Monday, August 02, 2010

Dinero Monday August 2, 2010 More Monkey Business From The Dinero Gang

There were a lot of disparate scenes tonight. Not sure if I can really find a unifying theme. Dandy and Susana's relationship continues to deteriorate. Alejandra's family is in a dither about the Swiss bank account and the possibility of Jorge heading over to Europe to see what's up. Carmela does her best to violate Dandy but he's saved by Alejandra's phone call. And at the bachelor party, just when a sexy dancer jumps out of a gorilla suit to swish her tush in Rafa's face, we hear an ear-splitting"Pajarito!" screech from Vicky.

Stop here and you'll know all you need to. Or you can suffer through the details with me.

When last we saw Marian Celeste, she had dried her tears and was offering Rafa the post of corporate director of sales. And also offering some advice. You don't love your fiancée and your relationship with Alejandra is impossible. Come to work with me and be happy at my side.

Rafa does some stuttering and dithering and Marian's had enough. (Me too.) I'm not going to humiliate myself in front of you anymore. Frankly, I expected better of you. Get back to me with a definite answer sooner rather than later. And after slugging down the rest of the tequila, she leaves.

Cognac is the drink of choice with Jimenez and Doña Arcadia and they're both looped. He's attempting to explain why his business failed before (not because he was inadequate as an architect) and she's trying to make sure he doesn't step on her pooches' tootsies as he stumbles out the door. He lurches out of the office, manages to breathe alcoholic fumes on the rest of the sales forces, but mercifully escapes the eyes and the wrath of either Alejandra or Beltran.

More drinking going on at a bar with Chavez and Marco. (Hey, maybe there's the unifying theme. A lot of bottled spirits flowing in this one.) Marco is convinced they've now reached their goal. The Alvarez de Castillo family wants nothing to do with the hacienda. Maybe not, but Rosario still needs Marco's counsel and breathlessly calls him about the Swiss bank account letter, begging him to hurry over and advise Jorge. And off he scoots, leaving Chavez with the bill again.

Dandy meanwhile, is sidling into Carmela's office, midst the leers of her office staff. Lust is in the air and Carmela can't wait to get in the file drawer back room to discover just how good Señor Nelson is at "organizing". Dandy sputters some highfalutin' nonsense about needing to get the lay of the land file-wise. It's all fine with Carmela. The more time he spends there the better. She's briefly called away but before leaving, warns him that he can't take any of the records out of the office or make photocopies. No indeed.

Back at Auto Siglo, Marino and Maestro Mustache are coming to an agreement about payment for pleading Marino's case to Beltran. If Mustache does it, he's allowed to have a few hours privacy in the apartment so he and his lady love can have a romantic evening. Marino grumbles that it's HIS apartment after all. Yes, but I wash the sheets, snaps Mustache. Agreed. "Trato hecho." Elsewhere the gals chatter about the bachelorette party.

And back at Marian's office, she and her secretary muse about men and their strange behavior. How can Rafa think of marrying a woman he doesn't love? And what can I do to make him love me instead!

A question which must torment our lusty lonely Carmela. Because she's not making much headway with Dandy. Whoops. Spoke too soon. She's back in the file room, and she's goosed him. Now she's got him pinned against the wall and has pulled his jacket partway down pinning his arms. Yowza, she's loosened his tie with a flick of her wrist, nibbled his lips with hungry kisses and pulled open his shirt to the waist. For you fans of chest hair, Dandy is all you'd want and more. Me Tarzan You Jane.

Alas, only one person is enjoying herself here. (Well, besides me.) Dandy looks like he's being burned at the stake. Fortunately his cellphone rings, and over Carmela's strident objections, he answers it. It's the office. Gotta go. Bye.

Another failed mission. For Rafa's gang and for Carmela.

Of course a seething Susana and an anxious Alejandra has already figured out that Dandy is missing and must be carrying out that secret mission they overheard Rafa discussing. There's a veiled threat to write Nelson up for absence without permission but Ale finally relents.

A brief scene with Vicky on the phone.... and I love how she refers to herself as "su jefa" when she talks to Susana. Once she finds out that there's a bachelor party tonight those crazy fingers Carlos mentioned start drumming again. SOOOOOO....IT'S GOING TO BE AT THE TRANCAZO, THAT RESTAURANT NEAR AUTO SIGLO. BUENO! I'LL BE THERE! Fireworks in store.

