Tuesday, September 07, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 7: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 144: It’s a boy!
Es un varoncito for Rania and Said. Andrea gets closer to Pablo. Cristina and Leo are together again. Fernando is playing Clara. Zein is either playing Malicia or being played by her. And Alej has an unexpected partner in Operation Rescue Natalia.

No one has seen Daniel. Dora fears that if he has gone to the desert, he will never come back. Rosa stands in the nearly empty Diego shrine wringing her hands. And Leo orders Roberto to track him down, no matter what it takes.

Lucas wants Roberto to disregard Leo’s instructions. Roberto isn’t willing to defy the boss but he agrees to keep Lucas in the loop.

Enrique accuses Lucas of avoiding a meeting with Daniel for fear of confronting his own past. It’s not that, says Lucas. Whether or not this boy Daniel is a clone, he is a separate and distinct person. As a twin, Lucas struggled to establish his own identity. This lack of identity made him weak. And because of that weakness he lost Jade.

Jade and Zumaya return from the medina to Ali’s house in Fez to be greeted with the news that Rania is about to give birth. This happiness could have been yours, says Ali. And Zoraida adds that she never saw a love greater than that of Said for Jade. Love? Or obsession? answers Jade.

At Said’s house in Miami, the menfolk -- Said, Mohamed and Amin wait downstairs. Samira and Jadiya are just outside the birthing room and peek in on the proceedings. Rania is a very noisy parturient. Amina is at her head, Latifa attends her bottom, and the Naz is shouting unhelpful things in the background. Rania gives one final push and the baby is delivered into Latifa’s arms. The men come running upstairs when they hear an infant wailing. ¡Es un varoncito, Said! (It’s a little boy, Said!)
Jadiya’s face is a tear-streaked mask of tragedy and Latifa tries to comfort her. Said cries with joy. And of course Rania, Amina and the Naz are thrilled.

Alejandro is frantically searching his apartment for money or things he can sell while the odious Paula watches, boots on the table. He comes up with $100 and the television. Why don’t you get the money from Natalia’s rich parents? she asks.

Pablo is at a café with Andrea and Diana. Diana continues in her self-appointed role of Cupid for her friends. She begs off attending the victory celebration at Gloria’s, saying she is not feeling well (estoy indispuesta), leaving Andrea and Pablo to set off together.

At a pawnshop, Alej gets $100 for his watch and tv. He’s still $400 short.

Pablo and Andrea arrive at Gloria’s and discover that the guest of honor has gone off to get Natalia and has not come back. Says Andrea:
¿Será que Natalia tuvo una recaída? (I wonder if Natalia had a relapse)
While they are waiting for Alej, Pablo gets a call from his ‘novia’ and Andrea strains to hear the conversation.

Malicia is surprised when she opens the door to ‘her’ apartment and finds the Chump relaxing on the couch. He is there so they can solve their problems as a couple, he explains earnestly.

Clara and Caro discuss the Chump, how much Malicia has managed to squeeze out of him. Caro wishes she could find herself an Escobar. [Oye, Caro, you already have an Enrique. Isn’t that enough tsuris for a lifetime?]

Albieri and Luisa are at home discussing Dra Silvia’s stated intention to denounce him before the Florida Medical Board. He understands that she feels he betrayed her trust; Luisa, however, is outraged and insists that the betrayal is on Silvia’s part. Luisa can’t excuse Silvia’s disloyalty to Albieri. But Albieri admits that deep down, he wants Silvia to make what he has done public. He is willing to face losing his license, his clinic, even going to jail. But he demands recognition for his great accomplishment: cloning a human being.

Cristina is in her apartment with Vicki. She has decided to take a long trip and rethink her life. Quiero ser feliz sola, sin la necesidad de tener un hombre a mi lado. (I want to be happy alone, without needing a man at my side.) These must be magic words because no sooner has she uttered them than Leo appears at her door. I have to talk to you, he says, and I’m not leaving until you listen to me.

Alej is so desperate, he seeks help at Casa Ferrer. He comes looking for Lucas, but it’s Marisa who is home. She and Rosa want to know what’s wrong. It’s Natalia, he tells them: La tienen secuestrada en un lugar dónde se venden drogas. (They’re holding her hostage in a place where they sell drugs.) If they don’t get $600 by night, they’ll hurt her. He has only been able to come up with $200.

Rosa runs upstairs for money and comes back with $500. He only needs $400, he says, but she insists he take the full sum, just in case.

Lucia has been present, sitting just out of earshot of the conversation. It is clear to her that there is a crisis. As Marisa’s friend, she wants to help. Marisa breaks down and tells her what is going on.

