Tuesday, August 17, 2010

STuD, 8/16/10: Showdown at Los Cascabeles

Capitulo 56

Repeated from last week, Ivana and Tizzy are arguing over Val’s intentions toward JM. Ivana ends the conversation by vowing that she won’t permit Val to take Jose Miguel.

Lummy is thanking Don Ernesto for trying to get Crisanta to accept her portion of Rosendo’s salary. Don Ernie says it’s nothing, it was all Valentina’s idea. A blissful Valentina bursts into the room and showers Ernie and Lummy with hugs and kisses. They’re pleasantly surprised, and she kisses each of them again before floating upstairs in a cloud of cartoon hearts and sprinkles. Benita walks in on the shocked Ernie and Lummy, who inform Benita that Valentina’s completely changed her tune. Benita smiles knowingly and says Lummy should get ready for the return of the sweet, real Valentina.

JM returns home a conquering hero, but is greeted by a grim-faced Juan and Sabino. They’ve just gotten the results of a test on a possibly poisonous weed growing on the hacienda. Juan and Sabino argue over who gets to break the news, but finally reveal that the weed was found to be harmless: somebody must have poisoned the cow on purpose! Sabino says Val must’ve become enraged over their supposed “bet” and poisoned the cow. JM staunchly defends her. “I’d put my hands in the fire for her,” JM says; he’s that sure of her innocence. JM admits, though, that the poisoner has it in for him, and there’s surely more mischief to come.

Back at Los Cascabeles, Benita surprises a beaming Val as she emerges from her bathroom/thinking tub. Benita demands to hear all the juicy details. “What details?” Val demurs, before hopping onto the bed and giving Benita the dish.

“JM and I are in love,” Val announces, and Benita swoons backward onto the bed. Val and Benita channel their inner 13-year-old girls by jumping up and down and shrieking. “I’m the happiest woman in the world!” Val shrieks. “I feel like my heart is going to burst!” “Careful, nina, you’re going to splatter me with love,” Benita shrieks back. At this rate, Enshrieketa is going to burst into the room at any second.

But as Val starts shrieking “JM loves me! He loves me!” It’s Count Skankula that darkens Val’s doorstep. Val and Benita’s faces fall. “You robbed his love from me, Valentina,” Ivana says flatly. “You don’t know how much I hate you.” She underlines that point by grabbing Val and flinging her around the room. Damn, I don’t know who’s gonna win this one. Val is probably more physically fit, but Ivana has more artificial body parts than the Bionic Woman.

The flinging culminates in a catfight on the bed, at least until Benita can drag Ivana off of Val. Ivana’s howling draws the attention of Tizzy, who walks in and demands to know what’s up. Ivana twists her face into some semblance of anguish and tells Tizzy that Valentina stole JM even though she knew how much she lusted after, I mean loved, him. Valentina tries to speak, but Ivana cuts her off, saying that if Valentina has everything, why did she need to take the only thing that ever mattered to her? Lummy is feeling left out, I guess, so she runs into the room for Valentina’s rebuttal.

Val begs Ivana to understand -- she fought this sentiment precisely because she knew it would hurt Ivana. Val’s cut short as Ivana starts clawing and vowing revenge again. As Tizzy starts dragging her out, Ivana snarls: “Hopefully history repeats itself. I hope JM betrays you the way Alonso betrayed you. It’s the least you deserve.”


Back at Ivana’s room, she screams at Tizzy about how Valentina is an egoista and can’t stand to see her happy. First Val hated JM, and now she’s in love with him. “She’s doing this to torment me!” Tizzy’s protests only make Ivana madder. “I should have died when I took those sleeping pills,” Ivana says, “then I wouldn’t have ended up here.” Ivana insists that JM is the only man in the world for her and begs for Tizzy’s help.

Back at Camp Montesinos, Fed is congratulating JM on winning Valentina’s heart, but warns him that Val has a “strong character.” Speaking of bitches, Fed worries that Leo won’t take JM’s news well, and they agree not to tell her for now. JM, oblivious to Los Cascabeles Smackdown 2010, hopes that Ivana won’t take the news too hard. Fed warns that a woman scorned is capable of anything.

