Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Please sign this petition asking for humane treatment in deportation centers

Hello friends, blog mom here,

I'm singing today at a rally in support of Pedro Guzman, who's been detained in Lumpkin Georgia for a year now while a swirl of bureaucracy has kept him from his wife and young son. Here's more on the rally for Pedro Guzman in Raleigh NC.

Do you think our U.S. immigration policies are terrible? If so, please take just a moment to at least sign a petition to find humane alternatives to detention.

Comments on this post most welcome! Including any suggestions!


Just signed the petition, I sure it helps to bring about a change. It disturbs me as an american to know that these kind of practices occur in this country. I'm all for humane rights with people and animals. Especially upsetting to learn how it affects the children and mothers.

Just signed the petition, I sure it helps to bring about a change. It disturbs me as an american to know that these kind of practices occur in this country. I'm all for humane rights with people and animals. Especially upsetting to learn how it affects the children and mothers.

Hi Melinama. Happy to sign the petition and did so. Keep up the good fight.

Awesome of you to bring this to our attention.

Hopefully our country will use more humane practices in dealing with this dilemma.


I'm also glad to sign. Terrylee said it perfectly "I'm all for humane rights with people and animals". Amen.


I signed, too. Hopefully, we'll have more fairness and compassion in cases like this.

Thanks for the opportunity. I signed, of course. Also sent it to Derechos Humanos for wider Tucson and at least Sothern Arizona distribution. In Arizona total, they and I are in the minority regarding humane treatment of what so may call "illegals," but there are still thinking people here who work for better understranding and better policy.

Meant to sign my annoynmous statement. An oversight. I'm Lois (in Tucson).

OK, Chapel Hill Fiddler. I signed the petition.

Terrylee from Ashtabula: Hello, Buckeye! I'm from Akron originally and have been living for many, many years in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Signed it! Many people that I have known, and some in my own family, have lived in fear of this. Thanks Melinama.

Thanks for donating your time and bringing attention to this issue. My dad came to this country as a bracero farmworker, so I feel pretty strongly about immigration issues. God bless.

Signed the petition. Two young friends of mine were deported through the CCA prison in Lumpkin, GA. One was confused with another person and for three weeks I could not locate him! Persons being deported are required to relinquish all their money and private property until they reach the border. In both cases, ICE did not give these young men their money or property. And I am sure this happens every day! They were just dumped on the Mexican side of the border far from home. Thank goodness for Western Union and I was able to send them enough for a bus ticket home. I wrote a letter and complained to ICE and never heard a word. Really, deportation is a scary process. Sylvia de Georgia

I will sign it immediately. Until last August my husband was undocumented. I lived in constant fear that he would be picked up and sent to one of these detention centers. He is legal now, but that doesn't mean that we have forgotten about all the others that live with this fear and the reality of being detained each and every day.

Thanks for bringing awareness to this Melinama!

A former recapper, forever a Caray! fan,


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