juan on the Luzbel was happy for them and sad for us.

Pues amigos, tambien estamos al fin. I will not forget my experience her with you guys and I am getting teary eyed as I type these last few words. May you all have lots of peace, love and happiness too!


thank you Ivy. This fianle was so unsatisfying... Those rats are really ver ydoemsticated. the rats I've seen are always running away from everything especially humans. the ones in this TN they even sat down and talk with the humans. fully and Rod's deads were a joke. I'm with everyone about clem; not even she is not here because she went to visit relatives. She deserved at least to be mentioned at the end. Reggie's dress was beautiful, I think the most beautiful I've seen so far in a TN. Well, my friends, it was nice to share my sufferings about this TN with all of you. Gracias a todos.

Bernadette and Marisol, my Spanish comprehension is minimal at best. I'm going to watch LVO because the thread for discussion has been posted. Without it, without everyone's comments I'd be lost. I hope you both will give it a try as well. I've enjoyed both of your comments here.

Angel, what bittersweet memories this novela had for you. I am hoping your mother was watching the ending from above, at least in spirit. God bless.


I will comment in more detail later, just wanted to say thanks to Ivy. Way to go.

The episode itself was pretty unsatisfying for numerous reasons. My biggest beef would have to be the "gift" of a rotting corpse for Noel. He didn't deserve that and I can't imagine him not feeling guilty once he found out ("oh, no! All this time I had the key" etc.). More later when I get to a full keyboard.

Thank you Ivy for a wonderful recap. Thank you again to all the recappers and commenters. I have loved this show even with its inconsistencies. I will miss it a lot and will miss eveyone here. I probably won't watch
LVO only because I am watching all of the primetime novelas right now. I may have to check in here from time to time just to check in on this show and watch some of Aribeth's videos.

I agree with everyone about Clemencia. It was just so wrong that she wasn't even mentioned. I am going to go with you all's suggestion that she and Raul eloped.

I thought Leo and Arcadio got their just rewards Rod not so much.

It was a rip off the way Fully died. I wanted to see him open his safe and forget about the gun in there and shoot himself in the head.

The wedding was too beautiful. Regi looked so beautiful and the dress was just gorgeous. Would have loved to see more Regi/Juan time but when the boat sailed away and FIN came on the screen I just cried.

Thank you very much for the final recap, Ivy! :) I haven't read it yet but I'll be back later.*

Till then, here's the summary:

As for Clemencia: Maria Rojo participated in the wedding, and she had scenes in episode 131. I don't know what happened to her later.

* But I have to tell you right now that I'm very proud of the recappers (every single one of them) and the commenters. These months we virtually spent together were entertaining and heartwarming.

Thank you to all the recappers,you are all so talented and funny, your recaps made this show for me. I will miss watching it with all of you. I agree that while I enjoyed the show, the Juan/ Regina love story took way too long to get going and then didn't get enough air time. I wonder if that had something to do with the actress playing two roles. I know actors are only allowed to be on the set a certain number of hours and what with all the hair and make up changes maybe that had some effect. They seemed to want to get as much of sexy aimee as possible so maybe that meant less Regina time. Oh well in the end it was a lot of fun and I will miss it.

Ivy, thank you for a terrific final recap for this enjoyable novela. Even with 2 directors with different styles, different pacing, somewhat cheesy period costumes, some beanie time, a missing character with no explanation for her absence, the pluses were greater than the minuses. It was fun, not as silly as many novelas (FELS,) I really liked the storyline and the acting was great all around. Even Juan's early savage period was okay minus his Tarzan of the Seas rising with octopus in hand scene. Ha, ha, still makes me LOL.

We had some lovely shots of Juan all neat, spiffy and handsome with that wonderful smile and a beautiful Regina with the world's longest wedding train.

Leo's demise was justified as she offed quite a few, Arcadio deserved a bit more torture but Rod and Fully got off easily in my book. Rod even had time for a quasi redemption but that was so Reg and Juan and Noel could move on in their lives.

Without the recaps, I would be wondering, " did I understand that right?" all the time and the recappers were all so talented and added humor as a bonus. Thanks to all.


Before the wedding, they had scenes which seemed to indicate passage of time with the yellow leaves and then the pink blossoms so I was thinking meses despues. But then, as mad bess mentioned, it was the wedding day and Reggie had her waist corseted so tight in her bridal gown, I was thinking poor Reggie and especially poor baby. So I guess it was unos dias despues.


Fulgencio still got away with it because everyone will think he was just a feeble old man who tripped on some rocks and busted his head and died. And even if they find out he killed Servando, Griselda, Eloisa and Federico, he's dead so they can't do anything about it.

Rodrigo had been kinda of rethinking his attitude towards Regina when he found out MdR was still alive so him begging for forgiveness from Regina was kind of consistent.

I guess Pedro will never find love.

I think de Marin took off with Juan's big bag of money.

The last time we saw Clemencia was when Juan and Renato fell off the cliff and she told Regina. I don't know what happened to Clemencia after that b/c she wasn't around for Renato being found, Renato being killed, Juan being found or the 4 weddings. I guess we are to assume Clemencia left town b/c they were closing down the finca and why would they do that if Clemencia were going to live there?

Poetic justice that Arcadio got bashed in the head with a rock, since that's what he did to Rosenda.

I think we should have seen Leonarda suffer a bit more. Her learning Renato is dead and collapsing in the cell, only to be found a month later chewed up by rats was not enough.

I know everyone in town must be saying "Wow, that Montes de Oca family is cursed." 4 of them died within 1 month of each other. No wonder Juan and Regina want to sail away.

Well, there are 2 new MdOs about to be born. Since Rod is dead, would his money go straight to Regina or split with Rosenda's baby?

Thank you Ivy for another wonderful recap and for taking over the recap duties from Jody. I have enjoyed your wit and snark very much.

On to the show. The grand finale in one word: rushed. What happened to Clemencia? If Noel is closing the finca where will she live since she was the new owner? What happened to Raul and his business dealings? Both seemed to disappear off the face of the earth.

Fully's end was lame. I thought for sure they would come up with a better ending for him. Like maybe someone finding all the bodies washing up to shore and maybe the dressmaker telling someone what she knows. Not him finding a opal, slipping and hitting his head on the rocks and dying instantly. I guess since he wasn't superstitious that he had to die because of it?

Leo came to a grisly end. The rats ate her for dinner like the dogs that feasted on Jezebel's corpse.

After all Rod did he dies in the same cell he kept JDD Sr imprisoned and where he etched MdR's name on the wall.

I was surprised that Arcadio believed Rod and literally fell into his trap that I believe he originally planned for Leo.

Arcadio sounded like Gollum when he screamed; "No!" just before Rodrigo clobbered him with the slab. He even looked like Gollum down in that darkened pit.

I wanted to see more Juan and Regina with perhaps and love scene but with only a hour and needing to resolve the remaining plots there wasn't enough time.

How far along is Regina supposed to be in her pregnancy for Juan to feel the baby kick? I guess in her fourth month? She still wasn't showing yet. I don't know.

After Juan read Regina's letter and stated, "Regina me ama," I thought, Yeah. Duh. She's been telling you all along dude LOL.

Regina's wedding dress reminded me of Princess Diana's with the long train. She was a beautiful bride. Juan did call her his princess after all. I loved the two doves representing his parents being present too. This is a great contrast to the first time Juan and Regina married. They both looked miserable. This time they were so happy and so in love. Loved both bride and groom wearing white and loved that kiss.

At last Juan and Regina sail away on the Luzbel for more romance on the high seas albeit a CGI version of the boat LOL thus bringing this novela to a close. Who was steering the boat while Juan and Regina were on the other end kissing LOL?

What I would have liked to have seen was Juan and Regina's baby son at least and maybe see them frolicking on the beach as a family but as I stated before with only a hour there really wasn't much time to really wrap the stories up including all the loose ends.

All in all, I still enjoyed this novela and loved the love story of Juan and Regina. Their romance on the high seas won't be forgotten anytime soone. Those scenes are my all time favorites.

Once again, I want to thank recappers Jody, Ivy, Kat, CherylNewMex, Jeri, Connie, Jardinera, Sarah, and Sue for wonderful, poetic, hysterical, snark filled recaps. I have enjoyed them immensely. I applaud you all.

