Saturday, March 23, 2013
Weekend Discussion: Las Primeres Actrizes; Grandes Damas de Televisa
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Labels: enemiga, eva, Manda, stars, stud, telenovelas, weekend
Friday, August 24, 2012
Weekend Discussion: Telenovela Villains; Peerless Evil, Part 2
Labels: barrera, bravio, Cuando, eva, Fuego, Fuerza, Karmageddon, salvaje, stud, telenovelas, triunfo, weekend
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Weekend Discussion: The Healers
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Labels: abismo, Alborada, amor, duelo, Fuego, no-podia, pecado, stud, telemundo, telenovelas, Teresa, triunfo, weekend, Zorro
Thursday, December 08, 2011
The Pear Robe Project

The sexy, interesting, and sometimes just bizarre wardrobe of our TN characters, particularly our heroines, provides an endless source of conversation on this blog. As does the re-use of props and clothing in multiple TNs. But never has a recycled TN clothing item been more used, debated, and immortalized than THE PEAR ROBE.
You know the robe I’m talking about. It’s legendary! Kind of like Fafy Cuenca! White terry cloth. LARGE black and green pears all over. It has been donned by an assortment of TN ladies—heroines and villainesses alike. I decided to hunt down this often sighted, but never photographed (at least not on this blog) clothing item, and capture its image. Here is the result.
Perfect Wedding Day Attire- En Nombre del AmorBefore the ill-fated nuptials between bad girl Romina and her best friend Paloma’s one-true-love Emiliano, Romina donned The Pear Robe, and her bridal tiara. She was positively glowing from her victory in fooling Emiliano into believing that the baby she was carrying was his, and not that hunky bad boy German’s. Not even the shock of finding out she was bleeding, and likely miscarrying, was going to keep her from walking down that isle.
The Look of Innocence- Llena de Amor
Kristel has just been rolling around in bed with her lout of a boyfriend Mauricio (aka Rapey Snake). Unfortunately, the maid tattled on her to Mama Fedra who has called on henchman Bernardo to kick the locked door down. Kristel may be a fresa, but she’s no dummy. She’s thrown Mauricio off her second floor balcony, hopped quickly into the shower to get that wet look, and emerged from her bathroom in her beloved Pear Robe to find out what all the fuss is about. She was just taking a shower, by herself, after all.
Kristel perfects her look of innocent confusion in front of an incredulous Fedra and Bernardo
Anguish and Despair Wear- Hasta Que el Dinero Nos SepareAfter hating him, then fighting her feelings, then falling madly in love with him, Alejandra must give up her Rafael. This leads to endless nights of sorrow and tears like this one.
What could be better to wear when one is in the depths of despair than a comfy robe of pears?
Phantoms, Panic, and Pears- Soy tu DueñaOscar the Not-So-Friendly Ghost has come to visit evil Ivana once again. Maybe he’s mad that she killed him? Or he just might be trying to tell her that that Pear Robe is a major fashion faux pas.
This is the most clothing we ever saw Ivana wear
Random Pear Sightings- Ni Contigo Ni Sin TiI’m not even watching this TN, but I was going along, minding my own business, working from home with the tv on in the background, and of course checking in on CarayCaray and gossiping about The Pear Robe, when what should appear, but THE PEAR ROBE?! This pretty young lady was carrying it nonchalantly, as she blew off this nice young man who seems to really like her. Obviously her taste in bathrobes does not bother him.
Did I conjure up the Pear Robe just thinking about it?
Honorable Mentions
There are rumors that The Pear Robe made an ap-pear-ance in Un Gancho al Corazon and Mañana es Para Siempre (MEPS), two TNs I have seen. I seem to remember it appearing in those too, but can’t remember the exact scene, nor who the un-lucky wearer was. I have also been told it appeared in Juan Querendon, a TN I did not see, on a character named Marley.
I for sure remember this similar robe from MEPS, worn by our heroine Fernanda on her wedding day. Instead of pears, the robe is covered with flowers. Perfect for a sweet heroine filled with doubts about marrying her hot fiancé (Sergio Sendel), when her hot one-true-love (Fernando Colugna) is still out there somewhere. Why is THE PEAR ROBE so popular, while this one has disappeared into the back of Televisa’s wardrobe closet?