Sandra is crying to Dr. Felipe and describing her encounter with Horacio. She’s realized that compared to Ivana, she’s just a backwoods country girl that no man could be attracted to. Felipe responds by calling her beautiful and drying her tears. He says that when he first met her, fainted on the floor of her bedroom, he thought wow, this city has some beautiful women. “Even though you were the color of a fresh corpse!” That Flippy has a way with words.

Timo is mangling a math problem while Horacio wrestles with the cash register. Horacio is feeling restless, and Timo suggests he go for a walk. Horacio does him one better and decides to close down the store early. “I get to go home early!” Timo cries, but Horacio rains on his parade: Timo will have to accompany him. Where? Horacio won’t say.

Sandra thanks Flippy for listening to her prattle. “I can’t talk with my parents, much less my mother.” Felipe says that anytime she feels like talking, he’ll be there. “With house calls!” Sandra rains on his parade by marveling that the same woman who stole Horacio’s love also betrayed Flippy. Sandra regrets thinking that Val was the one trying to steal Horacio, and sheepishly tells Flippy about how she slapped her. Sandra is too scared to apologize, but Felipe insists Val’s a good egg.

Benita is comforting Valentina. Val says Ivana’s reaction was to be expected. But Benita says Ivana’s hateful words are indefensible, considering all the love and patience (and *cough* money *cough*) Val has shown her over the years. “She reacted like a woman in love,” Valentina muses. “If I had been in her place …” Benita is having none of it. Tizzy and Val have babied Ivana too much, Benita says, and her behavior is the consequence. Val hopes Ivana will get over it, but Benita shatters that illusion. “Ivana won’t stop at anything until she’s Mrs. Montesinos,” Benita says.

JM reaches home, where Leo has been waiting to have dinner with him. Too bad JM’s already had dinner with his father. He excuses himself to go do some architectin‘. Leo ill-advisedly tries to lure him back by saying that Ivana was at Montesinos Manor earlier. She laments that Ivana went away disappointed after she didn’t get to see him. JM tries to introduce Mom to cold, hard reality with a sit-down chat. “I know you think she’s the girl for me, and I respect your opinion, but Ivana doesn’t interest me at all.” Leo asks if Valentina Villalba is the one who really interests him. JM dodges the question and begs Leo not to get Ivana’s hopes up.

Leo talks up Ivana like she’s selling a used car (although the used car probably has fewer miles on it). JM is steadfast and says Ivana will find happiness with some other guy, maybe … Horacio? Leo is unimpressed, and JM divulges that Horacio broke off with Sandra because he’s in love with Ivana. Leo is even less pleased. JM hints at Horacio and Ivana’s hot love affair, which surprises Leo.

Meanwhile, Horacio is pounding back a tequila at the bar, next to a far less festive and far more sober Timo. He shares his philosophy on the two kinds of women: the kind that will make you suffer, and the kind that will make you suffer more. Just then the band shows up. Horacio encourages them to play, and they begin a special corrido Timo says was written expressly about Valentina Villalba. Horacio orders them to stop, because it’ll only remind him of Ivana.

They start a new song and Horacio joins in, singing about his broken heart and the woman who done him wrong. I’d translate the lyrics, but I think his staggering and wild gesturing got the point across.

A glowering Enriqueta intercepts Sandra and Flippy as he drops her home. Enriqueta pointedly says good night to the poor doctor, but Sandra sends him off with a kiss on the cheek and an “hasta pronto.” Sandra scolds Enriqueta for her rudeness. Enriqueta says that she’s taking her attempt to make Horacio jealous too far. Sandra is confused, but Enriqueta knowingly says that Sandra’s trying to make Horacio jealous by courting the doctor. Sandra laughs. “Yeah, of course.” Methinks Horacio is the furthest thing from her mind.

Meanwhile, Timo is trying to drag a drunken Horacio out of the bar. “I’ve never seen you like this, much less over a woman.” Horacio admits he’s always had an eye for the ladies, but says that he truly fell in love with Ivana. Timo encourages him to fight for the woman he loves, but Horacio sadly laments that Ivana’s fallen in love with his best friend, and there’s nothing he can do about it, even if JM doesn’t return her feelings.

JM scribbles in his notebook before pausing to remember his liplock with Val in the school field. He throws down his pen. “I love you, Valentina!” he shouts to the walls and the mice that probably live inside those walls. “I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love!”

