Wednesday, September 22, 2010

El Clon, Wed., Sept 22 - Summary for Discussion

Luisa gets a call that the tour company has found Daniel. A reporter has come to see Albieri. It's Amalia. She asks if it is true that he successfully cloned a human being 20 years ago.

Alí drags Jade home. Daniel is lurking outside. Alí is furious and says that he won't go through the same thing for her again. She is ungrateful. 'Es la última vez que levanto mi mano para salvarte, Jade,' this is the last time that I lift a finger to save you, Jade. Jade swears that she isn't going back to her old ways. She says that she just wanted to say goodbye to her past. Alí's look says that he can't believe what he's hearing. Then Jade has the brass ones to ask Zoraida, '¿Por qué me dejaste ir?' Why did you let me leave? Jade tells Zoraida that she can turn her back on Lucas (whom she has loved for 20 years) but she can't turn her back on the shadow (with whom she has exchanged maybe 20 words). [Does it make sense? No, but that's Jade.] The shadow makes her feel that she has gone back in time and that this time he could make things work out. Zoraida has some kind of anti-shadow remedy she is going to to use on Jade. Said comes in all happy with the airline tickets. Rania watches.

Albieri tells Amalia that he will answer her question some other time but not now. 'Does that mean yes?' our hard hitting reporter asks. Albieri pleads urgent business and asks Amalia to leave. But when she is gone, he has that 'I want to blab about how clever I am' look.

The Naz and Jadiya try and sell veil wearing to Zamira. The Naz says that when she goes out in her veil, the men are driven crazy trying to find out what is under there. Zamira doesn't care about that. She says that the Naz was used to seeing veiled women but she isn't. It is the custom in Morocco, not in the US. The Naz trots out Mohamed's favorite, 'no women in our family ever went out unveiled' line but Zamira says that is because none of them ever left Fez. She wants to look like women here in the West because she is from the West.

Latifa asks Allah help to convince Zamira to wear a veil. Otherwise, Mohamed will send her back.

The Chump tells Roberto (TWLIM) that he had an oral agreement about the apartment with Malicia. Roberto says that he will do what he can but he thinks the case is a loser. The Chump begs him to do whatever he can to try and get the apartment back.

Leo catches Enrique drinking. He accuses him of drinking on the job.

Rosa is sure that Nati will be ok because Diego was reincarnated. Marisa is not interested in hearing any more about that. She is her usual rude self [although Rosa's fixation that Diego was reincarnated is very tiresome.]

Andrea lets slip to the chisme king, Ramoncito, that Nati is pregnant. He wastes no time in passing this along to Gloria ('Me acabo de enterar de que va a ser abuela, Doña Gloria, ¡Felicitaciones!' I just found out that you are going to be a grandmother, Doña Gloria. Congratulations!)

Cristina refuses to help Leo take Daniel away from Dora. He tells her that he only wants her to tell what she saw. She agrees to do this. Then Leo tells Cristina that he wants to take her to dinner at his house.

The Chump goes to see Malicia at the club. She tells him straight out that she won't give him back the apartment. She claims that, 'Es instinto de supervivencia,' It is the survival instinct. She has to look out for her future. If he could abandon Clara the way he did after 20 years of marriage, what would he do to her when he stopped loving her. The Chump declares, 'Me voy a ir con todo contra ti,' I will do all I can against you.

Rogelio asks Malicia if she wants to go to Paris with him all expenses paid. She would.

Daniel hangs around outside Ali's house. Inside, there is a happy family gathering. Said tells Alí that he will bring Munir to visit frequently. Abdul rails against the West in general and TV in particular.

Jadiya tells Yamil and another child, presumably his sister, that her father is going to marry her mother again. These Westernized children are shocked to learn that Said will have two wives and that Alí has four wives. Amina makes sure that the staff knows that Rania will be first wife.