Thanks so much Ivy! And muchas gracias to all the recappers and commentors who stayed with the show. I really enjoyed coming here every morning to get your take on this crazy romance. It has been a blast!

Well a few days ago I was hoping Arcadio would get eaten by rats. I didn't expect Leo would get chewed up as well. Those two were so full of evil I wonder if the rats had to take Tums afterward??

I couldn't believe all our newlyweds were sitting around a campfire. Shouldn't they have been doing something else... like enjoying their wedding nights?

I could have lived without knowing that Phillipe was going to teach dance...

Rod didn't suffer enough. Nor Fulgencio. After Fully tripped and hit his head I thought, that was a lame end for such a bad guy. That was about as satisfying as if he'd choked on a bowl of oatmeal.

I didn't like that Noel had to find Leo's rat-eaten, stinky body. That was terrible. It was bad enough he had to live with her all those years. Noel got more punishment than Rod or Fully. Not fair.

Regina looked lovely in her wedding dress... but... if she was far enough along for Juan to feel the baby move shouldn't she not have worn a corset?

Angel, I'm sorry about your Mom. Somewhere out there you have a white dove watching over you, too. :)

I was wondering too if Rosenda had Rod's baby yet? I guess we are to assume she did and that she and Dr. Miranda will marry promptly since Rod is dead. I guess we also are to assume that Noel and Mariela are now free to marry since he is a widower. That was cruel for Rod to tell Noel to wait a month before going to the finca for that horrid surprise.

Thanks Ivy for a terrific recap. I'm with those who think that Rod got off much too easy. True, Leo deserved a dose of her own medicine. On the other hand I'm glad I live in a country that do not believe in cruel and unusual punishment. I'd much rather see the bad guys punished via the legal system rather than the popular novela style of burning, heads chopped off, starving to death then eaten by rats as well as other forms of torture.

Bernadette re: "That was also the first time I recall being told how much time had passed... "un mes depues".
The reason they spelled out the time was because Rod had instructed Noel not to use the key for one month. So, they wanted us to know that the time had come for Noel to use the key and find Leo dead.

I'm going to sit the next one out because I'm also watching STuD. Timewise I can only handle one at a time.
Will meet you guys on other boards (I hope).

I can't believe it's time to say good-bye to my CS family. It has been an incredibly fun ride. Thank you Ivy, you never disappoint.This show not only was visually beautiful but the bipolar director/producer came through in the end. So to
Ivy,Kat,Connie,Sarah, Jeri and all those who filled in on occasion,a million thanks. They were so many gaps in the finale but giving what we know about the producers, we will leave it alone. Regina's dress was beautiful and very modern. How the baddies all died in one day is beyond me.In the end they gave us a YouTube finish.The actors/actresses truly carried off this show.There just too many inconsistencies.The recappers and the commentators,pure joy. I will miss you all. I am tempted to move on to LVO, but for the late hours,I will wait and see.
Good bye loved ones till we meet again.


That was Rod's gift to Noel. If Noel had been curious and checked out the cell, which you would think he would have done despite what Rod told him, maybe Leo would have been alive and then imprisoned for life for her crimes. Easier for Noel if Leo is good and dead so he can start a new life with Mariela as a widower. So in the meantime, en el mes, did everyone think Leo ran off with Arcadio since they both disappeared?


Well. Thanks again, Ivy for giving us a wonderful recap.

About the finale and the last two weeks: They. Were. Lame. Awful writing (except my fav episode 130), inconsistencies, and the worst CGI finale ever. What was that ship at the end? Why didn't they use the second Luzbel instead of green screen? And I would've rather watched Juan and Reggie and their children ten years later than the 100th typical huge Mejía wedding.
The ending was disappointing, but I still love the whole show.

Btw, Enrique Rocha finally woke up and stole the show in the last episode.

As you know before coming here I'd seen this telenovela once, and for six months I had to read hatred against this telenovela. Many of the criticisms were valid, and I also bashed and mocked the flaws of the show. But in the meantime I liked it much, and it was so great and relieving to meet people who saw the same good in this telenovela like I did: the humor, the lovely actors and characters, the music, the Luzbel, Juan and Reggie, and the entertaining melodrama. Thank you for the great comments.

My last gallery update:
link - the wedding (see? Clem was supposed to be there)
link - behind the scenes
Gawd, Aracely is gorgeous.

my favourite picture from the wedding:

And the best photoshoot that I kept in store until the ending:
Juan and Reggie on Luzbel.

Oh, LVO is even better than CS (better writing, more hot scenes with EY :)), so I recommend it to you. :)

First off thank you to all the recappers Ivy, Kat, Jeri, Sarah, Connie and all the subs. Your humour and dedication with the recaps on CS made me laugh so many times. I really appreciate this website since I only know limited spanish and I'm an Eduardo Yanez fan. I agree with everyone else the finale was rushed into 1 hour with so many unanswered questions. The highlight for me was Eduardo in his white suit with his million dollar smile but I enjoyed this telenovela. I look forward to LVO tonight. Thanks again.

Ivy, thank you again; and thank you so much for your dedication to the show through the weeks. It is appreciated!

Regarding Leonarda, I don't think she needed the whole month. They always say that you'll die of dehydration before you'll starve.

It supposedly only takes like four days to die of dehydration, whereas you can last a month without food, the way I remember it.

Rodrigo drove her crazy with the news of Renato's death; that was clear with her writhing on the floor.

So perhaps her insanity a la María del Rosario helped dull the physical pain of her death. Maybe she was already gone.

Caren, great to hear from another EY fan. :-) I loved the wedding; it was truly a joyous affair, and EY positively beamed. Everyone was cheering, and I loved the dovies. Maybe my favorite wedding of all.

Thanks for the recap Ivy. I too was disappointed in with the ending but I prefer to focus on the positive and that was everyone on this thread. Thanks to all you recappers!! And those of you who comment as well.

Now that classes have started I don't think I can watch LVO but I'll try to stop by and see how things are going.

Aribeth, I wondered too why they did a CGI version of the Luzbel instead of having Juan and Regina on an actual boat. When Pasión ended Ric and Camila and all their babies LOL were on an actual boat sailing away. Why have a computer generated boat on CS?

I still loved the show and wished we could've had more Juan and Regina and at least see their son being born. Oh well.

I read the criticism too and although most of it was valid; some were very harsh and especially against EY. In his defense, he could only do what the directors wanted him to do of his interpretation of the character. I can see though why some thought of it a sacrilege since the "93" version is considered the best version.

I'm looking forward to LVO starting tonight and for sexy EY to burn up my screen.

"I loved the wedding; it was truly a joyous affair, and EY positively beamed." Didn't he Jeri. I love EY's smile. I also loved his and AA's chemistry. It was very believable and the wedding was beautiful. Juan and Regina looked so in love. I miss them all ready.

I also loved his and AA's chemistry. It was very believable

Hell yes! :) This show was an interesting experiment: the same actor and actress didn't have much chemistry when they were forced to do the crazy lust scenes for months (Juan and Aimee), but they burned down the screen when they played the good old "dangerous sexy bad boy - pretty fragile good girl" cliché (Juan and Reggie).

I agree with everyone about the inconsistencies and frustrations with the ending, but overall I loved CS.

Part of that was having access to the recaps and comments. You all made this telenovela so much fun and explained so much. Thank you.

I am watching Duena but can't manage the new one. Not enough time. My husband thinks I'm a little obsessed as it is.

See you on the STUD side.


Thanks so much for recapping the final cap, Ivy!

Also, thanks aplenty to the wonderful, past and present recappers for spending your time and energy, and giving up valuable ZZZ time to dissect this 'meandering, bipolar... but fun' novella. Those of us who are "Spanish speaking impaired" really appreciate all your attention to detail, and opinions!

As with Pasion, the show not being all about the ending, but more about the journey there... wearing costume. : )

I will miss the snark-snappy recaps, the witty comment replies, the wonky costumes (I am still shaking my head- bad clothes/ wigs/ hats etc. pull a viewer right out of the moment- they should have known better than to do this.). I will also miss the magnificent Airibeth's photo-rific photos and enlightening tidbits, and the STELLAR wit of the recappers. You are all THE BEST!!!

I hope to cross paths with some of you again soon during a good novella. : ) Does anyone know when the next big costume novella will be?

