Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Llena de Amor #26 Mon 9/13/10 There’s a fire; Marianela proceeds to the nearest exit

Friday: Kristel, Ilitia and Mauricio in their undies! The laundry room on fire! Emanuel passed out in the burning room! Whoo-hoo! Our hero Brandon runs into the flames, a fringed wet blanket his cape of invulnerability.


He finds Emanuel, which wasn’t really hard to do given that the laundry room is pretty darned small. Still, he’s a hero!

Lorenzo and Begoña have arrived at the clinic with the sick baby. Lorenzo plunks himself down on a couch and flashes back to a time when Ilitia was sick as a little girl. What a cooing, doting daddy! Little Ilitia wishes she had a sibling, but he tells her that he doesn’t want to share his love with anybody – it’s all for her. Plus we see that Ilitia is actually a brunette. This show is chock full of people with terrible secrets.

Begoña asks him to come into the examining room with her, but Lorenzo is cold. He finally forces himself to promise that at least he won’t leave, but he’s staying in the waiting room. She leaves and a nurse comes up with paperwork, asking if he’s the father. He tells her he’s not sure. He tells her the baby’s name is Christian, and tells her to put Begoña’s last name, Riquelme, then he asks if they do paternity tests there.

Dr Arnoldo has come to see Doris, who is unconscious on the bed with Gladiola and Consuelo fluttering as he examines her. Dr Arnoldo tells them it looks like she’s been poisoned. It occurs to Dr Arnoldo to call an ambulance. Hey, good thinking, doc! He says if they don’t rush her to the hospital, she could die.

Axel and Gretel are walking among some trees – they both just had to get away from all that drama. Gretel tells him she knows it’s all lies, because Fedra’s ambition and evilness are boundless. Axel comes to a halt and says he knows Gretel has some secret that has wounded her – won’t she please cough it up? Does it have something to do with their mother?

Everything has to do with her, says Gretel, staring into the darkness.

Marianela must be really myopic, because she’s down on her hands and knees looking for her glasses. Benigno comes in and finds them. Marianela tells him the house is on fire and right away he wants to call the general on his radio. Marianela says no time!

Brandon is trying to get Emanuel to come around. Finally he does enough for Brandon to help him up, wrap a blanket over him and get him out of there. Looks like the laundry room is like the burning bush; it burns but is not consumed. Here in So. Calif., a fire can take out a whole neighborhood in the time this one’s been burning. We also know to grab the hamster and the goldfish and get the heck out of the house, not hang around in the living room.

Fedra has completely lost it, and drat, none of the rest of the family is there to see. She is hysterical, I guess suffering from a post-traumatic stress flashback. She tries to hide behind the furniture and begs Bernardo to save her and her son – the ship is burning!

Benigno is calling the general anyway. Ilitia comes in wrapped in a towel, Delicia, right on her heels, breathlessly tells them Emanuel went into the fire and didn’t come out and now Brandon has gone in after him. They all rush off.

Fedra tries to run out of the living room, still begging Bernardo to save her son. Chema! Save your son! she says. Axel and Gretel come in and hear. Shut up, says Bernardo slapping her, you’re going to ruin everything! Axel demands to know why he hit his mother.

Marianela is outside the burning laundry room, also hysterical, wanting to know where her cousin is. Everyone is hollering and there’s too much smoke to see. But here comes out hero out of the orange smoke, helping Emanuel out. Marienela hugs Emanuel, who tells her he’s okay, he just hit his noggin, but he’s not burned. He says Brandon saved his life. They all go into the house. No sign of the firemen, but nobody seems worried.

In the living room, Bernardo tells Gretel and Axel that Fedra is just scared by the fire, and worried about her son’s safety. Axel says he’s never seen her that way, and what’s this about a burning boat? That’s right, says Bernardo, her parents’ boat, her parents were killed aboard a burning boat out in the ocean, you know that. Right, says Gretel, they were attacked by pirates. But she was saying for Chema to save her son. Who is this Chema?

Mauricio and Kristel are washing off the smoke in the swimming pool, she lamenting that her makeup is wrecked. Kristel gets out of the pool, so we get to admire her bulging boobies. Ilitia throws them both towels and tells them the fire was all their fault. Not so loud! says Kristel. Ilitia is mad at them because Emanuel had to risk his life. Maurico grumbles that his super-hero acts are getting boring. Ilitia tells him Emanuel’s twice the man he is. And that police guy had to save him.

Gretel’s still demanding to know who this Chema is that her mother had a child with. Bernardo tells her Fedra’s just real upset. A lot of back and forth until Fedra says she meant Emanuel. Bernardo and Axel take her upstairs. Gretel is astonished about the secret in her mother’s past.

