Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Llena de Amor #8 Wed 8/18/10 "The Brujas take Mari shopping and Fedra's eyes go-a-popping"

Bernardo ends up dragging a drunken Fedra away from an obnoxious drunken man at the bar. He's not happy to see his dominatrix capturing the attention of other men. He gets her home.

Lorenzo limps into the house. Flora tells him that she's tried to reach him on the phone. He's annoyed to hear this. Flora informs him that his wife has taken too many pills.

Brandon tells Doris and Oliver that he doesn't like Emanuel. They were only trying to help Mari and get her out of that place, where they were making fun of her.

Ilitia tells Kristal, Mauricio, Andre, and Rebecca about Brandon being the cop who treated her so terribly at the airport. Kristal jokes that perhaps Brandon is her karma and the love of her life. Ilitia is disgusted at the idea of a goddess such as herself being with such a naco as Brandon.

Viewers are given many slapstick scenes of Emanuel struggling to get Marianela home and up into her room. Before leaving the bar, Kristel, Ilitia, and Mauricio try to convince Emanuel to not take Mari home--the night is young and all that. He finally gets her home, out of the car, and to her bedroom. Emanuel runs into even more difficulties trying to get her in her bed....he can't have sleeping on her stomach because she might have trouble breathing. So he attempts to get her on her back. She ends up flopping onto the bed, pinning Emanuel under her. He struggles even more to escape, but this muscle man is apparently too weak to push her off. So he ends up trapped there for the evening.

Lorenzo wonders to a sleeping Camila why she took so many pills. Why did she do make him feel bad. For sure, Ilitia is going to blame him for this.

Bernardo gets Fedra home. She drunkenly shouts out to the household that the duena de la casa is home. She wakes up Gretel. Bernardo tries to get Fedra to quiet down. Gretel hears them and mutters something about the two of them always being together. This time is won't be so easy, she says and she climbs back into bed with her father (which causes me to raise an eyebrow, but I realize that Gretel is a few french fries short of a Happy Meal).

Bernardo stops Fedra in the hall and tells her she shouldn't enter and do something ridiculous. He warns that the gordita could wake up. Fedra repeats that she's the boss of this house. Fedra goes into Mari's room and it looks like she's caught Emanuel in bed with Mari. The pumpkin costume, however, blocks Emanuel from Fedra's view. Fedra spouts out some hateful she can't believe that her children could be related to such a horrendous monster. Fedra mentions something about Eva (I didn't quite get that---anyone?) and something about swindling. Emanuel overhears it all (and since his grasp of Spanish is mucho mejor que mine, I'm sure his mother's drunken ramblings have more impact on him than me).

Ilitia is missing Emanuel. Meanwhile he's drifted off to sleep.

Fedra tries to crawl into bed and finds Gretel is in her bed. She frets as to what this means. Gretel is crazy and capable of anything.

The next morning, Emiliano wonders why Fedra is sleeping on the lounge chair. Why didn't she sleep in their bed. Fedra wants to point out the Gretel is sleeping in their bed, but Gretel is already up and gone. Fedra tells her husband she can sleep anywhere.....this is her house and her things. Emiliano gets his wife to climb into the bed, but she wants to talk about Mari. Since she's come to the house there have been many problems.

Gretel talks to herself in the mirror and says that she's going to find out where her mother goes at night. She's going to find out what she's hiding and even more.

Marianela dreams that she and Emanuel share a kiss when they wake. Instead, he wakes up groaning from her being on top of him. Mari is shocked that they were together during the night. He tells her that she was knocked out...she drank quite a bit. Delicia enters Mari's room. She's bringing Mari her unshrunken uniform. Emanuel gets up from the bed and gives Mari a kiss. Delicia smiles thinking that Emanuel and Marianela 'slept together'. Mari explains what happened. Delicia is upset that Mari was drinking, and that led to them sleeping together. Mari explains that nothing happened. Delicia is upset to think that the brujas were making fun of Mari. Delicia says she's going to get Mari a tea to help her with her hangover.

Flora asks Camila what she was thinking. Camila says she doesn't remember. Camila worries about Lorenzo. Speak of the devil, he and Ilitia come in and Ilitia scolds her mother for endangering her career by taking so many pills. Camila
admits to being a little depressed and explains that she just wanted a good night's sleep and that's why she took so many pills (depression and pills are not a good combination). Ilitia tells her mother that when she's depressed she should just go shopping or she could go and change her look. Lorenzo says how is it that their daughter understands how to deal with these things more than Camila does. Flora is shocked at the shallowness on display. Camila tells her husband and daughter how she wishes that cutting her hair or getting a massage would cure a wounded soul. Lorenzo suggests that taking some classes, like macrame, might be of benefit. Camila says that it is being alone, completely alone, that is what bothers her.

Mari brings breakfast to the General. The General is concerned that Mari is bringing breakfast, not the servants. Maris says she's bringing it because she likes to do things for him. She urges her uncle to leave his room.