Marisa, for once in her life, acts bravely and selflessly (if a little recklessly). She insists on accompanying Alejandro to rescue Natalia. He is dubious, especially given that she is wearing one of her typically provocative dresses, today a blue Marilyn Monroe number. But she dismisses his doubts, rejects the idea of being driven by the chauffeur and she and Alej set out together in a taxi.

Back at Cristina’s apartment, Leo thanks her for bringing Daniel to him. He knows Daniel isn’t Diego, but somehow, with his arrival, his own heart, which had been closed off for so many years, opened up again and he started to feel alive. The unjustifiable resentment (ese rencor injustificado) that I harbored against you all these years is gone, he tells her. Te vengo a pedir perdón. Perdóname Cristina. (I’m here to ask your forgiveness. Forgive me, Cristina.) In answer, she takes him in her arms. [So much for the Eat Pray Love plans. Cut directly to Love.]

Ramón has been calling Alej’s cell and there’s still no answer. Gloria is exasperated and Pablo is sick of waiting. He has made plans to see Malicia, but he will take Andrea home first. In answer to Andrea’s question, he admits he isn’t exactly in love with Malicia. Tal vez después... (Maybe later on...)

At Salamandra, Malicia is telling Zein: ¡Estoy muy enamorada de Pablo! (I’m so in love with Pablo). She always had a thing for Pablo, she admits, but he was off limits when he was Cris's boyfriend. And why did Cris and Pablo break up? asks Zein with seeming innocence. Because of Sr Ferrer, says the Malicious One. Zein is surprised – he thought he was the reason. He kissed Cristina and some gossipy employee told Pablo about it.

I’m surprised to hear you say you’re so in love with Pablo, adds Zein. I saw how you were looking at Rogelio last night. And why not? He’s divorced, handsome – you’d make a nice couple. [ok, is this conversation for real? Is Zein onto her or is he another gullible fool?]

Escobar boasts to Julio about how he confronted his problems with Malicia head-on by showing up at the apartment. And he should have done it long ago.

Clara is doing a little gentle boasting of her own. She tells her friend Caro how well Fernando is doing. He is back in the band and off drugs. She’ll just give him a call.

Fernando is rifling through all the drawers in Clara’s house when the phone rings. He listens to his mother tell him how proud she is of the changes he has made. He cuts the conversation short because he has a rehearsal with the band. The doorbell rings. It’s Paula making a home delivery of drugs. She plops down on Clara’s couch and very casually mentions that the dealers have Natalia: if Alej doesn’t pay her drug debt by tonight, they are going to kill her.

The taxi carrying Marisa and Alej arrives at the drug house. He asks her to wait while he goes inside, first entreating the driver to take care of the lady for him: (Me cuida la señora.) Alej approaches the gang and hands over the $600 they demanded. It’s not enough. Now they are asking for $700 to pay interest. Alej gives them the extra $100 that Rosa had pressed on him. They take him to Natalia and we see him with his arm around her, ready to lead her to freedom.

Credits roll.


NovelaMaven another great fantastic recap thank you so much for your hard work on this along with jean.

Poor Jadiya i really felt bad for her when it turned out to be a son, i was so pissed from the misleading expressions Amina was giving off i was sure it was going to be the ugly little girl Jadiya had wished for on Rania.

Has Fernando been scared straight by what Paula told him about Nati being held hostage? Really if Alejandro had stop enabling Nati she maybe would have gotten her act together before this latest incident.

I believe Zein is playing with Malicia and he's on to what type of person she really is. If i saw someone staring at two people who going about their business of living, like she looked at Clara and Rogelio the other night i would wonder what's up with that person?

How many episodes do we have left of this novela?

Don't forget tonight at 10pm Alguien Te Mira starts.

That was a quick one! Well done NM!

I'm with you on Zein: that guy is a tough read, but it sure sounded like he was onto Alicia. I suspect he feels bad about what happened with Cristina, and wants to resolve it.

Speaking of Cris, her scene with Vicky was touching, and when Leo came crawling back, I half expected her to ask for a little time to sort herself out. But no, after his apparently sincere apology, they're back to where they started.

There were two weird things about Albieri's scene. I'm not sure I understood it right, but it sounded like his evidence that Sylvia will report him was that one of his friends asked him how to file a lawsuit. What? If they had that on their mind because Sylvia had reported Albieri, does he really think they would ask him? It sounds like his evidence is pretty weak. Then he uses a nice mixed metaphor: "Ésta es una bola de nieve, y ya crecido tanto que tarde o temprano va a explotar." (This is a snowball, and it's already grown so much that sooner or later it will explode.) It's a good thing it doesn't snow in Miami.

