Friday, August 27, 2010

Llena de Amor #14 Thu 8/26/10 Her night starts with a big snake in the bed and ends with a little snake in the bed

Once more, a huge thanks to Julia for filling in for my and others' recap nights. Julia, you rock!

Last night we left Mari in bed terrorized by a snake. No, it’s nobody we know, it’s a real live snake meant to scare her out of the house. She screams for help, “Auxilio!!” and luckily the first one to arrive, ripping himself from Ilitia’s clutches, is her beloved Emanuel. The rest of the household follows and we wait friggin’ FOREVER for Eman to finally grab the snake which, by the way, magically disappears.

During the fracas Ilitia tries to steal Mari’s diary but Delicia the nice maid catches her and rescues the book. Curses, foiled again. The mean people scowl at Mari and the nice people (Alex, Gretel, Delicia, Eman and Emilio) try to soothe her. Delicia manages to snatch the diary from Eman’s prying hands and skedaddle out of the room with it before Ilitia can do any damage.

Speaking of mean, the Queen of it, Fedra, has slithered over to Netty’s to pay a little visit. She insults Netty’s house by calling it a pigsty and Brandon makes an empty threat that he’ll teach her a lesson. All the others jump in but Fedra isn’t dissuaded by their anemic posturing. While the others shake their fists Netty tells Fedra to spill her guts. If she’s not there to accuse Brandon of attempting to murder her son what is she there for?

Meanwhile Señora Muñeca sits alone at the dinner table sighing and facing her husband’s empty chair. Suddenly he bursts into the house exclaiming about the great aroma. He’s starving! “Whazzup? It’s cold,” he tells his stern-faced wife and her dissaproving maid. The maid points out that dinner was served an hour ago, about the same amount of time his wife has been waiting. I guess we know whose side she’s on. Muñeca wants to know where he’s been and don’t lie that he was at the office because Carmen said he left more than an hour ago. He gets very loud and defensive as guilty people do but Muñeca won’t play along. She tells him to calm down while his meal gets heated up and she’ll be in the bedroom if he’s interested in heating up their marriage. Wow. Lorenzo is impactado and the point goes to Muñeca.

Back at Hell House Emanuel forces Ilitia to make nice with Mari and apologize for spilling her soup. Ilitia acts sincere, Mari falls for it and somehow expects that they will be friends. Ilitia has a little surprise for Mari. I’ll bet.

Muñeca thumbs through a picture album longing for the days when Lorenzo was dedicated to her. “Remember how happy we were?” she asks her fake-exhausted husband. He sits next to her, sees a pic of Kristen as a baby and recalls his most recently revealed baby-mama, gah!!

Grandpa waves his gun around and tells Benigno he knows it was Fedra who put the snake in Mari’s bed. He’s going to kill her like a rat which he should have done the first day she set foot in the house! Sadly (for us) Beni wrestles the gun away from him but gramps swears if Fedra annoys Mari anymore he’ll kill her. Maybe, but it’s gonna be a while.

Back at Netty’s the expected conversation takes place...
F: “Your sis was a drunk.”
N: “Don’t insult her memory. I will protect my niece!”
F: smirks
N: “Mari will get her inheritance and kick your butt out of HER house.”
F: “You don’t know the truth about her inheritance. Just wait until you find out and in the meantime stay out of my way or else.”
Honestly, I don’t know why they let that witch walk all over them except that maybe Netty is paralyzed by Fedra’s butt-ugly Medusa head.

Oliver tells Brandon that he’s totally got the hots for Axel’s sister.

Gretel warns Axel about fighting with the homophobic Chris Cooper-guy dirtbag and Axel wants to know if that policeman tried to take advantage of her. Gretel freaks us all out, especially Axel, by smiling. She denies it and he asks her why doesn’t she obsess about love like other girls her age. She sez she could ask him the same thing. She’ll guard his secrets; is it true what they say about him? That he doesn’t like women?