Said tells the family that the sheik will marry him and Jade the next morning. There won't be a party because they are returning immediately to Miami. Abdul, the aguafiestas (killjoy) wonders why anyone would take the same poison twice. Then Rania launches her little bomb. She says that Jade went out alone to the ruins but came back with Alí. Jade puts Alí in a position where he has to lie and say that they went together to the ruins. Said tells Jade that she shouldn't have gone out without his permission. Jade apologizes.

Alí follows Jade to her room and accuses her of making him burn in hell for lying. Only someone as stupid as Jade would then ask someone as angry as Alí whether a clone has the same feelings as the person he was copied from. Alí concludes reasonably that Jade has not left the past behind and says that he won't let her remarry Said. He doesn't want her swearing on the Koran that she is going to make a commitment that she isn't willing to fulfill. Jade begs him not to do it. Now she brings up her desire to be with her daughter. Jade gets on her knees and says that she was weak but she swears to Allah that it is over with Lucas/Daniel. Alí tells her not to swear in vain. He says that he will make the decision his heart dictates.

Alí leaves and Zoraida comes in. Jade tells her that she can't believe that her uncle wants to take her daughter away from her. Zoraida tells her to pray to her lucky stone to help her. That is when Jade realizes that Daniel still has the stone. She says that Daniel has her luck (suerte) in his hands.

Daniel is still outside Alí's house with the necklace.

Leo brings Cristina to the house. When he is informed that Nati is back, Leo tells Cristina that his granddaughter is causing the family a few problems. Marisa takes Leo aside and tells her about the pregnancy. Andrea and Alej arrive. Alej wants to see Nati but Marisa refuses to let him. He asks her to tell Nati that he came by. Alej and Andrea leave. Rosa asks Marisa why she treated Alej that way and Marisa tells Rosa that she believes Nati's condition is Alej's fault. [Of course, Lucas isn't there to support Alej's side.]

Leo takes Cristina aside and explains the Nati situation to her. Leo leaves and Lucas comes in. He tells Cristina that he was about to leave for Morocco when Nati came back to the house. He says that right now the 20-year old Daniel is in Morocco with the woman he loves and is trying to live his life over again.

Alí tells Said that he doesn't want Said to marry Jade. Said asks why he says that. Alí advises Said to take Jade back to Miami and let her take care of Jadiya. Jade will be afraid that Said will 'throw her to the wind' again. She will fear Rania's influence. He says that will make her want to seduce Said. She won't be at ease until he marries her. Said buys this clever maneuver on Alí's part. Alí says that giving good advice is worth one dromedary, taking good advice is worth two dromedaries.

Fer finds out that Clara has changed the locks on the house.

Rogelio takes Clara to dinner and gives her a chance to explain why she won't go to Paris with him. She refuses to say anymore than that she has problems. Rogelio is annoyed. Clara wonders if Rogelio is breaking up with her. She hopes not.

Fer meanwhile has persuaded some locksmith to let him into the house.

Rogelio brings Clara home. She asks if he is going to Paris with Zeín. Rogelio replies that he is going with someone else. Clara calls Carolina and tells her about her dinner with Rogelio. They speculate on who Rogelio is taking to Paris. Then Clara discovers that Fernando got into the house and trashed it.

The credits roll.


Muchas gracias, Jean, for this very helpful recap. I got back from trip #1 in time to see last night's episode, but I needed your recap to figure out some of what I saw, especially what Ali said to Said about not marrying Jade. One thing I'm still not sure about: Was Ali saying that if Said pretends he's not in love with Jade, she'd look at him with the adoration he wants?

So now we're in últimas long is that likely to last? There seem to be so many loose ends that need to be resolved: Jade's fate, Daniel's fate, what will happen with/to Marisa and with Clara and Rogelio (or, God forbid, the wiser but still chumpy Chump), Nati's pregnancy and her relationship with Alejandro, the SkanK's pregnancy plot, what will happen to Fernando, the Naz, Zamira, Albieri, Enrique, Zoraida, Zein, Andrea, Dora (and Miguel?), and others I've probably left out, and, of course, how the anvil will finally drop on Malicia. Whew! That's a lot of resolution for últimas semanas.

