Saturday, September 18, 2010

El Clon Friday September 17: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 152: In which Natalia faints -- and it has nothing to do with Daniel; Cris and Leo are – finally! -- getting married; Rania goes Rogue and shows her inner bruja; and Albieri may get his 15 minutes of fame.

¡Parece que pasó un huracán! (It looks like a hurricane came through here) says a shocked Rogelio surveying the damage in Clara’s house. Both know Fernando and his friends are responsible, but Rogelio thinks he’s just looking at the messy aftermath of a party. He’s very calm and understanding. He and Clara will go on to Enrique’s party tonight and clean things up tomorrow. Clara, of course, realizes immediately that she has been robbed but, as usual, she keeps her anguish to herself.

In Alí’s house in Fez, Rania is trying to get information and sympathy from Zoraida. She is not forthcoming with either.

Alí, Abdul and Said are discussing Said’s future with Jade. Alí is on her side. Yes she has done things she regrets but she has suffered for them. Bah, let her suffer more, says Abdul. If those two get together, it’ll be déjà vu all over again.

Said and Jade are making plans. Being here makes me realize how much I miss Fez, says Said. We’d be happier living here. Jade will agree to whatever he wishes but with one condition: He has to give up Marisa. Te lo prometo (I promise you) he says, sólo tú y yo…he hesitates a beat... y Rania.

¡Me las van a pagar! (They’ll pay for this! -- is this, like, the official telenovela bruja call to arms?) snarls the infuriated Rania, who has been lurking in the balcony above and listening to their conversation. [If this were a Televisa novela, we would surely get a Death by Balcony scene tonight].

Daniel leans against a pillar in the ruins and remembers Jade’s dance and how she fainted when she recognized him.

Back in Miami, Lucas continues to agonize over how Daniel’s existence has affected his life. He is sure that anyone who has seen his clone now looks at Lucas differently, as if he himself were some kind of freak (fenómeno). No, no, Marisa says, it’s just that people don’t know what a clone is; we’re in shock. But I’m not the clone! says Lucas. And yet:
Tú misma me miras y me estás comparando con él
Even you look at me and you compare me with him.
I spent years establishing my own identity.
Antes era Diego y yo. (Before I was “Diego and I”.)
Ahora soy el clon y yo. (Now I am “the clone and I”)

Daniel has returned to the medina, just outside Alí’s house. He looks down at Jade’s necklace. When someone opens the door, he peers inside. Rania, still standing watch on the balcony, catches sight of him. ¿Lucas? she wonders. The servant closes the door.

The Three Little Pigs are gloating over the money they got for selling the pieces of Clara’s life when suddenly -- Natalia faints! [Normally we don’t need to take out our TN decoder rings to interpret a faint, but we have had so many swooning damsels so far, that we have to reserve judgment on this one.] Fernando tips the Human/Nonhuman scale a bit in the human direction when, instead of abandoning Natalia to her fate, he bends down to help her.

Vicki and Cris’s good-byes are interrupted by… Leo! ¿Y esas maletas? ¿A dónde vas? (And those suitcases? Where are you going?)

Fernando carries Natalia to a hospital. Surprisingly, it is Paula who insists on staying with her -- at least until they find out what is wrong. But Fernando has used up all his reserve of courage and runs off, lest the police bust him for drugs or worse.

At Albieri's clinic, Fernando’s father Escobar is finally ready to acknowledge to Julio and Anita that he has been played for a fool. Malicia, he tells them, has thrown him out of his own apartment.

The clinic phone rings. It’s for Luisa. We hear her say: ¡Desapareció! (He disappeared) Ay Dios! When Julio asks if there’s a problem, she makes up a story about a sick friend. No way is she going to admit she went and lost Daniel!

Well, we know where he is – still hanging out at Alí’s, trying to persuade someone to let him in: Le quiero volver algo. (I want to return something to her/him).