In Los Cascabeles, Val completes his thought. “I love you, Jose Miguel. Thanks to you my life now has meaning.” If those crazy kids strung a few tin cans and a string between their ranchos, maybe they could talk to each other instead of babbling to themselves.

Ivana, meanwhile, is tossing and turning in bed. She curses at Valentina and says “JM is my only happiness, and you want to take him.” She’s rudely interrupted in that thought by Ghost Oscar. “After what you did to me, you’ll never find happiness,” he says. Ivana hurls a pillow and abuses, but Oscar tries to wrestle the blanket away from her. Ivana’s screaming and bad acting eventually scare Ghost Oscar away.

Fed and Sabino are hanging out by the lake when they see the herd of cows. Fed says the cows must be moved, because they might eat some of that poisonous Johnson weed, just like the cow that died. Sabino shares the test results with him; it wasn’t a plant that poisoned that cow. He laments that JM won’t listen to reason and refuses to believe that Valentina Villalba was behind the poisoning. Fed doesn’t understand, since she and JM patched up their differences. But not Rosendo, Sabino says ominously. Sabino asks Fed to warn JM, because Rosendo has him in his sights. Especially since Rosendo’s rumored to be in love with Valentina.

Fed protests that Val would never look twice at a guy like Rosendo. Sabino says it doesn’t matter: to Rosendo, Val is already his property. Fed hopes they can all avoid a tragedy.

Over breakfast, Valentina swears up and down that she never meant to hurt Ivana. Tizzy understands, but the damage is done. No matter what, Ivana now thinks that Valentina intentionally betrayed her. “What do you want,” Valentina asks, “that I renounce JM so that Ivana feels better?” Tizzy says of course not. After so much pain, Valentina deserves to be happy.

Ivana walks into Rosendo’s lair and announces that JM has finally conquered Valentina. She demands that he do something, and soon. “What do you want me to do, kill him?” Rosendo shouts. Ivana angrily tells him not to be such a brute, but Rosendo flies into a rage and says he’s used to removing his obstacles. Ivana counters that she knows how to remove obstacles, too. Besides ending up with JM, she would then inherit the millions from her deceased cousin Valentina.

Rosendo grabs Ivana by the throat. “You do something to La Duena,” he says, and “I swear, you’ll regret it.”

“The same thing goes for you,” she pants, “if you do anything to Jose Miguel. You don’t know me.” But we, and Oscar, sure do!

Rosendo lets go of her throat. “You’re the real viper in this hacienda.” Ivana replies with “I’m not the only one. That's why us two get along so well.”

Don Ernesto and Jose Miguel are overseeing work on the schoolhouse. At this rate, they’ll finish sooner than they expected. Valentina arrives, and Ernie says he better talk to her -- they both know she’ll refuse to speak to Jose Miguel. JM tells him not to worry about it, and strides over to La Duena. She immediately embraces him before getting serious. “Ivana knows about us.” JM holds her hand (discretion FAIL) and says that’s too bad. “Ivana hates me,” Valentina says. JM says people in pain say a lot of things they don’t mean.

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Valentina says. “We’ve had our differences the past couple of months, but she’s my cousin. She’s my blood." JM says Ivana will come to understand (uh, he has met her, right?) and embraces Valentina. Don Ernesto is pleasantly surprised.

Fed walks into the lion’s den, and Leo pounces immediately. “I thought you’d never set foot back in this place.” Fed says it’s his house too, and he can visit as he pleases. Leo says that if Fed’s expecting her to beg him to come back, he’s wasting his time. He says he knows she’s not the begging kind; she’s too proud. Leo smirks: "It’s not pride, it’s dignity." Something that JM obviously didn’t inherit from her, because he’s always at Los Cascabeles chasing Valentina.

Maybe he inherited that lack of dignity, Fed says, from his real father! Teresa chooses that moment to tell Leo that somebody’s looking for JM. It’s Rosendo!

“Hi, patrona,” he says as a horrified Leo turns away. “What, you don’t recognize me any more? Because I haven’t forgotten you.”

Back at the school site, JM is telling Valentina he hopes Ivana won’t become a wedge between them. After all, they’ve had plenty of roadblocks already. Valentina agrees. She’ll need some time to sort things out, but nothing will ever come between them. “That’s the way I like it,” JM says, removing her hat in preparation for a passionate kiss.