Finally the firemen show up, Oliver with them. He directs them to the laundry room, because I guess they didn’t notice all the orange smoke. Gretel wants to know what he’s doing there. He smiles and happy music plays.

Marianela puts a bandage on the back of Emanuel’s head where he hit it. Her asthma seems to be starting up. Emanuel thanks Brandon again, and Brandon modestly says anyone would have done the same. They fist bump. Marianela gasps for air. She gets out the inhaler and Emanuel takes it in her hand and squirts it for her. Brandon rolls his eyes. After she’s better, Brandon tells her to come along so they can find Netty.

Fedra’s still in bad shape. She’s on her bed, raving a bit, and Bernardo is trying to get her to have a little hooch to calm her down. She refuses, but he tells her she better before blabs to everybody who she really is. She blubbers that she couldn’t stand for the same thing that happened to him should happen to her son. The fire was about to kill her, she was practically paralyzed and she called for Chemo, but he didn’t answer. You saved his life, not me. The father died in that fire. (I hope I got that right – corrections are welcome!)

Bernardo tells her not to let the past wreck everything. She says she can’t forget, that sometimes she has terrible nightmares where she hears the explosion and feels the fire burning her, and she jumps into the sea.

Bernardo is very worried that Gretel suspects something, maybe knows everything. Fedra says she just can’t face anything more today, and she curls into the bed.

Gretel wants to know what Oliver’s doing there. He starts to fudge something, but makes the mistake of calling her mi reina, then mi princessa. They banter a long time, and he says gosh, he came to save and instead he’s getting crucified. Cute! Anyway, finally he says that Brandon and Netty are there and could be in some danger, so he had to come check on them. Oh really? says Gretel.

Benigno is down in the general’s quarters. I still miss his wild locks. Now he looks like any other old tio that we all have in our basements. No flair. He tells Beningo that the paramedics gave him some nitro to put under his tongue when he gets chest pains. Modern medicine! he marvels. Astonishing paramedics, I marvel. Benigno looks a bit drained and says it’s been quite a night what with the paramedic sirens and the firemen sirens. He tells about how everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

The general is sure Fedra set the fire as a distraction. Did Marianela get her inheritance? I don’t know, says Benigno nervously, starting to back out of the room. The general demands that he find out. Netty appears in the doorway and says what happened to Marianela was horrible.

Oliver tells Gretel he’s not leaving until he has Netty and Brandon. She tells him to wait outside; she doesn’t have time for this. He notes that she doesn’t have time to even smile at a joke – what’s with all the crabby people in this house?

Brandon makes a heartfelt speech (backed up by heartfelt music) about how she has such lovely eyes, but they’re such sad eyes. Etc. He’d give her the world if she’d let him. She yells a bit again, but doesn’t seem to really have her heart in it now.

Emanuel, Marienela and Brandon come in. Brandon demands to know what Oliver’s doing there. Oliver pops his eyes and jerks his head towards Gretel.

Nereida brings towels to the shivering young ladies poolside, and Emanuel’s pants for Mauricio. The girls take off and Mauricio taunts Nereida – like what you see? She snaps at him and stomps off.

Gladiola has taken Doris to emergency. They roll Doris in and Gladiola sits on the waiting room couch and sobs. Wouldn’t you know, next to her is Lorenzo, who offers her his handkerchief. She blows her nose into it with a honk and hands it back to him. He looks at it like eeewww, and just then Begoña sits on his other side, takes the handkerchief and weeps into it.

He tells her Christian will be fine. She’s thrilled with the name and gives him a hug. Not here, he says sternly.

Apparently Netty has told Maximo the whole story. He’s furious, and says he’ll get his lawyers. Netty tells him she hates to say it, but maybe Fedra’s in the right. She saw the papers! That was Eva’s handwriting. Maximo thinks it’s robbery.

Axel is outside and spots Mauricio and wants to know if he’s escaping. Just taking a little air, says Maricio. Oh yeah? says Axel. Why are you wearing my brothers’ clothes? Mauricio gives him some lip, and says he got his shirt dirty, so Kristel borrowed one of her brother’s. Axel doesn’t believe him. Mauricio tells him maybe he shouldn’t be seen talking to Axel, people might get the wrong idea about him. Axel grabs him by the collar and tells him he better show some respect.

Brandon, Netty and Emanuel come into the living room where Oliver and Gretel are. Marianela introduces Oliver to Emanuel. Gretel wonders if he doesn’t have someplace better to be. Netty rushes in and says she has an earful of news for Brandon about what they did to Marianela, and she rushes upstairs saying she has to get everything together. Emanuel wonders what she means by getting things together, and Brandon wonders what’s that about the inheritance.

