Thursday, September 30, 2010

El Clon, Wed., Sept 29 - Summary for Discussion

Ramoncito gives up the dough in the cash register to Fer and Paula. When Gloria comes in to find out what is keeping him, he faints.

The haul is $475 and our strung out thieves are already calculating how much it will buy. (I guess Paula's decision to give up drugs was short lived.)

Gloria tries to get some information on the perpetrators from Ramoncito but he is too scared to speak. Finally, he identifies one of the robbers as Paula, a friend of Nati's.

Alej confirms that he knows Paula. Gloria wants to know where she lives but Alej says that he doesn't know. They sleep in the parks, on the streets wherever they are when the sun goes down ('donde le agarre la noche,' literally, 'where the night grabs her'). The police have come and Ramoncito is back in stride. He identifies the perp as a friend of Natalia Ferrer, the daughter of Leo Ferrer. Alej tries to warn Marisa about what has happened but she won't take his call. He calls Andrea who is at TOPIM (the only pool in Miami) and tells her what happened.

Also at TOPIM are Diana, Pablo and Pedro. Diana tells Pablo that not only did Malicia not go to Paris on business, she went as Rogelio's vacation companion after Rogelio broke up with his girlfriend. Pablo refuses to believe it. Diana replies that it is true, '¿Ya entiendes por qué no me la trago, Pablo?' Do you understand now why I can't stand (literally, swallow) her?

If Malicia's ears are burning in Paris, it's because Clara and Carolina are calling her names in Miami: 'Es que esa mujer no es mala, es perversa,' That woman is not just bad, she's evil, says Carolina. Clara is sure that she did it on purpose (a propósito) and says that she is 'diabólica'. In stumbles Fer saying that the police are after him.

The police have come to Casa Ferrer, too. Marisa says that it must be a mistake. Her daughter doesn't hang out with people like that (this is the same Marisa who went to the scary drug place to find Nati). When the officer says that the employee in the bar identified her, Marisa suggests that Nati is well known from the social section of the papers. Then she lies when the officer asks if her daughter is at home. When the officer asks if Nati was the girlfriend of Alej and says that the robbery took place in his mother's bar, Marisa punts to Leo. She has Rosa call Leo's office and tries to get the police to go there.

Fer has shut himself up in his room.

Leo calls, who else, Roberto, TWLIM (the worst lawyer in Miami) and tells him that the police are at his house. Leo can't believe that there is any justification for the police to interrogate someone just because a friend of theirs committed a crime. Leo asks for Clara but she isn't back from lunch. 'What, does she think this job is a hobby ('pasatiempo')?' asks Leo.

Clara tells Carolina that she can't take it anymore. She is afraid that Fer's problems will cost her her job. She can't concentrate at work, she can't sleep. Every time the phone rings, she thinks it might be the police saying that Fer is dead or in prison. Carolina tries to comfort her.

Marisa tells Rosa that it isn't fair that Nati's name should be on a police report about a robbery. Rosa advises her not to lie. She says that everyone will find out everything eventually. Marisa replies that she is doing it for Nati's sake, not hers.

Another party at Casa Alí. Abdul is promoting the second wife to Mohamed. Her father is a powerful merchant and if Mohamed marries the daughter, they will be partners. Alí comes over and advises Mohamed not to make rash decisions.

Meanwhile, Latifa is, what else, crying. Amin accuses Zamira of causing Mohamed to seek a second wife. The children start fighting and poor Latifa runs out of the room.

Back at the party, Abdul's chosen bride has arrived [I'm not going to bother learning her name until I'm sure she is sticking around]. Mohamed thinks that she is pretty.

Back at the house of feuding wives and ex-wives, Said has brought some veils for Rania. In comes Jadiya and demands to take first pick of the veils. Said lets her while Rania fumes and Munir wails. Jadiya tells Jade that Said gave her the best veils and gave the leftovers (sobras) to Rania.

