Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dinero, Friday, September 10, 2010 – Final Score, Leg Shots 3, Plot Advancement 0.

Okay, we’re finished with the etapa culminante (climactic stage). Now, we’re in the etapa decisiva (decisive stage). What’s next, the crucial stage, the incredible stage, I mean, CMON! All these stages. It’s getting a little scary. I think I’m getting “stage” fright! Ooops, sorry about that.

Speaking of scary, though, we start with Vicky. And Vicky the Sicky is looking just a little icky, pretty in pink, but what’s with the silver opaque shades? She walks into the office, unannounced and unexpected, just in time to catch Rafa and Ale almost kissing (again). Vicky is stunned, throws up her finely manicured hands, screams, mouth wide open, and ……Rafa and Ale fumble around, trying to look normal, until they realize that Vicky is absolutely motionless, frozen in shock!

Rafa tries to rouse her, asking how many fingers am I holding up? Cruz o cuernos? (cross or horns) – he then thinks better of the horns choice. Ale’s response to the crisis? She’s outta there, to deposit the cash in the little suitcase. Rafa, after moving Vicky (like a big cardboard cutout) so Ale can get by, decides to leave as well (after saying, “better to run than to stay”). Chicken!

Over at the Trancazo, our other little chickens (ahem, sales staff) are on their knees begging the Queen’s forgiveness.

As many predicted, her heart (or maybe her stomach) wins out, and she agrees they can all stay and have a meal in the restaurant. She almost finds out why they call the place el trancazo (the “crash, or boom”, due to the collapsing chairs), but they stop her from sitting just in time. Chato isn’t as fortunate, ending up on his Royal Hiney. Arcadia pretends she’s the only one who’ll be allowed to wolf down (empacarse) the food, then winks, just joking, she’ll treat everyone to lunch. Let’s eat!

Vicky wakes up, one digit at a time, sort of like a wind-up doll, and immediately goes (even more) berserk, looking high and low for her Pajarito. She screeches out of the office, like hell on heels. She’s closing in, but when she dips down to look under the cars (not easy with that skirt she’s wearing), Rafa lifts himself up between two other cars just in time.

She accosts a random guy, who doesn’t know where her Pajarito is, yells at one of the floor models, then Trapito, but no one knows nada. She stomps out, Trapito lovingly ogling her backfield in motion. Rafa is safe (for now).

In another (somewhat classier than the Trancazo) restaurant, Ale is opening up to Susana (who accompanied her to the bank, so the money’s now safely deposited). She relates how Rafa said he loved her, and he seemed to know she hadn’t been intimate with Marco. Susana plays dumb, not betraying what Nelson told her. And you know the worst thing? adds Ale, as they both gulp some red wine for the revelation. He tried to kiss me, several times! Ale didn’t let him, she can’t become Rafa’s amante (mistress). But the last time they were just about to kiss, Vicky appeared! I’m just jinxed (salada), she says. After seeing us almost kiss, Vicky was paralyzed in some sort of shock. And still wearing her veil. And still thinking she’ll get Rafa to marry her. They agree that Vicky is really bad off.

Muskrat sighting! Montserrat is with her bro’ Daniel, in an even MORE expensive restaurant, as Danny Boy reveals what we all knew – his back up babe is none other than la licensiada Alejandra Álvarez de Castillo. Muskie is impressed. He´s got two licensiadas on the hook. Yes, affirms Dapper Dan smoothly. I´ll keep both fires burning, and one of them will be mine. You´ll see. They drink to it.

In the bar, Marco has put down his drink long enough to grab Chavez´s lapel for the umpteenth time, aiming to drag Chavez´s “truly diabolical” plan for Marco to reconquer Ale right out of Mr. C’s sputtering mouth. How, how, how can Marco win back Ale’s lovin’? Simple says C, put a bun in the oven! If you have a kid with her, you’ll be united forever. (Yeah, right, Chavez, great plan).

Ale’s back in the oficina, and just when Susana goes to the baño, in glides Daniel, looking tall and handsome in his purple crew necked sweater. He introduces himself (they met briefly at Doña Arcadia’s party, he’s Arcadia’s friend, remember?) He doesn’t beat around the bush, calling Ale fascinating, wants to get to know her “deeply”. Ale’s taken aback, just how deep?

