Tuesday, September 14, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 14: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 149: In which Lucas learns he and Daniel have a little something in common; Daniel is in Fez taking the BOA tour of the medina (Boring Old Anglo); Said is hot on the trail of Jade and Rania is hot on the trail of Said; Luisa may be a Mother Wolf but Leo is the Great White Hunter; and Real Men Don’t Wear Gold.

Dora agrees to let Lucas look at Daniel’s room. She tells him that Daniel has always had somewhat offbeat tastes; Lucas remembers how everyone thought he was ‘different’. Daniel is a great skateboarder; Lucas always wanted to skateboard but Rosa wouldn't let him. Then Lucas notices a grey veil – is it from Morocco? he asks. Dora confirms that it is and adds:
Sueña con una mujer con velo y dice que se va a casar con ella.
He dreams about a woman wearing a veil and says he’s going to marry her.

Said is getting ready to leave for the airport. He is irritated by Rania’s suggestion that he stay in a hotel.

The cousins, Samira and Jadiya, are exchanging secrets. Mi mamá se va a volver (my mother is coming back), confides Jadiya happily. Yo besé a Carlos! (I kissed Carlos), confides her cousin.

Latifa, the Naz and Amina are with the baby. Rania joins them and tells them she’s upset that Said might stay at Alí’s house. She can’t allow him to be anywhere near Jade. Of course he is staying at Alí’s house, declares the Naz. She manages to offend both Latifa and Rania by adding that she knows her brothers – both of them – very well and neither is capable of passing up an opportunity to pursue an odalisque.

Gloria is wondering why Alejandro made a trip to his old apartment and didn’t bring back her chairs.

We see Daniel wandering through the medina with an English-language tour group that, at first glance, seems sponsored by AARP.

Alí is at home teaching the children. He explains the traditional answer to what makes some people good and others bad: un pedazo de carne, (a piece of flesh) within each person: el corazón! (the heart). Jade feels uneasy, she feels someone’s presence and she is afraid. It’s not Said, says Zoraida. He hasn’t arrived yet.

Abdul is in the medina with Zumaya when he sees a familiar figure: ¿Lucas? Daniel looks up and smiles uncertainly. Abdul scurries away with Zumaya, heading straight to Alí’s house with the news:
¡No te imaginas quién llegó a Fez! Acabo de verlo en la medina! ¡Lucas!
You can’t imagine who has come to Fez! I just saw him in the medina! Lucas!
Not possible, insists Alí. But Abdul holds his ground: It was Lucas all right, although he seemed more cheerful and about twenty years younger. Who’s Lucas? Zumaya wants to know as the women leave Alí and Abdul to talk.

Abdul says he is bringing him the news so he can be on guard. It would be futile to warn Jade. After all, asking her to show good sense would be like asking a camel to play the flute.

And Jade, muy impactada, murmurs to herself: Volvió. Lucas volvió. (He’s back)

Back in Miami, Cris is thumbing through bridal magazines, daydreaming about the perfect wedding dress (maybe a red one, Leo loves her in red). Has Leo proposed? asks Vicki. No, answers her friend, but he will. And we’ll have a happy ending to our stormy love story.

Marisa looks on silently as Nati lies in her hospital bed. We hear Enrique’s voiceover – how his mother must have felt when he was an addict.

And in Fez, Jade is whistling past the graveyard. Yo ya no siento nada por Lucas (I don’t feel anything for Lucas anymore) she declares to Zoraida. Both she and Zoraida know that Abdul saw la sombra (the shadow) of Lucas. Zoraida persists in calling him un genio malo, but Jade understands he is a clone, a copy of Lucas. And she wonders: ¿Será que tiene el mismo corazón? (Is it possible he has the same heart?/feelings?)

Meanwhile, back at Dora’s in Miami, Lucas says: Yo también me enamoré de una mujer en Marruecos; se llama Jade. (I also fell in love with a woman in Morocco; her name is Jade.) ¿Jade? echoes Dora. She is suddenly in a great hurry to leave, noticeably anxious to get Lucas out of there.

Back at Casa Ferrer, Lucas finds Marisa is distraught after her visit with Natalia. Of her daughter she says: She’s not herself, she’s not the girl we raised.

