Sunday, September 19, 2010
Llena de Amor #30 Fri 9/17/10
Fedra recounts a happy childhood memory to Eman, who wants to regain that relationship with his mother. He thinks she is being unfair, she tries to pretend that she is a good mom, etc, she is doing it all for him, her firstborn. He says wait – you took it all from Mari for ME? She says yes. He says then he doesn’t want it. She tries to use his family name to say he deserves it all, he says no, he doesn’t want it. In the end he says no, and she shouldn’t do this to Mari.
Doris desperately tries to get Andre to remember her. He must really have a lot of girls to be ignoring her like this, because she’s totally hot.
Muneca calls Eman to tell him about Ilitia being arrested, Lorenzo rolls his eyes 1000 times in just 30 seconds.
Gretel brings the General his food. He says when did you start bringing me my food? She says today, and as long as he needs her to. He is really mean to her and says she can stop being nice to him, he disinherited her and her hermanos. She says good, that was a good decision. He says he won’t fall for her tricks so quickly. She hasn’t been to see him in many years. They remember her looking for her lost doll. She says now she is the one who is lost.
I have decided that Bernardo is NOT The Mask, after watching a show with my daughter this morning, he is Spiderus –

I saw that on the TV this morning and couldn’t believe how much that looks like him. He is the villain on a show called ‘Miss Spider’ on Nick Jr. Look at that picture, it’s him!
Anyway – Fedra grips to Spiderus that first the General is going to leave his money to Mari, and now this! (about the news that they are going to test the handwriting on Eva’s supposed letters). He says whatever, I can buy off the judge, but it won’t be cheap. Fedra says that doesn’t matter. Also, she isn’t worried about Mari anyway, she doesn’t care about the money, only about her mother’s memory. It’s Netty that is the problem – she is chasing after the money. She tells Spiderus that she wants Netty out of the game. OUT! She even says it in English.
The General complains about Fedra and says she probably even poisoned this food. Gretel is offended and says she hates Fedra too, she is ashamed to be her daughter. She storms out.
Ilitia blubbers in jail, complaining that she isn’t dressed well and worst of all she smells like a naco. She finds a snack cake in her purse and can’t believe how many calories she is going to eat. OMG! Eman shows up. He asks her what happened.
Lorenzo accuses Muneca of trying to destroy the family. She makes a huge mistake and apologizes to HIM, saying she was wrong to doubt him and wants him to come back home. He says he doesn’t understand. She goes on saying she was jealous without cause, on and on. Is she playing a game? She starts crying, which makes Lorenzo mad. He gets all offended, making her beg more. He really lays it on thick. He ends up saying it’s too late and puts money on the table, saying ‘now you can’t say you always pay the bills.’
Blondie cries and tells Cristian that Lo is making up with his wife right now and it’s her fault. Ah – looks like Lo got rid of both women with the same trick.
Ilitia insists that it was an accident. He says there were a lot of witnesses and based on what they say it didn’t look accidental. She is offended that he doesn’t automatically believe her. He says whatever, why is she so obsessed with this cop? What’s the deal?
Mari considers the ‘make Eman jealous’ plan. She has a vision of Eman begging her to tell her it isn’t true, she isn’t really going out with Brandon! In her vision Brandon is standing next to her looking like a huge dork, but they kiss and Eman begs and begs for it to not be true. Yeah right, it will happen just like that. Back in the present Brandon shows up with a drink for her. She asks him “do you want to be my boyfriend?” He is taken aback. That’s way too forward for her, I’m sure she is going to tell him that it’s part of a plan.
Ilitia says Brandon pshaw whatever, just sometimes she wishes he was dead! Eman says what are you saying, and think where you are saying it! She says it’s just a phrase, not literally. She says do you really think I could kill someone? She wants him to promise that he’ll get her out.
Brandon says that sounds ok, but you need to get to know someone, you know.. Mari says never mind then. Finally she tells him that she wants to be novios to make Eman jealous. Brandon says if it will bother that rich guy, then hell yeah he’s in. Novios.
Ilitia thinks Lorenzo can buy her out of this problem. Eman says no, it’s a serious accusation! There are witnesses! She says she’s going to get out of jail all old and 70 years old. Eman says or 75, whatever. She doesn’t like his joke. He says the easy way out is to apologize to Brandon, y ya. She can’t believe he would even suggest it.
Emil can’t believe that Fedra wouldn’t try and make a deal with Mari. She tries to change the subject by initiating sex. It works on him, but it seems like our male readers (and male recapper for sure) would not be swayed in this manner by fugly Fedra.
Netty talks to her statue of San Antonio. I didn’t understand most of it, just that her new mission is to take care of Mari, and that she still loves Emiliano but now she will lose him for sure. She says “goodbye Emiliano, forever” and blows out her candle. The candle shoots back to life, scaring her. Ok I guess she’ll get together with Emiliano eventually after all.
Ilitia can’t believe Eman suggested apologizing to Brandon. She says NEVER. The cop comes in and says visiting time is over, Eman has to go. He says he’ll be back tomorrow. She says he could go do a crime, then they would throw him in with her! He says sure, tomorrow he’ll come back and kill her with kisses. She tells herself afterwards that she’s going to have to drag herself (arrastrar) in front of Brandon, how she hates him!
