Sunday, September 12, 2010

Llena de Amor #25 Fri 9/10/10

Emil sputters at Fedra, everyone else does too. Netty says it will all be ok and yells at Fedra for defaming Eva. Fedra just keeps saying that the money is hers. Finally The Mask drops the papers on the desk. “Proof” says Fedra.

Ilitia and Brandon argue some more about what happened at the airport.

Netty yells at Emil, who says he knew nothing. More sputtering. Her lawyers says they have to look at Fedra’s proof. Fedra says Eva drank away all the money. Netty yells at her lawyer to do something, he stutters that he has to look at the proof too and goes to look.

Brandon tries to explain why he was outside the house. He wanted to see if this is where Mari lived. Eman explains to Ilitia who Brandon is and who he is related to. They overhear the yelling from the office. They stand around and listen. Brandon wants to go check it out, Eman says family only and keeps him out.

Lorenzo is having breakfast at Blondie’s house, he insists that she go see Muneca at the orphanage. She says fine, fine, after that we’ll have some romancy time, days, weeks. She mentions ‘his son’ and he yells at her ‘the baby!’ because his paternity hasn’t been proven yet.

Mo and Kristel are in their underwear now and the laundry basket catches on fire. How is being in this public room less risky than going to Kristel’s bedroom? I don’t get it. Or is it because rich people would never set foot in the laundry room?

Fedra yells at Netty to stay away from the lawyers. Eman demands an explanation. Gretel tells Fedra she can’t take this away from Mari too! Too?

The baby cries, Lorenzo tries to comfort her, then screams for Blondie to come out of the shower. She just says pick him pues! You have a daughter right? You’ve done this before! He remembers holding Ilitia while a happy Muneca watches. She cries because he is so happy holding his daughter. Back in the present he is holding the new baby and starts to enjoy it a little. Blondie comes out and he pretends he didn’t like it, “uh FINALLY here take him.” He runs to the other room.

Brandon says he owes Ilitia no explanation, she says yes, since this is my boyfriend’s house. He says no, it belongs to Mari. She calls him naco, he gets mad, she pushes him back and he falls on the couch. Soon enough I’m sure they’ll start making out. Maybe not today, but soon.

Gretel starts freaking out on Fedra, who keeps calling her crazy. Netty tries to calm Gretel down. Axel finally gets her out of the room, she is screaming the whole time. Netty tells the lawyers that they heard right? Gretel said it was all lies.

Ilitia follows Brandon outside, they argue some more, he picks her up and tells her to go back inside.

Netty won’t let Fedra have the papers back, Netty’s lawyer has them right now. He says he has to look over them, Fedra says no you won’t look at anything! He closes the folder and starts to hand the papers back. What a wuss. Netty shoves the papers back at him. Emil says yes, he will look at them. Even Fedra’s lawyers say yes, Netty and her lawyer should look at the papers. Fedra says to Mari that the money won’t even cover what Eva owed her, so Mari has to pay the rest…. or she can give her this house! Mari says nothing except “Dios mio!”

Brandon and Ilitia are all grabby in each other’s faces now, perhaps the making out WILL be today. It sure looks like it’s headed that way. They are arguing harder than ever. He says she has to learn to respect a man. Their faces are close, she says if he kisses her something bad would happen, he says he would rather kiss a corpse. Ok it’s going to happen for sure. He backs off and plays like he was kidding. She runs after him, he moves and she falls in the mud. Ok maybe not today.

Everyone can’t believe Fedra would take the house. Netty’s lawyer says he has to verify the authenticity of the documents. Fedra comments AGAIN on Eva being a drunk, etc. Mari has had enough and tells her to quit insulting her mother. Emil also tells her to knock it off. Fedra says no, it’s time Mari learns the truth about her mother. The more Fedra is like this the happier I get about her eventual doom. Fedra tells Mari that while she was locked up and eating chocolate, Eva was tearing through lovers. What a long way to say she was a slut. Netty says if she keeps insulting Eva, Netty will claw Fedra’s eyes out. Mari yells some more. This show should be called “Llena de Gritas.” That’s all that happens, day after day.

Nereida and Delicia watch Mo and Kristel through the window and sure are enjoying the show. I know the stereotypical French maid outfit is sexy, but something about these maid outfits is sexy too – they really show off the nice bodies of the two ladies. Delicia finally smells something burning. Kristel finally notices and Mo says the crap you expect “yeah baby you’re so hot” etc etc. I’m hoping for a Kristel running through the house in her underwear scene, but I’m sure we’ll get Mo instead. Oh they are down to their underwear at this point, I forgot to mention. They finally discover that the fire is real, it is turning into an inferno, they scream like babies instead of grabbing their clothes and getting out.