Flowers vs. Pears, which do you prefer?
Have you spotted The Pear Robe?
Labels: amor, dinero, gancho, humor, Juan, llena, manana, stud, telenovelas, weekend
Friday, April 29, 2011
Más Bella People from Teresa, Triunfo, Eva Luna (with clip and pics)
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Blanca Soto, Sweet William Levy, and Angelique Boyer |
First, a rather long interview with Sweet William Levy of Triunfo del amor and Angelique Boyer of Teresa. You can download it in real HD (1280x720) or view it as a streaming high quality clip. There's a download link on the page I set up: William Levy and Angelique Boyer interview. This link goes to a barebones site I set up for this blog.
Plus here are a few high quality screenshots of various stars. CLICK ON THE IMAGES TO SEE LARGER HD VERSION!
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David What-his-name from Soy tu Duena and Blanca Soto. |
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Blanca references Teresa's famous line. |
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David whats-his-name, the guy from Soy tu Duena |
Labels: entertainment-news, eva, stud, Teresa, triunfo
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
STuD, 8/16/10: Showdown at Los Cascabeles
Repeated from last week, Ivana and Tizzy are arguing over Val’s intentions toward JM. Ivana ends the conversation by vowing that she won’t permit Val to take Jose Miguel.
Lummy is thanking Don Ernesto for trying to get Crisanta to accept her portion of Rosendo’s salary. Don Ernie says it’s nothing, it was all Valentina’s idea. A blissful Valentina bursts into the room and showers Ernie and Lummy with hugs and kisses. They’re pleasantly surprised, and she kisses each of them again before floating upstairs in a cloud of cartoon hearts and sprinkles. Benita walks in on the shocked Ernie and Lummy, who inform Benita that Valentina’s completely changed her tune. Benita smiles knowingly and says Lummy should get ready for the return of the sweet, real Valentina.
JM returns home a conquering hero, but is greeted by a grim-faced Juan and Sabino. They’ve just gotten the results of a test on a possibly poisonous weed growing on the hacienda. Juan and Sabino argue over who gets to break the news, but finally reveal that the weed was found to be harmless: somebody must have poisoned the cow on purpose! Sabino says Val must’ve become enraged over their supposed “bet” and poisoned the cow. JM staunchly defends her. “I’d put my hands in the fire for her,” JM says; he’s that sure of her innocence. JM admits, though, that the poisoner has it in for him, and there’s surely more mischief to come.
Back at Los Cascabeles, Benita surprises a beaming Val as she emerges from her bathroom/thinking tub. Benita demands to hear all the juicy details. “What details?” Val demurs, before hopping onto the bed and giving Benita the dish.
“JM and I are in love,” Val announces, and Benita swoons backward onto the bed. Val and Benita channel their inner 13-year-old girls by jumping up and down and shrieking. “I’m the happiest woman in the world!” Val shrieks. “I feel like my heart is going to burst!” “Careful, nina, you’re going to splatter me with love,” Benita shrieks back. At this rate, Enshrieketa is going to burst into the room at any second.
But as Val starts shrieking “JM loves me! He loves me!” It’s Count Skankula that darkens Val’s doorstep. Val and Benita’s faces fall. “You robbed his love from me, Valentina,” Ivana says flatly. “You don’t know how much I hate you.” She underlines that point by grabbing Val and flinging her around the room. Damn, I don’t know who’s gonna win this one. Val is probably more physically fit, but Ivana has more artificial body parts than the Bionic Woman.
The flinging culminates in a catfight on the bed, at least until Benita can drag Ivana off of Val. Ivana’s howling draws the attention of Tizzy, who walks in and demands to know what’s up. Ivana twists her face into some semblance of anguish and tells Tizzy that Valentina stole JM even though she knew how much she lusted after, I mean loved, him. Valentina tries to speak, but Ivana cuts her off, saying that if Valentina has everything, why did she need to take the only thing that ever mattered to her? Lummy is feeling left out, I guess, so she runs into the room for Valentina’s rebuttal.