Netty is freaking out big time. Doris’s mom, whose name I can never remember, comes in and Netty tells her about the candle. She blows it out again, it relights again. They both cower.
Agent Orange and Kristel talk about Mari being in the beauty contest. Krisel says she has to win though, right? He says something like no, Mari has to win because she is going to win some tickets and then give them to him. I’m not entirely sure what’s up with that. He says he knows she’ll enter, he knows how to convince her. The lights suddenly come on and Eman enters. He was listening! He says so, it’s you, Orangy, that is pressuring Mari to enter the contest! They are busted. Eman tells Orangy to leave Mari alone, or he’ll break his face. Kristel says chill, take your woman to the beach, have a sexy weekend. Eman says sounds great, but she’s in jail for trying to kill a cop.
Mari and Brandon come home to announce that they are novios, Gladiola (that’s her name!) chokes on the news. She is Brandon’s mom too, right? Some other lady, with a kid, laughs at it and Gladiola says hey they are in love all right? You should do the same! The lady’s kid pipes up and says that his mommy doesn’t need a boyfriend, she loves his papa and soon they are going back to the U.S. to be a family again, right mama? Mama doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Netty wants to know how this all came about. Brandon says it just happened all at once.
Muneca had given control of the finances to Lorenzo, what a dummy. She says she hopes this convinces him that she trusts him and will he come home now? She says at least do it for Ilitia, she needs him. He says ok, for the moment, for Ilitia.
Brandon teases Mari saying that maybe in the end they’ll be novios for real. She says bah no way, then thanks him for walking her back to the university. She goes to kiss him on the cheek and he kisses her on the lips. I think he has a little jealousy plan of his own that he isn’t sharing. Mari is scandalized by the accidental kiss and apologizes 100 times. Brandon says for her first kiss, not too bad!
The family Ruiz y de Teresa discuss Ilitia’s plight at breakfast. Naturally, they all snipe at each other. Gretel says maybe a couple days in jail will knock Ilitia’s ego down a bit. The doorbell rings, Delicia opens the door, Fabiola storms in. Kristel says what’s up with you? Fabiola says nothing with me, it’s your brother! And it’s time you all know about it! Axel looks a bit confused, but not especially worried.
All the ladies at the pension can’t get over Mari and Brandon. In general they all think it’s nice, though Gladiola still has a hard time believing it. Dolores tells Gladiola what wonderful kids she has, and that she taught them well, that Brandon can see Mari for what she is and not just about her being fat. The single mother, Consuelo, agrees. They turn on her like hyenas. Speaking of kids, Consuelo, how much longer are you going to lie to your son about his father? She doesn’t know how to tell him. Netty says they all know her husband ran off with some hoochie, she needs to move on and quit giving the boy false hopes. I think a new plotline is starting here. Netty and Gladiola, busybodies, insist that she has to tell the boy.
I guess this girl is name Lorena, not Fabiola. I guess Fabiola is the blonde girl. Anyway Lorena and Axel argue. Lorena says they need to know what kind of person Axel is. Axel tells her not to do it. Lorena says he can feel like she did last night (I don’t see how pulling him out of the closet is equal to being rejected by a man because he is gay, but whatever). Fedra says ok get on with it, what did my son do last night? Lorena says he deceived her. Axel tells her to be quiet again. She says no, she’s going to pull him out of the closet he is hiding in. Somehow the entire family doesn’t realize what this means, I thought that phrase was universal. Finally Lorena says “tell them you don’t like women! Tell them who you really are!” Well, now it’s out there. Fedra gives him a look.
Lorenzo an Muneca go to visit Ilitia, they are allowed to go into her cell. She wants out, Lorenzo tells her to be patient. Somehow they were able to bring in food and clothes. She isn’t happy, she wants to get OUT. Haha they even brought her favorite pillow, something appropriate for a three year old. She doesn’t want to be here another night, Lorenzo says yeah, but the cop is being a real hardass about this.
Orangy stalks Mari at the University. He totally assaults her, grabs her by the neck and then starts kissing her. He has done enough to get thrown in jail at least twice by this point.
Emiliano yells at Lorena for insulting his son here in their own house. Basically everyone thinks she is just mad because Axel doesn’t like her, but Fedra is wondering if there is more to it than that. Eventually Gretel grabs Lorena to throw her out of the house. Axel storms after them.
Brandon arrives at the station, a reporter asks him if Ilitia is there for trying to kill him. He is about to answer when Muneca shows up. He says no, Ilitia is there for something about having her car stolen, just some stuff to get through. Muneca tracks him down and says thanks. She asks if this means that he isn’t going to file charges against her?
Orangy tells Mari that she might have left the house, but she didn’t leave his life. He keeps kissing on her and it is very uncomfortable for me to watch this. I can’t wait until he gets hit by a car or something.