I also enjoyed Andréa and Marisa in this episode, although Andréa is barking up the wrong tree. Pablo, apparently the most wanted man in Miami given how many women on the show have wanted him, may be nice and handsome but he's also a dope.

Well, here's hoping something good comes out of Natalia's secuestro (besides Marisa potentially warming up to Alejandro a little more). Maybe Lucía will help. We'll see.

Wonderful recap, NovelaMaven! Your snark is in top form. I loved "Oye, Caro, you already have an Enrique. Isn’t that enough tsuris for a lifetime?" and also "So much for the Eat Pray Love plans. Cut directly to Love." Perfect!

I kept wondering how to interpret Latifa's look of disappointment when she saw Rania's baby. I realized that the writers were playing with us--successfully. Apparently her disappointment was on behalf of Jadiyah.

I was a bit surprised that Marisa allowed Rosa to give Alej the $$ he needed. I would have thought her pride and sense of "decorum" would have demanded that she give him the $$, not someone who works for her as a subordinate.

I was also a little surprised that there wasn't a fist fight at the drug den. I half expected prize-fighter Alej to take on the whole mob of druggies.

Like everyone else, I'm puzzled about how to read Zein. I'm so hoping that he's on to Alicia and is playing her, but....

Of course, if in fact there are fewer than 20 episodios to go (¡ojalá!), then some of the plot lines have got to start being resolved. Perhaps that's what we saw with Leo and Cristina. Normally, I'd expect their reconciliation to last just a few days, but if we're getting close to the end, perhaps this time the relationship will survive.

Super recap, NovelaMaven!

I agree, Lucas, with your comment to yesterday's post about loathing Leo. I do too for the same reasons and his reconciliation with Cristina did nothing to change my opinion.
His declaration was all about him, his feeling, his guilt. He didn't care at all about what Cristina might have been feeling.
In the same way, he doesn't care about how the appearance of the clone affects Lucas or how Daniel might feel. It's always and only about him. His tiny foray into not comitting the same mistakes by being more understanding of Natalia has been overwhelmed by his total and complete selfishness. Cristina deserves better.

I hope Zein is onto Malicia. It would be nice if some man had a glimmer about her. Even when presented with overwhelming proof of her treachery, the Chump is still delusional.

I wasn't surprised that Rania had a boy. It makes sense as part of the process to wean Jadiya from her father.

I thought that Marisa would accuse Alej of making up the kidnapping story to get money from her. It was a very rash decision on her part to go with him to the scary drug place. I'm also surprised a cab would go there.

I watch La Fantasma de Elena every once in a while and more has happened in the month and a half that that novela has been on than the 140+ episodes of Clon!!

Last night's synopsis was the usual top form--especially with the yummy tidbits the episode offered.

Knowing that Latifa is in Jadiya's corner, my heart sank when I saw her expression, before she announced "it's a boy." Too bad for Jadiya, but I guess Rania needs a little turn of luck too. And this'll provide tension, the stuff novela's run on.

(I asked at home why the prefered terms are "hombre/varón" and "mujer" rather than "niño" or "niña," to no avail. Leads me to speculate about future problems with gender socialization)

Mama Marisa surprised the heck outta me: by actually being a mama. I was shocked to see her in action.

And I too believe that Zein is on to Alicia. He just seemed so aloofly aware of her... My Jamaican nana uses a phrase that describes him perfectly: "playing fool fi' catch wise."

*~Actually anticipating tonight's capítulo~*

Luke M i love your pov on Zein and what he may suspect about Malicia, let's hope he's not another Chump falling for her act.

Jean every episode right now of El Fantasma de Elena is so good i highly recommend it.

Gracias por las flores, amigos!

Blu, I was kind of relieved that Rania had a boy. As Jean says, it's perhaps part of the process to wean her away from Said. Maybe Jadiya will be so marginalized in that household that they will send her to live with Latifa -- or even, dare we hope, to Fez.

Was Fer scared straight? I hope they show us his reaction to Paula's announcement about Natalia. Then we'll finally know which list he belongs on!

I'm worried about the Zein thing. They snookered us once with Rogelio -- we all thought he was too smart to believe Malicia's lies about Cris. Not so. And now Zein -- are we going to find out that behind that mesmerizing, penetrating gaze, he's wondering if he has enough hummus in the fridge to get through the weekend and did they bring his white linen suit back from the cleaners... I hope not.

