Monday, September 06, 2010

Llena de Amor #20 Fri 9/3/10

Mauricio finally tells Mari that he and the vampires will leave her alone if she enters the beauty contest, she agrees just to be left alone.

Emiliano tries to explain himself to Fedra, who ignores him and reads a book. He has to do what’s right for Mari, it is his duty! He finally tells her that Netty is right, when Fedra gets mad, she acts like someone with no education. Fedra says fine if that’s how you feel, leave our bedroom and forget you have a wife. Dude this is the opportunity you (I mean all of us) have been waiting for! Take it! TAKE IT! Of course he doesn’t, but he does say “is she asking for a divorce?” He should have said “CON MUCHO GUSTO!”

Netty is trying to contact the dead through the medium again, who apparently can hear the dead but not everyone else right in front of her talking about her. Juan Pastor makes an appearance. He warns that the enemy is strong and wants to destroy Netty. She knows who it is, the enemy wants her dead. Same message as before, but everyone reacts in huge shock like they forgot the last time Juan Pastor came to visit.

Fedra is getting a drink in her office, The Mask is there looking unhappy. Fedra says “is it really so hard? Do I have to do it myself?” I guess she is referring to killing Netty. He says she better watch it, one of these days he’ll get tired of her rudeness and bad treatment, does he have to remind her of all he has done for her over the years? She says oh yeah? You would abandon me? She gets all hysterical and he says he’ll take care of it, chill. Also she better start acting like La Dueña that she is, or everyone is going to find out that she is really Fedra Curiel. I guess the name Curiel should mean something, or it will eventually.

Lorenzo takes Muneca to a fancy restaurant and acts all nice. Blondie at another table must be the mistress, of course she is in the same restaurant. She says she’s going to show Lorenzo that he can’t mess with her.

Eman and Ilitia talk in bed after getting busy. He talks about her working at the agency, she says Mauricio also offered her a job, which he finds hilarious. She is going to work the beauty pageant and crown the champion. Wouldn’t it be funny if la gorda won? Hahahaha. Predictably, Eman freaks out at this and says they are all nuts.

Lorenzo toasts to their happiness. Muneca says if only that were true and not just a dream. He says what do you need to believe in me? He proposes a second honeymoon. She says the only thing she needs is to know that there are no other women. He swears up and down that there will never be another woman. Of course, right at that moment, Blondie approaches and says hello to Lorenzo. The look on his face is priceless. Muneca is not pleased.

Outside the bar Mari whines. She says she will go find Axel, then sees him across the street being hassled by vampires.

Lorezo tries to laugh it off, Muneca recognizes her voice as the woman who called and said she was his lover.

Ilitia is upset that Eman cares so much about Mari. He continues to be upset that they treat her so bad. He has a message to call home, so he does. He gets Delicia on the phone who tells him that Mari went to a club to try and find Axel.

The vampires tease Axel, Mari tries to defend him. Wow a lot of time is spent on this show with “leave me alone” “hahaha”

Lorenzo is trying to play that Blondie works for him. Muneca says surely she is the one who (I accidentally typed ‘ho’, I guess that’s true too) makes him so tired and keeps him so late out of the house, right? Blondie gives Loreno a look too, she doesn’t seem like she’s going to play along with his ruse. I guess she wouldn’t, she already tried to get him in trouble once already.

Kristel finds Mauricio and they watch Mari and Axel across the street. Lots of nothing happens. Axel is super drunk and Mari tries to take him home. The vampires follow.

Fedra says if you want out, leave then! That is her strategy for the day I guess and everyone is too dumb to take her up on it. He says no, but quit acting like a nutjob. Then she cries and whines again. Her fake cry is as annoying as Lucero’s in Manana es para siempre. The Mask falls for it though and vows to help her.

Netty yells at someone for causing her trouble, but who? Some doll on her window? Maybe it’s a statue of a saint. She rambles on for a minute or two.

Muneca says ‘you called the house, right?’ Lorenzo tries to cover, but Muneca invites her and her friend to sit at the table with them. Lorenzo argues no, but blondie says sure, of course! I guess Muneca wants to make him suffer at least, if she can’t get what she wants.

Emiliano wants to know what’s up with Fedra and The Mask, Mask starts kissing ass and Fedra says she just asked him to serve her a drink. What is The Mask’s actual job here anyway? Do they really have a chief of security AND two security guards? Unreal. Emiliano asks The Mask to leave him alone with his wife, please. After he leaves, Emiliano tells Fedra that if it weren’t for all their years together and the trust he has in her, he would swear that there is more between Fedra and The Mask than just an employer/employee relationship. She looks very very slightly guilty at that.

Mari walks Axel home. She tells him please not to puke in the street, they are almost home. He lays down on the hood of a car an she goes to look for a taxi. In the background the vampires reappear and mess with Axel. More of the same “leave him/me alone” “hahahaha”

Fedra tells Emiliano to chill out, he’s being stupid. Emil says whatever. Fedra says something about Netty for some reason. They argue about whether Eva was awesome or a drunk. He says he hopes that tomorrow, after Mari gets her money, Fedra can quit with all this crap. She tells him back that tomorrow he’ll understand so much, why she has so much hate for Mari.

