Thursday, August 12, 2010

El Clon Wednesday August 11: Summary for Discussion

Thank you, Novelera, for today's fabulous summary!

Casa Ferrer

We open with Leonardo’s gobsmacked face. Cris is yammering in his ear that he no longer can deny being unfaithful to her. And Rosa is on her knees thanking God for Diego’s return and saying she told Enrique he’d appear en carne y hueso (in the flesh). Leo moves toward Daniel saying “Dios mio” Daniel looks completely baffled. Cris continues to yammer, but Leo faints dead away. Rosa approaches Daniel and touches him to see if he’s a ghost.

Albieri is in the cab with Zoraida. While she and her luggage are being helped from the taxi, Albieri has some interesting thought bubbles. “Tengo que enfrontar Leonardo, Dora, y mis colegas, pero esto es muy poco comparado con lo que hice. Hice un clon. Saqué el genio de la botella. Abrí la caja negra del misterio de la vida. La evolución de la especie deja de ser gobernado por Dios y pasa a ser gobernado por el hombre.” (I have to confront Leonardo, Dora, and my colleagues, but this is no big thing compared with what I have done. I made a clone. I pulled the genie from the bottle. I opened the mysterious black box of life. The evolution of our species no longer is ruled by God and has passed into the hands of man.”) No bolt of lightning from the sky strikes him. It seems Frankenalbi has moved past guilt and gone on to the hubris stage.

Casa Mohamed

Jadiya begs Latifa and Samira to tell her the truth, that her mama doesn’t love her. The Naz accuses her of listening behind the curtains, but she says she heard this from Rania. Latifa tries to tell her she can’t believe Rania, but The Naz is in full bull in a china shop mode and tells her that Jade was the one who left Said. Zoraida (otherwise known as “The Marines”) arrives to try to smooth the troubled waters. She holds Jadiya close.

The Only Hospital in Miami

Jade replays for Zein her broken record of how it’s all Lucas’ fault. Zein, who’s looking better and wiser in every episode, tells her she needs to look to the future instead of the past. She puts her hand in his.

Casa Alejandro y Natalia

Lucas, Marisa, Alejandro and Natalia are sitting together uncomfortably while Lucas drinks Alejandro’s café cubano. Alej tries to make small talk about Lucas having wanted to be a musician. When they get down to the plan for the younguns to move in, Natalia says “nunca”. Marisa for once seems almost human, trying to say it’s a family custom for the kids to move back occasionally. There was also a look on Marisa’s face that maybe, just maybe, she might be getting a sense of who Alejandro really is, especially when he said they didn’t need any money. After Marisa and Lucas leave, Alejandro says he has a training bout that evening and will she come? With a sweet smile, Nati says she will.

Casa Ferrer

Leo comes to, then moves across the room and embraces Daniel. Daniel looks very dubious. Rosa makes peace with Cris because she’s brought her Diego back. She takes Daniel up to show him Diego’s shrine … er … bedroom. He’s surprised to see photos of himself, although looking differently.

The Only Mall in Miami

Marisa and Lucas are walking through the mall, appearing to have the first sensible parental conversation of their marriage. Lucas says that Nati seems better than she was before. Just then Nazira, Samira, and Jadiya appear, Sam saying she wants a mini-skirt. Of course The Naz sees our born-again parents just at the moment Lucas puts his arm around Marisa in a companiable way.

The Hospital

Zein brings Zoraida to visit Jade. She tells Jade that Rania told Jadiya about her relationship with Lucas. Then, looking uncomfortable, she also tells her that Nazira saw Lucas and Marina in the mall very affectionate with each other. Jade has never seen a conclusion she won’t jump to, and thus tells Zoraida that Lucas has gone back to his wife.

Casa Cristina

Daniel tells Cris that at first thought the pictures were photoshopped, except that the clothing was “retro”. He also wants to know why his real dad let Albieri say HE was the father.