Daniel wants them to go out, he wants to find out who she is, and you know why? Because he digs her (me gustas mucho). This is a little much for Ale, who stands up, offended, who do you think you are? Aren’t you the guy who was fighting for Marian’s love just last week? And I’m married, I was with my husband at the party. Daniel remarks that her husband didn’t seem to be paying any attention to her, which angers Ale even more. She shows him her nameplate, she’s the Sales Manager, so if he doesn’t want to buy a car, they have nothing further to talk about. Daniel excuses himself, thinking this may not be so easy, but he relishes the challenge.

Marco thinks Chavez’s idea is preposterous, since he can’t “you know”. But Chavez reminds him the sexologa said he could cure himself, so who knows? Marco DOES like the idea of a little Marquito, Jr. running around.

In the conference room, Rafa has mustered his musketeers, to fill them in on the near kiss. He finally told Ale he loved her, and was just about to kiss her, when who should show up? Vicky. Still wearing her veil. Pepeto thinks it’s funny, but Jimenez says that explains a few things. He saw her at the psychologist’s office. Her father brought her (they call him el señor pazoncito (Mr. Belly). They all feel a bit sorry for Vicky.

Said sorry sister is home now, hopping mad, as her men are struggling to eat hot dogs and chili, since they can’t cook. Her Dad remarks that her outfit is missing a bit of fabric, as the camera pans up her gorgeous gams to reveal her skimpy skirt. The brothers tell her to cut it out with wearing that stupid veil, it’s too late. You don’t understand, she screams. You’ve never been in love. All you care about is steak, ribs, bacon and pork. She stalks up to her room in a fury, leaving the boys to bumble and grumble.

The producer is really treating us guys well tonight, as we pan up another pair of luscious legs, those of Claudia, turning her charm and tight leopard print jacket towards Daniel, who’d better watch out he doesn’t get thrown into the lion’s den. Remember me? she purrs, pushing up her puppies, as he recalls her nearly naked body, shimmering, shimmying and shining at the pool party.

Wanna buy a car? she coos. Hmmm, I’ve got four, but a fifth wouldn’t be bad. Well, she replies, they always say No hay quinto malo (which means the third time’s the charm, literally, there’s no bad fifth). Daniel appraises Claudia like a car, complimenting her “front end” (delantero) and her “trunk” (cajuela). She squirms suggestively, extracts a silver case from her bodice, and gives him her card, containing her home address, where she’s available at all hours, and she can show him “the whole car”. She closes out her act by dropping her little case to the floor with a breathy “oops”, then bending way down to retrieve it, giving Daniel (and us guys) one final quick look at her “assets”.

Marian sits in her office, repeating to herself, Qué hago, qué hago (what should I do?). As her “best friend” Montserrat enters, the Producer goes for the trifecta with a slow pan up HER legs, but I’m yawning this time, nothing less than the Full Monty would get me going now. Marian asks her amiga to advise her, “impartially”. Right. That’s really happening. Marian’s hung up on Rafa, but doesn’t want to seem slippery, arrogant or cheap (resbalosa, arrogona o regalada). Montie Python is still being a snake, wants Marian to go for her brother, who’s far beyond Rafa in looks, class, etc. Marian the beautiful tells Montie that what’s inside counts more than outward appearances.

Speaking of outward appearances, here comes Edgar Marino, returning from the campaign in the provinces, tie askew, hair amess, face a-lipsticked, suit a-covered with dust, pride a-gone. The Siglos crew gets a big laugh,

as Mr. Ed tells them he hates them all. In the men’s room, he tells Ramirez how he was saved from the local yokels by the miracle of Adelita (the mayor’s daughter), as we see him flash back to some heavy snogging outside town hall. “But you didn’t sell a thing, did you?” asks Ramirez. Nope. Ramirez tries to repress a snicker.