Lady Lisa de Saint Helena

I agree x100 that it was just too short to wrap thing sup in 1 hour. I think they must have showed the last 2 episodes here as a 2 hour final in Mexico. But it is still not enough. I too wondered about Clemencia's mysterious disappearance. I kept expecting her to show up but alas, she did not.

I really wanted to see Fulgencio busted for his crimes, but at the very least he did not get away as I feared he would. The only bad part is no one thinks he did anything wrong........ Well at least he died. That dude gave me the creeps. The quiet sinister ones are the most dangerous.

Arcadio thought he was smarter than Rodrigo and Leonarda but had the tables turned on him. As much time as he spent on the catacombs, he should have memorized the entire layout like the back of his hand. If you all remember some episdoes back, Rodrigo accidentally discovered that when he was wondering around MDS dungeon and thought he could use that as a trap.

I think Arcadio is the only one Rodrigo directly, actually murdered. The scumbag deserved it. Stoned to death by an anvil, I like that Wink @ Connie. Unfortunately, they still stone women to death in the middle east. There was even a recent report on it.

Lol @ Rodrigo asking for forgiveness to Regina, Noel and Juan but holding off Telling Noel that Leonarda is in the dungeon. In his mind, his gift to Noel is freedom to marry Mariela, A person he loves because his 'wife' is now dead. But a strange gift because he had to see the decomposed corpse being devoured by rats. I guess the dream did not tell him to be conditional. lol.

I wonder if Leonarda had the same dream but could not tell anyone she repented. Anyway, 14 days will do you in. But Rodrigo wanted Noel to wait exactly 1 month from the day he spoke to Noel in the prison so as to really make sure Leonarda was dead from starvation. Of course since rats are already in there, they would eat her bit by bit once she died.
I'm sure Noel also smelled the stench from Arcadio's body but just thought it was all Leonarda...

I'm sure they had services off Camera for Leonarda And Rodrigo. They would have known that Rodrigo Died in prison, and time went by.

I think that Gabriel and Jimena/Angela was a stronger love story and that Juan and Regina was more of vengeance then love... IMO.
Too bad we did not actually see Rosenda return but at least heard from her.


I agree x100 that it was just too short to wrap thing sup in 1 hour. I think they must have showed the last 2 episodes here as a 2 hour final in Mexico. But it is still not enough. I too wondered about Clemencia's mysterious disappearance. I kept expecting her to show up but alas, she did not.

I really wanted to see Fulgencio busted for his crimes, but at the very least he did not get away as I feared he would. The only bad part is no one thinks he did anything wrong........ Well at least he died. That dude gave me the creeps. The quiet sinister ones are the most dangerous.

Arcadio thought he was smarter than Rodrigo and Leonarda but had the tables turned on him. As much time as he spent on the catacombs, he should have memorized the entire layout like the back of his hand. If you all remember some episdoes back, Rodrigo accidentally discovered that when he was wondering around MDS dungeon and thought he could use that as a trap.

I think Arcadio is the only one Rodrigo directly, actually murdered. The scumbag deserved it. Stoned to death by an anvil, I like that Wink @ Connie. Unfortunately, they still stone women to death in the middle east. There was even a recent report on it.

Lol @ Rodrigo asking for forgiveness to Regina, Noel and Juan but holding off Telling Noel that Leonarda is in the dungeon. In his mind, his gift to Noel is freedom to marry Mariela, A person he loves because his 'wife' is now dead. But a strange gift because he had to see the decomposed corpse being devoured by rats. I guess the dream did not tell him to be conditional. lol.

I wonder if Leonarda had the same dream but could not tell anyone she repented. Anyway, 14 days will do you in. But Rodrigo wanted Noel to wait exactly 1 month from the day he spoke to Noel in the prison so as to really make sure Leonarda was dead from starvation. Of course since rats are already in there, they would eat her bit by bit once she died.
I'm sure Noel also smelled the stench from Arcadio's body but just thought it was all Leonarda...

I'm sure they had services off Camera for Leonarda And Rodrigo. They would have known that Rodrigo Died in prison, and time went by.

I think that Gabriel and Jimena/Angela was a stronger love story and that Juan and Regina was more of vengeance then love... IMO.
Too bad we did not actually see Rosenda return but at least heard from her.


I agree x100 that it was just too short to wrap thing sup in 1 hour. I think they must have showed the last 2 episodes here as a 2 hour final in Mexico. But it is still not enough. I too wondered about Clemencia's mysterious disappearance. I kept expecting her to show up but alas, she did not.

I really wanted to see Fulgencio busted for his crimes, but at the very least he did not get away as I feared he would. The only bad part is no one thinks he did anything wrong........ Well at least he died. That dude gave me the creeps. The quiet sinister ones are the most dangerous.

Arcadio thought he was smarter than Rodrigo and Leonarda but had the tables turned on him. As much time as he spent on the catacombs, he should have memorized the entire layout like the back of his hand. If you all remember some episdoes back, Rodrigo accidentally discovered that when he was wondering around MDS dungeon and thought he could use that as a trap.

I think Arcadio is the only one Rodrigo directly, actually murdered. The scumbag deserved it. Stoned to death by an anvil, I like that Wink @ Connie. Unfortunately, they still stone women to death in the middle east. There was even a recent report on it.

Lol @ Rodrigo asking for forgiveness to Regina, Noel and Juan but holding off Telling Noel that Leonarda is in the dungeon. In his mind, his gift to Noel is freedom to marry Mariela, A person he loves because his 'wife' is now dead. But a strange gift because he had to see the decomposed corpse being devoured by rats. I guess the dream did not tell him to be conditional. lol.

I wonder if Leonarda had the same dream but could not tell anyone she repented. Anyway, 14 days will do you in. But Rodrigo wanted Noel to wait exactly 1 month from the day he spoke to Noel in the prison so as to really make sure Leonarda was dead from starvation. Of course since rats are already in there, they would eat her bit by bit once she died.
I'm sure Noel also smelled the stench from Arcadio's body but just thought it was all Leonarda...

I'm sure they had services off Camera for Leonarda And Rodrigo. They would have known that Rodrigo Died in prison, and time went by.

I think that Gabriel and Jimena/Angela was a stronger love story and that Juan and Regina was more of vengeance then love... IMO.
Too bad we did not actually see Rosenda return but at least heard from her.


Hi Ivy. Couldn't resist stopping by and reading the Grand Finale. Thanks for the recap and for hanging in there and doing it with all the other insomniacs. Great job.

Oh no! What happened? I have 3 duplicate comments now. Maybe someon can delete the extras....


Thank You everyone for a great job recapping this series. And extra thanks to Aribeth for the pics, vids and other stuff. I'm a very visual person so you saved me from hunting down images on the web. As I stated in the first few weeks, I like watching period stuff and I was intrigued by the storyline, so I kept watching all the way to the end. I loved reading about Jarocha's anecdotes about her hometown of Veracruz which is where the story happens in this series.
I was Chuckling aloud at Capitan Breton being judge, jury and executioner to Rodrigo. But I think it would have been less dramatic if he said we will hold you intil your trial and if convicted, you will be imprisoned for life.

I too think it would have been nice to see kids running around the beach years later..... But it is what it is.....


Thank you guys for you positive comments. The novelas to me transport a person to another world of intrigue and love. Now I know why my mom used to say "No me hables horita estoy viendo mis novelas" which means "Do not talk to me now I am watching my novelas" :)

Updated Corazon Salvaje death list:

2)Dr. Miranda, uncle of PAblo Miranda
3)Juan del Diablo Sr.
5)Rosenda's father, forgot his name
7) Mabel's husband, though both were killed in an accident and not murdered.
8)Remigio's father
9) Remigio's mother - both by natural causes, so it might not count.
11) Griselda
12) Federico
13) Eloisa
14) Aimeé
15) Servano
16) Maria Del Rosario
17) Worker Killed by Fulgencio
18) Worker killed by Servando
19) Another worker killed by Servando
20) Renato
21) Arcadio
22) Leonora
23) Rodrigo


My thanks to my fellow recappers and also to all the readers and commenters. I don't think we could have stuck this one out if we hadn't done it together!

I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed with this ending!

I was bothered by Rosenda not being around now that everyone who threatened her was dead. So, I'm going to make up my own little story that she was just too far along to travel safely and Doctorcito would be running off to see her as soon as the wedding was over.