In the midst of all this, Ale gets a phone call from Rosario asking her to come home early. This potential trip of Jorge to Switzerland requires a fully family council. Can't she forget the bachelorette party and come home early? Ale tries to beg off with the sales gals, triggering some hurt feelings and accusations of hoity toity bourgeoisie too good to hobnob with the proletariat. Well, actually could we just postpone it for one more day? pleads Ale. The girls sniff a bit but then agree.

No agreement in Beltran's office though. Mustache is valiantly pleading Marino's cause as Head of Sales and Beltran's annoyed. Well, aren't you going to fire Alejandra? No, Doña Arcadia and I haven't made any final decision so if you have nothing more to say, adios!

So who's going to be at Rafa's bachelor party? Well, a downtrodden Dandy who, upon his return, still can't get a civil word out of Susana. And a nervous and already drunk Jimenez who gets grudging permission from his wife. Bebe, who was invited at the last minute. Pepeto, of course and Jaime.

And......drum roll, Ovida and her two beauty parlor pals. They're in the mood for a wild night and strong arm Jaime, who shows up at the shop for some odd reason, into inviting them.

There's a great band but the party is funereal. Dandy is glum. Rafa even more so. Even while dancing with Ovida whose incredible silicone melons are practically jumping out of her dress. Bebe is dancing with a granny with urinary tract issues. Pepeto is briefly mesmerized by Ovida, the blond hairdresser is equally mesmerized by Dandy, and just then Jaime proposes the lame entertainment of the evening by putting a gorilla mask on Rafa. Then two other gorillas jump into the fray dancing around him and throwing bananas. (Are we having fun yet?) One gorilla suddenly strips off her suit and emerges in little more than dental floss and turns and shakes her nubile tush right in Rafa's face. At the very moment when VickyVickyVicky arrives shrilling "PAJARITO". And there, mercifully, we end.

es una jefaza a todo dar = she's a great boss ( a drunken Jimenez talking about the Queen)
está tomado = he's drunk (Jimenez)
contrincante = opponent (Marian talking about Ale, her "real" competition)
velada romantica - romantic evening
cochinadas = dirty nasty doins' (Marino's opinion about Mustache's romantic plans)
echar más leño al fuego = throw more wood on the fire (Susana gloating about telling Vicky where the bachelor party was)
en media faena = in the midst of the task, job (Dandy when the phone call came)
la dura faena diaria = the daily grind (not in the episode but I thought it was an interesting expression)
asunto de faldas = woman trouble, or something concerning women
palabras rebuscadas = affected words (Rosaura chiding the General for her overly politicized speech)
pachangona = a real blowout party
decaidos = low, glum, gloomy (Rafa and Dandy)
eres un frégon = you're a pain, a bore
sacudir la polilla = lit. to shake off the moth. I'm guessing this means to have a wild ol' time but I'm not sure.!

Dicho of the Day
Nadie sabe el bien que tiene hasta que lo ve perdido. No one appreciates a good thing until he finds himself without it. (Could apply to any number of our characters in this one who seem to be about to lose what they love the most. Stay tuned.)


Hi Judy, Fun title, and funny recap. As a matter of fact I was so tired tonight while I was watching it I didn't realize it was so funny till I read your recap. Which I found a lot more entertaining!!! So thank you so much.

I think I was more irriated with everyone and kept drifting off. Carmella for one, Susana and Ale telling Vicky where the bachelor party was, and that horrible Vicky screetch at the end. I think tha's what woke me up. I missed alot so will have to go back and watch the whole thing over.

And your vocabulary was amazing as ever. Thanks

No problem Pata. I was feeling pretty cranky last night also...with the pacing, the extraneous scenes and the junior high "bad girls" revenge pact of Susana and Ale.

Visually I thought Marian was the best show of the night. The pinks and reds of her office and her outfit and her lipstick were very artistic.

And I DID think Carmela's swift, practiced takedown of Dandy was hilarious. Hope they had fun filming that scene.

Judy, I thought your recap was simply sensational. What great fun! There were far too many wonderful lines to quote but I loved: "accusations of hoity toity bourgeoisie too good to hobnob with the proletariat" and "stuttering and dithering". Most excellent.

You have an uncanny ability to enthrall and delight at even the most mundane events. "Dandy meanwhile, is sidling into Carmela's office, midst the leers of her office staff. Lust is in the air...".