Fedra tells the tale of Eva the drunk. Mari cries and denies it all. Everyone gets mad at Fedra for being a bitch. She starts her fake crying “I’m defending my rights!” When I paused my recording, I caught Emiliano in mid eye-roll. Netty lunges at Fedra, she is held back. Mari says enough, let’s get out of here. Eman says this is all so unfair. Fedra says you too son? More back and forth. Fedra finally says to Netty if you don’t believe me, ask your lawyer. The lawyer says what Fedra says is true. I thought he was going to verify some stuff? Did he do it by ESP while they were arguing? Mari cries that it is all a lie and runs out of the room. The one thing I hope is that Mari moves out of the house after all this so the show can move in a different direction. Eman runs after Mari. Fedra and Netty stare at each other.

Brandon laughs at Ilitia, she demands that he stop laughing and help her. He says too bad there aren’t any reporters here now! He mimics taking photos. She gets up and storms past him into the house, saying “leave me alone!”

Kristel and Mo start trying to figure out whose fault it is that there is a fire, I guess they locked the door and can’t unlock it, or something? I still don’t get it. To top it all off, there is too much smoke and we don’t get to see Kristel in her underwear. We don’t see Mo either so I guess that’s fair. Hmmm – now that the house belongs to Fedra, and now it might burn down, that means that later she will owe everything back to Mari, AND owe her a new house, right?

Eman and Mari rehash out in the living room. Eman reiterates that he is with her, on her side. He will fight for her. She says whatever, she has the memory of her parents, and Fedra can’t steal that from her. She cries some more, Eman holds her. Surely Ilitia will come in at this point.

The lawyer shows Netty a signature, “that’s Eva’s signature, right?” She says it looks like it. Emil says I guess that’s it, but why Fedra did you never say anything? Netty still doesn’t believe it. Fedra asks Bernardo for an envelope. Bernaro The Mask smirks through this whole scene. She gives it to Netty to read saying that it is a letter from Eva acknowledging the debts she owes Fedra and how she intends to pay her back.

Mo is on the floor now looking for their clothes. Kristel says screw that let’s get out of here. He stops her and says he has to find the clothes or Fedra will kill him.

The letter says that Eva recognizes the debts and that they should be paid back to Fedra with interest when Mari receives her inheritance. How convenient. Netty says that yes the letter is in Eva’s handwriting. Netty’s lawyer wants to do some test (handwriting analysis?) on the letter, Fedra shoots The Mask a look, he waves it off, I guess he has that covered. Finally Fedra’s lawyers say they’ll verify some stuff, then the money has to go to Fedra. Enough to pay the debts. Fedra says she has been clear, she wants the house in her name. She and The Mask exchange looks, right there in front of everyone.

Kristel screams for help, they yell back and forth with the maids. They can’t open the door either? Nereida tells them to get out, Mo says hey dumbass we can’t, don’t you see? Then Delicia says fine stay in there and cook like chickens. WTF. She is the most disrespectful domestic I’ve ever seen, even if it is these two morons she was talking to. She isn’t worried about getting fired?

Fedra celebrates with a drink. Emil asks her to think of another way to collect her debt. She says the only other way is for Mari to pay her right now, in cash money. Of course she can’t. Netty storms out. Emil says why doesn’t she wait until Mari is old enough to get the inheritance from her father? Fedra says I have spoken – cash or the house. NOW. There are yells from the hall – FIRE! Fedra freaks at the idea of the house burning down.

Mari talks to a picture of Eva and cries. She remembers Eva talking about loving her husband so much, the bit about lovers has to be a lie! Netty comes in and commiserates. She tells Mari to pack her stuff, they’re leaving now. “no I can’t leave!” IDIOTA. Netty says basically “whaaaat?” Mari claims they won’t let her leave. Netty says whatever pack your shit WE ARE LEAVING. Mari continues to say no. Netty can’t understand. Mari claims that she is going to clear her mother’s name etc by staying. They overhear Fedra whining about the fire outside the room.

Ilitia is outside, trying to find a way to sneak in without anyone seeing her. Ah! She’ll jump in the pool and take her clothes off. A song that has one lyric, ‘sexy’, plays. Ah, look who shows up – Brandon. He keeps looking at the house, maybe he hear the screaming. Ilitia snaps at him that he must be spying on her but he is enjoying the view (though in a bit of shock) and has no comeback.

Lorenzo can’t take the baby crying any more, he is leaving. Blondie says he has a fever, we need to go to the doctor. She gives him the baby to hold, he holds him as far away from himself as possible.