I'm also going to cast my vote in favor of Clemencia and Raul running away together and leaving behind all the craziness!

This was one crazy cursed family. that's for sure. FELS, MEPS,SORTI had a single bad element from the protagonists family. This one was basically everyone in the family...
I guess no one would want to bear the name of the MONTES DE OCA. And it's cursed lineage has ended. Juan and Regina's offspring will be 'San Roman' Rosenda's Child will be Miranda after the Dr. Adopts him and gives the child his name.

Actually, Juan's full name is Juan De Dios del diablo San Roman Montes De Oca Aldama. The kids are fine with the shortened versions. ;)


Great list Ibarramedia.

Thanks Connie. I will categorize them in a bit. Maybe you want to start and that's ok. :)


Actually, Juan's full name is Juan De Dios del diablo San Roman Montes De Oca Aldama. The kids are fine with the shortened versions. ;)

Juan de Dios (del Diablo) San Román Montes de Oca Aldama de la Cruz, if I remember well. :)

Btw, a month ago I re-read the recaps and I laughed a lot at this comment of Kat: "Clemencia goes on to say "You're Maria del Rosario's son! You are Juan de Dios San Roman Montes de Oca!" That's a mouthful to call out on the playground. Better watch it, boy, she knows ALL your names and she's not afraid to use them!"

(It's the original Aribeth who's too lazy to change accounts.)

Ivy, thanks for the detailed coverage of our not-so-gran finale. All in all, it was a great sweep of melodrama, but we got cheated a little at the end.

Clemencia--que the...? OK, she wishes Juan and Regi well, goes on a vacation with Raul de Marin, then returns to town to be nanny to Juan and Regi's baby. They sell or demolish the finca house.

There were some good highlights, however.
Arcadio and Leo had mostly poetic justice. When Rod reached down with the branch, I thought Arca might drag him down into the pit with him, but not so. Rod throwing rocks onto him was the same fate Arca had dealt to Rosenda.

Rod's speech to Leo was a good description of what she could expect. When she fell, I thought she hit her head pretty hard, so she could have been out cold for part of the rats' nibbling on her. I don't know which would be most painful to her--knowing her son was dead or being nibbled on by rats.

Here's an epitaph for them:
Arca and Leo, trapped in a cell,
First they kiss, then go to hell.
No more love, no more marriage,
Won't see nietos in a baby carriage.

So, speaking of marriage, that was one whopper of a wedding dress. The train was as long as Princess Di's (thanks, GinCA) and the tightly laced waist probably squished the baby.

Was that ceremony actually necessary ? (I know, there has to be one at the end.) Didn't they get married in the church the first time? Or had the annulment taken effect so they had to re-marry?

Whatever, it was a splendid ceremony with a happy couple. I did love the birds--very sweet. Probably the only TN wedding where the late in-laws attended as birds.

Also loved Juan and his posse riding to the wedding in a macho and salvaje procession. They really needed to be holding octopuses (octopi?) aloft as they rode in.

Fulgencio's death?? OK, that was really lame. Why was he out on the rocks before the ceremony, except to provide a place for his accident? The gem looked more like a sapphire than an opal to me. There are dark opals, but I didn't see the little fiery sparkles. Also, how convenient for the jewel to just be lying there.

Phillipe--no, not that costume. You can start a dance school, but please wear something else.

Thanks for all the recaps and comments. See you on the blogs.
La Paloma

Ah, even longer Aribeth. :) Yeah, Clemencia is the gatekeeper of all the names. She should have told Aimeé and Renato I know your full names so your better behave. Mwahahaha.



As I mentioned before a month ago I started to create a short version for CS. Just for fun. I can't eliminate the inconsistencies of the script and the dumbness of the characters, but I can definitely delete the most idiotic scenes and abridge the hundred unnecessary and boring side storylines.
I've already edited the first 70 episodes and originally wanted to upload the first 21 videos to my blogs, but I had to realize that my bandwith is too limited therefore I can't upload more than two episodes by day.

Here are the first two videos. I created two blogs, one on blogspot and one on freeblog.hu which is the second biggest Hungarian blog site (and it's virus free). On blogspot I didn't want to use my original account for uploading since who knows when the powers of Telerisa or Univision decide to delete my videos and account.

Enjoy. I hope you'll be able to watch the videos. I tried them on windows media player and they worked.

Haven't had the chance yet to check the videos, I hope they don't have serious flaws.

I'll sign the blog updates at the LVO posts since there are CS viewers here who'll follow that show too.

Maybe I didn't hear right, but I thought Regina said no when Juan asked if the baby moved. I thought for once they were being reasonable by not feeling a baby move way too soon :-)

It looks like Mejia really has a thing for birds. Another of his tell tale signatures. In the FELS triple wedding, there was a black Crow or Raven Who I think could be interpreted as Gabriela. Here in CS we see 2 Doves who Maria del Rosario keeps looking out for as representatives of Juan De Dios sr. and Maria Del Rosario.

I think they would see Fulgencio's body later and get rid of it. lol. The gem he found on the ground could have been in Servando's or Griselda's possession before. Some gypsies would have that in their pockets and it did him in. Ironic that he is not superstitious.

I still think that Leonarda starved to death before the rats ate her remains. It is not far fetched however to think she lost her mind when she collapsed on the dungeon floor screaming NOOOOOO! Just the look on the poor woman's face seemed indicative of it. You reap what you sow. But to really replicate what Maria Del Rosario went through would have meant staying in that dungeon for 27 years, being given enough food and drink ot survive the ordeal. But Rodrigo decided to just let her starve to death all alone.

As for Aracdio, he won't be missed. The man had no family to begin with and he is of no consequence or importance to the survivors.


I'm rethinking the incestous angle I discussed at the beginning last March.

Juan is the offspring of Maria Del Rosario and Juan De dios.

Aimeé and Regina are the offsprings of Constancia and Rodrigo.

Renato is the offspring of Noel and Leonarda.

Leonarda and Maria Del Rosario are sisters (Should be mother and daughter but anyway) Rodrigo is an adult guardian who is not related to them. At first I thought he was. So there is no incest. :D

I may have forgotten some details....


My former comment disappeared.
A. blogspot hates me :)
B. it was deleted because I violated a blog rule (if I did that, I'm sorry and delete it again)

As I mentioned before a month ago I started to create a short version for CS. Just for fun. I can't eliminate the inconsistencies of the script and the dumbness of the characters, but I can definitely delete the most idiotic scenes and abridge the hundred unnecessary and boring side storylines.
I've already edited the first 70 episodes and made 21 condensed ones. The first two videos are available: here or here.
Enjoy. I hope you'll be able to watch the videos. I tried them on windows media player and they worked. Haven't had the chance yet to check their quality, I hope they don't have serious flaws.

Last attempt to post.

As I mentioned before a month ago I started to create a short version for CS. Just for fun. I can't eliminate the inconsistencies of the script and the dumbness of the characters, but I can definitely delete the most idiotic scenes and abridge the hundred unnecessary and boring side storylines.
I've already edited the first 70 episodes and made 21 condensed ones. The first two videos are available on

Enjoy. I hope you'll be able to watch the videos. I tried them on windows media player and they worked. Haven't had the chance yet to check their quality, I hope they don't have serious flaws.

I'm in agreement with the finale. I kept thinking my DVR schedule was wrong when it showed an hour episode. I knew there was too much to wrap up. I guess so, seeing how the director left so many loose ends.

I didn't mind the ending for the villains. Not everyone can have en ending as deserving as Leo's. So, all the other were going to pale in comparison.

All in all, I liked the novela. Thanks to the recappers. You did a great job.

Aribeth, you are included in with the recappers as you are a lifesaver with all the links and the beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing your talents. Jody, I still love your ornament.

So long, friends.


Aribeth, Thanks for the photos! It blows me away that Clemencia was costumed and prepared for the wedding and then was completely left out of the last 4 episodes. I think Raul finally went to Puebla... since the Villareal's weren't going anywhere he decided to be a "guest" at their place. ;)

Can anyone explain the coins at the wedding? That must have a special meaning that I don't know about. (I thought it was cool).