I appreciate the care with which you select the perfect vocabularly for the show - I think "cochinadas" is one of my all time favorites. The dicho was wonderful as well.

I can't help but love Marian. If she ever finds the answer to the age old question "... what can I do to make him love me instead", I hope she will share the answer with the rest of us!

Thank you amiga. You made my morning!



What a fun recap. I am always amazed at how fast you manage to get them posted.

I love your way with words. You bring the scenes to life. I'm looking forward to seeing Carmela & Dandy where "lust is in the air" and Jimenez trying to avoid stepping on the dogs as he lurches & breathes alcoholic fumes on the rest of the staff. The stag party sounds as if it will be fun to watch also.


Hi Diana and Güera...thanks for bringing some sunshine to my morning. It's raining here, there's a family "come to Jesus" conference coming and I'm feeling a bit on edge, but your warm appreciative comments sure helped! Off now to teach class which will also help. Thank God for my job!

Judy- You spun gold out of straw with this one. You never fail. The episode was indeed all over the place, but there were some bright funny moments. Carmelo and Dandy were hilarious. And the looks on everyone's faces when the gorilla clad dancers came out was priceless. Like they were all thinking, "Jaime has some strange, kinky tastes." But there was quite a prize inside one of those costumes. Yikes! I think that actress was in CCEA. Yes, I actually managed to look at her face during her skimpy reveal from the costume. But then again, I'm not a guy, so I had an easier time focusing. :)

Good morning Judy,

Your recap was sparkling in spite of your crankiness. I've been enjoying your recaps for quite some time and this was vintage Judy.

I was in a super good mood yesterday so I wallowed in the silly goofiness of the episode and basked in the sudden high quality of the CCs. With the exception of a few moments of lapsed CCs following the first commercial break, they were stellar last night in both this and STuD.

Your title is perfect. I loved Dandy's encounter (assault) with Carmela. She cracks me up. I think she would be a perfect match for Chavez, although he is probably a bit old for her tastes. Nelson could have scored (on two fronts) if he had not panicked. Next! Rafa, that means you!

Of course my favorite scene was the final scene with Vicki's blood-curdling shriek. I almost fell off my chair laughing. Who could have predicted that she would walk in at just that precise moment?


Good morning Judy and thanks for the fantastic recap! I absolutely love the silliness of this show. It's so much fun to watch! The Carmela/Dandy scene was hilarious and so was that wild gorilla bachelor party. I can't wait to see what Vicky does tonight!

Thanks Judy. The first paragraph did pretty much sum up last night, but you are such a delightful read that I had to read the whole recap.

Well, Carmela just can't seem to get any action. Whats a girl to do. The whole Dandy scene with her was very funny though.

When VVV came in at the last and started screaming the look on Rafa's face was too funny. This should be interesting tonight.

I really hope Marian gets some really great guy at the end of this because well I just really like her.

Hello everyone! Fantastic recap Judy!

Ovi is so pretty, she should have more lines.

Hopefully this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and Rafa will stand up to VVV and tell her to _____ off!!! I noticed that her brothers were not with her last night, so this might be the perfect time to do it, but of course they know where Rafa lives.

We didn't make much headway last night, but it was funny.
Did you guys watch Christina with Pedro Fernandez last night, it was so good.

Good morrrrrrrrrning Kat, Lynda, Carlos, Tracie and Vivi.

@So Vivi, you recognized the actress from Cuidado? What part did she play in that one? Presumeably more fully clothed than last night.A+ to you, chica, for excellent recall.

@Carlos, God bless you, you're the only one who loves Vicky's screeches. I can feel my ears bleed everytime she starts. I do like the finger rhythm she's been beating though. Catchy and interesting visually as well. Dandy "scoring on two fronts".... good one amigo.

@Tracie--you're right. This is pure frothy, silly Three Stooges type fun and the plus side is we're learning Spanish while we laugh. All good.

@Lynda, I too hope Marian finds a good man. She's drop dead gorgeous, intelligent, savvy in business deals and can hold her liquor. The perfect woman!

@Kat, I'm sure the guys would enjoy having Ovi in more scenes also. She is very pretty, in addition to the somewhat unbelievable body. Now...if you've got a minute, tell us a bit about what the Cristina show was like. I'd had enough tv for the night and skipped it. But it sounded as if he talked a bit about his frustrations with telenovela work in the past. And I'm sure Cristina asked him about his wife and daughters, right?