Ilitia is putting on makeup in jail, Brandon comes in. After trading barbs, he tells her he isn’t going to press charges on two conditions: one, she stay out of his life forever. Two, apologize. She says never. He says fine, I thought you wanted out, but whatever, enjoy yourself. He starts to leave, she calls him back, eventually mumbling ‘sorry’. What? I didn’t hear you. SORRY SORRY SORRY. Brandon enjoys this.
Gretel is holding back Lorena, finally running her off. Axel goes in the house, Emiliano calls him back. He’s pissed off and slaps Axel across the face. Axel says Dad you have no idea how hard it is for me to deal with this. Emiliano the ass says don’t use that word with me again, degenerate. Eman is very sad.
Orangy tells Mari to get along or he’ll tell Eman the truth. She FINALLY tells him ‘whatever, do what you want’. He says if he tells Eman he’ll make fun of her and she’ll never see him again. She says whatever, I have a boyfriend and I’m super in love with him! He grabs her and says what? Then he starts kissing on her again, finally she calls for help, then calls him an idiot, then kicks him in the nuts. He says she’ll pay for that, and pulls out a knife. This guy is off the deep end.
Monday – Somebody shows up in time to save Mari, the beauty contest finally happens, Ilitia tells the news that she and Eman are getting married, so
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The scene with Lorena busting in on the RyT family was the weirdest ever. Talk about coming out of left field. OK, we know what went down with Axel and Lorena, but from the family's perspective in comes this shrieking harpy, obviously with a screw loose, screaming that Axel shamed her by not sleeping with her and he must be gay, and they automatically believe her? Might they not be thinking "way to go Axel for not boinking the fruitcake"? Poor Axel, and Emiliano is officially on my doo-doo list.
I also had a hard time watching the scene where Orangey was going after Mari. What's with him anyway? And did this happen at the university? He's lurking the halls?
Thanks Chris, this was a great recap of a lively episode.
Spiderus killed me when I saw it this morning, I told my wife look it's bernardo from the novela and she must have laughed for 30 seconds.
Thanks for clarifying the location of Orangey's attack.
I'm glad to hear you crack your wife up as much as you do us.
It sounded to me like Netty (like that she has her flip hair-do back!) had been praying to San Antonio for years to get her Emiliano and she was mad because he didn’t deliver, so it’s over between them (Netty and San Antonio). I loved the candle coming back on – it was as much fun as the lights going out when Angela had one of her episodes. I think it’s a sure sign Nety’ll get him after all. Of course she’s in love with him! He’s Cesar Evora! Need I say more?
Lorena coming to a family home to announce that their son wouldn’t sleep with her? Slutsville!
And yes, that scene with Maurico in the hallway was very hard to watch. Does he maybe have the actual hots for Marianela?
Also thanks to Maggie, Julia, Cathy and Sylvia. I've gotten behind on this and have to FF through the icky parts (which some days is most of the TN). Right now I can't take TN torment and wicked characters ruling.
Maybe Agent Orange is a sex addict b/c his pursuit of Mari seems beyond just tormenting her. Blech.
And ITA with Barbara, Emil has no character. Thank goodness Eman isn't as spineless. Yes Cesar has a great voice but this guy is rivaling that horrible father form MEPS.
I don't think that I've ever been more disappointed in a character than I am in Emiliano. He is becoming more and more unbelievable.
I'm almost sorry to see Ilitia get out of jail. I've been a fan from the first, but it's refreshing to watch her cope. She doesn't seemed too scarred by the experience.
Yikes, the NaranHO is even worse than we thought. He is a total perv, this goes way beyond their original plan. They've got her out of the house and swindled out of her inheritance from Eva, but he won't stop. Ugh. He should just get together with slutty Lorena. Can you imagine some girl coming to your house and making an announcement like that? "You need to know what kind of person he is!" Ummmm, a person sensible enough not to roll in the hay with a person like you? Because you're making it abundantly clear what kind of person YOU are, chica.
Somehow from the character descriptions we got at the beginning of the series I thought Emiliano was supposed to be a good guy. So far he's pretty wretched.
Spiderus is new to me but the picture definitely fits.
Axel didn't endure enough humiliation with Lorena during the attempted seduction, so Lorena thought she'd come and embarrass him in front of his entire family! Ack... As Sylvia noted, what a shrew.
Orangey needs a good whupping. I'm just saying...
I am confused about Orangey too. He does seem actually sexually interested in Mari. What is up with that? I thought the first "attack" on Mari (at the family home) was with the consent of the slutty sister (Orangy's girlfriend) but why is he persisting now? Bizarre.
I am enjoying the Brandon and Marianella storyline and keep wishing that she'd end up with Brandon, though like others have said, I resign myself to the fact that he is destined for Ilitia (or however you spell it). They really need to sell that to us, because right now she is SO not worthy of Brandon.
I can't believe Emiliano either. I know that he is supposed to be a "hero" but he's on my sh*t list a the moment. The only thing I can assume is that in the future he's going to have to apologize and eat his words and try to make it up to poor Axel. The only way he can redeem himself.
I agree that he is going to end up with Netty. And for that to happen, he HAS to stop being a d****bag (not sure what language is allowed here LOL). They really have to sell is non-d****bagness to us, and that will take some work. (And I agree, the actor has a great voice, though. And is very distinguished-looking.)
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