Mari wants to go see if Eman is ok. Netty says a fire is all the better reason to get her stuff and leave. No, no, no, Eman Eman Eman. Ugh. Netty FINALLY notices his name over and over and says hey, what’s up with you and him anyway? Uh uh uh nothing, just want to make sure he’s ok. Netty says no, you’re in love with him. Who, me?

Eman bravely points a fire extinguisher at the fire, it doesn’t work. Fedra is being held back by The Mask, she is acting like he is in the middle of the fire but he’s like three feet away from her. Eman throws the fire extinguisher through the window, breaking it. Someone says the firemen have arrived. Eman takes a shirt and drenches it in water, he’s going in. They try to stop him, but he goes.

Ilitia continues to yell at Brandon. She demands a towel. He holds it up for her, she says no way, leave it and go. He does all he can to get a look. He throws the towel down and turns away. She gets out but before she gets to the towel, he turns around again. He claims it wasn’t on purpose. She says it sure was, he wants her right? Admit it! He says whatever, he has seen better. She goes to hit him, he grabs her arm, her towel falls. Finally we get a peek ourselves, though a quick one. She is wearing bra and panties, and not really revealing ones either. I thought she was a model, doesn’t she spend all day wearing less than this for photos? Anyway she acts like he saw her naked. Brandon gets all the ogling in as he possibly can. He says whatever, he doesn’t like silicone women anyway. She says it’s all natural. He laughs. They are finally interrupted by cries for water. He gets her to understand that there is a fire. She realizes that Eman might be inside and she goes off running, calling for ‘baby!’ Brandon rolls his eyes, takes a deep breath, and follows her.

Mari insists that she doesn’t love Eman, it would be impossible! Same old thing. They year Emil yell “Emanuel! Get out of there!” Mari says she has to go see what’s going on and runs out. Netty says to herself, tonight you are coming with me Mari, and starts packing her stuff.

Fedra is freaking out, The Mask is trying to calm her down. We hear Ilitia crying for baby. Mari is running through the house. BAM Mari and Ilitia run into each other. Ilitia ends up on the floor, Mari’s glasses fly off. Ilitia’s bra straps showing above the towel are white, she was wearing red outside. Jeez not that hard of a detail to keep straight. I suspect something about Mari’s glasses is going to happen, get stepped on or something.

Gladiola and the other ladies sit around and worry about Netty. The young one (Doris, who is Gladiola’s daughter, right?) gets a pain in her chest. She passes out.

Brandon finds Mari and Ilitia, he pays all attention to Mari. Ilitia says why doesn’t he help her, she was the one hit by a train! Mari and Brandon look for Mari’s glasses, then they hear Emiliano say “Emanuel, you can’t control the fire!” Gasp! Mari tells Brandon to run and help him. Ilitia finds Mari’s glasses. She teases her and won’t give them. Mari grabs at them and ends up with the towel. I appreciate the effort in showing us Ilitia in her underwear so often, but each time is like .5 seconds. I do see now that it is a red bra with white straps, I guess the continuity guy was paying attention after all. Now there is a standoff – ‘give me the towel’ ‘give me my glasses’.

Emil wants to go in after Eman, Brandon shows up and Delicia comes in with more water. Brandon does the same wet blanket/shirt trick as Eman and goes in after him.

The standoff continues. Ilitia throws the glasses down the hall, so Mari throws the towel the other way. What are they, five years old?

The maids are outside filling buckets, Mo and Kristel (in their skivvies) are hiding in the bushes. They are yelling at the maids to hurry up and get their clothes, the maids are trying to help put out the fire. They yell at each other. Then Nereida says “hey there’s a towel.” I guess Mari threw it outside. Kristel, Mo, and Ilitia all grab the towel at the same time. There is a lot of non-clothes wearing that will have to be explained to Fedra, but she is hysterical at the moment somewhere else anyway. They all fight over the towel.

Back in the fire, Eman yells ‘there’s someone here!’ then trips on a ladder and falls. I’m sure on Monday he’ll get right back up.

Monday – Mari yells a lot outside the fire.


Thanks for the recap, Ferro. I really enjoyed both this episode and your recap, though I had to send my beanie out for re-armoring to get through the fire stuff.

Why couldn't Kristel and Mau grab their clothes and run out the door that was RIGHT THERE? Why couldn't they find some water IN A LAUNDRY ROOM to throw on the fire? Well, I guess they are just that dumb.

Ilitia sits around in bikinis that cover less than that all the time, so I'm sure the big display of modesty was just because Brandon has her all hot and bothered and in denial. I loved their little will-they-or-won't-they argument tango out on the steps, up to and including the dive into the mud. Very funny. Who's the pig now, Ilitia?

