Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hasta el Dinero nos Separe Fri. 9/17/10 un Brujo Brews Up a Magic Brew for our Favorite Bruja

Well, actually it is a few of their loyal comrades from work who set out to rescue them and were joined by Ale's mopey marido Marco whose worst fears are confirmed by what he beholds... his lovely wife eagerly participating in a lusty embrace and sharing a sensuous kiss with... well, you get the picture.
Turns out that Marco has quite a bit of pent up blood lust and malice as he shouts threats which Rafa eagerly answers and then, despite the efforts of his entourage to restrain him, makes good on those threats by pouncing on Rafa who seems to have a little bloodlust and malice of his own. Like adolescent boys on the schoolyard, they tussle and roll around on the soft turf until restrained by the others.
Back in town, a reinvigorated Vicki has managed to find the Great Molongo and is requesting un amarre de amor (love potion) that will bind her to her Pajarito... like forever. Trying to clarify more specifically the type of bird with which she wishes to be united, he asks if it's a dove, a canary, or a yellow-breasted sparrow. "Nope. Rafael Medina, the man that I love." He has her sit in a chair as he gesticulates impressively, clutching a bouquet of epazote in each hand, freeing her of evil spirits. Now either he is really good or an out and out fake, because we all know that Vicki is inhabited by enough evil spirits to carry out an apocalypse. I doubt that a few shakes of some weeds he picked up in the produce section of Kroger's is going to make much of a dent in her demon population, but as I said, maybe he's really good at this. "It won't be cheap," he informs her. Price is no object for our Vicki, "Just so it works... really works," she growls. Turns out he warrantees his product, "It never fails," he chants as he swats away a few more of her naughty soul-squatters.
For the moment our goofy gladiators are separated and restrained though they continue hurling lethal insults. Marco is 4+ rabid and escapes the grasps of Nelson and Jiménez. He lunges blindly toward Rafa but strikes a tree... with his head. Marcos is down. Is he dead?

No such luck, but his momentary coma gives Ale a chance to convince Rafa to leave. Oops... no gas. Susana, however, like most of us, carries an extra canister of gasoline in her trunk. Reluctantly, Rafa allows Jiménez and Pepeto to escort him away and they head toward Pantera as a dazed Marco briefly roughs up Nelson. Finally, order is restored.
Meintras tanto, Molongo has produced a tiny bottle that looks like one of those cough medicine samples the drug reps distribute. Vicki thinks it looks like carrot juice, but no, he explains it's a mixture of sweet potato root and papaya juice (must have picked those up at Kroger's as well). "It will make a woman and man remain united for an eternity," he intones. Vicki is convinced and ecstatic.

She rejoices like a little girl who has just received her first bra.
Finding Pantera intact after spending a good portion of the night unprotected roadside, Rafa does a little rejoicing of his own. After giving it a few sips of gas Rafa and Jiménez (who is really needing to get home) saddle up. Giddyup Panterita!
Now this is a pleasant surprise. We catch Ramírez, shirtless, embracing the scantily clad voluptuous mom of Edgar Jr. There is a persistent knock at the door. Now for an unpleasant surprise... it's Edgar Sr., the odious Marino. Germán hides behind the love seat as mom tries to compose herself. She lets him in and he is immediately suspicious. Either someone is here or she is expecting someone. She pleads innocent. As he interrogates her he steps on Ramírez' hand... (ouch!)
Suzy's mini SUV is parked in front of Danny's Den of Iniquity. Marco's panties are still in a wad over what he has witnessed and he is busy throwing a righteous tantrum. He can't believe that Ale would betray him this way. Even as he declares his faithfulness, he and we are treated to a review of some of his past indiscretions. She takes advantage of the opening he has given her to admit that she is unworthy of someone as pure as him and to ask for a divorce. Check. Now Marco, realizing the implications of divorce on his financial statement, is forced to swallow his pride and offer up forgiveness. He still loves her in spite of all this and is willing to work things out. Check and checkmate.
As Ramírez cowers behind the love seat, Marino's suspicions flourish. He is certain someone is poaching on his territory and initiates a search of the premises. Germán prays quietly as Marino checks the kitchen. He is shushed by Curly-haired Mom. Having satisfied himself that no one else is their, Edgar relaxes a bit but notices a cheap fragrance.

