Tuesday, September 21, 2010
La Verdad Oculta EP12 09/20/2010 - Bertha is smarter than a 5th grader
From previous episode: Goyo pulls a Gollum and tells poor frightened Abe that he won't sell his house and he's capable of doing anything to protect his property. The guards lead the angry old man out.
* Guilléns' flat
The sisters are ready to leave. Both are very pretty though Gaby hates her uncomfortable (but zillion dollars worth pornstar shoes). Fausto excitedly tells them that the taxi arrived and tries to give them money which they don't accept. Daddy cries, the girls cry, they'll miss each other much.

* Genovés villa
Abe reports Mario what a crazy, unreasonable geezer Goyo is and that he'll never sell his house. They'll have to find another solution. Mario has a new idea: there's another house in their neighbourhood, is that empty? In the hall Bertha continues her investigation over Mario and his mysterious visitor. Abelardo lies to her that Fausto was only a poor man who was looking for job. Bertha doesn't seem to be convinced. In the study Alejandra and Mario talk about their secret uncle-niece reconstruction project. Mario innocently asks her if she's able to construct a... for example, an underterrain tunnel? A what? No, she hasn't done anything like that but she studied about it in the university. She could finish it in two weeks. Ale is still very enthusiastic about the project, in spite of that Mario doesn't want to tell her why he needs that tunnel and he asks for complete discretion.

* prison
Marcos and Puff Piggy, the leader of the low-life population of the Reculsorio Oriente argue about money, que sorpresa! Has your sister given you the money? Not yet. Since Piggy no es una hermanita de caridad (he's not a Charity Nun) Marcos had better give him the dinero quickly. Marcos is upset and when Juan José asks him what they were talking about he basically tells the big guy to go fly a kite.
* Genovés villa
Bertha may be a useless and spoiled child, but she ain't stupid. She reports to Ale the strange happenings she noticed: first a badly dressed pauper visited Mario and he spent hours in his study, second, Mario said that he was talking with a businessman about a contract, but Abelardo said that he was a poor guy looking for job. Third, she met this man in the cemetery next to a tomb... Aaand when they buried their mom she saw Mario drawing near to that tomb. Interesting, isn't it? Ewww, be careful with this gal.

* Alejandra's office
Elsa shows to Mina the new dresses. Hermina notices that Elsa is nervous and asks her about her problem. Elsa's lines: Marcos, prison, money, blahblahblah. She politely refuses Mina's offer of lending her money. Mina says that she likes Elsa, so she'll buy a dress and please consider her as her friend.

* Los Angeles, airport
The Guillén sister arrived at LA. While Julieta is in the toilet, Déborah, the telenovela impersonator of Cruella De Vil shows up and identifes Gabriela from her shoes. She's very displeased at hearing that she has to take care of two waitresses instead of one and her attitude make the girls very uncomfortable.

* prison
While Goyo is worrying about his preciouuuuusssss at the other end of the cantina Marcos, Piggy and the low-life brothers are talking their filthy plan that they want to achieve that night.
* Genovés villa
Mario tells Fausto that he'll buy one of the neighbouring houses for him and also tells him about the tunnel. Fausto gets cold feet again, this is madness, he'll get caught and will be imprisoned... Mario pushes the "this is your chance to discover the killer of your wife" button again.
* prison workshop
Juan José works alone. He looks around then shyly draws near to the picture of the Madonna. He starts to pray tearfully: it's been a long time since he stopped believing in her, but please forgive him and take care of his mother whom he misses so much and take care of Gregorio as well. A friendly guard shows up and asks why he prays for a murderer but JJ insists that Goyo's a good man and he repented what he did (I wouldn't be so sure about it...). He also declares firmly that he, JJ didn't kill anyone, he swears it in front of the Virgin!

Los Angeles, hotel
Sour Déborah lead the girls into their room, they love it.
* Genovés villa
The men continue their conversation. Why do you think that Adolfo is the culpable for the death of Marta? Because he gained the most from the situation. Maybe he's innocent but he may know who the murderer was. And P.S. don't trust Yolanda, she's Adolfo's friend. They start to talk about Gabriela. Mario learns that she and her sister are in Los Angeles. Mario is surprised.
* Ávila residence
Dolphie is talking with Déborah on phone, Deb nervously tells him that Gaby came with her sister. Dolphie calms her down and quickly asks his precious little son about how much employees he sent to LA. Well, two. Adolfo scolds him but Carlos gets angry too: he paid Julieta's accomodations, okay? Adolfo calls Déborah and tells her that the plan hasn't changed.
* Guilléns' flat
Leonardo visits Fausto who's very happy to see him. They talk about their family: Leonardo is a widower and he has a daughter who lives with his family in Durango. Fausto says that he couldn't separate from his children, they're the only reason why he lives.

* Genovés villa
Mario and Abe discuss their plan again. The owner of the neighbouring villa will sell them the house. Mario tells his loyal friend that Ale will construct the secret passage.
* Los Angeles, hotel
The girls have dinner. Déborah leaves them but promises to return next day. The girls don't mind it since they don't like her much. Suddenly a familiar face shows up: it's David holding two roses, and he's absolutely lovely. The girls' jaws drop and the boy joins them. How small the world has become, he came to LA for a few days and he ended up in the same hotel. Ay, a otro perro con ese hueso.

* Genovés villa
In the study Mario starts to act strangely, his head becomes dizzy and doesn't understand what Abelardo tells him. Poor man. Abe tells him again that he's going to LA next day. Mario wonders why his daughter, Julieta and David went to LA at the same time. This can't be a coincidence.