Ilitia comes to find out why Emanuel abandoned her at the club the previous evening. Ilitia tells Kristal that she doesn't want to end up like her mother...taking too many pills because Lorenzo doesn't care. Kristal is shocked to hear this, but since these two aren't capable of carrying on a deep conversation, they switch to superficial stuff. They start to rehash their ill treatment of Mari. Ilitia makes a disparaging comment about Mari being a relative, Mari happens to overhear them. She confronts Kristal and berates her for getting her drunk and picking on her. Ilitia says it was just a joke, no actually it was a little test. More like a hazing, and Mari passed the test. Now Mari's got two new "best friends". In fact, they are going to take her shopping. Ilitia knows the perfect boutique (which, boutique = nothing over a size 5, so we can be assured that Mari will not find anything to buy). Ilitia tells Delicia to tell Emanuel they've taken Mari shopping.

Bernardo mocks Fedra for her hangover. She tells him that her problem isn't being hungover, it was that she found Gretel in her bed....which means that Gretel knows that Fedra wasn't in the house last night. This is going to be a problem, Bernardo says. Bernardo tells Fedra she's got to get this under control before it gets out of hand.

Gretel is at the cemetery, visiting Luis Felipe's grave. She tells him that she did nothing to help him. It was a mistake, a terrible mistake. She wishes she could have saved him. She asks for his forgiveness because it is her fault he's dead.

Netty goes to visit Mari. She's worried about what she should say. She wants to reclaim the inheritance from her sister. This is like a telenovela, she mumbles to herself.

Emanuel asks his mother about a story Bernardo told his as a child. It was about a boat, El Lirio de Plata (Silver Flower "Lily or Iris" ... I learned azucena as lily and according to my dictionary lirio means Silver Flower seems to cover all bases). Fedra says that is a legend. Emanuel thinks the man existed and it is a true story. Jose Maria Sevilla is no one. He's got to be no one pretty important to get you so upset, Emanuel tells his mother. She leaves and Emanuel says to himself that the man and boat existed and he's got to investigate this.

Mari sees the display in the boutique window tells Ilitia that she doesn't think they'll find something in there for her. Ilitia says they have sizes up to 8. Mari says to herself how she wishes she could wear clothes like this....never in your dreams she tells herself, and reaches for a candy bar.

Delicia answers Netty's knock at the door as Emanuel is coming downstairs. Delicia passes on the info that Mari's gone shopping with Kristal and Ilitia. Emanuel is surprised to hear this. Emanuel is pleased to be talking to Netty. Netty can't believe how Emanuel has grown. He tells Netty that she's a beautiful as always. He leaves and lets Netty wonder the house...she runs into Benigno. He offers his condolences over Eva's death. Netty shares with Benigno that she's worried about Mari living here. Benigno gets summoned by the General and Netty worries that something's not right in his head.

Fedra lights into Bernardo for telling stories to Emanuel. She calls Bernardo's captain a criminal and this sets him off. Capt. Sevilla was not a criminal. B: He was honest and capable of giving his life for others, including yours Fedra!! Fedra reminds Bernardo that they were treated like slaves....the water, salt, sun, wormy rice, and moldy potatoes. Bernardo tells her she's an ingrate. She was nothing until Capt, Sevilla plucked her off the streets when she was a....(fill in the blank here people, because Fedra cut him off....I'm thinking whore, who's with me on that one?). F: Don't you dare mention that word in my presence. B: You need to admit that Capt. Sevilla saved our lives. He died for us. Bernardo mentions being haunted by ghosts and Fedra tells him she's not afraid of that dead guy, she's afraid of the past. Bernardo shows Fedra the silver flower broach. Fedra's eyes pop, she is impactada.

Mari stands around as Kristal and Ilitia try on clothes. As all chubby girls have had to do, she forced to listen to skinny girls complain they are fat, just so people can tell them they aren't. The clerk comes out with a white dress and Ilitia insists that Mari should try it on. Emanuel arrives at the boutique as Ilitia and Mari are trying on clothes. He decides to sneak a peak at Ilitia, but unfortunately for Mari, he enters the wrong dressing room. END OF EPISODE


Thanks for the recap, Cathy. I haven't been watching this show too much, but I can always catch up from the recaps, which are greatly appreciated.

Way too funny Cathy. Perfectly timed lunch treat reading your great recap. Oh, and you got my vote for Fedra being a "woman of ill repute", or whore whichever works. Seems like our fearsome (and Fedra looked mighty fearsome a few times last night) twosome were one step up from the gutter at one time. Also explains Bernardo's loyalty.

Can I already be sick of Kristel and Ilitia and their tiresome spoiled brat routine. First Ilitia and how she talked to her mother - wow, just wow. Knew she was self-absorbed, but...just wow. And this whole continually humiliation of Mari is just old already. I'm sorry, the fact that Mari even bought into the fact she would try on that little white dress - writers, please. She's supposed to have been a top student, even she would know not to even bother. think of some better plot devices please.