I'm curious to know what everyone's top 5 CS scenes are. Mine are:
1) Juan and Regina's first kiss
2) Pablo and Rosenda getting Magda/Marlene's blessing
3) Noel and Mariela on the park bench talking about love... maybe
4) Lulu meeting Remegio for the first time
5) Aimee desperately looking around for Juan before saying "Si, accepto" at her wedding

"Aribeth, you are included in with the recappers as you are a lifesaver with all the links and the beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing your talents. Jody, I still love your ornament." I concur GinCA. We would have been lost without the YouTube links and thank you again Jody for making the ornaments to commemorate us all sticking with this show in spite of the midnight move.

Hopefully, I'll see some of you in the LVO discussions. If not, we will talk again when another period novela graces our screens. I will miss the family we created here. It has been wonderful.

Here is an explanation for the Arras. We covered this in FELS,MEPS and Sorti too.

Wedding Coins / Arras Coins/ Arras Wedding Coins

The custom of the wedding coins originated in Spain. The madrina de arras holds the thirteen gold coins (arras) are given to the bride by the bridegroom, signifying he will support her. Often presented in ornate boxes or gift trays, this represents the brides dowry and holds good wishes for prosperity. These coins become a part of their family heirloom.

Grooms pledge to the bride
The groom gives the bride thirteen gold coins as a symbol of his unquestionable trust and confidence. The symbolism, which may be explained by the officiant, is that the Groom recognizes his responsibility as a provider, and pledges his ability to support and care for her. Acceptance by the bride means taking that trust and confidence unconditionally with total dedication and prudence.
Why 13 coins?
The number 13 represents Christ and his 12 apostles.

How to use in ceremony
The coins are presented to the priest by a friend or relative (usually the purchaser). The priest then blesses the coins and hands them to the bride who places them in the grooms cupped hands at the beginning of the ceremony. The coins are then placed on a tray and handed to an assistant to be held until later in the ceremony. Near the end of the ceremony the box and coins are given to the priest who places the coins in the box and hands them to the groom.

The groom will then pour the coins into the brides cupped hands and places the box on top. This represent his giving her control as his mistress of all his worldly goods. (Sometimes their hands are tied with a ribbon for this portion of the ceremony.)

Wording on the Coins
These tokens generally have the words "Recuerdo Matrimonial" which translates as "Wedding Souvenir" or "Marriage Memory".

The use of the arras coins is a Latin American tradition for Hispanic and Filipino weddings, for Cinderella Weddings, Fairytale Weddings, Sweet 16 celebrations, Debutante Balls, Quinceaneras, and Bat Mitzvahs



Some of my top scenes are:

1) Juan de Dios beating up on the soldiers harrasing the fishermen, bloodying their noses.

2) The simple wedding of Juan de Dios and Maria del Rosario.

3) The wacky costume party on board the La Promesa.

4) The Duel between Juan and Renato.

5) Renato saving Regina from arcadio.


My top five CS moments are:

1) Juan and Regina's first kiss. It was swoonworthy.

2)The whole romance on the Luzbel and especially Juan's speech to Regina. It made her start to look at him differently.

3) Noel and Mariela's talk of love on the bench.

4) The first time Juan and Regina admitted that they were in love with each other.

5)When Juan and Regina kissed in front of everyone at the courthouse when he was acquitted. The look on Renato's face was priceless.

"I think Raul finally went to Puebla... since the Villareal's weren't going anywhere he decided to be a "guest" at their place. ;)" Maybe that's what happened Xlntperuvian LOL and why he had to go away for some mysterious business dealing.

The most dramatic moment here has got to be Maria del Rosario telling Juan that she is his mother in her revelation. High tension and crescendo with impactado moment.


"The most dramatic moment here has got to be Maria del Rosario telling Juan that she is his mother in her revelation. High tension and crescendo with impactado moment." I agree Ibarramedia. It was very dramatic and emotional. LF and EY did an outstanding job in those scenes.

I'm with everyone that the finale was too short. Needed much more Juan and Regina time, but EY in that white suit - hot, hot, hot, mucho hot!!!!! Can't wait for LVO. Regina was showing in her pregnancy. There was a moment in the finale where she was sitting down with Juan at the house and I looked carefully and she was showing. I'll replay that to be sure. The wedding was beautiful and the doves a delicious touch. Fully got off too easily as did Rodrigo. The writers, producers, whomever, did a great disservice to CS fans everywhere by rushing the ending. There was so much more to see, hear, and enjoy. Would one last fiery hot love scene between Juan and Regina have been that bad? C'mon!!!
Favorite scenes: 1) when Regina saw Juan buck-naked in the ocean, 2) their first time making love - so beautiful, Juan was so tender with her; 3) Gabe & Jimena's pseudo wedding; 4) Juan pulling himself up by his wrists in the dungeon; and finally 5) any scene that had EY in it. Don't know what he is like in real life, but man is he easy to watch on the screen. I much prefer to remember him in the wedding white suit than as the Columbian Interrogator in CSI Miami. That gave me a whole different perspective on the man. I hope we do not have to wait long for something new with EY. He needs to play a man in his forties, of strong character, and wise. Or, play a really good bad guy, which he certainly can do. Just don't want to see him rape anybody like in Guadalupe - that was so bad. Will miss chatting with everyone, but I expect to be on board for LVO chats. Not finding STud very interesting - don't see the heat between Val and JM like with Juan and Regina. Will miss CS a lot.

I bet you ladies will be salivating at a Colunga,Yanez,Levy, Camil expendebles-esque collection in a series.

Rosenda is one hot babe as are the 3 can can't babes. Aimeé is bit hotter than Regina (even though it is the same portrayer) though both are lookers.

How old is Mariela? She looks pretty. Jimena/Angela looks cute. Si she 18 and up? No pedo.


It is funny that the narrator disappeared for a while then came back at the very end to close the chapter on Juan and Regina.


LOL the narrator got tired of telling the story and was like "Just watch it for yourself."

Leonarda and Maria del Rosario's father's name was Renato, I think. I think it was stated that Leonarda named Renato after her father.

I'm thinking Renato #1 and Rodrigo were cousins of some sort. Obviously on their father's side since Leona, Rod's and MdR's last name was "Montes de Oca."

Renato #2 and Juan were first cousins. Aimee & Regina were Juan and Renato's distant cousins.

If Rod was Leona & MdR's distant cousin, then Aimee & Regina were Leona & MdR's distant cousins, too.

And Juan was Rod's distant cousin too.

I also think Rod was supposed to be much older than Leona and MdR; that's why he was their guardian after their parents died.

Why Leona was referred to as Aimee & Regina's aunt is unbeknownst to me.

Barbara M

"but EY in that white suit - hot, hot, hot, mucho hot!!!!! "



"Now I know why my mom used to say "No me hables horita estoy viendo mis novelas" which means "Do not talk to me now I am watching my novelas" :)"

Will become my first Spanish phrase. Thanks for sharing it! :)


Photo albums to die for. Loved, loved the photos from the Luzbel. My favorite part of this TN.
Being that you watched this TN previous, was that last ep. cut/ shortened for the US market or was it the one you were familiar with?

I thought the acting was well done a veritable emotion stretching roller coaster. The "powers-that-be" I think did a dis-service to the actors the way it was finished. We don't have time to shoot it, so write a letter. Enjoyed all their strong work, maybe not the faux frenchman as much. Too goofy;D

Thanks Diane for the vote of confidence on being able to follow LVO. Hard to break the habit, of "my shows on", much to my family's chagrin I am sure. Like the period romances but could always broaden that genre. ;)


Thanks Lil for clarification on the time. I did not catch until the recap the time imposed key/sadistic gift.


LOL the narrator got tired of telling the story and was like "Just watch it for yourself."

Leonarda and Maria del Rosario's father's name was Renato, I think. I think it was stated that Leonarda named Renato after her father.

I'm thinking Renato #1 and Rodrigo were cousins of some sort. Obviously on their father's side since Leona, Rod's and MdR's last name was "Montes de Oca."

Renato #2 and Juan were first cousins. Aimee & Regina were Juan and Renato's distant cousins.

If Rod was Leona & MdR's distant cousin, then Aimee & Regina were Leona & MdR's distant cousins, too.

And Juan was Rod's distant cousin too.

I also think Rod was supposed to be much older than Leona and MdR; that's why he was their guardian after their parents died.