Back at Montesinos Manor, Leo tells Rosendo she could never forget a thief like him. “You call me a thief just because I borrowed a few pesos?” Rosendo asks. Fed orders him out, but Rosendo insists he’ll only talk to JM.

Fed says he knows Rosendo’s been targeting JM since he arrived in town, and he wants him to stop … or else. "Please, Don Federico,” Rosendo says. “Everybody knows you’re old and sick. And everybody knows you’ve always been a man of …weak character.”

“Not when it comes to my son," Fed says. "If you lay one hand on him, I’ll kill you.” Rosendo looks unconvinced.


Sounds like it was a wild episode Genelia. I haven't seen it yet but your recap certainly brought it to life. Great debut. Hope the technical difficulties resolve. That's the last thing you need starting out.

Genelia, Wow! A star is born. This is awesome thus far. You've done this before, right? Thanks for jumping in at the last moment and sharing with us your marvelous talent. I've more to say, but must get ready for work. I can't wait for part dos.

"They’re pleasantly surprised, and she kisses each of them again before floating upstairs in a cloud of cartoon hearts and sprinkles."

Just one of many gems you've treated us to this morning.


Super great debut, Genelia, I am so excited to have encountered you! Thanks for joining the team!

Great job Genella!!! I didn't catch the first half of the episode but you did a wonderful job and brought me up to date.

Thanks again...look forward to reading your recaps.


Genelia - THANK YOU for the funny, snarky recap. You are a natural at this!!! I only had time to read half the recap, and look forward to savoring the rest this evening.
Thanks again!

Genelia, what a great job! Thanks for stepping in & taking one for the team. You had me laughing all the way through. Count Skankula...OMG, that was too funny! Also like the Bionic Woman reference & the used car analogy on our favorite 'ho. High mileage indeed! Snarktastic, m'dear...bravo!

Speaking of our favorite 'ho, her hissy fit was quite extreme, especially for someone who was screwing a former fiance of her dear cousin Val. Man, I wanted someone, ANYONE to slap her. Benita? Val? Tizzy? C'mon, step up! Loved Oscar the Avenging Ghost re-appearing, though. Bwa ha ha!

Sandy & Flippy are cute together & she's wising up to her whacko mother. Yeesh, that woman is annoying.

How about the tension between Leo, Ros & Fed? Are they setting us up to believe that Ros is JM's daddy or is it just a head-fake? Leo does a pretty good stink eye but Fed's was better.

OK, so here's the final showdown: Ros tries to kill JM, to get Val. Ivana tries to kill Val, to get JM.
Ros turns on Ivana. Leo turns on Ivana & Ros, for cooking up this stupid plot. The 3 fall into a pit of snakes (thematically appropriate, right?), clawing, choking, snarling, biting, and screaming at each other, completely oblivious to the fangs sinking into their flesh. Amen.

And everyone else lives happily ever after.


WOW, Genelia. I would not have guessed this was your first recap. Do you write for a living?

Genalia- What an amazing debut! Thank you for stepping up to the plate at the nth hour and doing such a fantastic job.

Val really needs to get over this guilt so that she can start telling Ivana off again and start to really enjoy her time with JM.

Loved your line about Val floating up the stairs in a cloud of hearts and sprinkles. Lol! I would be grinning like a fool too if I spent the afternoon making out with JM/FC.

The actor playing Horny has a really good voice. I actually enjoyed his drunk sad cantina song. And the Mexi-Greek chorus got to play someting different than their ususal "Lo xxaron" song.

My bet is still on Rosendo being JM's dad. All signs are pointing there. He, however, doesn't seem to suspect that JM is his, or maybe he just doesn't care. But if he supsects someone else is JM's papa, does that mean Leo was boinking 3 men at the same time? Fed, Ros, and a msytery man? Hmmm....

There is a flaw in the alliance of Rosendo and Ivana that they both just realized. He wishes to harm JM. She will kill him if he harms JM. She wishes to harm Val. He will kill her if she harms Val. So, what are they going to do? It doesn't seem that Val is taking the bait about JM only being with her for her money, at least I hope she's not.