Casa Said

Said and Jadiya return, and it looks like our wish may be coming true as Said is yelling for Rania as soon as he’s in the door. He tells Rania never to speak to Jadiya about Jade again. And, by the way, don’t make me sorry I married you.
Said tells Jadiya to follow him, and she manages to stick out her tongue at Rania behind his back.

Hotel Room of Los Ratoncitos

The Chump arrives while the “little rat” is grooming herself. He asks her about the title to the apartment and the power of attorney. Always quick on her feet, Ratoncita says: “Ya hice el borrador pero se me quedó.” (I already did the rough draft, but I left it at the office. Notice that in Spanish it got left on me, removing the responsibility from the person who did it!) She says she’ll go get it. And then she tells him that the furniture will be delivered on Thursday. This means they can move in.

Empresa Ferrer

Roberto and Clara talk about why the apartment is still not in Fer’s name. Roberto promises to talk to The Chump about this. Clara and Roberto then gossip a bit about the appearance of Daniel. Roberto raises the anvil high over his own head by declaring that this could never happen to him. With all the contraception now available, there’s no excuse for getting someone pregnant.

A Park in Miami

The two losers, Paula and Fernando, are griping about people who tell them the truth about their drug use. Andrea and Nati are walking through this same park. Fer immediately invites Nati to a party. She tries to tell these two she’s off drugs. But they say, practically smirking, that she can come for a little while and not consume. Oh boy! We get more PSA from Enrique’s psychiatrist’s office.

Casa Albieri

Luisa and Silvia arrive. Silvia shows Luisa the photo of Daniel, which they both think is of Lucas.

The Only Club in Miami

Hurricane Cris arrives and has to be pulled off Dora by Vicki. Dora insists to a friend at the bar that she has to straighten this out, and she goes after Cris and Vicki. Cris attacks her again on the stairs, but before anything can be resolved, the cops drag the two of them off. They have amazing police in Miami. People have only to raise their voices for 10 seconds for the cops to show up and restore peace.

Casa Albieri

Luisa goes to wake up Albieri, but she cheats us out of our big scene of Silvia confronting Albieri. As usual she coddles him and tells him to go back to sleep.

Somewhere in Miami

Daniel is wandering and thinking, remembering Leo’s embrace when he is waylaid by the sKanK.

La Cárcel

Dora and Cris talk past each other in separate jail cells. Dora, of course, never manages to get to the important stuff - like artificial insemination.

The Gym

Alej’s fans mill around, some of them carrying big signs with his picture on them. Gloria looks wonderful. But, of course, Nati is not there. He frantically calls Andrea and hears about the re-appearance of Paula.

Casa Clara

Clara’s with Enrique and points to some work Fer was supposed to do for Carolina. Nothing’s been done. Clara tries to blame Fer’s behavior on Paula, but Enrique points out that it’s not the friend leading him to drugs, but the drugs leading him to friends like Paula.

Some Bed in Miami

Danny Boy is trying to use Karla as a confidante, but he should have picked someone with more than a double-digit IQ.

Casa Ferrer

Leo is badmouthing Enrique for not appearing in front of him 5 minutes after he wanted him. Lucas and Marisa arrive, and Rosa tells them Diego was here. He is reincarnated. Leo confirms this: Your brother was here.

The credits roll.


Oh Novelera, this is good stuff indeed! When I grow up, I want to learn to write like you!

Among the tastiest morsels:

-- Zoraida (otherwise known as "The Marines")...

-- Jade has never seen a conclusion she won't jump to."

-- and on Daniel's choice of Karla as confidante: He should have picked someone with more than a double-digit IQ.

I'm glad you quoted Albieri's ominous thought-bubble in full. It is indeed hubris. And we all know what the gods do to those who are guilty of it.

It's funny. I didn't get the sense of Marisa softening, even a little, in Alej and Nati's place. There was a shot that showed her (admirably) straight, straight -- and of course bare -- back and I thought: Look how rigid she is!

Anyway, Novelera, thank you so much. I hope you will grace us with your brilliant recapping skills again before El Clon finishes its run.