Why Leona was referred to as Aimee & Regina's aunt is unbeknownst to me."

Well, one thing is certain. Regina was literally correct when she was exasperrated and said why is this crazy messed up family destroying one another. or something to that effect.

Some normal families are families that prays together,stays together. The Montes de Oca's are a family that preys together and dies together. lol. Or should I say slays together.

I think Leonarda is just referred to as an Aunt even though she is a cousin because of generation gaps. She is also alternatively referred to as 'Madrina'

They hated each other so much that they tried to erase and eradicate their bloodline. lol.


Sorry I meant Diana!!

You would think the jailers would confiscate every thing that Rodrigo had in his pockets. They even took off his scarf or ascot and his walking stick.


Sorry that I keep having thoughts after I post. Am I way out of line that Pedro does have a love interest, it is just not female.
Eusebio (sp) perhaps. Hope that does not ruin this for anyone!

Keep it coming. I don't know if we will break 100 comments like the FLES,MEPS,SORTI finals did. MEPS broke over 200.

The final wedding could have used a photograph from Regina's daguerrotype unless it was destroyed somehow. Yeah. They could have had a group picture in black and white.


I was thinking that myself Ibarramedia. Regina could have brought her camera and everyone take group pictures. As far as her train on her bridal gown I saw a novel titled, Mundo de Fieras and the protagonists train went all the way out the door and down the steps I believe. That's too much LOL.

I noticed the the opening scenes were different when I caught a episode in YouTube. In the place of Juan and Renato fighting over Regina, they show Renato and Aimee in the bathtub and also Juan and Aimee the first time they made lust. Did Uni think those scenes were a bit too racy to be included here. What gives? We're not that prudish LOL.

Alternate titles: Arcadio has fallen, and he can't get up -or - So long, and thanks for all the fish(ermen)!

What a not-entirely-satisfying episode. I did find Leonardo's ultimate fate to be quite suitable, and as deserved as it would have been for Juan to get his hands on Arcadio, I suppose getting his head bashed in (as he tried to do to Rosenda) was appropriately ironic. Trying to redeem Rod, though? Pff. (Though I guess that was more for everyone else's sake than his own, so they'd be freed of the last of the hate.) Fulgencio's end was terribly disappointing. He should have at least gone all the way over a cliff!

I would dearly have loved to see Philippe slap Rod across the face with Brigitte's little pink glove. Anyone else? (And I will never, ever, get 'Burger King in Drag' out of my head now. That image will haunt me the rest of my days. I hope you're happy, Ivy!)

Did Celestino actually ever get around to telling Rosenda his hidden secrets? I know she was trying her best to get them out of him, but that's been so damned long ago now I can't really remember.

How sweet was Juan asking Noel for his blessing to remarry Regina? Noel's always been more of a father to her, anyway. (And how creepy was Rod sending Noel his wife's corpse as a 'gift'? Does he think that isn't just going to haunt the poor man?) And that wedding! That dress! I bet the train weighs as much as she does. I'd be surprised Juan could even pick her up (in it) if I hadn't seen him tear down the catacombs. I remember now that he called her his princess once - he sure made one of her there, didn't he? I, too, am disappointed by the strange absence of Clemencia - if ever there was a day for her to be at Regina's side, wouldn't it be that one?

Sad. Sad! I don't want it to be over! My eternal gratitude to all the recappers, because there'd be no way I could ever follow along otherwise. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to give LVO a try or no - I know how I am about modern novelas; if you took the exact same story from CS09 but removed the setting, I doubt I would have made it through the first week - but I think I'm going to at least pop in on the posts because the insomnia club is too much fun. (By the way - is anyone else familiar with fanfiction? I think we need a Corazon Salvaje fanfiction club - it's the only way we're going to get any real closure!)

Normally, a plot would set up that ship camera scenes as Regina's soon to be job or business. Not a one time thing. They spent at least the entire week and boat trip with too many of those scenes to set it up. Then she becomes a sometime wannabe nun. That failed, so she became like a drifter of sorts. Her twin Aimeé was established as socialite already. They then conveniently forgot about her taking pictures and did not even bother with it.


Mad Marley Grey

You piqued my interest. What is fanfiction.?


Mad Marley Grey, you might want to speak to Aribeth about that. I think she is into fanfiction and shippers if I remember correctly.


Okay, Mad Marley Grey, what is fanfiction? I write for a living, so to speak - write training manuals. If we want to write our own satisfying ending to this story, then I'm game. I just can't believe that CS is not on tonight. But at least we can have EY in LVO and we'll see more of him in that one (literally) than we did in CS. Bet the Uni censors though will rob us again. Someone tell me how things will work with LVO? Will we come back to Caray, Caray! to get updates and comment? I have had so much fun reading comments and then adding my own 2 cents worth. This story was a great psychological study. Most of the characters were very complex; not just all evil or all good. I mean as much as we love EY, he was a rat bastard to Regina when they first got on the boat. The poor virgin lady was scared to death of this over-the-top manly man and he has the ??????, I'll say guts, to tell her that he can fulfill all her desires but she have to be the one to ask. Gracious me, it's a wonder Regina didn't decide to jump overboard and swim for her life. I think the only reason she didn't is because she was attracted to him from the start. Remember the dream she had of Juan kissing her. And it wasn't any brotherly kiss, for sure. I'll add one more thing here. Juan had trouble believing in Regina's love because he knew what he was, somewhat of a wild man. Aimee, he knew, was no lady but Regina was definitely a lady. Therefore, he felt he was not in the same class as Regina but could freely indulge in what Aimee offered so willingly and so often. That's my take on it! Anybody else think the same?

Fan fiction (alternately referred to as fanfiction, fanfic, FF, or fic) is a broadly-defined term for fan labor regarding stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator. Works of fan fiction are rarely commissioned or authorized by the original work's owner, creator, or publisher; also, they are almost never professionally published. Fan fiction, therefore, is defined by being both related to its subject's canonical fictional universe and simultaneously existing outside the canon of that universe.[1] Most fan fiction writers assume that their work is read primarily by other fans, and therefore tend to presume that their readers have knowledge of the canon universe (created by a professional writer) in which their works are based.


If I remember correctly, Connie once did a short fan fiction of Fuego En La Sangre and Manana Es Para siempre.


BarbaraM, I agree about how Juan saw the 2 twins. Blonde was sugar and spice, Red was hot and explosive. I don't know if you were with us for MEPS but that was a deep pyschological case study of most of the characters. Particularly Babs and Aurora. And the rehabilitation of Liliana's traumatic mind alone would be quite an interesting case study.


Eheh! I see someone already got around to giving a technical definition of fanfiction. But it's basically when you take the characters and settings of an established work and write your own stories with them - say if there was something you would have liked to have happen that didn't, or alternate scenes for events you weren't happy with.

And why I am not surprised to hear 'Aribeth' and 'Connie'. -grins-

Mad Marley, I'm game for some CS fan fiction. I'm sure we could come up with better endings for Rod and Fully. Since I'm a Juan and Regina shipper, there would definitely be some hot love scenes in the mix too.

I wonder how the Mexican public reacted to the fate of Rodrigo,Arcadio,Leonarda and Fulgencio. Perhaps Jarocha can give us some insight.


I think you're right BarbaraM. Uni is going to be busy with that censor button with LVO from what Jeri said about the racy scenes. Lord knows they butchered the love scenes in CS to pieces. Actually, I don't remember them cutting the Juan and Aimee scenes as badly as they chopped up the Juan and Regina and Gabe and Jimeangela scenes.

BarbaraM, my plan is to try to function as the team leader for the LVO discussion blog, as well.

I will post a discussion thread for LVO every evening. If we have volunteers, then there will also be recaps and/or summaries for discussion.

So as long as there is interest, there will at least be a discussion thread to post in every evening.

I had a kind of notion that Univision grasped onto the midnight time slot for this one because CS did well and because it is the "Showtime After Dark" time slot, euphemistically speaking. They might not have to cut scenes for this time slot.

There was something definitely Edgar Allan Poe about Leo's end. Grotesque. I don't think they even know that Orca's body is down there. For sure no one will live in the finca after that. That brings to this question. I wonder if Juan and Regina will continue to live in the love shack when the return from their honeymoon and will Juan tell her about the other house he has.