You captured every moment beautifully. You are a wonderful descriptive storyteller. and..'Count Skankula' was an hysterical name. Keep it in your recaps

Genelia, what a great recap! And I'm to undertstand it's only your first?! Bravo! I was rotfl at Ivana having less mileage on her than a used car. Haha. Thanks for thr laughs. :)

Jardinera, I can't remember if I posted a comment for you this weekend, but I did read your recap, and it was as amazing as it always is. :)

Great recap, Genelia! Fantastic job. I laughed all the way through it. I loved the "Ivana's screaming and bad acting chased Oscar's ghost away." So true.

I've afraid the tough Val is gone. The tough Val would have thrown Ivana out the window for attacking her on the bed. Bummer. Val will never survive all of the vipers on this show, now.


Thanks, Genelia, for stepping up with that great recap. You are a natural. Thanks for offering your time and talent. I missed most of this episode because I got a phone with bad news from my boss. Grumble. However, even muted it was fun to watch BSC hot mess Ivanna-what-Ivanna throw her tantrums. Was that The Ghost of Christmas Past ? Maybe she needs some Ambien so that she doesn't dream about her past sens and can therefore focus on the new sins that she is and will be committing. What part of ''NO'' don't you understand , Ivanna ? She and Ros have secured their places in hades. Now, where's Alonso to stir this pot of crazy. p.s. Does Dr. Fil remind anyone else of the guy from The Addams Family ?

Such a whirlwind episode -- thanks for the recap! Just why I read this -- written by funny, intelligent writers!

If I had one episode to show to my friends who think I'm crazy for watching telenovelas, this would be the episode! Ivana's crazy talk/smackdown, Sandy's sniveling(my husband calls her Happyunhappyhappy)Horacio's song and dance number, Leo's stinkeye and JM/Val's lovey dovey sequences -- it doesn't get any better than this.

Thanks to all the recappers -- my first comment.

Former Lurker Di

GENELIA! Your recap flowed so smoothly and complete that I just assumed you had been recappping for some time for shows I had not been watching. New?! No my dear. You always had this in you and I thank you for sharing your talent now.

Lurker Di, welcome. You are right about how this episode captured all that is wonderful about these shows. My favorite moments:

Vana's tantrum... I thought she couldn't get more hysterical.. she can and did.

Horacio's singing... Shades of Pedro Infante.

The three-way staredown (Fed, Leo, and Rosy)... Classic TN silent drama complete with overwhelming musical background just in case we miss the importance of the scene.

Genelia's witty and wry recap... perfect complement to a perfectly constructed episode.


Genelia, welcome and congratulations on your stellar debut. Stunning from title to finish. As others have said, you are a natural!

I also think Flippy and Sandy are well suited but think he's probably destined for another...


Genelia great debut and wonderful work here on your first recap.

Wow i just can't believe Count Skanula great nickname and appropriate for her skankiness.I can't wait for Alonso to show up and expose her for the liar she is.Val i know you're happy but come on you can do defend yourself better than that right?

Eduardo Capetillo who plays Horacio was with the band Timbirche and also had a solo career. He is good isn't he Vivi if only he would waxed his chest.

Diana i disagree i think Dr. Flippy is truly smitten with Sandy something he never was with Gabby.They look like a perfect match to me but we will see where they take their story.

Genilia you are awesome! What a great read and what a great episode for your debut.

So why is Val a doormat around Ivanna? Its not like she's had some horrible tragic life. Val should have stood up for herself. She takes on everyone and cowers for Ivanna, WTF?

I Leo was ho and she likes Ivanna because she is just like her. I still say Ros being JMs dad is bad casting. I will have to get a new beanie with heavy duty foil to go with that storyline.

Val and Ivana have a weird relationship. Ivana is like Val's big sister, and I can see Ivana dominating Val much of the time when they were growing up. But Val holds the purse strings, and it doesn't seem like she's ever said no to Ivana when it comes to indulging her. Val knows Ivana is capricious, but totally accepts that. She has also trusted her blindly, putting the bonds of blood and family above what her instincts tell her about who Ivana really is. I really want her to find out the full truth about Ivana and Al so that she can forget about this misguided loyalty she has for Ivana.

I was afraid there wasn't gonna be a recap, so thank you so much for filling in. love your wonderful humor. Skankula, love it!

This was one GOOD episode. I missed some at the end, though.

The catfight was great. Could Skankula been anymore over the top hysterical? OMG but she's off the deep end. Where's the bitch Val when we finally need her? I was really hoping Val would kick Ivanaho's inflated ass. All we got was a whimpering Val. What a bummer.