Emanuel and Marianela explain that there were some papers, and Brandon thinks it’s fishy. Emanuel tells him not to talk that way. Ilitia and Kristel appear and Ilitia runs to hug Emanuel. She says she wants those nacos out of there. Emanuel gives them an embarrassed smile.

Back in the waiting room, Bladiola and Lorenzo are on the little couch together again. Bladiola goes on and on, patting his arm, telling him his son will be okay, and her son is a policeman and got them a good insurance policy, etc. Lorenzo keeps skitching away, but the couch is small. He tells her he already has a grown daughter and isn’t thrilled about another child. Bladiola guesses that he spoiled his little girl. He smiles. A nurse asks Bladiola to come with her.

The doctor is just handing a blood sample to a nurse for testing. Doris is still unconscious, but expensive as this production is, they didn’t spring for a beeping heart monitor. I feel cheated. Bladiola pets her daughter and tells her to fight, while the doctor looks on compassionately.

Brandon raves that Marianela shouldn’t have to pay those debts and she laments about the things that Fedra said about her mother. Netty’s lawyer comes in and says the other lawyers are junkyard dogs and it’s not going to be easy to fight them, but by golly, he’s going to do it.

Emanuel says he’ll talk to his mama. Marienela says it’s not the money, it’s what she said about her mother. The memory of her parents is all she has left. Ilitia smiles and rolls her eyes.

Fedra comes down the stairs and wraps her arms around Emanuel. She’s so relieved he’s okay.

Axel still has Mauricio by the lapels. Mauricio taunts that he didn’t like the two girls from the club. Axel lets him go and says they’re aren’t his type. Mauricio tells him to go see a shrink to help him out of the closet. Axel slugs him. He tells him to shut up, or he’s going to launch an investigation into why Mauricio’s running around in his brother’s clothes. Mauricio says don’t you dare, or everybody in the house’ll find out that you don’t like girls. He blows Axel and kiss and says Te quiero and leaves.

A doctor tells Lorenzo and Begoña that the kid just has a respiratory infection. They’ll keep him overnight. Begoña is all smiles. Lorenzo asks how long the paternity test will take. Begoña’s face falls. He says he can’t take any more of the hospital, he’ll see her tomorrow.

Now Emiliano is in the living room too. He says they’re going to investigate the cause of the fire. Kristel’s eyes get big. Netty’s lawyer says there’s no point in staying, but he’s going to investigate Fedra’s claims.

Netty comes down the stairs and says they’re leaving and Marianela with them. Emanuel takes Marianela’s hands and tenderly asks her to say she’ll stay.

Bladiola sits next to Begoña and sees she’s sad. She asks if her husband has left. Men! says Bladiola. They can’t take this sort of thing. We’ll keep each other company. I’ll get you a cup of coffee. Begoña smiles through her tears.

The firemen are questioning the two maids while Paulo oversees. They have figured out that the iron was on, and that it was dropped into the laundry. Nereida (who I think was doing the ironing, but I forget) tries to flirt with the firemen, but no luck. Both protest their innocence. The firemen are going to have to tell Fedra.

Marianela tells Mauricio that she can’t stay where she’s not loved, and where people badmouth her mother. Emiliano says she can’t leave her house. Netty says she needs to get out of this vultures’ nest where everyone humiliates her. It hasn’t been all bad, has it? says Emanuel.

Fedra thinks she should go, and Ilitia says time for “bye, Gordis.” Gretel tells her to butt out. Kristel says she doesn’t fit in. Emanuel gets mad and says it’s their fault that this happened. He begs Marianela to stay. Marianela says she doesn’t want to be the cause of his fighting with his family. Let’s go, Tia, she says. Emanuel pleads some more, and Ilitia tries to take his arm, but she shoves her off. At least let me drive you, he says.

No way, says Brandon.

The general tells Benigno to get his lawyer because he’s going to make his will in Marianela’s favor, and she gets everything now. Benigno won’t – he doesn’t want his general penniless. The general gets mad and says he’s at the end of his life anyway, and he doesn’t want the house to fall into Fedra’s hands. Benigno says okay.

Emanuel says Marianela has to decide who will drive her. Ilitia, arms folded, says Brandon is an animal and Netty fires back at her. Marianela is tired of the fighting and says she and Netty will go with Brandon.

Emiliano says he doesn’t want her to go, and she’s his responsibility until she comes of age. You haven’t done very well with that so far, says Netty. Marianela tells him she’s never wanted to leave a place so much, please let her go. She tells Gretel she was right, she never should have come. Gretel tears up, and Oliver tells her not to cry, he’ll see her again.

