Thursday, September 23, 2010
Dinero #201 9/22/2010 Marco gets his groove back

We were also left wondering if Ale would get all up in Rafa’s face. Well she did. But in a good way. Our Ale is growing up. She is very understanding about the entire mess. Rafa is concerned that she will change her mind and not want to divorce Marco. Ale assures Rafa she still wants the divorce and that she believes him.

We have a little Ford truck add placement. Marino’s phone is ringing and he is no where to be found. Ramirez tells everyone he is out hunting his lions. Then we get a spiel on how now is a good time to buy a truck.

This part was not very much fun. Marco is meeting with the shrimp man. Rosario and Jorge join them and introductions are made. Drinks are ordered and Jorge asks for a green tea. He knows it is good for something but can’t remember what it is. Oh yea it is good for your memory. So now the con is on. Marco tells Jorge and Rosario that the shrimp man is interested in buying the hacienda. Of course it is in such disarray thanks to the “despicable Chavez” and will need lots of work to repair it. Our flim flam man even has the nerve to flirt with Rosario as he tells Jorge he thought she was his daughter.
Susana and Ale are having a little chat. Susana has found the perfect apartment for Ale and her family. Ale reminds her she is in a hurry to move out of Marco’s apartment. Susana inquires about the pictures and is informed that Zetina deleted them. She can’t decide if Rafa is very naive or just has bad luck. She assures Susana that it doesn’t matter because she is still going to divorce Marco and Jaimie will be her lawyer. (I love this grown up version of Ale.) We also see Rafa who is calling Jaimie asking him to come to Siglo right away. He wants him to be help Ale get her divorce.
We go back to Marco, who I fear will never grow up. He is telling Rosario and Jorge that the Hacienda is in bad financial straits again blaming it all on Chavez. The Shrimp man has done an exhaustive analysis on the entire situation which “obligates“ him to offer such a low price. I am not certain about this but I think the creepy crustacean tells them it will be at least 6 months until all the old debts are paid off. Jorge looks very concerned and to alleviate his concerns Marco whips out the contracts assuring Jorge that this will protect them both. Jorge tells Marco he has every confidence in him. After all he would never do anything that would harm (perjudique) them, right? Conniving looks are exchanged between Marco and the shrimp man.
Jaimie and Rafa are having a little heart to heart. Jaimie asks if he thinks he has lost Julieta for good. Rafa reminds him that he thought he had lost Ale for good. Rafa continues to encourage him. He reminds him he is about to become a lawyer and he has done this all on his own with no help from anyone. Jaimie confesses he has always adored Julieta and now because of Crazy Vicky he has lost her for good. Rafa tells him he needs to be more decisive and take charge. “Yes you can.” He can gain back his confidence and respect He tells him to stop being deaf dumb and blind (sordo mudo y ciego).

Jorge now with the contract in front of him is urged on by the shrimp man who is telling him even though the amount is little he can rest assured that he will benefit because he would never be able to pay off the enormous debts and he won’t have to deal with the awful secretary (Carmela) who is in charge of this case.
After all the Hacienda right now is nothing but a shell (cascaron) that needs expensive repairs and isn’t making any money (ingreso/revenue or income.) Jorge gives this some thought and says they need the money. Shrimp man takes a check out of his pocket and hands it to Marco who looks very sad (yea right) and hands it over to Jorge. Poor Jorge takes a look and says “So little?” as he looks to Marco. Marco tells him he will always be there to help him but he needs to think this over. With this money he could even recuperate his house. Jorge is clutching his heart and Rosario asks if he is okay. He tells her he is embarrassed at the thought of losing the hacienda but they need the money. He then asks Marco where he should sign. He his given a pen by both Marco and the shrimp man and has a little moment of confusion as to which pen to use as we fade to dramatic music.