Now that scene with Hornacio in the bar was totally unexpected. I had a WTF moment when he broke into his song and dance number. I didn't know this TN was gonna be a musical. LOL! It was unexpected but definitely entertaining.

Oh there's definitely trouble brewing between Ros and Ivanaho. I am looking forward to their showdown. Who do you think will win?

This novela is finally heating up and taking off. Hooray. Looking forward to more quality Val/JM time.


Let me just say OMG Genelia. I refuse to believe that this is your first recap! You are sooooo Good at it. So Snarky!! You had me lol at my dest!

Great episode, wish Val would have stood up to Skankula more though.

The model psycho chic - that's Ivanna - seems to be really beginning to convince herself that she is in the right and Val owes her...just everything just because. Like that psycho from Sortilegio.
Her great scene showing her mental instability would also seem to suggest that she has a conscience. Ivanna can manipulate the living but not the dead. Lov it. Now I want that other dead guy to go haunt Rosendo. But wait. Rosendo would not be afraid of a ghost. He doesn't even respect other people's homes, marching in taking a seat when JM told him to leave his house. I'm still mad about that. Speaking of Leo, maybe Rosendo saw Leo with the sperm donor. Like Margaritta I think they are doing a head trick making us think Ros was the father.
As for Ros not killing JM because it's his son? I don't buy that that Ros would beat his girlfriend to abort his seed, rape a child, visiously kill a co-worker and find a moral kernel and not kill JM.
Sandy has a right to live her chosen life style - tour for a year, return to home town and marry man to support her the rest of her life. Does not sound like Felipe's type to me.
Val: let go the guilt and slap her down.

It certainly looks like the way Leo looks at Rosendo those two hooked up in the past eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!I don't want to even think about that.

Wow, amazing for a 1st time recapper, I find that hard to believe, I mean the 1st time part.
Loved the bad acting & Oscar reference.

I believe Sandy will end up with Horacio and Felipe & Gaby will get together. I'm sure she is coming to teach the school & Felipe will realize they have a lot in common.

Yep, Ivana, Rosendo & Leonor in the same snake pit is a great idea.
Although Leonor hasn't murdered anyone that we know of, she just deserves it for making Federico's life miserable all these years & is trying to do the same thing to JM.

Great recap, Genelia. Thank you! Maybe what Rosendo stole was Leonora´s virginity? Maybe he did to her what he did to Ilumidada? Notice the look of terror in her eyes whenever Rosendo´s name is mentioned and especially when he walked in? I wouldn´t put it past him.

Hi Bonney Churros,

I saw you mention Sortilegio. I've been wanting to check it out. William Levy is so cute. Was that novela good?


Variopinta i disagree i think Dr. Flippy has never felt for Gabby like he does for Sandy, yes he now knows Ivanna true colors but i don't see that spark he has for Sandy when he was with Gabby. It seems like it's all one sided meaning Gabby needs to move on. It looks like she'll be coming to town soon i guess her remaining choices will be Horacio or Filofax. I think she'll pick Horacio after she gets over her desire for Dr. Flippy.

You also said Leo hasn't murdered anyone yet, well i still like her as the prime suspect for poisoning the calf. So we'll see they didn't really say what kind of poison was used but it wasn't that poisonous plant like they thought.

Maybe Rosendo is JM's older step-brother who grew up in relative poverty. That would explain his extreme hatred since Day one.

genelia, thank you for the wonderful recap. I can't stand Val's guilt feelings. she know Iva better than anybody else and she seriously think Iva is mad in love with JM?

Blu- I agree. I don't think it will ever happen for Gabby and Dr. Fil because he has never felt that way about her. There have never been sparks between them, while I have seen it with him and Sandy. They have a nice little romance budding between them. Starting slowly, both nursing a broken heart, touches of humor, and kindness and respect on both sides. All of this, despite the fact that they are so different. But Sandy is growing and changing every episode. I liked the fact that she came to the conclusion on her own that she was wrong about Val and that an apology would be appropriate. I don't think it will be long before she sees a woman's role much the same way Dr. Fil does and finds something useful to do with her life.

I agree that Ros and Leo have a past, but what? Looking at them together last night, she just looks way older than him, not to say that it couldn't happen, I am 10 years older than my boyfriend. It just seems unlikely. Maybe he caught her with JM's daddy and that is why she fired him and accused him of stealing.