In the house, Jade approaches Rania and, trying to mend fences, asks if she can see the baby. Rania’s response: Get out of here! Stay away from him! Jade tries to establish some common ground, asks her to understand that, as a mother, she couldn’t live without her child. She tells Rania that she wants to be a good wife to Said and she has no intention of spoiling Rania’s relationship with him. Rania sticks her metaphorical fingers in her metaphorical ears (her real ears are covered by her drab brown veil) and doesn’t hear a word Jade is saying. Her mouth, unfortunately, is not covered. You don’t love Said! she says. [Maybe, but I would argue that Jade’s feelings for Said are more profound than Rania’s]

Rania claims that she and Said were happy without Jade in their house and in their lives. Their home was peaceful. [She seems to forget how depressed he looked; how he clung to Jade’s scent in the clothes she left behind and how much that infuriated Rania; and she is overlooking the ongoing war between her and Jadiya. If she considered that a peaceful household … well, maybe that explains her idea of effective conflict resolution techniques.]

You’re a liar, shrieks Rania. If you’re ready to be faithful to Said, what is that occidental doing here? Just then we see Said at the door. Listening.

What’s wrong with me? Natalia asks the hospital doctor. I have very good news, he says: You’re pregnant! But your blood tests show high levels of drugs. He warns her:
Si sigues consumiendo drogas, no sólo te sigues haciendo daño a ti, pero también a tu hijo.
If you continue using drugs, you’ll not only be hurting yourself, you’ll also be harming your baby.
He explains that because of her drug use so far, her pregnancy will have to be monitored closely; and he gives her a referral to a OB doctor.
Natalia flashes back to a scene with Alejandro when they told each other how happy they would be to have children together.

And we hear Enrique telling his therapist that he wanted to stop using for the sake of his children. He tried and succeeded, but relapsed after one month. That was when his wife took the children and left.

Paula has stuck around. She is with Natalia when she calls Andrea. Andrea asks Nati to stay put – she will come to her right away. Lucia overhears the conversation and wants to call Marisa. Andrea asks her not to, not just yet…

But of course she does call and it is Rosa who picks up the phone. Marisa is standing by anxiously, wanting to take the phone, but in a subtle demonstration of how powerless Marisa has become in her own home, Rosa just keeps talking. To Marisa’s best friend. About Marisa’s daughter. Finally, she hangs up and tells Marisa:
Encontraron a Natalia! Acaba de llamar a Andrea.
They found Natalia! She just called Andrea.

Clara and Escobar are surveying the ruins of the house. Fernando took all the tvs, the computer, the electronics. Security saw Fernando carrying things out, but it never occurred to them that he was robbing his own house. What hurts Clara most is the theft of her jewelry, things she acquired over the twenty years of their marriage and things her mother had given her.

Clara has to borrow Escobar’s cell to call a locksmith (cerrajero) because Fernando has even stolen her phone. At least by changing the locks, they will be able to keep Fernando out of the house. But how appalling (espantoso) it is not to be able to trust your own child.

Enrique tells his therapist that addiction alienates you from your family. This time the therapist talks back! Tell your family how sorry you are for what you did, he tells him. But Enrique feels unable to face them. The therapist reminds him that an imagined ordeal is often far worse than reality.

When Andrea arrives at the appointed place, it is Paula, not Natalia, who is waiting. Natalia wasn’t feeling well so she went to lie down, she says. Come on with me.. or are you afraid? Paula intimidates people by invading their personal space, coming much too close, and she tries this on Andrea. Andrea hangs tough, follows along. On the way Paula tells her Natalia is pregnant. And Alejandro doesn’t know. The doctor told her she can’t use drugs – if she does, the baby could be some kind of monster. Paula would like to see a baby born with two noses – it could do drugs in both at the same time.

Despite her hostile patter, Paula does lead Andrea to her old friend. The two girls hug. Where are you living, asks Andrea. Nati answers:
Por ahí, donde me agarre el cansancio -- a veces en el parque, a veces en la casa de un amigo.
Around, wherever I am when I get tired -- sometimes in the park, sometimes in a (male) friend’s house.
A friend? asks Andrea.
Natalia explains:
Es un ‘manager’ de una amiga que conocía a una fiesta. Le dicen ‘el cuchillo’...
He’s the ‘manager’ of a girlfriend I met at a party. They call him ‘the knife’…
Es una mujer que trabaja en la calle y él la cuida.
She’s a woman who works in the street and he takes care of her.

Andrea is horrified. Natalia, she says, El tipo es un chulo! (The guy is a pimp!) You’re in a very dangerous situation. It won’t be long before he expects you to prostitute yourself. Natalia says he never asked her and anyhow, she’d never do that. [Yeah, this particular chulo must be a prince among pimps.]