Daniel visits Arcadia in her domain, butters her up a bit, tells her he wants to buy a car from Alejandra. Arcadia’s suspicious, but when Daniel praises her niñas (the dogs), she decides to help him. After he leaves, she calls Ale, and orders her to take Daniel for a “test drive”. She’s to take the sports car on the showroom floor to Daniel’s house. Personally. Arcadia wants Ale to be especially nice to Daniel, since Danny’s like a son to her. Of course, Mr. Cepeda has promised to act like a gentleman (of course). Ale tells la profesora she’ll “make the sale”. Rafa overhears half of this conversation, gets jealous.

Okay, enough of the leg shots, now the producer uses a rack focus on Rosaura’s “rack”. Pepeto asks if she knows the Blue Bongo. She thinks it must be the competitor’s new car model, but he says it’s a really cool dance hall (he says bien piocha, which she doesn’t understand, and literally means a Van Dyck beard, like Pepeto’s, but is also slang for cool). Wanna go dancing? She waffles.

Our two bumbling (and boring) bobbies stop a car with no driver. Oh, it’s Bebe, who was too short to be seen. He’s defensive about his age. You think I’m too old to drive? Well, replies the cop, let’s just say that when you first got your license, it was forged from stone (tallada en piedra). Gee, that was funny. Not!

Ale’s home, and Jorge tells her that in order to help her with her marriage, he and Rosario will just have to sell the hacienda, and use the money to buy an apartment. That way Ale can be alone with Marco. After all, says Rosario, casados, casa de dos (married, house for two). Ale thinks to herself, I don’t want to be alone with Marco for even one minute. Qué hago, qué hago? (see above)

Rafa’s home, too, his Mom greets him warmly, but there’s loud knocking on the door, and it’s Vicky, smoke coming out her ears, screaming at Rafa, “I went to your office today, and I saw you just about to kiss that witch Álvarez de Castillo!”

On Monday, we get Rafa’s response. Will he say
a) which witch?
b) Irairairaira
c) Es que, es que, es que
d) Qué haces aquí?
e) All of the above.

All in all, not much really happened tonight. In fact, rather than the decisive stage, one might almost say we’ve entered the “soporific” stage (see vocab). And what’s with all these stages, anyway? Do they have a team of writers, sitting around, trying to come up with names of the stages? If so, that team would need a leader. What would they call the leader? Why, the Stage Coach!

Empacarse – to wolf down (food)
Salada – jinxed, has lots of other meanings too, such as salty, funny, pricey
No hay quinto malo – the third time’s the charm, or if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again (literally, there’s no bad fifth)
Resbalosa, arrogona y regalada – slippery, arrogant and cheap
Piocha – a goatee, a pickax, or a badge, but it also means cool
Tallada – cut, made from, forged
Soporific – sleep inducing, somnolent, sedative, hypnotic, tranquilizing, narcotic, sleepy…….drowsy…….tired……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (wake me up when something actually happens!)

Special bonus game: Pick the piernas!


Well, soporific brings out the best in you Hombre. That was just a sizzling recap and with wonderful vocabulary sprinkled throughout. Will definitely have to remember "No hay quinto malo" and "bien piocha".

And the Whose legs are these? PS at the end, I'm sure will be appreciated by all. There's not a bad pair in the bunch is there? Although clearly Doña Arcadia would not be in the running.

English-wise, you used one of my favorite phrases, "heavy snogging". Such a colorful expression. And loved your opening and closing riff on the "etapas". Very funny. You're in fine form today.

Now how about a shot of your legs?

Wonderful recap Hombre with great pictures and vocabulary! I'll have to show these pictures to my husband. He sure appreciated the leg shots last night and Claudia "accidentally" dropping her card. Oops! lol

Vicky was in fine crazy form last night. Her search for Rafa and his attempts at hiding were really funny. As for Rafa's response on Monday, I'm going with choice D!

Anybody else getting creeped out by Daniel? What's he trying to pull getting Ale to go to his house? I'm nervous about this!

nice blog.. have a view of my blog when free.. .. do leave me some comment / guide if can.. if interested can follow my blog...

Wow, Hombre, if this is how you write in your sleep, you must not ever need to wake up. As always, I am in awe of your wordplay.

"Stage fright" Camaleones they've been claiming for a few days that we're in a "nueva etapa" but I can't see anything new about it.