Ugh more Mari yelling at the vampires. MAN this is tiring. I only actually watch the show on Fridays, I read the recaps the rest of the week to keep up (great job everyone sorry I haven’t commented, I haven’t been able to keep up current enough) and I’m sick of this device, I can’t imagine how tiring it is to see 20 minutes of this every single day. Mari tries to wake up Axel to go home, the vampires push him back on the car. She calls for Benigno to help.

Delicia is in Gretel’s room, trying to reach Kristel to tell her about the family meeting tomorrow. She is acting like a baby and complaining. Gretel says the one who will be in trouble if he doesn’t show up is Axel, she is sure something happened with him. Delicia wants to know what’s up with him, tell me! Tell me! Gretel won’t tell. Delicia says fine, whatever, we do everything for you guys and you don’t even say thank you. Gretel says (rightly) “don’t act like you’re trying to help, you just want all the gossip.” Then she tells her it’s not good to know everything, it can ruin your life. Like knowing some truths about Fedra, I imagine. Gretel gets out of bed and Delicia yells at her “where are you going?” like she is her mother or something. Wow some nerve this girl has. Gretel says to take a shower, does she need to ask for permission? They yell at each other some more and then my captions went out so I’m not sure what Delicia said after Gretel left. More complaining it sounds like.

Blondie makes a toast to what a great man Lorenzo is and how lucky Muneca is to have him, such an important man in Mexico, in all of Latin America! Muneca says did you know that Lorenzo really wasn’t anything until he married me? I own the business with my brother, Emiliano Ruiz y de Teresa. Lorenzo just represents my ownership. Hey another bottle, huh? Lorenzo says no, no, but Muneca says don’t worry, I’ll pay the bill! Oh BURN! That was awesome. Blondie says ok sure, let me bring my friend over. Muneca tells Lorenzo to get another bottle, she’s going to freshen up. After she leaves, Lorenzo wants to know what Blondie is up to. He tries to get her to leave, she won’t. Muneca shows up again, “did I miss anything important?” Lorenzo looks just a bit uncomfortable.

Fedra tries to spin Emil’s care for Mari – too bad you don’t care for your own kids so much! He says what are you talking about? She tells him to get ready, because there is about to be a lot of trouble with Axel.

Muneca goes on and on to Blondie about how poor and almost homeless Lorenzo’s family was when she met him, they had lost everything! I get her point here, telling Blondie that if she steals Lorenzo away, he is worthless. He won’t be her rich boyfriend, he’ll just be some dude with nothing to offer, not even a job. Ah, finally she just comes out and says it. Then she toasts, to love!

More yelling with Mari and the vampires. Cripes these writers suck when Mari is involved. Just awful. It’s like they have different writers for different parts of the show. Eman drives by in the background and sees what is going on.

Emil wants Gretel to tell what’s up with Axel, she says she doesn’t know. Then they find out he isn’t home. Fedra reacts like he is a three year old escaped from the house. Isn’t he a grown man?

Kristel has had about enough with the whole Mauricio/Mari thing. She throws a drink at him, she is getting jealous! She calms down a bit and her phone rings, it is the announcement of the family meeting.

Eman saves Mari from the vampires, she immediately says “it was nothing.” Ugh I hate her. I know she is the star of the show, but ugh. Eman wants to know more about what is going on and one of the vampires pulls a gun on him.

Fedra is sure Axel is hiding something and that Gretel knows what it is. Emil wants to know if it is something about school? I guess he wants to be a musician but Emil says first he has to get a real career, like medicine, then he can do that. Are we supposed to feel bad for these kids that want to play music instead of going to college? Most of us aren’t from rich families where that would even be an option. Lucas in El Clon is the same way. Waaaaa cry me a river, my daddy has a company where I have a guaranteed high level job that pays lots of money but I want to play guitar. Whatever, get a clue. Delicia reports that she talked to Eman and Kristel, but can’t reach Axel. Ominous music and Gretel looks guilty.

Eman teases the gunman for hiding behind a gun. Lots of yelling, mostly from Mari, being a whiner. Mari keps trying to step in front of Eman. Eman pulls a ninja move, stealing the gun away and using the guy who was holding it as a shield, another vampire kicks him (the gunman) and he goes down. Now it is just Eman and two vampires, no gun. He pulls the clip out and throws it and the gun to the side. Now who’s first, he says.

Séance lady tells Netty that she has a ghost friend who wants to talk to her. Is she a friend of Juan Pastor? Lady says she doesn’t know, her name is EVA. Dum dum dummmm.

One vampire grabs Eman, when the other one charges Eman kicks him in the nuts. He knocks the other guy over and then chases them off. Our hero. Benigno finally shows up, arm in arm with some young hottie he must have picked up at the bar.

