Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, August 3: Ep 117--Renato, Renato, have you learned nothing from Kenny Rogers?

Regina doesn't know what to make of Aimee's threat, but sits at her kitchen table and cries.

Leonarda tells Clem she has no proof. Clemencia says God doesn't need "proof" and Leo will get the same punishment as if she actually had killed her sister. She advises her to apologize to her sister while there's still time. Leo shouts she has nothing to feel sorry for and Clem tells her to think about it. Leo goes back to hitting the bottle and curses Maria del Rosario.

Clemencia runs into Aimee on her way downstairs. Aimee says she must be happy for the newlyweds. Clem says they are happy, despite what Aimee thinks, and Aimee wouldn't know truth if it nibbled on her fan. Clem leaves and Aimee mocks her. She thought bubbles that their happiness won't last now that Renato has done the paperwork for the anulment.

Renato is all in at the card table. Juan takes the bet. Renato lays down a good hand, but before he can take the pot, Juan lays down a better one. Fully says Renato lost it all. Renato wants to get it back. He offers to bet his half of the finca and the house in town. Juan will take that bet. If he loses, then he'll give Renato his half of the finca and the house in town. They ask Fulgencio to deal. Dumb. Ass. If Juan loses, he still has a house and a fortune, but Renato won't have a dime to his name. Renato doesn't need a card. Juan looks panicked. Fully says they've got to lay down their cards at the same time. Renato grins at Juan. Fully declares Juan the winner. Raul looks pleased for the first time tonight. Renato is in shock. Juan doesn't look terribly happy either.

Maria del Rosario sits up in bed, reading her bible. Regina comes in and sits with her. MdR asks her for a favor. She wants her to guard her love with Juan. To forget the hate that runs in the Montes de Oca family and be happy. She asks Regina to swear nothing will separate her from Juan. Regina swears that the love she and Juan have will be as eternal as Maria del Rosario's love for the original J double D. Renato signs over his half of the house and finca to Juan in the presence of Fully and Raul. He takes his leave. Juan takes the paper and says good night to everyone but Fed. He leaves his cash and asks Raul to give it to the poor…and the soon-to-be-poor (looking at Fed).

Maria del Rosario sleeps. Juan comes in with flowers for her and the paper from Renato. He panics, but she's just sleeping. He whispers to her that he won back the finca for her at poker. The finca is all hers now and she can do what she wants with it. He wants to see her living there, as lady of the house, so she can remember her youth, when she was happy and in love with his dad. He asks why fate keeps taking from him what he most loves. Now that he knows his mom will be leaving him soon, he's going to miss all the love and affection he didn't get from her growing up. He'll have to be strong to let her go. He gives her a kiss and says he'll really miss her. He takes her hand and crosses himself with it, then positions the flowers and the paper where she'll see them. He leaves and MdR starts crying, having apparently been awake the whole time. She strokes the flowers and says her heart is broken because she knows the end is near, but at least she's grateful she got to meet him and give him all the love and blessings she couldn't before. She hopes she can give him enough strength to let her go. She remembers Juan de Dios giving her flowers. She tells him to come for her. She grabs the vase, knocking the paper to the ground, and holds the flowers close to her, crying.

Eloisa's staff put the living room back the way it was. She hopes Fully was pleased with her. He thanks her and says he can't understand why Fed came without an invitation. Maybe Fed is getting a little too comfortable. Eloisa laughs that Fully is the one who brought Fed to the house in the first place, to help with his bad economic situation. Fully agrees with her. Eloisa complains about him inviting Juan. Fully tells her life makes justice in strange ways. We all pay our debts at some time. He advises her not to forget that and kisses her.

A tired Doc Miranda tells Remi he's healing up well. He's tired from all the travel back and forth to see Rosenda and Madame Marlene. Remi is still bitter about the whole "ho" thing. Doc Miranda says nobody's perfect. Remi doesn't want to hear Lulu's name. Doc Miranda says he'll lay off, but he does want to talk about something. He asks about Remi finding Juan when Juan was a baby. He's worried about all the lies the Montes de Ocas have told.

Leo goes looking for Renato, but he's not in his room/the girls' old room. She says she felt lonely and wanted to talk to him. She cries when she realizes he's not there.