Natalia gives Andrea her Word of Honor:
Voy a dejar las drogas; no quiero que mi hijo nazca con problemas.
I’m going to quit drugs; I don’t want my child born with problems.
Andrea thinks the best place to do that would be in rehab. She offers to take Nati home, but her friend declines the offer – hasta que sepa que voy a hacer. (until I know what I’m going to do.)

Cristina is still mad at Leo. She reminds him of all the times he made promises and then disappointed her, how just the other night he stood her up without any explanation. She is sick of being ‘tu plato de segunda mesa’! (your rebound girlfriend, never the first choice). As she is warming up to the subject, Leo fixes her with his best Caribbean George Clooney smile, pulls out a ring and says:
¿Quieres casarte conmigo? ¿Quieres ser mi esposa, Cristina Miranda?
That diamond is real?, she blurts out. I suppose so, says Leo. In that case, answers Cris:
Bésame antes de que me arrepienta.
Kiss me before I regret it.

Julio tells Albieri that Silvia called him. She is ready to present her denuncia to the Medical Board.

And in Fez, Jade is forced to defend herself against the denuncia Rania is trying to lodge against her. It’s not my fault Lucas is here, says Jade. He has reason to be in Fez for business. But Rania saw him in the doorway, counters Said. Rania is a liar, says Jade. All she wants to do is spoil things between us.

Rania rushes in furiously and unleashes a string of Naz-worthy curses. (Jade’s not a bad opponent either, although she doesn’t seem to have Rania’s killer instinct.) Then the conflict gets physical. Here’s where the veil comes in handy – Rania can grab Jade’s hair and pull, while Jade gets a fistful of nothin’. Alí is drawn in by the commotion…

While Daniel is still right outside, trying to get someone to let him in.

Said will end up sending both of you away! warns a scandalized Alí. A man marries to bring peace and tranquility to his life, not turbulence and conflict. And Jade confides that Said has asked her to marry him. And she has accepted his proposal! Alí smiles.

Once again Rania goes crying to Zoraida, looking for sympathy. And once again, Zoraida offers none. It is a sin to curse, she reminds the mean-mouthed Rania. That doesn’t seem to discourage her. She vows that if Jade does come back into her household, ¡Yo le voy a hacer la vida un infierno! (I’m going to make her life hell!)

At the clinic, Albieri tells Julio he didn’t think Silvia would go through with it. But she is a slave to her principles (that’s an insult, Albieri?). He gives his evolution of science, evolution of morality spiel. Without men of vision like Albieri, there would be no possibility of scientific progress. Julio interjects mildly:
De cualquier modo, es preciso mantener unos limites.
In any case, it’s necessary to maintain some limits.
[Yeah, small things like getting informed consent; avoiding deceit and betrayal of one’s patients; not stealing a person’s DNA. Stuff like that. And what was so great about what Albieri did anyway? He used existing technology in an inappropriate way and then lost his ‘experiment’ to follow-up]

Albieri tells Luisa that if Silvia convinces the Medical Board that he cloned a human being, they will report it to the FDA; that agency will refer it to the justice system and he will have to stand trial and might be put jail. Luisa is prepared to Stand By Her Man.

Escobar and Anita are waiting just outside Albieri’s office. Julio tells them Albieri took the news calmly. Anita says she’ll have to start looking for a new job. And just then, someone comes in with a large suitcase: For Escobar. From Malicia. With Spite.

Credits roll


Outstanding summary Novelmaven. Your insignht of Jade and Raina is spot on. Love the balcony suggestion. The cat fight was to be expected and was another comic relief from the PA announcements. Barb, Can't figure out how to get an identity.

NovelaMaven, thanks for your entertainingly snarky recap. As the others have said, you and Jean certainly spoil us.

This was a busy episode. Hopefully Nati's pregnancy will bring about her recovery and an end to the depressing drug storyline.

Learning so many new words and phrases in this TN. I didn't know that "chulo" was the word for pimp. I always thought it meant cute.


Four star recap, NovelaMaven!!!! (I forgot to say yesterday how much I liked your titles - Said proposes and Malicia disposes - killer!)