Isn't Oliver supposed to be on his way over? I wonder how Gramps is doing with the medics down in the basement.

Delicia's sass is one of the most consistently delightful things about this show. She does seem to rein it in around Fedra. I guess she's well aware of who would fire her, and who wouldn't.

Fedra's bitchiness has gotten to be too much. I'm going to have to rely on the recaps and not watch the show. I want to so badly reach through the screen and slap her silly or, more important, wish that Mari or Netty would. That woman is evil incarnate. She is abusive and Emiliano lets her get away with it. He, right now, appears to be a very poor excuse for a man and is about as cuckold as they get. I don't think all 4 of those children did he father. Fedra said Eva had all these lovers but basically she was talking about herself. She needs to be discovered for what she truly is - a horrible, lying, manipulative, scheming piece of trash. I'm getting very tired of Mari allowing everyone to walk all over her. She can be a nice person but still have some backbone. Sadly, she and others are lacking this.

Chris, a stellar job as always. I loved your ongoing commentary and questions on the action. "Or is it because rich people would never set foot in the laundry room?" Hey, I'm surprised they even knew where it was.

Julia, I was thinking the same about Ilitia. Her white bikini the other day was smaller than that underwear. But good observation that she may have been all flustered around Brandon, esp. after that close "almost kiss" on the stairs. yeah, these two are destined for some horizontal action.

I've come to the conclusion that to "enjoy" this TN, I'm going to have the just park the beanie. Like watching a Road Runner cartoon....

Lorenzo just cracks me up.

As for Fedra - yikes! Every TN, ev needs their "villain" and she's about as bad as they get. I think what is hard to watch is that she doesn't hide the bitchiness and you wonder why people put up with it. From personal experience, living with someone who had an undiagnosed personality disorder with extremes of sweetness and awful meanness, you do live with it and after awhile it just becomes your "norm". They have no clue about her "secret life" (except for poor Gretel)...we do.She'll get hers in the end and we will so enjoy every moment. Testament to Azela's acting that we hate this character SOOOOOOO much.

This was one of the "turning points" for Mari in the TN. Chris, I agree, I've been saying too how much I hope this sends Mari packing and looks like Netty is going to make that happen. I think Mari needed to lose everything to really mature, grow a spine and go after what she wants in life.

Where is Tio??? Not one allusion to him during the fire? That cellar of his must be way down there somewhere. I can't believe he, nor Mrs. Paula, nor the paramedics are oblivious too all the yelling going on overhead. As you all say, major beanie time.

I thought it was very resourceful of Ilitia to jump in the pool. She's a bit brighter than Kristel and Mauricio that's for sure. Yep, destined to be with her changuito.

Chris, hilarious recap and I loved your personal commentaries.

daisynjay, very interesting observation about why people put up with Fedra's behavior. Thanks for that, it makes their tolerance of her just a bit more believable.

Chris, thanks once again for a terrific recap - it was much better than the episode. I loved your running commentary. I have a hard time watching so much abuse.

I do believe that we have a hint that dear Fedra's anvil will be made of fire.

I do hope that Netty gets Mari the hell out of Dodge - what a viper pit.

What is the deal with the men in this TN. They all believe anything Fedra says and if they don't at first a little dirty dancing quickly changes their mind.

If I were Emil I would march all of the children down to a DNA lab!


Thanks Ferro. Enjoyed the recap. Thought it was very funny when Ilitia fell in the mud and then when they were all fighting over the towel. Just like a bunch of 2 year olds.

Just can't stand Fedra. And even though I love the actor playing Emiliano I can't stand this wimpy part he is playing.

How can anyone believe that Fedra would loan Eva money. She hated her.

Want to see more of the General. And I also love Delicia's spunk.

Thanks Ferro. Your recap was great - quite a feat considering the episode was so hard to watch. The actors are doing a fine job, the writers, not so much. Delicia is definitely my favorite. Let's hope nothing terrible happens to her or this show will be a wash.

Hi there Chris. Always get a bang out of the male point of view. Tellin' it like it it, man-wise. All good.

I am experiencing such a case of Fedra-itis that I too will have to skip watching for a while and just read everybody's hilarious recaps.

Three years of telenovelas have just overloaded my capacity to watch evil at work. Love those happy endings and the explosions when old adversaries (think Brandon and Illita) finally connect and combust, but otherwise, ugggghhh. But thoroughly enjoyed your recap.

Daisynjay--good comment on how our concept of "normal" gradually becomes distorted. Been there, done that. Good call.