Eman’s model friend Andre and his squeeze du jour Rebecca show up; Delicia the nice maid scolds Eman for getting out of bed. Eman doesn’t know Rebecca’s name so we know she’s just a fling and can easily get tossed for a more meaningful relationship with Doris later on down the line.

Mauricio and Kristel have villain foreplay, i.e. smooching while planning tortures for La Gorda. They are interrupted by Ilitia and Mari knocking at the door. Maricio is not happy about being given the bum’s rush but since Mari is practically a nun Kristel pushes said bum into the closet. Mau peeks through the closet while Mari’s two “pals” surprise her with some new clothing. Thank Goodness!! Oh wait, consider the source. Mari doesn’t like the look and tells them she’d rather look like a nun than pregnant. “You already look pregnant,” they giggle. Bitches. They grab some scissors and begin cutting her uniform off while Mau gapes from his hiding place. And gapes. And gapes some more.

Andre and Eman yuck it up while the squeeze is in the baño. Heh heh Eman almost called her Raquel, that was Andre’s last fling. OK WE GET IT, Andre is a player just dying to be converted by the love of a good woman. Yeah, that always works out.

Doris kisses a magazine cover of Andre and tells it she knows he probably has lots of women after him but she’s determined to have him in her arms. “Come to me Andre,” she swoons, smothering a teddy bear.

Fedra comes home and bitches out Eman for being out of bed and having a drink. He jumps in with a preemptive strike, “We found a snake in Mari’s bed and I know you put it there. Don’t lie.” Andre and Rebecca beat feet out of Casa Cuckoo so Eman can continue his accusations and Fedra can predictably lie her way out of it.

Did I miss something? All of a sudden Lorenzo and Muñeca are talking about Eman getting hit by a car. I guess Ilitia called them. They are still fully clothed so we see Lorenzo was saved yet again from making hot bad boy Luv to his wife. Muñeca plaintively asks him what’s up with him? He’s saved by the bell. Uh oh, it’s his baby-mama on the phone and she's very insistent. Muñeca hands the phone over, “it’s a woman, she says it’s your lover.” Busted!

The three maids gossip and argue about Fedra vs. Marianela. Nereida sees the diary and grabs it but Delicia snatches it back. Oh my, the suspense surrounding this diary is simply killing me. I hope it lasts forever. Oh right, it will.

Lorenzo grabs the phone and tries the “This is a decent house and quit making these prank calls!” act. Muñeca pleads with him to promise her he’s not cheating, “Promise me everything is OK!” She has to ask? Really? And he keeps denying he’s a cheat? Really?

Over at Netty’s happy house of well-adjusted but manless buttinskies her pals are telling her she needs a man. Netty insists her life is perfectly fine sin hombres. They somehow think a man will help her protect Mari. Suddenly the lights go out and the ladies gasp. Oh what a fright, see how handy a man would be? Does anyone know how to say “oh gag me” in Spanish?

Shoot, aren’t we done with Lorenzo and Muñeca yet? In short: Deny. Accuse. Promise. Plead. Lie. “Don’t touch me! You’ll be sorry!” Then the maid jumps in with “What do you expect Dude? You really screwed up this time.” I love how the maids are incredibly cheeky in this show.

Cut to Muñeca insulting herself in the mirror and putting lipstick all over her face. Ah jeez. She pulls out a pair of scissors. Lorenzo bashes the door down and they find her sprawled on the floor.

Benigno is tying off Gramps’s vein. I wonder what’s up with that? Sick I guess. Gramps insists Fedra is guilty and he’s going to prove it. I hope I get this right: Luis-Felipe told gramps he was going to kick Fedra out of the house because he discovered something. He promised he was going to get rid of her but died before he could fulfill his promise. Now Gramps wants to out Fedra before she can harm Mariela. Benigno aks his Imperial Falcon to tell him what he can do to help. “The Silver Iris” mutters Gramps. (Please feel to add or correct anything about this very important clue. Thank you.)