"It's my perfume." "You're so common (corriente)," he observes. Not too common for him to try to stir up a little passion as he moves in with his unique clumsy style. She cringes. Been there, done that, he decides and lets her off with a stern warning about what happens if Marino's women are not faithful. He suggests that she wear the flannel pajamas he gave her for Christmas instead of the provocative outfit she has on... for the sake of their son, of course. He leaves, much to the relief of his traumatized toady, who pops up, embraces his partner in sin and betrayal, but, alas, the mood has fled. He's sadly lost his concentration.
Ale and Marco return to his apartment. Rosario and Jorge, relieved, rejoice and reprimand.
Rafa returns home. Leonor and Julieta, likewise relieved, rejoice.
Ramírez returns. Momma Ramírez reprimands.
Germán just wants to go to bed but she insists that he kneel and recite the Rosary.

More good news, they'll be joining Milagros tomorrow. No rejoicing here... next!
Ramírez isn't the only one praying. In her bed, Ale asks for forgiveness for hurting Marco and for help in her quest to be with Rafa. Nicely balanced.
Rafa utters a prayer of thanks and asks for help not to screw things up again. Ummm... OK.
A more secular Vicki looks at a photo of her and Rafa together and smiling sweetly as she ditches her veil announces, "Very soon Rafael Medina, you will be mine para siempre."
It's morning in Mexico.
Marco announces to a fresh looking Ale that she must quit her job at Autos Siglo. Overhearing, Rosario and Jorge want to know what's wrong.
Over at Rafa's, a rejuvenated Vicki has arrived for breakfast. Seating herself at the table she promises to behave as Rafa goes to let Leonor know there will be three for breakfast. Alone at the table, Vicki pulls out the vile vial of venom (OK, it sweet potato and papaya, but I couldn't let the alliteration go to waste) and is all set to doctor Rafa's orange juice with this fabulous philtre.
Rosario and Jorge want to know more. Marco wants to assume financial responsibility for the family, Ale thinks that they still need the money from her job. Struggling with his memory, Jorge wants Marco to get on with the sale of the hacienda. Ale kisses Jorge and Rosario and escapes to work, but not before Tia sees to it that Marco also is given a kiss. A quick peck on the cheek and she's outta there, leaving Jorge to ponder his Swiss bank account number and Marco to reassure Rosario that things are gonna be OK.
Vicki is about to put Rafa's supplement in the OJ when Julieta joins her.

"¿Qué haces aquí?" She answers that she has come for breakfast, "Just because we've broken our engagement doesn't mean we can't be friends, right Pajarito?" "Well I guess so," Rafa has returned from the kitchen. He notices that Vicki has ditched the veil. This must be a good sign. Leonor sets Vicki's plate of food on the table and Vicki needles Julieta a bit about Jaime. "Jaime's part of the past and no longer matters." Just as everyone is settling in for a quiet harmonious breakfast, Vicki has a bit of an internal meltdown as we overhear her silent shout, "I couldn't administer the love potion to my Pajarito, I AM SO ANGRY!" Foiled this time, Vicki decides it's time to go, and just like that... off she goes, humming. Leonor observes, "how nice that Vicki is getting better."
We join the sales meeting in progress. Jiménez' sales are lagging. Everyone remarks on Ale's glow. Dandy and Pepeto smugly remember the night before. Rafa quickly brings the meeting to a close and the anthem is sung enthusiastically by all... next!
In a nice restaurant, Marco updates Chavez. He caught the two in the act. Chavez insists that Marco tell him that he's joking, then noticing the bandage on his chum's forehead, inquires if this is a horn sprouting.
Alone in their shared quarters, Ale and Rafa hug and then have a brief and unsatisfying discussion. She tells him that she asked for a divorce but Marco forgave her and wants to reconcile. Rafa asks, "What now? Will we be lovers?" "Nope." "Will you dump me?"
Meanwhile Chavez can't believe that this woman, "could put horns on us and much less with that worthless Medina." Marco reminds him that he is the only one who was cheated on. As his friend, Chavez shares in the humiliation and thinks that Marco's only recourse is to kill Rafa and dump Ale. A slightly better grounded Marco notes that Ale and her family represent the chicken producing the golden eggs. As Marco vows to take his revenge on Medina, the Z-man, our favorite private dick arrives shielding his face with a newspaper and takes a seat across the room.
Marino, who was absent from the sales meeting asks Ramírez what he missed. Just that Medina and Ale were a bit happier and friendlier with each other. What Marino really wants is a favor. After a little visit last night with one of his women, the full figured one, he is suspicious that she is seeing someone else. Germán knows all too well whom he is referring to, la frondosa (voluptuous one), Gloria. (Gloria! That's it. I couldn't remember her name. Marino also had trouble remembering.) and expresses his doubts. Hoping that he is mistaken, Edgar wants Germán to keep a close watch on her and report to him. He shares his wisdom about women, "They are interested in three things, money, flirting, and cheating." "Are you biting your tongue?" "We weren't talking about me." Ramírez asks what he will do if there is someone else. "What do you think?" "Strangle him?" "Of course not." Marino puts a headlock on his friend and tell him that he will, "grab him like this and break his skull." Ramírez and we are reassured and relieved.
Chavez has gotten into the spirit of revenge, calling for a firing squad. This renewed unity is interrupted by Marco's cellular phone. "¡Carmela!" Oops, she's on her way. Chavez leaves but not before saluting our cuckold with the secret cuckold sign.