Mournful cellos kick in and Marienela says Goodbye, Emanuel. Kristel smiles, and Ilitia and Fedra do float princess waves.

Avances: Emanuel doesn’t seem pleased about Brandon, and it looks like with good reason – we see Brandon kissing Marianela tenderly on the forehead.


Wow, you have some GREAT lines in tonight's recap. some of my faves, show being chock full of people with terrible secrets, cape of invulnerability, burning bush editorial (so right!!), not noticing orange smoke, not springing for a heart monitor and so much more totally cracked me up.

What is it with all those idiots milling around while the house is on fire? And Fedra wants to curl up and go to bed? Duh.

Did Doris's poisoning have to do with her elevator or is it something new? It seemed to me to be a completely new thing because nobody said "oh maybe this is a relapse from her previous gas poisoning". It's those little details that drive me crazy. Why do I let them?

So what's with Gladiola and Begonia meeting up? I wonder if they are going to become friends or something. And if they hook up with Muneca whose real name is Camila they will be a regular bouquet. Any other flowers I'm missing?

I'm finally getting Netty's team straight, there is Doris who is the makeup artist, Gladiola is her mom, Brandon is her brother, and the older woman is her abuela, right? There is Angela the medium and one other woman whose name I can't remember. Is that it? There are so many people coming and going in Netty's house that it's still a bit confusing.

I guess Nereida is worried about the iron because even though she didn't throw it in the basket she, being the servant, will get blamed for everything. Man, life sucks at the bottom of the totem pole.

Anyway, awesome recap Maggie and what a perfect title. Marianela is about the only person who manages to exit the building all night, assuming she actually gets out. I really hope she does, I'm ready for a change of scenery.

Absolutely splendid, Maggie! Definitely a park the beanie episode, but it had some good moments. And thank the heavens!!! Mari has left the building! (Happy dance :) )

Thank to the US open rain delay, I got to see the whole episode and some of the fun stuff for me were just the little things. Oliver and Gretel...man these two need to lip-lock and soon, Lorenzo in that waiting room ( he is priceless), Eman's quick "no" when Netty says Mari is leaving, and the his quick shove off of Ilitia.

"Fedra has completely lost it, and drat, none of the rest of the family is there to see". Wow...she was one ceritifiable baswket case there. And of course, we can surmise that the child in question must have been a little Eman. Supports our deductions that he has a different baby-daddy than Emi. Now my curiousity is peaked-I want that back story in full!

So our girl is out of the lion's den, but I'm sure that won't be the end of her torment by the katzanjammer kids. we have that stupid beauty pageant yet I think. But I keep holding on to the idea that all she goes thru just makes her stronger and she'll surprise them all at some point with what she becomes and puts them in their place. What fun that will be.

And will Eman realize he has stronger feeings for Mari than just a friend now that she's gone?

Thanks Maggie. Well done and very funny.

Sylvia, I thought that I must have missed something. I too am guessing that Doris' current problem has to do with the gas in the elevator. I thought the Dr. said if she took the pills she would live. Did she not take her pills? That happens a lot in real life, but usually without such dire consequences.

The last two episodes have really been perplexing. I knew Fedra is crazy but not to this extent. I'm not so sure that Marianela's relocation is that much of a step toward a sane environment. Safer surely... but saner? Certainly dancing and communing with the dead will be more fun than constant carping and bad fat jokes.


"Now my curiousity is peaked-I want that back story in full!"

Me too... Now!


Maggie, I just loved your recap. So many chilling events: "
Everything has to do with her, says Gretel, staring into the darkness" and so many great, snarky lines: "Now he looks like any other old tio that we all have in our basements". Excellent!

I was wondering how to describe the nauseating goodby (and good riddance) waves Ilitia and Fedra gave Mari. "float princess waves" was perfect! I love how Eman angrily pulled his arm away from Ilitia. Now, if he'd just do so permanently!

Daisy, I liked the little things in this episode as well. Generally, anything without Fedra is fairly good.

Loving Oliver and Gretel but my favorite romance is the triangle of Mari, Brandon and Emanuel. Poor Brandon risked his life to save Eman yet hardly got noticed. Although unfailingly polite to Brandon, Mari was ministering to Eman only.

Sylvia, I always enjoy your astute observations, particularly about all of the flower names. I don't know the name of the other woman you mentioned who lives in Netty's house either. Also, is the adorable little boy (who played FC's son in Pasion) her son?