Val begs Ivana to understand -- she fought this sentiment precisely because she knew it would hurt Ivana. Val’s cut short as Ivana starts clawing and vowing revenge again. As Tizzy starts dragging her out, Ivana snarls: “Hopefully history repeats itself. I hope JM betrays you the way Alonso betrayed you. It’s the least you deserve.”
Back at Ivana’s room, she screams at Tizzy about how Valentina is an egoista and can’t stand to see her happy. First Val hated JM, and now she’s in love with him. “She’s doing this to torment me!” Tizzy’s protests only make Ivana madder. “I should have died when I took those sleeping pills,” Ivana says, “then I wouldn’t have ended up here.” Ivana insists that JM is the only man in the world for her and begs for Tizzy’s help.
Back at Camp Montesinos, Fed is congratulating JM on winning Valentina’s heart, but warns him that Val has a “strong character.” Speaking of bitches, Fed worries that Leo won’t take JM’s news well, and they agree not to tell her for now. JM, oblivious to Los Cascabeles Smackdown 2010, hopes that Ivana won’t take the news too hard. Fed warns that a woman scorned is capable of anything.
Sandra is crying to Dr. Felipe and describing her encounter with Horacio. She’s realized that compared to Ivana, she’s just a backwoods country girl that no man could be attracted to. Felipe responds by calling her beautiful and drying her tears. He says that when he first met her, fainted on the floor of her bedroom, he thought wow, this city has some beautiful women. “Even though you were the color of a fresh corpse!” That Flippy has a way with words.
Timo is mangling a math problem while Horacio wrestles with the cash register. Horacio is feeling restless, and Timo suggests he go for a walk. Horacio does him one better and decides to close down the store early. “I get to go home early!” Timo cries, but Horacio rains on his parade: Timo will have to accompany him. Where? Horacio won’t say.
Sandra thanks Flippy for listening to her prattle. “I can’t talk with my parents, much less my mother.” Felipe says that anytime she feels like talking, he’ll be there. “With house calls!” Sandra rains on his parade by marveling that the same woman who stole Horacio’s love also betrayed Flippy. Sandra regrets thinking that Val was the one trying to steal Horacio, and sheepishly tells Flippy about how she slapped her. Sandra is too scared to apologize, but Felipe insists Val’s a good egg.
Benita is comforting Valentina. Val says Ivana’s reaction was to be expected. But Benita says Ivana’s hateful words are indefensible, considering all the love and patience (and *cough* money *cough*) Val has shown her over the years. “She reacted like a woman in love,” Valentina muses. “If I had been in her place …” Benita is having none of it. Tizzy and Val have babied Ivana too much, Benita says, and her behavior is the consequence. Val hopes Ivana will get over it, but Benita shatters that illusion. “Ivana won’t stop at anything until she’s Mrs. Montesinos,” Benita says.
JM reaches home, where Leo has been waiting to have dinner with him. Too bad JM’s already had dinner with his father. He excuses himself to go do some architectin‘. Leo ill-advisedly tries to lure him back by saying that Ivana was at Montesinos Manor earlier. She laments that Ivana went away disappointed after she didn’t get to see him. JM tries to introduce Mom to cold, hard reality with a sit-down chat. “I know you think she’s the girl for me, and I respect your opinion, but Ivana doesn’t interest me at all.” Leo asks if Valentina Villalba is the one who really interests him. JM dodges the question and begs Leo not to get Ivana’s hopes up.
Leo talks up Ivana like she’s selling a used car (although the used car probably has fewer miles on it). JM is steadfast and says Ivana will find happiness with some other guy, maybe … Horacio? Leo is unimpressed, and JM divulges that Horacio broke off with Sandra because he’s in love with Ivana. Leo is even less pleased. JM hints at Horacio and Ivana’s hot love affair, which surprises Leo.
Meanwhile, Horacio is pounding back a tequila at the bar, next to a far less festive and far more sober Timo. He shares his philosophy on the two kinds of women: the kind that will make you suffer, and the kind that will make you suffer more. Just then the band shows up. Horacio encourages them to play, and they begin a special corrido Timo says was written expressly about Valentina Villalba. Horacio orders them to stop, because it’ll only remind him of Ivana.