Speaking of my boyfriend, he says that Ros should really be scared of Fed. The man is dying and doesn't have anything to lose by killing him.

I think that in the end it will be Gabby/Hornacio and Sandy/Flippy. Rosendo will kill Iv-I mean Skankula and Val will be the one that kills Rosendo to protect JM. HHHmmmmm I wish I could predict the futur, I wouldn't be at work right now, just saying. What do you guys think???

Vivi excellent point Dr. Flippy came across to me as so not into to Gabby even after he found out about Ivanna. Really if there was even something lingering between him and Gabby i think he would have been upfront and honest to Sandy about it. I like how you described how their budding romance is developing nice and slowly.I really do like how Sandy is gradually growing up before our very own eyes too bad we can't say the same for her mother.

Thanks for stepping up for us all Genelia. You did such a wonderful job. Loved every line.

I like Magaritta's ending - The 3 fall into a pit of snakes (thematically appropriate, right?), clawing, choking, snarling, biting, and screaming at each other, completely oblivious to the fangs sinking into their flesh. Amen.

And everyone else lives happily ever after.

I do think that Flippy will end up with Sandy. I like her character development. Can we throw Sandy's mother in the snake pit with the above?

I was hoping that Lumi would come in with her frying pan and whack Count Skankula (such a great name Genelia) over the head with it.

I also think that possibly Leo poisoned the calf. Wouldn't put it past her. She and Rosendo belong together (hopefully where we can't see it). I just really don't want him to be JM's dad.

Yes Erica, good and more. There were great scenes and some subtle brilliant scenes as well. Alex stops your heart when he awakens discovering his infant son is missing from his arms and searches the bedclothes; leaping from the bed to the floor on tip toes! And Daniela Romo, a true diva of acting will have you pulling your hair out because you can not reach into the screen and pull hers. The younger sister plays her part to the hilt with all the contradictions of youth and wisdom! And Maria Zarratinni wrote it. Do I need to say more.

Lynda love throwing EnSHRIEKeta into the snake pit with the other three very good idea for her. If the snakes don't kill her surely the other three will just to shut her up.LOL:)

I also agree where was Lumi with her trusty skillet i was wanting her to roll up into the bedroom doing some KungFu moves with her skillet on Skankula. Boy was i disappointed Val not fighting back and Ivanna not hit upside her head with a skillet.These writers need to step up their writing because i want someone to her skankness a real good beat down.

Thanks for the feedback Bonney. I'm definitely gonna check out Sortilegio when it comes out on DVD. Daniela Romo was really great in Alborada.

I agree with you all that Ros, Leo, Skankula and add Enshrieketa all should fall into a snake pit together.

I also like how Sandy's character is developing. There's definitely a romance brewing between her and Flippy.


Genelia, I was impactada by your debut recap. Excellent job! I hope we have the pleasure of reading your recaps again sometime.

Yes, the pace has picked up (por fin)! Last night's episode had a little of everything (music, drama, romance, hysterics).

Blue, I agree that there will be a Sandy/Dr. Felipe match-up eventually. I also think Leonor may have poisoned that calf. She probably could have stopped it dead in its tracks just by giving it her evil eye.


Sondie great to see you over here LOL at the Leo giving the calf the stink eye comment:)

Here's the other reason why i don't think Gabby and Dr. Flippy will get b ack together is that i believe that Gabby is going to be used by the writers to show how a woman should move on maturely when the man she desires doesn't return the same sentiment.Somehow i don't think this give Ivanna a good example how to act with JM but she's not working on all cylinders in the first place so.

Thanks for the kind words on my recapping debut, everybody. Glad that journalism degree is making itself useful. :)

I did have a few "technical issues" -- when I got home last night, I found a brief blackout had prevented my VCR from taping the show! I had to twiddle my thumbs while waiting an eternity to download it from the web. Not even a twitchy electrical grid could prevent me from watching this show!

I CAN just imagine Enriquita's shrieks in the snake pit, we will all be hearing impaired after that.

Do you really think Leonor would go out into the field to poison the calf? I just can't imagine her getting her little hands dirty. And I can't think of who she could get to do it for her, she & Rosendo don't seem to be buddy, buddy lately.