Carlos, I'm hoping Netty and her brood will envelop Mari with love and nurturing. As you noted, it definitely won't be sane but zany is good. It's what Mari needs now. To be laughed with rather than at.


Super recap, Maggie. My favorite lines have already been mentioned, but I love your commentary. Great title, too.

So I was right, I think, and the house itself never caught fire, just the clothes were burning. Thick plastered walls did their job. Weird how no one was coughing from the smoke while they were all standing there.

Could there have been more emergencies in one night? I'm surprised Muñeca didn't attempt suicide again and André didn't randomly walk into traffic somewhere.

That handkerchief scene in the hospital waiting room was hilarious. Gross, but very funny.

The other lady in Netty's house is Consuelo. I assume the little boy, Javier, I think, is her son, but I'm not sure we've been told that. The old lady is Mama Dolores. Did Netty and Doris tell the others that they had been poisoned? I can't remember, but maybe they didn't. The other ladies were asking the doc if Doris was pregnant, but somehow in his little home exam he knew that she wasn't.

Gretel, just give in to Oliver's charms, already! We need for someone to be a little happy!

Hmmm, the plot thickens on the boat mystery. More, please!

Syvlia – thank you for bringing up Gladiola’s flower name. The captions early on in the show gave her name as Bladiola which I thought was weird and ungainly, but who am I to question Spanish names? Anyway, your comment made me go look up a cast list and sure enough, it’s Gladiola. Thank goodness! I see I put Gladiola sometimes in last night’s recap, but mostly Bladiola. Too many to go back and fix, but now I know!

As for the ladies in the pension, I have:
Dolores, who I think is Brandon’s grandmother
Gladiola, Brandon’s mother and comadre to Netty
Consuelo, who has reddish layered hair, but I don’t know how she fits in. I think she’s the mother of the little boy Javier, but I’m not sure.

Anybody clearer on these characters?

Now, as for the float wave, here’s a fun little factoid. Since I live in Rose Parade territory (if you ever watch it, the cameras are sitting in the big parking lot of my husband’s Elks lodge, and we live tight against the mountains you see in the background) weird little bits of information drift my way time to time. I thought you’d all get a kick out of how to do a float wave:

Elbow, elbow
Wrist, wrist, wrist.
Touch your pearls
And blow a kiss.

To do this, the “elbow” part means you wave your elbow, letting the hand follow. Then you hold your elbow steady and wave using just wrist action.

oops, Julia, I see I was typing when you were posting about the pension ladies!

I wonder if tonight someone will notice that Ilitia and Kristel have changed clothes and have wet hair. I wonder if Emanuel will ever notice how awful Ilitia is.

What I found most interesting about last night was first: Emanuel's face when Marianela left - he was almost in tears. Second, the fact the Fedra admitted that Emanuel is not Emiliano's son. That's going to be an interesting part of the story. Wonder why Emiliano married Fedra if she was already pregnant? Did she try to fool him into thinking Emanuel is his? Did her first husband die in the yacht fire? I'd like to know the story but most of all I'd like to see the last of Fedra, Kristel, Mauricio, and Mask Face.

Emiliano is so out of touch, Fedra could probably have shown up with a two-year-old Emanuel the first time they met and told him it was his son, and he would have believed her.

Do we know when the boat burning happened, relative to when Fedra and Emiliano married? Was Emanuel already born when they were on the boat, or was Fedra pregnant?

At any rate, Don Maximo seems to know that Emanuel's biological father is not Emiliano, but he's not saying that. Maybe the reason he's so opposed to Mari and Emanuel falling in love is that, while he knows they aren't genetically cousins, he's socially opposed to kissin' cousins and he doesn't want Emanuel to find out about his mother's past. He has notably held himself back from saying nasty things about Fedra directly to Emanuel, like he wants to protect him from the ugliness.

Maggie- This was a fun recap of all the craziness happening in Fedra's House of Madness. So glad Mari is getting out of there. I kept telling Eman to shut up as he begged her to stay with his sad puppy dog eyes brimming with tears. I might have given in myself. :)

Yes, there will still be plenty of opportunities, I am sure, for the witches (Fedra, Ilitia and Kristel) to ridicule and make fun of her like at the beauty pageant. And Eman can go visit her at Netty's. It's not like she's moving to another city.

Great catch on the flower names! Will Begonia come to her senses and join the forces of good? There is some hope that Lorenzo would be a loving father (he's shown hints), but he will never be a good partner (look at the way he treats his wife).

I don't think that Netty and Doris ever told everyone about the gas poisoning. So did Doris not obey the doctor, or is Netty in for the same kind of trip to the ER?

Love that we saw a few more pieces of the mystery revealed.

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