Lord I hope Netty rescues that poor girl at least to take her decent clothes shopping and show her some TLC. And Eman better wake up and realize what a b**** his little sweetie is soon. Kick said little tight butt to the curb.

Perfect title Cathy and your recap was great. "Ilitia is disgusted at the idea of a goddess such as herself being with such a naco as Brandon". Hmmm, never say never although frankly he deserves much better.

I thought "As all chubby girls have had to do, she forced to listen to skinny girls complain they are fat, just so people can tell them they aren't" was perceptive and unfortunately, very true.

Daisy, I totally agree with you. Mari does not appear to harbor any illusions about her weight and it was totally out of character (from what we've seen so far) for her to attempt to try on that dress.

Kristel and Ilitia are mean girls. We get it. Enough.

My heart goes out to Camila. Take macrame classes? Really, Lorenzo? I know I say this daily (and please forgive my repetition) but he makes my skin crawl. Blech.

Delicia is adorable and a great ally for Mari.


Cathy thanks so much for this recap. You also get my vote for Fedra not being a good girl prior to her marriage.

ITA w/you daisynay regarding And Kristel is wretched too. As Diana said, enough. Let's move forward and find other ways to torment Mari before she's rescued.

Gretel intrigues me b/c she's the family member who is acting out the most which often means she's actually the most normal as she knows something is really wrong with her family. She knows Mari's father's death wasn't an accident and her mother isn't trustworthy. And these two things are probably related.

Thanks for the excellent recap, Cathy. Especially for the details of Bernardo's and Fedra's conversation about their earlier lives with the Captain. I was having trouble figuring out what they were talking about.

Count me among those floored by Ilitia's reaction to her mother's overdose. I knew she was shallow and self-absorbed, but yikes. I wonder how well Emanuel knows her.

Delicia is just adorable. I loved her face when she saw Emanuel get out of bed behind her jaw was hitting the basement floor and her eyes were twirling spiral patterns bouncing out on springs. And then she was just like, "you go for it!"

That last scene in the dressing embarrassing for poor Mari, but maybe Emanuel will finally figure out a thing or two and ditch Ilitia to take Mari to another shop where she can find something to wear. That is, if she's not so mortified that she refuses to be around him.

{Personal story...a few weeks ago when I was at the lake with my extended family, one of my teenage cousins (male) accidentally walked in on another teen cousin (female) while she was changing into her swimsuit, and they were both so embarrassed and awkward about it that they completely avoided each other for two days. It was funny.}

So Fedra and Bernardo were involved with the (strangely old-fashioned) ship the silver flower supposedly went down with, but the flower was a gift to the father of Emiliano and Luis Felipe, and was given to Eva as a wedding gift? Fedra's kids are older, so wasn't she already married to Emiliano when Mari's parents were married and the lirio was given to Eva? Why did they think the lirio was missing? THIS IS ALL SO CONFUSING.

Thanks Cathy, great job. Very Funny.

I can't believe that Mari was taken shopping and still has no clothes, then Eman buys her a present and STILL no clothes!!! Wake up Peopel!! I may have to quit watching this one.

Fedra is FUGLY! And a b!tch/ho!

Cathy, great job with a number of astute observations. Nice work. Very entertaining.

Interesting that much like Gancho, this show pits the shallow but well dressed fresas against the the coarser but well-grounded nacos with an inevitable romantic cultural exchange (Ilitia/Brandon in this, Coni/Beto in Gancho). Interestingly, apparently the male/naco components in each are played by brothers. The extreme lack of depth and self-centeredness of the fresas (Ilitia and Krystal)is both mind-boggling and hilarious.

I love watching Fedra, a favorite actress of mine, but her dancing was downright embarrassing and cringe inducing.

I agree with the rest, can someone please get our gordita some decent clothing?


Cathy – I’m on the fly today, but I did get to read your super recap. Thank you! I had missed some little plot points, so now I’m up to speed.

Julia – I’m confused too, but at least one thing got cleared up (if I understood properly) that the ship itself was named the Lirio, Yes?

Oh, so the brooch lirio didn't supposedly go down with the ship Lirio, but they are somehow connected? Maybe the ship captain, who was a business associate of dead grandpa, had already given it as a gift? Well, there is definitely a lot more story to tell about this, which is good. It's a nice break from the fat jokes.

Okay, bloggers, need some help. Can anyone tell me how tall Valentino Lanus is? He seems short; i.e., under six foot.

Barbara: 5' 11¼"

1/4? Who throws in the 1/4? Seems tall to me.

Lol Julia! :) I actually rock my 1/4. 5'2" + 1/4"

Maybe I'd throw in the 1/4 if I had it...but I'm just 5'-0", I think.

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