Still at home, Fernando has the nerve to ask Clara for money. She wants to know what that girl was doing in her house. She’s my girlfriend, he says. (Better or worse than Malicia? You decide.) He tries to get away from his mother and her questions, but she won’t allow it. She wants to know what happened to her watch, the watch she had worked so hard to buy. At first he denies responsibility but at last he breaks down: Yo robé tu reloj! (I robbed your watch!) I sold it to buy drugs! Soy un drogadicto! (I’m an addict). And I can’t bear this pain! I need money to buy drugs right now!

We see Daniel in his tour group. [Man, that Luisa. I think her plan must be to kill Daniel by boring him to death.]

Zumaya would like her Tío Abdul to buy her a television so she can watch the telenovelas from Cairo. She may as well be asking for permission to burn en el mármol del infierno, although Alí thinks a tv is a useful machine for learning about the world.

Jade and Zoraida agree that her estrangement from Lucas and Zein is a chance to get back together with Said.

Daniel wanders a few steps away from the group and finds himself almost on Jade’s doorstep. Es aquí! Aquí vive Jade! (It’s here. Here is where Jade lives!) He smiles.

Said is going to be staying here at the house, Zoraida informs Alí. Alí warns Jade not to go outside. Lucas is here, he says and with Said coming, the slightest mischance may interfere with the two of you coming together again ‘aunque sea una hebra de cabello que esté fuera de lugar’ (even if it’s a strand of hair that’s out of place). [It's odd how Alí and Jade talk about Daniel as if he were Lucas] Then Alí says once again that he made a mistake years ago when, by trying to extinguish the fire of Jade and Lucas’s love, he actually fanned the flames.

Speaking of flames, Rania is blazing with fury. She declares to Amina and Latifa that she will never let Said bring Jade back to the house – and she is sure that is his mission in going to Fez. She will go to Fez, she declares, and she’ll take her son with her! Without Said’s permission? asks Amina. In this country, says Rania, a woman doesn’t need a man’s permission to travel. (It seems our little sheltered Rania has tasted of the liberties of the west – or perhaps she’s been watching those Cairo telenovelas).

And speaking of women breaking free, Jadiya (yes, Jadiya!) stands look-out while Samira phones Carlos. Carlos doesn’t like all this sneaking around. He’d like to meet Samira’s father. [No, you wouldn’t Carlos, you really wouldn’t].

Samira is soooooo in love. As in love as Princess Nazira was with Prince Pablo? asks Jadiya. Well in that case, Jadiya has heard the Naz say that if the occidental converts to Islam, the family will accept him. Asunto arreglado!

Alej is at the hospital to see Nati. The doctor tells him she is en una crisis de abstinencia muy grande (in a very severe withdrawal crisis). But once that is over, she will be discharged to her parents. She will need rehab. And Enrique cuts in to remind us of the futility of treatment against one’s will; and yet there were times when he would have died, if not for the treatment.

Natalia has been out of control, pounding on the door and demanding to be released. But when Alej arrives, she is puddled on the floor. At the sound of his voice, she looks up. She goes to him, he takes her in his arms, and she says: Sácame de aquí. No soy ninguna drogadicta. (Get me out of here. I’m not a drug addict.) When he tries to tell her that her parents are on the way, that she needs to wait for them, she becomes enraged, reviles him, and screams at him to get out.

Later, Alej and Andrea talk about this sad encounter, how Natalia is not the person they knew. If she continues down this path, they agree, they are going to lose her.

Leo arrives at Albieri’s clinic and announces, as Mother Wolf Luisa watches, that he is going to court to fight for paternal rights to Daniel. (Voy a presentar una demanda de paternidad).
What will you gain by that? asks Albieri. (¿Qué sacas con esa?)
He wants to change the boy’s name to Ferrer and include him in his will. And to do so, he wants Albieri to testify that Daniel is, indeed, a clone made from Ferrer genetic stuff. After all:
Dora es una madre sustituto. Le prestó su vientre.
Dora is a substitute mother. She loaned him her womb.
His real mother was Isabel. And any other woman could have done what Dora did – Daniel would have been the same. [This is not only foul, foul, foul, it is technically, as well as emotionally, untrue – during pregnancy there is a transfer of a small number of cells from mother to fetus and fetus to mother. We all carry maternal cells for decades after birth – microchimerism is the technical term. You can’t get away from your mother, even if you want to. Even if she’s not your ‘mother’]
Luisa springs into action: Cloning is illegal in this country, she tells Leo. If you go ahead with your lawsuit, if you make this public, not only will Albieri lose his medical license, he’ll go to jail!