* Los Angeles, hotel
David is suspicious about Adolfo's generosity towards his employees because he never cared about them. Gabriela tells him that she won the prize but Carlos let Julieta accompany her. Blondie asks them when Carlos will arrive. Baaad question. The sisters get peeved at his suspicions they would've never accepted this trip if they had had to well, entertain Carlos. He asks for theis forgiveness and changes the topic: lets's have fun together in Los Angeles! The girls gladly agree.
* prison
Marcos and the gangsters grab Goyo in the bathroom and bind his mouth. It's Marcos's turn to take revenge but he hesitates (thanks for heaven). Piggy snatches the weapon out of his hand stabs Goyo by himself. Damned rascal! Suddenly Juan José comes in and he's shocked at what he sees. Piggy threatens him but Marcos doesn't let him to hurt his friend. The men leave and JJ shouts for help while he holds Goyo. When the guard arrives he says that he doesn't know what happened. He gently holds poor Gandalf. Don Goyo, it's me, Juan José, listen to me, please!

Labels: verdad
I show LVO on Wednesday night in my area.
Looking forward to reading the posting.
Today will be Aribeth's summary and pictures, which I am looking forward to.
I had to laugh at David as he tried so hard once again to look nonchalant as he tried to convince Gabi and Juli (really Gabi) to hang out with him in L.A. And they for sure are not believing that lie that it was just a coincidence that they are in L.A. at the same time. It's a bit stalkerish, but he's so sincere and cute. It looks like Gabi relented. For sure what he has planned is a lot more wholesome than what Carlos and Roberto had in mind when they planned to join the girls in L.A.
Jarocha, great to see you; been wondering about you. I saw where a tropical storm was headed your way. Hope you are all fixed up again soon. We miss you. :-)
Jeri, thanks for the youtube links.
More screencaps here:
Was anyone else waiting for Gabi to take off her shoes and throw them in the trash? That would have been perfect!
Is there anyone Adolfo isn't abusive to? He calls his own son an imbecile. Mind you, I'm not quibbling, but still, it's his flesh and blood after all (however distasteful that might be).
Just becuase he didn't stab Goyo himself and saved Juan from Piggy doesn't mean Marcos is (or should be)redeemed. I still want an anvil hovering close by for what he's doing to Elsa.
Vivi, if David had appeared at my table with a rose and that smile, I know I couldn't have resisted! :)
Jeri, thanks for the links.
I'm also glad you're back Jarocha.
Was anyone else waiting for Gabi to take off her shoes and throw them in the trash? That would have been perfect!
I would've loved that scene! :))) I for one could've never walked in shoes like that so I would've simply left them at home.
Just becuase he didn't stab Goyo himself and saved Juan from Piggy doesn't mean Marcos is (or should be)redeemed. I still want an anvil hovering close by for what he's doing to Elsa.
Oh yeah, I agree. But I'm still glad that he wasn't able to kill Goyo.
Poor Goyo! He's my favourite character so far.
Aribeth, I had such a laugh with "zillion dollars worth pornstar shoes", so true, lol. How on earth did Gabi walk with those things on her feet. You could see at the airport that she was struggling a bit with trying to walk gracefully.
Super Sleuth Bertha is such a busy body. She wants to know everything that is going on and she probably won't rest easy until she uncovers everyone's secrets. Someone please get her a job and get her out of the house.
So Carlos didn't end up going to LA he listened to his daddy. He won't be too happy when he finds out that David went to meet the girls.
Really sad that Gregorio got stabbed. What will happen with his secret.
Thanks for the recap Aribeth. I was sad to see those thugs hurting Don Goyo. I think Marcos is getting over his head for becoming involve with those guys. I think he must have been a great once to Juan José for him to continue being his friend after all those years.
I understand Gabi's trepidation when it comes to David. We know he has only good intentions when it comes to her but everything he does would look suspicious if I was in her perspective.
I sort of feel for Carlos and it's not just because I fancy Marcos Mendez. I think he is weak and that's what has turned him into a not so great guy but he is one of those characteres that I truly believe would be an upstanding person if he was raised differently.
About what happened here: Jeri remember when I told you hurricanes didn't enter the Port of Veracruz? Well, one did last friday and it was just devastating. Two rivers overflowed and flooded half of the city, 160 thousends of houses were lost. The whole state was affected as well, the calculations right now are between 500 thousend to one million of people affected, only 18 people have been confirmated as dead but the ciphers change every day and there's still many people out there trapped or missing. The authorities already said this is the worst catastrophe in the history of the state of Veracruz :(.
Fortunately for us, my dad has always been very paranoid about the risks of floods (there's alot of rivers and lagoons here) so he picked a house on the higher side (the north) of the city when we were younger. We only lost our phone lines, internet, cable electricity and running water. The electricity is back (although it comes and goes at times) and cable and internet are back since yesterday, running water is still a problem though. It was worse during the weekend because the rivers in the north destroyed the highway and the south was flooded so we were trapped and people went a little crazy buying everything they could from the stores thinking we'd run out of everything. There was alot of uncertainity.
Now I completely understand your crush on Marcos Méndez, he's adorable. When I make screencaps it's hard not to laugh at the funny, expressive faces he pulls. I agree with your opinion on Marcos, he seems to be far better than Roberto and Adolfo. Hopefully he won't become a second Renatonto Vidal.
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