They start a new song and Horacio joins in, singing about his broken heart and the woman who done him wrong. I’d translate the lyrics, but I think his staggering and wild gesturing got the point across.
A glowering Enriqueta intercepts Sandra and Flippy as he drops her home. Enriqueta pointedly says good night to the poor doctor, but Sandra sends him off with a kiss on the cheek and an “hasta pronto.” Sandra scolds Enriqueta for her rudeness. Enriqueta says that she’s taking her attempt to make Horacio jealous too far. Sandra is confused, but Enriqueta knowingly says that Sandra’s trying to make Horacio jealous by courting the doctor. Sandra laughs. “Yeah, of course.” Methinks Horacio is the furthest thing from her mind.
Meanwhile, Timo is trying to drag a drunken Horacio out of the bar. “I’ve never seen you like this, much less over a woman.” Horacio admits he’s always had an eye for the ladies, but says that he truly fell in love with Ivana. Timo encourages him to fight for the woman he loves, but Horacio sadly laments that Ivana’s fallen in love with his best friend, and there’s nothing he can do about it, even if JM doesn’t return her feelings.
JM scribbles in his notebook before pausing to remember his liplock with Val in the school field. He throws down his pen. “I love you, Valentina!” he shouts to the walls and the mice that probably live inside those walls. “I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love!”
In Los Cascabeles, Val completes his thought. “I love you, Jose Miguel. Thanks to you my life now has meaning.” If those crazy kids strung a few tin cans and a string between their ranchos, maybe they could talk to each other instead of babbling to themselves.
Ivana, meanwhile, is tossing and turning in bed. She curses at Valentina and says “JM is my only happiness, and you want to take him.” She’s rudely interrupted in that thought by Ghost Oscar. “After what you did to me, you’ll never find happiness,” he says. Ivana hurls a pillow and abuses, but Oscar tries to wrestle the blanket away from her. Ivana’s screaming and bad acting eventually scare Ghost Oscar away.
Fed and Sabino are hanging out by the lake when they see the herd of cows. Fed says the cows must be moved, because they might eat some of that poisonous Johnson weed, just like the cow that died. Sabino shares the test results with him; it wasn’t a plant that poisoned that cow. He laments that JM won’t listen to reason and refuses to believe that Valentina Villalba was behind the poisoning. Fed doesn’t understand, since she and JM patched up their differences. But not Rosendo, Sabino says ominously. Sabino asks Fed to warn JM, because Rosendo has him in his sights. Especially since Rosendo’s rumored to be in love with Valentina.
Fed protests that Val would never look twice at a guy like Rosendo. Sabino says it doesn’t matter: to Rosendo, Val is already his property. Fed hopes they can all avoid a tragedy.
Over breakfast, Valentina swears up and down that she never meant to hurt Ivana. Tizzy understands, but the damage is done. No matter what, Ivana now thinks that Valentina intentionally betrayed her. “What do you want,” Valentina asks, “that I renounce JM so that Ivana feels better?” Tizzy says of course not. After so much pain, Valentina deserves to be happy.
Ivana walks into Rosendo’s lair and announces that JM has finally conquered Valentina. She demands that he do something, and soon. “What do you want me to do, kill him?” Rosendo shouts. Ivana angrily tells him not to be such a brute, but Rosendo flies into a rage and says he’s used to removing his obstacles. Ivana counters that she knows how to remove obstacles, too. Besides ending up with JM, she would then inherit the millions from her deceased cousin Valentina.
Rosendo grabs Ivana by the throat. “You do something to La Duena,” he says, and “I swear, you’ll regret it.”
“The same thing goes for you,” she pants, “if you do anything to Jose Miguel. You don’t know me.” But we, and Oscar, sure do!
Rosendo lets go of her throat. “You’re the real viper in this hacienda.” Ivana replies with “I’m not the only one. That's why us two get along so well.”
