Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dinero Friday August 27th - Love and other crimes
Marino, Bebe and Ramirez (weird grouping, huh?) are talking in hushed tones under the dim blue light outside Rafa and Ale’s office (?). Mr. Edgar M. (should we call him Mr. Ed?) is stymied. How come he is the best salesman in the company, but that idiot Medina gets all the acclaim (todas las alabanzas)? Bebe explains that Ed may sell the most inside the showroom, but Rafa sells more outside, with his truck and fleet sales. Mr. Ed gets all red, starts blustering, and Ramirez shushes him (the captions say “shiiiit”, I’m not kidding!) All of a sudden Fast Eddie sees the light – he should start selling trucks. He praises Bebe as a genius, and goes off to put this newfound wisdom into practice. Bebe is flummoxed, asking Ramirez, why do we have to keep our voices so low? Because you’re so short, quips Rambowtie.
Jorge is really digging the scrumptious “Swedish” enchiladas prepared by Azucena. Marco wants Jorge to continue recounting what happened. Jorge starts counting, 1, 2, 3… Jorge’s in a playful mood, but the truth is, not only does he have no idea how much was in the Swiss bank account, he can’t remember where he put the account number (or password, maybe), and without that, they can’t access the account. He’s off to rest a bit, as Marco thought bubbles that he sure would like to know how much is in that account.
Jaime’s pitiful blue tent is zipped for the night, as Rafa arrives, drunk as a skunk, and knocks on the flap, asking if anyone’s home. He unzips said flap, only to be overwhelmed by Jaime’s day-old stench. Jaime also has a lit candle inside the tiny tent, apparently oblivious to the fire code (and how could he breathe in there?) Rafa is distraught. He saw Marco kissing Ale. Would it be a crime if he split the bum’s head into sections (si le parto su mandarina en gajos)? Jaime understands, he also misses Julieta terribly, and is going to camp out here until she forgives him. Drunk Rafa wonders if he should camp outside Ale’s, but Jaime doesn’t think this works with high rise buildings. The two commiserate, and Rafa finally forgives Jaime, even saying he’d kiss him, if it weren’t for Jaime’s overpowering b/o. No problem, Jaime kisses Rafa! Rafa blows out the candle, says happy birthday, and starts entering the tent to go to sleep. Jaime drags him to the door, where he fumbles with the keys before finally getting in, of course slamming the door in Jaime’s face. But Jaime is JUBILANT! Rafa has forgiven him.
Time for sex therapy! Marco is telling his problemita to the cute sexóloga,
how when he´s in bed with his wife, he sees this guy his wife knows in the bed with them, making fun of him! He even admits he’s slept with other women besides his wife, and the same thing happened. So what does he have? An emotional wound, which is impeding his sexual performance (desempeño sexual). He knows this, but how can he be cured.? Our experta says it’s a question of time, and it all depends on him. As she rises to get the door, we see our Romeo still has a wandering eye.
It´s dinner time at Jiménez´s house. He arrives drunk, but happy because Doña Arcadia values him as an architect. But what’s this? His mother-in-law and father-in-law are at the table. More fumigation? Nah, they’re just visiting for the season (!) Anyway, Jiménez is sort of half happy, half sad. Happy about the architect thing, sad for his friend Rafa. What are you, his nanny (pilmama)? asks his wife. Mr. Jim proudly proclaims that the esteemed owner of Auto Siglo invited him to her birthday bash. He’s then informed that 1) he can’t go unless he invites his wife and in-laws, 2) he has to clean the table and do the dishes, and 3) he missed dinner. His feisty father-in-law then grabs the only remaining sleeping area. Ay Dios Mío!
The rooster sleeps, the rooster crows, another dawn, our excitement grows…
But not too much, for as yummy as the food looks on Leonor’s table, the mood is far less savory. Julieta complains about Jaime, everyone’s forgiving him, but she won’t, in fact she wants him to DIE, and remember, everyone, she’s the new Julieta, as she goes off to go to college and brush her teeth (that’s what she said :) Rafa tells his Ma he’s sad because La Licensiada got married, which Leonor didn’t even know, actually. That’s why Rafa got home late last light. He tried to drown his memories with drink, but he couldn’t.