Gloria congratulates Mohamed on the birth of his nephew. She would like to choose a gold chain from the store as a gift for him. Culture Clash Ahead: It turns out that Real Men Don’t Wear Gold. So if Gloria’s ‘Baby’ were to wear a gold scapular blessed by the pope, that would make him less than manly? she asks. Then how about I give the kid calzones de plata!!!! (silver drawers/underpants)

And Ramón doesn’t exactly sweeten Gloria’s mood when he comes along brandishing a letter from the owner of Alej’s apartment – It is a list of all the items Natalia and the Spotless Movers have stolen and he wants to be reimbursed. Of course, Gloria doesn’t know about the Spotless Movers. Why is he asking you to pay for these things? she asks Alejandro.

Credits roll.


Great recap NovelaMaven for a very tough unsympathetic episode for many of these unsympathetic characters.

I know this has been said before but Jade's stupidity there is just no limit to it is it?

So Rania going after Said will probably be her downfall to her marriage to Said and he get custody of their son. Now that is priceless.

Leo the selfish tyrant wants Albieri the selfish Dr. who used Dora to create his clone to verify in court that Daniel was created without the approval of either Lucas or Dora. Selfish Luisa points out how this will not work out well especially for Albieri, who will end up in jail.

Poor Clara no woman or mother is that gullible thinking the child can get over a deadly addiction like that so quickly. Unless of course she is a poorly written novela character of course.

I know some people have speculated and are guessing about that maybe Fernando will die to be a wake up call to Nati to stop doing drugs. But after watching how self entitled Leo acted last night and the way Marisa acted most of this novela. I am beginning to think if anyone dies between the two drug addicts it just might be Nati.Fernando at least admits he has a problem the one who not doing anything right now and is stuck on stupid delusions is Clara. I think the lost of not only Daniel and his granddaughter will maybe make Leo realize not to take for granted the child he's always neglected Lucas.This is just a guess on my part but we will see.

Update on a commercial break they announced that El Cartel 2 is in Culminates Finales. So it's possible the Ojo Por Ojo will be replacing that one.

NovelaMaven, your recap, as usual brings humor to some poorly written scenes. Rania's downfall, Jade's lack of insight. Zoriada again seems like a wise women. Leo, is a rat. Dora allowed her womb to be rented! Gloria still seems to be in touch with the world. She is picking up on all the small signs-missing furniture, missing Nati. The offer of a gift to Mohammed was far more than comic relief. Gloria is a modern Dulcinea( Man of La Mancha). She keeps warning Alj, (Don Quixote) to stop fighting windmills.

Very well written and funny recap of a weird episode. I particularly like the 'Boring Old Anglo' tour of the medina.

I got the impression that Jade thinks that Lucas has come to Fez, not Daniel but maybe I'm wrong. While Zoraida may think that Daniel is a shadow, Albieri explained the cloning thing to Jade so she has no excuse not to understand except her wilful stupidity about relationships.

Thanks, folks! This does feel like a weird episode -- an episode built by a committee, say...

The day before, when they were trying to track down Daniel, nobody could find any flights leaving Miami for Morocco. It seemed like Luisa had set up something nefarious for Daniel-- maybe he was on his way somewhere unknown, maybe be was leaving from a different airport, maybe she had arranged for him to be kidnaped, even. But here he is with his BOA tour in Fez. No explanations given.

When Adbul describes seeing Lucas, just 20 years younger and more cheerful looking, why should Alí and Jade have any doubt about whom Abdul has really seen? They both know about the clone. They've both seen him before.

Any why end an episode on such a weak point? A stolen refrigerator is not exactly a cliff-hanger.

And maybe it is just me, but I can no longer even remember why Natalia is worth caring about. She was a monstrous brat to Alej when she met him. Now she is something far worse. She seems to have been pleasant for about five minutes in between.

Blu, thanks for the update on Cartel2.

NovelaMaven, thank you once again for making the recap better than the episode.

Why don't they just call the police and report the frig, chairs, etc. stolen. That sorry bunch of losers deserves to get busted.

I did like Cris looking at wedding dresses. I LOL at the thought of a red one.