Doc Miranda is convinced they had something to do with the death of his uncle. He figures that his uncle was there for Juan's birth and that he refused to keep his mouth shut and was killed. Remi says that's a pretty serious accusation. Doc Miranda wants to look for proof. If Leo and Rod killed his uncle, he doesn't want to let them get away with it.

Leo cries. Alone. In the dark. Serves her right. She cries that she's being left alone and she doesn't have anyone. Everyone is abandoning her and soon she won't have anyone but that bitch Aimee. But at least she'll have her grandchild, right? That will be her only consolation, her only company. She tunrs and heads out of the room.

Aimee strokes her corseted belly and its fake padding. She stomps the fake belly on the floor and curses Regina for sleeping with Juan. She curses Juan too.

Reggie and Juan lie in bed together. She doesn't know why he went to confront Renato. Juan says he had some unfinished business with Renato. He'll tell her about it in the morning, but for now, he strongly suggests they kiss all night. Not that we get to watch, mind you.

The next morning, Leo's nursing a hangover. She asks Celia for stronger coffee. Celia thought bubbles about how much she drank last night. Renato comes downstairs and greets Leo. She complains about how awful she feels and how late he got home last night. He asks for a few minutes to talk about last night…um, in the office please, so one one interrupts them. She can decide for herself how serious it is. In the office, Leo sits behind the desk. Renato is pacing and it makes her dizzy. He refuses coffee or tea. Leo doesn't like seeing him so upset. Renato says no one is lucky in this house. Leo thinks if he tries, he can fix his life. "With Aimee?" Leo knows he doesn't like her like he did before, but that happens in all marriages. And then other things are left. Renato says he doesn't have respect for her. Leo reminds him there's a kid on the way. She notices Ren isn't listening. He tells her they've lost the house and the finca. Heh. Oh, sorry, I mean, Gee, that's too bad. *giggle, snort*

Eloisa comes into Fully's office to tell him she's going to see her dressmaker. Fully says he doesn't want to be without her today. Eloisa whines about all the work he has to do. He says he'll leave it all for another day. She can pick up her dresses some other time, right? Eloisa is forced to agree and says he comes first. She reminds him that his wishes come before anything else. They hug and Eloisa makes faces.

Leo demands an explanation. Renato admits he lost it at cards. Leo is shocked. Renato tells her they've still got money. The only thing he doesn't like about this is that Juan is the guy who won it all. Leo doesn't like it much either. Serves her right, the cow!

Lulu answers the door at Raul's house. Noel comes in with kind words for her. He greets Don Alberto and asks if Raul is available. Alberto says there was something about unfinished business after a card game and four big bags of money. Noel agrees that's strange, but he's sure the rumor mill will come through. Has Alberto had a chance to think about Noel's doubts about Salma? Alberto has noticed that her attitude has changed recently and he's starting to think Noel might be right and Salma isn't really Angela. His wife hears him and gets upset.

Renato keeps trying to console Leo. Aimee fans herself idly. Leo is upset because the house was a present from Rodrigo. She hoped her grandchildren would grow up there. Aimee giggles behind her fan. She suggests they move into her dad's house in town while they look for another house where Leo's grandchildren can play. She'll go into town and talk to her dad immediately. Renato tries to stop her, but Leo says she always gets her way anyway, so just let her go. Renato says that Rod has nothing to say about this, since the finca was his.

Regina is shocked when she hears the news. Juan makes it sound like it's not his fault--it was all Renato's idea! Reggie is worried about her family. Juan gets upset and says he'll give it back, then! Reggie calms him down with kisses and says she doesn't care about Renato, she's just worried about her family is all. Juan tells Reggie that he wanted to give the house to his mom and he wanted Reggie to help her with it. Well, Reggie doesn't have good memories of the finca and doesn't want to live there. Juan agrees--he doesn't want to either. Reggie suggests they give the house to Clemencia. Juan likes that idea. Reggie likes their little house and wants to live there. Juan says he's heard in town that there's rumblings of revolution. He's heard the idea that the land should belong to those who work it, so he'd like to give the land to the farm workers and the fishermen. Reggie agrees and says she's so proud of him.


Sorry, dears. No vocab tonight. It's late and I'm tired! They took this to Ultimos Capitulos just in time.

Great title, Kat! Renato must be suicidal...

Looking forward to reading it; I'll be back. Thank you!

Kat: Thank you for the wonderful recap.

There were some poignant moments which you captured beautifully: "MdR starts crying, having apparently been awake the whole time. She strokes the flowers and says her heart is broken because she knows the end is near...". A lovely comment on a touching, sad scene.