Back to yesterday's episode - I loved 'To Escobar. From Malicia. With Spite.' LOL

This Nati pregnancy thing caught me completely by surprise. Is this going to be the thing that turns Nati around or are we going to have to watch double the anguish for her and her loved ones as she destroys her life and that of her unborn child? If I ever complained about the fairy tale 'go to rehab and be fine' storylines in other novelas, I take it back. I don't want to see this somewhat more realistic portrayal.

Rania certainly has gone to the uber-bruja side. Maybe now that Marisa has become more human, she has to take over that role. I liked your observation about the difficulty of hair pulling when your adversary is veiled.

Cris and Leo happy ever after? We'll see. It's always a roller coaster ride with those two.

Albieri is really out of reality. As you point out, human cloning might be a scientific advance but the way he did it violates every scientific principle and lots of laws. It would be as if when Christiaan Barnard did the first heart transplant in 1967, he cut the donor heart out of someone who thought they were having a gall bladder operation and transplanted it into Lewis Washkansky without his knowledge or permission. A scientific advance, yes, but done the wrong way. I also forgot to mention yesterday that in their confrontation, Albieri never even apologized to Lucas for what he had done.

Thank you ladies! This was kind of tough to write -- lots of dialogue and new developments -- so I'm relieved to hear you liked it.

Barb, I'm not the best person to answer technical questions, but it may be that you need a Google identity (like a gmail address) and password first...

Prinny, I'd love to think Nati's pregnancy was the start of her recovery, but there are many ominous signs that make me think otherwise. I don't think she has hit bottom yet.

Jean, The pregnancy took me by surprise, too -- I was just relieved that there didn't seem to be any question about who was the father.

And I love your Christian Barnard analogy -- it makes the point beautifully about how unethical Albieri's behavior has been.

NovelaMaven, Thank you for the excellent, excellent recap! Any a somewhat juicier episode than usual. The tumbrels are starting to line up for their final journey. For awhile I've thought that one of the three teen druggies would OD at the end. When we learned Nati was pregnant I thought, well, now the writers can't kill her off, that would mean killing of an innocent baby as well. But what was that we saw in the previews: Lucas screaming to the heavens: Noooooo!!!!
(Of course he could have just gotten the news that Jade is getting married to Said again...)
On pins and needles,

Thanks, NovelaMaven, for a great recap. I'm traveling for the next few days and so wasn't able to see last night's episode nor several of those next week. Hence these recaps are a godsend.

Add me to the list of people surprised by Nati's pregnancy.

Excellent recap, NovelaMaven. Some highlights for me:

"Telenovela decoder ring" - Don't we all need one.

Your interpretation of Abdul saying "deja vu all over again". (sorry, no energy for the accent marks required there!)

Lucas is starting to annoy me. I've liked him all along, but he's on his third or fourth episode of grand cru whine.

A beanie moment for me was wondering how Daniel knew Jade fainted because she recognized him. He was, after all, in full burqa.

That was some huge rock Leo gave Cris. Gotta be cubic zirconium unless one of the stars is either engaged or borrowed his fiancé's ring.

Another "ya basta" moment is how long it's taking for Albieri to get his. They've been referring to his downfall for weeks already, and I'm bored with it.

The scenes in Fez are more interesting to me than those in Miami. I was pleased to see Said didn't automatically turn on Jade this time. Rania is NOT using her head. The way to a man's heart is not through screaming, jealous rants.

When Said told Jade he'd give up Marisa and there'd only be he and she...and Rania. I was wondering - if Rania hadn't given birth to Munir - if Said might have returned her to please Jade.

Malicia seemed to me to be calling down an anvil on her head with her "perro que ladre no muerde" (a barking dog never bites).

I was also gobsmacked by the Nati pregnancy. She'd fainted before from drugs or perhaps not eating properly, so I never cottoned on to the TN cliché of the first pregnancy sign being a swoon.

Novelera --
Lucas is "on his third or fourth episode of grand cru whine"? How funny!!!

Still, I have to keep reminding myself that this is a TN and not a 160 hour movie (from which we will all soon emerge, disoriented, blinking against the daylight). It's more like a 160-part series of shorts. And important points get reiterated "por si las moscas..." (just in case). So I'm often confused about the message: Is the character meant to seem FIXATED on the point? Or are the writers/editors just trying to make sure we all GOT the point?