Wonderful, wonderful recap, Novelera. If this is your work when you're not 'fit and rested,' I can't imagine that that it could be any better when you are. Thanks again so much for doing this.

So the fainting tally on seeing Daniel is 3 - Jade, Cristina and Leo.

Roberto's smugness about contraception would only makes sense if he was practicing it himself, not depending on his partner doing so. So maybe he's had a vasectomy. I still can't believe that the sKanks3 are going to pull off the one in a million chance and get Karla pregnant from residual genetic material scraped off the bedsheets or out of a used condom. And if Daniel is boinking Karla, isn't she mixing up the genetic material, as it were?

Now Malicia is doing legal work for the Chump? She'll probably put a clause in the power of attorney that makes the whole thing null and void and then the bobo will sign it without reading it.

Thanks again to Luke and Novelera for filling in for me.

Watching the Lucas and Marisa scene shows that Lucas is trying to manage the situation. While Marisa is still huffing and puffing, Lucas is the voice of reason. Seeing Lucas grab her hand and put his arms around her shoulder shows that he is sensitive to her as the mother of their child. Now of course, somebody had to see him (Nazira) being comforting to Marisa and run off to tell Jade. Even when doing something good, Lucas can't catch a break.

Finally, an episode with some legs! Thanks for the great recap Novelera. The scene at Alej/Nati's apartment with Lucas and Marisa was very revealing...I thought Marisa came across as perhaps having some new thoughts about Alej, but not wanting to accept them yet (noted in the way she picked up the cup with Alej's fine Cuban coffee, then sets it back down without drinking).
Jean, thanks for reminding us of Daniels' awesome ability to make people faint!

Kudos to you, Novelera, on such a great summary! I must also commend Luke, NovelaMaven, Jean, and ALL of our other recappers for making these recent capítulos so memorable. Your asides are so giggle-inducing.

Oh my gosh, Jean. We wondered the same thing last night about Karla and Danny: “What if she messes up her mother’s plan?”

Jade’s characterization is simple, at best, but TN’s tend to have a strong fairytale complex. I’d love to see more Princess Jasmine in her, but there’s a lot of Snow White/Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty/Rapunzel going on. I’m already used to the “someday my prince will come” shpeel… Don’t expect Mulan here.

Zoraida seems perfect in the fairy godmother/USMC role; Rania seems to = wicked stepmother, Abdul = evil ogre/troll. :-)

Quite a long wait for the happily ever after, isn’t it?

Thanks everyone, for your kind compliments.

When it was said at some point on Caray, Caray that TNs are a Rorschach test, it's absolutely true.

I looked at Marisa's face as she watched Alejandro speaking and felt that I saw her glacial attitude soften a bit. Plus she didn't trash him, just the apartment, when Marisa and Lucas were talking in the mall. But NovelaMaven saw a rigid back. It's funny how we perceive different things.

Jean, I hadn't thought about Karla being pregnant with the clone's kid. Would that be like making a photocopy of a photocopy, each one getting weaker? And the best revenge for the sKanKs would be Roberto's vasectomy scar.

I also thought it odd that Malicia was drawing up the papers to transfer title, instead of a real estate professional. But she definitely said "el borrador", a word that I needed to look up: rough draft, working copy, etc.

Erin, I like your fairy tale analogies a lot. Marisa could easily portray the Wicked Queen looking into her mirror asking "Who is the fairest of them all?"

Great recap, Novelera! Jean and NovelaMaven (and PaulaH, earlier) have set a high standard, but you and Luke are obviously equal to it. I especially loved the three comments NovelaMaven has already quoted.

I'm really glad you included all of Albieri's hubristic thought bubble. I caught most but not all of it, and it's all important. He's clearly in for a Big Fall. In real life, perhaps not, but in TNland, almost certainly.

I had a somewhat different take on Marisa in Alejandro and Natalia's apartment. When she said something about its being a family custom for the children to move back in with the parents, I thought that was a somewhat nasty recollection of the way Leo had pressured Lucas and Marisa to move in with him after their marriage.