Breakfast at Marco’s is a bit more refined, as the family asks Jorge what happened to Rubi and Manrique. Well, turns out they stayed in Switzerland. The bank wanted someone representing Jorge to stay, while Jorge returned home to look for where he wrote down the account number. Jorge asks Ale where is your mother? Ale is upset how far gone Jorge appears, tells her Daddy she’s in heaven, remember? No, no, he means the PAINTING of her. Oh, that’s in the bedroom. (I’m thinking the account number is behind the painting). Sadly, Jorge just wants to talk to his wife's picture, imploring her to help him remember where he wrote down the info, before he completely loses his memory.
Julieta’s off to school, but not before she pointedly stamps on Jaime’s tent.
Jaime lurches out, he’s really gotta pee! Inside he goes. Leonor thinks if Jaime doesn’t eat, he’ll get sick. No, corrects Rafa, He’s already sick. Heartsick. Just like me.
At the Jiménez home, the table is bare, but Ramiro is scouring the newspaper for a used computer, which he’ll need for his architect work. His henpecking hags hassle him, though, what do you want a computer for, to look at porn, you pig? No way, he sputters. It’s for….uh…the kids, for their homework! Well, says suegra, if THAT’S what it’s for, I’ll even lend you the money to buy a NEW one. For once, his wholly-rollered mom-in-law has Ramiro praising the Lord!
Jaime’s not so lucky, though. He’s rudely awakened from his House of Blues (the blue tent) by the bumbling cop duo, informing him he lacks a permit to camp on a public byway, and that a complaint has been filed against him for invasion of property, for stench (pestilencia) and for obstruction. He has to go to the station house. Wait a minute, replies Jaime. I’m a lawyer, I know my rights, this is just a peaceful demonstration. Fine, says the cop, but you need a permit for a demonstration. Where’s your permit? He starts to protest, but they drag him off, along with his tent (his chivas, or junk).
Jorge is distraught. He lost their country house, can’t remember why they’re in this apartment, and seems to be clutching his chest. Rosario sympathizes with him, saying he’s heartsick (as are many in tonight’s episode). Marco fears he really is having heart problems, should they go to the hospital?, but Jorge says it’s just an itch (un comezón). He’s been wondering why Ale and Marco aren’t on their honeymoon. They fumble with the answer, Ale finally saying she needs to work, they’re short on money, which only makes Jorge feel more guilty.
Jaime is unceremoniously dumped behind the bars, protesting all the way that he knows his rights, to which the cops reply, Ayayayayayay. After they leave, a mangy cellmate approaches, creepily kids Jaime, didn’t they give you your one telephone call? He then orders Jaime to STRIP!
Marco reassures Jorge, the delay with the honeymoon isn’t due to money, it’s for something else. ¿Qué? exclaim both Ale and Jorge. Well, umm, it’s, ummm, right, we wanted the church wedding first, that’s it. Really, says Jorge, I’m glad it wasn’t because of (he makes a hint with his nose). Ale doesn’t get it. Well, I hope it wasn’t because Marco “couldn’t”. Marco jumps up, outraged, of course that’s not it, I’m just a bit worried, about….about….the hacienda! We really should sell it. Ale’s flatly opposed, but Jorge thinks if they wait too long, the value could decline, and they won’t have enough to pay off the debt. Ale says let’s not rush things, we don’t even have an offer. But Marco thinks to himself, we just might have a buyer before you know it!
After the commercial, we see our prospective buyer, a white-haired gentleman talking to Chavez in the bar. Chavez tells him they need to use his name as a front for buying a property that’s very undervalued, and in bad shape. Whitey doesn’t buy this, and Chavez admits the property isn’t that bad, it’s a dairy farm, but some bum has really run it into the ground (wonder who). Again, Whitey knows Chavez is conning him, who’s really running the show, who really came up with this idea, you’re just a half-as*d con artist (una tranza de media pelo). You could never come up with something like this. If you want me to help, I need to talk to the real brains of your operation.
Rafa arrives at work in a pretty good mood, but immediately the phone rings, and it’s Jaime calling from jail, pleading for help. Rafa’s on his way. Enter Ale, it’s time for the sales meeting.
R: I can’t, I have a serious matter to take care of.