Said tells the Naz that there is more peace on a battlefield than in his house. If he was expecting sympathy from the Naz, he is mistaken. She replies that he must like discord having married so many odalisques. She says that Said and Mohamed are like people who have a beautiful bowl of fruit in front of them and go right for the one rotten piece. Then they complain about the whole bowl instead of throwing out the rotten fruit and selecting another piece. Said admits that he chose badly but he says that it is too late. He is married and has children. He can't go back in time. The Naz offers to train (domar) the odalisques if he puts in her charge of the house for one day. Said replies that he will do it.

Dora and Miguel are at the club. She reports on the lawyer Cristina found for her. He reiterates his offer to pay the fees. She says that it will only be a loan. What Miguel did for Osvaldo comes up and Dora tells Miguel that she never realized in all the years that she has known him, what a great guy he is. He moves in for a kiss but Dora pulls away at the last moment and says that she has to leave.

Dora comes home and tells Estela that she and Daniel have to meet with the lawyer. Daniel doesn't want to fight with Leo. Dora begs him not to ask her to give up the fight for her rights as his mother.

Even the worst lawyer in Miami seems to have more on the ball than Leo the successful businessman. It apparently comes as a surprise to Leo that Dora could oppose his suit and file a counter suit. Roberto points out that Leo is trying to change Daniel's birth certificate and any mother would oppose that. 'But she's not his mother,' protests Leo in his incredibly tiresome refusal to see anyone's point of view but his own. 'A judge will decide that,' replies Roberto.

Marisa comes down [just once before the end of this novela, I want to see her dressed like a normal person. She's a 40 year old woman for God's sake!] and asks to speak to Leo. Leo tells her that the police will handle the investigation of the theft with discretion. Rosa comes in and says that Nati is not feeling well. They all go to Nati's room. She is having abdominal pain and is afraid that she is losing her baby. They call the doctor.

Paula calls Clara's house and asks to speak to Fer. Clara tells her to leave her son alone. Paula says that she is coming over to the house. Clara threatens to call the police. Paula replies that if she is arrested for the robbery, she won't go down alone. 'Do you want to see your son behind bars?' asks the unlovely Paula.

Poor Clara doesn't know what to do. Carolina says that she is there for her.

Back at Casa Ferrer, the phone rings. Rosa answers and says Paula is on the phone. Nati insists on speaking to her and tells her to come over.

Lucía and Andrea discuss the strange behavior of Consuelo, the maid who quit. They seem to want to investigate it further. [Hellooo! since when do rich people care about why the maid quit? There are always more maids out there.]

Roberto comes home and tells Lucía and Andrea that Nati is having a miscarriage. Lucía wants to go and support Marisa but Roberto tells her that is the last thing Marisa wants.

The sKanks blather on about how little they will miss the neighborhood when they move up in the world.

The doctor comes to see Nati. Lucas watches him go up the stairs. Why isn't he involved in this family drama?

Leo tells Lucas that he ran Enrique down for so long for being a drug addict and now his granddaughter is following in his footsteps. Marisa comes in and orders Rosa to tell the guards not to let Paula in.

Paula is outside.

Nati loses her baby.

More bickering of Mohamed's children while a party goes on at Gloria's. Zamira calls Fez [which is on telenovela time, since if it is evening in Miami, it's the middle of the night in Morocco] and gives the phone to Latifa. She tells Mohamed that if he takes a second wife, he won't see her or his children again. Meanwhile, Zoraida is filling the wife candidate's head with lies about how badly Mohamed treats his existing wife and children. Latifa is very pleased with her strategy and when Mohamed calls back, she orders her children not to answer the phone. Back in Fez, Mohamed has decided to take a second wife.

The credits roll.


Great recap, Jean. Thanks very much. The Spanish subtitles have been missing for the last couple of days, and I'm appalled at how much more I miss. Thus, I'm especially grateful to you and NovelaMaven.