And does anyone know what will replace "El Clon"?

Jean thank you for a wonderful recap on this annoying episode.

Ali i just wished he had stuck to his decision about Jade, she doesn't even deserve this latest plot he's trying to use to get her to see what she will lose her daughter. Her obsession or addiction for Lucas is costing her, her daughter and to blame Zoraida why she didn't stop her from going.My head hurts from her stupidity. Even though she's not educated she needs to understand her luck is not depended upon a piece of jewelry or stone or another person decision. But her own self wake up and stop the dumbness.

Right now i want to give the writers a stern talking too for misleading me to think that Rogelio was waking up to Malicia in the club. He was talking to the girl who was watching Malicia being nasty with the Chump and i was thinking yeah play for a fool.

When he offered the trip to Paris for her, but then these writers have another dumb stoic acting person in Clara who is embarrassed and ashamed to admit to him the reason why she can't go is her son is a drug addict.Clara either is going to have the security not under any circumstances are they to let Fernando into her house at all without her say so like Malicia did to the Chump.

As for Marisa i really wasn't that sympathetic towards her grief over Nati because she was the one who pushed her weak daughter to seek out drugs from her constant belittling and nasty behavior towards Alejandro.

One key part of Malicia's conversation is her saying to Rogelio she would have to give up the apartment if she went on the trip. How long is this damn trip? Anyway that works for me if she does do that hopefully Rogelio will find out in time about Clara's problems with Fernando it might take his death to make Clara realize she has to tell Rogelio what was going on in her personal life and why she had to cancel from the trip.We'll get to see the Chump II (aka Pablo) hear all of those i told you so he's been handing out to Alejandro.

Jean, thank you for recapping this very disappointing episode. Everyone seemed to be stuck on stupid!

I can see the handwriting on the wall about Nati. Her bruja of a mother is going to drive to right back to drugs. Part of the problem between the two of them has been Alej and sure enough, it is happening again.

So Malicia is willing to give up the apartment so she can go to Paris. I bet she thinks upon her return she will not need it because she can continue her trip and move right in with Rogelio!

I am afraid at the end of the final episode all of Juanita's list will not have been resolved.


Rosemary great thinking it figures that's exactly how Malicia thinks too that this means she can move in with Rogelio so she will be willing to give up her apartment. I just want for Rogelio to find out about Clara's real problems maybe Caro can clear up the misunderstanding by telling him what is really happening to her with her son and his problems.

Thanks, Jean for a fine job! I especially appreciated it today because I lost my cable signal briefly, but you filled in the gap perfectly.

Yet another grim tale. And for those of us who were starting to have hopes for Marisa's transformation -- well too bad. We got the selfish, witch we know and loathe.

I don't mind the way Alí has engineered things, bringing Jade back to Miami, close to Jadiya, but not locked into marriage with Said. This still leaves the door open for Lucas.

Rosemary and Blusamurai, maybe I need to get my ears cleaned out, but I didn't hear Malicia say anything about giving up the apartment. When Rogelio asked her if she wanted to go to Paris, she played cute so he would say outright that he would pay for everything. Here's how I heard it:

Rogelio: Alicia, te gustaría ir a Paris? (Would you like to go to Paris?)

Malicia: Pero qué pregunta es eso, Rogelio? Me
encantaría. Pero ahora es imposible. (But what kind of question is that, Rogelia? I'd love to! But right now it's impossible.)

Hasta ahora estoy
terminando de amueblar mi departamento y con lo que
gano aquí realmente no me alcanzo – me tocaría miles
y miles de años. (I'm just now finishing furnishing my apartment and with what I earn here, really I can't afford it. It would take me thousands and thousands of years.

Rogelio: Y si yo te invitara con todos los gastos
pagados, vendrías conmigo? (And if I invited you, all expenses paid, would you come with me?)

