Friday, August 20, 2010

Llena de Amor #9 Thu 8/19/10 The client should just sell Kristel as a diet aid. She's sickening.

It occurred to me when the episode was nearly over that we still don't have a Thursday recapper, if Sylvia isn't starting until September. Here's a summary:

Emanuel walked in on Marianela in the boutique dressing room, to her horror. He yelled at Kristel and Ilitia for setting it up. Then he said he'd meet them all at a restaurant for lunch. When he got there, Mari had lost her appetite due to the continued insults of the Snob Mob. He gave Marianela a new dress. Then they ditched the b!+ches and left on his moto to go to the publicity agency.

On the way, they encountered André and his item of the minute, also on a moto. Before the lady took off her helmet, Emanuel called her "Rebeca," ooooops, that was last night's love of André's life. This one is Raquel. He covered by "accidentally" also calling Marianela the wrong name, like he's just so bad with names. What a coincidence, André and Raquel are also heading to the agency. She is the "after" model for the weight loss product.

At the agency, the client is having a fit because they are behind schedule. He also doesn't like the "before" model; she's just wearing a fat suit and it doesn't look right. He threatens to cancel the whole shoot. But here's Marianela, and he LOVES her. Raquel is worried about losing money if they don't do the shoot. So Mari agrees she'll do it, against Emanuel's advice. He's in pain watching them shoot, as the announcer is talking about how horrible it is to be fat, LIKE THIS, and pointing at Marianela. She's not too comfortable herself, but likes how much they're paying her. Then for some reason they dump brown powder all over her, a lot of it.


Axel went to a music school he is hoping to attend, but he missed the audition and the guy won't let him have another chance. He missed it because Emiliano made him go to Emanuel's big race. So he's totally bummed. Gretel finds him there and they sit outside on the steps and she cries about how miserable she is. She thinks their mother is going to do serious harm to Marianela and Axel is alarmed.

Brandon and Oliver are trying to find Marianela, so they stake out the house. I despair for the success of any Novelaland investigations, because the detective skills of these two police are nonexistent. They don't ask anyone about Marianela. They encounter Gretel and Axel coming home, and all they learn from that is that Oliver is very attracted to Gretel. They see Kristel and Ilitia arrive and babble vacuously, and note that she's the same squealer they've encountered before.

Gretel asks Fedra where she was the night before, and Fedra tells her to stay out of it OR ELSE. Gretel, unfortunately, can imagine the else, because she knows what her mother is capable of.

Later, Axel and Gretel are trying to have a serious talk, but of course Kristel meth has to interrupt just to be obnoxious and demand that they be normal and get a novia/novio, respectively.

Fedra and Bernardo were talking about the paperwork that will give all Eva's assets to Fedra, and Delicia overheard. She told Paula that she's sure they are plotting against Marianela.

Netty visited the General and he's in agreement that they will work to get Marianela what's hers.

Avances: Kristel and Ilitia throw a "welcome" party for Marianela. Netty is there, so there's hope. Marianela dances happily with the gang at Netty's pension.


Julia, great of you to fill in and you got all the pertinent details.

That light bulb is definitely going off over Eman's head where his "sweetie" is concerned. (And if she calls him "baby" one more time I may scream.) Loved that he not only got Mari the dress, but he gave her the sweet kiss on the head as he gave it to her and then got her out of there when those two wouldn't stop. Right now, I think they are playing it well that he is very protective of her and it will be more believable when he begins to realize it's leading to something more.

Fedra now has gone to No.1 on having to get her painful due at some point. A mother threatening a daughter like she did...ugh.

And what are we to think of Emi. I love me my Cesar, but it seems he can be a bit of an ass too, especially if what Axel is saying is right (I don't remember him missing the audition) and he had to possibly know what was going to happen on that commercial shoot and still let Mari do it.I don't think he's meant to be a total bad guy, but he is complex for sure.

yeah, we get some happy happy for Mari at Netty's place. Sure beats the stuffiness at the party at the mansion.

