Friday, September 24, 2010

El Clon Thursday September 23: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 156: In which Marisa tries to find a way to help her daughter, but keeps blocking the path with her giant ego; Zein finds a shark to defend Dora; Lucas gets a mini-makeover; and Jade, still single, returns to Miami.

Clara tells the security guard at her gated community not to let Fernando back in and asks for his discretion about her troubles – you know how these neighbors are!

At her restaurant, Gloria asks Alej indignantly:
¿Es cierto lo que me dijo Ramoncito, que te vas a ser papá?
Is it true what Ramoncito told me, that you’re going to be a father?

At Casa Ferrer, Marisa peeks in on Nati. Nati tells her she wants to get better and Marisa promises to help her.

Enrique: An addict can destroy the very best of families. And no meaningful recovery is possible without the addict’s complete buy-in.

Marisa to Natalia:
No te preocupes, estás aquí en los brazos de tu mamá y nada malo te va a pasar.
Don’t worry, you’re here in your mother’s arms and nothing bad is going to happen to you.

Marisa tells Lucas she’d like to take Natalia to a clinic in Orlando. Don’t you want to talk to Enrique about it? asks Lucas.

Enrique has been listening to Rosa chatter about her favorite topic, the reincarnated Diego. When Marisa and Lucas join him, he tries to make them understand that they can’t control the process of recovery. The fundamental effort must be Natalia’s. Marisa is offended by the idea that there’s something she can’t control.

At Mohamed’s place, Latifa and Samira are arguing about using a veil. Samira says she won’t end up like her Aunt Jade because she intends to study and work so she can be independent. Once again, Mohamed blames Latifa for Samira’s refusal to wear a veil, and once again says that she failed to teach her daughter anything.

The phone rings. It’s Tío Abdul inviting Mohamed to Fez on business. He tells Abdul he’ll be there in two weeks. We’re going to Fez? asks Latifa. No, corrects Mohamed, I’m going to Fez.

At Alí’s house in Fez, Jade stands happily before a mirror as she gets ready for her wedding. When Said appears, she asks: ¿Lllego el sheik? (Has the sheik arrived?). No, el sheik no va a venir. Cancelé nuestra boda. (No, the sheik’s not coming. I cancelled our wedding.). Come to Miami, says Said, be close to Jadiya, but let’s postpone the marriage until we are sure.

At Salamandra, Zein asks Rogelio if he and Clara broke up. No, says Rogelio, and he’s quite uncomfortable with the way things are, especially his hasty and impulsive invitation to Malicia to go to Paris with him. He and Malicia aren’t even friends. Go to Paris with her and I’m sure you’ll become friends, advises Zein. (Boo, hiss!!!)

Enter Cris and Dora looking for Zein. They’d like him to read a document and explain it to them.

Malicia tells Pablo that she has to go to Paris. It's for her job. She tried to get someone to go in her place, but couldn’t manage to find anyone.

Gloria sets off in full matriarchal plumage to confront her nemesis, Marisa (la cabeza de fósforo.)

Zein is explaining the document to Dora and Cris: Leo is seeking to nullify Daniel’s birth certificate and have himself declared legal father and his deceased wife Isabel, his legal mother.

Girl reporter Amalia has tracked down Roberto and wants to interview him and Leo about the clone. He backpedals – you know Albieri and his crazy ideas, he says. He is rescued from his own stupidity when his cell phone rings – You couldn’t have called at a more opportune moment, he tells his obsessive wife as escapes from Amalia.

And at the Del Valle home, Andrea mentions to her mother that Nati is entering rehab voluntarily. Lucia didn’t know because Marisa is still not talking about it, even to her best (really, her only) friend.

In Fez, Alí tells Jade not to be sad; it’s all for the best. And she does seem calm until she steps outside and notices Daniel staring at her, and holding her necklace in his outstretched palm. Then her eyes widen with fear.

At the Casa Ferrer, Rosa urges Lucas to eat something:
No has probado bocado en todo el día.
You haven’t had a bit to eat all day.
But Lucas is still in his “forty’s no fun when your 20-year-old self is there reminding you of your failure and ready to steal your life” mood. He leaves.

Shouldn’t Nati go to the doctor? asks Rosa sensibly. Marisa has asked the doctor to come to see her in the house. She is trying to figure out a way to get Natalia away from Miami, and in particular, away from Alejandro. [After everything that has happened, she is still blaming him for Natalia’s addiction.]