Sortilegio was one of the best. Lots of good performances. I want Wm Levy for my stepdaughter, FC is mine.

Variopinta, your thoughts about Leo and the calf are the very same that I have. Not that she wouldn't if she could, I simply can't picture her anywhere near a cow, and as you point out, I can't imagine who would do it for her.


I like anonymous poster's suggestion that maybe Rosendo raped Leo and what he stole was her virtue.

I am in the Gabby/Hornaco and Sandy/Flippy camp.

I watched some of the PGA (golf) championship this past weekend. Wide white belts were seen everywhere. They are back! Dr. Felipe is ahead of the fashion curve, folks, and we are the ones who need to catch up. Aaaaaack! 1970s flashbacks!

Genelia thanks for a great recap I really enjoyed it.

Hopefully Sandy will tell Val about the lies Ivana was saying about Val when she goes to apologize and this will open Val's eyes.

Crazy thought maybe Sobino poisoned the calf to turn JM against Val which didnt work. He seems intent on blaming Val for everything even though he knew how Ros was b4 Val even showed up.

I cant believe that Val or Tizzy hasnt realized how freaking loca Ivana is all the years together.

Love the chemistry bt JM and Val. Thankfully so far, neither of them are allowing their crazy families stop them from being together.

I'm still voting for JM & Ros being step brothers and Leo being queen skank. And some how it needs to work out that Fed started shooting blanks after JM and the skank doesn't even know who her baby daddys are.

Variopinta yes i believe Leo would go to any lengths to get what she wants.Wasn't the calf near where they keep the cows penned up so i don't think it was that far from the house.

Interesting idea about Rosendo and Leo but my question is how does he know the Fed is not JM's father? Then again it seems that Leo had quite a reputation sort of like Ivanna's back then. She quickly got married to Fed once she turned up preggers and got the heck out of that town.

Fabulous recap.

Don't think the new tune can compete with the old standard toe tapper - Se Besaron.


Doris, looking like someone on the PGA tour does not make you a fashion maven! Ha ha

Molly we should thank goodness for small favors he's not wearing those horrible looking plaid pants some of those golfers wear.

no, no, no, Sabino is the totally trusted compañero, he would not do anything to hurt JM or Federico.

Kat Al, the heroes of TN's never commit murder, unless it's a war.
JM & Valentina will not kill anyone. If it comes to saving themselves, someone else will pull the trigger or push the bad guy into the snake pit.

I LOVED Horacio's corrido. Can anyone tell me the title? Thanks so much for the recaps, I was thrilled to find them.

I kinda doubt that Rosendo would have gotten away with raping Leo. Even if she didn't want to report it, I think she (or maybe her family - say, what do we know about her family, anyway?) would have made arrangements for him to have an accident.

On the other hand, she accused him of stealing, and you wouldn't have thought he would have gotten away with that, either. Unless he was blackmailing her because he knew about her affair. :)

I still think that Ro's father is JM's father. I liked someone else's idea of Moises being JM's father, but I am not sure that Moises would touch Leo with a 10-foot pole.

Blusamurai, no kidding! Payne Stewart was the only one who could get away with that look.

Julie, I also doubt that Rosy raped Leo. If he had, I'm certain she would have extracted revenge. Also, I don't think that Vana will let him get away with manhandling her. When he ceases to be useful, I expect her to punish him for that. She certainly was fearless standing up to him last night. I wonder if he is quicker on his feet than Oscar? Hate to see him accidentally backed over by that SUV.


Molly i've seen those pants all of those golfers wear all i can say is Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to post the comment below earlier but was not accessing google very well. So will try again.

Genelia, Welcome to the CarayCaray recapper world. And what a wonderful piece of work you gave us on your maiden voyage. You surely do write like an experienced writer. The great side benefit is how much you will see your translating abilities speed up. I am on hiatus as a recapper right now but like to visit this wonderful Caray2 community as frequently as I can. Already, I can feel my recapper edge dulling so enjoy the ride and know that many of us come and go from this wonderful blog.

And thanks to Di for changing your style from lurker to commenter. All the recappers thank you, your thoughts enrich our community.

That Ivana certainly does throw a berrinche extraordinaire. I think Dr. Flippy is smart if he keeps walking away from Ivana and makes moves toward the snotty country girl. At least he won’t die.

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