Netty and Séance lady try to reach Eva. The candles go out, she is here! Eva has a daughter, who is very alone. Netty wants to know what to do. The spirit of Eva says something about the silver flower. I can’t decide if this lady is for real, or if The Mask sent her over, or what.

The vampires report back to Mauricio the boss vampire that Eman kicked their butts. Kristel wants to know what’s going on and she isn’t happy. He tries to say it was a misunderstanding, but then one vampire pulls out a gun and says “next time hire someone else.” Kristel goes crazy on Mauricio and takes off.

Muneca and Blondie enjoy their dinner, they say we have to do this again! Lorenzo wants to kill himself. Muneca talks about her charity work at the orphanage. Blondie says there is nothing worse than a child that has been abandoned by his parents, RIGHT LORENZO? Lorenzo has no comment. Blondie says she’ll help with anything Muneca asks. She wants to help with the orphanage. Lorenzo screams for the check. He can’t believe what is going on. I guess Muneca has given up on Lorenzo and is going to make him suffer.

Eman and Mari show up at home, carrying Axel. They can’t believe the state he is in. Fedra yells at everyone. Emil tries to lecture Axel right now, in his state. More yelling. Kristel shows up. Axel says to everyone that he is drunk because nobody here knows him. He has something secret, kept inside of himself. And he’s going to tell them.

On Monday, apparently.

Monday – Mari yells at Fedra for being a bitch. Mari thinks Eman is falling for her, but then she sees him kissing Ilitia (in a swimsuit, thank you writers, sorry about before) and freaks out.


Chris – This was a lot of fun. And no, the threatening of our protagonista doesn’t usually go on this long, though it can drag out at times. I was amazed at how long they kept at the same thing, and even wished it was my recap night so I could do my nails or something while they went on and on with the same thing.

That was St Anthony that Netty was complaining to. She thought he wasn’t looking out for her enough, I think.

It should be noted that Emanuel, absent a white stallion, showed up to save Marianela in a white convertible.

Thanks Chris. Your recap filled in some details for me as I missed a bit for a phone call. Actually, it seems I didn't miss much being that ridiculous parking lot scene went on way too long. Had to make sure Eman got his treat at Ilitia's then he could go rescue Mari. Such a multi-tasking hero.

I'm with you that there are times, though I love Ma ri, her whining or quick to downgrade what is being done to her just drives me nuts. I know there will come time when she will grow a spine and give everyone "what for", but I wish they would start at least telling people who are trying to help her what the heck the creeps are doing. Rant over.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. Ugh! back to work tomorrow.

Hi Chris. Hope your family had a fun weekend. You got a particularly annoying episode...."lots of nothing" as you said. Or even more forcefully "Cripe these writers suck when Mari is involved". Well put.

Did enjoy Muñeca putting Lorenzo's feet to the fire. Quite a turnaround from being a suicidal, begging for some love type wife. Total character change not believable but certainly enjoyable!

Yes, back to work for all of us tomorrow but today was a great day to catch up.

Chris, you managed to make a good recap out of a lot of nothing. I agree, it's like the writers go home before they get to Mari's scenes. They're so repetitive. Your apology to the writers at the end made me laugh, though.

The only really good part of this episode was Muñeca needling Lorenzo. She's fun. Is she really Emiliano's sister? If so, wouldn't that make Emanuel and Ilitia cousins (as far as everyone knows), so wouldn't they object to the two of them dating? This family doesn't seem into the cousin love; the General strongly objects to Mari and Emanuel getting together and everyone else seems to find that inappropriate as well (except maybe Mari). Also, that would make Muñeca another of Mari's aunts.

I don't remember what Muñeca actually said but maybe they have some close link but are not actually siblings?

Mari needs to tell Emanuel what's going on. It's clearly not nothing, when there are guns involved.

Thanks Chris. Just have read this. I have been so busy this weekend. You did a great job though for what to me was a boring episode.

Haha! Your recap was a great ending to a wonderful weekend. I wasn't going to watch this episode but I will tune in for Lorenzo's torture at the restaurant for sure. Probably not the other stuff though.

Julia, Muneca was once Emiliano's fiance but Fedra stole him away or some such thing. They are not related.

Chris, you make a good point about Mari's scenes being very repetitive. I wonder why the writers do that? If I were the actress I would be very annoyed with the lack of character development. Surely Ariadne Diaz must be a better actress than that.

Sometimes I wonder if she is a better actress than that - I have seen her twice now, here and in MEPS. I keep waiting for her storylines to move her away from being a whiny helpless stupid girl but they never do. Maybe that's all she can play? I hope I'm wrong.

You should watch the scenes with Lorenzo. By far the highlight of this episode. He is a real actor. His character is a sleazeball but he sure puts himself into the part 100%.

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Chris, sorry I'm just now commenting. Your recap sparkles. Far and away the best scenes were with Muñeca, Begoña, and Lorenzo. He is great. The character here is basically the same as in Juan Q. He can say so much without uttering a sound.

Bernardo is doing a good job creeping me out.

Thanks Chris.


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