Netty's lawyer is the worst ever and I hope she gets a better one eventually, and a good forensic accountant as well. Who would accept papers offered by the enemy as proof without checking things out? It's not the the amounts were pocket change; check bank records!

Also, Lynda, I agree it's annoying that anyone would believe Eva would go to Fedra for money, when they hated each other. If she was really hard up I can see her asking Emiliano, maybe, or the General. Not Fedra. Anyone but Fedra. Also I can't believe the maids didn't know about that chest of jewels left in Eva's bedroom; proof that she still had valuables.

I'm SO looking forward to Fedra's downfall, and I hope it involves desperate poverty, hard labor, fatness despite the poverty, social diseases, fire, and pestilence.

Axel and Gretel are still upstairs and unaware of the fire, too, aren't they? That is one big house with good sound insulation, which is in SERIOUS need of some smoke alarms.

In my building, if you even scorch your toast, the whole neighborhood knows about it.

Ferro, Thanks for the laughs, I appreciate your excellent recap. You are always the voice of male reason while both appreciating the beauty but not being bowled over by the BS.

Daisynjay, I really like thinking about RoadRunner cartoons when thinking about Fedra. She is also the enegizer bunny of evil stunts that just go and go and go with no one seeming to have more than double digit IQ to question her.

Chris, excellent. Very funny recap.

As you and others here have alluded to, this was a very strange episode. Perhaps the strangest part was the reactions to the fire. Did anyone call the fire dept.? Whom did Manny think that he was going in to save? I guess that Brandon is going to save Manny.

It seems to be taking longer than usual to get a feel for and get comfortable with the characters in this show. The two that I think I understand best are Lorenzo and Fedra, though for a number of reasons I get a big kick out of Ilitia.


Chris – what a totally fun recap of a fun episode! And even though I’m not a guy, I too thought the maids looked very fetching in their uniforms, peering through the window. They both have great legs.

And on that topic – if a gal is going to have an evening with her sweetie, she wears lacy underlovelies, not dense ones. Hers were so thick they didn’t get all see-through when she was wet.

I think Kristel and Mauricio couldn’t repair to her bedroom because they’d have to go up the stairs and there were people in the living room. Just a guess.

I’d add one tiny thing: when Muneca was getting weepy about seeing Lorenzo being so loving with baby Ilitia, she said it was because he was never that way with her. So now we know that his coldness to her goes way back, and isn’t just recent.

Emiliano is clueless – how on earth could he imagine that his wife could take so much money from the account (a house’s worth!) and he’d not notice? And that she wouldn’t tell him all this time?

Why didn’t the fire spread to the upstairs? Ditto the smoke? I’m guessing the laundry room is downstairs or in the basement..

I agree with everyone that Delicia is a show all by herself. She’s a delight.

I don't think the fire has spread to the house structure at all; I think it's still just linens and clothes burning and making a lot of smoke. The walls seem to be plastered and it would take a long time to breech that. Not sure about the ceiling. But there really wasn't that much flammable stuff in the room. Of course, the facts have nothing to do with how the writers might decide the story will play out.

Did Emanuel really think someone was in there, or did he just want to be sure no one was? He's going to be SO MAD when Brandon saves him.

It continues to annoy me that no one in telenovelas ever knows to crawl down on the floor when there's a fire, to breathe less smoke. They must not have all those drills we always had in elementary school.

Julia - I agree about the crawling thing. And a wet blanket isn't going to help against smoke inhalantion.

Thanks everyone, it sure was a weird episode. I really hope some new stuff starts up now after these events. It's not too son for Ilitia and Eman to break up, and for her to take up with Brandon, that would give a nice reason for Eman and Brandon to be after each other all the time. And a more realistic reason for Mari to pine for Eman, if he is single.

Maggie, I put down Emi's cluelessness to one of two things: He takes care of nothing when it comes to the "household". the husband just trust the wife to pay the bills and keep things going and he fills the coffers. Or, she came to the marriage with money. Probably ill-gotten gains of some kind, but she has her own bucks. she never talks in terms of "our house"'s always "my house" which leads me to think it's her bucks.

Once when Fedra was talking to Bernardo about money (they were scheming to get Mari's inheritance), Emiliano came in and asked "what money?" and she claimed to be talking about some real estate deal she was involved in. He accepted that and didn't seem further interested. So whatever Fedra started with, it seems she does have dealings of her own now, and probably keeps all HER money in separate accounts. Knowing her, the household money probably comes out of Emiliano's earnings.

But Emiliano should still be wondering why she NEVER mentioned making any loans to Eva until the very moment Marianela was about to receive the inheritance. Especially since he knows how selfish and stingy Fedra is.

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