Ale and Rafa are in agreement about wanting to be together but both are bemoaning the impediments to their eternal bliss. Their mutual moping is interrupted by a summons for Ale from our Majestic Metiche, doño Arcadia, wanting a report of her encounter with Daniel. Though he's annoyed by Danny, Rafa gives him credit for putting him and Ale back together. They kiss sweetly and she is off to meet with royalty.

Let's hope that it is too early for sipping fine brandy. Maybe a Bloody Mary or a Mimosa.
Marco is alone, stirring his coffee, looking like a condemned man waiting to be escorted to the gallows. A vigilant Zetina spots that woman and springs into action. Now for some good snapshots, as he readies his camera. He is not disappointed. Carmela begins showering Marco with kisses.

Good photos. She wants an update on business and the mmmm. Has Marcos been repaired. "No and don't laugh." Well, she's getting impatient about both. Marco squirms.
Chato makes Ale comfortable in the throne room. Doña Arcadia wants an update.

How did things go with Daniel? He is like my son, you know," Uncomfortably Ale recalls her romantic adventure with that cockroach and it looks as though she has mustarded the courage to tell DA about her adored almost son, "Doña Arcadia, the truth is, Daniel Zepeda is..." when who should skitter in under the door but the aforementioned cockroach. Ale squirms. She jerks her hand away as Daniel attempts to kiss it. "Did something happen between you two?" Ale suddenly has a pain in her neck. Doña Arcadia has an oil for that.
Carmela has told Marco to show her the money and she is also tired of waiting for mmmm. He's got 3 days. Should she explain things to him after that rat, Chavez and he are behind bars? He understands. Se's glad he does.Smiling, she tells him to take care of his bump (chichón) and she will take care of hers (she uses the plural). She gives him one last kiss as Zetina takes one last photo. Mission accomplished... we hope.
Now, just so we don't get too comfortable and smug about things, Susana announces the arrival of Marian to Rafa. With a worried look he says ,"OK, send her in." She takes a seat. "We have a lot to talk about." Yikes! He agrees. She apologizes about Daniel, then moves in close, caresses his cheek and looks longingly into his eyes...

just in time for Susana to see...