One correction. In the last paragraph, you say that Latifa is filling the wife candidate's head with lies about how badly Mohamed treats his family, but it's of course Zoraida who does this. Indeed, though Mohamed seems to be leaning toward taking a second wife, it looks as if Zoraida's efforts may be paying off--the wife candidate looked none too enthusiastic about Mohamed at the end of the episode.

I can't imagine how this is all going to turn out. In most TNs, the good guys are rewarded (often at the altar) and the bad guys get the dropped anvil, but I'm familiar mostly with Univision TNs. The one other TN I've watched from Telemundo, "¿Dónde Está Elisa?", didn't completely follow that pattern. The anvil dropped, but the good guys (Dana, Cristóbal) didn't get to the altar. So I'm not sure what to predict with "El Clon." With all of Enrique's interminable PSAs, surely some of the druggies will meet a very bad end, but other than that.... I just hope the anvil falls good and hard on Malicia.

For the next few weeks, I'll be traveling and not able to watch any of the episodios. Indeed, I may not be able to comment much. But please know that your efforts are MUCH appreciated.

Thanks for the correction, Juanita. For some reason, I have more confusion with Latifa's and Zoraida's names than those of any other characters.
Have a great trip and well see you back in Clon land for the Gran Final.

Jean thanks for another great recap of a annoying episode.

Juanita please have a safe trip.

Marisa doesn't deserve to have a happy ending and quite frankly neither does Leo.

How you just stand around when your pregnant daughter and granddaughter is in obvious pain and still addicted to drugs and don't call a ambulance i don't even know.

Loved Diana telling Pablo about the snake he's hooked up with.

Clara wake up and call the police maybe that's the only way to help Fernando right now and possibly save him.

Zoraida is too cute trying to help out Latifa by lying to Mohammed's potential bride.

Love your nickname for TWLIM that really does fit Roberto totally inept.

I thought Dora was effected by Miguel's kiss, i was happy to see Miguel try to make her see him more than just a friend.

Thanks Blu- I thought Dora was affected by Miguel's kiss, too but it was a pretty subtle reaction.

I've given up expecting people on novelas to call the paramedics when there is a medical emergency. I remember in El Cuerpo del Deseo, a character was shot in the woods near his house. When he was found, they dragged him into the house, dumped him on the sofa and had a big discussion about what to do before someone called an ambulance! Crazy!

¡Excelentísimo trabajo, amiga!

Among my favorite lines:

--[Hellooo! since when do rich people care about why the maid quit? There are always more maids out there.]

-- Marisa comes down [just once before the end of this novela, I want to see her dressed like a normal person. She's a 40 year old woman for God's sake!]*

*I say maybe there's room for a deal here: Daniel agrees to stop scratching his head if Marisa will put some clothes on!)

Juanita, we'll miss you and your witty comments! Travel safe and we'll see you at the despedida, I hope!

It looks like the writers are going to keep us all wringing our hands over the outcome right to the bitter end. Now that Natalia has lost her pregnancy, she has also lost her strongest motivation to stay clean. That the only person she's asking to see is Paula is NOT a good sign!

I suppose we'll find out tonight how persuasive Zoraida's words were to Mohamed's would-be second bride.

And a household where the Naz holds the reins? Since Jade isn't a wife, she should be able to escape. As for Rania -- she deserves what she gets!

There are several outcomes possible (and in my opinion acceptable) for our central romance -- I won't bore you with a repetition of the players. But as Luke might tell you, even Caray University has its standards. And if Malicia gets through this novela unscathed, I will consider it a grievous breach of noveletiqueta. Quite simply, ¡No puede ser!

Excellent recap, Jean, and with your usual great snark. I agree that responses to medical emergencies in TNs don't offer much hope for the afflicted.

Please, please, let Pablo believe Diana. I think Malicia really does love Pablo (as much as she's capable of it) and losing him would be a very large anvil for La Ratoncita.