The two harpies have finished their work on Mari and they snicker and insist she looks awesomely beautiful. They leave and our poor heroine sees her over madeup face in the mirror. Truly not a good look. She begins to wipe her face when the towel-clad cad slips out of the closet.

Netty’s house is still dark but is happily filled with the entire family. But their cheerful dinner is interrupted by creepy music and the appearance of a strange, dark-haired woman who ominously asks if this is the place that rents rooms.

Mauricio taunts Mari by grabbing her, kissing her, and throwing her on the bed. He says he’s hot to know what a body like hers feels like. Watching her change made his mouth water. OK, I am now thoroughly creeped out by this horn dog and so is Mari. She tries to break free but he locks the door and says he’s the one who’s going to give her a little gift. Yep, he definitely said little, heh, and I’m sure he's not lying either.


Welcome back Sylvia! Loved your recap but so glad I missed the actual show. Sounds thoroughly unpleasant.

Great title...(knew it was you just from that) Liked everything but especially:
"anemic posturing"
"paralyzed by Fedra's butt-ugly Medusa's head" and
"villain foreplay"

The cheeky maid in Lorenzo and Muñeca's house is the perpetually sniveling, weeping sister of the young fella with damaged legs from an accident in Sortilegio. I like her much better in this role without the mewling.

Right now, for me, there's far too much time given to the evil and/or achingly lonely folks. For a comedy it's a downer. But maybe it will get better.

Good morning JudyB! It's great to be back recapping again. Actually, the episode wasn't unpleasant, it's just very easy to rip on this particular telenovela. It's one of those where a lot of eye-rolling goes on. Yes, they definitely overkill practically everything and last night Lorenzo and Muneca got way too much air time. And the last scene with Mauricio took a decidedly uncomfortable turn. I'm hoping that tonight he gets a quick humiliation and that's as far as it goes.

Sylvia this was soooo funny. Started right with the title.
"Does anyone know how to say “oh gag me” in Spanish? " And if anyone really does know, please share!!!

at some point we know the fearsome twosome with their constant pranks on Mari are going to get theirs somehow, but I wish someone would actually catch them in the act ( well a good guy) or Mari would get gutsy enough to show Eman or Emi what is being done to her. Hope we don't have to go to through too many more episodes before Mari starts fighting back.

Love the maid guarding that diary for all it's worth! Mari has a page in it with a big heart and Eman's name in it. The maid hasn't seen it, but she picked up Mari's panicked signals after the snake incident and kept it. Bless her!!

And I agree with the "Ladies of the House". I'm a single mom and have been on my own for a long time...there is no way you don't know how to check the breakers on the electric box or fix things around the place. That scene bothered me just a tad...

Mauricio has to be as dumb as a clock...that has to take the cake for the dumbest prank of all and if they don't have Mari screaming her head off or doing him some damage...argh!!!!

Thanks Sylvia for the recap. You had some great lines. Loved the one about Fedra's butt ugly Medusa head.

OK I am officially mad. Everyone knows who put that snake in Mari's bed but it is like they are just throwing it off like it was nothing. I don't know what kind of snake that was (poison or no?) but it would have given me a heart attack. The meanness is just becoming too much. Enough already.

As for the lights going off at Nettys. Give me a break.

I really like the pairing of Oliver (I think is his name/Rolos brother from Guancho) and Gretal. They will make a very cute couple.

How great it is to have a Sylvia recap to enjoy again. You certainly haven't lost your gentle touch.

I know that Ilitia is not a crowd pleaser here, but I think that she is a hoot. Somehow I've managed to miss her in other shows, so I find her self-absorbed center of the universe attitude refreshing. She speaks the same language as our beloved Ximena but doesn't have quite the same charisma. I predict that she'll end up as one of the good guys... probably with Brandon.

So Bernardo is capable of affection... with snakes. I loved how Delicia said that the snake was likely one of Fedra's kinfolk. Actually, I'll buy that.


Syvlia – your recap is a total hoot, and the title is awesome. Thank you so much!

“Villain foreplay” – love it!