I enjoyed the humor you sprinkled throughout. My favorite line was "...Aimee wouldn't know truth if it nibbled on her fan". Absolutely!

Although there were no startling events, several truths and long awaited revelations are on the horizon: Pablo realizing his uncle was murdered, the truth about Salma and of course the lies and deceit of Fed and Eloisa.

Fully is playing with his prey before he pounces. He's indulging in a relatively harmless cat and mouse game with Eloisa but I sense his "game" with Fed will not be so gentle.

As you noted Kat, Juan did not seem to take any joy from winning the finca from Renato. I like that and appreciate that his motive was not revenge, but to give his beloved MdR back her home.

I am going to need a box of kleenex for MdR's passing. I really wish the writers had chosen to keep her alive to see Juan and Regina's children.

Kat, thanks again. I can only imagine how tired you and the other recappers are staying up to watch and then recap this. All of your efforts are greatly appreciated!


I burst out laughing at the title. Great recap.

I agree, it would be nice to have MDR stick around a little longer, but she is at peace with the knowledge of Juan & Regina's love. She should be allowed to be with her Juan de Dios. We should all get ready for a good cry.

Thanks Kat, great as always. Thank you to all the wonderful recappers that stayed with this show especially when it moved to midnight.

Loved the title Kat. Juan didn't seem all that happy after he had won. I don't know how the supposed annulment will split up Juan and Regina because surely now neither one of them will believe anything bad about the other one. I will be so disappointed if Juan really thinks Regina signed that paper.

And it should be fun watching Fully play the game with Eloisa. I think Fed is done for but not sure what he will do about Eloisa.

Kat, thanks so much for recap and hilarious title. I am so glad that Juan and Regina are getting the finca to Clem, can't wait for Leo to see her the new lady of the house. Hopefully Pablo will be able to get evidence against Leo and Rodrigo for his uncle's death. Unfortuantely the 2 of them seem to have more than 9 lives. I'm getting my tissues ready for MDR's death, it's sure to be a waterworks. EY is such a great emotional actor.

Thanks, Kat. Well, Ren has discovered yet another thing that he's not good His pppoker face, his pppppppoker face needs work, and Juan seemed to have Lady Luck [and everyone else] on his side. I agree that it would be nice if MdR had the chance to see her first grandbaby, but she's been ready to join JuanD. Sr. for a long time. [When my mother was 90, she used to tell me ''90 is enough, but I'd like to see Julie's [my daughter's] baby'' My mother died the end of May and the baby was born the end of Sept. C'est la vie.] MdR's death will probably be bittersweet as we see her leave her earthly bounds and loved ones and is reunited with JD Sr. on the wings of the snow white dove. And what anvils await the baddies ?...death or disgrace and hard times or redemption ? The only possible candidate for redemption is Rennie who started out good but turned bad due to his mother and his lust and desire for Aimee. Maybe when he finds out what his mother did , he'll repent and reform...and then what...die anyway ? move away ? I think Leo is going to die at Arcadio's hands. I don't think Rod will repent, but he is all shook up about his onetruelove being alive all these years. He'll probably die alone in bed with some young cookie. Will Reggie forgive him? Will Juan ? And what about Aimee's fate ? She hasn't killed anyone..yet. Aren't Ren and Leo both drinking out of the bottles she put the Love/Death Potion/Poison #9 in ???? Losing her looks...and her fan might be a terrible fate for Little Miss Mirrior to endure. You're right, Kat. Aimee wouldn't know the truth if it nibbled on her fan ....or...bit her on her bustle. We shall see as things unfold.

In relation to Aimee, I've been thinking about what the witch doctor told her when she had Aimee bend over the cauldron.

She said she saw blood and death, and I'm thinking that Aimee might die in a nasty way.

Her attempt at killing Renato might justify that. But I can't think of any other deaths she caused at the moment.

Interesting and thought provoking comment Jeri.

So, how vile is Aimee?

Aimee is a lying, vindictive, jealous twit, but a murderous, lying, vindictive, jealous twit?

She poisoned the liquor but it seemed to me she did so in the midst of a childish snit. I thought it was another petulant act intended to "punish". She doesn't seem to grasp the concept of consequences so I'm not convinced she really meant to kill Renato. Hurt, but not kill. Am I being too easy on her? :)

I think to suffer knowing who and what she's lost will be a far worse fate. I echo Susanlynn's "Losing her looks...and her fan might be a terrible fate for Little Miss Mirrior to endure". And so it would!