Labels: dinero
What a way with words "mopey marido Marco' "vial of venom" "fabulous philtre" "majestic metiche" I liked your take on the three homecomings and the play on relieved, rejoice and reprimand.
I liked the writer's use of the three prayer scenes. And Chavez asking Marco if the bandage is where his horns are sprouting was very funny.
Too bad about the Marian, Rafa, Susanna scene but there are a few ultimas semanas to go -- so true love can't run TOO smoothly yet.
Stellar recap as always, Carlos.
Güera, I was hoping the good feelings between Ale and Rafa would at least last through the next episode. Judy deserves to have some good romance to write about. Oh well, it looks like she may get a healthy dose of alternative medicine courtesy of Molongo and our newly invigorated Vicki.
I almost felt sorry for Marco when he was knocked out. People can die from a bump on the head, and all the Siglo crew didn't seem to care when he was laying there on the ground, and Rafa even wanted to finish him off.
Marino has tough competition from Daniel as the biggest slimeball, lately Daniel is winning.
Every time Zetina takes a picture, I expect the flash to go off and cause him to be discovered.
I thought it was so funny when Chavez asked Marco if he had a horn growing out of his forehead.
And we finaly have Vicky unveiled.She needs to get back to her shrink. She has really lost it.
Don't usually like the Marino scenes but did chickle at this one with Rimiriz almost getting caught. Too funny.
And lets hope the "Z-man" doesn't mess up with those pictures!!!
Speaking of, thanks for all the great images. And again for such a fun recap. I can't believe we are in Ultima caps.
This show should be called "Never give up." So far, no one does. Vicky keeps trying, Marian keeps trying, same for Marco, Dandy (who actually got some results), Rafa, Zetina and who knows how many others. No matter how many things go wrong, our characters just keep plugging away, which I guess is good advice (although maybe some of the characters are taking things a bit too far).
Pata, since I consider you to be the expert on this show, your opinion means a lot to me. If you enjoyed the recap... well...
I predict that Agent Z will produce pictures in abundance Mon. Judy will reap the rewards.
Like Güera, I enjoyed the tale of the 3 homecomings-Ale, Rafa and Ramirez.
And I shared Rip's appreciation of our "naco knight" and Panterita's dietary needs. But I think the best was:
"Vicki is inhabited by enough evil spirits to carry out an apocalypse."
Wow, Vicki scared me enough before, now I'm terrified!
I didn't feel sorry for Marco at all when he was knocked out. But Rip, I agree, except for Ale, there was a surprising lack of concern by all. I myself was concerned--I was afraid we were going to endure days of Marco in the hospital with Ale guiltily at his side.
"Ale asks for forgiveness for hurting Marco and for help in her quest to be with Rafa. Nicely balanced."
LOL!--I imagine God is pretty used to these type of requests after all these years.
Gloria--frondosa -- yes she is.
Carlos, I cracked up when Chavez left the table and turned around with that gesture to Marco. And you catching a picture of it was a lagniappe (my new word also this past week!).
You know, it never occurred to me, but now that you point it out, Marco's head injury could have tied us up for days if not weeks.
Pata, that's it, a Mercury Marquis. Rafa said it at the impound yard. Thanks.
Ale and Rafa seem to have reestablished trust in one another.. I hope Susana seeing Marian and Rafa together doesn't cause another misunderstanding them.
I didn't realize that we're near ultimo capitulos. How many more I wonder...mayb 6 weeks?
I love that Marco is closer and closer to being discovered and have so much sympathy with the overly sincere spy and photographer (the Z-man). Who hasn't taken the best picture ever only to lose the flash card malfunctions or have the light turned on the sensitive negative. Learning the complex array of controls is the bigger part of compentent photography. I know this is a tiny sub-theme running through the amorous clandestine meetings with the desperate Leo but one of many in this complex and hilarious story. It is starting to remind me of the endless loose ends of Yo Amo a Juan Querendon which taught me so much language amidst months of side holding laughter. What a fun way we all have of sharpening our Spanish skills.
According to Wikipedia, this TN is scheduled to end about October 29. Careful! Warning, If you are not already aware, Wiki is a spoiler zone but can be a good source of information on the telenovelas.
The scenes of Marco with Chavez and Carmela were so funny. Hopefully Zetina doesn't mess up the pictures again. And Marian just won't go away! I hope Rafa gets a chance to explain without Susana and Ale jumping to conclusions. I'd really like to see Rafa and Ale happy together for more than 2 days at a time!
Nice to see Ale and Rafa still being affectionate with each other. But wouldn't you still consider someone to be your lover if you're hugging, holding hands and kissing? Or is sex the line that's drawn? Believe me, I like seeing Ale and Rafa doing all those things, but it still seems to me that they are lovers. Although, maybe not for long, if another Marian misunderstanding is in the works. The picture you captured of Susana's face was priceless. Please, please let her wait for an explanation.
Thanks again Carlos for the amazing recap.
Gin, I think that it might have even been better for Rafa if Ale had walked in. I think Marian might have tried to explain Rafa's innocence to her. As it is Susana will probably think the worst.
Cheryl, I'm a bit concerned that Zetina was able to snap so many photos and seemed so sure of his results. Surly the writers aren't setting us up for disappointment again.
Tracie, the scenes between Marco and Chavez always crack me up. Maybe they'll end up in a cell together when this is over.
Vivi, I was thrilled that Ale was all set to tell DA about her precious Daniel, and then he appears... drat! DA is pretty good at reading between the lines and it didn't escape her that Ale was not happy to see Daniel.
Now, I had to laugh that every gal loved the "like a little girl with her first bra" because I HATED MINE. Ugh. Those straps and hooks, plus the creepy little 7th grade boys staring at your chest. Double ugh. But clearly, I was in the minority on this, judging from reader reactions.
You were in fine form as always. As I recall, even when you had a killer cold, you were still funny as H.... Thanks Carlos. You're a hard act to follow.
I turned off the tv when Marian leaned in close - I couldn't bear to see what was coming.
Judy, I hope you had a great trip to Charlotte. I'm sure that Baby Jack was delighted to see you. I thought that every little girl looks forward to and celebrates that first bra. I remember that it was a very big event for our little princess.
Melinama, I suppose that Rafa was the only one who didn't anticipate the inevitable results of that.
Hoping for Dinero romance rather than Dinero spats tonight but it doesn't sound promising!
"Dannyboy's playboy pad", "
charmed and charming chateau","
... on the brink of a beautiful bonding beso" and "Marco is alone, stirring his coffee, looking like a condemned man waiting to be escorted to the gallows" (if only! :) were my favorites.
Always delightful reading Carlos. You are the best!
I thought that expression on Susana's face pretty well sets the table for Judy's episode tonight. Plus, who can guess what Vicki's next move will be?
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