I found the last bit with Mauricio forcing himself on Marianela really hard to watch. I know that people who are on the receiving end of prejudice can have some horrible things done to them, but it’s sure not easy to witness.

Has Muneca stabbed herself with the little scissors, or did she slit her wrists, or what? I couldn’t really see her there on the floor because the captions covered her.

Sylvia, I am SO, SO glad you are back! A masterful recap full of wit.

Lots of greatness but one of my favorites was "Oh my, the suspense surrounding this diary is simply killing me. I hope it lasts forever. Oh right, it will."

Also, the last line...great snark.

I really enjoyed this episode, except for the end, where I cringed and barely watched peeking through my fingers as Malicio assaulted Mari.

I, too, love the maids. Delicia is fast becoming my favorite character. It's so funny how she lectures Emanuel and he calls her "patrona." Also love her quick-witted snagging of the diary and her quip that the snake must be one of Fedra's relatives.

Another thing I love about this show is that the good guys aren't idiots. Emanuel sees through the witches' behavior. He hasn't quite taken the next step of dumping Ilitia, but he's not buying her act. Muñeca may be trying really, really hard to remain in denial, but she knows very well what Lorenzo is up to.

Even Marianela, uninured to the evil ways of the world, knows when something is rotten. She seems to be going along with things to try to establish some sort of peace, but the wary look on her face whenever Kristel and Ilitia act friendly to her suggests she knows they're up to something.

Thank you Sylvia, you are very funny. I missed this one and you made me fill like I didn't miss anything.

Goodness, I hope Mari does something to get away from that Louse, she has been tortured enough witout rape added to the list. Hopefully Eman will catch him in ther with her and beat his a$$.

ITA that ENOUGH with all the meaness, when is this comedy going to be a comedy?

Muneca should throw some acid in her husband's face to disfigure him and then leave him. It is hard to be a ladies man when you are ugly, she is very pretty and could find someone better. Why do these shows always make the woman week and think that they HAVE to stay in a marriage like that? And the way Ilitia treats her, if she were my daughter I would snatch her up and ... well you can fill in the rest, just use your imagination.

As for Fedra I hope that she really, really, really suffers in the end! She is awful. Why is everyone scared to stand up to her??

i think the problem with Fedra is that to the characters in the TN, she is just a snobby meanie and it seems her family is so use to her playing the Queen Bee that they don't do more than just call her out when she starts her rantings.
We the viewers know there is so much more to her antics so you find yourself, or at least I do, yelling at the screen for people to do something or wake up.

I think she's going to either get a little too sure of herself or desperate because she can't rid of Mari, that she may push a folks too far and they will start delving more into her antics or start fighting back. I can see Netty doing that.

Unfortunately , we'll probably have to watch her wreaking havoc to the very end of the TN.

Great recap Sylvia, welcome back!
I'm still stunned from reading yesterday that Bernardo has something going on with Nereida. I guess I'll have to see the Mauricio ugly scene at the beginning of tonight's episode.

Kristel and Ilitia are absolutely horrible. Bad enough what they did with the makeup but to set Mari up for attempted rape, no matter how far Mauricio intends to take it, is just too much. For any woman to do that to another woman is a disgrace to womanhood. Kristel, Ilitia, and Fedra are all vipers in my book and there just aren't anvils big enough for their demise. I hope Emanuel bursts through the door tonight and finds out what is going on. I hope he lays Mauricio out flat then descends on Kristel and Ilitia. For the latter, I hope Emanuel turns his back on her. Those are my hopes, but this is TN land and you know what I hope for won't happen.

Hi Barbara, I totally agree with everything you say. But it wasn't clear to me that Ilitia and Kristel actually planned to have Mauricio attack Marianela. I got the feeling his behavior was impulsive and was something he did on his own. If they DID plan such a horrible act then I'm going to have to rethink how I feel about them. Prior to now I was thinking they are redeemable, but if they planned Mau's attack then there is no hope for them. But they still need to pay for all the horrible things they have done to Mari.

Thanks for all the comments everyone. It's great to be back!

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