Diana, I tend to agree.

As far as I know, she has not murdered anybody -- and there are enough of those to go around to satisfy the witch's prophecy.

But it was Aimee who leaned over the cauldron... There's still time for her to deserve it. ;-)

Ha, ha Kat! What a perfect title!! No, no he hasn't learned a thing :)

I was going to start off by complaining of day 3 without mi Noel, but I got a little teeny tiny morsel last night, so I'm okay :)

My three favorite scenes of the whole night? First, when Renato lost the card game to Juan- he was so smug each time he thought he won and Juan was very dignified, although he could have super rubbed it in Ren's face. It was lovely to see Renato sign over the house and finca to Juan. The second? When Ren had to tell Leo not only that he lost the house and the finca, but to JUAN- in a card game no less! Ha, ha and triple ha! LOVED IT!!!! Last but certainly not least was Aimee, back in her room after visiting Reggie, screaming "maldita" over and over again- she screamed it 14 times- I know because I rewound and counted them :) That was super delicious! Heehee.

Back to mi Noel and the Salma story. I am glad to see that abuelo is coming around. Now he and Noel have to convince abuela, and the rest should fall into place.

This is getting juicy :)


Thanks Kat! We are all grateful that you and our other recappers stayed with CS after Uni moved it to midnight. You guys are troopers! Thanks so much!

On that note I really think I am going to write to Univision and let them know how poorly they treated the fans of this show. IMHO their director of programming deserves a slap in the face with a cold, dead fish. They shouldn't treat their viewers that way.

Back to the show: I also loved seeing Aimless scream "Maldita!" and stomp her pillow. Too funny! Aimless, you're the only one who cares that you lost... Speaking of losers, Renato telling Leo they're now homeless was also fun. I wonder if Leo knows how to scrub floors...if they have to buy another house they may not be able to afford servants.

If Leo and the gang move in on Rod, that means no more nookie with young hotties for him...

I wouldn't want to be Fed. Whatever happens to him, I'll bet Fulgencio forces Eloisa to watch.

Didn't Aimless tell Regina that she's not pregnant?

xlnt, yes, she did. I wondered if she thinks Regina won't squeal on her.

Xint, Ful is sadistic, the way he was treating Fed last night. I'll bet Fed is going to suffer some more--in front of Eloisa.

Yes! Thank you to you midnight recappers! I can't stay up that late and have been watching on YouTube, which means missing segments. So, I count on the recaps.

I agree that the Univision folks should be shot for doing this to their fans. One good thing that has come out of this, though, is that my Spanish comprehension has WAY improved--no captions on YouTube.

This is barely going to end before I move to China for six months! I hope YouTube isn't blocked in China. Of course, there I'll be watching the Chinese equivalent to TNs (ha!)

Excellent recap Kat. Apparently, Renato never learned the gambling rules when he foolishly wagered the finca. Juan didn't seem all that thrilled about winning. That was sad as Juan spoke to his sleeping mother about having to let her go not realizing that she heard every word he said. That will be sad when MdR does die. Dr. Miranda is now putting the pieces together about his uncle's death. It's time for Rod and Leo to pay the piper. I thought Juan and Regina looked adorable wearing matching colors. So cute. Aimee should know that by cursing Regina she cursed herself. Me thinks a big anvil is coming her way.

Thank you for the recap, Kat. You and the whole recapping team are fantastic and we are grateful for your work! :) And I'm very happy to see so many enthusiastic, funny and intelligent commenters here. No matter how much the ratings of CS sucked or how idiotic the executives of Univision are, there's a small group that enjoys the show very much. Despite the flaws.
I'm following this circus for the second time and my opinion haven't changed: the first part of the novela is slow and often boring as hell but the second part is worth waiting for. The Luzbel part (80-100) was simply magnificent, it was the cutest "falling in love" story that Chava Mejía has ever made. And Juan and Reggie are the most interesting main couple from his telenovelas. They rock - it's a shame that they didn't get more screentime.

Here's the summary, including Aimee's spectacular "maldita, maldita, maldita" breakdown:

I would really love to see Juan and Regina united against their enemies until the end, and you would think they would be secure in each other's feelings by now. However, it worries me that Juan got jealous about Renato when Reggie was worried about the finca. I fear that Juan still has issues that Ren can use against him.