We come back to a happier legal transaction in Rafa’s office where Jaimie has signed on as Ale’s divorce lawyer. He promises her a quick and speedy divorce from Marco. Ale turns to Rafa and tells him she doesn’t need the photos to convince her to divorce Marco. Rafa tells her he hopes that after the divorce Marco won’t do anything to harm Jorge.
Too late as we see Jorge has signed the papers and is handing them back to Marco. Marco feigns support as he reaches over to Jorge to console him, reassuring him things will get better. We see the shrimp man signing as well as he says “A done deal is never undone” (trato hecho jamas deshecho). A despondent Jorge and Rosario start to leave, but not before the Shrimp man gets a little more flirting in asking her if she is married. Surprisingly Jorge puts a quick stop to this and reminds Rosario she is engaged. They almost leave without the check. Jorge says it is such a small amount he almost forgot all about it.
Marco and the shrimp man are left behind as Marco chides him for flirting with Rosario. He tells Marco that Rosario is very good looking. Then he tells Marco they need to order champagne to celebrate the transaction. He tells the waiter to bring him a triple whiskey and to give Marco the check. Marco asks him why he didn‘t ask for champagne and we get a clever dicho “It’s the wise person who can change their mind.” (Es de sabios cambiar de opinion.) He then tells Marco what an easy way that was to make money. He also reminds Marco that he better do something about the headless ghost at the hacienda. And he drinks to his new partner as Marco looks on in disgust and a smidge of concern.

Vicky has returned to the witch doctor. She tells him she needs his help. The wrong man drank the potion. Now she wants another potion and wants him to cancel the potion that Marco drank. Mololongo tells her that is not possible and warns her that she is playing with dark forces (has jugado con fuerzas oscuras).

He tells her she has committed a sin with this mistake and has provoked the anger of the forces of good and evil and she will be punished for being so careless. Vicky thinks about this for a second and tells him to stop clowning around it was just a bottle of potion. Mololongo goes on to warn her that something unpredictable will happen “The error will cause terror” . Vicky has had enough and tells him she just wants another bottle of the potion. He tells her he can’t give her another bottle. Vicky curtly tells him “Fine than I will just find another witch doctor to give me the potion” and leaves.

Mololongo warns her that “The demons are loose” (los demonios estan sueltos). Once she leaves he takes a swig from a hidden bottle and asks “Why do I have to put up with such crazy people?”
We are now at Marco’s apartment. Jorge is lamenting that things are so bad. He had to sell the hacienda at such a low price, his house is embargoed and his daughter wants to divorce the man that has done so much for them. Marco tells him that certain things happen because they have to. They had to sell the hacienda. But they can still pay the taxes on the house and as far as his marriage with Ale there’s still the possibility of a solution. After all he is going to a therapist and he will recuperate Ale. This puts a smile on both Jorge and Rosario as they hear this. As Marco continue on at the thought of soon having little Marcos and Ales all over the place.

Rosario is certain that someone has affected Ale’s attitude. Marco tells her that the some one has a first and last name. Rafael Medina. Jorge and Rosario are shocked to hear this. He continues that is why it hurt so much when Ale asked for a divorce. Because of this guy who has no moral qualities. That’s why he was so drunk last night and again apologizes for this and promises it won’t ever happen again. Jorge wants to know if this is the same guy that caused Ale’s accident. Marco tells him it is the same man. He continues that this man went to work at Siglo just to seduce Ale so that he wouldn’t have to pay his debt believing that they had lots of money. He lied to her and told her he was in love with her. (Remember we are not talking about Marco here.) Rosario can’t believe there could be such a man so low and vile. Marco assures Rosario he will talk to Ale and they will solve their problems. Rosario is touched by Marco’s words and tells him there should be more men in the world like him. Loving, honest and Jorge urges Rosario to say more. Marco tells them he does those things because he cares for them so much.

Time for a little Siglo gossip. The three amigos are defending the privacy of Rafa and Ale. Oops times up.

It is looking like Vicky’s little potion might be working as we go to the depressed/sex addicts clinic. Marco has showed up and notices Vicky in the waiting room. He greets her with an enthusiastic smile. Vicky wants to know if he is still drunk or if the effects of the alcohol have worn off. Marco seems a little confused by this. Then he remembers that he had a “few drinks” last night. He tells her he hopes he wasn’t disrespectful. Vicky comments, “then you have no memory of what happened last night?” Marco tells her “To be honest, not much.” Vicky asks him why a recently married man would be seeing a sex therapist. He is now looking a little uncomfortable squirming in his chair as he tells her he has a little problem. He is a sex addict. Vicky tells him if he is faithful to his wife it shouldn’t be a problem. He responds by telling her it is really hard to be a sex addict and still be faithful to one woman as he give’s Vicky’s crossed legs a good look up and down. Vicky seductively tells him he does have a problem.
It is time for Vicky’s appointment as she gets up to go into the therapists office leaving Marco behind to mutter “this poor women has the big problem if she was Medina’s finance.” "She was his girlfiend and now she is going to see a psychologist. What a shame because she looks quite nice. I would be delighted to do her a favor.” Then we hear a little sound effect that clues us into the fact that Marco has gotten his groove back, as he looks around both embarrassed and excited at the same time. “Could I be cured?”