"hell on heels," "backfield in motion," Daniel in the lions' den, the Full Monty, Monty Python, stage coach. Your mind is like fireworks.

I'm guessing choice C on Rafa's response.

So will there be reciprocation; do we get to ogle the gents on Monday? I hope so, Judy.

Maybe there was no plot development, but at least the money is deposited.

Hombre, what a clever and entertaining recap. I wasn't paying all that much attention to the leg shots so really couldn't guess which were which.

The Vicky freeze zone was hysterical, especially when Rafa picked her up so Ale could leave. I loved your line "Vicky wakes up one digit at a time".

I am a little disapoointed that Doña Arcadia would sick that awful Daniel on Ale. I am certain he is up to no good. I enjoyed your "Muskrat sighting" line as well.

You are right not much plot advancement. I am glad the writers are helping us out in telling us what stage we are at.(LOL)Your "stage fright" was very funny.

Thanks again for another creative entertaining recap. Enjoyed every bit of it including photos, vocab and quizzes. You are so clever!!

Judy, I'm not sure a shot of my legs would be a pretty sight, although some might get a kick out of it.

Tracie, I do think Daniel wants to seduce Ale, and maybe it'll be like when Rafa had to be nice to those daughters of clients way back - she'll try to go along with him for a while to make the sale, but she'll know where to draw the line. But knowing telenovela rules, might Rafa show up just when it looks as if Daniel and Ale are about to kiss?

Julia, I looked at the credits, and most of the writers, the director and the producer appear to be male. That may account for the "creative" camera shots of ladies, and not as much of the hunkiness of the guys. I understand a few of the other shows on now do have a lot of male exposure.

Your recaps are a pleasure and I enjoy the pics (you guys deserve some pics as well,) the vocab and your quick wit.

I thought the catatonic Vicky was hilarious and was hoping it would last through, at least, this episode. But she became unfrozen digit by digit and was back in full voice in no time.



Maravillosa. It was great from the title on. Loved the "stage' comments. The recap had me laughing almost as much as the show.
The Vickie paralysis was so funny. I too was nonplussed by the aviator glasses which ruined what was otherwise a very sexy outfit. I wonder if they weren't necessary to maintain the frozen illusion. It would be hard to avoid blinking for such a long scene.
That scene was hilarious start to finish. Then they topped it off with the hide n' seek between VVV and Rafa in the showroom. When Rafa lifted his feet off the floor (complete with sound effects) I almost fell off my chair.

Yes, not al lot of plot advancement -- except on the Rafa/Ale romance front -- but this was still one of the most amusing episodes in a long time.

Great pictures, hombre.


Same shoes in the first two leg shots. Haven't seen this episode but going to guess that the last picture is Ale as though seem to be the kind of shoes she wears. The other pair could be either Rosaura or Claudia.

Just got home after being out all day, so I won't leave a long comment till tomorrow. But I wanted to identify the legs (Montserat, Claudia, Vicky), say how much I was LMAO during the frozen Vicky scene and the hide and seek with Rafa, and tell you what an enjoyable and fun recap you wrote Hombre. :)

Hey, and what's with Mr. Lonely? Is that spam?

Goodnight. Until tomorrow.

Senor Hombre de Misterio, you ARE one clever mystery dude. Your recap was fun and talented throughout all the stages. It was way piocha!

Etapa culminante--who are they kidding? I know I sure didn't feel like a cigarette afterwards.

Claudia is very pretty but seeing a close-up picture of her "assets" --no wait, higher up, I mean her breasts--made me just feel bad for her. Imagine lugging that chest around all the time.

Is Daniel for real? Does he really manage to get babes he barely knows with those lines? OK, there is now way he can end up with Marian now. It would be criminal.

As Don Gaston picked up another hot dog, I laughed at his displeasure and remark to Pancho, "Couldn't you have found a different part of the dog?" Well, in dogs, Pancho must have thoughtfully deboned the meat before serving.

Vivi, click on Mr. Lonely's name and it will tell you a little bit more about him. Several people starting up blogs have contacted other blogs in the hope of finding readers. I think that is what he's trying to do.

Good morning, all, thanks for the kind comments.