A: Did something happen? Is your Mamá okay?
R: Yes, yes, yes.
A: And your sister?
R: Her, too, they’re both okay.
A: Then it’s nothing serious, right?
R: No, the thing is, a friend of mine is in jail.
A: Hmmph. Why didn’t they just arrest YOU? I should have known. A “friend” of Señor Medina is detained for some crime.
R: Look, licensiada, what happened is my friend did commit a crime.
A: Sure.
R: ..of falling in love, and that’s a very painful crime, because for those of us who are in love, it’s very hard for us to forget the woman we love, although they don’t seem to care. Now please excuse me.
He walks out stiffly, leaving Ale visibly moved.
Over at Grupo Celeste, Marian’s working hard, but Daniel arrives, carrying a motorcycle helmet. He knows she likes cycles, let’s hit the road, right now. She thinks he’s nuts, she’s busy, but Chepis says she’ll hold down the fort, Marian should go enjoy herself. But she’s not dressed for that. No problem, they’ll go to her house first, and she can change. He won’t accept no for an answer. Bowing to the pressure from Daniel and Chepis, Marian agrees.
Dandy’s ready for his daily attempt to win back Susana. He notes that she rescued the book from the trash. He points out it really was hard to find this book, and there’s even a note inside from the author, written to Susana. She feigns disinterest, but after he leaves, she looks both ways, rips the wrapping paper off the book, and is enchanted by it. She sees a card on the back, and it reads “I drink accompanied only by your kisses, because I know that wine will take me with you before the goddesses. Although I’m just a man without shadow, and without reflection, you, divine Nonicita, with your wisdom, will carry me beyond the mountains to the end of winter.”
She smiles, kisses the card, hugs it to her chest, and slips it in her purse. Ahhhhhhh.
And off we go on a super moto aventura! Marian and Daniel don helmets, slip onto his powerful bike, and whoosh through the streets of Mexico City, seeing the buildings, the statues, the museums, sculptures both ancient and abstract, in an exciting montage, accompanied by a rockin’ beat. They end up in a picturesque restaurant, an elegant colonial building, where they enjoy their fine food and wine in the exterior gardens. Marian is intrigued – sometimes Daniel is insufferable, but when he wants to, he can be quite charming. He tells her that he’s always had strong feelings for her. When she was alone, he sort of took her for granted. But when he saw she was attracted to that salesman type, he didn’t want to lose her, and had to act. He’s serious in his feelings for her. But how can you be serious, she asks, when you go out with a different woman each day? He gazes straight into her eyes, and says he’s ready to leave behind a lifetime of adventures, just for her.
The Pantera pulls up to Casa Medina, and Jaime stumbles out, breathlessly voicing his eternal gratitude to Rafa, while vainly trying to extricate his behind from the seatbelt in which he’s tangled. Rafa urges Jaime to go home and take a bath, he smells like a lion on the loose (un león correteado). All of sudden, they recoil in horror as they hear a chilling shriek pierce the air. “Pajarito!”
Daniel and Marian are outside now, but where’s his moto? An attendant hands Daniel some keys. He tells Marian he would do anything for her. She might feel cold riding along the highway on a motorcycle, so he’s had this car brought over. He gestures towards a sleek silvery sports car.
And Monday looks like bikinis, bikinis, and…bikinis! It had better not be another dream!!!!!!
Todas las alabanzas – all the acclaim
Si le parto su mandarina en gajos – if I split his head (mandarin orange) into sections
Desempeño – performance
Pilmama – nanny
Pestilencia – stench, or smell
Chivas – someone’s junk
Un comezón – an itch
Una tranza – a con artist
Un león correteado – a lion on the loose, or running around
Estuche – a case, or box
Labels: dinero
Hombre - Gotta love those previews. I was so excited I was going to see Vicky in red lingerie, I almost went out and bought an HD TV. But as usual, it was all a shameless tease (like the last one, with Ale and Rafa kissing in the office). So what happened in the “real” world of Dinero?
That was so funny. They are always teasing us with stuff that is either a dream or out of context. Hang in there maybe next time.
I really like Marian. I don't think she should say yes to Daniel because she is still hung up on Rafa. I hope if they are put together he really has changed because I want someone great for her.