Agree with your insight to Juan and the twins, I mean Regina and Aimee. ;)

Wow fan fiction sounds interesting.


Thanks Ibarramedia and Mad Marley Grey for the defintion.

For anyone who's interested, here are the lyrics to the theme song and subsequent love theme for Juan and Regina:


Cuando estoy contigo crece mi esperanza
has alimentado el amor de mi alma
y sin pensarlo el tiempo me robó el aliento,
qué será de mí si no te tengo?

Si no estás conmigo se me escapa el aire, corazón vacío...
Estando en tus brazos sólo a tu lado siento que respiro...
No hay nada que cambiar, no hay nada que decir....
Si no estás conmigo quedo entre la nada, me muero de frío...
Ay! cuanto te amo, si no es a tu lado pierdo los sentidos...
Hay tanto que inventar, no hay nada que fingir... "me enamoré de tí"
me enamoré de tí...

Eres lo que yo más quiero, lo que yo soñaba
eres mi rayo de luz a cada mañana...
y sin pensarlo el tiempo me robó el aliento,
qué será de mí si no te tengo?

Si no estás conmigo se me escapa el aire, corazón vacío....
Estando en tus brazos sólo a tu lado siento que respiro...
No hay nada que cambiar, no hay nada q decir...
Si no estás conmigo quedo entre la nada, me muero de frío....
Ay! cuanto te amo, si no es a tu lado pierdo los sentidos...
Hay tanto que inventar, no hay nada que fingir... "me enamoré de tí"...

Si no estás conmigo se me escapa el aire, corazón vacío...
Estando en tus brazos sólo a tu lado siento que respiro...
No hay nada que cambiar, no hay nada que decir...

Si no estás conmigo quedo entre la nada, me muero de frío....
Ay! cuanto te amo, "corazón salvaje" pierdo los sentidos...
Hay tanto que inventar, no hay nada que fingir...

Si no estás conmigo.... me quedo vacio ....
No hay nada que cambiar.... no hay nada que fingir...
"me enamoré de tí"...
"me enamoré de tí"...
"me enamoré de tí"...

English Translation

I fell in love with you

When I'm with you, my hope grows
You keep feeding my soul's love
And without noticing, time took my breath away
What would become of me if I can't have you?

If you're not with me, air leaves me, empty heart
Being in your arms, only by your side I feel like I can breathe
There's nothing to change, there's nothing to say
If you're not with me I'm left in the middle of nowhere, I freeze to death
Ah! how much I love you, if it's not with you I lose my senses
There's so much to invent, there's nothing to hide...
I fell in love with you
I fell in love with you

You're what I love the most, what I've dreamt to love
You're my sunshine every morning
And without noticing, time took my breath away
What would become of me if I can't have you?

If you're not with me, air leaves me, empty heart
Being in your arms, only by your side I feel like I can breathe
There's nothing to change, there's nothing to say
If you're not with me I'm left in the middle of nowhere, I freeze to death
Ah! how much I love you, if it's not with you I lose my senses
There's so much to invent, there's nothing to hide...
I fell in love with you
I fell in love with you

If you're not with me, air leaves me, empty heart
Being in your arms, only by your side I feel like I can breathe
There's nothing to change, there's nothing to say
If you're not with me I'm left in the middle of nowhere, I freeze to death
Ah! how much I love you, "wild heart" I lose my senses
There's so much to invent, there's nothing to hide

If you're not with me... I freeze to death!!
There's nothing to change, there's nothing to hide...
I fell in love with you
I fell in love with you...

Funny you should mention Edgar Allan Poe Pirate Babe. That must be another of Mejia's staples. In FELS, most of you who followed the series remember that Gabriela aka Gabi was reading the Cask of Amontillado and that She also died by being buried alive, thus suffocating once her oxygen supply ran out in the coffin. Who could forget Fernando Escandon's image and reflection in her eyeballs.

I find it strange that they did not play on Leonarda's very ridiculous superstitions to do her in. They went more for a dose of your own medicine kind of end. Even funnier is that Fulgencio had to say something about superstitions. You all remember how incredibly supersitious Leonarda was in the beginning. So much that it seemed there was no day that passed without her naming some kind of bad luck form somebody doing something. ***Rolleyes***

Did she just magically cure herself of this affliction? Maybe the gypsy influence eradicated it. Ah, who knows? **Shrugs Shoulders**


Pirate babe

Thanks so much I was wondering about this last night during the episode!!

Aand here is the clip to this cool song.




That's another plot story that was seemingly dropped Ibarramedia. You would think it would be her superstitions that did her in and not Fully. :::shudders:::I remember Gabby's end in FELS. That totally creeped me out.

I broke down and downloaded the song from itunes. It is a beautiful love theme that fits for our lovebirds. Thanks for the YouTube link Ibarramedia.

You're welcome Bernadette. I was wondering about the lyrics myself.

You're welcome Pirate Babe. :)

The worst fate of all that could possibly be imagined was Babs imolating herself and disfiguring her once very beautiful body. Oh I hated that. I wished she was saved... Though she would only last a few months and not last a year because no on survives those kind of burns and lives for decades.


Okay, ladies. If you recorded the wedding scene, go back and look at Juan kissing Regina at the altar. I've watched it twice and I could swear he slipped her some tongue. I noticed that also in Guadalupe at end when Alfredo was kissing Guadalupe. I had to look at that two or three times, but I could swear he had a little tongue involved in that kissing also. It's very subtle, but I think it's there. Can anybody else verify or categorically deny it was there?

Ivy, you did a verrrry great job with a not-so-good finale. Thank you, CS team! I had a very good time here with ya'll. Hope everyone sticks around here for the next show.

If anything, you would think Leonarda would die from fright in the dungeon upon seeing a black cat if it was placed there. Or a heart attack like Rodrigo...


I think Babs ending in MEPS was far worse than Leo's. Why is it that the women suffer harsher fates than the men. That reminds me of Liz in Pasión. She was gang raped and left crawling on the ground screaming for her tia. That was pitiful and disturbing.

It's good you were lurking around Cielo. I noticed Vivi here to once in a while.

Since they were going graphic crazy and slightly cheezzy, they could have superimposed a semi transparent , huge ghostly image of Juan de Dios sr and Maria del Rosario on top of the ship showing their faces from the chest up... As the boat was sailing away. And then FIN.


Juan slipped Regina some tongue? I will definitely have to check that. ::checking YouTube link:: Holy smokes I think you're right Barbara. Go ahead Juan baby.

I would love to see a series where the women are not sujected to really gruesome fates. I love the women. lol.

Imagine if instead of Colunga and Yanez starring together, one of them will be a villain. That would surely get fans of those two going at it here....


"Since they were going graphic crazy and slightly cheezzy, they could have superimposed a semi transparent , huge ghostly image of Juan de Dios sr and Maria del Rosario on top of the ship showing their faces from the chest up... As the boat was sailing away. And then FIN." LMBO I thought at first when they showed the two doves snuggling at the cathedral together we would see JDD Sr and MdR's apparitions watching Juan and Regina marry from above. I like yours better

"Imagine if instead of Colunga and Yanez starring together, one of them will be a villain. That would surely get fans of those two going at it here...." I think you're on to something Ibarramedia. That would definitely get fans of both men going for sure. I can see EY playing the antagonist especially after watching his chilling performance in CSI Miami. I could definitely go for that.

Rod looked like a pimp daddy in the cell with his gold chain and shirt wide open.

Anon 9:29, I'm crying. Too funny.

Ivy, Thank you so much for a wonderful FIN recap. You really did it justice. I am missing sweet Clemencia and my own lingering ending would be for her to reconstitute her nanny duties with Juan and Regina's brood by day and have love and compassion from a grateful Raul for the rest of her days. The finca should be turned into a summer camp or school for all the poor children of the surrounding area full of laughter and light to make up for the murder, deceit and unhappiness that plagued it for decades. Marisol and Noel could be directors or board members at least.

I was happy to recap this wonderful story until the time change and thanks to Jeri for stepping into my place and all the other people that came the last several months to carry this deserving story through to the end. I really feel like some episode was left out or scenes were cut that kept so many questions open.

Thanks to Aribeth for the links to so many beautiful pictures and especially showing Clemencia in her go to wedding clothes. Did she wear that pink dress some other time or is this a real cut? That world's longest train and the tighter than life waist line was beautiful on Regina but that baby might have a slightly pointy head assuming it had not turned yet.