Malicia: Pero claro que sí, Rogelio, es el sueño más
grande de mi vida. Me haces la mujer más feliz del
mundo. (Of course, Rogelio, it's my greatest dream. You're making me the happiest woman in the world.)

Or are you referring to another conversation?

NovelaMaven, you are probably correct, since my Spanish leaves a whole lot to be desired. But I am willing to bet that Malicia plans to get her claws into Rogelio and everything he owns. I also think that things are getting a bit warm on the Chump front. She has no idea what he plans to do and she needs a backup plan.


NovelaMaven i thought i heard her say abandon so i might have heard that part wrong but like Rosemary suggested i wouldn't put it past her to try to wrangle into living with Rogelio. Hopefully it won't get that far and he learns the real reason why Clara can't go to Paris with him.

Thanks all. Sorry for the delay in posting. I've been busy at work today (!). Nothing in scenes jumped out at me photo wise so I didn't post any pictures.

NovelaMaven is correct. Malicia was just crying poor to Rogelio. She didn't say that she would abandon her apartment if she went to Paris. Perhaps 'ameublar' sounded like 'abandonar.'
I wonder how much Diana heard of this conversation. She was standing nearby. She would love to go tell Pablo about Malicia's plans.

Juanita- According to Wikipedia, El Clon will end on Oct. 29 and be replaced by La Reina del Sur but we don't know either of those things for sure.

Yes, I'm sure Marisa is going to tell Nati that Alej hasn't tried to see her, doesn't care if she is pregnant, etc. I hope I'm wrong.

I think Ali is just trying to get Jade out of his house the best way he can. His rage at her was palpable.

Once again, an excellent recap of a not-so-excellent chapter. I'm a Jade fan, and even I had to walk away from the tv a few times this week!

Fer was so unkempt, that I didn't recognize him at first glance... Like everyone else, I'm also wondering what these final weeks will be like. Everyone's plot lines seem far from resolved.

Since the soundtrack was part of what roped me in from the beginning, I plan on ordering the "Sings From the Middle East" cd by Mario Reyes. For those who'd like to sample it, here's the link: Magia pura!

Jean and NovelaMaven you are correct sometimes i can't hear the correct pronunciation from time to time because of background noise and my partial hearing loss in one of my ears.So ameublar sounded like abandonar to me.

Erin(hypnotized viewer) i am surprised you show such restraint when Jade comes onto the screen. Lately i have throw my pillows at the screen since i threw my show once at the YV when she was driving me nuts with her stupidity. I realized i may just end up buying a new TV because of her so i resorted to pillows:)

Jean you are right about what Ali was feeling last night because i was feeling the same thing also myself. I agree he just wants to get her out of his house and not deal with her foolishness anymore.I think he is done with her he realizes no matter how many times she promises she will change she won't. So preaching and lecturing to her isn't worth it anymore. Let her see if she can keep Said and not be married to him or if she will be tempted by Lucas for the millionth time and forget how much she wants to be with her daughter. It's going to come down to her will power her love for her daughter or her obsession and desire to be with Lucas.

Jean, thanks VERY much for the information about El Clon's ending on October 29 and being replaced by La Reina del Sur. You've made my day! If the info is correct, it means that I'll be back from my trip in time to see the last episodes of El Clon AND in time to see the start of La Reina del Sur. I really enjoyed the book and am very eager to see how they handle it in a TN. I can't imagine how I'll manage without the daily CarayCaray recaps, but for now I'll put on my Scarlet O'Hara face and not think about it.

Thanks for a great recap, Jean.

Jade is so stupid. She doesn't deserve to live happily after -- anyway, not with Lucas. She doesn't even deserve her daughter, but I hope it happens because the girl loves her mother so much.

I hope Said gives up on her.


Thank you for the recap. I am away taking care of my granddaughter. The summary is my only way to find out how the story is movingnalong. Barb

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