Have a great weekend!

Julia: Thanks so much for doing this. What can I say? Perfect, perfect title. Enjoyed and savored every word of this, particularly "Snob Mob" and "ditched the b!+ches".

You were totally on point with the ineptitude of the telenova police, but I'm inclinced to cut Brandon and Oscar a little slack because I like the characters (and the actors).

I laughed at the client thinking "she's just wearing a fat suit and it doesn't look right". Yes, Mari's fat suit looks SOOOO much better. Sigh.

I didn't unerstand the significance of dumping that powder over Mari either.

Looking forward to seeing more Netty. If she's at the party, Mari is bound to have a good time.


I'm pretty sure I'll end up cutting Oscar any amount of slack needed, just because I like the actor so much. It's the same reason I could never give up on Josué in Mi Pecado.

Emiliano made Axel miss his audition in the very first episode. He didn't say then what he was missing, just that he had something very important to do, but Emiliano dragged him along to Emanuel's race anyway. I get the impression that the family is not exactly encouraging Axel's musical interests. Fedra wants him to go to medical school.

I like the complexity of Emiliano. He's not a bad guy, but he can be a bit obtuse and not terribly concerned about what matters to other people. I actually liked how he dealt with Marianela wanting to do the commercial. He warned her of the possible outcome, but in the end respected that she was old enough to decide herself whether she could deal with that. What's harder to excuse is his tolerance of Fedra, especially since he can't have missed how horribly she treats Axel, Gretel, and Marianela.

I laugh every time Ilitia says "baby." The way she does it is so funny.

Julia – you are a peach to do this for us. Loved the title – in fact, when I first saw it I was surprised, because I was thinking “That sounds like Julia!” And sure enough, it was. I had forgotten that there’s no Thursday person. Anyway, lots of funny bits to enjoy!

It’s surprising that Axel didn’t mention his important audition. He’s not doing anything around the house, and doesn’t seem to go to school, so you’d think he’d want to point towards something he was doing. And if your child is a musician, you can’t help noticing due to the noise. We haven’t seen a piano that I recall, or any other instruments in the house. I was very surprised that he was interested in music.

If Andre wanted to get his foot in the door as a model, why didn’t he bring a portfolio?

There is a piano in the house. It's sort of under the stairs. Axel has been seen with a guitar, so I guess he plays. Maybe the family thinks it's just a hobby, not that he wants to take it seriously and get to a professional level. I can imagine Fedra snarling about him going to music school, because what SHE wants is for him to become a doctor and get married.

In my family, everyone was musical. There were so many instruments around that the house looked like an orchestra pit, and someone was ALWAYS playing something. None of us went professional, though.

I'm not sure what's going on with André. He talked about needing to get modeling work, but it seems like he's already a successful model. Even Doris recognized him from magazines and advertisements.

Julia – this is what I get from watching the captions all the time. I don’t recall the piano, and I don’t recall the guitar. Oh well – LOL!

Maybe Andre wants to get beyond print for his modeling? Still, you’re right. You’d think they would have noticed him, since they have to do casting.

Also, it’s astonishing that they couldn’t find a “before” model that didn’t have to be faked with padding. But then we wouldn’t have the plot device they needed.

Julia--thanks for the recap.

OK, question, is Brandon's friend named Oscar or Oliver? I thought it was Oliver.

I'm unsure of the brown powder, unless that is the diet supplement, in which case that isn't an enticing advertisement IMHO.

I thought Eman giving Mari a dress was sweet and his whole manner & delivery was sweet as well. Too bad the dress was as ugly as ugly can be.

Cathy, you are so right. His name is Oliver. Why was I thinking Oscar? I must have read it wrong somewhere. I'm going to fix it in the summary.

I don't remember what the dress looked like at all. Did Marianela actually put it on? I'll have to pay attention tonight.