Rosario has called Ale. She then passes the phone to Jorge who tells her (once he has figured out how to use it) that they need to talk. He tells her he sold the hacienda. Ale is quite shocked at this news.

The therapist is telling Vicky he is glad to see she finally quit wearing the veil. It means she is getting past the pain. Vicky who looks bored to tears and half asleep says “What pain? Nobody died.” He reminds her about the cancelled wedding. Vicky reminds him that the wedding wasn’t canceled just postponed. And the reason she quit wearing the veil was because it was getting damaged (estaba estropeando.) Our poor therapist hasn’t figured out yet that Vicky doesn’t want his therapy and he continues to counsel her on how to get past her problems. Vicky has her own form of therapy and continues to give our therapist an earful. He tells her to sit down and informs her that there are things she can’t change. For example if someone you care about dies they don’t come back to life. Vicky who has decided to not sit down sarcastically tells him she knows this. Nobody she knows has died. He tells her that her ex-fiancé and almost wedding have died. They will never come back. More sarcasm as Vicky isn’t buying this one bit just because some therapist who doesn‘t have any faith in love says so. She starts yelling at him telling him she doesn’t agree with him and if anyone needs a doctor it is him because he has a very ugly and negative attitude. Our therapist is left speechless and maybe just a bit frightened.

Lets go next door and see how Marco is doing with his session. We rehash the whole “Ale has been unfaithful to me with this half-haired jerk” scenario. She asks him how he felt about this. He tells her he wanted to kill them both. She seems pleased that he didn’t do this. Marco agrees and says “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison for some unfaithful women and some half-haired jerk who steals wives.” She praises him for his prudent choice and asks him what he plans on doing now about his marriage. He tells her “This is flour from another bag (es harina de otra costal ) and has nothing do with the obsession that had me blocked.” She tells him “yes but this was the origin of your dysfunction.”
Marco now stands and says “Maybe, but at this point I am going to pay her back with the same currency (a estas alturas le voy a pagar con la misma moneda). The therapist suggest it might be better if they talked and worked out their problems first. Marco tells her "no" as he gets suggestively closer to her and says “What really matters to me is I saw this women and I felt this agreeable tickle (senti ese cosquillas tan agradable) and felt like I was cured and I can exercise my sexuality without a single mishap” (contratiempo /mishap). She warns him to be careful and responsible. And Marco adds a little PSA “and use protection” as he seductively caresses her chin.

Marco leaves Elsy’s office and tells the receptionist he won’t need another appointment. He is cured. Vicky who is standing by the office of her therapist remarks, “so it wasn’t such a big problem.” Marco cheerful as a lusty 14 year old tells her "no" and does a little finger wiggle to call her over to him saying “you may not believe this but you helped cure me.” (Or was it Mololongo after all?) Vicky now standing next to Marco thinks to herself “if that witch Ale thinks she can steal the love of my life I am going to get even by stealing the love of her husband.” Marco has thought bubbles as well “This doll is very fine. “ and something else about getting back at Medina (I think). He then suggests that maybe they could get together some time but not at the clinic. Vicky asks if this would bother his wife. Marco tells her he doesn’t plan on telling her. Vicky tells him to call her and they will see.

Rafa enters Ale’s office to find her sadly looking at a picture. He asks her what’s wrong. She tells him about Jorge selling the hacienda and recalls happier moments. She also informs him they may loose the house as well because of all the back taxes. Rafa wants to know if it was his fault that they had to sell the Hacienda. She tells him no it had to do with the problems her father had with the hacienda and that Marco wasn‘t able to resolve. Rafa thought bubbles “He wasn’t able or didn’t want to?” Then he tells her they will fight together to resolve their problems. After all he has almost paid her everything he owes her. Then we have a very sweet ending for once with Rafa’s kisses taking away Ale’s depression.

