Thursday, August 19, 2010

El Clon Thursday August 19: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 132/160: This time Said says “no” to Jade. Natalia may have pushed Alej too far. Daniel gets closer to the truth of his origin. Malicia’s showing her inner sociopath to a lot of folks lately. And Lucas looks to Cristina for help.

As Amina and Rania watch from an upstairs window, Jade begs Said to take her back. He refuses.

We see Jade pulling her suitcase back along the darkened overpass.

Daniel has sought out Padre Andres and tells him how alone and disconnected he feels. When Daniel asks, Andres acknowledges that it is possible for one woman to carry and give birth to another woman’s child.

At Albieri’s house, he and Luisa are waiting for Julio. When Julio arrives, Albieri says he is ready to tell him the truth.

Carolina is visiting Clara when Clara discovers that her agenda electrónica is missing.

Cut to Enrique at his psychiatrist’s office. He talks about how drugs can lead addicts to steal, even from their own mothers.

Natalia finally shows up at her and Alejandro’s apartment. When he asks her where she has been, she explodes at him and refuses to apologize or explain, and won't say anything about the missing sound system. He goes outside and cries. She crouches down beside the bed, looks around warily, and calls Rosa to say that there are people trying to get into the apartment. Lucas, Marisa and Leo are out. Rosa says she’ll come right over.

Enrique is once again heard talking to his psychiatrist. He says the addict brings madness to his surroundings.

Pablo and Diana continue their conversation at Salamandra. Malicia is nothing like Natalia, he tells her, and he accuses her of speaking against Malicia out of jealousy.

Said and Marisa are out together at a restaurant. He is proud of himself, he says, because Jade wanted to come back to him and he had the strength to refuse her. Marisa is unhappy to hear this. Her family is in crisis; and an unattached Jade is likely to seek out Lucas and therefore threaten Marisa’s family’s stability.

Lucas lies in bed remembering Jade saying that their romance was destined to be. And Jade walks along the dark street remembering Lucas’s promises to her.

Back at Albieri’s house, Julio says he knows that Daniel is a clone: Dra Silvia told him -- she knew as soon as she saw him. Albieri asks: ¿Voy a ser procesado, Julio? (Am I going to be prosecuted, Julio?) He also declares that tomorrow is going to be very hard because he’s going to tell Leonardo the truth. (Albieri still seems completely indifferent to Daniel's feelings and how he is likely to react to the whole truth.)

At Gloria’s, she and Ramón see Hilda and Karla walk by. Ramón says he’s heard that the father of Karla’s baby is a wealthy married man.

Roberto and Lucia are all playful affection at home. Andrea, only half-jokingly, asks if she can have a little brother or sister. They remind her that she will probably make them grandparents in a few years.

The whole family, except Said, Rania and Jadiya, are gathered at Mohamed and Latifa’s place. Jade shows up, suitcase in tow, and begs Alí to take her back. He says he will do so if she agrees to come back to Fez and live according to his precepts.

Daniel returns to Dora’s apartment and says that Padre Andres told him everything. He now knows that Dora gave birth to him but isn’t his mother.

At Mohamed’s place, the family discusses Said’s decision to reject Jade. The Naz is unhappy about it. She says Rania is as much an odalisca as Jade, but at least Jade is Jadiya’s mother. Ali continues his conversation with Jade and reminds her she was the one to turn away from the path of happiness.

At Said’s house, there is a pall of gloom. Rania complains to Amina that even when Jade isn’t there, she still manages to come between her and Said.

At her apartment, Dora gets angry when Daniel repeats what Andres told him about his origin. He is quick to reassure her that to him, she will always be his mother. He admits that he felt some tie (lazo) to Leo, but he regards Albieri as his father. He made him, didn’t he?

At Vicki’s request, Dora meets up with her at a bar. Vicki wants her to know that Leo “confessed” to Cris. Dora is perplexed. How could he confess to something that is untrue? She is determined to find Leo and get to the bottom of this.

Julio and Anita are at Albieri’s clinic, when Malicia breezes in looking for Escobar. She is rude to Anita and treats Julio’s attempt at polite chitchat with disdain. She is giving Escobar the kiss-off when the chump is called away momentarily. By the time he gets back, she has gone.