Like Jean and Erin, I wondered whether Karla's little fling with Daniel was going to complicate her plan to become pregnant with the turkey baster's child.

As for the Miami police, I think Dora should get a good lawyer and sue them for false arrest.

In Spanish:

Un amor mágico que rompe las barreras del tiempo y la distancia, en donde dos corazones marcan su camino al unirse con una mirada eterna.

Por causa de la muerte repentina de su madre en Estados Unidos, Jade regresa a vivir en Marruecos con su familia, sin imaginarse que allí encontraría el hombre que el destino le tendría designado como su único amor. Ella se siente obligada a entrar en una cultura musulmana que a su edad le es ajena, pero gracias a la sensualidad de su baile, el dueño de su corazón llega como forastero para enamorarse a primera vista.

La belleza de Jade y la gracia de sus movimientos enloquecen a Lucas, cuando por curiosidad termina husmeando en la casa del tío Alí, un defensor de las costumbres musulmanas capaz de enfrentarse al mundo con tal de oponerse a una unión que no está bendecida por su religión.

El tío Alí se convertirá en enemigo del amor de Jade y Lucas, pues tal como lo dicta su cultura, no permitirá que un forastero entre a romper las reglas del Corán, y así arregla el matrimonio de sus dos sobrinas con Said y Mohaamed.

Lucas es un hombre que vive en medio de los lujos por el éxito de Leonardo Ferrer, su padre, y la influencia de sus empresas exportadoras; un soñador que anhela ser músico, mientras su familia intenta persuadirlo para que se interese en sus negocios. Diego es el polo opuesto de su hermano gemelo y es el candidato a heredar el emporio de Leonardo, un conquistador alegre y emprendedor que termina envuelto en una pelea sin tregua con su papá, por una mujer.

Para desgracia de Leonardo, Diego muere en medio de un accidente cuando va a visitar a su novia Marisa, situación que se convierte en el obstáculo de un amor que prometía enfrentarse a los designios de la ley divina. Lucas, por dolor, termina aplazando su historia de amor con Jade y la obliga, en medio de su vergüenza y su pecado oculto, a casarse con Said .

Lucas y Jade se separan por primera vez, en un intento que parece definitivo bajo amenaza de muerte, y él toma el lugar de su hermano tanto en la empresa como al lado de su novia Marisa.

Los errores cometidos no acaban su historia, y en un encuentro Lucas y Jade terminan reviviendo su amor, hasta que la presencia de dos hijos vuelven a separarlos y los obligan a seguir en un hogar que eligieron por causa del despecho.

Mientras tanto en Miami, el científico Augusto Albieri, trastornado por la muerte de Diego, clona a Lucas en secreto... y él se encargará de unir el amor mítico de Jade y Lucas para lograr consagrar una leyenda mágica escrita por el destino...

Great & informative summary! Thank you!
Finally! Said yelled at raina for her cruel behavior toward jadiya.
I'm so glad jadiya mocked raina, she deserved it.


Novelera, thank you so much for taking the time to recap this episode, I appreciate it.

Last night was more of the same except Said finally jumped on Raina, it was about time. It is good for her to know that she can be sent packing. I wish wardrobe could get her a new headcovering. I am tired of the one she has been wearing for the last couple of weeks, it is not very becoming.


Novelera great job with the recap this show is getting quite amusing.

So the rundown on what everyone thinks they know about Daniel.

Dora and Estella thinks he's been a switched embryo.

Cristina thinks Leo and Dora had a affair behind her back and the product is Daniel?

Leo and Rosa think it's Diego comeback from the dead but at the same age? WTF HUH?

Jade thinks he's Lucas shadow.

Lucas and Marisa who haven't seen him yet think that maybe Leo had another son but are now being told about him. Now they are told by Leo and Rosa that Diego has come back to them. Once again WTF?

Sylvia thinks the picture she has is either Diego or Lucas picture but not sure how the possible embryo switch produced a white baby for Dora?

Luisa thinks Daniel is a result of the embryo switch and wonders how the picture of Diego or Lucas comes into this?