Marisa goes to her daughter’s room. Do you need anything? No. Do you want to go look at baby clothes with me? No. Do you want to take a trip with me, anywhere you want? ¡No insistas, mamá! No quiero nada. (Stop insisting, mom, I don’t want anything.)

Clara is talking on her cell phone as she walks through the scary drug barrio looking for Fernando. She’s asking Caro to make excuses for her at work. Enrique takes the phone from Caro and tells Clara she’s going about things the wrong way. She needs to find a group for support. (Good advice, but lousy timing. This is the time to get Clara to a safe place.)

Just then, Clara spots Paula. Paula tells her she and Fernando were fighting – look at this bruise on my forehead – and she called the police. They took him away but she’s not sure where. Were they downtown? At the beach?

Daniel rejoins his tour group in Fez. He asks the guide, Guillermo, how long a clone can live. I think you’ve been in the sun too long, he answers in befuddlement.

Lucas is looking at the window display of a clothing store in Miami.

Daniel is looking at pendants at a stall in Fez.

Lucas is in a barberchair: Is that the look you wanted? asks the barber.

Back at Salamandra, Zein is going to refer Dora to a lawyer who can help her.

Apparently that lawyer is named Cecilia Levi. Or that’s what Roberto has heard, and, he tells Leo, she is a force to be reckoned with. Enrique advises Leo that it would be better to settle the matter out of court. A court proceeding not only would bring unwanted notoriety, it would harm Albieri. But Leo insists on proceeding. Daniel is going to bear his name!

Dora and Estela are home when they get a call from Daniel: he is on his way home.

When Clara gets back to the office, she tells Caro what Paula said. But she has looked at several police stations and hasn’t been able to find him.

Enter Lucas sporting a white polo shirt and a new haircut. You look twenty years younger, the women tell him.

And what about Paris? asks Caro as the friends resume their conversation. No, says Clara, how can I go? I’m a disaster as a woman and mother. Even so, Clara admits that she loves Rogelio and doesn’t want to lose him. She wants to tell him the truth.

Mohamed is home with his family. He offers to take Samira to buy a cell phone – provided she wears her veil. She refuses. Mohamed and Amin go ahead leaving Samira behind. Samira tells her mother that she is sure Allah would not want custom or belief imposed by force on anyone.

Latifa is stewing about Mohamed’s plans to go to Fez without her. She’s afraid Abdul will push him to take a second wife. When the Naz comes in, Latifa begs her to talk to her brother and try to persuade him to take Latifa with him on his trip. The Naz can be in charge of the household in her absence. The Naz, rather nastily, agrees to consider it.

Rosa announces to Marisa that Alejandro’s mother has arrived. Tell her I’m not here, snaps Marisa. She’s not here to see you, she’s here for Natalia. And after all, the baby is her grandchild, says Rosa.

Gloria walks in and at first her gaze wanders as she takes in the wealth on display. But she is as focused as a laser when she enters Natalia’s room. If you still have any brain cells working, warns Gloria, you’d better stay away from that garbage. And after the baby is born, if you can’t take care of it, then I will, she promises. I’ll raise the kid just like I raised my baby.

Credits roll


NovelaMaven thanks again for recapping words fail me to describe some of these episodes or characters for this show sometime.

Zein i am so disappointed with you and to encourage Rogelio to go ahead and take Malicia anyway when he is having second thoughts and admits he's not even friends with her. Boy was i wrong about him.

Please tell me i was not the only one saying to the TV when Jade saw Daniel go ahead do something stupid like you usually do it's second nature for you anyway.

Finally i ask the writers to change the name of this novela. Draw a big cross out line through El Clon and just call this novela,( The Egotistical Selfishness,Self-destructive obsessive addiction,Chump how many times are you going to allow yourself to be played and WTF are you really this mentally challenged i mean seriously really?) Yes it may be a long title and not as catchy as El Clon but i think it fits perfectly for this novela.

I like the fact that Cris took Dora to Zein and ask for help maybe he won't let me down with this.

Oh Pablo i hear those i told you so building up volume for you gathering up speed to be heard.

Really is Roberto really a lawyer or just posing? He really seems incompetent.

Go Amalia go i have a feeling from the previews for tonight it looks like Cris will see her with Leo and misunderstand the situation why they are together at the restaurant.Hell hath no fury for a woman who misunderstands she is not being scorned.