I agree Aribeth. The Luzbel scenes when Juan and Regina fell in love on the high seas was very romantic and magical. That's when I fell hard for this couple. I too wish they had more screentime. I still think Uni moving the show to midnight was totally uncalled for and disrespectful to the fans who are watching and following the show.

Anon 3:21, I'm worried too about Juan continued insecurites regarding Renato. Regina has told him time and time again that she only loves him. He needs to believe in her love for him.

Thanks Kat for the great recap and the nod to Kenny Rogers!:)

I wonder if Fully will get his hands actually dirty with Fed and Eloisa. The only one he himself killed was Gris and notably her body has not been found. He seems to get henchman to do his other dirty work.

I too am concerned about Juan's trust in Regina's love and devotion to him. He only truely trusts his fisherman buds and Gabe. He hasn't had the life that he could really trust anyone. And Aimless burned him how many times??? So women probably don't rank high in the trust category.

It will be so frustrating if the fraudulent annulment papers really do cause Juan and Regina to separate. Trust is a fragile thing.

Thanks again Kat. It is so appreciated.

Aribeth, do I remember correctly that you bought the DVD for CS on Amazon. Was it this version or the 1993 version?


Thanks for the great recap as always.

Did you say the house in town and the Finca were lost by Renato? Is the house in town the casona? I thought the house in town belonged to Rodrigo. That's where Aimee wants to move, into her father's house, si o no?

The house he lost is the one at the farm; the townhouse didn't belong to Renato, as you mentioned.

It's really not so bad, as it turns out. They apparently are loaded enough to buy more.

Well, Dumbnato lived up to his name. Don't bet the house, so to speak, when you don't have an Ace in the hole. Dumbnato deserves what he gets, especially because he has drawn up illegal annulment papers and trying his hardest to separate Juan and Regina. He may be able to achieve that for a short while, but there's no way Juan and Regina will permanently turn their backs on each other. They love each other too much. And as much as Juan and Regina have been blessing their union, I'm sure that she's pregnant by now. Which would be wonderful for Regina to be with child and Aimee to be not with child. That's justice!

Kat, thanks for the wonderful recap. There were some deeply satisfying scenes in this episode.

Our Juan is very noble, donating his cash winnings to the poor, the house to Clemencia and the farm to the workers. Whatta guy!

When Renato was telling Leonarda about his gambling loss, I was doing a happy dance and shouting whoo hoo! Exactly what she needs to make her feel less lost and lonely. Ha!

Another great payoff--seeing the self-centered beauties Aimee and Eloisa suffering. We can let Fully dedicate that old Rolling Stones song, "Under My Thumb," to Eloisa.
La Paloma

I would just like to say that fans should definitely watch tonight's episode -- Episode 118 if you need it online. Darn time slot!

It's powerful and important. Bring kleenex!

Thanks, Kat! Your recaps are enough of a treat even without the vocab!

Well, who didn't see that coming, eh? And I seem to recall that quite some time ago, I speculated that it would have been terrifically ironic it would be if somehow Clemencia ended up on top of the heap and Leo had to go a-begging from her! (No spoilers from me, this is my first time seeing CS - I just enjoy coming up with fitting scenarios!)

All these scenes with MdR are breaking my heart. (They're not real good for my eyes, either, since I keep forgetting to pick up any kleenex and have to make do with paper towels and TP. ~_~)

You know (and this occurred to me Monday, too), if I was Regina and my evil bloodsister hinted at my husband's archrival having something up his sleeve, I think the first thing I'd do when said husband got home would be to mention, "Juan, the finca bicycle was here and she says Renato's hatching a plot!"

I'm still expecting to see Aimee lose everything but her own life - her father's, her madrina's, maybe even her husband's (though I don't really think Renato deserves death [yet] - just a nice, long life of regret).

I may be the odd one out, but I don't think Fed's really done anything to merit a fatal anvil, either - he's slime, but he's not made of evil. It's more that he doesn't have enough of a backbone (or sense) not to get himself into situations that colour him that way. Not that I think Fully won't off him in a heartbeat; I just feel like he's another one for whom long-term humiliation would be a more effective fate than death. (Eloisa, on the other hand... Well, she and Aimee sure are birds of an expensively-dressed feather, aren't they?)

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