Don Ernesto and Jose Miguel are overseeing work on the schoolhouse. At this rate, they’ll finish sooner than they expected. Valentina arrives, and Ernie says he better talk to her -- they both know she’ll refuse to speak to Jose Miguel. JM tells him not to worry about it, and strides over to La Duena. She immediately embraces him before getting serious. “Ivana knows about us.” JM holds her hand (discretion FAIL) and says that’s too bad. “Ivana hates me,” Valentina says. JM says people in pain say a lot of things they don’t mean.
“I don’t want to hurt her,” Valentina says. “We’ve had our differences the past couple of months, but she’s my cousin. She’s my blood." JM says Ivana will come to understand (uh, he has met her, right?) and embraces Valentina. Don Ernesto is pleasantly surprised.
Fed walks into the lion’s den, and Leo pounces immediately. “I thought you’d never set foot back in this place.” Fed says it’s his house too, and he can visit as he pleases. Leo says that if Fed’s expecting her to beg him to come back, he’s wasting his time. He says he knows she’s not the begging kind; she’s too proud. Leo smirks: "It’s not pride, it’s dignity." Something that JM obviously didn’t inherit from her, because he’s always at Los Cascabeles chasing Valentina.
Maybe he inherited that lack of dignity, Fed says, from his real father! Teresa chooses that moment to tell Leo that somebody’s looking for JM. It’s Rosendo!
“Hi, patrona,” he says as a horrified Leo turns away. “What, you don’t recognize me any more? Because I haven’t forgotten you.”
Back at the school site, JM is telling Valentina he hopes Ivana won’t become a wedge between them. After all, they’ve had plenty of roadblocks already. Valentina agrees. She’ll need some time to sort things out, but nothing will ever come between them. “That’s the way I like it,” JM says, removing her hat in preparation for a passionate kiss.
Back at Montesinos Manor, Leo tells Rosendo she could never forget a thief like him. “You call me a thief just because I borrowed a few pesos?” Rosendo asks. Fed orders him out, but Rosendo insists he’ll only talk to JM.
Fed says he knows Rosendo’s been targeting JM since he arrived in town, and he wants him to stop … or else. "Please, Don Federico,” Rosendo says. “Everybody knows you’re old and sick. And everybody knows you’ve always been a man of …weak character.”
“Not when it comes to my son," Fed says. "If you lay one hand on him, I’ll kill you.” Rosendo looks unconvinced.
Labels: stud
Friday, May 14, 2010
Corazon Salvaje and STuD recappers lineup
This is what I've got. If I'm wrong let me know. It's gone into the sidebar. New recappers, send pictures if you'd like them up!
Corazon Salvaje
Ivy - Monday
Kat - Tuesday
Jeri - Wednesday
Sarah - Thursday
Connie - Friday
Sarah and Connie, you can switch if you want.
and for STuD I have:
Jody - Monday
Kat - Tuesday
Sue - Wednesady
Connie - Thursday
Keri - Friday
Thanks everybody!
Let me know -
Melinama/Chapel Hill Fiddler
Labels: salvaje, schedule, stud
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Corazon Salvaje team, phone home. Also - who is our STuD team?
Now that Soy tu duena (which I gather already has the nickname STuD) is about to start, I know some of you Salvaje team want to switch back to the 9 pm hour. Proposals have been made to me, and anything is fine, really, that you want to do.
A new volunteer for Salvaje: Sarah Runs-at-Dawn.
Jeri is, I gather, a new recruit for Salvaje as well.
Jody, Gloria, and Kris are on Salvaje but some want to switch to STuD?
Carlos offered to do a shift of Salvaje, is that offer still open?
For STuD:
Jody: Monday
Keri/Jardinera: Friday
Kat, Cheryl, Connie - what's your preference?
Caray, caray!
Thanks all. Help me get this straight ok?
Labels: recappers-needed, salvaje, stud
Monday, April 26, 2010
OK bloggers, what do you want to do about Univision and its crazy schedule?
Corazon Salvaje people, do you want to dump your midnight madness and become the new Dueña team? You'd get Colunga and Lucero and that magnificent villain David Zepeda (we loved, loved him in Sortilegio).
Pecado team, are you happy as you are?
any other takers?
Labels: dinero, gancho, pecado, salvaje, schedule, stud
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