Luke, I just went back and listened to what Albieri said about Silvia. This is what I heard:

A: Silvia me va a denunciar ante la barra de los médicos de la Florida.
L: ¡Dios mio! ¿y cómo lo supiste?
A: Me acabo de encontrarme con un colega, un viejo amigo y me dijo que ella estaba averiguando cómo se presenta una denuncia oficial. Yo me imagino que será por lo de la clonación humana.

A: Silvia is going to lodge a complaint against me before the Florida Medical Board.
L: Oh God! And how did you find out?
A: I just met a colleague, an old friend and he told me that she (Silvia) was looking for information about how one presents an official complaint. I imagine it must be because of the issue of human cloning.
[Anyway, Luke, that's my best shot at the dialogue]

Juanita, I'd guess that Marisa, like most super rich people, probably doesn't have actual money sitting around. It makes sense to me that Rosa would have some cash squirreled away.

Mama Marisa! Yes, Erin, exactly. This is the mother running into a burning building to save her child. Have we ever seen Marisa like this? Will it change anything?

Guys, who knows how many episodes there are all told? 160? 183? There are plenty of unresolved plot points, but we all know how fast they can move when they want to.

Only $600 ransom? That was soooo stupid. That means that over 2 or so days she only consumed $600 worth of cocaine (that's not much at all) and they are going to kill her over it?! In 24 hours?? LOL. How ridiculous. C'mon writers, I know you can make it a little more realistic than that...

Great recap, NovelaMaven. Loved the tsuris line about Caro and Enrique!

I was surprised Rania had a boy. I really believed Jadiya had jinxed her and it would be a girl.

Boy Cris sure caved in fast to Leo's dubious charms. Decades of throwing her out of his office and insulting her in restaurants and she's right back with him. Sheesh!

Good on Marisa for going along. She did chicken out a little bit at the thought of going in the drug house, but that's understandable for a woman who's lived a privileged life.

Do we think this is the end of Nati's drug use? Is she scared straight? I hope so.

Thank God Alej had the sense not to tell the despicable Paula where the Ferrers live. She'd be over there every other day with some excuse to get money out of them.

Karla has got to be pregnant by some other method than the housecleaner coming away with Roberto's manly juices in a thankfully undisclosed way. Didn't she have a fling with Pablo after she broke up with Alej? Or was that too long ago for him to be the father.

How did the Chump get in when Malicia changed the locks?

I think Zein is on to Malicia.

NovelaMaven: thanks as always for the recap!!!

Oh I do hope Zein catches on to mAlicia soon; can't stand her smug face.

Jean/Blusamurai: El Fantasma de Elena is definitely worth watching; events happen quickly, and not much estupidez going on (just like Donde Esta Elisa).

NovelaMaven, good point about Marisa probably not having any cash lying around. I guess the druggies don't take American Express.

Novelera, though I would love to think that Nati's most recent experience has scared her straight, I strongly doubt it. Too many plot elements suggest otherwise--Enrique's PSAs, for one, and Andrea's visit to the rehab center, for another. Arrgh.

NovelaMaven: Thanks so much for covering that Albieri conversation! When I was watching I must have missed the gender switch that disambiguates what he's saying. I seem to remember even the English captions goofed that up, but maybe I misread them.

Like Jean, my first thought when Alejo came to la casa Ferrer was that Marisa wouldn't believe his story. But thankfully her motherly instinct kicked in, probably more than it ever had before.

Novelera: I loved "Leo's dubious charms." And good call on keeping Paula away from la casa Ferrer. Also, I don't know if Pablo ever slept with Karla. If he did, I think that might have been too early to explain her pregnancy. I'm pretty sure it was a while before plan B started. But it would be interesting if it turned out to be Pablo's.

This is my laugh out loud moment:

And now Zein -- are we going to find out that behind that mesmerizing, penetrating gaze, he's wondering if he has enough hummus in the fridge to get through the weekend and did they bring his white linen suit back from the cleaners... I hope not.

I hope not, too.
Thanks for the image, NovelaMaven!

Yeah, it was ?-inducing that Ratoncito was in the apartment after Malicia changed the locks. More TN estupidez I suppose.

And good call on Malicia's "smug" features. Ever since her entrance, I've never been able to stand her strange, strange face. Eww... Ojalá que sus motivos verdaderos sean revelados, muy pronto.

Thanks as always for a splendid recap!
Loved all the comments today. It's a bit late, but I just want to comment to Erin: Malicia looks like she is eating her own lips when she talks! Ugh.

Loved the rumination about what's behind Sein's penetrating gaze. I won't be able to look at him now without thinking "hummus" and checking to see if he's wearing his white suit. THanks for the laugh!! Linda

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