Enrique thinks he saw the ghost of Diego that one time he saw him.

Nati saw Daniel as a child and even played with him and thought he was Diego but was taken to counseling for her made up imaginary friend.

Finally the only ones who know the truth that Daniel is a clone is Albieri,Ali and Zoraida.

Is this about right?

Thank you for the spanish lessons
and summary.


Juanita, I also thought Marisa's remark about the family tradition of living with the in-laws was sarcastic and not conciliatory.

Yes, as Erin and Jean mentioned, Karla's roll in the hay with Daniel is probably not part of her prescribed "treatment". But honestly, I find the turkey baster subplot so unpleasant that I try not to think too hard about it.

Rosemary and KC, I was also glad to see Rania take a few lumps from Said. And remember: all he knows is that she talked out of turn, telling Jadiya the harsh truth about Jade's departure. He still probably has no idea how verbally abusive she has been, how menacing. If he did, I think Rania and Amina would be sent packing.

Blusamurai, Nice resumé of how everyone explains Daniel. I wonder about Dora, though. I might have been dozing, but I thought she was still convinced that she is Daniel's biological mother and had not acknowledged any switching of embryos.

I'm not sure Leo and Rosa have an explanation but they talked about 'reincarnation.' That would mean that when Diego's body died, his soul lived on. The soul was reborn in another body, Daniel's. That would make sense in terms of age. That is: Daniel has been alive for as many years as Diego has been dead.

The irony is that what Albieri did by cloning Lucas is the opposite of reincarnation. He perpetuated a body, not a soul.

Joan, I like your observation about Marisa picking up the cup, then putting it down without drinking it. She's not ready to swallow it, but at least she's considering it.

NovelaMaven great point about Dora nor is she far off from thinking she is Daniel's biological mother.Let's call Dora a human host that was needed to give birth to Daniel even though he is genetically made up from Diego,Lucas who were born from Leo and their mother.

Now for the way Leo and Rosa perceive Daniel,are we to label them ignorant because they both think Daniel is reborn from Diego"s death?

Once Sylvia and Julio realize what Albieri has really done,oh my goodness.

Now i can see why someone said when they announced the remake of this novela why it was one of their all time favorites.

For those who may wonder why Daniel exhibits some of Diego's characteristics, I may have an explanation.

As a clone of Lucas, Daniel inhereted all of Lucas memories including those memories which existed as wishful thinking. In other words, Lucas may have wished he was as confident as Diego, but never acted those feelings out. Daniel inhereted those feelings and because he didn't have a rival he instinctively acts out those feelings. Lucas didn't act out his wishful feelings because he felt he existed under his brother's shadow and therefore inhibited those feelings.

Blu, I don't think it makes Leo and Rosa ignorant. (Reincarnation is a tenet of many faiths around the world.) I think they, like everyone else so far, are trying to explain something that is apparently impossible. They are looking for an explanation for something inexplicable.

I was a bit surprised that Leo didn't remember his conversations with Albieri. Albieri had hinted at the fact that he had cloned Diego, but didn't come right out and say it.

Well, maybe when Leo has recovered from the initial shock of seeing Daniel, he'll do some thought-bubbling about his friend the mad scientist and start putting two and two together.

I agree that Dora IS in one sense Daniel's mother. Pregnancy is not a passive process. (Not to mention the 20 or so years of child-rearing afterward). But as we know, Daniel's parentage is more complicated than that; Dora will have to make some sense of those complications. And it's going to be a painful process.

NovelaMaven great point i don't think i was saying they were ignorant for thinking that way but like we discussed yesterday about Zoraida some of our view points may vary and be different from one another.

The more i think of it i wonder what my reaction would be under the same circumstances.It will be interesting to see the awakening of knowledge of Daniel true parentage and how he came to be here.

This is really a thought provoking idea what would you do if you were in the same situation?


Thanks for your excellent and entertaining recap. All of the recappers do an awesome job here. I appreciate all of your hard work.


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