In the final scene, Lucas arrives at Cristina’s apartment. She thinks he’s bringing a message from Leo, but he tells her he’s there to ask a favor: he’d like her to talk to Jade for him.

Credits roll


Muchas gracias, NovelaMaven, for an excellent recap of a very unpleasant episodio in which just about everyone is unhappy except baddies like Malicia and Karla (and perhaps Said). I'm in a hurry this morning, so I won't say more now, but I did want to thank you. I love and depend upon your recaps.

And my dependency grew because my recording equipment failed 4 days in a row. So thanks for keeping me on track!

Have technician coming this afternoon, so maybe I'll have Friday's episode to watch as I read. Hope so. Meanwhile, happy weekend to recappers and commentators. Lois

Thanks so much, NovelaMaven, for a great recap of an episode where not much new happened.

I agree that Albieri didn't seem too concerned about how Daniel would react to the news that he is a clone. Even worse, he referred in the same impersonal way to the possible physical problems that might develop in Daniel because he is a clone. Poor Daniel when finds out that not only is he a clone but that the man he reveres as a father doesn't really care about him.

It doesn't really make sense that no one has done a DNA test on Daniel. It has been talked about but no one actually does it. If I were Leo and I met someone who looked exactly like my son, that is the first thing I would want to do.

I was super busy yesterday and didn't get in on the comments about Lucas and Jade and Zein. Very interesting ideas.

Thanks, ladies!

Juanita, I'd put Luisa's name at the top of the 'happy list'. She has never felt more important or more necessary to Albieri and she is thriving in crisis mode. And I'd put Said in the 'misery list' no matter how proud he professes to be.

Thank you NovelaMaven for another great recap.

I commented yesterday but it didn't show up so i'll repeat what i said yesterday.

I agree about the great love that Lucas and Jade have for each other but both are selfish to the point they didn't grow up and move on when they couldn't be together.

Lucas made the choice not to fight for Jade hard enough when he should have. Jade made the choice to accept Said as her husband once they both did this it was time to put their love behind them. Remember it if they want but go on to live their life.

Between the two of them Jade has been the one who refuses to grow up, she is in a perpetual state of having the same mindset that she had when she first met Lucas.

Jade constantly was always plotting and scheming to have Said divorce and once she got pregnant and had Jadiya she still didn't grow up. Not once did she really consider her daughter's reaction to what she was doing in her relationship with Lucas.

Last night she received the fruit of her actions and quite frankly i didn't feel one bit sorry for her. That was the consequence of her immaturity and while Said may have done it to get back at her out of spite or whatever emotion that was driving him.It was the best choice he has made for both of their sakes.

I wonder now if this rude awakening will finally make Jade grow up.How are you going to ask your lover to kidnapped your own daughter and not think about the consequences of what will happen if he is caught? Now Lucas is trying to be a real father to his daughter be there in her time of need she wants to throw a tantrum.Grow up Jade.

Thanks for your comment, Blu. I guess I'm still sympathetic to Jade.

As I've said before, it's not surprising that she is somewhat child-like given that she has been kept isolated and uneducated all her adult life. She has been taught about personal adornment and how, by manipulation, a powerless person can sometimes win out over someone more powerful. ¡y punto!

Even so, she kept her promise to Allah after Jadiya's birth. She made peace with her life in Fez with Said and her daughter. If Said had not put Lucas in her path again, it's very unlikely she would have sought him out.

NovelaMaven, excellent point about Luisa. I don't know how I forgot to include her. I'm absolutely appalled at her sick defense of Albieri. You're right--she is revelling in the current crisis. As for Said--yes, I guess he may belong more in the "misery" column, even though he seemed very pleased with himself for finally having the cojones to say No to Jade.

Re your later message defending/explaining Jade. It's true that she has been isolated and uneducated all of her adult life, but I think Zoraida and Latifa had even more restrictive upbringings than Jade did, and Zoraida continues to be somewhat isolated and uneducated, but both Zoraida and Latifa know how to put the needs of others they care for ahead of their own (in Zoraida's case, perhaps a bit too much). That's a quality I see very rarely if at all in Jade.

Though this is not in response to what you said, I just want to say again that I don't think of the relationship between Jade and Lucas as love. The two of them barely know each other except for for a few rolls in the ruins and, later, in Lucas's hideaway, preceded and followed by lots of early adolescent sighing and longing. That's not even meaningful love for 20-year-olds, let alone 40-year-olds.