I was cringing when he gave it to her. It was very sweet, but he's too oblivious to the ways he fuels the hellfire of Kristel and Ilitia. They ask where he could possibly find such a thing, so in a matter-of-fact way he tells them he went to a special store for larger ladies...true, but the wrong thing to say. (Also, Marianela isn't so big that ordinary department stores and such wouldn't carry her size. It's just the snootier boutiques that wouldn't.)

Daisynjay, I also like the way their relationship is developing slowly. It's harder for me to believe in the love-at-first-sight stories. That sort of attraction doesn't necessarily last, whereas a real friendship and partnership is so much stronger.

He's affectionate and protective, and just starting to wonder why she makes him happy. She's had a bit of a crush on him for a long time, it seems like, but wasn't instantly deeming him the love of her life or anything.

Julia, I didn't cringe, I think his heart was in the right place trying to make up for the previous shopping disaster with the Bobsey Twins. But I did keep thinking, how the heck did he know the size and if the length would be right? Beanie hat time...

Thanks so much for this recap Julia. I must admit I FF through the ditzy, mean witches scenes.

The discussion of Emiliano is interesting & ITA he's clueless (similar to the father from MEPS but not hapless like that guy).

I forgot to mention there was a scene with Jairo and Doris, at the mortuary while she's applying makeup to a dead guy's face. I don't really remember what they said, but he seems to think that working with dead people should bother her more (she pooh-poohed that, saying in all the time she's been doing this, not one of her clients has ever suddenly revived in front of her) and he's insecure and jealous because she finds other men like André attractive (she dismissed that as unimportant).

Julia, thanks. Very nicely done and with great humor. This doesn't sound spur of the moment at all.

I want badly to like this show because I'm very fond of the actors and the producer and I love the recapping team which is very strong and top notch. There've been some funny moments but so far it hasn't fully captured my imagination. It also doesn't help that I try to limit myself to one or two shows and at the moment am watching four.
Fortunately CS (right now, the best of he four) will end very soon.

Maybe fewer fat jokes and more Fedra would help.


Carlos, I kind of feel the same way. Too many fat jokes, whose major offense is that they just aren't funny. I'm hoping that now that we have established how vile and shallow the baddies are, we can move on into more complex character and plot development. I do like that we have the mystery of the lirio going, and I find most of the characters pretty engaging. I'll see how it shakes out, I guess. It's definitely a nice break for me after recapping ENDA and Mi Pecado, which were both so dark.

My current favorite telenovela is Camaleones. It's super fun, and I like that the protagonists aren't idiots who tell the villains everything they plan to do.

I also see that they're now repeating Gancho at 1's really tempting to record it in case I have a few free moments to relive the highlights.

Thank you Julia. Love the title. I agree enough with the fat jokes. And I don't get dumping that powder on Mari. Made no sense.

I will be glad to see Mari at Nettys house having some fun.

I meant they're repeating Tontas in the middle of the night. Emanuel's trouble with names is catching.

Ahoy all, I'm back in town and ready to recap starting next Thursday. THANK YOU to Julia for her most excellent Thursday recaps. I just caught up on everyone's funny and very clever recaps and comments of this show and I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. It sounds like this will be a fun show to recap, especially if and when they decide to ditch all the fat jokes. Also, there are a lot of my favorite actors in this one and, bonus, it has a crazy-acting old guy who knows everyone's secrets.

I missed you guys, it's good to be back.

YAY!! Sylvia!! Got your land legs back yet?

Loved the recap, waaaay more than the actual show. So far, with the fat jokes (which I tend to take personally) and the nasty females, let's not forget Bernardo with his lipstick and eyeliner - creepy - I really don't like this show at all. Let's hope things improve and we get some character development. Or development of character, that would be nice, too. I like Axel, Gretel and the old dude in the attic the best. Well, Netty, Mari and Emanuel.

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