Zoraida was so funny and clever telling Ms. Nameless in Fez about Mohammed's shortcomings as a husband. She could also have pointed out the bugged out eyes and constant referring to himself in the third person. Those alone might send any prospective bride running for the hills.

NovelaMaven, I was thinking the same thing: I'd like to see The Naz run roughshod over Rania for a while.

And yes, Leo is SO tiresome in his refusal to see any reality but his own. Dora's 20 years of childrearing count for nothing. All Nati's problems would be cured by a job working for him at Empresas Ferrer. (If anything would keep her on drugs, that would. I know I'd probably start medicating myself after about 2 days with him. )

when is this TIRESOME show gonna end already. Lo siento mucho, but it really is TIRESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stress that enough.

I have not visited this site in the last 3-4weeks, and doing a lot of >>ff>> of the tn, and still no end in sight. already put in a lot of months, so have to see it til end.

sorry to be a drag... but just wanted to vent.

Perfectly OK with me to vent, mslmgallego.

I'm waiting until the end to wiki the original to see if the drug addiction stuff was in that one too. I don't want to see a spoiler, so I'm staying away from wiki until the end. I remember looking at wiki for another novela and some genius had put crosses (as in RIP) beside the names of the characters who had been killed off. Of course, at that point in time when I looked, they were all still alive!

The novela comes and goes with me. Certain parts are tiresome, the drug PSA's for sure. But other parts; such as what's going on in the Said household, do interest me.

As usual, the recap was much better than episode. Thank you Jean.

I am so tired of the Fez Fiestas. I really don't like all of the belly dancers. Belly dancers for a fiesta are okay but the women of the household must cover themselves,it just doesn't seem right. Maybe Ali and Abdul are just dirty old men.

I am so sorry that Nati lost her baby. I think this will be a real fork in the road for her. I hope she makes the right choice.

Latifa and Zoraida were bright spots. They are both showing some strength of character.

Yes, Raina really does deserve the Naz at the helm for a while. No fairy tales I am sure.

If we do not get any retribution and a nice boda at the end of this TN I am going to be really upset.


Jean i couldn't believe that they weren't calling for a ambulance considering what Nati has going through.But i guess we have to use telenovela logic for this part.Maybe i should rephrase that as non logic after seeing what you wrote for the novela El Cuerpo del Deseo.

NovelaMaven i like the idea of the Naz running roughshod over Rania she deserves it.

I can definitely see Nati going back to drugs because of the miscarriage.

If the writers let off Malicia with all the nasty she has done i am going to be very upset.

Oops, late to the party. Very nice job Jean with a particularly annoying episode. I especially liked your funny and frustrated asides and the picture of what's-her-name. Also good catch about the time zones; I had stopped noticing those inconsistencies. By the way, you mention Dora "pulls away at the last moment," but as I saw it she and Miguel really kissed, just for a second.

Several of the unlikeable characters were very unlikeable last night, especially Marisa, Leo, and Mohamed. Some of the annoying characters toned it down a notch (Rosa, Ramoncito, and Nazira), but we had a dreadfully long skank scene. Oddly, the most affirmative moment in the episode was Zoraida's orchestrated counter-offensive against Abdul's plans (although it may not have worked). It also looked like Diana's voice was heard faintly through Pablo's thick skull. Then there was a slight positive when Said made a half-assed effort to smooth relations among his womenfolk. And although it's not the ideal situation, Nati's miscarriage is for the best. I suppose it's also a minor plus that in the last two episodes, Roberto has mentioned being moved by Marisa's family troubles; he's not quite as shallow as he seems.

NovelaMaven: "noveletiqueta" is very nice. :)

Rosemary: I also find it bothersome how Alí seems to have hot and cold running bellydancers, who are pretty clearly objectified---if they were taken seriously as women, the men would find their presence totally improper. And it's a constant and despicable reminder to the women of the house that the men run their lives.

Juanita, have a safe trip!

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