Thanks, NovelaMaven, excellent work as always. I especially enjoy your often funny capsule descriptions of the events at the top of the recap.

Jade needs her head examined. I guess we're meant to believe that yearning for Jadiya has addled her brains. She's got a couple of massive rings Zein gave her. Or, doesn't she even have one necklace left of the jewelry Said gave her? In any case, at this point she's already lost her child. She's perfectly free to stay in the US, live off the jewelry for a little while, get some crappy job, apply for some schlarships to college, and get on a path to a career. I know, I know, my beanie has not only slipped; it fell to the floor.

In short, there's no reason she has to go back to Fez and live a useless life in Ali's house.

Yes, Malicia is definitely showing her fangs around. Did Anita overhear her cell phone call with Pablo? I thought she did, and if so, she needs to tell The Chump.

You're right about Luisa. The only child she's ever had is Albieri, and she's in her element protecting him from his own folly.

I felt very sorry for Daniel yesterday, and was glad to see him demonstrate affection for Dora. Heaven knows she deserves it.

When is Clara going to realize Fernandito is robbing her?

Juanita- I am no fan of Jade but in fairness, the true love at first sight, however ridiculous it may seem in real life, is a convention of novelas. Lucas and Jade are in love with one another and if they could get together, I'm sure they would be blissfully happy. Hence the ridiculous misunderstandings and bad luck that is used to keep them apart.

I am totally with you, Novelera, on not understanding why Jade can't live on her own and has to be under the protection of some man all the time. She could stay in Miami using the Naz and Latifa to get access to and try and convince Jadiya of her devotion.

I also agree that Luisa's total blindness to what Albieri has done because finally he seems needs her is disgusting.

Thank you thank you thank you recappers for your Clon posts! I have been lurking for months. I love to watch Clon but wouldn't understand it without your help. You all really saved me last week when my husband accidentally deleted all of my episodes! Finally, the week when things were starting to happen . . . And wouldn't you know it, those eps get deleted. Your recaps helped ease the pain of that situation. So thank you again!

I will be sad when Clon ends but if you all decide to follow another novela I may tag along for it!

Great recaps!
Thank you

Juanita, your comments about Jade and Lucas love is totally contrary to what this novela is trying to tell you. If you have access to the beginning of the story, go back and listen carefully to their conversations. Also, Zoraida's first reading of Jade's coffee cup reveals the essence of the story. In fact, I actually believe that the story's author,Gloria Perez, intentionally spoiled the story with this prophecy. It provides you with the basic premise of where this story eventually ends up. I won't say what that is but what I would say is that these two elements comes back full circle according to Zoraida's now infamous coffee reading.

NovelaMaven i do agree that Said is at fault and i'm not absolving him of anything but finally he got the courage to say no to Jade and not go back into a unhealthy relationship to both of them.

Novelera you are absolutely correct why can't Jade do what you are suggesting she doesn't have brains whatsoever.

Juanita excellent analysis and i totally agree with you, and love the comparison to Zoraida and Latifa who put others before themselves.I think the one time in the whole novela she acted unselfish was when she did try to make a life with Said and their daughter like NovelaMaven said. But even though Said was wrong for wanting to test her with temptation of seeing Lucas again. She didn't have to fall for it.

To anon 0318 -- and other new folks here -- welcome! Thanks for your comments! Now that you've broken the ice, I hope we see you back here often.

Juanita and Novelera, in any rational universe, everything you say is true. But as Jean and anon 0400 point out, well... we're not in Kansas anymore. I'd sooner dismiss Cinderella's Prince Charming as some weird-guy foot fetishist or fret over Snow White's rescuer and his necrophiliac tendencies than evaluate the central romance of our story by any real-world standards:-)

NovelaMaven, I loved your remarks about Cinderella's foot fetishist and Snow White's necrophiliac rescuer! Perhaps that's why I don't watch Cinderella and Snow White movies. I loved those stories when I was five, but I'm not five anymore. I want more from a telenovela. It's true, as Jean rightly pointed out, that many telenovelas make use of these fairy tale conventions, but I think the TNs I like best have characters who grow and develop even within the convention.

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