Nati is still on a seemingly unstoppable downward spiral --will she pull out of it? If you read the first chapter of Isabel Allende's memoir "The Sum of Our days", it relates the true story of a drug-addicted young woman; the story has an almost uncanny resemblance to Nati's (up to this point in time), with a similar, but ultimately much worse, downward spiral. Will this be Nati's fate? --I hope not.


Thanks very much, NovelaMaven, for an excellent recap of a far-from-excellent episode. I loved your description of it as "an episode built by a committee."

I was amused to see that Telenovela Airlines still has magical powers. Not only does it apparently travel at the speed of light, it also records its flight schedule in invisible ink. It reminds me of the train for Hogwarts (in the Harry Potter books) that leaves from platform 9¾ that the unenlightened can't see.

Leo is climbing higher and higher on my mierda list. His remarks last night about Dora almost pushed him past Paula and Malicia on that list. Almost.

Blusamurai, I think the reason Clara is so blind to Fernando's need for professional treatment is that the writers of the telenovela clearly believe that MOST people are that blind. How else can we account not only for Enrique's interminable PSAs but also for the failure of Alejandro, Leo, Lucas, and Marisa to recognize that love and job opportunities aren't enough to enable Nati to defeat her addiction. Of course, their ignorance and Enrique's [expletive deleted] PSAs could wind up driving me to drugs! It's a good thing we're in capítulos culminantes!

Excellent recap, NovelaMaven.

I also don't understand why Ali and Jade think Lucas is in Fez.

I really liked the scenes between Jadiya and Samira. Cousins can often be more kindred spirits than siblings. The two girls are so cute exchanging confidences.

And, heaven knows, we need something besides drug PSAs, Jade's amazing boneheadedness, Rania's rants, Nati's rants, Mohammed's rants, Abdul's rants (have I left any rants out?).

Wow, clueless Leo thinks all that Dora did was provide womb space. How about 20 years of love? He stupidly made it sound as if she'd volunteered to be a surrogate instead of undergoing artificial insemination for a longed-for child. Of course, as others have said, it makes no sense they didn't just use the turkey baster.

I'm definitely liking Marisa more and more. This is much more believable than the usual Televisa nasties who are vile to the bitter end.

NovleMaven, you made some good soup out of this very lean episode.
I agree with you: I can no longer remember why we should care what happens to Nati. In the tradition of all TN's, three bad characters and one good character will die. I wonder if the writers will throw Nati to the wolves...
Oh, PS: remember when Cristina almost got married to that man she didn't love, to make Leo jealous? Wasn't she wearing a red dress because, as she told Vicki, Leo wanted her to get married looking like Gilda/Rita Hayworth?

Thanks again for the nice words, everyone! And thanks for the great comments.

Joan, I had the impression Cris's Gilda dress was light-colored. I could be wrong, but I don't remember it being red. By the way, she actually married the guy -- she was hoping up until the very end, that Leo would, in a grand cinematic gesture, rush forward and stop the ceremony. Unfortunately for Cris, that didn't happen.

Novelera, Marisa has definitely got my attention these days. I hope that her emotional unfolding is pursued and doesn't become a loose plot line left languishing (that happens around here, I've noticed). By the way, one of my favorite acting moments happened a few days ago when Marisa was reacting to Nati being taken away by the burly enfermeros. She holds her lower abdomen, the way a pregnant woman unconsciously touches her belly as if to say: this is my child, my baby, that this terrible thing is happening to.

Joan- I agree with NM that the dress was white. I posted a movie poster for Gilda when that episode happened if anyone wants to go back and find it.

I noticed Marisa holding her stomach, too, NM. I thought of the pregnant woman and also of the way that your stomach feels when something horrible happens - like you were kicked there.

Nice job NovelaMaven. Real Men Don't Wear Gold? Asking permission to burn in el mármol del infierno? You're killing me, don't stop!

Does Leo think Dora's involvement in the clone production was voluntary? I don't remember what he heard about it. If he mistakenly thinks she was contractually obligated to turn Daniel over to Albieri or whomever, then his behavior is only 90% abominable.

Do Jade and Alí think Lucas in Fez? I guess that depends on whether they took Abdul at his word about him looking happy and aged 20. If I were them I would have tuned out on the Abdul channel long ago.

Novelera: Nazira is your missing ranter. And Enrique has recently taken it up, in addition to his PSAs, to make him probably the least likable character.

Hahahah -- Thanks, Luke!!!

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