Judy- Since you asked, I couldn't resist finding out the name of the dancer/actress that was in CCEA. Now I have to say that the reason she stood out to me is that any actor in a novela who is Black or appears to be Black fascinates me. I know there is a small population of African descendants on Mexico's Coast, and theye have a rich culture. Also, there are many actors from the DR and Cuba that end up in Mexican novelas in typically small roles. Her features immediately caught my eye, but since I didn't watch CCEA regularly, I didn't bother to find out more. I just looked her up now. Turns our she's named Katerine Kellerman, and she's from Honduras (likely descended from all the Jamaicans who once settled there). Here's a recent article on her that I just found:

Turns out she hosts a sports program, is a model, and is good friends with Eduardo Yáñez, Ricki Martin and Valentino Lanus. Lucky girl. :)

Oh, her character's name was Becky in CCEA.

Judy, thanks for a super recap, with much appreciated vocab. I didn't get to watch last night (although I did tape it), so now I don't even have to watch the tape (I may watch anyway to check out Ovi and the girl in the gorilla suit).

I liked some of your phrases such as "her pooches' tootsies" (try saying that 3 times fast), and Maestro Mustache. Perfect!

I've been watching a dvd of an old telenovela, Entre El Amor y el Odio, from 2002, which was only about $12.00 for the whole thing, so I couldn't resist. It's a totally over the top Salvatore Mejia production, but the fun part is to see so many actors we recognize, looking way younger. In addition to Susana Gonzales, Cesar Evora and Sabine Moussier, it has Victor Noriega (our Marco), as a very handsome, much thinner guy with long hair and a light beard, a real ladykiller!

Yes Judy, Pedro did speak of his love for his wife and his daughters. He and his wife have been married for 22 years, the girls are 21, 18, and 16 and beautiful. He seems to be a little shy, or shall I say modest, but not nervous like our dear Rafa.
What I understood about not wanting to do the novela at first was mostly about being away from his family, he is away from them alot already and this would put him in a different state, so he actually said no to begin with. A month or so passed and the writer called him and asked him just to read the synopsis and he agreed and he said that he found himself laughing out loud. Then he asked his wife to read with him and she was laughing out loud and she told him that he had to do this novela.
He said he was amazed at the chemistry between he and Itia (?spelling) because the had never met, but that once they started it was like they had known each other for a long time.
He also started the show with the theme song and closed it with Amarte al a Antigua.

They showed various clips of him singing at very early ages up to now. He was/is so cute! I hate that you missed it.

@Vivi, thanks for that explanation of your interest in the actress. Makes perfect sense.(Although you DO have a prodigious memory. I'm always amazed at how much detail you retain of our stories.)

I remember Becky. She was quite a stunner and beautiful in an exotic way. I will check out the article on her later today. Thank you.

@Kat. Sounds like Pedro Fernandez is the real deal. Just to be married 22 years, still with his first wife, is amazing, given the culture today and the temptations of life on the road and in the limelight. Good for him.

I did watch his concert a few weeks ago, and they showed some of his earlier incarnations as a pipsqueak singer and a teenage idol in telenovelas. You're right...he was very cute and always seemed to have a big, big voice.

@Hombre...your bargain basement Entre El Odio y Amor sounds really interesting. You mean you got what was probably was a 20 DVD set for THAT price!!!??? Way to go, bubba. And nice to know that our glamorous stars age and put on weight just like we do. Who knew?

I watched Cristina last night and was really impressed by Pedro Fernandez. He is very genuine and humble. Cristina seemed to adore him.

I really enjoyed the group that Jaime hired (well... both groups). That singer had such a smooth mellow voice and the band was very good. Way to go Jaime.


Yep, the band was great Carlos. Hopefully we'll hear more of them tonight. And glad to hear you had a good impression of Pedro Fernandez from the interview. My impression is that Cristina adores everybody she has on her show. It's a bit "fluffy", at least when I've watched, but I prefer that to the nasty hostile type interviews anyway. Who needs that?

Judy, that REALLY would be a low price, to get the whole 20 DVD set for $12.00! But no, it was the shortened version, just 2 double sided discs, 550 minutes total. What that means, though, is that every two minutes, some one else is either pregnant or poisoned (or both)! Three babies were born the same day, and in the same hospital. You can only guess what the bad guys did. Yes, Entre el Amor y el Odio is very entertaining!

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