There are also some less generous arguments against seeing Lucas's scenes as "grand cru whine" instead of "un grand cri de coeur" --

Inept editing -- Maybe they wrote and shot three good scenes with Mauricio and just couldn't bear to cut any of them.

Pressure to produce -- Maybe they are getting paid a nickel a page. Or maybe they are just forced to stretch what they have into an arbitrary number of hours so even though they realize a scene is repetitious, they can't afford to cut it out.

I'll miss this novela and, in particular, niss the wonderful NovelaMaven and Jean recaps. Wow! Literate, funny, entertaining and helpful. Are either or both of you writers by trade? You certainly are by talent. I'll miss you guys more than the TN, which I'll also miss.

Oh how fearful, Nati's pregnancy. With all the drugs, etc. she's taken, the fetus is already damanged. Whether this sets her straight or not, it's awful to comtemplate. Wonder how this will be treated in the rest of the TN. Lois

Barb: yes, sign up with Google for an email address. Then come back to Caray and underneath the comment box here you see in orange choosing an identity. Pick the radio dot that applies to you. Anon. is also available, but it's also a default.

Novelamaven and Jean: I don't know what I'd do without you during the week/wk-end when I rush through mega-marathons of El Clon after a long work-week. They are always witty and informative. Thanks for hanging in with these things and giving me a smile or two along the way!

NovelaMaven, I like your reasoning about how scenes are probably done out of order and then inserted, occasionally either seeming to lose continuity or seeming to be repetitive.

Loved your playing off my "grand cru" line to "grand cri de coeur". Well done, amiga!

Lois, I'm also concerned about the fetus. The doctor seemed to be saying all would be well if she cleaned up now, but I thought the worst of the damage was done by drinking and/or taking drugs very early in a pregnancy.

Also regarding the fetus:

Don't want to raise any hackles here, but the logical thing at this point would be an abortion. The fetus could be damaged, and Nati is in no way in shape to parent. But this never happens in TNs. I have always assumed this is because they're in Spanish, and aimed for a presumably Catholic audience. Women occasionally miscarry but I can't think of an example of even a villain having an abortion.

Thanks again, guys! I can't speak for Jean, but for me, this is strictly amateur hour:)

Novelera, what would happen in real life is they would try to figure out, as accurately as possible:

1. how far the pregnancy has advanced (using ultrasound measurements and blood levels of pregnancy hormone)
2. exactly what drugs Nati had consumed, when and in what quantities (obviously very tricky)

In the very early weeks of gestation, the effects of some toxins is "all or nothing". The embryo either survives intact or is miscarried.

Fetal development occurs in a predictable way over time; and exposure to particular drugs affects particular stages of development. So in some cases, early use of a harmful drug doesn't lead to an affected fetus. And not all fetuses will be harmed even when they are exposed to a toxin during a critical period. (Vulnerability is variable).

Then the patient would be given the option to continue or terminate the pregnancy, given the assessed risk to the fetus.

If the pregnancy is continued, a detailed genetic ultrasound is usually done in the second trimester to identify anomalies. At that point, abortion is still possible, though very, very difficult for everyone.

I'm not so sure Nati has ruled out abortion. Remember she tells Andrea she doesn't want to go home "until she knows what she wants to do."

But yes, you are so right. In the TN world, abortion is NEVER a moral option. And yet in 'El Clon', the church doesn't have a big presence (Padre Andres notwithstanding). So all bets are off.

My theory is that one of the three druggie teens will not survive the end of this TN. I agree that the writers won't kill off an innocent unborn baby by having the mother die, no matter how bad the mother's behavior. Paula is my bet for now, because she is the only one with no on-screen parents. Anyone taking bets on the odds of Clara taking Escobar back?

Joan, your theory about one of the three not making it is interesting. I suppose Paula would be the most likely, but she did want help when the others were ransacking Clara's house.

I'd hate to see Clara go through losing her child, but Fernando is now a real jerk. So I'd pick him.

I hope Clara and Escobar don't end up back together. He's treated her like crap the whole novela, even before Malicia came on the scene. I like her with Rogelio and Escobar with nobody.

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