Leo and Marisa are a perfect match, i can't see why they aren't attracted to each other?

Clara unless you a super woman, or Trinti from the Matrix, WTF are you doing going into a dangerous seedy drug den by yourself!!!!!!! No mace, no taser gun, no actual gun and it doesn't seem like you have any self defense skills to protect yourself. But hey let me go all by my lonesome to look for my drug addicted son there. Yeah that makes a world of sense.

Sorry that last post was mine also.

Yes Lucas cutting your hair like you are still twenty something and going back to dress like you're twenty something that will definitely turn back the clock.

Let's see i have a daughter or a son who is the throes of a major drug addiction and i am getting advice from a actual drug addict what to do and how to cope with this situation. But let's ignore him anyway because what would a former or maybe he says he's a former but still is a drug addict know more than me a parent who has no clue at what to do.

Gloria just got to love the lady, boy i would to love to see her give Marisa the verbal beat down she so needs on her parenting skills.

Excellent recap, as usual NovelaMaven.

Does everybody know where the scary drug place is? Why don't the police go there and clean it out? And I agree with you, Blu, why on earth would Clara go there alone. She won't risk telling her boyfriend about Fer's problem but she goes to the scary drug place alone to try and find him and do what?

Roberto does seem to the worst lawyer in Miami (TWLIM) or maybe you are right Blu and he is just pretending to be one. He doesn't appear to be familiar with the concept of statutes of limitations.

Although I really don't think it would apply here. First, because it seems that Leo wants a declaratory ruling from the court that Daniel is his son. I don't think that he is alleging that there was some kind of fraud when Daniel was born.

Statutes of limitations run on torts (wrongs in civil law) and crimes. Even if the action did sound in tort, the statute of limitation starts to run when the wrong is discovered or discoverable.

So, for example, if you found out 5 years after an operation that the doctor had left a clamp in you, you could sue for malpractice then, even though the statute of limitations was two years. Also, the statute of limitations does not start running for minors until they are of age.

Until the clone business was revealed, Leo had no way of knowing that Daniel was his son and that he potentially had any rights with regard to him.

Of course, the realities of the law don't apply in novelas. For example, family law in Morocco has been totally misrepresented.

Same old, same old with Marisa. It looks like she is going to drive Nati back to drugs and Lucas is going to stand around and do nothing but regret his lost youth.

And I'm so hoping that we aren't going to get the same old, same old tonight when Cristina finds Leo with Amalia.

I think we should score the remaining episodes on a scale of 1to 5 on signs of moving forward with the story.

Last night's episode: 0.

NovelaMaven, appreciated your excellent recap.

As Jean said, "Same old, same old with Marisa." She is still clueless when it comes to her daughter. All of her daughter's problems are everyone else's fault.

Gloria is a breath of fresh air among all the crazies. Like Blusamurai, I too would like to see a confrontation between these two.


Thanks NovelaMaven for a great recap.

From the previews, it looks like Jade is again wanting to get together with Daniel. She's exasperating!!!

I feel sorry for Dora but I feel extremely sorry for Daniel. The poor guy feels like he is not human and is afraid he will not live long.

I can't wait for someone to wipe that smug look off Malicia's face.


Jean i love your rating system might i add a most frustrating rating system per episode 1 to 10 this one being a 50:) I also agree with your rate for last night's episode LOL:)

Yes the google blogger has been acting really weird lately on here.

NovelaMaven, thanks so much for the summary.

It looks like Marisa has had a pre-menopausal surge of motherly hormones. Maybe that's coming from the reproductive area of her body, because her brain cells aren't working at all. Her entire plan seems to revolve around removing the man she loves from Nati's life. Get her to Orlando, knowing Alej doesn't own a car. Take her on a trip to NYC; like there's no drugs there!

It looks like Daniel didn't really read those genetic books he had on hand. Of course, there isn't much on human clonation since it's illegal. But he might have been able to gather something about animals' life spans by careful reading. For sure he's not going to get much from the medina shill (correction: tour guide).

I'm glad Said and Jade aren't getting married again, but it was pretty darn inconsiderate to wait until she'd decked herself out for the wedding to tell her.

I've got a bad feeling that when Clara goes to tell the truth to Rogelio she'll be met by a cooing Malicia telling her about the trip to Paris. I don't think that miserable schemer is going down until the finale.