I thought it was very funny Julieta storming all over Jaime's tent. Wonder how long before she forgives him.
Loved that Susana is warming to Dandy.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Fantastic vocabulary this time, I'm going to have to work on remembering it all (that's the big challenge).
Looking forward to actually watching the show after reading your smooth, skillful recap. I was so disgusted by the short portion of Llena de Amor I saw last night, I just went upstairs and read instead. However the closed captions don't record so I'll miss that naughty goof you mentioned. But I won't miss the new vocabulary, and appreciate you noting it down for us.
Thanks for bringing me up to dad. The Daniel episode was a total surprise.
So Daniel proposed to Marian? I am not certain if I like that much. Although I don't want to see her with Rafa because of Ale, I don't much like that Daniel character.
Thanks for the vocabulary. and the photos. Your recaps are always so fun and polished with class!
I liked the way Rafa stood up to Ale when she ranted at him about his friend being in jail. The remark about Jaime's crime being the same as his own -- being in love-- really seemed to take her aback.
Jorge was so funny at breakfast. He has a very playful manner. I hope he remembers soon where the bank code is. I think you are right that it will turn out to be hidden in or on the picture of Ale's mother.
Yes, we wuz all robbed! Twice this week! First Rafa kissing Ale and now no Vicky/Marco seduction. Next week looks like it should be exciting with all our characters gathered in one spot for the Queen's pool party. But who knows? I really think that Doña Arcadia fancies herself as somewhat of a grand puppetmaster.
Lynda and Pata, I'm with you. Daniel is going to have to do a lot more than take Marian out for one nice day and give her expensive gifts for me to think he might begin to be good enough for her.
Lynda, I also liked Julieta storming on Jaime's tent, wearing her bluejeans, but pink bag. She's perfect for the role.
Judy, you should have a wild episode to recap.
Pata (and others), ITA agree that Daniel shouldn't succeed with Marian through just one beautiful day. And I'm pretty sure Marian will let him down gently. Besides, her continuing interest in Rafa is central to the plot!
Barbara, the joke about lowering your voice works better in Spanish because the word bajo means both soft (in talking) and short (in stature). Truth is, though, Ramiro actually used the word chaparrito (or small) in describing Bebe, but the joke is the same.
Güera, I agree that it was good for Rafa to call Ale on her indifference. Maybe she'll have the courage to be honest with him soon.
So a few days ago, reporters were chasing down the highly respected Marian to comment on how to fix the economy, and now a drunken doofus on a motorcycle sweeps her off her feet with one "moto" ride and a lunch? Earth to Marian. Marian has her own private jet and she is impressed by a Mustang? (a nice car, but still...) Ladies, is Daniel that good looking? What am I mssing?
I know that all too often I probably seem to perpetually take an opposite stance, but I see hope for Daniel. He's boorish, insufferable, and likely one of the idly rich, but he hasn't killed anyone... yet. I think he is truly in love, or at least smitten (aren't we all?) by Marian. I kissed him off last week, but he's starting to show promise. Admittedly (and thankfully), he's not there by a longshot, but he's... promising.
Doña Arcadia's party should be a blast.
Frankly, I think Marian would be more impressed if he were gainfully employed (in addition to being high-class, having wads of money and lavishing gifts on her). But who knows? maybe it's enough if she believes he will forsake all others to be devoted to her?
That being said, I firmly believe Marian won't waste two seconds in turning down Daniel, although she'll probably do it gracefully. Your point about how she has a private plane, etc., is right on the mark. She's just shocked at what he cooked up. But she's no dummy.
Gosh Carlos--LOL-- I'm glad you agree that we should have some standards for Marian's beau!
I just got home a little while ago. The drive back from Atlanta was not as long as the drive there. My sis is recovering really well, and now our dad will remain to care for her over the next month or two. I want to thank you all for your well wishes.
I just looked at the character list for La Verdad Oculta, the new (but sort of old) show starting this week at the midnight hour. It has an interesting cast which includes some Dinero and Gancho folks: Estrella, Costanza (Laisha W.) and her papa (Eric Castillo currently in Duena) from Gancho. Susana (in a much more made up look) and Marino (looking much more handsome), and Chavez from Dinero.
Take a look at the pictures. :)
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