Labels: dinero
Wonderful embedded vocabulary, your always tender concern for the characters and "creepy crustacean" and "cheerful as a lusty 14-year-old" are both keepers. Fannnnnntastic, amiga. Thanks.
I got my wish of more Marco and Vicky together. Can't wait to see what happens there. I know it will be fun though.
And I agree, this calmer, more grown up Ale is very good to see. We know that Marco's evil deeds can't be discovered by Ale and her family till near the end, so we've got at least 4-5 weeks to go before things totally unravel for Marco. It was sad to see Jorge sign over the Alejandra though. What I can't understand is how Jorge and Rosario think they can cajole Ale into staying in a marriage with Marco. It doesn't matter how much he's done for them or if he's wonderful. If SHE doesn't love him, then SHE shouldn't have to stay in a marriage with him. THEY can be the best of friends with him if THEY want to. Heck, let Rosario marry him then.
I liked Rafa's encouraging words to Jaime, reminding him about the things he has accomplished and why he is such a catch. No parents, taking care of his grandma, put himself through school, and now almost a lawyer. Impressive given that they are poor. Now he needs to go out and win Julieta back. It was also touching to heat Jaime say that he didn't do it on his own. That Rafa's mom was a second mother to him and Rafa and Juli like family. It made more sense why it hurt him so much when Juli broke up with him and Leonor and Rafa stopped speaking to him too.
Leave it to Judy to expose our familial ties. Well, needless to say, I'm very proud of my long lost daughter.
I'm loving Vicki and Marco together. I also enjoyed how how Marco made his sex therapist squirm a bit.
Not so much fun was watching Jorge sign away the hacienda. I hope near the end we see Marco, Chavez, and Mr. Shrimp sharing a cell.
Creepy crustacean... excellent.
Also Judy I am too old to be Carlos daughter. Maybe his kid sister. I would also be proud to be in your family Carlos. I thought the therapy sessions last night were a hoot as well. there was a scene at the end where Vicky's therapist was looking as if he was biting his lip. I tried so hard to capture it but it was too short. I am going to have to figure out how to slow mo my computer vidios.
The Marco/Vickie pairing is going to be a lot of fun to watch. I loved Vickie's reactions to the brujo's warnings of disaster to come.
Vivi, I'm with you. How can Jorge & Rosario think that they can convince Ale to stay married when she doesn't love Marco. -- Still, Ale is a sucker for a sad-faced papa or tía. Hold out, Ale! Hold out!
Vivi, that Jorge signing away the hacienda was hard to watch. And I totaly agree about her famnily. It is hard to watch them "cajole" her into staying with that rat.
I agree with everyone here how much fun it is to watch Vicky and Marco together. I can't wait for more.
I have a question. How do you all get your names to be in blue so we can check out your profile. I just figured out how to do one.
I think Shrimp Man just gave a small down payment, and the balance is due in 6 months. I was not happy that Jorge and Rosario didn't bother to read the contract. Also, there were no witnesses to the signatures. And no notary, so no one asked for proof that this guy was really "Ignacio Rubiales". The same thing happened when they tricked Leonor into "selling" her house. There was no proof of the buyer's identity. I'm not so sure this would all hold up in a U.S. court, but it works fine for a telenovela court.
Vivi, as usual, I loved your thorough analysis of the characters.
Marco and Vicky may think they'd be hurting Ale and Rafa with a little affair, but how dumb is that?! It has to backfire, and I can't wait to see it happen.
Whaddya mean you can't be Carlos' daughter. I'm thinking cheerful lusty l4-year-old for Carlos, maybe with a Texas cougar. I mean, babe, let's make this story interesting!
Is there a good reason those pictures had to vanish? Just to show that Zetina has perpetual bad luck/incompetence? Ale has already decided to divorce; will the legal proceedings be more difficult without this evidence? Can't they use eyewitnesses of Marco's infidelities, if they don't have the photos?
Like Vivi, I thought the scene between Jaime and Rafa was touching and you got a good feeling why they see each other as hermanos.
I've got to give Vicky credit where it is due. As Hombre pointed out earlier, she knows what she wants and she's determined to get it!
Yes,Vicky and Marco are a lot of fun to watch together! Too bad it's to be at the expense of our lovebirds.
Julia, the pictures are not really "needed". I just think Rafa (and me too!) would like the emotional satisfaction of Ale seeing some proof of what Rafa has been saying is true. I honestly don't think the pictures of Carmela and Marco standing at table in a restaurant kissing "goodbye" is very incriminating. Marco could easily explain it away. Now, pictures along with a newspaper date, day after day, Marco meeting with Chavez. That's suspicious.
BTW Pata, loved the title--perfecto!!
And Julia Barbara and AmyK, thanks for the comments. Julia I think this show has jammed packed action days sometimes than the next day is all filler with the goofy police and Doña Arcadia. We got to start wrapping things up pretty soon.
Barbara I always look forward to your comments. And Julia I agree with Barbara, I don't think Rafa wanted the pictures so much for the divorce as to just prove to Ale what a skunk Marco was.
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