Judy, congrats on Ohio State's football victory. BTW, U of MD won yesterday, too, 62-3!

Pata, I also liked the Vicky "freeze zone" as you called it. And GinCA, I agree it was hilarious to see her come to life digit by digit.

Güera, good observation about the aviator glasses making it easier for Vicky to stay frozen. It also made her look crazier, which was fun.

Vivi, you win the prize for "Whose legs are those anyway?" Perfect.

Barbara, you're probably right about Claudia (real name Malillany Marín)'s "extras" being not easy to walk around with, but a fan magazine says she measures 90-60-90 (36-24-36 for us), which is supposed to be "perfect". Maybe her outfits just emphasize that area a bit :) And I agree that Daniel definitely doesn't deserve to end up with Marian, although she might consider him briefly if she gets jealous.

I really felt the show was floundering a bit. Not only did Marian and Ale repeat "Qué hago, qué hago", but Rafa did, too. None of them knows what to do, which is almost like the writers not knowing what THEY want to do. But fortunately, they find ways to make even the little things amusing, especially with such a large cast of diverse characters.

Thanks Hombre. Very entertaining recap. so much better than the actual show. Thanks also for the vocabulary.

Good Lord Hombre! who did Maryland play...a junior high? That's a painful score.

Our Coach Tressel is quite the gentleman. Our team could have scored another touchdown at the end but he just had them take a knee. Very classy. But some folks were grousing that it kept us from looking as strong as we actually were. know sports fans. Always find something to criticize even in a nice win.

Knew I had the legs right! I actually got Vicky's shoes totally wring in my description the episode before because I was looking down to take notes. I thought they were silver sandals. So I noticed and was taken aback when I saw that they were in fact those nude colored pumps. :)

I just watched my recording of La Verdad Oculta. I have been enjoying it and all the familiar faces that pop up amid the many characters. So far out of the Dinero gang we have Susana, Marino, Quintana, Zetina, and in the cast list, but yet to make an appearance is Chavez. In Friday's episode another Dinero actor made an appearance playing such a different character that I nearly choked on my tea- sweet Trapito, playing a tough, tatooed, goateed, drug running, prison yard gang leader. See minute 7:47:

Meant "totally wrong"

Judy, Maryland played Morgan State, which is a good school academically, but is much smaller than UMaryland (only 6,000 students, compared to at least 25,000), so it wasn't really a fair matchup. But hopefully it'll boost Maryland's confidence for when it has to play its ACC rivals. I was VERY impressed by Ohio State.

Vivi, that clip of "Trapito" was wild! He looked so different, and acted so different. Definitely an excellent actor.

90-60-90...that reminds me of "El Estuche" by Aterciopelados. Great song. Adds up to 240.

I'd think it would be hard to find clothes for such an hourglass figure. On the other hand, I bought a dress in the size that fit around my ribs and had to take it in about 4" in the chest. Maybe Claudia's shape is better accommodated there.

Hombre, I think you have the right idea with all the "¿qué hago?" ramblings...that's just the writers' notes to themselves, and they never quite managed to figure it out and put in actual plot and dialogue. Good thing the actors are making it funny.

Judy, I'll do this Tuesday's recap if it is still needed. If the captions are lousy that night, I and all of you will regret it. Let me know what I should do from here as this will be a first.

Barbara! Bless you my child. If you click on my name you will see my email address. Send your recap to me and I will post it.

You are a busy lady so you don't know how much it means to me that you are willing to step up to the plate and help out. Bless you bless you bless you!!!!!!

Hombre, super recap. Sorry to just now be commenting.Your pictures are great, you managed to perfectly capture Claudia's personality. The leg shots are great lagniappe.

I felt like Marco when Chavez revealed his idea infernal. Get her pregnant? That's the best he could come up with?

Vicki's freeze in mid ¡PAJARITO¡ cracked me up for some reason. Then when Rafa moved her "like a big cardboard cutout(a perfect description)," it was even more funny.

Thanks again for this delightful recap.


Carlos, I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I never heard of the word "laniappe". But I looked it up, saw that it meant a little gift bonus given by a merchant, chiefly used in Louisiana and Texas, and now I know. This board is so educational!

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