Actually, even though it would be repetitive, I'm hoping Cris gets some of the stars out of her eyes seeing Leo with Amalia. Maybe then she'll light into him about his selfish plan to acquire Dora's son.

I think they've done a good job portraying Amalia. The fact is that nearly every reporter would be drooling over such a great story and not care so much who got hurt in the process.

I'm pretty tired of repetitive scenes of Roberto taking the credit for Enrique's ideas, then Enrique getting enraged about it and breaking out his little flask.

My pleasure, everyone!

Blusamurai, I love what you said about Leo and Marisa:

(they are)...a perfect match, i can't see why they aren't attracted to each other?

Yes, they are! I confess the thought has crossed my mind too! Of course the interesting thing about Marisa is that, as seductively as she dresses, the only person who has ever seemed attracted to her is Said. And all Said cared about was making Lucas jealous.

I'm frustrated with the way the writers have led us on about Marisa, hinting that she was changing, that she remembered something traumatic from her own past and somehow she was becoming more sensitive. I thought that she was impressed by how good and brave Alejandro was when they went together to rescue Nati from her 'secuestro'. But now she's behaving like the same image-conscious snob as always with zero self-awareness. If she's in charge, Natalia doesn't have a prayer of getting better.

NovelaMaven, thanks for again for a great recap.

There have been a lot of great comments today, so there is not much to add.

I do believe that Clara needs to check the morgue, unfortunately.

Poor Daniel, I do feel sorry for him and the reappearance of the very ambitious Amalia is not going to help. If the story of El Clon ever hits the press, the poor thing will surely feel like a freak.

Jean, I am impressed that you have a very good understanding the law.


Also disapppointed after being led to believe Marisa's motherhood instincts were taking over and perhaps she would be redeemed. That would have been a big job, of course, and now we see it was goingh to be too big.

Poor Alejandro. He does not deserve, and I'm convinced she is lost forever at this point. The writers may revive her, but in real life . . . . Lois

Thank you for the recap Novela maven.

I agree with some other people that Clara lacked judgement in searching out her son at the drug house by herself. What was she thinking? She was lucky she was not assaulted & robbed or hurt. She did not even have the smarts to change clothes but shows up in heels, a DRESS, a cell phone and purse. Clueless!

Marisa is pissing me off royally. I would love to give her one good solid smack across the mouth, especially when she talks crap about Alejandro. Even better, my dream would be to see Dona Gloria smack her around. Of course, Marisa would probably have her arrested and charges. Maybe my bloodlust might be satisfied if Marisa tumbled down the stairs in her heels and smacked herself on the ground with Dona Gloria as witness. I can't believe Marisa is not researching and try to obtain loads of information on drug addiction, rehab, etc. The only one in that household who uses the Internet for anything seems to be Natalia. For rich people, the Ferreres seem pretty dumb and clueless.

Don't let me get started on Jade. My three-year-old is smarter, more practical and makes better choices. I could go on all night.

Malicia reminds me of a cross between ferret and a fox (with apologies to all ferrets and foxes). She is gross. I wonder how Ivana and she would get along?

Enough vitriol on my part! I gotta go wash dishes.

Quazi in MD

Quazi, good one! Malicia and Ivana would make a great pair. Malicia would be the brains of the twosome, though.

Great job as always, NovelaMaven. There's not much to add after all the perceptive and interesting comments that others have already provided. I just keep thinking that since we're in últimas semanas, we should be starting to get some plot resolutions, but the only one I can think of so far is Leo and Cristina, and as others have noted, it looks as if we may be in for round 2875 of their on-again off-again relationship. Yawn.

Speaking of Leo, I'd love to see him insist on a DNA test to prove that Daniel is his son, only to find that Daniel's DNA does not match Leo's at all. Why? Because his wife was unfaithful to him, and so even the twins are not really "his." Yes, totally implausible, but I'd love to see his selfish, egocentric insistence on the DNA theory of parenthood backfire.

Omigosh Juanita, that is totally whacked out! Lucas and Diego...not Leo's sons!
I will keep my fingers crossed that it is so. What a delicious plot twist!
And, by the way, I do think that Malicia has a rodenty face; how does she get her upper lip to disappear when she is talking?
Most of all, NovelaMaven, thanks once again for a wonderful recap!

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