Thanks to Ibarramedia for all your invaluable lists. It really helps to relive some of the finer points after all these months.

As always this little community comes together for each telenovela and reforms in some boolean ways for the next and other TN's so some new friends and thankfully many old friends keep reappearing. Mad Bess/Susanlynn is always so perceptive with welcome and ironic comments on these proceedings.

Hasta la proxima mis amigitos

La Greca has some nice clips of interviews on youtube like this one:

Villians are pretty nasty in TNs, but if EY is a villian, I'm afraid I'd have to root for him. Even in that cold, chilling manner he spoke in CSI Miami, he still was sexy as all get out. The man has a way of being very expressive with his eyes and face that speaks louder than words. Goodness knows, EY would be the best looking bad guy ever shown in any TN.

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This comment has been removed by the author.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Cheryl, looks like The Greco likes Perro Amor a lot. It is mostly in the wallpaper backgrounds. Thanks for that link.

I disappeared for most of the run of CS here because I was just too busy. I read all the recaps though and some of the comments so I'm able to keep up. :) Glad to see you back here for the final. :)


I will really miss Juan and Regina.

I wonder if Telemundo would consider doing a historical TN with EY and AA in the lead (and with a lot more screen time of them together). It wouldn't have to be long just interesting with strong female characters. Even in though days there were women who did their own thing.

I'd like to see Carla Estrada do that series with EY and AA. She would do great work with that becuase she already has some masterpieces in Amor Real, Alborada and even Pasion which was the first TN I saw. And it was so unfortunate that I just started seeing it on it's last week.

So to any in the know, will there be a Cristina special on Corazon Salvaje or is that a negative?


Cheryl~~Thanks for the shoutout !!! How's Willa doing ? Are you still working on your photographs ? Will you be watching LVO ? I can't wait to see Big Ed in this blast from the recent past. I've seen a few scenes online...muy h.o.t. I'm currently watching STuD. I like seeing FC and Lucero together. I will echo the request to have Carla Estrada and the remarkable Monica Miguel take Big Ed under their wings. I'd love to see him in m=one of their historical novelas. Having Big Ed and TBLMOE together in a novela might just be too much for me to take ....but I would be very brave and try to watch . P.S. As to those kisses between Juan and Reggie....I definitely thought that I saw evidence that they were of the French variety...Ed, you scamp.

You all have just had some wonderful comments today. Sorry I'm so late to the game. I am up late anyway, so I will check out the first episode of LVO tonight.

All of you recappers did a fantastic job, and really impressed me with your continued committment after the midnight time change. Same with all the commentors here. I was usually a day or more behind in watching the videos, so did not comment as much as I would have liked, but I always read the entertaining recaps, comments, video recaps and photo galleries. Thank you ALL! I ditto all the comments that have been said about the lackluster but entertaining finale and the fabulous final recap. :)

Revised Death list and who did what to whom.

Arcadio's victims:

1) Dr. Miranda, Uncle of Pablo Miranda
2) Mirta
3) Renato Vidal Montes de Oca

Servando's victims:

1) Worker #1
2) Worker #2

Fulgencio's victims:

1) Griselda
2) Federico Marin del Campo
3) Eloisa de Berron
4) Servando
5) Worker killed by Servando

Leonarda's victims:

1) Constanza Ribera Montes De Oca
2) Brigitte

Rodrigo's victims:

1) Arcadio
2) Leonarda Montes de Oca de Vidal

Renato's victim:

1) Aimeé Montes de Oca Ribera de Vidal

Death due to illness, accident,natural causes:

1) Mabel Aldama De La Cruz
2) Santiago Aldama
3) Celestino, father of Rosenda
4) Remigio Garcia's Father
5) Remigio Garcia's Mother
6) Maria Del Rosario Montes de Oca San Roman De dios
7) Rodrigo Montes de oca
8) Fulgencio Berron

Looks like Fulgencio came out with the most kills. Tsk tsk tsk.


I would have loved to see the three couples wedding ceremony.

Also wanted to see Juan take Regina to his beautiful home, see her reaction.

What ever happened to the finca fields catching fire? Renato should have been tending to it, they just dropped that storyline.

I assumed Noel & Leo baptized Aimee & Regina because they called them Madrina & Padrino.

Regina's dress also reminded me of Princess Di's with that long train. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to watch that wedding on Tv !!! Long time ago.....

Thought it strange the officers never went to the passage ways at the finca to look for the outlaws Leo & Arcadio. They were down there earlier in the week so they knew about them. Plus it was both their home. I would have looked there first, wonder if there was a WANTED poster posted all over the area looking for them !!!

Ibarra, Don't forget, Fulgencio told Federico that he killed Fed's father years before.

That is true but he never appeared on the show so I did not include him. Unless I missed a flashback that showed Federico's dad.


Elle, if you missed the 3 couples wedding ceremony, you can look it up on the 2nd to the last episode. Where Renato got killed. That is another mejia staple. The triple wedding. First in FELS with the Reyes brothers and Elizondo sisters and now here in CS with Gabriel and Estrella/Jimena/Angela, Santos and Jacinta, and Remigio and Lulu.


I don't think Renato cared about the finca field fire or the finca workers after he discovered Aimee didn't love him and the only reason she was with him was for money.

Thank you to all the recappers for the many hours you give so the rest of us know what's going on. If it weren't for the hard work you do I would have given up telenovelas long ago. THANK YOU ALL.

Wow, what wonderful comments - 128 of them?!! Glad I put in the effort that I did on the recap, as I had wanted to stop writing them a month ago.

I may try to keep up with LVO, it's on at 9:00 on my TV so not hard for me to watch. ITA on all the comments about EY, that man is incredibly sexy. I like the longer hair on him better, though.

Love the theories about Clem and Raul, I guess Pedro never made his move, but maybe you are right, Bernadette! I wanted Leonarda to have more of a public ending, more humiliation since she was always so worried about scandal. But her death was pretty deservedly horrible. Rod, that was strange, too easy for sure. Don't know what was with the ponytail being gone, so he would look more disheveled, which he didn't.

I missed CS last night, it was fun being in that world!


Oh, and yes, that kiss was of the french variety for sure. That was why I described it as "real"!

"I missed CS last night, it was fun being in that world!" So did I Ivy. I miss Juan, Regina, and the whole gang so much. I'll be watching those links Aribeth provided to get my fix on them. Craziness and all LOL.

Hi, Ivy -- I just got a message from terrylee, who is having computer problems, and I told her I'd pass on her message:


"...I usually try to comment on the blogs, but was not able to do so on the last episode of CS because of computer trouble. Could you please pass on my thanks to Ivy for her recap of that show, I was unable to acually watch it, but am hoping to catch it on Youtube..."

Hope she gets back soon!

No one mentioned two of my favorite scenes --
When Mirela and Angela/Jimena discover they are mother and daughter. The actresses struck just the right note between sentiment and restraint. I just about lost it when Angela says "Mama".
When Noel implores the fishermen to continue to help him find Renato. Yes, it was a little over the top but Noel had been so restrained and such a good guy no matter what up to then. It made artistic sense to concentrate on the anguish of the one decent character's anguish over Renato's possible drowning,rather than flip all over while everybody else overacted.

Sorry, but even in TN land the death of Leonardo was too much. Nobody deserves that. Rats start to eat you BEFORE you're dead. You can make up all the scenarios you like about Leo being unconscious or mad or killed by the fall. Particularly when all the evil guys were dispatched with very little pain and Rodrigo even got a chance at redemption and forgiveness, it was all too unbalanced and misogynostic.

This post is pretty late in the game and I don't know whether it will get read, but once again muchas gracias to all the recappers. Great job on little sleep.

Abuelita Clara

Ibarramedia, I saw the episode where RenAto died ( it dragged on for three comercial breaks) but I didn't see a wedding only a reception party with some yummy looking food . What did you see ?

Has anyone seen the Mexican viewing of this? The missing Clemencia has me nuts.

I saw the 3 couples arriving in 3 little boats. Gabriel and Jimena in the Juan de Dios boat. Butno. No full wedding ceremony with the whole 9 yards.



Cheryl, glad you were watching C S. Pointy head...too funny.


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